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tv   Documentary  RT  January 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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feminist when it comes to the hamas rates of young jewish girls, sexual abuse, headings, they are quiet, they're silent now clearly that will elicit a reaction because many said that he was doing the but her mos argument and not actually really talking about the allegations that were sent against him, but i'm a little i've been hearing for, i don't know how many years now that epstein was linked to my side, and there were reports out there about epstein most side and honey pots. what can you tell us? right, some more of these allegations of, of scenes relationship to massage come from the fact that, right, so these allegations come, came long ago, but right now with the media focused on israel palestine. some of these names are jewish, or is really figures we're talking about the former prime minister in new bras who served a from 1991 to 2001. and he was also involved in the israeli military. and now he
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also was a ledge to have been present during the times where in manhattan and he was caught on video according to the daily mail when women came in and out of the state as well. and according to us tax records, he also received some $2000000.00 in grads from another is really a billionaire lex webinar, who had a foundation that was supposed to be a fill in profit organization, supporting jewish cause is around the world. so there are those scenarios being played out. well, that's all for me now. my colleague moran him on me will be in at the top. i'll be out to take you on most areas from around the blow by from me now the a b
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a, c e. the . so i don't remember the bundle in google for the, the room was you got it for the room. and a group on we'll call the low gains of shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy? they're going share scalable data. so the league on sony day for the,
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the most of the known and what i mean, you got it. see what i mean? so we'll forget all of these one out it, you know, face feel they don't remember the most of the dougherty when, when is the check or the can be out also will be going on sony 5. so, you know, certainly those on all labor. so like i said, going is going to see this one about the problem of a level of you will see then you'll slow down the long body on went up was inside, what do you do? she did does equity fund? them? like i say, like i said, i would have the vision that go sure, don't know. even sony good sense of, in mando says if he's under a glass inside the issue, the fund bought, sold in the me a call because he was being, these are the middle. what the result?
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i g, get it all by always, all the us to evaluate on it. none the less of, you know, need, what's your name? i don't know me. he's i guess on those some of the with the was still going except for the bundle, but so the, the color of the said on the, do you always gotta full and you only but they have so many of them are comics and they will. these are they available and showing sammy or gains underneath. so the way these already like when you get the full by good going solid by the can i just did you get an hour, a bustle from a new but with you got it. sonya on what you can look at if i'm your mother was he'd be a bit of well yeah, more say about then take it down to name or you mean then come down mean so which is what i of sitting please for me knowing on see i'm a little focused on going to the log in here, so you have the meeting and to go in, they'll be able to do it for 2 of the me think the projects we're going to run into issues on the bill that you're going to know the daniel new way to don't you, when he bit will defend a ball, but the one that the guy the season going to be always. so it has a chest so
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a night on consumption, them like that from now he's still most likely to do this. and like i said, the thing that god, you know, be able to do a portfolio for games that she paid on the enormous associated like i was under the you know, it was don't, judging, don't, let's put this on the mileage it is you're using it for the front of the office, so it was like, well, i'm going to just get luxury level of somebody. they've been whether there's any dodgy or maybe gene solely problem is the problem. unless you want to do an seo and you may have to go, that's fine. you know, that is the sort of outage in mind. you can move where someone would find the role of, you know, one of them when i tried it was like i'm finding the most of the cheese. so i think that the doctor, she has about 30, she's telling me that. yeah, i get up. i have to be, she's the, the, the little scene i would appreciate what i'm doing. great. e k, i am the apple,
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the nato coordinator. she say, okay, quote this the b i, b b a r e a. the, where's the card at the bottom? i see a demo for a week presenting. i lost, i said, okay. and i want to see that if maybe you can find me that on the bus, up to the, the total for the, about the, this, the, the thought is we give you any one window and most of the company will do it. so they don't find you the most of the, most of those are mine with the facilities asked you that over again. exactly what i go on and then the other 3 feel free to give. i never thought it was, it got him a lot of it sooner than we did as a little girl for the body to load up the other one. and she's
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been wondering what does he pick him up at the most of the middle. plenty, but she's been with him and i go on and when he died in the email, i got one of the you have a very much it in. yeah, i see a guy, the nano simply the, the, the us, the, you know, maybe the levels here on a little bit are, you know, a little model and then equity and or less, but so do it out. yeah, no, but i you live on, did you present the on the volume or lower the name on the same was he got it all. we don't need to get these go down and see him on the. i mean,
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she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's on miss of the go male, but uh you have a key, no visitors, low get the units as all people need. if i chose the other ones, the only way to do they go to georgia on means is going to get 40 scores bad. yeah, that's just what are the and more of the fees you? what am i to the god you didn't, but there is a senior and was going to the but numerous, even senior. but the, the rest of you may know, thank it, shall be what is the group of is the guy that he's going to be doing a couple things on the demo and show you and see. i mean, for the last one i wanted concerning that can we go through it? i'm afraid i can look them up. it will be noise in the ink on theater
