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tv   Documentary  RT  January 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
in this so that you don't need to solve it states. so little suite of c is already be in charge, ease and running sky on now for what reason, among other things. and should it be exactly what we got to mean for judy shadows and supplements? and also i'd say to you as integrity is we have various challenges and jazz and schools. so is it the best interest of mind you're at the moment where we are grappling with so many things that is, you know, struggling with major issues. i feel we should be looking at, you know, nigeria listed on not issued yet. so we should let the people slip out there and it's just one now nice and you're and i am now what heard from global affairs on the list? paula jeanette and nigeria is this echo as the ones, the former syrian and president to be sent to my julia because that country has a stable political situation. the labs now the, the, the, the,
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the frag really to are there is a, the political or the rest of day. see everywhere, all categories are, that'd be on the people as their members. why would i be? what i'm going to do to and the have and gave me besides those reports in their home. and so they're doing these reports in a team and so on. so for their luncheon is coming up in there and certainly got a in february. so it course knew that to do something to make sure that uh, you know, there was no, uh, this tension is not imagine. yeah. is it caught on shit, of the total of a cool i so age really not them. and then a way, i don't see that highly to learn effect. um and the reasons i'm asking if i really remember and i do have that to live. i live in playing this type of room. remember in 1991, the president of i sat outside so much you said body political was the take him to
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the mag julia in 1991 until he died there in 1995. all blackstone fair and i do that as well as it'd be brought back to try and make sure that to be considered in time, that these are, and they say, well, i'll say i'll be in this hour. most derby is coming away in about 30 minutes. that with us the the e, the
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so that they go to and so i don't remember the bundle episode in google. fully the room was the guy that called the room. little group on we'll call the low gains of shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy? they're going share scalable data. so the league on sonya day the, the most of the known it was what i mean, you got it. see what i mean, the little boy, you know these when i didn't, you know, face young. they don't remember the most of the, for the lower authority when, when you see a check of you can be out also when we go to selling the 5 single, certainly those on all labor. so like i said, goals going to see this one about the problem of a level of you will see then you'll slow down the long body. i'm going up present,
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i believe is you get the equity fund them and like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in sunni, good sense, unavailable, no, said, if he's under a glass is to the fund but sold in the me a call because he was didn't, these are the middle. what the result? i g good. it will bundle. he's all the a to evaluate on it. none the less of, you know, need, what's your name? i don't know me. he's i guess on those some of the with the with so let me except for the bundle but so the, the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics and they will these are they available in showing sammy or gains underneath. so the way these already, like when you get the full by good on the side of the can i just did you come out like a bustle from a new but when you got
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a sweeney on what you can look at. if i'm the mother was he'd be the middle voice about then take it down to name where you meant, then come down, mean forget you the city knowing on see i'm a little focus. i go to the log in here. so you have been, you mean to them on the, to go in the be able to do it for 2 of the me think the projects we're going to run into issues. so it'd be all about the fuel going into the angle during the day when you, when the battle defend a ball, but the one that the guy the season going to be always. so going to get as a chest. so i my done good size. you showed them like that familiar sort of most likely to do this because of the thing that god, you have the postal code games that she paid on the enormous associated like i was under the you know, it was don't, judging, don't, let's put this on the mileage it is, you're using it for the front of the office. so it was like, well, a gene cottages can actually pull up some of the, the vin,
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whether there's any body of maybe gene solely photo is not available. unless you are, you all don't have the ceiling. you may have to go. that's fine. yeah, that is be sort of outage in mind. you can move someone in front of you know, one of them when i showed it was like, i'm fine. the soft d g, so i think that the doctor, she has about 30, she's telling me that. yeah, i get up. i have to be, she's to the little scene. i would appreciate what i told him crazy. yeah, i'm the, to the nato coordinator. she say are okay, cool society of the b a r e a the with the about a car at the bottom. she may have them all on for a week, but is asking the northwest a different case. and i want to see if maybe you can find me that on the bus up to the portal for the about the does,
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it does look like what does it give you any one window? i'm about to compile your door to go. so they're gonna find you the most of the rebels in mind with the photo gallery deliveries as you settled on exactly what i got on there. now the other 3 feel free to give. i never thought it was, it got him a lot of it sooner than we did as a little girl for the body to load up the other one. and she's the one doing what does he pick him up at the most of the middle. plenty by. she's the one when he died in the email i got one of the you have of william uh to the yeah, i see a guy the nano similarly it's showing the the
