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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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the, the, the over a 100 people i get killed and 301 that and he's ready a taxing guys are in less than 48 hours. all his team is in both the north and south of the region that struggling to survive. is there any defense minister flow to post world kind forgot that, including the full military control over the region, an estimated 2000000 people that had valleys throughout government and the massive show of support for policy by the leader of has the law pledges to retaliation for what he says, what that means, really attracted, killed at the top, come off of personal in the room. the club just picked past midnight here in moscow. this is our, the international i,
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a mike called quite chat with the update this out that we start in southern gas or where the city of rafa was once promised to be safe zone. yet it continues to be bombed by use where the forces, the latest round of strikes and. busy they left locals, grieving for their loved ones, many of them where children, in less than 48 hours throughout the entire region. over a 100 people were killed and 300 wounded advise really attacked. the local health ministries. as of the death toll has sufficed 22400 since the war began 3 months ago. so by the rough, i said, but there is never any wanting before the strikes. an embed yesterday we received from use the house of my sisters, brother in law was hit, their walk had landed on them in its own stead room. my sister was killed one as well as her cousin had 2 kids and a brother in law and he signed and they were not doing any warning. was
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a told into the parents and the kids. they were playing 18 bits ranking. but in this situation was no money, but it's, it's not up, norma. we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately, they're under the jewish scientist here, johnny, i don't know what to look this up and not my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed. we were sleeping in a house with around 50 people that we started when they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed and we were up all night morning and praying and told on one of these innocent people done to deserve to be done. i didn't gas as big as 1000 city. how do you and this idea of strikes left for 2 people, dead reports claim these really nice. that's all being dropped over the city, telling citizens to evacuate. but those things have been displaced several times since this thought of the conflict may not have the means to move again.
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exciting on the ground remains intends all across and gather the noval band clave, which was the 1st point of intrusion by the idea of no stone and has been left on tad fog. just a few places of refuge do still remain there. there are mostly in on, on noon habitable condition. local john list mom would stop by tells us how locals are trying to survive and made the ruins as we report from the city of fee. it's live here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces. they pushed a vacuum ways to leave to other areas. the rest of the large number of men not to mention burning a vacuum res belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. the, initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were
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threatened by destruction. and i'm showing that as we saw shelter here, assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for we get them no, they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate, took men from one entrance and women from another, and placed us in the cause. i'm square for 2 hours. i shouldn't go now. they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us that we have returned in the system. another 2 hours later we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. when they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belonging for you, she can, they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. okay. what else sort of when it done we sought help from located inside here and some returned to alpha correct clinic. i need others to say the place was full of display sleep as nice, even before my family and i arrive to what i would need. there are huge number of
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displays. people that know it was an agency clinics. i found that i couldn't find a place for me and my family understand when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing. and despite the fire and despite diseases, when we return to the school, that's it. look at and we drank non portable water or did you have contracting many germs and diseases a child? his only concern used to be finding my boy now worries about removing the lift to survive. model the that child reading that's kind of turned into nightmares about michelle's rocket. this call you have, we have no homes lost. they were completely obliterated by the bombing and had just total destruction if there's no place for us that us or their clinic response. so even if we try to leave this message, my go be sniped. why these rarely this is what kind of symbol there is. no food or drink, i miss that people grind, wait to get some sort of flour for sustenance and all that. and i haven't received any flour for a week ahead of how they know i have neither food or drink. not, not even a candidate. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean this. so we
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can live in sanitary condition by demand the dispatch of a committee i just had that would allow support to reach us about bringing food to feed the children in. i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes out of the me, somebody if, if i mean while, and these are all the countries defense minister has flow to a 3 point post war plan for gather a suggestion is that one for math is defeated easily or will maintain full mandatory control over gaza. however, it will have no hand in the governance of civilian affairs that instead local policy and committees will take charge, so long as they don't pose any threat. locksley, each roll will promise not to build a new jewish settlement. the gallons also 12th through the idea of strategy in the war,
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which is focusing mostly on the south. he said at this stage, it's all about grades and the destruction of tunnels. the leader on the policy of national initiative, more stuff on about gucci says gallon funds will only create pump i think that the instead of going to declare the convicts the stupidity of, of, to patient. uh, he wants to resolve the problem with a few patients with uh, white the on the go to patients. okay. and by the way, the, i've ordered duty to part with bag complete. so uh and uh, do you, once i know to patients without the responsibility for the people on the patient has international to say it, it wants to find some kind of global, global data structure, some kinds of rita's work and the so as an incentive this of them to take care of the civilian population as the 2. but who said that?
