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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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in the over a 100 people like killed in $301.00 that in these riley, attracting guys are in less than 48 hours policy ends in both the north and south of the region. the struggling to survive. please run the defense minister floats up . post war pad for gather, including full battery control over the region. an estimated tool. many of the people attend raleigh's throughout the admin. in the massive show or support, football is find a leader of head blob judges, retaliation for what he says was that he's ready attack that killed the top of my professional in the room. the welcome to our team for national reaching you live from
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a new center with moscow. i a my cook watching with the updates that were spot in southern gas, a web best fits your rafa was once promised to be a safe zone. you, as it continues to be bombed by use ready forces, the latest router strikes on fast day and that's locals, grieving for their loved ones, many of whom were children, in less than 48 hours throughout the entire region, over a 100 people were killed and 300 wounded, white used ready attacks. the local health ministry says that the death toll has surpassed 22400 since the war began 3 months ago. survivors in ralph, i say there is never any warning before via times. less than or from an embed yesterday we received news that the house of my sister's brother in law was hits. their walk, had landed on them in a downstairs room. my sister was killed as well as her cousin had 2 kids, a brother in law, and he's son then they will not do. and the warning,
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or there was a told the parents and the kids they were playing, eating drinking. but in this situation was normal. is not up no more, we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately they're under the jewish diana steel, the sullivan. my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed . we were sleeping in the house with around 50 people. we started wailing. they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them, my sister and her children were killed. we were up all night morning and praying until dawn, what of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed? and in guess the biggest solven's to be kind of here, this idea of strikes left for can people dead, their reports claim these really nice likes of being dropped over the city, telling save the civilians to evacuate. but those who have been displaced several times since the start of the conflict may not have the means to move again.
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a fighting on the ground remains in tens all across gazda in the north of the enclave, which was the 1st point of intrusion. bobby idea of no stone has been left on tad file. just a few places of refuge do. still remain there. that mostly in on, on an habitable condition. local douglas mom would shop by told us how local so i'm trying to survive amid the ruins. as we report from the city of faith, blah, here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by, is really forces they pushed, evacuated to leave, to other areas. the rest of the large number of men not to mention burning of activities, belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were
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scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing that we sought shelter here. assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate . took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the alka sum square for 2 hours. they left our food and belongings behind, assuring us that we'd return. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings to come. they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. some returned to alfa, correct clinic, others to other hussein. this place was full of displaced people, even before my family and i arrived there are huge number of displaced people in
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schools in the agency clinics. i couldn't find a place for me and my family when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing despite the fire. and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child whose only concern used to be finding a toy. no worries about removing debris, just to survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares about shells and rockets. we have no homes left, they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction if there is no place for us at un schools or their clinic spouse. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by the israelis kind of, there is no food or drink. people grind week to get some sort of flower for sustenance. i haven't received any flour for a week, kind of how they know i have neither food or drink, not even to canada,
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i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school. so we can live in sanitary conditions. i demand the dispatch of a committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. out of the, i mean somebody to buy it a little while it needs well, the country is defense minister has floated a 3 point post war plan for gas. uh uh, the suggestion is that once a mass is defeated, the easel will maintain full military control over gas. that, however, it will have no hand in the governance of civilian the fact that instead local policy didn't committees will take charge. so long as they don't pose any threats. and lastly, is all, well, the problem is not to build any jewish supplements that gallon
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and also talks through the idea of strategy in the war which is focusing mostly on the south p set at this stage. it's all about rates and the destruction of tunnels, the leader of the policy, the national initiative, most of the above with the 7 gallons plans will already create new problems. i think what the instead of going to declare the expect the stupidity of up to patient if he wants to dissolves the problem with a few patients with why the patient. okay. and by the way of the i've ordered the 2 parts list very incomplete. so uh and uh, do you, once i know to patients without the responsibility for the people on the patient has international to say it's so he wants to find some kind of global global data structure, some kinds of rita's work and the so as an incentive, so those are the um,
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to take care of the civilian population as the 2. but who said that so you can find these kilometers. is that the ideas, the methods before and the westbank wouldn't they adhere to the so called village leaks? and the stipulations means that they've never learned from history. they never land some what happened and now the balance of what happened in judy identified them some of what happened in south africa. but as anybody colonial set to the power, they are unable to understand the feelings of the strings and the fall and the resistance of people who are struggling for they've the freedom exhibitors. yeah, but when most about who teach, try to share his views about the plight of the policy, new people on the british channel, who received a less than welcome reaction. let's take a look. do you? so you talked about how you don't want it as well as what you're saying, we as well, but outside of the something happened, you'll place that in historical context. i understand that place that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the
