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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the very defense minister floated safe postables team, football, st. kidding, full military control of the unclaimed protest breakout in a wrong cause. the country wants of a dangerous escalation stops in response to the kenning mowbray height rank militia from andrea u. s. s. right on central backed up polls that companies who see move months claims responsibility for an attack on at costco ship, and the recipe. unofficial opportunities says that top ship facing out the best thing, it throws in its actions in gone to begin many armed forces. target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entities with goods, food and fuel that supports and eats them in. continuing,
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the mass occurs against the palestinian people of the russian city. old belgrade, once again comes onto ukrainian upon, hadn't missed all squared deceptive. but one struck a residential area, wounding 2 people the spring year. you'll stories around the top, this is all to international thanks to keeping me company and welcome to the program. to let start on use out with god. so most specifically as wells plan. so the enclave, once the conflict ends, the country is defense. minister, us government has floated a 3 point post war steam. the suggestion is that once how mazda is defeats, it is where our will maintain a full minute treat control as acosta. however, it will have no hahn in the governance of civilian fast. the. instead, local public spending committees will take charge, so long as they don't pose any threat law, so the tennessee will promise not to build any settlements.
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the skyland also talks through the idea of strategy in the blue, which is now taking place mainly in the south. he said at this stage, the focus is on raids, special operations on the destruction of tunnels reset idea for operations repealed in the underground network, including a wesson's manufacturing facility. meanwhile, in less than 2 days, across garza as a 100 have been killed and $300.00 more wounded as a result of his really bombardment, the local minister of health says that this brings the total death toll to 22400. since the will per account in early october, we do the fighting on the ground remains intense all across the enclave. this whitehead is footage from the northern part of the strip of which very little is left and though a few paces of refuge do remain that they are in most the uninhabitable condition.
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this school, for example, was destroyed by is where the full says with costumes fund and the opposite of all the places to go. people have been taking shelter in the facility. they put you on the smart one stop. it tells us how locals are trying to rebuild that lives and that these ruins the fact that it is a habitable one after the is really occupation forces withdrew from the city of bates law. here in the north of the gas a strip, dozens of families returned to inspect their homes and reclaimed parts of the buildings where they could live in light of the difficult to mandatory and conditions in the shelters. families are trying to reclaim parts of these buildings and live in them breathing a new life into them. and so they got in water, we transport one or 2 kilos so that from far away we live into shelter and going back home with l. children. the young children now script lice. then we have chicken fox, then we get these. and then there was some terrible thing,
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diarrhea and vomiting. this made it impossible for us to live in the schools. the children had gastro intestinal issues. we had an 8 month old baby who died from dehydration. so we came here vosta rice land is this, what do you call this home for? this is what they used to make voltage with some of the kids with the porridge. and even if we spend 2 or 3 days without food, it's not our problem. so out of my home and after my, i'm leaving things to god. i am a mother of 4 children before there were 6. and now there are for our life has just become suffering. we manage, then we don't manage, i don't know how life can go on and, and honestly it's very difficult more than you can imagine. yeah. and sometimes the children sleep without food, they wake up crying, wanting to eat, and we can't feed them. is there any safety?
