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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the headlines right now here are not to be, is riley defense minister floats up. post will plan for god the including get this full military control over the ag click the protests in iraq, as the government warns of a dangerous escalation in response to the killing of a higher renting militia come on. but you know, us as striking central bank guessing who the movement came in responsibility for an attack on a cargo ship and the red sea kind of push it over. the group says they are targeting old ships to aiding and a bad thing is really actions and guns. the many armed forces target is really ships and ships having to supply these really entities with good food and fuel that
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supports and eats them it. continuing the massacres against the pals to meet people . and so it was, i guess, line up with this hour, it's bound to be a ball. it's all a one here or not, you international. it's a so good to have your company. starting in israel with the countries defense minister has floated a 3 point post, will plan for gaza. the suggestion is that once how mazda defeated israel of maintain full military control over the enclave, however, it'll have no hand in the governance of civilian affairs back allegedly, instead, local power steering committees will take charge, so long as they don't pose any threat. last we tell every evil promise not to build any more settlements. if indeed you take that at face value of the minnesota go out and also told through the idea of strategy and the war which is now focusing mostly on the south east side of the
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stage. it's sort about raids and destruction of tunnels. so i was talking with rob, i add a guy ship and we heard from him a short time ago. he says he doesn't believe this plan will work. well, that's cool much. you can find a liability dot com for the meantime. that's cost live now to most stuff about a good he the leader of the palestinian national initiative for more. busy details here on, on a very well welcome to use a great to have you on this program. what, what are your thoughts of the israeli defense ministers post wolf plan for gaza? i think what the, instead of going to declare that expects the us to present to you of a patient he wants to dissolve the problem for q patient was why the occupation of the guys? and by the way, the, i've ordered the video to buy a list by incomplete. and so, uh and uh, do you want, i know, to patient without responsibility for the people that will to patient as
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international say its so it wants to find some kind of call about it global data structure. so some kinds of rita's work under the so as an incentive there. so there's a young to take care of the civilian population as you say. but who said that? so you can find these collaborators? is it a good idea? is a message before and the west bank wouldn't do it clear to the sofa village leaks and the drastically fields. but the other more important point is that she's assuming that it will succeed in eliminate things of listing and the distance which is totally doubtful. and i don't think they can, they can achieve that. the is it a n? is it a is prior to impose fun, slid occupation without the responsibility for the occupied people? well, that we have is a 3 point plan from the defense minister. it's always already causing a few ripples around the world pretty quickly. most stuff i wanted to ask you, this is really interesting to me. um,
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you've been making the rounds on various tv channels around the world and we came across an interview that you uh, a pothole on a british channel. tlc tv would stop or just stand by i one, our view is to see what happened to you. okay. you do so you talked about how you don't want it as well is what you're saying v as well. but outside of the something happened, you'll place that in historical context. i understand that place that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the god, let me finish this benson's mine, i just made, you know, use the women folk and i don't know what might have been. it's a sense of so anyway, so no, you are missing the thing to the population, the by the above the try on them. the assumption is acceptable. what would have seen it except where we asked since you got 10 seconds left to end up to patients and allowed peace to provision for the most people. that savvy, i really am so sorry to have been a woman speaking to you,
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but they are there by that british present. but then again, for british tv, it's not really astonishing. i mean, how behavior frankly, if i may, she was sexist show for nest. clearly, she was desperately trying hard to tell her, the pro is really narrative, but you know, well done. you most off of for staying cool? you showed class dealing with that tv stooge. what did you make of that as well? it's not surprising to me. it's not the 1st time that police this uh, the outcomes of a racist and unprofessional journalist. and to be honest with you, i think she's, she's been directed by news rooms a lot. i've looked through completely, there's really not a to and to come up to literate listening to understand that i constantly to silence silence, but the listing and people on the side of those will speak on behalf of the police to me and people. but they will not succeed. and this kind of idle guns and even
