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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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of the, the lebanese locals i gathering to bid the final farewell to a permanent mazda official killed him. they drove by giving day rude, and that's us. he is now be hailed as a hero and his homeland in the west bank. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. news riley strike heads. the public signed red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this week. killing one fussing, and when leading at least 7 refugees, un office of coal fried immediate cease fire the ceasefire. let me see more of the
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things we stopped. service organization is law, makes paid claims responsibility for its when bombing a new bond with left over $100.00 people deck for on standing now is the size of the 1st was that took place here right behind me and the traces can be seen. here are the welcome to all the international routine you live for my new center in moscow. i a michael porter with the updates that morning. those had been gathering across the middle east to pay the respect to the deputy head of the hill mass political bureau . sally, all i really, the permanent official was killed and then a legs these ready drilled, striking b ruge where his funeral was also held. stalins gabba to bid farewell to allah rotating the lebanese capital. i'm on as waves policy and slides in carriage,
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banners of different public affections, a library. it was buried in the cemetery near the shockey law, refugee camp. local journalist ballade colored sentenced to support. the massive participation and it's unit of the position has been the big film, the policy. and if you choose to come in addition to the new citizens, to send a betty to message a community between the 2 of the ascent a message says in the position of invasion, lebanon, and the lebanese people, shelter the resistance, palestinians in the us, we go hand in hand,
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our victories approaching, if the situation escalates, were ready to support the resistance until the idea is defeated. this is a painful loss for us, yet at the same time, it is a source of pride. it is impossible to weaken us. israel can do it. we will resist everything points to us engaging in a bigger war. we are ready for it to everyone who has been killed is like a son of mine. we're one people. everyone's thumbs up for each other one, they're hurt or killed. i don't watch more for 11 on me, but this crime is it tears and itself. so many people the incentive and was that you know, and this is the and then the westbank policy needs
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a bidding, a final farewell to the slate, not special in his hometown. he was born just outside of the city of ramallah, but spent most of his live in all the middle eastern countries. his mother says that he has long been a pockets all behind us to me to attain to move. did we all expect of him to become a martyr? the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. that's why he wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then in guitar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays rallies with threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her memorial service is all on the way he in our movies. hometown, hundreds of gather to on of the slow, you know, special i was
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a hero. although we assessed us that have bravo was be loved by everyone. young, the many had did a big issue, but he's released always threaten the want to show today victorious, but they have accomplish something, but they don't do anything in casa except skilled children, fetus, as with mothers, and commit crimes. sorry, i don't know what his blood is, not more valuable than the blood of the people of garza. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was young, people loved him, locals for tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him. even though he didn't state you know real much, she was arrested and then devoted. i got news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his days. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them together now the palestine red crescent has announced that its headquarters had
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been targeted by ease ready forces. one pressing has been killed while 7 not as you had the sort of shelter on the foot. 5th floor of the building where a wounded this same building has come on the shelling just the day before it went up, destroying the a slower of the age groups headquarters. a new born baby was one of the victims, the you and with me for works agencies, both bus instead of the need for a ceasefire. gazda is their identity. and on the scene over the last 3 months, he's a, he says he'll see these, this phone being, they better even gives you money that i mean, you may see basic medical supplies for them or to. and of course, in these situations, you would expect these grades all say all the information that the ceasefire when we're going to see more people in despair,
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they just have a me in that minimal cause why we need to see forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know that we kind of up, so most people, you know what i should just wait on vacation pretty well for me in the fire investigations these as close beside and warehouses be settled into procedures that will not be there to set 10 people in these conditions, what do we have to see the caesar wherever we are seeing how they're wanting me to see these uh into oh wow. i talked to you then we moved maybe before or after 2 miles, kind of depending on the situation or something or what we, we need like the piece are too many dieties by a rough i in the south of gather, not being sped for me is ready selling eva, and i used to, i need drones, dry,