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yesterday there were 50 murders. there's no security for them. and what should we do? where should we go? a this is the reality in the north of the gas a strip as local space, the circumstances and tried to rebuild their lives from nothing mackwood softball r t from the northern kansas strip. now as to the west bank was really full, says have wrapped up a full t. our rate on the notions refugee camp destroyed. buildings valley remain standing in the city for bullets have come in. the idea of forces had blown up residential blocks of troops withdrew on past the locals, would have to pay the debris of that former homes wrong. that based on this my having to she brings us the latest updates a 500. this is a flu shots. if you do scans, we have 5, you said a seal investigation system guessing by the i if i was moving we would add
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something to the i display saw as the $150.00 of them to and i just really started on that. it said a 20 of them, the 10s by the idea, but actually what is the oddest square 10 base continues the sensitivity october right now the reason i clump said that $5650.00 you as well. i just did include the woman until then why is that? i mean it's also insulted in getting but i see that as haven't this down a little, they activate the my phone. i lost where it was spinner. um, although it is uh, the tvs on the skills vibe, i didn't believe i'm about for ages, according to the service of those 2 of them. obviously the conditions the rocky prime minister has wound up. the risk of escalation in the region has was followed a us that strike on central baghdad, which killed a high ranking miller should come on to report suggest to someone, all the people what were so wounded, this fascination assassinated need. that was part of an iraq key militia,
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under the control of the national army. following the attack protest as took to the streets of baghdad, taunting empty american slogan, us state department safe, fuss and change that the attack was conducted to defend that forces. those forces have represented a threat to our forces, and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces as well. this comes for yeah, as of to another american strike on the rocky territory. i'm talking about the assassination of the rain in general, past some sort of money during a collaboration, sorry many for the cold military need to on wednesday, 2 explosions killed as a 2 people. the tire organization i full has now patient responsibility. all these years of july, the sentence this report from the site of that tire attack. a tragic and bloody commemoration, and one is, are in shock over wednesdays. bomb attack, any one,
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southeastern city of claremont was targeted, huge procession marking the 4th anniversary of the us assassination of top military commander, general goss. i'm so the money there while he is or now morning, another loss. many families are having a difficult time coping with the loss of their loved ones. are you sure? no one has the more me to do for those. sure. the the key, the situation, the explosion happens in the middle of the crowd trapped on seat, my arm. my friends were also injured and their legs were laid on the ground and waited for the ambulance after room 10 minutes we heard the 2nd blast. so we fled along with the crowd around a 100 lost our lives and $211.00 more were wounded in a pair of glasses. the clock, the city of clermont near the grave of cross,
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i'm sending money or crowds had flocked to pay tribute to the former i r g c commander. the 2nd explosion came about 20 minutes after the 1st, which was apparently aimed the corresponding emergency personnel. some of the victims died in his temp paid, caused by the flee crowd. this is one of the 1st was that made. it was off from 700 meters per 2nd. 15 minutes later and 300 meters away from this for the away from this cemetery. there's no information at all it wasn't like a home made bomb except loaded the sound of them last was so loud and it could be a few moments away. the shop way was so strong that historic black balls and the
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display monitor over them. more than 44 hours after the incident, isis group, known as dollars claimed responsibility for the attack, the salt seems to be a retaliation to general. so the money is repeated blows to that atoria star groups following the emergence of $1.20. so the money formed the regional front against the group, which resulted in the collab, suffice as in a walk in 2017 the former or do you see what's forced commander also let several operations that recaptured key areas from ices in syria. you know, the terrorist, so not only the enemies of general sumani, but also the islamic revolution in the rainy a nation that they cannot intimidate us with these actions. the more they martyr us, the more resistant our people will become to, to one initially blamed per monster attack on his well view and get as the latest in his train book is really assault targeting top resistance officials. i mean, the ongoing is, well, i'm us for many of want us to believe that as well as this is that isis and pulling
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off the attack. do so parties are it has been pounding, guys are killing innocent children and defenseless woman. undisturbed is up to is the work of e 0 and to us there is no doubt about it is so easy paid to an end user. all must know the able entity must know that we bring a brave children who will grow to be brave men and brave women with race children who will be to follow verse of got some salad money. sure, also the money is known and yvonne as an icon, a military official for his role and fighting isis in syria and iraq. but apart from his military influence, he was a public figure who was admired by iranians, as a patriotic commander. and that's like a series. what with the massive crowd to his burial place on the anniversary of his death. now, january 3rd will no longer be remembered only for so many months of the lives most while remembering the want in here. use of generally are to claremont.