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had efforts to try to insult me did not work. because i think she showed that she was absolutely and totally unprofessional. and this could be monica about, the success, but it might see me. and i mean, i don't have to convince anybody because you know why, because most people, oh no, no, i'm very well how, how supportive i almost with them is that right? so this is absolutely it, i'd be sure to use it with what she has done, but she was trying to be populous to us today to think then had a political point which was very weak. and at the end, i think it came out clear the we out of here soon. it's not telling me that this isn't for 0, but there is, as most those you haven't in this to support as well. you know, i, i think her reaction to you was on the verge of hysterical and she was going into hysterics, trying, trying to talk to you. but should i say she wasn't trying to talk too much stuff, but she was just trying to shut you down. and clearly you showed class and she was
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out of her league. but you know, the only one will stop a. we've seen all the palestinian officials, for example, on, on southern western tv channels getting shot down as well. why is it so difficult for them to tow the pro is ready line and shut down the palestinian view. i mean i go to tell you it looks tough from here. i think had a reaction and the the, the times when they tried to silence us is racial. not those things. but i sure if we can it's the weakness of it up again of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that the terms of tools and i've called them on a, in a clear minor and in a n n, a civilized language adjusted discharge them and done just books. they come up take, they cannot imagine up on this thing and to be civilized because they're hard. racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people one day. the way that he and symbolized people here out of those is there is
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a lot of committing city water could items at the same time the world could i move the genocide door to kind of ethnic cleansing of the kind of click of punishment. it's mr. blinking in addition, well each time comes here, 3 and cutters are and to continue this work. these are the people who are behaving in uncivilized manner. and it is thought that able to hook up to these general just to see, by listing as standing up for their cause. and speaking clearly about, you know, myself with this, all this talk about the, what they call the, you know, the militant wing of hamas and you photo but descriptions about how massa, animals or worse than animals, this stuff in the out there. but you will this discussion about the militant wing of hamas. what about the militant wing of a nothing y'all? government over $22000.00 civilians killed in wisconsin. what actually to be accurate? i think the number of palestinian civilians code is now over 29000. if we actually
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count the number of police demands under that of and that includes no less than $50000.00 children. it is an easy shocking. and but you see the one is there any but i've, i've gotten the sense in the morning of the 70 folks to but it was based on demonizing from us and then through the demonizing or palestinians. and then justifying the killing of civilians as if we are not human beings as a, as go on said, is it a minister of defense? he called philistines uh human animals. and um, that's the kind of impression to try to create. but what, what, what i, i think animals are even more on that i've been done. those is there really, there's a lot of lots that are contributing every day and to continue this step and boom, bottom and destroying more than 70 percent of people's homes and evicting more than 90 percent of the listing and people. but we, we, we know very well that would their intentions. and then when god speaks about video, q, patient garza,
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i'm consolidating go q patient in the west bank. he means it means that there's never learned from history, then about land some what happened and now the balloon some. what happened in judy at the end of the summer, what happened in south africa. but as ends of the colonial setting and power data unable to understand the feelings and the strength and the fall under resistance of people who are struggling quite a bit though to feed them. exhibitors will stop about to go to you as a leader of the palestinian national initiative. and i just want to say know what i need. thanks for joining us through analogy international. but going back to that interview you had without the u. k. c b channel. well done to you came out very much on top science for your time stuff. thank you sir. the revelations from the crude party member and the as ready, connected most just side as a recent comments of expose the wish. suppose he says that he hears from everywhere, he says, people in israel, according to the
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a nile ation of gaza on the palestinians that lift the ballast. of course it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the palestinian matter. today it's very simple, if you're going everywhere and they tell you a nicely guys that they can put some say in isolate them, even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything, they tell me mostly of course, we must a nearly all guy since this is a word i've never heard before. the bass majority of israelis do not think it all about and i waiting. all palestinians are all dozens. it is true that today um, after the terrible murder is rape and slaughter of israelis and hodges shaking, there is a great deal of anger. there is, uh uh, where there is incentives that we have to uh, wipe out from us. uh, which is not the problem was that of course is even if we tell every how much member there be something else as long as there's occupation, as long as there is a freshman, you know,
