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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the the over a 100 people are killed and $300.00 wounded in these really attacks and guys are in less than $48.00. all the feelings in both the north and south of the region are struggling to survive. these early defense minister loads of post. busy cloud for gather, including full control over the weekend. an estimated 2000000 people attended ronnie's throughout the i mentioned the massive show of support for palestine and the leader of hezbollah applied this retaliation from what he says, what he's really attractive, killed at the top 10. lots of personal in the room, the
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clock just take the past 9 pm in moscow. this is our team to national with the global updates. and i a my call. what check that we started sobbing guys of web. a city of rafa was, one's promised to be a safe zone. the yet it continues to be pounded by is where the forces is. now the latest voucher strikes us as a lats locals, leaving for their loved ones, many of whom, which sold him in less than 48 hours throughout the, at, throughout the entire region. over the 100 people were killed and $300.00 wounded by is really a tax. local health ministry says that the desk told has passed 22400 since the war began 3 months ago. survive was in rough. i say that varies never any warning before the tags embed. yesterday we received news that the house of my sister's brother in law was hits. their walk, had landed on them in a downstairs room. my sister was killed as well as her cousin had 2 kids,
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a brother in law, and he's sand and they were not doing any warning or they were a told in the parents and the kids they were playing, eating, drinking. but in this situation was no. my thought is not up normal if we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately, they are under the jewish diana steel of the self in my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed. we were sleeping in a house with around 15 people. we started wailing. they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed. we were up all night morning and praying and told on one of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed. i didn't gas as big as 775 units. if strikes left for 10 people, dad, the ford slaves, what do you mean? that's off being dropped over the city, telling citizens to evacuate. but those who, who have been displaced several times since the start of the compet may not have
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the means to move again. but the only thing on the ground remains in tens all across gather in the north will be in clay if which was the 1st point of intrusion . bobby idea most. busy and has been left on turned, while just a few places of refuge does still remain that they're mostly in on, on inhabitable condition. local john les, the mom would by stop by tells us how locals are trying to survive. i made the rulings as we report from the city a bit black here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces. they pushed it back, you ways to leave to other areas. the rest of the large number of men not to mention burning as activities, belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. initially we saw refuge khalifa school because we were
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scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing that we sought shelter here. assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. they stormed the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate. took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the alka sum square for 2 hours. they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us that we'd return. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings. when she said they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. some returned to alfa, cora clinic, others to abu hussein. this place was full of displaced people,
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even before my family and i arrived there are huge number of displays, people in schools and the agency clinics. i couldn't find a place for me and my family when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing despite the fire. and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child whose only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris just to survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares about shells and rockets. we have no homes left, they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction if there is no place for us at un schools or their clinics. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by these re lease. what kind of? there's no food or drink people grind, we to get some sort of flower for sustenance. i haven't received any flour for a week. i kind of have, i know i have neither food or drink, not even
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a candle. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school, so we can live in sanitary conditions, demand the dispatch of a committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. that i love me. despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes, out of the me, somebody sit by it a while, and these are all the countries defense minister has flow for the 3 point post war plan for gas. uh uh, the suggestion is that once have masses defeated, ease, well will maintain full military control over gaza. however, it will have no hand in the governance of the city and the fact that allegedly now instead of the local palestinian committees will take charge so long as they don't pose any threat, laughed lead. tel aviv will promise not to build a new settlement. if indeed you take that as the face value
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the gallons of also talked uh through the idea of strategy and the war which is focusing mostly in the south. he said at this stage, it's all about raves and the destruction of tunnels, the leader of the palestinian national initiative. most of about who would be 7 gallons plans will only create new problems. i think what the, instead of going to declare the convicts the. busy stupidity of a patient, if he wants to dissolve the problem, most of your patients with uh, white, the big occupational guys and by the way, they have order due to parts list very incomplete. so uh and uh, do you want a new patient without the responsibility for the people on the patient as international say its so he wants to find some kinds of cool about its a global data structure?