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turning to other developments in the region yelman's come see officials claimed responsibility on thursday for an attack on a danish call. good bustle, sailing in the red sea. the ship's crew refused to respond to the coals of the many naval services. the attack was intended as retaliation for the oppression of the palestinian people. one of us may feel official have a state to, but the attack was unsuccessful. the who sees happy nurturing that day drone. i'm miss thought assaults on the maritime route, key to international shipping. they say this is that way of drawing attention to the plight of the palestinians in response to the white house announced it was banding together with a few of its allies to patrol the waters. we have not seen the conflict spread in, in, in, to the extent that other countries have been brought into it. something that we have worked hard to avoid. yes, we have seen that who these take dangerous actions in the red sea, and that's why you've seen us a symbol of coalition work with our ally, allies and partners to make sure that to make clear that those attacks on
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commercial shipping are, are unacceptable. but i don't want to say that we are, by any region by any step out of the woods. as pensions continue to mount across the middle east, rushes representative of you. and that's about see it in advance. yeah. how suggested that one party in particular, best responsibility is issue because what is happening in the right see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza level 3 months. now the bloody alteration of police violence ongoing. there's also an escalation in all the occupied posted in territories, and also on the border between israel and 11 on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire, washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of unsolved. 4 in the red c,
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r a and today is not only to consume the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the unacceptable is the of the actions, but also too cold to hold has in washington for whom and now the conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. we have the chance to speak with a pregnant, who's the official who accuses the west of being complicit in his way to aggression . how does the electron that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness? international navigation in the red sea is safe and without any problems. do you have any armed forces? target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them. and continuing. the mass occurs against the palestinian people, the american actions and the american coalition. what they call the guardian of prosperity, is a criminal alliance seeking to threaten international navigation and extort the
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world in its livelihood, in economy glass. and if the american forces presence in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy, against the admin in general or against humans, interest, do you have many people will not stand idly by the armed forces will not stand idly either american naval units will become targets along with those who support and back them. their commercial ships will also be vulnerable to targeting, in response to their aggression against the many people. the american administration is trying to push different countries to stand. wisdom in defending is really ships in attempts to protect as really ship supplying these really entity with food supplies, weapons, and fuel to continue crimes. it's few tile war and the total extermination of the palestinian people in gaza. therefore, what the americans declare involves deception and lies. they declare that some countries are with them, but these countries deny being with them. there's evidence of the american
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bankruptcy, it's lies, and it's deceit in the world. despite the enormous american propaganda machine and the significant american deception, the world has come to realize american deception of american trickery and american lives and the attempt by the american administration to deceive the world into defending zion, his crimes, and protecting design just entities to commit crimes against the palestinian people in the world is come to realize this truth and the american administration has become expose not exposed to the world and found no support and its call for what it terms the guardian prosperity. why not? it's the guardian of criminality, murder and destruction. and it hasn't found anyone to support it, even with it's the seat and propaganda the many operations against as really ships continue and will not cease even if there is an attack by the americans. the many operation will not stop and we say to the americans, it's better for them, for the british. and for those wisdom to stop the regression and garza,
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we realize the russian and garza and all these crimes are joint american british is really action. whoever stands with them bears responsibility for what happens in gaza. that is a t o b l cord in central russia has once again come under ukrainian for us. according to local authorities, bush's ministry of defense as tell themselves what intercepted while one did succeed in striking a residential area. the 2 people wounded in the attack have been transported to a nearby hospital. all of this for as a series of attacks on the same area as a christmas on new year. over 2000 civilians will send lights, audio rushes that may be announced that had preventive. number 5, that's her attempt flight c, as in the region, and then respond most go launched a series of strikes across ukraine targeting ministry infrastructure. in the meantime, over inside the boss couple funds paid that respect to an express solidarity with