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i work more in the west bank and gaza and where we're dealing with all kinds of problems and check set or violence and, and taking over the land under the cover using the excuse of this war and the, and then thousands of westbank whether or not in guys, what non commas. it's like japanese americans after pearl harbor that we're putting chance. nobody wants to hear about. allison writes, nobody wants to hear about settler violence. people try to deny that there's not their violence. it's right to ignore the fact that 16 is that there is temper didn't get to thousands ever to get his birds failed during this war. it's way before the war. that is our problem. meanwhile, in less than 48 hours across guys, over a 100 people killed and $300.00 wounded. as a result of his ready, bombardments, a local minister of health saying the total death is at least $22400.00. since that will kicked off. now the off type, if you had, i guess, a short time ago, most talk about
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a good he was saying is near at 29000 of the southern gauze. and the city of what i thought was once promised to be a safe. so it all comes on. the daily bombardments made his round of stripes on thursday left locals, grieving for their loved ones, many of whom, as always, now with children a less than a problem there. yesterday we received news that the house of my sister's brother in law was hits. their walk, had landed on them in a downstairs room. my sister was killed as well as her cousin had 2 kids, her brother in law, and he's son, then they will not doing any warning. they will at home, the parents and the kids. they were playing, eating, drinking, but the situation was no, most of it is not up no more. we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately, they are under the jewish diana steel, the sullivan. my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed
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. we were sleeping in a house with around 50 people. we started wailing, they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed. we were up all night morning and praying and told on what of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed. a and the gaza is the biggest of southern city exxon. eunice idea of strikes, killing at least 40 volts claim is ready. leaflets were being dropped over the city, telling us citizens to evacuate. but those who have been displaced several times already since the start of the conflict may not even have the mean to move again. the, the rocky prime minister has warned of the risk of escalation and the entire region is, was follow to us as to why can central baghdad which killed a high ranking militia come on to a report suggest that 7 of the people were also wounded. this oxidative leader was actually linked to the national ami. following the a type protest was hit the streets of baghdad, charging the american slogans of the us state department folks was and he claimed
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that the strike was conducted to defend americans. those forces have represented a threat to our forces, and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. yeah, while this comes about 4 years after another american strike on iraq, the territory that killed the iranian general custom solar money during a commemoration ceremony for him on wednesday, twin explosions killed over $80.00 mona's countries. ontario ministry has reportedly arrested several people who were charged with involvement in the attack is not easy, was after lobby now. a hi me. you can see the coffin itself. some of the victims of wednesdays, terror attack in the cemetery of a wrong, southeastern city of care mon, which took place a wide while people were commemorating beforehand of verse 3 of the west. assassination of everyone in military commander general. sort of the money of course. uh uh,
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the ceremony was set to be held inside the cemetery where the incident took place, but following the announcement by dice or i stare as that's plain responsibility for the attack on thursday, the ceremony and the plan was changed and ceremony was decided to be held inside the i'm actually, i'm all part of the city of claremont, of course, uh, president. i brought him re see who canceled his trip to a turkey. um, in the wake up this, our tag appeared here, showed up here today and he delivered a speech on his language was full of sweats and warnings against the united states on his route. not the american plan to form another israel in the region was foiled by cast them. so a money and the regional forces. in other words, he neutralized them the security that exists today in the middle east and west asia is owed to cast them. so a money that the enemy is desperate, it is because of this desperation that they kill innocent people. it always sees
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the power of the as lovick republic of the wrong. the entire world feels its power and ability. be sure that the initiative is in the hands of our powerful forces, the place and time of revenge will be determined by them. i says, claim responsibility for the attack, but it was still believes that the main engineer and the main mastermind behind the attack is still israel. bracy said that it is israel that told the strings indeed to her attack on wednesday, believing that it had held a long term grudge against jones for the money all your gc came under. a general sense allow me also showed up today and his language again. he adopted a, a rhetoric of flats and he said that the perpetrators of the terror attack can come on will face a harsh revenge from these. want to keep up with everyone of course, dollars or isis has had a history of the, of orchestrating and get it caring. got some thorough attacks inside it wrong. so it wrong said that all the tara groups still faces
