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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the, the, the, the headlines are not here. it's a national, i think, is really defense minister floats a post world plan for god, including full military control over the i protest in iraq is the government wants of a dangerous escalation in response to the killing of a high ranking militia come on in a us striking central baghdad who to move when claiming responsibility for an attack on a cargo ship. and the red sea official of the group says that targeting old ships aging in a bad thing is rarely actions and guns. many armed forces target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entities with goods, food and fuel that supports and eat them and continuing the massacres against the palestinian people
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the right mid afternoon on friday. here at most go with a full set of good top stories ready to go straight to israel for this kick her off . now the regulations from a recruit potty member in the kinetic get this motion with side is recent comments of expose. the whispers, he says he, here's forever where he says, people in israel, according to the a nile ation of gaza and those palestinians that live there have a blessed a of course it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the policy in the matter today it's very simple, you're going everywhere and they tell you a nearly god that they can put some say in isolated even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything. they tell me most of you, of course, we must. and natalie, all guy, since this is a word i've never heard before, vast majority of israelis did not think at all about. and i living all those things are all guys. and it is true that today and after the
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terrible murder is raped and slaughter of israelis and hodges shaking, there is a great deal of anger. there is uh where there is incentives that we have to wipe out and come on us, which is not the problem was that of course, is even a big deal every how much member there be something else. as long as there's occupation, as long as there's a pressure, you know, i work more in the west bank and gaza and where we're dealing with all kinds of problems. i'm chuck statler violence and, and taking over the land under the cover using the excuse of this war and the, and, and thousands of westbank whether or not in guys or whatnot in some us. it's like japanese americans after pearl harbor that we're putting chance. nobody wants to hear about allison writes, nobody wants to hear about settler violence. people try to deny that there's not
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their violence. it's right to ignore the fact that 16 is that there are separate. they get a 1000 separate computers, words failed during this war. it's we before the war. uh that is our problem. meanwhile, the israelites defense minister has floated a 3 point post war plan for gaza. the suggestion is that once a mouse is defeated, israel will maintain full military control over gaza. however, it will have no hand of the governance of civilian affairs. the allegedly, instead of local public tenure committees will take charges on 0 and apparently pose any threat. lastly, tell available promise not to build any more settlements. if indeed you take that at face value. the defense minister color and also to go through the idea of strategy and the role which is focusing mostly on the self be said at this stage it's all about raids and the destruction of tunnels, rabbi out of action. and again, who we just heard from
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a moment ago, he says he doesn't believe that's fine. what we is really is have a right to try to defend ourselves against somebody. we don't have a right to kill thousands and thousands of civilians, but we do have a situation in which uh we have a real enemy. um i, i have again i, i, i, if, if i start that we can achieve the fees and security that we deserve in these proposals. i the challenge not to accept them. but the reality is, 1st of all, people forget that when we are military was in gaza, intelligence engagement, there were soldiers been killed every week and they are and, and the bottom line is i, i repeat, as long as there is an occupation,
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as long as there was a president bellows to use all the things that we can try to do, even due to legit waiting fight against the economy are not going to burn as these insecurity. meanwhile, in less than 48 hours across gaza, over a 100 people killed and $300.00 wounded amid as rarely, bombardments, the local ministry of health saying the total death toll is at least 22400 since the war broke out and early october the southern garza in the city of a rough i was once promised to be a safe. so if now comes on the daily bombardments that they just round of stripes on those they left locals, grieving that loved ones, many of whom were children, the less than if some of them there. yesterday we received news that the house of my sister's brother in law was hits. their walk, had landed on them in a downstairs room. my sister was killed as well as her cousin had 2 kids, her brother in law and his son, and they were not given any warning. they were at home,
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the parents and the kids. they were playing eating, drinking, but the situation was no, most of it's, it's not up no more. we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately, they're under the jewish diana steel, the sullivan. my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed . we were sleeping in the house with around 50 people and we started wailing. they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed. we were up all night morning and praying until dawn. what of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed as and gaza is the biggest southern pacific con eunice idea of strikes killed at least 14 people. reports claim is rarely leaflets are being dropped over the city, telling citizens to evacuate. for those who have been displaced several times since the start of the conflicts simply may not have the means to move any more.
