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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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on the, the to so is this how is ready as strikes result in more than 100 past in depth? i'm multitudes of injuries in an estimate 48 hours. it is a cost of the on both of us government. so why is there a defensive as of proposed as opposed to apply garza and that includes complete control over the entire thing in a massive so sort of that was to in the past sign, an estimated 2000000 people joined protests throughout his velocity. the bylaws, right solution for what he says was in his rate. so i can be rude to a senior. i must have been the
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from the to the world of this is all to is good to have your company today. my name's will it begin in a southern gauze away is ready for us is of the bombing, the city of rafa, despite early assurances, but it wouldn't be a secure area, but we're in mourning for their loved ones, many of whom would sold them for the most recent lived strikes on thursday in less than 48 hours throughout the entire region over a 100 people were killed and the most should needed. 500 is ready trucks, local health, and if he says the death pole has a prostrate 2400. since the war began 3 months ago, survivors in rough, i say there's never any warning before the effects of them bad. yesterday we received news that the house of my sister has brother in law was hits. their walk had landed on val. it's all upstairs in room. my sister was telephone as well as her cousin. her 2 kids have the wrong,
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the end of the song done. but they were not doing any warning or for the a told and the parents and the kids they were playing, eating that drinking of it. and the situation was, know, my mom is not up and almost we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to you in the international criminal court of them. but unfortunately, they're under the jewish scientist here, johnny, i don't know what to look myself in that my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed. they thought we were sleeping in the house with around 50 people. we started when they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed and we were up all night morning and praying until dawn, one of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed. additionally, i, the science in calling you is the largest city in southern gaza, claimed 14 lives, according to the 4th is very complex. environment was to leave, the city are literally being dropped oak ridge. however, some people who had been approved it made time since the promptly began,
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might not have the resources to relocate all around the seal 5th. so i think on the ground in the north of the own pay, which was the 1st point of the intrusion of interest by the idea of this done has been left. i'm to, there's still a small number of phases of refuge. although they are largely in on, in habitable condition, most of the local jobs as far as how people are attempting to live mid level as we report from the city of fee. it's live here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces. they pushed the vacuum ways to leave to other areas. they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning vacuums belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. the,
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initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction. and i'm showing that as we saw the shelter here, assuming it was under the united nations relief and work agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for we could them know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate, took men from one entrance and women from another, and placed us in the cause. i'm square for 2 hours and then they left our food and belongings behind, assuring us that we have returned. i've done this with me 2 hours later we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. when they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings. she said they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. okay. what else sort of what it done, we sought help from locals. i've had some return to alpha correct clinic. i need others to of who's saying this place was full of displaced people even before my
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family and i arrive to what i would need. there are huge number of displays. people ask, no, it was an agency clinics. i found that i couldn't find a place for me and my family understand when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing. and despite the fire and despite diseases, when we return to the school that they look at and we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases, a child who has only concern used to be finding my point. now worries about removing to 3 and then the survivors hot or warm and that child stream is turned into nightmares about shells and rocket. this body had we have no homes left. they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction. if there is no place for us at us or their clinic spots, so even if we try to leave the school, it will be sniped by the spray leaves. what kind of? there's no food or drink, i miss the people grind, wait to get some sort of flour for sustenance and all that. and i haven't received any flour for a week ahead of how they know i have neither food or drink. not,
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not even a candidate. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school. so we can live in sanitary conditions by demand the dispatch of the committee i just had that would allow support to reach us about bringing food to feed the children that i love me to have. despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. are to be made somebody fit by you may live as well. the country is a freshman, is the house load to the 3 point post will plan for gaza? yes, in. is that the ones how mazda is defeated? israel will maintain full mattress and total of the gaza. however, it will not have no hand and the government has to be in a fight as the instead, local passing committees will take charge, so long as they don't oppose any threats. lovely is a little problem, is not to build that into a settlement. the