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let me finish just benson's mind. i don't maybe don't use the women folk. i don't know what might have been. it's a sense of so anyway, so no, you are missing the thing to the population. the by the above the try on them, the assumption is acceptable. what would have been an acceptable reaction to you? you've got 10 seconds left at the end of 2 patients and allowed these to but eventually sort of both people that say that for them i was gonna say astonishing behavior that by that bridge is presented by then again for british tv. it's not really astonishing. i mean, how behavior, frankly, if i may, she was sexist chauvinist. clearly, she was desperately trying hard to tell with the pro is really narrative, but you know, well done, you must offer for staying cool. you showed class dealing with that tv stooge. what did you make of that? i think had reaction and the the,
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the tires when to try to silence us is racial. not those things, but i sure if we can it's the weakness of it up again of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that the terms of tools and i've called them on a, in a clear to me on a and in a and a civilized language adjusted discharge them and done just revoke. so they come up take, they cannot imagine up the listing and to be civilized because they're hard. racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people one day. the way that he understand because people here out of those is it or is what i'm committing city war crimes at the same time, what could i move genocide, the crime of ethnic cleansing, of the world kind of clicked on and now to yemen. the people throughout the country have taken to the streets, so they show of support for palestine. that's massive. raleigh, you was in the national capital. a local t v stations have an estimate to to medium people have attended sites
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demonstrations and the major cities across the nation to a broadcast on the mains clad in the capital showed an endless sea of deadman straight as many carring policy and flags. a representative of all those who the leave been to address the crowd and said its forces were ready to fight against the easel and the united states. america naval ships of bins, the striking ad so who with the forces and the red sea, following a series of the attacks on cargo vessels leads to he's one of the raleigh, a local political figure expressed for the support for apollo spine. we declare our fame readiness to engage in the battle alongside our brothers in our armed forces were lying on god and trusting in his victory as we took to the streets, calling for an end to the years of a neo colonial us architecture in the m and and in the rest of the middle east hole,
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nearer to a rhetoric of us pulling this coalition display the can protect the international shipping lane in belvin meant up in the red sea is completely false. according to the many government, they believe that this is jessica and excuse a pretext being used by d is really and us government. so they can wait another war in the middle east. because the fact of the matter is the only ships, the only shipments that have been targeted in the red sea are belong to the v is really government, no other ships, no other vessels. no other merchant cargo ships have been targeted, had been blocked, had been a targeted by on sort of law by the government, the government except that link to the is really government. and that was one of the messages that was delivered today. but more importantly, it was basically to get many people, uh, uh, you know, declaring that they are ready to defend young men against us or against any western
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military invasion on you have a to individual partnership funds out there. raleigh said that they would not be willing to accept any us meddling in the region. some said the were ready to support palestine dumont's of a cost. so now we will support our brothers in palestine. we tell them the loan, the gold is supporting him and we are within to the many people will not tolerate any american intervention or guardianship. we are ready for confrontation, the aggression against the m and has been us lead from the beginning. we are prepared for everything. what we realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now we will later when we are a pressed and defeated. as we mentioned, there are rising tensions between the many who these and us lead naval forces and the right. see how about western powers from spain? easily in australia, a big line, washington's request to join the us coalition. there's movies have been launching
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new daily attacks on the maritime route, which is key to international shipping. through this where it's cut off. now we have a chance to speak with the prominent who is the official. so the key is the west of being complicit in that is where the aggression. so how does the electron that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness? international navigation in the red sea is safe and without any problems. do you have any armed forces? target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods, food and fuel that supports and aids them. and continuing the mass occurs against the palestinian people, the american actions and the american coalition. what they call the guardian of prosperity, is a criminal alliance seeking to threaten international navigation and extort the world in its livelihood in economy glass. if the american forces present in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy,
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against the admin in general or against the evans interest, the many people will not stand idly by the armed forces will not stand idly either of the leader of the lebanese group has belie, has pledged retaliation against useful if, as it was the idea that conducted the recent attack that killed the top 10 miles afresh all in be route a little. i tell the settlers cry every day and who have the right to be afraid, asking their government for a war with loving on. that is a bad choice, and you will be the 1st to pay the price for this bad choice. in northern israel. we are fighting in southern lebanon to achieve 2 goals, to cease the aggression in gaza, and to ease the pressure on the resistance movement as the law has spoken for the 2nd time in less than 72 hours. but this time he was speaking in more details about
