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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EST

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at 1st, andrew is able, it was involved and again, i don't know that there's any pro. but if we're told now that these documents reveal that the, the prints andrews accused of being taking place and under age or taking part under age orgies. it's kind of like, yeah, okay, so what else is no, there's nothing here because there's no legal phones. there's no cases that are going to be started. criminal cases started because of the release of these documents. i think people are, for the most part, saying okay, we, we knew this, you know, who cares? because the media did all they could do to put it on the back burner from day one. can you imagine what they could have done the investigations they could have launched into the suicide quote, unquote of i've seen in prison? nope, nobody care. while that is right, but this out, we all had to hear that to people about on crosstalk. then discussing israel garza and really what it leaves with selective west the
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the hello and welcome to cross poplar. all things are considered. i am peter lebow. the genocidal assault on gaza has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics. the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the complex cuz also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world criticizing israel and sign is and has become essentially a criminal act, so called western values are now meaningless. the
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to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, rein, mcgovern in raleigh. he is a former c. i a analyst in seattle. we have ramsey by route. he is a power spinning officer and journalist and in new york we crossed to line on the as a legal and media analyst or a gentleman cross type rules in effect, that means you can jump in time and want. and i always appreciated pilot start with ray, and i'm in raleigh. we we have this phrase. it's often use. it's called the writing on the wall. and it comes from the book of david. and i would submit to all of you and our viewers that we see the writing on the wall. we see what is going on. no, it's up to you how you interpreted and react to it. but you will be judged by what we all see on the wall on it. i don't want to go into high perfectly here,
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but if you don't want to see the writing on the wall, then you're lying to yourself, which is the ultimate sin, the right. you're lying to yourself or you're a completely delusional and thinking that the us is completely all powerful as it used to be, the king bosses are. and the hebrew scriptures as got really worried about things. and there was high in the handwriting on the wall. i had quite a interpreter, you've got all his expertise, he's got all of their kind and everything and the zip code, can you tell me what this means? only daniel could only so you're a travel, the king bosses your k number is about to go. so i think you're right in quoting that what we have here is, uh, application both to ukraine. and now to guys uh as well, the handwriting is on the wall. the only problem is that in those days there were
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no nuclear weapons that you know, ramsey, 1st of all techniques they're getting up so early in the morning for us to abide. and he said he's an odd politician. that is, that's an understatement. he admits that there is excessive, indiscriminate bombing going on. these re lease or indiscriminately bombing causes . physic ministration has admitted this, but it continues to fund it. so he has completed this is just as much of his war as it is nothing yahoo! and he has to own it because the history is going to judge him very, very badly. because the phrase jennifer genocide, joe doesn't come out of being here, ramsey. absolutely, i mean we of course, often link. so it's an american president's to, um, to southern countries instead of the horse. so we say this is, uh, this is bush is war. this is uh, uh, obama is war. but so this is going to go down in history as by this war. and in
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fact, the time conclusive, i think it's a lot more then complicit is directly involved in this war. it's remember that from the very, very 1st day you will have the life of emptiness making. secretary of state, heading to tel aviv sitting in the war council meeting, declaring that this is that as well as not to know and mobilize and international support in oral this was on behalf of israel. so the americans were not trying to hide it. we don't really need to know much what's going on based on various of this be the self worth 10 of us. not only this is bill moore that they did not want to want to stop when the entire international community continue to hold for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. declaring, you know, is it all by then at his belt or say no, carry on. how much gonna win is what l must emerge when or into is more because he