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now the rocky prime minister has one of the risk of escalation in the region is, was following a us as strike in central baghdad, which killed a high ranking militia. canada now reports the draft that 7 of the people were also wounded. assessing ended later was actually linked to the national, allow me, following the attack protested to hit the streets of baghdad, chomping americans slogans of the us state department spokesperson claim that the striking bank that was conducted to defend americans. those forces have represented a threat to our forces, and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. while you have this comes at 4 years after another american strike on a rocky territory which assassinated b. iranian general customs solely money drawing a commemoration start ready for him on wednesday in iran, 2 explosions killed over 80 people relative to the gathering of the size of the
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attack them on the victims. the countries in syria ministry reported leah reported that several people were arrested and charged with involvement in the attack. earlier, i still claim responsibility for the floss, but if you pay attention, you will know very well by now that i so i says it's a us profit on a used to wage america's property was in the middle east. here's our correspond a tragic and bloody commemoration, and one is, are in shock over wednesdays. bomb attack, any one, southeastern city of claremont, which targeted a huge procession marking the 4th anniversary of the us assassination of top military commander, general goss. i'm sure the money that one is are now warning another loss. many families are having a difficult time coping with the loss of their loved ones. reasonable allows me to do for those. sure. there's the board with
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everyone in the key, the situation, the explosion happens in the middle of the crowd trapped on seat my arm. my friends were also injured in their legs, were laid on the ground and waited for the ambulance. after around 10 minutes, we heard the 2nd blast, so we fled along with the crowd around a 100 lost our lives and 211 more were wounded in a pair of blasts, the clock, the city of claremont, near the grave of cross. i'm sending money, or crowds had flocked to pay tribute to the former i r g c commander. the 2nd explosion came about 20 minutes after the 1st, which was apparently aimed of course, finding emergency personnel. some of the victims died in his 10 bead caused by the sleek route. this is where the 1st was off from 700. here's the 2nd
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15 minutes later and 300 meters away from this point. farther away from the cemetery, there's no information about an hour it was like a whole made bomb exploded. the sound of the boss was so loud and it could be heard a few kilometers away. the shop way was so strong that his story slack pulse and the display monitor over the more than 24 hours after the student isis group, known as dollars, claim responsibility for the attack. this also seems to be a retaliation to general. so the money is repeated blows to that atoria star groups following the emergence of $1.20. so the money form the regional front against the group, which resulted in the collab. suffice as any walk in 2017 the former or do you see what's forced commander also let several operations that recaptured key areas from
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ices in syria. you know, the terrorist, so not only the enemies of general sumani, but also the islamic revolution in the uranium nation. but they cannot intimidate us with these actions. the more they martyr us, the more resistant our people will become. to one initially blamed care monster attack on as well for you and get as the latest in his triangle is really assault, targeting top resistance officials. i mean, the ongoing is, well, how about us for many of want us to believe that as well as this is that isis and pulling off the attack? do so parties are, it has been found in guys are killing innocent children and defenseless woman. undisturbed is up to is the work of e 0 and to us there is no doubt about it is so easy to do it. any user, all must know. the able entity must know that we bring a brave children who will grow to be brave men and brave women with race children who will be to follow verse of got some salad money. also,
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the money is known in yvonne as an icon, a military official for his role in fighting isis in syria and iraq. but apart from his military influence, he was a public figure who was admired by iranians, as a patriotic commander. and that's legacies. what let the massive crowd to his burial place on the anniversary of his death. now, january 3rd, will no longer be remembered only forcibly money, but for the lives most while remembering the one in here. use of generally are to claremont over to kenya with several permanent judges, are accusing the countries president of interfering with the judiciary independent, a lindsey decisions or the costs of the respected. the rule of law is betrayed and on. the key prevails. judges and judicial offices cannot book freely with us trades, especially when made, but no one of the, the president himself, the canyon president spock outrage when he claimed quarter officials were helping as opposition on the mine government. the initiatives