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a harsh revenge. it will not be safe and not as put by a general salami, even if the group of ages for 1000 years, it will face a harsh revenge from these one complex or tony. some other developments in the broader region as yemen who the officials claiming responsibility on thursday for an attack on a danish cargo vessel in the red sea. the ship's crew refused to respond to the coals of the many naval services. the attack was intended as retaliation for the oppression of the palestinian people. or u. s. navy official, however, said that attack was unsuccessful. the who these are pretty much been launching nearly well daily drone and missile assaults on the maritime route. so important to global shipping in the economy. so this is a way of drawing attention to the plight of palestinians in response to the white house announced it was banding together with a few of its allies to patrol the red sea. but get this all ready. france, spain, italy,
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and australia. how old refused to join that foot to. so we have not seen the conflict spread in, in, in, to the extent that other countries have been brought into in something that we have worked hard to avoid. yes, we have seen that who these take dangerous actions in the red sea, and that's why you've seen us a symbol of coalition work with our ally, allies and partners to make sure that to make clear that those tax on commercial shipping are, are unacceptable. but i don't want to say that we are, by any region, by any step out of the woods. now, as our pensions continue to rise all across them, at least the russia is representative at the united nations about selling the bends . you suggested that one party in particular is responsible for this issue because what is happening in the right see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza, where for 3 months now, the bloody alteration of police railways ongoing, there's also an escalation in all the occupied posted in territories and also on
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the border between israel and 11 on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of on saw a law in the red c. r a today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed at on saw a lot of all the acceptability of the actions, but also to cold hold has in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game, we have the challenge to speak with a prominent who the official who accused at the west of being complicit in is rarely a question. a, how does the electron that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness?
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international navigation in the red sea is safe and without any problems. do you have any armed forces? target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them in continuing, the mass occurs against the palestinian people, the american actions and the american coalition. what they call the guardian of prosperity, is a criminal alliance seeking to threaten international navigation and extort the world in its livelihood, in economy glass. and if the american forces present in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy, against the m, and in general or against the evans interest, the many people will not stand idly by the armed forces will not stand idly either american naval units will become targets along with those who support and back them . their commercial ships will also be vulnerable to targeting, in response to their aggression against the many people. the american administration is trying to push different countries to stand wisdom and defending
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is really ships in attempts to protect as rarely ship supplying these really entity with food supplies, weapons, and fuel to continue crimes. it's few tile war and the total extermination of the palestinian people in gaza. therefore, what the americans declare involves deception and lies. they declare that some countries are wisdom, but these countries deny being with them. there's evidence of the american bankruptcy, it's lies, and it's the seats in the world. despite the enormous american propaganda machine and the significant american deception, the world has come to realize american deception, american trickery and american lives, and the attempt by the american administration to deceive the world into defending zion is crimes and protecting design just entity to commit crimes against the palestinian people, the world has come to realize this truth and the american administration has become exposed, exposed to the world,
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and found no support in its call for what it terms. the guardian prosperity is the guardian of criminality, murder and destruction. and it hasn't found anyone to support it, even with its the seat and propaganda. do you have any operations against as really ships continue and will not cease even if there is an attack by the americans? the many operation will not stop and we say to the americans, it's better for them, for the british. and for those wisdom to stop the regression and garza, we realize the aggression and gaza in all these crimes are joint american british is really action. whoever stands with them bears responsibility for what happens in gaza. the, to kenya where several prominent judges are accusing the countries president of interfering with judy sherry independent the decisions or the costs of the respected. the rule of law is betrayed and i'm, the king prevails. judges and judicial offices cannot book freely with us tribes,
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especially when made but no one of the, the president himself, the canyon president spark outraged when he claimed quarter officials by helping his opposition on the mine government initiatives. president willing rudo maintains he's not putting the countries legal system at risk it is not possible that we respect the judiciary. while a few individuals qual, beneficiaries of corruption are using cover up to the show officials to block call development projects. we are a democracy. we respect and we will protect the independence of the judiciary. what we will not allow is judicial tyranny and judicial impunity. when we spoke with the president of the law society of kenya, erik curry, he says, no leader should ever feel he's above the law or the mass i. the president again is just on the cards. extra me unfortunate, irresponsible. how hopeless in the democrat express,
