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tv   Documentary  RT  January 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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is in my royalty, celebrities, politicians, people that were associated with f standing in some way though they are not at this point accused any of any wrong doing and relation to get free. epstein now donald trump, the former president, is mentioned 4 times in the documents islanders widths who served as the lawyer of jeffrey epstein. and he was certainly mentioned in addition to that we had stephen hawking, michael jackson, the magician david copperfield. and it's important to know that there are expected to be some new revelations, incoming date, new court files will be on sealed. so this is a story that as many in the united is great states, quite disgusted with what it seems that a number of the american a lead may have been up to. uh, and this individual, jeffrey epstein, was quite well logged along. americas deletes celebrities. politicians, academics, billionaires uh and was involved in some pretty disgusting activity. ringback well
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let's finish and indonesia with 3 people have died and 28. what ended off to 2 commuter trains collided on the country's main island of java. nearly $500.00 passengers were on board at the time of the accident. reports indicate that the drop, though i bought his assistant on a stewards, were the ones who lost the lights. footage from the scene showed that one of the carriages had the rails and plunged into the adjacent wise field. emergency services have taken the injured to a local hospital well, the just a few of the stories that we all keeping across this friday, those and so much more can be found quotes for an auto dot com. so check it out and have a great day. the
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the e the so that they go to and so i don't remember the bundle episode in beautiful fully the room was a guy that called the room. and a group on we'll call the low gains of shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy they're going shed scalable. get the so the league on sonya day, the
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other one was what the, what i mean, you got it. see what i mean? so we'll forget all of these when i didn't, you know, physically they don't remember that most of the, for the lower the dougherty when, when is the check can be out also when we go to sony 5. so you know, to me those on all going to see there's been a level of you will see then you'll slow down the wrong body on went up was inside . what do you do? she did does equity fund? them? like i say, like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in soon it get sense, unavailable. so these are the issue, the fund bought, sold in the me a call me see what was the and these are the middle, what the result i g good. it will bundle these all the
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a to buy. they don't it to none. the less of, you know, when you have seen it, i don't know me. he's i guess on those some of the see was still going except for the bundle, but so the, the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics to deal with these are they available in showing sammy or gains underneath. so the way these already like when you get the full by good solid, by the can i just did you get an hour, a bustle from a new but when he got it, sonya and what you can look at if i'm your mother was he'd be that you know, well yeah, more say about then take it down to name or you mean then come to, i mean for which is the city police the one knowing on see, i'm a little focused on what i loved. you know, so you have been, you mean to them on the go in the ability to little for, to the meeting period and projects. we're going to run into issues on the bill that you're going to know. uh, the daniel the way to do when you, when the middle, the van day and ball, but the one that the season one the bill always so a little bit as a chest, so i might on guess i'll just send them like that if i'm doing so most likely to do
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this, some of the things that god, you'll be able to do a portfolio for games that you paid on the enormous associated. i got the, you know, it was doing gauging don't, let's put this on. literally do the using it for the front of the office. so it was sick, well gutted. you can actually pull up some of the, the vin, whether there's any value. maybe she solely problem to solve the problem unless you want to do an seo and you may have to go, that's fine. yeah, that is be sort of outage in mind. you know, getting the finder of, you know, one of them when i showed it was like i'm finding the most of the g, so i knew that the doctor says about to reduce the yeah. make it up. i have to be, she said, the little scene, i would appreciate what i told him crazy. yeah,
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yeah. oh, they're not all coordinated. she say are okay. close this. the b a r e a, the, with the card at the bottom, she may have them all on for a week, but is asking the northwest said okay, and i want to see if maybe you can find me that on the bus, up to the, the polio so they bought the this, the, the thought is you give you any $1000000.00 to combine your door to go. so they don't find you the most of the rebels are mine with, of course, the deliveries asked you that over again. exactly what i got on there. now the other 3 feel free to give. i never thought the, oh, beautiful was the got him up work the sooner the you was annoyed, data zone will go for the party to load up the other one. and if i
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choose to more, do you more? does he pick him up at the most of the middle? plenty, but she's the one and one he died and the other you have a very much and then yeah, i see a guy the nano simply the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the, you know, maybe i'm a little bit i, you know, a little model and that equity and or less, but send it out. yeah, no, but i you live on, did you present the on the volume or lower the name on the ceiling? was he got it? or we don't need to get these going to be going see him on the. i mean,
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she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's almost a 5 dollar co mail, but uh you have a key, you know, based on his load, you can see the list as all people need. if i chose the other ones, the only way to do they go to georgia on means is going to get police correspond. yeah, let's just see what i, what are the and more of the fees you, what am i to the god you even, but there is a senior and was going to the but the most even senior. but the, i, the ways to be me know, thank shall be what is the group of music audio too? can you read an example sentinel if you have a one shown in c? i mean, for the last one i want to concern and it can only go through it on the way that you can look them up. it will be noise in the ink on theater,