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the show was going for you. so any idea of this? so going to be a moment. he out of the way of humans on a few meno. what do you see about doing the content the most? so to get more into what kind of a content thinking show this one slot is showing us what i'm but the and have you ever met to make the certificate, but it saves you and it made it easier for me. i'm or your wife to jump in here with you. i usually like take the,
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the affiliated with the, the, the is around one of those to tell the size of is the size, utah goes there. you know, so you'll have, you'll find that you guys want me to go to the
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point where the most of the models when it goes to in carrollton with this on, you'll go down, you present on the, on. if you don't get it, i get the 7 is, can you read all those of it for the 5 it or do some it says be those fields was i was going down. okay. i can stop us. i'm going to drive is when i'm done with you guys, i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the candle, but the muscle and so on. so what to do about the,
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the i g. so sudden sea and body seen and what do you see about the mammal you do? she told him that he will. so what i'll do to say not i'm not so the gate change, the get issues of the vehicle, me know, check see what it all pulled up and get been so again the impulse to get somebody to go to see if at all, nope, this yellow please i'll get you over there. what are you doing? shalana another boy. and that is like 1000 of the got, you know, so long as we have those, you know, bull to say yes or no. and the laws and rules. so yeah. last time ever, the dealers can get a cnn. is there any form of you on that or somebody's they dropped me on a or speak to him is only supposed to give anybody, but i'm going to go and she then says get the what 30 below the money. but it was great. the ed i'm isn't going to then visually to sports. so i know it could be of
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i think watching the most of those, even if you've got to be like on that it even will deal to just being on the being . i need to see all the resumes, but y'all, it even though most it is like going to love it, it's on the own as good as even come on. one of them probably going to hear the goals. hancock was a homeless kind of them, some bogus the, or get the was you this little spit out the limits and was there so it was on your side of how your side will metadata. you know, dan, this can be on the phone book, but another dental name name was as though is the, is the name was the numbers and data or some of them are those basis? well, they're like, and a lot of them know you any move what that means that know,
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you know, as soon as you get is it just has to go to sleep. i mean, think of something but then the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is. um. well, most gave the meanest virginia's good for the 0 because on this press book. so get it with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. you know, they don't even park it, but it goes the manuals. good at the moment. no one i'm what do you me that is, who so supported them? us. what a news came on. if i can deal with you on the phone interview and we have them up again, i guess with this and if it needs a movie and it looks like it really goes, it was campus. think when it was, i'm, what are you? there was a ticket done yet when i got one up here and there was a, i gave it a good that a the, you know, it says own name, boom, boom, boom, go you have no it would all but these i guess, i guess, i mean as i'm pretty beat on the
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front of me, just look it up. let's get to instead of being made on you guys using a folder that cuz if that's you can take it as a for you. okay, so he went on based on this type of those data, the 17 points that gernado go down to get your phone number. in fact, just get off the phone for like where, like 130 and do the ottoman the f 150 on the phone. totally near the ottoman contradictions to anything at all, not submitted to the army s. we somebody to get all that across the way. and it was a, well not even a funeral on, or you how i love the cheapest. and it was
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a by then, it goes to the people santana that needing that the, the, the, the, the world war, the awesome new rule of leonard says that the move found the crossing was a because of the yeah, record of loading and stuff out for you yes, i have a life force. right? so what kind of confused cuz those exist to the 5 units but on us and that all depends time much it took me and it is listed. then you move with
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the the people still level side air level of photo political laptop, my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh, a dealership on east, samuel maddox. you still in any see a time or you somebody vinyati mail. uh no, that'll do that. if i did not somebody stuck in the deductible. and then will i be able to, i gotta keep the my 30 all the money diety, all paid the master adult bull. and the other that you said the, the, i'm about to do it. i meant the way i took on that on the amount of people didn't
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wait appointments all day long after a long time before she start going with that, let me just to let you talk about the video, the live, the i'm just sort of main filled up with the k or sheets on the bottom, it allow me to got property that i've got. my name is out of the total name. uh, calling east. i mean you took nice price me and they might not. if i shift a spend the to year off my eyes, but in the same the plans that are can be great and it was call my and of a and the own girl come up, name will jungle and we stay for one and see as to whether you filed the for so many years in the us the 1st time and when i arrived the newest that something wrong got into the unit of id. i don't say nothing to other people. some of these after what's going for your mind that, that the, and it was one of the, that's the of, of, of, i'm not sure it is the leg up still. mean i'm not on the but i'll send it, but i'm not the way i'm going to run into some of the same jobs,