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a president willing wrote home, maintains he is not putting the countries legal system at risk. it is not possible that we respect the judiciary. while a few individuals qual, beneficiaries of corruption are using cover up to the show officials to block call development projects. we are a democracy, we respect and we will protect the independence of the judiciary, was we will not allow is judicial tyranny and judicial impunity. we spoke with the president of the law society of kenya, eric terry. he says, no leader should feel he's above the law. the max by the president, again is just an ex truly unfortunate, irresponsible. how come up list? you know, i remember that express, we have quite delight just about to members of the public to come out. uh click on them. imagine on most of the statements that have been met by the president. and we
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are delighted to see that majority of good hands would one of the institutional beneficiary be expected. hopefully, we wouldn't be able to need him to buy these attempts to bring back and executive to you that deems itself to be about below. this is something that has happened in this country before. we have seen previously, jim's about to have been uh, keen to the city godaddy. so bayport's that as i think about these being the initial steps, the, the initial coverage is by these kind of redeem it is important that we come out strongly, forcefully informally. and kind of just to see that such kind of behavior has no place redeem on the russian president vladimir putting the recently
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checking up on soldiers who were injured in the ukraine conflict. and the old places that visit is actually making waves in africa is book report timothy. so now it's by a visit by russian president vladimir, put him to the soldiers. wondered, and the ukraine and conflict has been praised by many in africa. there was, that's when sob, the soldiers were receiving adequate cur, as part of a crumbling commitment to service man, but have been engaged in the military operations. former service man in materia, who spoke to archie, say they wants to see that same type of leadership replicate in africa hasn't come presidents to english for example. because of what you do. you have this monday as opposed to we just saw that you said more of the stuff, the toilet 3 for a new dance. which sort of confused as to who to fight to take it. because the
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defending the have sacrificed their lives. i want to up to a residence to something like that, the president overlooked that. not to say feasible. then the lid, the now we'll take the morning to be there on sunday. for deposition i use offers of largest country nigeria is a royd in numerous on conflicts that have stretched the country security forces. tens of thousands have been queued in process, and recent years of hundreds of troops of also died defending the country's interest. my general bodies often times visit troops and ria saw them other governments commitments severe welfare, but oftentimes serves as their families, saved a different picture from what the government officials have said. they complain
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about port salaries and benefit packages and say, sometimes they've even been abundant for omar gola flat his home 9 years ago due to on conflicts. systemic corruption. i guess the reason for this challenge, i strongly believe this is the some over the top security to official. i think they have benefits out. they'll feed due to the fight and i showed the police a budget on the security by the federal government. my journal for these up in the past denied obligations that corruption, what's hampering security operations. in september president paula tunable ordered the immediate payment of insurance entitlements to families are falling soldiers. and in december, the president sees that a troops in the north east burner states and promised to improve their lives mohammed injuries an id for you in a blue defense. if troops are inspired to make more progress against the insurgents,
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it will make his hometown safe again, me a so the insurgency has reduced, but currently our people are still experiencing the attacks and gloss during the rainy season, or people could go and plant without any issue but when it was time for harvest vocal her, i'm terrorist would come, attack, kill and destroy their farms and also card away the firms produce. we want the government to sit down and reason well, there are security operatives, but they need to do more and improve. on january the 15th, every year, my terrier remembers it serviceman and fallen heroes along with the families they left behind. the country also holds a national re lane ceremony to honor of a debt, but instead of an honor recognition. many are hoping some of the same sage for goods are attended to other developments in the region. for example, a young man's whose the official was kindly responsibility on thursday for an
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attack on a danish chicago vessel standing in the red sea of the ship's crew refused to respond to the coals of the many naval services. the attack was intended as retaliation for the oppression of the palestinian people by uh us, the navy official, however said the attack was unsuccessful. but who was these happy in launching near daily drone and miss auto sold, so the maritime route, so key to international shipping. so this is a way of drawing attention to the plight of palestinians. in response, the white house announced it was banding together with a few of its allies to patrol the red sea, but already from spain, italy and australia have refused to join that flotilla. we have not seen the conflict spread in, in, in, to the extent that other countries have been brought into it. something that we have worked hard to avoid. yes, we have seen that who these take dangerous actions in the red sea, and that's why you have seen us a symbol of coalition work with our ally,