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understood it likely that defeats his will would be and if he was something in the middle east, so that's why you won't be continued to defend finance a. so for the war until this day, well, no matter how this ends, israel is lost, it is lost on so many different levels. and we will, i want to talk about the day after, and i find new, quite odious the they to israel and the americans are talking about the day after when they objectified palestinians still again. but let me, let me go to you. joe finally said, you said many times to be sent recently that i am a scientist. no, i know americans are not very well educated this though they're better now than they've ever been before. and i'm very happy about that. but i know that's something that the is really political lead wants to be here. i don't think americans necessarily understand what that means. but is,
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is ramsey's already pointed out, the global south knows exactly what it means. again, complicit libel. the words here are never ever said by accident i, we've talked very tired. i'm a lawyer by profession and words. mean something. statutes means something. the particular expression of something. i mean, also, if i could say something before, i forget, you know, you always hear people say you never take antibiotics successively because what you're going to do is you're going to create antibiotic resistant. springs of new things you never thought were there. we have completely up to skated. we have ruined the terms. zion is edie semitism, apartheid genocide, ethnic cleansing, c international law, the un, nobody knows anything. and one more thing i have been doing this, i have been a listen to this, a professional called talk to a person for 35 years and up till now. something happened number one was always
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think say whatever you want, but when you use the word is real in any so you better never be or, or, or, or verify or beer from the official narrative. that's number one. number 2, something happened, the something is different. now versus october the 7th years ago, but we had the intifada one that divided 2 americans were like, all those, those crazy middle easterners look at the way they do it. i'm telling you they'll never be peace there any way. they'll figure it out. this change, i don't know what it is, the calculus of change. why does different social media? who knows? but what i'm saying is america in american politics are living in oblivion. if you watch fox news, you will swear you will say, what is the big deal. meanwhile, the rest of the world, i don't want to stay cloud schwab but, but the great reset is upon us. but this reset, this put it this way, this pendulum is going to come back like a wrecking ball. everything is changed now, whatever the narrative was 510 years ago, it's all over with. so get ready, embrace yourself. right?
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you martin government for a long time. you actually brief president's of the united states. so, you know, you were in the belly of the beast as it were. how do we get to this point? okay, because it always hasn't been this way. i mean, when, when joe buying right after october, 7th, flew to israel to give a bear hug to the most popular man in the history of the state of israel. i mean, did these people have any strategy? they have any idea how they look to the rest of the world. i don't think they do. i don't think our president is fully accomplished mattress. as having been said, this has been going on for a very long time. in the eighty's, for example, one year sort of the federal notes in the colonial session that was going into the west bank and elsewhere. it was clearer, isabel, we had photos of it up that goes though, and yet no word would touch it. no one,
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even bows with the integrity like separate char, george schultz. they couldn't touch it. now. after the attack on iraq, general brent scowcroft, who had been national security advisor, was good on a real estate post as head of the a foreign intelligence board for younger bush. he said something to the financial times and it was this ariel sharon has, are present, mesmerized. he has a president wrapped around his little finger just as we did one this your yahoo is in the living room. what else can set you? is i to turn that video camera off but yeah, i don't know that. yeah. ok. that he says, you know, where it goes, my god, the so easily move a personnel deliver good support is it's, i'm sure in a quote that you know now will it be the same?
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it has been up till now will sooner hits prevail or either sadder heads. i don't know if anyone ravel or except those people surrounding guys a right now, whether they will tolerate much more of this carnage much more of this genocide. and it is a text book case of genocide. yes. and this is the, the ultimate conclusion of design is something that's a bit, this is, was so easily predictable. you know, ramsey um, obviously, uh, being in the media like like a line. oh, i talked to a lot of people and i talked to no graduate student friend. and um, you know, i mentioned, he said, yeah, it's a so complicated and it's just such a longstanding, complex. and i said, well, no, it's actually not longstanding, and it can be solved. that's called the end of the occupation. and he said, what, occupation? this guy has a ph. d in history. this is what we're up against ramsey. right?