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so you can find these global. this is the idea methods before in the west bank and they adhere to the so called village leaves and the drastically fans means that they've never land from history. they never land some. what happened in the 9th, the balance of what happened in judy identified in some what happened to themselves up to the car. but as easily colonial such the power data, unable to understand the feelings of the strings and the fall and the resistance of people who are struggling for the freedom exhibitors. but what mr. about who teach lie to share his views about applied to the policy, didn't people on the bridges chattel to receive the less than welcome reaction. let's take a look. do you feel you talked about how you don't want it as well is what you're saying may as well. but outside of the something happened, you'll place not in historical context. i understand that place that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the
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let me finish a sentence. mine. i don't maybe don't use the women folk. it does know what might have been in some sense that so anyway, so no, you are missing the thing to the population, the by the above the try on them as soon as acceptable would have been and except when we asked since you got 10 seconds left at the end of 2 patients and allowed these to but eventually sort of both people that say that pretty well i was gonna say astonishing behavior that by that bridge is presented by then again for british t. v. it's not really astonishing. i mean, how behavior, frankly, if i may, she was sexist show for nest. clearly, she was desperately trying hard to tell with the pro is really narrative, but you know, well done, you must offer for staying cool. you showed class dealing with that tv stooge. what did you make of that? as i think had a reaction and the the, the times when did try to silence us is a show. not those things,
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but the show if we can. it's the weakness of it up again, of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that the terms of tools and i've called them on a, in a clear to me on a, and in a and a civilized language adjusted discharge them and done just for those books. they come up the ticket, they cannot imagine up listed in the civilized because they're hard. racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people one day. the way the ends of a lot of people here out of those is there is a lot of committing city water could items at the same time, the world cardinal genocide, the crime of ethnic cleansing, the crime of clicked, have spanish and now to yep. and people throughout the country taking to the streets on a show of support for palestine. this massive roddy was the national capital. a local tv station said that i'm estimated to me and people have attended for
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demonstrations and major cities across the nation that broadcasts from a males choir and the capital showed an endless field demonstrate as many carrying and policy and flags. a representative of the who, the movement address the crowd. instead, it's forces when ready to fight against israel and the united states. american naval ships have been striking up to the forces in the red sea following a series of to the attacks on cargo vessels, lynx, diesel. otherwise the local political figure expressed to support football is fine . we declare our fame readiness to engage in the battle alongside our brothers in our armed forces were lying on board and trusting in his victory as we took to the streets, calling for an end to the years of a neo colonial l. u. s. architecture in the m and, and in the rest of the middle east hole, nearer to
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a rhetoric of us pulling this coalition display the can protect the international shipping lane in belvin, menda. and the red sea is completely false. according to the many governments, they believe that this is jessica and excuse a pretext being used by the is really and us government. so they can wait another war in the middle east because the fact of the matter is the only ships, the only shipments that have been targeted in the red sea are belong to the v is really government. no other ships, no other vessels, no other merchant. cargo ships have been targeted, had been blocked, had been a targeted by on sort of law by the government, the government except that link to the is really government. and that was one of the messages that was delivered today. but more importantly, it was basically to get many people, uh, uh, you know, declaring that they are ready to defend young men against us or against any western
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military invasion on you have an individual participant inside the raleigh said that they would not be willing to accept any us meddling in the region, sunset the were ready to support palestine, no matter the cost. so now we will support our brothers in palestine. we tell them the loan, the gold is supporting him and we are within to begin. many people will not tolerate any american intervention, those guardianship. we are ready for confrontation, the aggression against him and has been us led from the beginning. we are prepared for everything to realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now, we will later when we are press one to see the moment. as we mentioned, there are rising tensions between the many who these and us lead naval forces in the right. see how about western powers from spain? equally in australia have declined a washington's request to join the us coalition. i don't know if these have been
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lounging near daily attacks on the march time route, which is key to international shipping through this west canal that we have a chance to speak with a permanent who is the offer. so, who accused the west of being completed in ease where the aggression has had an electron that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness, international navigation in the red sea, how safe and without any problems. i have to begin many armed forces, so target is really ships and ships heading to supply and is really entity with goods to when to how that supports and aids them saying continuing the massacre, isaac inside the house to meet with people in the american actions and the american coalition and what they call the guardian of the cross charity is a criminal alliance thinking this is written international navigation the door and the 11th, and it's livelihood in economy, glass, and everything. if the american forces are present in the red sea, commit foolish acts against again many people. it, whether against
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a navy against him, and in general or against a human interest as to how many people will not stand idly far last. and the armed forces will not stand idly either. the leader of the lebanese group has belie, has pledged retaliation against these. well, he says the what's the idea of a conductive recent attack that killed the top to mass of special in beirut, a legal october settlers cry every day. and who have the right to be afraid of asking their government for a war with loving on above. that is a bad choice, and you won't be the 1st to pay the price for this bad choice in northern israel, as it was said, they mean we're fighting and southern lab and on to achieve their goal is to cease the russian and gaza higher. and to ease the pressure on the resistance movement is that it has the last has been for the 2nd time and this then 72 hours. but this time he was taking in more details about the know says i'm in the that is right.