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allies and partners to make sure that to make clear that those attacks on commercial shipping are, are unacceptable. but i don't want to say that we are, by any region, by any step out of the woods. and as attention is continued them out all across the middle east, russia is representative of the united nations by selling the bins. you suggested that one party in particular is response. the issue for us, what is happening is the right see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza level 3 months now. the bloody alteration of police railways ongoing, there's also an escalation in all the occupied posted in territories and also on the border between israel and 11 on the u. s. is covering for these real sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the palestinians. these causes rage and the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of
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unsolved a law. 4 in the right, c, r a today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the unacceptable is the of the actions, but also too cold to hold has in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. so we have to talk through i speak with a prominent who, with the official who came into the west of being complicit in his riley aggression . have alyssa, how does that electron that we one, the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness? international navigation in the red sea is safe and without any problems. do you have any armed forces? target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them. and continuing the mass occurs against the palestinian people, the american actions and the american coalition. what they call the guardian of
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prosperity, is a criminal alliance seeking to threaten international navigation and extort the world in its livelihood, in economy glass. and if the american forces presence in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy, against the admin in general or against the evans interest, do you have many people will not stand idly by us in the armed forces will not stand idly, either american naval units will become targets along with those who support and back them. their commercial ships will also be vulnerable to targeting, in response to their aggression against the many people. the american administration is trying to push different countries to stand wisdom in defending is really ships in attempts to protect as really ship supplying these really entity with food supplies, weapons, and fuel to continue crimes. it's few tile war and the total extermination of the palestinian people in gaza. therefore, what the americans declare involves deception and lies. they declared that some countries are with them,
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but these countries deny being with them. there's evidence of the american bankruptcy, it's lies, and it's the seat in the world. despite the enormous american propaganda machine and the significant american deception, the world has come to realize american deception, american trickery and american lives, and the attempt by the american administration to deceive the world into defending zion is crimes and protecting design just entities to commit crimes against the palestinian people in the world is come to realize this truth and the american administration has become expose not exposed to the world and found no support and its call for what it terms. the guardian prosperity is the guardian of criminality, murder and destruction. and it hasn't found anyone to support it, even with its the seat and propaganda. you have many operations against as really ships continue and will not cease even if there is an attack by the americans. the many operation will not stop and we say to the americans, it's better for them,
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for the british. and for those wisdom to stop the regression, i garza, we realize the russian and garza and all these crimes are joint american british is really action. whoever stands with them bears responsibility for what happens in gaza. instead of entering a new front and opening a new conflict zone in the red sea and threatening international navigation, it's easier for them to stop the aggression and gaza. they should allow the entry of goods, food and relief to the afflicted, oppressed, and the hungry people and gaza. the goal of america, in britain's insistence on militarize in the red sea, an opening a new conflict zone, and the red sea is to solidify american dominance within the framework of international conflict with other countries, with russia, with china, and with the rest of the world. thus we tell them the blood of gods and is not for bargaining trading or settling conflicts. the existence of conflicts and gaza is a heinous crime. and we are doing our duty to support them. we will prevent is
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really ships from sailing until the aggression and gods of stops. and 8 is allowed in noah's really ship or any ship heading into israel. can pass through the red sea . we have the ability to prevent and stopped them with the permission of a law. and now what i didn't with, i guess on them on how subtle this is us. human has been under siege for 9 years and still suffers from it. they waged a comprehensive, extermination work instagram and targeting and destroying everything. infrastructure, homes, people, orphanages, weddings, everything was targeted and therefore government is not new to what they threatened it with. we've experienced that endured it, resisted and emerged victorious. well, today we are firm to the americans and not americans, that as we support the pals to meet people, we will prevail all willy habits, and the americans will lose their capabilities. the human today is not the government at the beginning of the aggression against humans capabilities today