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you know, why is this the case? why is it so that will educate the americans are completely informed of what is happening in palestine at the moment. well, you know, i've traveled, you know, across the global south, many, many countries i've been to over 50 countries from africa to south america, so asian elsewhere. and yet the average person seems to be well educated. the highest on even general impressions are out of sight. are far greater than the maximum knowledge that americans have, and that's where the american media comes in. i mean, these guys are going to go round the clock one before 7, yet somehow you will watch cnn watch fox. you're watching a m s a, b, c. and you kind of leave with the impression that you know a lot less then you began with the challenging to know this is why there's a major change that is happening level. that's the one that's already are. but yes,
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the major change that is happening is that you have so many alternative platforms, venue, voices, and for the one source. and we are in one way or another, using social is using american. we just want the do. we are, has 3 main stream media on how to start doing it one more time to catch up with us now. and that's really the major change that has happened in this particular one of that's what else for. but again, there is no longer working is that is what was the problem again, that is actually being challenge. well, if it runs, if i can stay with you, i mean the 1st of all, every one of my what my audience knowing my guess and now that is, i know so much about the conflict in palestine because of our guest ramsey. i read everything that he ever, uh, writes, everything me comes out very often an anti war dot com, which is i'm very thankful for that. but, you know, one of the things it's very important to, to point out is that there is a change of consciousness, right? now, because it's really hot, right, it's, it's really sloppy now, or maybe i just began to notice, go ahead it, it does look sloppy now,
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but the theory that i read strongly in is that it's always been sloppy and just we just did not exist on the other side of the composition, whatever that is, what you just said. this is why we can be the bible. this is why we bomb the baptist hospital and ship up. this is why we do the things we do. will it know what is that to say your role and to expose you after the set, the videos that you produce, pay, what are the allies and what are the tools are, will you can you're going to get to get away with slightly trying to determine some of the information, by the way i have to jump in here, we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on power side. stay with r t the
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the the welcome across stuff were all things are considered. i'm futile. bill, this is the home addition you mind you were discussing palestine
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the okay, let's go back to long island, new york. and i know, as you well know, i've been out of the united states for a long time. and so maybe you can explain something that has happened since i left . apparently there's rapid anti semitism in the united states, which i, when i left, i wasn't aware that that was the case. so what happened of it's been a long time. i'm going to agree with that, but you know, i turn on the news and it looks like, you know, they're, they're in the countries been taken over by a named a baseless nazis. go ahead. well, it's funny you say that and be selective use of the term. nazi, if you were to mention that, for example, in ukraine, if i were to talk about the as a battalion or the right sector, it looks different. it's one of these terms of art, and i don't know if you gentlemen have been following this absolute distraction.
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but as you know, in some of our ivy league schools, some of the presidents of the school have said that before we provide the blanket prohibition again, speech at a university, there has to be something in terms called context. and we have other members of congress as, as are you saying that genocide is because i know this is in genocide, it's the use of the term genocide. so what's happening is, is as, as, as i mentioned before, the word anti semitism and anti zionism and anti israel have become somehow amalgamated into the big globule of confusion. and because it's been you so much like in our country, the word racism, everything is racism, sexism, it's another is a. so in the meantime, you have this world right now and let me just just one sites. the trick that people need to do, and i've been studying communication and observations and post code very particular, russo full be a grumbling, but you name it. you stick to a particular narrative. and one of the things you say is simply this. this could be
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sam handle very simply. once we get rid of an anomaly from us, now it stop right there. what does that even mean or we will do this so long as the palestinians do not like too much. so the question though is, how do we tell somebody whom to elect? first of all, we say you have to have elections there. we say you can have an election, but you can elect these people. so what's happening most americans, i'm sorry to say, then this may, i may be the ultimate uh, ugly american, but there seems to be this almost an infantile is in this manner he in less than right. good or bad evil, best. and that's it. don't complicate me, just tell me who's a bad guy, cuz i've gotta move on and i've got to watch sports or whatever it is. so when it comes to confusion, this is the epicenter of confusion, right? jump it. i think lionel is completely right, is, is zionism and anti semitism had been and couldn't flight is by act of congress
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together. and the worst thing is that even the good reporters and they're really only home, back before iraq, jonathan land, a and warren struggle with knight ridder. they've got it right on weapons of mass destruction. land is work, therefore writers robles work better for the wash. the wall street journal, this spinning propaganda about the russian is losing 90 percent of the troops shewmaker. and i mean, you know, it was a good guys news to earn a living, i guess. but i don't experience that certainly they can come with us and tell ultras a. yeah. and there's a, there are a few heroes out there. um, but uh, you know, i, i want to, i want to, i don't want to be so pessimistic. i, i'm, i'm so hardened by the fact that the people that are challenging this and it's causing a lot of turbulence here. but you know, ramsey, you know, one of the things we just want to make very clear to our viewers. there's