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the law says i'm in the that is right with the confrontation was with has the law fighters on the news. boarders has also worried that it's not the news that they choose by and just not i have to wait on that going toward with them because this is going to be close to for them. on the other hand, he's a sure that, that with you, action or an advantage for this as a nation of the saw the i, the, and his companions in the song and supper of state. and he said that this is something going to be decided by the you, he has the mention that the main or the cord faxed it. and this process for the access of the system is the people that does that. and that is a sense of that guzman, understanding against that need a commission, despite all the trials of the strategies, to take over a stuff for the past and see months he repeated at the end that assistant ational thought of me is not going to go and answer because she's going to open dash and
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buy a new sense for us as a nation. and this is something customer does not accept and the separate countries have been category calling the condemnation. now the atrocities committed in gaza with these roles. punch wrist ally, washington has a different take on the situation. us national security council suppose bus and john cubby, except that the genocide accusations are without marriage. and that's just by the fact that the washington has not launched out an official investigation, are not aware of any kind of formal assessment being done by the united states government to analyze the, the, the compliance with the international law by a, by our partner, israel minors. submission merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact, whatsoever of the us state department supports by some echo, that statement is saying that washington's foreign policy make as see no sign of
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a genocide taking place. however, increasingly more countries have been forcing the disagreements, melisha. so key is jordan have supported south africa's case in the you in court, in the hague, alleging that he's with his committing genocide in gaza. we've heard from independent journalist jackie schon do instead of africa, and he says that the us will never admit to use roles false because that country is washington's main proxy in the middle east. even the records, the, the also very much have to meet that. they have done absolutely no assessment for uh to check if indeed it is conducted. it says within the confines of intuition that you've been to in know another kind of show when he comes, please read. it doesn't even make any pretence to be unbiased and to be neutral
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or to the impression. and this is a step contrast. for example, when did you aggression ukraine conflicts started within a month? uh, america, i've done it's investigation, maybe to assessment. and most creek is the state of it is probably the most important strategic plan that old united states in the middle east to what the position is that it takes america. becky soon displayed so out even the, at the level of the united nations the rocky prime minister has won the risk of escalation in the region. his words follow the us strike on the central baghdad which killed a high ranking. melisha commander report suggests that 7 of the people were also
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wooded assassinated leader was linked to the national army. following the attacks protest as to the streets of baghdad, chatting anti american slogans of the usa departments. boats passing claimed that the strikes was conducted to defend americans. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. now we've heard from political analyst, rocky balls, demari and that dad, he said that the us wants to control the middle east, but there's massive, pushed back against that suit. a thought the, the at the saw is your escalating tensions between middle eastern forces and the coalition led by the united states. these are not tensions between the army groups or individuals carrying weapons, conducting specific agenda. those are plans, the, these tensions are with american forces. what did they are providing training or at
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us spaces? were soldiers, officers, and other personnel or stations. i believe the coming period. well, with this more tensions and a wave of dangerous developments, the will form arms groups. the american forces presents in the middle east where the fighting is occurring are possibly evolving to pursue american interest in all countries worldwide. but what is happening now is individual targeting using technology, drones, and missiles. the supreme commander of the rocky armed forces must take decisive actions, especially concerning what's happening on a rocky territory, whether an arrow bill baghdad, or western iraq in i n o a side to put an end to these tensions and take control of all matters. and this comes 4 years after another american strike on iraqi territory, which killed the iranian general chasms of the money. a german, that collaboration ceremony for him on wednesday tween explosions killed over 81.
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as the countries into a ministry has reportedly arrested several people for charged with the involvement in the attack are to use use of july the has the story. a behind me you can see the coffin yourself. some of the victims of wednesdays, terror attack in the cemetery of a wrong, southeastern city of care mon, which took place a while while people were commemorating beforehand of verse 3 of the west. assassination of iranian military commander, general slay money. of course. uh uh, the ceremony was set to be held inside the cemetery where the incident took place. but following the announcement by dyes or i sisters that plain responsibility for the attack on thursday of the ceremony. and the plan was changed. that ceremony was decided to be held inside the mouth slowly. i'm all for the city of care. mont, of course uh president. i brought him re c who canceled his trip to a turkey. um,
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in the wake up this, her attack appeared here showed up here today, and he delivered a speech on his language was full of sweats and warnings against the united states and israel, not the american plan to form another israel and the region was foiled by cast them so a money and the regional forces. in other words, he neutralized them the security that exist today in the middle east and west asia is owed to cast them. so a money that the enemy is desperate. it is because of this desperation that they kill innocent people. it always sees the power of the islamic republic of the wrong . the entire world feels its power and ability. be sure that the initiative is in the hands of our powerful forces, the place and time of revenge will be determined by them. i says, claim responsibility for the attack, but it was still believes that the main engineer and the main mastermind behind the attack is still as well. uh bracy said that it is israel that pulled the strings in the terror attack on wednesday, believing that it had held