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you be a consultation with has been lot fighters on the they've been, he's for, there's has also were in that, is that use that to those that they need to spy it and does that and i, how late are the then going toward with the bottom? because this is go to the cost for them. on the other hand, he assured that that was the action or at events for the senningson of the saw the i'd would he and his companions in that solves and stuff that of the. and he said that this was something going to be decided by the he has the mentions that the main or the court fax it. and this filled this for the access is this, the, is the people that does that. and that is a sense of that guess then understanding against that is that you did like addition to spike all the dry themself this, right? you just take all the stuff for the 1st at the moment, you defeated and the end that as a nation of saw that not only is not going to go, i mean answer because this is going to open that as if it needs,
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then supporting what us initial and this i'm think has come up with enough accept that no one never on this going. the high washington has run out of funds for the ukranian war effort, and that's according to a pendant guns. books passing goose as a further spending will damage us. interest the don't actually have 4200000000 in. we have the authority to spend that from available funds, but wouldn't have the ability to replenish the stocks by taking money out or taking stuff out of our inventory fall. somebody pays are increasing and the ukranian conflict as russia continues to pound military infrastructure that comes as us presidential candidate to on desantis of coal for further support the grading to be crossed. and it seems like you have had no plan b. think on an awful lot of money to ukraine, including money, paying for things like pensions for bureaucrats. salaries. how is that something
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that is benefiting the american people to bite and can't even did tell us what the in game is? the will not articulate this. what is your plan? b, how are you going to make up for this short full we don't have plan b and the price tags off. anything that will follow if your claim does not receive the help to days will be much, much higher. and this is why we believe in plan a and we work on to m a and then we'll get it done. now we've heard from form a pentagon security policy onto this micro amount of. he said that the us congress is hesitant to locate more money if we trade because key of has failed to achieve the goal set by washington. the money really isn't there. that the find is getting tremendous pressure from within, particularly the congress, especially towards ukraine. but,
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but also we're hearing the more toward the israel is increasingly towards israel itself. the american people may have an election coming up. the american people don't want for the why. they've been ad it for 23 years now. and, and they see, and then this game here, there is no m game. mine has never articulated this based upon what originally started off as a hopes about russia and, and trump collusion. and he's had to live with that folks. and now it's driving us into a bankruptcy, if not more, and also expansion that we don't want into the middle east. so this is, it's out of control, the congress, that the house of representatives in particular is very resistance to adjust a car to launch a payment out to ukraine. again, seeing that nothing has happened, in fact there in the defensive mode and, and nothing is being accomplished based upon what ever the,
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by the administration hope to achieve the original block of countries in the western africa wants to go on to find them to a former leader of c radio and who is facing trees in charges. the block of nations building us at cause has petition liability and is by cut them off for be does have to be sense to nigeria for asylum. my julia, which is african largest economy, currently homeless. the chairmanship in the echo as organization, a legal representative of the former president or say really own says that the trial is a political van data or 6. unfortunately, that would be eligible for this nation that to shed drug a former president democratically elected for 2 tubs on charges of this nature. the 2 calls for chalice interrogation for us to get to this point, nothing incriminating or the posting to, to find ourselves in court. such fear is the way you treat the statesman. so with
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that to solve this mission is i'll make it an image for this country for which will benefit to what is this the data? why do we go to all people? to shred every petition echo, as has demanded by the current government, austerity, and drop all the charges against the former president locals from the cereal and believe that they should be a final decision by court before he will be allowed to go to nigeria. for me, in the case of the months us be josh, the quotes rights, the much a is which seem to you to the channel so that you why country allow the, you know, the, a lot of systems you know, to do to try and see what the the for my president's, this involves rights o do finding beauty so that you don't need to solve it states. so little swift a see is already mean charge, ease and running sky on now for what reason,
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among other things, and should it be anxiety? what would that mean for judy shadows and softly and see, and also i'd say to you as integrity is we have various challenges and jazz at school. so is it the best interest of mind? you're at the moment where we are grappling with so many things that is, you know, struggling with major issues. i feel we should be looking at, you know, nigeria listed yet. so we should level that people sort of dealt with mission for now. nice and, and your and i am that will head from global affairs analysts voltage. you may in nigeria. he says that the echo us wants to former syrian and president to be sensitive. nigeria, because that country has a stable political situation in the labs. now that it is the refract village of there is a political or relative base everywhere. all categories are,