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a must have to be destroyed. well, on the face of it, that can be debated, obviously. but it's, it's a code for ethnic cleansing and the mainstream media and the political lead are 100 percent behind. you know, we just wanna get rid of them of, well the only way you're going to do that is completely cleanse and commit a genocide against 2200000 people and it is in train. you know? oh, that's a lot possible. you're exactly know what's happening. everyone is happening. the boss has to be destroyed. indeed, is it code peter? and we need to, the code is why didn't have time, you know, emphasized, for example, from the very beginning until this day. how much is isis? how much is a either, what do you mean by that is that there was only one way to deal with the terrorist devices in india, walker and syria, and that's do we rather keep them to push them out? people, one buses, the car and,
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and elsewhere. and just pushed out of the country somewhere and that doesn't, we don't know. we don't care whether you go. he thought, if you could actually create that scenario, how much of those are, what does it go to? but it's different from us like it was. he is a national liberation movement. that's a great we didn't define boundaries, they don't want to clearly fate. we don't want, do they over other countries they want, do they provide their own countries? and they called us typically make references to international law. it's just unbelievable how often, how mass makes references to international law and how lead the absent the elements of law and international law firm is what any political discourse. this is dangerous because the american spots to the french for some reason important. so along with the drum, as the british and the everybody got excited about, the idea will be right. if you can come up with the larger, meaningful dot is that we need to come us. if anybody will support from us. any
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particular context of social context will come up, therefore we need to destroy the city of people in garza plain and simple. a don't a line. well, and that is, that's a message that is like, is not being received in the in america. you know what i'm saying is absolutely right line or is it, it's really quite interesting if you do you watch international media, even state media around the world. there is very, very often references to international law because that is what gives countries protection when you grow up in america, in some degree in the u. k. um no, that was only convenient. we mentioned when it works for you, other than that, but we're right, we're virtuous people, so we're going to do what we're going to do. and it's very interesting is that people have resistance movements. that's one of the only tools that they have against the powerful is international law. and obviously with your own eyes you can watch the it was about the video coming out of god. so he's like, that is the way sion, the international law, international humanitarian. well,
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i don't know what is, well, you know, it was funny if, if, if you held up, if you gave the scenarios to students law students, international law, and you just cover to be said country a did the following or hold up an x ray, ahold of a lab result to do what is this pregnant? dead, broken leg. that's the way most people think of of law is if you do this, it is a, it is a violation. let me go back and i'm glad we brought up 911. i learned these wonderful images, for example, the better to fight them there than here. oh them oh. and the smoking gun could be a could be a mushroom cloud. oh them. and they also said there hasn't been a $911.00 since $911.00. there hasn't been a world what. what does that mean? there hasn't been a world where jews is what we're doing. and what happens is when you're very good to semantics and you play this and you act like terrorism is identified, but like evil, evil, we're going to stop able to access of evil. and you use terrorism as to how much is
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a place or, or anybody's waste. and also one more thing, relative to the people, ask japan, what they thought about, you know, the no, le gay. and they wouldn't have a different version of the dropping of the atomic bombs versus us. we lot. we applaud those are our troops, but we never can put ourselves in the position of somebody else. because very luckily, the only thing we've had on our soul now soil rather not what is 911. and that is in no way enable us to really comment on what people around the world are or feeling and existing every single day. we have been lucky by virtue of our democracy, of our geography, which is another thing americans know nothing about that where anything is. yeah, you know, right. i leave, i guess really, prime minister said the, you know, on october 7th, israel experience multiple 9 eleven's been okay. fine that, you know, baseline was saying like maybe that's one of your interpretations,
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but i would retort in any journalist worth their salt would say. so how many? 911. how does the people of god that experience since that day? see they, they, there's this policy in the us are not people. it's not a place which is the problem. it's not on, you know, and if it is like someone else solve, it will, but we'll pay for it. there's so much power this when it comes to that, you know, had all to my life online, it was already mentioned. you know, you didn't have to tip toe around, know, speak truth is truthful, gives you justice, right. i think that there are bright lights here, and that is the fact that they use in this country. they all have these i phone see and iphone. so are the latest technology and they can cause revolutions. okay, think about the telegraph way back a century ago. the think about the tape recorder where all of a was taping is sherman. i'm all a mentor, radson. it's that what is revolution?