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the show was going for you. so any idea of this? so going to be on one with each other and he out of the way of humans on a few meno. what do you see about the, of the content, the most? so to get more into what kind of a content thinking show this was cloudy, is showing us what out of but the, and have you ever met to make the certificate for the vision? it made it easier for me. i'm or your wife to against
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a human day. like did you take the the for you with the a way to tell him to live in the, the vows to tell the size of these the size, utah goes there. you know, see, go ahead, you know, find out if you guys want me to go to the
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point. i know most of the models when it goes to in carrollton with time, you'll go down, you present, but no, no, don't. you don't get an idea of is can you read it or does have to verify the orders of it shouldn't be those fields. i'm just going down. okay. i can stop us. i'm gonna drop this on when i'm done with you guys, i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the candle,
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but the muscle was on. so what to do about the the i g. so sudden sea and body seen and what do you see about the memory and he should daughter not being able to say not i'm not so the gate change the get issues of the vehicle, me know, check see what it all pulled up. it depends. so again, the impulse to get somebody to go to see if at all, nope, does you know when i get you over there, all you gotta do is your land another way. and that is like 1000 of the got here. the know so long as we have those you know, bowl to say yes here and the laws and rules. so yeah. my son, evan, might be able to scan the scanner. and what was the reason for my feeling that it was somebody they dropped me on a or speak to mr or mrs. can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get the what the review the money. but it was great. the ed i'm is i'm going to then
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visually to sport. so i know it could be of, i think, watching the most love, both of those. even if you've got to be like on that it even will deal to just being done the been, i need see how it over as soon as, but you all are in the most it is like going to love it on the own as good as even come on, one of the goals and cause a for most kind of the, comes on board of the last pay that the limits in the shuttle is on your side of your side with metadata. you know, dallas can be on the side one by the name name was as though is the, is the name was the middle name is and they don't it or some of them are those basis. well, they're like, and
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a lot of them know your name or what that me that know you on a says this, we're going outside but it's, i mean think a supplement there on the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is um, well, most gave the meanest virginia's get, but his they are because i'm with this reference book. so bear with me cuz i'm pretty beat us, see that they don't even park it, but it goes the manuals go to some of them on the one them. what do you me that is who so supported them? us? what her name is carolina 5 k, one deal at the the on the phone interview and we have them up again, i guess with this. so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it goes, it goes campbells, like when it says home, i don't know as i'm already. there was a ticket and yet when i got and went up here and there was a, i gave a kid that a the, you know, this does own name. boom, boom, boom, go, yeah, no, it would. all but these, i guess, i guess,
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i mean as i'm probably being on the front of me, just look it up beaumont hospital. oh, gotcha. i can't get enough for you. okay, so he went on those sites. i mean, the junior on the me 3017 points that are not up to you, i will get you off. one of them in fact, just get off the phone for like where to go into or even do the ottoman i have to work with that. if i do it, and it wants to be on the phone totally near the ottoman contradictions to anything at all. not submitted to the army s we sent all righty to get onto the course of wednesday with a well not even a funeral on or you how i love the cheapest and it was
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a by then it goes to that might be something super fantastic. and just to see if anything that the, the society of the credit and concepts on something, you know, it was a fine you that arises serious of how you lucian's, on the, on the west and ukrainian side issues about their own strength illusions about strength for the russian opponents basically the, you know, the took their to rush or, and you crying was a door that just have to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come some coming up. and those are those since i've been shopping with the color people's the level side and the political laptop, my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh,
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a dealership on east samuel mark. see still any, see a to some of you. somebody bring you out the mail and the rest of the that it by dimensions on the stocking the, at all the, from the bought it. and then will i be able to, i gotta keep the, might, the money diety, all paid the master adult bull. and the other that you've already done that i did it, i meant the way i took that one amount of people into the weight of the book they bought up with a little dogged. if i see stock a little bit, let me just to let you talk about the video, the live, the i've just sort of main filled up with the guy who shoots on the bottom. it allow me to got property that i've got. my name is out of the fed soto. i'm a communist. i mean you took nice trying to send a man out to fascist a spend the to year off my eyes in the same the please that i can be great. and it was commented of uh, had the own girl come up name. that was uncle. and we stay for one and not fear as
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to whether you filed the for 7 years in the us. the 1st time. and when i arrived the news stat something wrong. i've been to the unit of id, i don't say nothing to other people or some of these after what's going for your mind that at the end it was one of the that's the of, of, of i'm not sure it is the leg up still. mean, i'm not on the, but i'll send it around that the way i'm going to, we're gonna have to sort of mostly john's, but to can hold on sparsely a little is going to see the say own isn't really going to see a chest of video content authorities is the most. that is fine. yeah. the yeah, the mess you go, daddy. one that'd be so that we stick them, but they want, if i choose what i've been with them, but then for she's most based on what's up with him or did julie mills in the mazda of love to leave the hall or,