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the people of bell gr it during the day funds held found as reading we stand with belgrade and russia and sob. yeah. up brought those forever. a new delhi has rejected allegations that it sent munitions to key if it's been a while came off to ukrainian social media sites will flaunted with post about indian military supplies supposedly been used at the front line fake news, according to the indian foreign ministry. we've also seen some media reports industry that we can category says that we have not sent any of these are the libby and munitions to the okay. not exported. we have not sent indian form in history is trashed. media reports suggesting that he has been supplying shelves on munitions through ukraine and the current ukraine. russia conflict. it's interesting is that ever since the conflict it started,
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india has been very well cool about it's neutral, stands on the conflict and been very like tell that it is neutral, that india will not take any signs even though we've seen time. and again, reports that have a potential of damaging the creating of the risk between new denny and law school. the partnership between new deleon law school is something that has all the western which is why there have been several dams needs to create a rift between new deleon most school. but one has to understand that the partnership or the relationship between your deleon moscow is not something that's developed out of buying garb procuring discount of voice from law school off to the conflict sausage. but this is a, he's torak. friendship is a time tested friendship between moscow in new delhi and every one can not create a rift by planting or reporting the song on factual stories in
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publications also ministry eviction on the fads here in india, setting the record straight. and of course once again that india maintains that is the conflict has to be sold. the we off is dialogue and diplomacy, but india will remain neutral. india will not take any sites in africa and not the conflict is raging, but has failed to make play pool headlines. neither is this, even the level of money will support given to others. so dawn has been ravaged by fighting since april of last year as rival fractions of the mid a trick on the box it out the power. the crisis has taken the lives of thousands unplugged the nation into chaos look which on this puzzle the details. the hey, war has been raging in sit down between the national army and power military rapids support forces the fighting, which broke out in meet april darwin, negotiations for a new transitional government has created one of the fastest on forwarding
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humanitarian prices in the world. as of october, 9000 people had been queued thousands more injured. and over 5700000 people displaced the world with bush millions into the catastrophic levels of hunger by next summer. you and said this week. what, why is the war incident receiving less than needed attention from the international community? it is also time for don us to step up the supports the international community can now does the people of sit down just 33 percent of the $2600000000.00 required to help those in need. and so that the c a has been received. that is compared with purpose 6 for science, i'll put you on funding appeal for your crime this year. having all the nice important un says a is often being hampered by insecurity and read,
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say what the silence somebody un security console, the world's foremost body on peace and security is heard loud and march, anticipate a robust response would be of soft, right given for human rights groups, which ease and in the counsel for a change. i, julian $1.50 leaders, you know, during the when to make more concrete steps in response to the crisis in so that the consequences of most activity are too great to imagine putting you on security cause the extra fast, any resolution on, on the ongoing crisis in september, it matched onto a crowd of control overseas. the un secretary general special representative to sit down most of his job to addressing an open, a refill on. sedan, meanwhile, negotiates on for a ceasefire and close for peace between the warming parties have so far produced. no significant results, only sense, and as many countries have provided military or political support either side of
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fighting. today we're following through by living economic sanctions, imposing visa restrictions against the actors who are perpetrating the violence and releasing an updated business advisory on sit down the fighting once, concentrated in the capital city of the job for region one. and for the front is now spreading near wide mcdonny unimportant city, but had been shouted from the war and taken in hundreds of thousands of civilians ride sp say a lack of accountability for past atrocities is the reason for this renewed filing this week. also getting the dates of the regional answer, governmental authority on development, painted about progress in the latest efforts to for me, both bodies with cease fire box sanctions on the go. seasons can fees ring any respite for student needs from the block set and tear off all the horrific reports
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of freight and sexual violence that continues to emerge while the, the spokes passed in for the people's, the democratic party of much area. daniel, paula shut his boots and this with us on the sides of the west to draw the pool money and to crane and solve any issue, monetary and situation in africa. the conflict between russia and ukraine, and in the whom i did as situation in africa are 2 things that all of interest to the world. but it is what a lot of people in africa will call you folks. i see that the waste focus more on the conflict in russia. then do we owe you money to this situation in africa, for example. then after we got the europeans, you and you claim this law on invest a certain amount of money to do what you might need did as it was an issue then in egypt as some thoughts of africa. but so far they have not been able to beat the target that the united states of america who projected to point 6,