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killed an 8 year old child and wounded several others. that's for touch shows the grieving parents, morning the deceased of the family had fled from the north for being, craving, such of safety, yet found not. it was, we were displaced from the aisle shot to camp and relocated to the also on neighborhood. and rafa we took shelter in the store along with 17 people. then the frequent airstrikes began. my nephew was killed and my sister and her other son were wounded at the situation is no better than the knolls why the largest refugee camping guides and frequently comes on the idea of fire. people and they ruined job, lay out a campus struggle to survive. us waste water floods the streets, low hole, se if bullets don't kill them, a lack of sign or treat conditions. well, regardless, as you see, there were sewage, water everywhere. we live with stray dogs and cats amid the car bitch. we survived
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bombings, but disease my to us, the water level is about 50 centimeters. nobody drain the water, took out the garbage or fix the sewage. whereas the united nations relief and works agency, they just tell us to head to their shelters, but they don't care about us. other places of refuge in the know of, of gas, i know better condition than this. coal was destroyed, vice ready forces with cross rooms where left. but yet people have retired to take shelter in the facility because for many very simply, nowhere else to go. local journalists and my mood sub i reports and how locals are trying to rebuild the lives in norway. g as in by then it's a have of poor after the is really occupation forces withdrew from the city of bates law. here in the north of the gas a strip, dozens of families returned to inspect their homes and reclaimed parts of the buildings where they could live in light of the difficult humanitarian conditions
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in the shelters. families are trying to reclaim parts of these buildings and live in them breathing a new life into them. hi amanda. regarding walter with transport one or 2 key low so that from far away, we live into shelter and going back home without children. the young children now skipped lice. then we had the chicken box, then we get these. and then there was some terrible thing, diarrhea and vomiting. this made it impossible for us to live in the schools. the children had gastro intestinal issues. we had an 8 month old baby who died from dehydration. so we came here fast to rice. land is this, what do you call this home for? this is what they used to make voltage. we started the kids with the 4 inch and the even if we spent 2 or 3 days without food, it's not our problem. so out of my home and have them, i'm leaving things to god. i'm a mother of 4 children before there were 6. and now there are for our life has just
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become suffering. we manage, then we don't manage. i don't know how life can go on. honestly, it's very difficult more than you can imagine. yeah. and sometimes the children sleep without food. they wake up crying, wanting to eat, and we can't feed them. is there any safety? yesterday there were 50 murders. there's no security for them. and what should we do? where should we go? this is the reality in the north of the gas a strip, as locals face the circumstances and try to rebuild their lives from nothing. mach mood, football, r t from the northern guy is a strip from a british prime minister of boris johnson has lashed out in london metropolitan police for collecting evidence of use really war crimes offices where attempting to support an icy c probe into the matter. but it is, johnson says,
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the london police should be impartial. this sounds like a worrying politic has ation of the met police, especially after mid officers, were seen tearing down posters as really hostages and gaza. when i was mayor, i made it clear that we would not in port for wars or disputes onto the streets of london. the met would be better off by the knife, crime, police officers, place posters, and several bodies airports. calling for information on war crimes. in the rabbit, hebrew and english, they claimed it was their duty to assess the international criminal court investigation phase where the government has called the i. c. c proved on to symmetric that we spoke to a co founder of guys and medic voices as who says that these campaign is part of the public's fight against these ready atrocities in gas it. the 1st thing to say is that the metal springs has not taken upon themselves to do this. they have been approached by the setup was sent to the same as classic southern who was in gaza.
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witnessing will crime is on a daily basis from the 8th of october until early december, when he escaped on the fire by these or any defend occupation forces. and he has approached the i c, j. p, the international center for justice. the palestinians are based in london to put together a case for crimes. we are in a situation where we have inputs in lead is including the specific documents to bind in the united nations. and the need to need is we are at this stage where they are unable to act and that means that is our response, which is a collective global community to co for functions to cov assigned uses. is there any states so frankly, i think they compete sentiment on the ground in the u. k. across the world is one is discussed and one of exasperation and that the message is enough is enough as these findings to happen. now the end of the blockade and the occupation of palestine needs to stop now, and we need to allow humanitarian aid and
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a rebuilding process to happen. as of today. and over in south africa, the supports the palestinians remain strong as locals in cape town, coming up with different ways to show it look, well done list i seem to im gonna bring some of the details. yeah. a thousands of children have been quotes in the deadly crossfire in the ongoing conflict in the middle east. south africans have come up with different ways to continue raising awareness about the young lives that have been cut short in guys, a writing and pasting the names on the historic freedom tree at the saint george's cathedral in cape town takes into account all of the children who have died today, we've decided to focus on the children being tools in this ongoing messic and palestine . and so we will extra onto