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we have quite delighted that members of the property come come out. uh click on them in mind. you know most of the statements that have been met by the president. and we are delighted to see that majority of good hands with one of the institution of that you should be respected, hopefully wouldn't be able to meet in the bought these attempts to bring back and executive to you that deems itself to be about below. this is something that has happened in this country before we have seen previously, jim's about to have been the keen to the city. got additional because of that. i think about these being the initial steps. be the initial goal, which is by these kind of redeem it is important that we come out strongly, forcefully informally and got it as long as we come to see that such kind of
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behavior has no place redeem us. do generally like he did but he went and says approximately 25000000 people would need humanitarian assistance and was wanting us to die in this year. many locals and making a difficult decision to leave their homes and escape to neighboring countries. now since the start of the student, a civil war in april over 370000 refugees, of crusty egyptian border sit on it now has the highest number of displaced people in the world. and sanitation issue is exhausted by the situation leading to us was a cholera outbreak back in september. i will look at this report to the cost of the team to see these later base for 1st are still continue. after more the seasons and more then tries to stop the words is for after all issue to big piece equipment is today after the were stage, which are they all into university hospital or the support for assess freaking all
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today. all the mover every. that's what this is gene separate from cities. he had some inquiry for us to, to have a legal way to go to different countries by either the see 15 so that people still separate and still look for healthy after old escape organizations suspended for work and job. it was made it very difficult for people to lead events. we started up so you can use they had an inquiry to agent for a visa, for cities, right to the, to solve it for $100.00. this was my people to go to you by the way, started there by the legal situations where it's frightening central freight cars. they have to go buy a spot, wait a we can see and talk to them. they have a lot of people left or right inside that center is facing problem after they lose the holes today. you may want to look for a better environment to, to help ensure difficulties. and can you provide me with the basic life? see, today is not the place that's where they can find peace. after being support versus
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routine everyone, everyone use it as a free and want to leave today soon as possible. we can see the ocean look forward for moving so that those things together. there's 2 leaders still negotiating a little for the better places to bring peace keeping it today. is this fair all, i'm sure it's not work full initiative working many different places these 2 periods today many different i think i also do their best to mix as fire and call people to see the russian president vladimir putin and recently checked up on soldiers who were injured in the ukraine conflict, and the whole place is not facing is actually making waves in africa as this local reporter explain. a visit by russian president vladimir put him to the so we just wondered and but ukraine and conflict has been raised by many in africa. it was that's when shop a soldiers were receiving ad whitaker as part of a crumbling commitment to service brand,
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but have been engaged in the military operations. former service man in nigeria who spoke to our to say, say wants to see that same type of leadership replicate it in africa as it comes present is to english. for example. because of what the dates you have this more as opposed to one disorder. you said more of this stuff, this with it, 3 foot and nibble them, which so just to keep the whole box for 5 to take it because i depended upon the outset preferred that less i want to africa bed of things to something like that. the present over looked at the not to say feasible, then the lid, the now we'll take the morning to be there on sunday for the best and i use offers of the largest country. nigeria is
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a broad in numerous on the complex that have stretched the country secure to forces . tens of thousands have been queued in process in recent years, and hundreds of troops of also died defending the country's interest. my journal fridays often times visit troops and re a saw them of the government's commitments, severe welfare, but oftentimes serves as verify around the face a different picture from what government officials have said. they complain about port salaries and benefit packages and say sometimes they've even been abundant. omar gola flat his whole 9 years ago due to on conflicts. systemic corruption, i guess the reason for this challenge, i strongly believe this. i didn't see some over the top. similarly to official i think dave benefits also freed due to the fight and i showed the police a budget on the security by the federal government. my journal for these have in


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