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now we have the i phones, young people in our country are being affected by the photos by the videos coming out of out of gas i. now, i think that there is a reason for a whole lot of those kids. they can't go on forever. and my only my only fear is that the surrounding countries around the palestine at nearly arab countries and also turkey and iran. how long can they hold back their own populations? many of whom are palestinians, how long could they escape it forever? it and not go in and stop the carnage. stop the jealous. i don't know. the answer to that rosy, probably does. but i'd like to hear his views on that. yeah. what i'm saying, you know, you know, we have 2 western tablets. anthony, blinking is talking about the day after and he's going to consult with letting you know about the day after. well, when is tell us because we have given the chance to say, this is what we want. that's never there. and maybe you have the of the occupation
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and then that can give breathing room and in variety, and discussion and new ones. but there will never be that if the company a, if the occupation continues lots of a lot of policies. what's that mean? is this going to piece sort of thinking about the middle east and about the world? in fact, what worked so in, in the early ninety's would work in 2003 would work in gaza today. but it's not true at all. what will happen in the day after is going to be determined by the people that goes on by the palestinian people themselves, as would be determined by the other nations that are why is it in sort of attitude with gauze? i mean people off with often and they showed what are the art nations how come they are not standing up for their brother in law's and as a is actually the all, if you don't what's happening in,
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in live in on what's happening you up was happening in human and elsewhere, they are, there is a view, middle east identity that is being formulated. this is going to hunt the american administration for a very long time. but the after in gaza is a, with a b, c, my, the fighting issue here by this that's passed mr. over 4000000 people in gaza. and why did we think that it's happening outside the school, the american control in palestine or throughout the middle east? right? gentlemen, i have to jump in here. we've run out of time. fascinating discussion. what i think my guess in raleigh, seattle, and in new york. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. ok. so you next time. remember russ knuckles, the on july, the 1941 german troops ended in
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a stony of from the south soviet soldiers and civilians for the enemy courageously on the stony and soil, with thousands of casualties filled out the federal home to us wants to. but we are giving you 52 i need, but i'm not sure if our cuter what city of even a z is. the beauty we bought the ocean during the years following the savior victory, a large number of monuments, mobile disks and burial sites were rented to on of those who had fallen in the wall to get get the vs. however, recently, many of them have either been demolished vandalized or completely neglected as a result of the, of those who do their best present once it left to the memory. so as to prevent rewrite history and re make consciousness of the minds. so
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the fee is ready defense minutes to floats up those full steam football top, including full military control over the enclaves on the search comm, protests breakout in iraq. how's that country was a bit dangerous escalation outs in response to the kid a of a high ranking minutes to come on the and a us aspect on central box out full size who feet revels, claim responsibility for an attack on a call go ship and the red sea, an official ultimate, where it says that target single ships aging on it back to you as well. and it's actions in boston. the many armed forces target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entities with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them. and can.


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