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a project and online project will beds of gaza. it's not a project, it's one of them. when we start to, if you just let them do that, and the idea is to help children to understand, to indicate children as well. but what's happening through the lens of children is we've lost their lives. and so the idea is to try to quit with the names, and we've got the names from the ministry. you also think of these in casa, where they've listed some of the names of the children that are, and part of the intention to school. so to change the statistics of the children died into real human beings with names, children, and admissions and themes. children to ad futures that have been cut short. delegation of religious need is a civic society organizations and ordinary salt africans recently traveled to jerusalem in december to celebrate christmas and to be with the people of palestine to show their support. they as religious need is believed that this is a sophisticated political rule. it is
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a very sophisticated political warfare where it lives in his being yours all from the people who do not believe in god the on scientists to to not live here. self prefers is just the use of promises of scripture to, in the most cynical way to as long as they have very specific and to human, you called the pro of your own rules as the other human beings doesn't. it's very so, so cyber listed as very quickly defined, and that's all you. so feel piece and a good quality of life globally and for yourself and for your children in response to these ready state. so that's because the department of international relations and corporations says that as well has inside been summoned by the international court of justice, the so called rights office, all the african filed documents triggering and then this genocide convention is the department of international relations in south africa. says in looking forward
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to traveling with a legal team to they have on the 11th of january next week to formally present the case before the court. but to result in evasion. these law me state has claimed responsibility for a recent deadly bombing iran. the incident took place during the collaboration ceremony for a deceased radian general, more than 100 people were killed and nearly twice that number were wounded by the territories group. describe it as a much i'm a patient. artie is use of july. the reports from the side a bit tragedy. this is the main cemetery of the lawn, southeastern city of care mon works wednesdays, when was took place in the middle of a large procession that was here, holding a memorial for the slain. if any and military commander general's awesome. so the money who was assassinated back in january 2020 by the united states in iraq. of
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course we're on standing now, is the size of the 1st blast that took place here right behind me. and the traces can be seen here are the glass and the explosion left some deep marks inside the ground. and this shows go list ality and the destructive power of the weapons used in the, in sit. and of course, this one of the fact that the police have cordoned off this place to be 5 security after the incident and a wave of new population, new crowd has entered the cemetery with people curious to see and visit the applause the side of the blasts in person and also to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. in the incident, of course the thousands of people and pilgrim so were here last so lives and dozens more were injured. indeed was fed as long calls a terrorist acts. of course, one blames the incident on israel. israel has not commented yet on whether or not
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he was behind the incident, but the one blames it on his well and a yesterday it running president of brian bracy said that as well as behind the incident and that job, he promised and vouch that is revel face a harsh revenge over the past days israel has been targeting some of the senior members of the i, r g c in syria. and also recently of the fatherhood i really who is a deputy head of the home us. he was also targeted by as well. so it was, sees a connection and the spring of attacks that have been carried out by israel against some of the key members of the resistance access. and that is why one i did want to young people, even here they have been changing slogans against the israel thing desk to israel, believing that is really intelligence services having behind instead of
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india is government has rejected claims that either allegedly send munition that the key of your current in social media sites have been flooded with post about the indian military supplies, about supposedly being used by the forces of india and foreign ministry insisted that the asian country has not sent any such weaponry to ukraine. we've also seen some media reports in this regard. we can category the says that we have not sent any of these are the lady munitions to is not exported. we have not sent in june for ministry is trashed to media reports suggesting that he has been supplying shelves on munitions through ukraine and the current ukraine. russia conflict. it's interesting, is that ever since the conflicted started, india has been very well cool about it's neutral stands on the go on flake and been very like tell that it is neutral and that india will not take any signs even
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though we've seen time. and again, reports that have potential of damage inc or creating adrift between new denny and law school. the partnership between new deleon law school is something that has all the west and which is why there have been several dams needs to create a rift between new deleon law school. but one has to understand that the partnership or the relationship between new deleon law school is not something that's developed out of buying garb procuring discount to the boys from law school off to the conflict sausage. but this is a, he's torak. friendship is a time tested friendship between moscow and new delhi. and really one can not create a rift by planting or reporting the zone on factual stories in publications also ministry eviction on the 5th. however, india, setting the record straight. and of course once again that india maintains that is
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the conflict has to be sold all the way off is dialogue and diplomacy, but india will remain neutral. india will not take any side. effect is done plans to hold its next general election in just over a month. from a prime minister in mankind has been bod from running his body. his accusative is alma by the preventing most of its candidates from participating in the upcoming elections. charlotte dimansky has a history. a monk con is still waiting to find out if you have the chance the box again, impacts down selections in february. now he's filed the paperwork, but the former prime minister is now in prison on board for politics for 5 days after being slapped with some fat, a questionable charges the