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gallons also told through the idea of strategy in the road is focusing mostly on the south. he says at this stage, it's all about res, i'm from the destruction of tunnels. lead it over the past, the national initiative, most of the bottom let's he says, gathers fires only create new from i think what the, what the declared, the 6 the, the stupidity of up to patient if he wants to dissolves the problem with a few patients with why the big occupational jazz and by the way, they have order due to parts list bank complete. so uh and uh, do you want, i know to patients without the responsibility for the people on the patient has international to see if he wants to find some kind of global global data structure, some kinds of rita's work and the so as an incentive this of them to take
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care of the civilian population as the 2. but who said that? so you can find these global. this is the idea methods before and the rest of their including the, to the, to the so called village leaves and the drastically fans to means that they've never learned from history to the end of our lives. some what happened in the now the balance on what happened in judy identified them some of what happened in south africa. but as anybody colonial settling power, data, unable to understand the feelings of the strings and the fall and the resistance of people who are struggling for the freedom exhibitors. and when a supervisor who is he was invited to the on to a but it should do this further discuss his views on the policy implied. it was probated by increases in a mama rarely seen on television. take a look for yourself. you did you sell, you talked about how you don't want it as well is what you're saying v as well. but
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outside of the something happened, you'll place that in historical context. i understand that place that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the god, let me finish this benson's mind. i don't maybe don't use the women folk and i don't know what might have been. it's a sense of so anyway, so no, you are missing the thing to the public, not really a, by the above the try on the assumption is acceptable. what would have seen it, except when we asked since you got 10 seconds left to end occupation and allow peace to provision for the most people that say that for you? well, i was gonna say astonishing behavior that by that british present. but then again, for british tv, it's not really astonishing. i mean, how behavior, frankly, if i may, she was sexist, chauvinist. clearly, she was desperately trying hard to tell her, the pro is really narrative, but you know, welt on, you must offer for staying cool. you showed class dealing with that tv stooge. what did you make of that? that i think had a reaction and the the,
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the times when to try to silence us is a show. not those things, but i sure if we can it's the weakness of it up again of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that the terms of tools and i've called them on a, in a clear mama and in a n n a civilized language is justin discharge them and done just blue books. they come up take, they cannot imagine up on a student to be civilized because they're hard. racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people one day. the way that he and symbolized people here out of those is there is a lot of committing city water crimes at the same time. what could i move genocide, the crime of ethnic cleansing, or the what kind of clicked of punishment. now t m and people threw out of the country, have to eat into this basement show of support football. his side was images and
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see behind my show that spans that. now this massive body was in the national capital, a local tvs agent said that i estimated 2000000 people of a target such demonstrations in major cities across the nation. a real cost from a main square in the capital showed an endless sea of the site has many count and positive flags. a representative of the who, the move dress, the father said, is supposed to do a ready to fight against israel. and the u. s. american navy should have been pointing out to people who is in the red sea following a series of food. the attacks on call the assessment is either at the body a local political fee expressed full support for fathers fine to declare our fee and readiness to engage in the battle alone. sign our brothers in our armed forces and trusting in his victory, took to the streets, calling for an end to the years of
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a neo colonial us architecture in the m and, and in the rest of the middle east hole, nearer to a rhetoric of us pulling this coalition display the can protect the international shipping lane, in belvin meant up in the red sea is completely false according to the government, a government. they believe that this is jessica and excuse a pretext being used by b is really and us government. so they can wait another war in the middle east because the fact of the matter is the only ships, the only shipments that have been targeted in the red sea are belong to the v is really government. no other ships, no other vessels, no other merchant. cargo ships have been targeted, had been blocked, had been targeted by on side a lot by the government, the government except that leads to the is really government. and that was one of the messages that was delivered today. but more importantly,
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it was basically the many people are declaring that they are ready to defend young men against us or against any western military invasion on you have an individual businesses as otherwise said, they would not be willing to accept any us many in the region farm said they were rates as a full pass, i know mass of the cost. so now we will support our brothers in palestine. we tell them the loan, the gold is supporting him and we are within to begin. many people will not tolerate any american intervention of guardianship. we are ready for confrontation, the aggression against the m and has been us led from the beginning. we are prepared for every single as well realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now we will later when we are of preston to feed. uh well not as we mentioned the, the uh, the all rising tensions between the, the and many who these and us at naval forces in the red sea. however,