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but the can one bedroom. unfortunately the only most going to see them don't. my ceiling isn't really going to see a chest of video content and stories is on the bus. that's fine. yeah. the yeah, the mess you go, dad, the one the v. so they increase to going, but they want, if i choose what i've been with them, but then for she's most basic stuff was the motor home. did zullie mills in the mazda of the lease, but let me go to the shop. no, no, no, no, no. a joy deep. so the
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nation without any issues, he has a mind on my side and then they sent me a quick check. the clean skis, metal music. you could do it for the way as good as you might have sent me up the use of fits your. let me just search for this. so let me zoom out is because of the beans animal, but there's still the screen slip. it's probably the toughest plus gc everybody coming in. okay. the it's the money in the line. it was, it was bullshit. off. sure. seduce state you live on google with this is a comma. this is the 3rd suspicious ease of new. so it shows 2 la la g got the mueller is now it shows you what i need and usually what, but almost federal,
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$32.00, it says up and get this invest alumni. she only goes to issued the move on to the out of doors must clear up. this concern was the thing of caution. she too often. that's okay. but tell me up a slip to and your zip code and what your corresponds in the family noon. yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick, it broke through, stuck with she had to push luck with me. this slim motion was him that the 3 shows it the the position. so with, with a space coffee, i lose. this is nathalie uh monday its when i put it in these days because it got thrown. janetta, do assume the beach. i am
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a genius looks a little so let's just go to the rules. yeah. but it is a lot of interest for. yeah. monday is that not some issues i'm will dish and that shouldn't you'd see virginia issue just over on it lose it got sort of when you want. if so, please, what did you push this month on the moment that the measuring that would have says a, so i'm going to feel like i'm gonna ship new scenes. missed at all. i'm out of mine and she has the financial g. does any? so going to go ahead, i'm sorry, so i'm sitting on saturday from on the items. you know, can i and i'm, i go down know, creating the front seat on my side. what i from value was, oh, you know, we had a lot of people that the, we don't to war that, that it was sent account was. go on. we to that gratian thrush him for that issue, but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up
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the, our forces holes together and try to make a change in our county, the land and stuff. once you go on to the tiny apple p and not a, i don't know a time that i'd be sure to begin with that main drag bicycle. you thought if you was saying uh they would also recommend the toner to charlotte on the phone on the side that i'm locking up in real estate, fairfax enough when i see on the noise, tell me if we got softer the bus. stop it. yeah, i mean, i'd rather you somebody so to, than what you really me, i mean she's energy really in general and almost went to the back of the middle when it was out. the bill was i need, uh, if i got a albany because as you really need the owner loan, but they don't know chad totally. i mean, these go to the will be with you as you mean
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the, the guy who plays the game with so many, but it looks like she's been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even in the low 20. but she's so i can see a but there's you on the line or see a even though the bill push into i think it was it, but be meant that the, the. ready the, when it came back from don't less suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown quits, plain that they owe their point of view of this war. on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of i'm a korean empty, fascist. they point of view over i shut down. so i've been something that the,
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it was incredible. it wasn't the 1st time that the tenant that the, the tanya and secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these 12 people. and so, since, since that's the steps to work in the entire international, because i think that to the diane goal or month just to take core that from the american government. the
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or the think web demo is one of those you i'm going to be the the general and go to tell you that because of the vehicle you and 3 really just been just open monday and on by. so there was all the emails that i sent out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that i what was you know,
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the other front that h in the us one out of the. so going to get signed up with him. but we want to know when to insure it for the out the i've been was other was the only i'll be up to the objects to the front door. the window is on the cd on when they'll be able to actually forget to like, i don't want them to actually send all of us. not we don't. yeah. so yeah, cuz you shed a southern w at the moment when he got to you, forgive me assume for the people when we use any sort of or somebody to go out inside to get them move in till the end of the month. so, so saying i don't think over in the school into interviews will go to a good place. other, the
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the genocidal assault on god that has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the conflict is also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world. criticizing israel and sinus and has become essentially the criminal act. the
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a less than 48 hours is where the slides in the 2 over $100.00 policy is and hundreds more. so it is a process for the enclave of struggling to survive. learning defense and as i propose this, a proposal applying for the gauze of the includes complete, much control over the territory and a massive so solidarity with pro 5 and estimated 2000000 people in bloom process. yet as well as the, the vials of activities. and for what he said was an is what he's like, they, whoops, the tube is seen the how muscle official the headlines this i'll up next, watch a little whistle close.


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