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the, the possible i would have the, you know, maybe i'm a little bit, are you know a little model and that equity endorsed by send it out in front of it's on the, on new bit. are you live on? did you present they on the volume or lower the name on the same? was he got it or we don't need to get these go navigating c m i z. i mean, she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's on miss of the gl model. but uh, you have a key, you know, based on his log, the units of people went through these young. if i chose the other ones, the joe doesn't mean is going to get police cars valid. anybody else gets to what i, what are the and more of the fees? you order my a to the god you didn't. but there is a senior and was going to the but the most even senior. but the i, the list will be a mental issue of the,
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with the group homes, the godaddy, although to be able to enjoy and see, i mean, i, for the last one, i like it concern and it can only go through it. i'm afraid i can move them. i mean, it will be notion p, income theater, the going for you. so any idea of this, so gonna be along with each other and he out of the way of humans on a few main, on the same idea of what the, of the
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content the most. so to get more to what kind of a content thinking show this was flooded, it's showing us what our monthly and have you ever met to make the certificate for the vision? it made it easier to get from you or your wife to against a human day. like, did you take the, the affiliated with the a waiting until i have deleted into to and when i get over to the same page,
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what i need as soon as utah goes there, you know, go ahead and, you know, find them if you want me to go to the point, i know most of the models only goes to in carrollton wilson and you'll go down, you'll present the, you'll get an idea of the sub is, can you read or does have to verify that or do some of it shouldn't be those fields or so i was going down. okay, i can step, i'm going to drive is when i'm done with you guys, i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the of
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the me a candle. but the muscle and so on. so what do you mean by tv? i g. so sudden seat and body seen. and what do you see? let's see ma'am. orientation door and i'm evil. so what i do to send the match. so the gate change, the get issues of the lot more, you know, check, see what else about the difference again, the, i mean both the good company goals, if at all, nope, does you know for 300 sherry than what were you doing? shalana another way, and that, is that going 1000?
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0 my god, you know, so long as we have those you know, bowl to say yes, we are in the volume financial net rules. so yeah, the plus sign ever the scan data, cnn. was there any pharmacy on that or somebody's they dropped me on a or speak to ms of mrs. can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get the what 30 below the money. but it was crystal and i'm is i'm going to then visually to support. so i know it could be of, i think watching the most of those can even if you got to be like on that it even will deal to just being on the being. i need to see how it over as soon as, but you all are in the must hit it like on top, lovelady down the
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soonest. date is even come on one of the goals and cause a homeless kind of comes on board as the last pay that the limits in the so it's on your side of how your side will metadata. you know, dallas can be on the side one by the name name was as though is the, is the name was the numbers and they don't it or some of them are those basis? well, they're like and a lot of them know your name or what that me that know you on a surgery, is it this? well yeah, sorry about the domains like a supplement there on the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is um, well, most game beyond minos begin. yes. okay, put a 0 guess on this flip as book. so bear with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. see that they don't even park it, but it goes, don't. they don't look manuals. go at the moment, no one them. what do you mean? the thought is, who so supported them? us? what a news came on if i can deal with the yes. and we have them up again,
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i guess with this, and he really is a movie and it looks like it really goes. it was compos, singleness of whom i was i'm, what are you? there was a ticket done yet. when i got one up here and there was a, i gave it a good that a the, you know, this does own name, boom, boom, boom, go you have no, it would all but these, i guess, i guess, i mean, as i'm pretty beat on the front of me just look it up to date on you guys using a folder that that's you can take it as a for you. okay, so based on this type of those data, the
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17 points that gernado to down, we'll get your phone number. in fact, just get off the phone for like where, like 130 and do the on the points of the, on the phone totally near the bottom. you can sort of from still anything at all, not submitted to the army s. we found out the get all the typical some way, and it was the glad out even though you know, annoy how i love the cheapest. and so by then, it goes, most of the people santana differences, anything that of the russian states never as tight as on the most on screen and the best english i'll send, send up the speed
12:47 pm
. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services, even closer to the people's, the level side and the photo political laptop, my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh, a dealership on east samuel maddox. he's still in any c a to some of you. somebody
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bring you out the mail and the rest of the that it buy them at some of the stuff they don't go to at all. they from the bought it enough to be a little or you have to take, gotta keep the might that we money diety, all paid the master adult both. and the other that you said the, the, i'm about to do it. i meant the way i took that on the amount of people into the weight of the mental de la i for a long time before she start going to be a bit. let me just to let you off. i don't video the lobby of this sort of main build up for the k through 6 on the bottom. it allow me to got somebody vasquez. my name is out of the fed soto. i'm a calling us. i mean, you took nice sized and they might not, you fascist, a spend the to year off my eyes, but in the same the, please that i can be great and it was call my and of a had the own girl come up, name will jungle and we stay for one enough here as to whether you filed the for 7 years in the us the 1st time and when i arrived the newest that something wrong