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that'd be on the people as their member, as i would i be on that military. i'm the have and gave me, besides those reports in their own head. so they're doing these reports in a team and so on. so for the luncheon is coming up in there and certainly got a in february. so it course knew that to do something to make sure that to him. and you know, there was no, uh, these things on his last name is the current year of the on thought it was a cool i so age were not them. and then a way, i don't see how it affect to the reasons i'm asking if i remember, and i didn't have that to live. i live in playing this type of room. do you remember? i imagine 9 to one, the president of the say, oh so much yes. says you have very critical. was the dig into mag, due to the lines are meant to work until he died there in 1995. all but those that i do then as well as it'd be brought back to try on that and make sure that the,
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the, the continent time that we've done is a, b, a u. n. says approximately 25000000 people will needs you many, terry and assistance on what time. sedan this year, many locals are making the difficult decision to leave their homes and escapes neighboring countries. as soon as this thought base of the news war, it'd be april over one in april, over 370000 refugees of cross the gibson border. sedan now has the highest number of displaced people in the world. sanitation is issues exacerbate the situation leading to a color outbreak back in september. a local journalist brings us more details because the tennessee least military base for 1st are still continue for more than he goes, no more than tries to stop. the words is for our, for all of those 2 big basically this today after we're stage richard all into
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university hospital or the support for assess printing holes today for people for free. so this is gene shouting from cdce. he had some recreate firms to the legal way to go to different countries by either the see 15 people still separate and still look for healthy after old escape. organizations suspended over work and job . it was making very difficult for people to leave the events we saw in the cities . they had an inquiry to the for a visa, for cities right to the, to software from $100.00. this was made people to go to you by the way, started there by the legal situations where it's fragments and so they have to call vice file wait a we can see and we talk to them. they have a lot of people left or right inside. instead of filing the spacing problem after they lose the calls today, you may want to look for veterans to tell david shelter country can you provide me
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with the basic life? see, today is not the place. that's where they can find a piece after the support versus freaky everyone in the want to leave today soon as possible. we can see the solution look forward for moving so that this is became a very dangerous for the 2 leaders. still negotiating a little for the better places to bring peace keeping it today. is this fair all, i'm sure it's not work all the many different places these 2 periods today many different i think i also do their best to mix as fire and call people to see another batch of epstein files have been on see you by the new your judicial system to the latest disclosure includes about 300 pages of documents pertaining to shot that we dealings by the deceased american financier and previously convicted. child sex offender are correspondent, feel relies about discuss the details with our to use robert associate. these newly
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released court documents pretty much were published on wednesday and thursday. and they revealed dozens of names that the media had already heard about with a legit connections to convicted sex traffic or jeffrey ups the now he died as you know in an apparent suicide in 2019 i say a parents because there are still the sessions on that day and didn't kill themselves. all right, so, you know, so, i mean, exactly, there's so much just a suspicion around it. all right? yeah. and so 2 of the most notorious names right now are the former prime minister of israel in new bar up and the lawyer a former lawyer of obscene island virtue. it's to put the fear on it. that means the list of people i go to mention this name here, alan, joshua it's, and if most people don't know about this guy, i think he was formerly of ha, that at one point, he's also a lawyer who might represent israel and the palestinian genocide case united nations court has doesher what's commented about the epstein scandal now that his
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name was come out a yeah, well, i'm there. so it's did a lot more than comment. he responded by going on interviews and also did a 31 minute youtube video denying that he had anything to do with this. and he also went on an interview on a media and basically denounce tomas, saying that the people defending will accusing him should actually go after him off the one point i do want to make is that i understand all the feminist groups and the radicals and freak this is the worst thing in the world that anybody ever had any contact with jeffrey i've seen. where are those radical feminists when it comes to the hamas rates of young jewish girls, sexual abuse, headings, they are choir, they are silent now clearly that will elicit a reaction because many said that he was doing the but her mos argument and not actually really talking about the allegations that were sent against him, but i'm
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a little i i've been hearing for i don't know how many years now that epstein was linked to my side and there were reports out there about epstein most side and on the parts. what can you tell us? right, some more of these allegations of, of things relationship to massage. come from the fact that, right, so these allegations come, came long ago, but right now with the media focused on israel palestine. some of these names are jewish or is really figures we're talking about the former prime minister in a brock who served a from 1991 to 2001. and he was also involved in the israeli military. and now he also was a ledge to have been present during the times where in manhattan and he was caught on video according to the daily mail when women came in and out of the state as well. and according to us tax records, he also received some $2000000.00 in grads from another is really building or lex
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webinar who had a foundation that was supposed to be a fill in profit organization, supporting jewish causes around the world. so there are those scenarios being played out a lot that fail davis out of the back again in 30 minutes to bring more stories and still with us the the .


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