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a long term grudge against joan sl imani. r o u r g c came under, a general wasn't telling me also showed up today and his language again. he adopted a, a rhetoric of flats and he said that the perfect traitors of the terror attack can come on will face a harsh revenge from these wanting to come home. because we want, of course, darsh or isis has had a history of the, of orchestrating and carrying out some thorough attacks inside iran. so it wrong sad that all the tara groups still faces a harsh revenge. it will not be safe on the as put by a general salami, even if the group of ages for 1000 years, it will face a harsh revenge from these one. russia is currently the most sanctioned country in the world. more than 15000 geopolitical on economic restrictions, having been posed against it by western powers. but those efforts have not had the
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intended result. all these che bose reports on this of the, to the capital of worship law school, most of the sanction country, which is almost like the ocean still at the middle. everything seems to be booming here and seltzer full installation is under control. always maintaining it. so i think it's a dollar euro, and there's almost site employment tier of the bottom. your points out rushes, positioning itself. now, to need to worry to a little fair fused meet the polar reality was made to do you know that the global system of thinking all make relations is going through radical university mode changes, which is due to the fact that the multiple or model is a boat to replace yesterday's globalization model, this change in the global economic landscape and the rise of new leaders are an object place and to a large degree predictable process. wherever you are and you're in the united states, wants that you cannot make the
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a culturally isolate worship taking soup to factor in the fact that it's to greatest. i've always and friends were enjoying it, india, the biggest democracy on the planet. of course, china, which fast industrial capacity, the biggest manufacturing economy on both of these 2 things are split back to back with washer. just look at the map, it makes sense. the indian russia would have strong relations for us. there is a lot of logic and having a strong ties with russia, political mutual trust between all countries is constantly deepening, close and effective cold. the nation is maintained between the states. so this the only 3 last on or about july. but you said let's just go to the, the russian economy and cutters, and we have put in place the strong, the sanctions ever which lead the russian economy facing the decade of regression. and this industry starts of any modern and critical technologies. we have purposefully designed these sanctions to maximize
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a long term impact on russia and the minimize the impact in united states and our allies doing his son and been in no sanctions. are a slow acting poison like us next to it takes time to work, but they do, and they do it in an irreversible way. what do you mean? you need a box on its 12th package of sanctions against russia. there's a real sense of desperation about needing needles, screwdrivers, pans, europeans really don't have much left in the true box when it comes to russia. another beach got to meet them. we should be prepared for the fact that the wisdom sanctions patient will increase. knowing their fantasies, western countries are simply reaching up. so do you think they propose to ben the import of screwdrivers and needles, into russia? but here's what really worries us in conditions when the potential of sanctions and aggression against us is actually exhausted. x of sabotage on the most important facilities of the global infrastructure may come into play. so what do they do next? accelerate the compet. can your trade? well, that's not going to uh for them either. over 13000 individual sanctions now,
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guess force you. since february 2022, moscow has become a target of more than 10000 new sanctions, bringing a total number to around 13000 in making russia the most sanctioned country in the world. i see it because you sure you come in that. can you just, you just, you know, just the economy and these know ahead of all the leading countries in terms of growth rates more over the so called essential non community industries are accounting for an increasing share in the structure overall shows economic growth. so joseph beretta are slim on the line. and joe, why does predictions? grandma russian economy and tyler's defeated, russian military pulling ships out of washing machines and microwaves seem to age like milk. milk more likely that some students really come out with a last class called, which is also made some people's reputations, most notably here and most of the 60 year old male of iraq appearing on the hand of the russian central thinking. it was mazda feet and rushed through some of the most
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difficult attacks on the internet conal co, true more from the west. and she seems to be the last one standing when it comes to this economic conflict, where there was once a new ration internationally for the 60 year old, there is no frustration of a role in facilitating mazda deafened destruction. as the west has tried to cut russia out of world financial markets and took off its access to the cash and take it needs for its brutal invasion view. and it has managed to bury opening the spending taps and studying the economy for now, those factors are working. the m f recently predicted rest of the economy will grow by 2.2 percent this year. in february, the forecast was much more modest, 0.7 percent. the efforts of the west, the russians economies sailing. and the numbers bear that the i m f itself is have to admit on 3 occasions at 2023 that there was an economy is actually going to grow the last estimates adjusting fuel. do so fly over 2 percent for the economies like the u. k. looks at destroying. oh,
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there are peace or wishful thinking from the west is that the brochure has been internationally isolated. it's quite the opposite. present. b, welcome, like i fear, or the middle east at risk of being present a season period to join us of law school to only be described as zeros. welcome. this fantasy loud of, as i say, is one that is peddled in the with the deluxe actual reality of the most of the world. most of the business of worship. let me see here, you go, our cooperation with russia within the framework of the region union. the shanghai cooperation, organization and bricks has established our friendship with each other and multi laterally with the member states and steps have been taken in the direction of economic and commercial development. however, there is still room for the development of these relations. china is willing to work with russia to seize the historical strand and family develop china russian relations featuring permanent good neighborly friendship.


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