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yeah, sometimes it does work and done it as a, as an incentive to so that is there any um to take care of the civilian population as easy. but who said that so you can find these global. this is the idea. busy methods before in the west bank, wouldn't they adhere to the so called village leaks, and the stipulations means that they've never land from history. they never land something. what happened didn't get the balance on what happened in judy identified them. some of what happened in south africa, but as easily colonial set to the power, they are unable to understand the feelings of the strength and the fall under resistance of people who are struggling for they've the freedom exhibiting. about when must about who teach, try to share his views about apply towards a policy new people on the bridges channel, you'll receive the less than welcome reaction. let's take a look. do you sound? you talked about how you don't want it as well as what you're saying, we as well,
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but outside of the something happened, you'll place not in historical context. i understand that place that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the let me finish this benson's mine. i don't maybe don't use the women folk. i don't know what might have been. it's offensive. so anyway, so no, you are missing the thing to the public, not really oh, by the try on them. the assumption is acceptable. well, we'll just say that except where we ask since you got 10 seconds left to and a few patients and allowed piece to provision for the most people that say that for you. well, i was gonna say astonishing behavior that by that bridge is presented by then again for british tv. it's not really astonishing. i mean, how behavior frankly, if i may, she was sexist show for this. clearly she was desperately trying hard to tell of the pro is really narrative, but you know, well done. you must offer for staying cool. you showed class dealing with that tv
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stooge. what did you make up that i think had reaction and the tires. when did try to silence us is racial, not those things, but i sure if we can. it's the weakness of it up again of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that we tell the tools, and i've called them on a, in a clear minor and in a n n, a civilized language adjusted discharge them and done just books and they come up take, they cannot imagine up on a student to be civilized because they're hard racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people one day. the way that he and symbolized people here out of those is there is a lot of committing city water crimes. at the same time, the world cardinal genocide, the crime was ethnic cleansing of the crime of clinics of punishment while a member of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his party recently claimed the he's really a public is calling for the on the high lation of guys own live tv. have
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a listen. of course, it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the policy in the matter today. it's very simple. if you're going everywhere and they tell you a nicely guys that they can put some say in isolate them, even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything, they tell me most of you. of course, we must a nearly all guy since this is a word i've never heard before. the bass majority of israelis tonight think it all about and i waiting. all those students are all guys. and it is true that today um, after the terrible murder is rape and slaughter of israelis and hodges shaking, there is a great deal of anger. there is, uh uh, where there is consensus that we have to, uh, wipe out from us. uh, which is not the problem was that of course is even if we tell every how much member there be something else as long as there's occupation, as long as there is
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a freshman, you know, i work more in the west bank and gaza and where we're dealing with all kinds of problems, i'm charged at their violence and, and taking over the land under the cover using the excuse of this war and the, and, and thousands of westbank whether or not in guys, what non commas. it's like japanese americans after pearl harbor that we're putting chance. nobody wants to hear about. allison writes, nobody wants to hear about settler violence. people try to deny that there's not their violence. it's right to ignore the fact that 16 is that there are separate and get the 1000 separately computers, words failed during this war. it's way before the war. that is our problem. it down to him and people throughout the country. we have taken to the streets in the show of support for pala spine, this massive riley watts and on nation in the national capital. a local tv station said that an estimated 2000000 people have attended fonts,
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demonstrations and major cities across the country. is now a broad cast on the main square, and the capital showed an endless sea of demonstrators many carrying policy and flags, a representative, all those who with the move meant a draft of the crowd and said its forces were ready to fight against each roll. and the united states american naval ships have been striking out the who, the 4th is in the red sea, following series of who the attacks on cargo vessels links to equal. local john, less use of maurice as of the value was part of a broad i called again to potentially us net escalation in the region. these we took to the streets, calling for an end to the years of a neo colonial u. s. architecture in the m and, and in the rest of the middle east told they were to a rhetoric of us pulling this coalition. this way they can protect the international shipping, lee environment they've been,
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the red sea is completely false. according to the government, the government, they believe that this is jessica and excuse a pretext being used by b is really and i just government so they can wait on the board in the middle east because the fact of the matter is the only ships the only shipments that have been targeted in the red sea. our belong to the v is really government. no other ships, no other vessels? no other merchant cardboard ships have been targeted, had been blocked, had been targeted by on sato law by the government's government. except that link to the is really government. and that was one of the messages that was delivered today. but more importantly, it was basically the many people are declaring that they are ready to defend young men against us or against any western military invasion on you have a as we mentioned, there are rising tensions between the menus of these and us lead naval forces and
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the right see how the western powers from spain easley and australia have declined . washington is request to join the us coalition. that the who these have been launching new daily attacks on the mar time routes, which is key to international shipping. through this where it's cut off, now we have the chance to speak with a prominent food feel special, who would use the west of being complicit in the use ready aggression. how does that electron that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness? international navigation in the red sea is safe and without any problems. do you have any armed forces? target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them. and continuing, the mass occurs against a palace to me and people, the american actions and the american coalition. what they call the guardian of
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prosperity, is a criminal alliance seeking to threaten international navigation and extort the world in its livelihood in economy glass. and that if the american forces present in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy, against the admin in general or against humans, interest, the how many people will not stand idly by us. and the armed forces will not stand idly either. the leader of the lebanese group has belie, has pledged to retaliate. ready and against diesel, he says it was the idea of the conduct of the recent attack that killed a top have mazda official in the route, a legal october settlers cry every day. and who have the right to be afraid, asking their government for a war with loving on that as a bad choice. and you will be the 1st to pay the price for this bad choice. in northern israel, we are fighting in southern lebanon to achieve 2 goals, to cease the regression in gaza and to ease the pressure on the resistance movement