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and the job? no, no, no to john needs. so
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the issue with adding issues gives her mind my 2nd and then they quit typical knowledge claims keys and that was pretty easy. keith, the, as you might have seen, you sent me about the use of fits your let me just search for this. so let me me 0 . it is because of the bottom of the bins animal. but there's still the screen slip slip lenient to put the for, for cc,
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everybody to invoke the it's the mom in the line. it was it, as will show off shows, is this stage live on the roof with this is up now to eat. the 3rd suspicious seas often useful is short. zillah the g. got the miller is now it shows you what i need and usually what, but almost federal. 32, it says up and get this invest. alumni only goes to issued the move on to the out of doors must clear up. this concern was opinion goshen city. often that's okay, but the pacific own yes. zip code, which is good. expensive the family noon. yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick. it broke through stuck with she had to push luck with me. this slim motion was him that the 3 shows it the,
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the assistance to live with us 1st coffee, a loser. oh is this is nathalie uh monday its when i put it in these days because it got thrown jeanette lewis in the beach and i just look a little flush, just go down the roads. yeah. but is it your interest for? yeah, monday or is that not some issues? i'm on dish and i shouldn't say virginia, this is over on a news. it gets sort of when you mind if so please what digit postoperative? this means that the measuring that what if there's a so i'm going to feel like i'm, it's just new scenes most at all. i'm out of mine and she has to refinance the g to bonham and she does any. so hold on. so i'll go ahead, i'm sorry, some think i'm sorry, i'm on the items. you know, can i enter my go down?
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no. it created the 4 page on c long. my products were from value. um, no, it was. oh, you know, we got a lot of people at the window on toward that to the west account was google, and we to that gratian thrush on for that issue. but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces always together and try to make a change in our county, the way of that and stuff. going to go on all the time. yeah. for p and not a i don't know a i find that are the source of the language that main drag by is it what you thought if you was saying uh they would all talk with rock on the toner to charlotte on the phone, on the side the market cap and we'll see. okay,
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fax it off when i don't know it sounds if we got softer the bus, stop it. yeah. i mean, i'd rather you somebody so to, than what you really me, i mean, she's energy really in general and almost went to the back of the game. you're going to be moved into the middle when it was out. the bill was i need uh, if i got to albany because as you really need the phone and loan but they don't know chad to. yeah. i mean these go to the will be with you as you mean the the, the done. yeah. who ways are getting so many bit of advice useful? been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even in the about and you know, low 20 but she's so i can see a but there's you on the other line or see a few and know the bill for sure. and the i think it was it but be meant that motivated able to bring the. ready
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the, when it came back from the don't less suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown quits, plain that they owe their point of view of this war. i'm the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an anti fascist. they point of view over i shut down. so i've been something that it was incredible to us . and the 1st time i thought that parents that the, the tiny and secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that, that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these sort of a people. and so, since, since that's the steps to work in the entire international, because i think that to be done and go or month just that they quoted that from the american government,
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not the or
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the think web demo is one of those you, i'm going to be the, the general of what that you know because of the vehicle you enjoy your mileage, you can just open monday and go and buy something. was all the emails that i sent out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that? what was you know, the other front that h in the us went out at a, so going to get signed up with him, but we went to another one to insure it for the out. the i've been was other, was he the only i'll be up to the objects to me, to put towards the
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waste. so in the video, when they'll be able to actually forget to like, i don't want them to actually send over the phone. yes. so that gives you shed a southern w at the moment when i get to you. but give me a soon, but the, the, when we use any sort of, or somebody to go out inside to get a move in till the end up in the most us to send it. i don't think over in the school until the end of these will go into a good place other the or the a genocidal assault on gaza has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the conflicts
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because also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world, criticizing israel and zine or folks has become essentially the criminal act the russian states never as one of the most sense community best. most all sudden set up the progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this is even closer to
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the c is really defense. minnesota floats opposed wolf team football. so including full military control over again today, the protest breakouts in a raul cuz the country williams of a dangerous escalation. that's in response to the kidding of a high rank militia, prolonged to, and a us as stripe on central to box that. but also to come to the movement planes responsibility for an attack on a call go shift in the red feed. unofficial ultimate group says that targeting ships aging the best thing as well. and his actions in gospel the many armed


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