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b. and i did beginning the idea of what to do, both the amount for the hold of the do you see this in by means? welcome me to the close of the actually to the only been able to spend $500.00 after do $1000000.00 should do now. but if you can try that was worthy of sprint. and you create a, you created going from united states aspect logistics class. and so what did you did it is to spend, you know, to use a part of the ukraine, which is about 60 deal. so if you take out just one of these sticks to be on a devoted to offer you got to, especially in the us, would that us all of these complex areas and after got what we would up go through a logics of, with the probably 60 so it seems that the, the global community, i'm not interested in the real situation in africa, which is a conflict that has a lot of life full. but in 20 years, you'll see that you might have to ask permission from his cd off the east side mentioned to as mile high club and the lady to express the names of the local
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leaders linked to jeffrey epstein have come out of the shadows and then now being tossed it across the public domain, on particularly red face customers, former us president bill clinton, who allegedly told vanity 5 to kill any story on the disgraced sex traffic of when i was doing some research into vanity fair. yesterday it concerns me what they did want to write about me considering bill clinton walked into vanity fair and threatened them not to write sex traffic and audit goals about his good friend, jeffrey epstein. should i be asking, what is the story there? i didn't pertain into well, you'll recall jeffrey epstein was the millionaire was known for associating with celebrities, with politicians, with billionaires and with academics. and he was 1st arrested and given only a slap on the wrist, but then when he was arrested again in 2019, he ended up dead inside of a federal facility with his death being ruled
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a suicide. now the details are a number of under aged girls that have come forward and described how they were essentially made into sex slaves for jeffrey epstein, how they were used uh for his purposes. uh now the newly revealed documents describe how we have a situation where in court testimony that was just on sale. the bill clinton was described by jeffrey epstein as liking the me off more quote light. so let me off, jeffrey epstein referred to that quoted by one of the under age victims. here's what we found out. joanna testified, jeffrey told her, clinton likes them young, referring to girls not the 1st time that bill clinton, this had accusations against them of sexual assault, rape, etc. but this certainly does not look good for the former us president spell. the
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new revelations indicates that prince andrew was involved in an under age sex orgy . on jeffrey apps, dean's private, i went to the individual in question. unnamed minor, testified that she was forced to have sex with him on 3 different occasions. a 3 different geographic locations. this was an individual who was held as a sex slave by jeffrey epstein from 1999 to 2002. and that was just not the 1st accusation against prince andrew. he has previously been accused of groping. what a man uh now, one of the accusers described him as sweating during the time that the salt at her and prince andrew testified that this could not be true. and in an interview, he said that he simply does not sweat. this was his response to the accusations. this is a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the, the specing. because i,
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i have a security, a medical condition which is that i don't sweat or i didn't sweat at the time. and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time. now us media apparently was quite aware of jeffrey epstein and he is in the various activities but was not willing to bring that story to national attention on a b c news report. it was caught on a hot mike describing how they were prepare to report on jeffrey epstein, crimes. but something happened and pressure was place and the story did not reach american audiences. this is why it was revealed. i've had the story, it's 3 years. i've had this interview with virginia roberts when we now put it on the air. first i was told who's jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story of the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways. the newly on sealed documents have quite a few names in my royalty, celebrities, politicians,
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people that were associated with upstanding in some way though they are not at this point accused any of any wrong doing and relation to get free. epstein now donald trump, the former president, is mentioned 4 times in the documents islanders widths who served as the lawyer of jeffrey upstanding. it was certainly mentioned in addition to that we had stephen hawking, michael jackson, the magician david copperfield. and it's important to know that there are expected to be some new revelations, incoming date, new court files will be on sealed. so this is a story that as many in the united is great states, quite discussed it with what it seems that a number of the american a lead may have been up to. uh and this individual jeffrey outstanding was quite well loved among americans delete celebrities politicians, academics, billionaires uh and was involved in some pretty disgusting activities. well that's
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