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some pounds from spain is the atlas saying they have declined washington's request to join the us coalition. the who the have being low to mid the mid day. the attacks on the outside route seats in session shipping through the suicide. now, we have the child, so to speak, with a prominent who see the official is to the west of being complicit in every baby in question. so how does the election that we won the united states of america and britain against tampering with international navigation and attempting any foolishness, international navigation in the red sea, safe and without any problems? do you have any armed forces? no target is really ships and ships heading to supply these really entity with goods food and to have that supports and aids them and continuing the massacres against our pals to meet with people. the american actions and the american coalition of what they call the guardian of prosperity, is a criminal, a lions. it came to threaten international navigation next door to door or whether
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it's livelihood, an economy glass. and if the american forces presence in the red sea commit foolish acts against the many people, whether against the navy, against the admin in general or against a human interest, this, the many people will not stand idly by law. and the armed forces will not stand idly either to where not a single seeing. and so he's a visual is shown up to welcome you. as tentative state of the banking system will mostly do the, the full, but only via representative from the surface for a minute. see us some buses, it's an anchor. i'm washington's console to assemble to. here's the 1st stuff, all the different mice plan for the release as part of a 7 foot effort to prevent the dollars and consequence funding beyond this colon forward as we add from as well as the john tester. he says, lead to cool reception is no surprise here with the state of washington. i'm correct relations. i think it is
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a direct reflection of the turkish us relations in the past few months, considering what has been taking place in the middle east and against the church. as well to an health months ago when he for, when he was it towards you previously there, put to go in the whole the stumble. but now there were only 2 turkish airport officials rather than politicians. so it's, it's the earliest the drum sign of that turkey is not in good terms with the united states and turkish public is direct accusing united states or just supporting a, b k, k n y p d, tara groups against the 13th. regarding the garza case turn key just once united states to be balanced. but what we have seen is it's not balanced. rather if it's just supporting israel unconditionally,
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the policies of by them regarding middle east. it is just through growing a global anger against the united states. just like its own public. so blinking is just the trade to take care of this at this sort of damage in the highs of middle eastern countries. but i can freely side that it will not work this time because of all the tactics are diverse proof. they have, there has been used through we sleep and now the people of middle east and the for you or the west of, or the, we all know how united states and western countries have used care in their edwards . so we have witnessed it in syria, in libya, in yemen, at nga, with all the lebanese group has beula has faced with how the agent is them. he says
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it was the idea of the conduct to the reason of the time. clint killed the top, how much official in david's, a legal october settlers cry every day and who have the right to be afraid of asking their government for war with loving on above. that is a bad choice and you won't be the 1st to pay the price for this bad choice in northern is realize it was that they mean we're fighting and southern lab and on to achieve their goal is to cease the aggression in gaza and to use the pressure on the resistance movement as it has the law has been for the 2nd time and this then 72 hours. but this time he was taking in more details about the know says i'm the that is right. you. the confrontation was, has been lot fighters on the, they've been, he's orders has also were in the, is that use that to those that they need to spy it? and does that i have weight other than going toward with the bottom because this is go to the cost for them. on the other hand, he assured that that was the action or at event for the setting sun of
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the saw the i'd would he and his companions in that solves and stuff that of speed . and he said that this has something going to be decided by dispute. he has the mention that the main or the cord, fax it. and this filled this for the access is this, the, is the people that does that. and that is a sense of that guess then understanding against that is that you did like addition, despite all the drive themself, this, right, you just take all the stuff for the past at the moment. he defeated and the end that assistant ational saw that i really is not going to go and answer because this is going to open that as if it needs then splitting what us initial and this is i'm think has come up with not accept that no one never on this going the wrong key. prime minister has a lot of the risk escalation in the region. his would follow the us as like on the central baghdad is q of their hand choir banking,
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malicious commander. it will suggest that 7 other people were also wounded. yes, that's a nice indeed. it was link to the mesh, allow me put on the time for the rest of the season back dead challenging anti american slogans. us state development. so it doesn't say that the strike was conducted to defend america. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. but really heard of home, i put the alice around him, i was shamar in baghdad. he says the us want us to control them, at least. but there's a massive push back against that proceeds. the thoughts of the saw there are escalating tensions between middle eastern forces and the coalition led by the united states. these are not tensions between the arm, the groups or individuals carrying weapons, conducting specific agenda. those are planned. these tensions are with american
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forces. what did they are providing, training or at us spaces where soldiers officers and other personnel or stations? i believe the coming period. well, with this more tensions and a wave of dangerous developments, the will form armed groups. the american forces presents in the middle east where the fighting is occurring are possibly evolving to pursue american interest in all countries world wide. but what is happening now is individual targeting, using technology, drones, and missiles. the supreme commander of the rocky armed forces must take decisive actions, especially concerning what's happening on a rocky territory, whether an arrow bill baghdad, or western rocks in i n o a side. to put an end to these tensions and take control of all matters. for him it says, tried to assure his nature that the flow for an aide will keep coming in and says