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versus 9 years ago. and i have become stronger and more advanced and powerful. the americans failed with all their capabilities at the beginning of the aggression against them in and today they will fail even more and faster marches are taking place worldwide, including the capital of evil, washington and the capital of another evil center london. these marches, the protest, events, and expressions of people across various social media platforms are a permanent stance and supporting the palestinian people and calling for an end to the genocide, a war against them i the government have sent because it makes its own decisions, isn't hostage to the american colonial project and has witnessed the trusts as of the americans zionist colonial project. the world if it continues to watch the heinous crimes. and garza and palestine will pay a high price in the future because this is the message at the new colonial project . whoever stands against it will face a face similar to that of the people of gaza,
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displacement murder, destruction, starvation, all forms of persecution. therefore, the world today must take human, stands and confront american colonial arrogance. stand up for the people of gaza, or else every one will pay the price. i'm china, russia in india and other countries won't accept american british as rarely dominance. community that's i looked out of getting the key, the response to the american crime of attacking the navy, which led to the martyrdom, and the loss of 10 gemini, enabled forces won't be through statements. the response will be practical. the response has begun to think all of it and the americans won't pay a deer price such to this is a response to america's crimes and our region, the killing of policy needs and gaza on a heinous level. and the martyrdom of leaders and babe ruth, damascus, i, the baghdad went into iran, but we are part of this axis with the will of all of us. we will be part of this
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response to american arrogance and american criminality. so moving across different countries. if the aggression and gaza continues to escalate to the level of outright killing, didn't starvation and displacement of gods as inhabitants have in killing them using these domains or through starvation or diseases, we will have escalation options to respond to this crime. and coordination is ongoing between human and the resistance access regarding the nature of the response to this major crime, the many armed forces haven't used all their capabilities. they've used what the operational theater, the themes and assessments currently warning shots and drones had been employed to caution the ships which don't comply with a given the navy's orders for ships bound for the zionist entity. however, for our battle was armed vessels in the arms of maritime sector. we have other weapons, the other weapons have you been used to? yet we have tools to torment the enemy and things to sink the enemy at sea. all are willing, the mere presence of american and british maritime forces,
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along with those, subservient to that i'm, is a provocation, an escalation in itself. but it isn't escalates to direct aggression against the many people and their interest in and again, many armed forces, then doubted the that there will be a decisive response. all are willing to help the american propaganda about us threatening international navigation is a deception to the world about however, it's an expos deception. they want to echo this fall, so it's misrepresent the narrative in order to sway public opinion. i do, which we can now see through their lives. we keep issuing statements and warnings that we threaten international navigation and seek to strike it. all this is aimed at manipulating their own public opinion and to deceive the rest of the world. but the world is no longer now. yeah. and now realizes that we only target is really ships supplying these really entities which allows it to commit atrocities against the policy and the people. therefore, this propaganda aims to mislead american and british and public opinion of us and
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to mislead those who deceive other nations. and people in the world, this propaganda has been exposed and cannot withstand left the message from you. how many people are you? how many armed forces and gammon stands to those supporting american and zion, this crimes i'm attempting to, the brushing against them, and is definitely will punish those involved and know whether they were open we, or secretly, and uh right. now that we have discovered their participation and prove that they will face retribution in the battlefield shall be the judge said that the shot, but the main goal of the american administration and designed to send to them in the comprehensive genocide, a war and gaza, is to completely displace the powers to name people from carson and eradicate. the 2nd goal is to send the message to the home world that whoever dares to stand in the way of the american tradition is really colonizers project. then they're fed. it will be like the state of guys and the 3rd goal, after displacing the people in the guys or if they do 6.


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