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con, previously place the blame for his arrest on the us. and it's not hard to see why con was in moscow brokering an oil deal when russia launched it so called special military operation in ukraine is i'm about ben remained neutral in the conflict in raging washington. and it wasn't long before the land of liberty told the pakistani ambassador to the us that this alarm about needed to a 10 to decrease. i think of the know confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds all will be forgiven in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister. otherwise, i think it will be tough going ahead. i cannot tell how this will be seen by europe, but i suspect the reaction will be similar. honestly, i think the isolation of the prime minister will become very strong from europe and
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the united states government claims. he then came under intense pressure, with threats to remove him from power a month. soft about meeting between the us is dora blue, and the back us down in boston to comp faced a know confidence motion in parliament and was ousted. he's supposed to talk to the streets serious, and they kept taking to the streets for more than he, the, the, the, and it's no wonder despite the attempt to con, for 6 with the slew of legal cases and allegations he remains one old. if not the most popular politician in pucca stone cons party the p t i is waited as the law
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just political force in a country of some 241000000 people. this is a politician who pushed for phones, but the world bank said me pockets done one of the most improved countries in 20. 19, during the pandemic, his government made unconditional cash payments to 12000000 vulnerable households. there was enough money to buy 3 months worth of food staples yet despite his good endings as p. m. when com, overstep lined by not sliding with us. so be crane. she was cold out. and like on the many occasions it done it before. it seemed that the us decided it was time to oust another democratic elective politician in a nova country. it's just not cricket. so we'll 2020
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full see a cricket legend back is had the pockets done not according to the court ruling, but he's supposed to say yes, he come a mass protects his erupt in the capital of somalia. how very comfortable also due for neighboring if you appear to accept the red sea. somalia, as government says that the deal is dropped by the administration of the dispute, the charge of some of the land was authorized. the federal government finds it unacceptable that we are ignored by an easy opium, fine minister, who belittles our federal government's role by deal legitimizing everybody. that is a violation and unacceptable. we came here to show that we are ready to defend our territory and our coastal lands. no one inch of our territory is for sale. if they the fuel pins try blood will come gushing from the streets in floods. and my go ahead, your mothers, fathers,
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students and teachers are all here to show their feelings. and we are all against our territorial waters being given over to ethiopia. but if you are hungry, you have to sell the house, you live in our territorial waters and land are not for sale. the what we would tell ethiopia to hold its intervention. and so malia while so malia is a sovereign country with well established boundaries that are recognized by the un . i would tell them to behave themselves and to follow the rules. it's unacceptable . somali say that the meeting agreement for the port on the mind is the country's national interest, or the state does not recognize some of the lines claims of independence that the deal was signed between the leaders of whitfield and somali, 9 and includes usage of the port for a naval base. now the news was announced by if you'll be only shortly after somalia had agreed to resume negotiations for the potential, the independence of somebody land. somalia then said you were discontinuing those folks. as amalia has announced that it's recalling aids and baset of for me,
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if you will be a you said the deal was an assault on its national sovereignty. so my line is a part of somebody here on duty, somebody constitution. so somebody a finds the steps of you to a violation against sovereignty and unity that would have something a reasonable jo, political expert who said that the port deal was basically a new he has gifts to previously landlocked. if you will be a when we see the argument is, is like um, a gift, a new year gift for took out because of so far. in the, especially in the past 30 years, we have been landlocked country and we paid a lot. so it has an enormous benefit. 42. okay. i mean, we can see those benefits in economy insecurity and independent monthly cost basis . so economy kindly workspace,
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the max of meaningful investment flow. we improve in the life but in addition to the sick on the kids diplomatic security going through this is also going to be very great in terms of that community. we know that they qualify for the entire owner 5 for can that decision is a very bullet and region. and we would excluded from base rates to politics. even though we are very much approximate to that rate c. a rubbish also get more details on r t dot com, how we'll be right back with some of the story for you. so the
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grandfather says right here in this area in this area here and there. and then they'll take, says a little bit further as the beach has been fixed by somebody in the lehman family for a 110 years. a similar way. and with that at 1st with net flights, we have right now here in the english and then for quite a few years, my father is a fish trap. and that would be with holes and chicken wire. and that was a very good way to fish. but then when alaska became a state in 19.


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