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as the law has spoken for the 2nd time in less than 72 hours. but this time he was speaking in more details about the law says i'm and that that is right with the confrontation was with has the law fighters on the news. boarders. you has also word that is there is nothing is that they use used by it. and that's not, i have to wait on and then going to what was going on because this is going to be close to for them. on the other hand, he assured that that with the action or an advantage for this selection of the funding i really and his companions in the song and some of the state. and he said that this is something going to be decided by that to you. he has them mentioned that the main or the court faxed it, and this process for the access of the system is the people that does that. and that is a sense of that guzman, understanding against that need aggression,
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despite all of the trials of the strategies, to take over the stuff for the past few months. he defeated at the end that sent ational thought, and i'm the is not going to go, i'm the answer because she's going to open that. and if i knew sense for them what us the nation, this is something customer will not accept the of the lebanese government has submitted an official complaints to the united nations security council. accusing use releford tracking its territory. the apparent drove in strike killed the deputy head of the mass political bureau. sally library washington has reportedly admitted that ease was conducted by the attack. john list are all g 0 right out the confirmation on there. good afternoon. strike was ms. riley. stripe, please refer will questions to ideas. very respectfully from co media of us are to you is also reached out to the us central command for cummins. the wise, thousands of people have gathered in beverly to mourn the deceased official. they
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held up policy in flags and the other banners in the shape. ready of support for him, mass several countries have been category calling their condemnation. now the atrocities committed in gaza. but these roles contest all i washington has a different stake on the situation. us national security council spoke bus and john cubby has said that genocide, accusations are without merit. and that's despite the fact that washington has not launched an official investigation, are not aware of any kind of formal assessment being done by the united states government to analyze the, the, the compliance with the international law by, by our partner, israel, submission merit list, counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact, whatsoever, the usa department spokesperson echoed that statement saying that washington's
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foreign policy. ready because see no sign of genocide taking place. however, increasingly more countries have been voicing the disagreement militia. the key in jordan has supported sell off a gift case and the un court in the hague. alleging that's easel is committing genocide in gaza. we've heard from independence analysts jackie schon degree instead of africa. he said of us will never admit eagles faults because countries washington's main proxy in the middle east. but even in the old records, they also very much have a picture of each that they have done absolutely no assessment. what's the uh, to check date is or it is conducted. it says within the confines of intuition that you've been to know, i'm really kind of shown when it comes please read. it doesn't even make any
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pretence to be unbiased and to be neutral or to be impression. and this is a stark contrast. for example, when the garage and ukraine conflicts started within a month, uh, america, done its investigation, made it assessment. and most creek is the state of is a, is probably the most important strategic by all the united states in the middle east. us. what they have a position is a takes a minute code. becky, you've seen this page says out even the at the level of the united nations, the rocky problem minister has wind up the risk of escalation in the region. his words follow the us strike in central baghdad, which killed a high ranking melisha commander. a report suggest that 7 other people were also
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wounded. this obstinate denito was made to the national army. following the attack, protest this due to the streets of baghdad, chatting anti american slogans of the us state departments. books, boston claim that the strike was conducted to defend americans. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. now this comes 4 years after another american strike on the right key territory of which killed the iranian general customs of the money. during the commemoration, sir, i'm waiting for him in on wednesday tween explosions killed over 18 people. now the country's interior, a ministry has reportedly arrested several people who are charged with involvement in the attack are these use of july the has the story. a behind me you can see the coffin yourself, some of the victims of wednesdays,
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terror attack in the cemetery of a wrong, southeastern city of care mon, which took place awhile while people were commemorating the 4 kind of verse 3 of the west, assassination of everyone in the military commander general sort of the money of course. uh uh the ceremony was set to be held inside the cemetery where the incident took place, but following the announcement by dyes or isis terrorist that's plain responsibility for the attack on thursday. the ceremony on the plan was changed and ceremony was decided to be held inside the almost silly i'm all for the city of clermont, of course. uh, president. i brought him re see who canceled his trip to a turkey. um and the way carpets are attacked appear to your showed up here today and he delivered a speech on his language. was full of sweats and warnings against the united states and his route, not the american plan to form another israel in the region was foiled by cast them . so a money and the regional forces. in other words,
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he neutralized them the security that exists today in the middle east and west asia is owed to cast them. so a money that the enemy is desperate. it is because of this desperation that they kill innocent people. it always sees the power of the islamic republic of the wrong . the entire world feels its power and ability. be sure that the initiative is in the hands of our powerful forces, the place and time of revenge will be determined by them. i says, claim responsibility for the attack, but it was still believes that the main engineer and the main mastermind behind the attack is still as well. uh, bracy said that it is israel that pulled the strings. indeed, her attack on wednesday, believing that it had held a long term grudge against joan slay money. all your gc came under a general sense allow me also showed up today and his language again. he adopted a, a rhetoric of flats and he said that the perpetrators of the terror attacking come
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on will face a harsh revenge from these want to come home because we want, of course, dollars or isis has had a history of the, of orchestrating and get it carrying out something or attacks inside it wrong. so it wrong, said that are the tara groups still faces a harsh revenge. it will not be safe and not as put by a general cell. i mean, even if the group of ages for 1000 years, it will face a harsh event from these one another batch of epstein the files have been on sealed by the new york judicial system. the latest disclosure includes about $300.00 pages of documents pertaining decided we'd meetings, bother deceased, american financier, and previously convicted child sex offender doubt. let's get the details. some are cursed, but if you're a law, he's about joining us here with this to do. if you're right, let's get to have you join me right now. so yes. what is new about this kind of with this latest revelations we get?