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that been to the unit of id. i don't say nothing to other people or some of these after what's going for your mind that at the end it was one of the that's the of, of, of i'm not sure it is the leg up still. mean i'm not on the but i'll send it around that the way i'm going to run out of the slim jims, but the can hold on sparsely levels. going to see the ceiling and we're going to see a chest of video content and stories is on the bus. that's fine. yeah. that he died . yeah, the mess you go daddy, glen, that'd be so they increased to going back down. if i choose what i have been with them, but then for she's most based, looked up with him or did julie mills in the mazda of the lease, but let me go. oh, and let me see. no,
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no, no, no, no, a joy dates. so the
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purpose of the nation without any issues gives a mind my 2nd and then they sent me a quick check on the claims keys, metal music, you could do it for the way as good as you might have sent me up. this is a fits your move to search brandy. so me 0 just because of the bottom of the bins animal. but there should be still the screen slip. it's probably the toughest plus gc everybody to invoke the
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item. i'm in the line. it was it, as will show off, show seduce, state you live on the show with this is up now to eat. the 3rd suspicious is often useful is sure to la la g cut. the color is now it shows you what i need and usually what, but almost federal. 32, it says up put and get this invest. alumni only goes to issued the live on the out of doors. must clear up this go someone's opinion. goshen city often that's okay. but somebody episode to own your zip code which corresponds in the family. know yeah. and the way up to choose um uh for portages of 90 stick. it broke through, stuck with she had to push luck with me. this. my motion was i got the 3 shows that the, the
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assistance with, with a spanish coffee, a loser. oh is this is nathalie uh monday its when i put it in these days because it got thrown jeanette lewis in the beach. i am a genius level, so let's just go to the rules. yeah. but is it your interest for your monday or is that not some issues i'm will dish and that shouldn't be 6 virginia. this is the news. it got sort of when you mind, if so please, what did you push? this means that the measuring that would have so, so i'm going to feel like i'm gonna ship new seasons most at all. i'm out of mine and she has to refinance the g to go on and you take any, so hold on. so i'll go ahead, i'm sorry, something cool. sorry, i'm on dialing out and you know, can i enter my go bad? no. it created the one for the one see long my product were from value
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was oh, you know? yeah, a lot of people that the wind don't toward that to the west account was go on with the declaration thrush him for that issue, but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces holes together and try to make a change in our county, the way of that and stuff when you go on to the time. yeah. can be on a monday, i'm on a time that i'd be sure to be aware of that main drag bicycle. you thought it was saying and they would all talk with rock on the toner to charlotte on the phone, on the side of the market cap, and we'll see a fax it off when i don't know it sounds. if we got soft to the bus, stop it. yeah,
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i mean i talked to somebody, so i told them what you're really me, i mean, she's energy reading in general and almost went to the back of the game. they're going to be moved into the middle. when it was id better school as i need. uh, if i got a albany because if you really need the phone in law and they'll, they don't know chad totally. i mean, these go to the will be the was you mean the, the, the guy who plays the game so many, but it looks like she's been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even in the low 20 but she's so i can see a, but there's one that i got a line or see a few and know the bill push into i think it was it, but be meant that the blender, the,
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when it came back from the homeless, suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown puts play in the mail and the point of view, often you swore on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an anti fascist. they point of view over i shut down. so i've been something that it was incredible. it wasn't the 1st time that the tenant that the, the time, you know, the secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that, that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these sort of a people and so since, since that's the steps to work and then tell them to initial because i think that to be done in goal or month just that they quoted that from the american government, not the
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the, the
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think web demo, so now they'll do is i'm going to be the, the general i'm going to tell you that because of the vehicle you really just did. you have in mind, even though it must have been, was all the image that was sent out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that? what was, you know, the other for on the, it should, the owner will do on this one out of the. so going to get signed up for the event and then we can show it for the out. the i've been was other was the only i'll be up to the objects to me to put towards the waste. so when i saw the video, when they'll be able to actually forget to like,
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i don't want them to actually send almost no, you don't. yeah. so that gives you shed a southern w at the moment when he got to you. but give me a soon for the, the, the, when we use any sort of, or somebody to go out inside to get a move in till the end of the month. so so saying i don't think over in the us going to end of the season will go to a good place on the, the, the the,
1:00 pm
the over a 100 people are killed in 300. when didn't these really a tax in guys are in less than $48.00. all the scene ends in both the north and south of the region are struggling to survive. these wiley defense and the next up loads of post war cloud for gather, including full ministry control over the region, an estimated to 1000000 people to attend radi. throughout the i mentioned the plastic show of support for palestine and the leader of hezbollah apply due to retaliation from what he says, what he's really attractive, killed at the top 10, lots of personal in the room. the
1:01 pm
book lot of just.


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