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well, i mean, this has been on long a goings and so i'll go here. the entire world is obviously focused on the escalation settlement middle east, but the united states right now is focused on these names. the federal judge of manhattan, loretta prescott unsealed these newly released documents that you mentioned. now, this is from the do formation lawsuit of, uh, the uh, to use against the accused of elaine maxwell by virginia jeffrey. and now this was initially brought out in 2015, and this is something that a lot of people have been waiting for the names of these 40. well this so far as 40 documents have been released, but the names of these people that were long suspected to be part of the association or affiliates of jeffrey epstein. and among these names were of course, bill clinton. donald trump, former vice president, i'll bore, as well as other actors, like kevin spacey. and as we knew prince andrew as well. so these were
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a long suspected that one of the 2 of the most notorious names right now are the former prime minister of israel in new bar off and the lawyer a former lawyer of obscene and virtuous. and this doesn't mean that any of these people are actually proven guilty. it just means that this has been a long awaited revelation from so many. and of course, most of these people have publicly denied any sort of affiliations with epstein saying they didn't know who he was. all right, now there are some news reports suggesting that to epstein allegedly worked for the ease. wiley, intelligence agency and most side, what is the details about that? right, so these allegations come, came long ago, but right now with the media focused on israel palestine. some of these names are jewish or is early figures were talking about as mentioned, the former prime minister in new brock who served from 1991 to 2001. and he was
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also involved in these really military. and now he also was a ledge to have been present during the times where in manhattan and he was caught on video according to the daily mail when women came in and out of the state as well. and according to us tax records, he also received some $2000000.00 in grads from another is rarely a billionaire, lex webster who had a foundation that was supposed to be a fill in profit organization support in jewish causes around the world. so there are those scenarios being played out now. islands are sure with who is a lawyer that might represent the as really side in the policy. it in so called genocide case at the united nations is also mentioned, this is t. now, when we're talking about israel palestine, this is a heavy debates in the united states, dividing people both on the left,
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right and all over the place. and so he was a law professor as well at harvard, and he was responsible for gaining epstein the sweetheart played deal that allowed him to serve less time within. he got a 13 month sentence and 3 months into his sentence. he got house arrest. so he was largely criticized for that and she has gone online and made a 31 minute youtube video denying that he had anything to do with it. and he also went on an interview on a media and basically denounced him off saying that the people defending will accusing him should absolutely go after him off, let's have a listen. the one point i do want to make is that i understand all the feminist groups and the radicals and freak. this is the worst thing in the world that anybody ever had any contact with jeffrey mc. where are those radical feminists when it comes to the hamas? rates of young, jewish girls, sexual abuse headings, they are quiet there,
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silent now clearly that will elicit a reaction because many said that he was doing the but her mos argument and not actually really talking about the allegations that were sent against him. now of course there, as i mentioned, there is a divide. there are a lot of emotions going on and us to little scientists and activists. foreman single scene, actually went after him in a recent podcast saying that 3rd to it was a lie, plagiarizing hypocritical bully. now apart from all of this is a former is really intelligence officer, already been menache, a claim that he was present during meetings with fluid and uh, robert maxwell, healy maxwells father served as an as really intelligence officer. and jeffrey epstein in the eighty's and says, all of these things have been put out there. and this has sort of led to this debate as to is this really about what i've seen did.


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