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he doesn't know what all the fuss is about. may well depended on. so for us and it said that washington has to be run out of money to fund teams for efforts. they don't actually have 4200000000 and we have the authority to spend that from available funds, but wouldn't have the ability to replenish the stocks by taking money out or taking stuff out of our inventory. make it this. we can fill out don't get yourself worked out and throw itself into a state of depression and agony. so. ready a whole set of these are increasing in the thing qualifies as washington. c is a pound moves the episode of that. this comes as a us presidential candidate. rhonda fence is full for further support. the brain to be caught, new creating seems to be running out of options. they've done an awful lot of money to ukraine, including money, paying for things like pensions for bureaucrats. salaries. how is that something that is benefiting the american people to bite and can even did tell us what the in
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game is? the will not articulate this. what is your plan? b, how are you going to make up for this short full we don't have plan b and the price tags off. and you think that will follow if your claim does not receive the help to days will be much, much higher. and this is why we believe in plan a and we work on to m a and then we will get it done, or it has on the form of the times of security policy on his life on the list. he says the what is coming with is hesitant to advocate more money to go. and because keith has failed to achieve the goal set by washington, money really isn't there. that the item is getting tremendous pressure from within, particularly the congress, especially toward ukraine. but, but also we're hearing the more toward the israel is increasingly toward israel itself. the american people may have an election coming up. the american people
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don't want for the why. they've been ad it for 23 years now. and, and they see, and then this game here that there is no m game biden has never articulated this based upon what originally started off as a hopes about russia and, and trump collusion. and he's had to live with that said folks, and now it's driving us into a bankruptcy, if not more, and also expansion that we don't want into the middle east. so this is, it's out of control, the congress, that the house of representatives in particular is very resistance to just a car to launch a payment out to ukraine. again, seeing that nothing has happened, in fact there in the defensive mode and, and the nothing is being accomplished based upon what ever the, by the administration hope to achieve. raise over off of countries in west an
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african wants to gloves assigned to formally those here on the, on his face increasing charges. the roof of nations known as echo was higher position foot on his bike roma to be sent to nigeria for asylum idea, which is for the largest economy company holds the championship in the eccles organization. legal representative of the former president of sierra video and it says a trial is a political been debt to see some 40 to get to them for this mission that to shed drug the former president democratically elected for 2 tops on charges of this nature. the 2 cause foretell is of interrogation for us to get to this point, nothing incriminating anything posting to find ourselves in court. so fair is that the way you treat the statesman. so wanted to solve this mission is out there making an image for this country. for which we all benefit to what is the data?
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why do we grow people to shred? that repetition, of course, has them on to the current government of celia and dropped all the charges against the former president, who's a pharmacy. only. i believe that there shouldn't be a final decision by the court before you would be allowed to go to nigeria. for me, in the case for the months us be josh, the calls writes the much a is which seem to you to the channels so that you why country allow the, you know, the, a lot of system you know, to do to try and see what the the for my president, this involves rights o dual finding beauty so that you don't need to solve it states. so little switch, see, you're going to be in charge is i'm running sky of now for what reason, among other things. and should it be big size? what would that mean for judy shadows and supplements? and also i'd say to you as integrity is we have various challenges and jazz as
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schools. so is it the best interest of mind you're at the moment where we are grappling with so many things that is, you know, struggling with my job. we should, i feel we should be looking at, you know, nigeria listed on not issued yet. so what's your level of it was about the mission for now? nice and, and your and i am the russian present rather inputs in recent check on soldiers who injured in the rain coffee and the whole place is a visit made quite an impression in africa. local, just the timothy, it'll be as a report from nigeria as the visit by russian president vladimir, put him to the soldiers. wondered, and the ukraine and conflict has been raised by many in africa. there was that when saw the soldiers were receiving adequate cur, as part of a crumbling commitment to service man,
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but have been engaged in the military operations. former service man in nigeria who spoke to archie, say they wants to see that same type of leadership replicate it. in africa, as it comes presidents to english, for example, because of what the dates you have, this must be as opposed to what you said more of the stuff, the toilet 3 foot and nibble them, which so just confused as to who to fight to take it because the defendant, the have sacrificed that unless i want to africa, presidents to something like that the present, overlooked at the not to say pieces of the image live the number levels. i take the morning to be there on something, forget that and i use offers of the largest country. nigeria is a drawing in numerous on conflicts that have stretched the congress security forces
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. tens of thousands have been queued in process in recent years, and hundreds of troops of also died defending the country's interest. my general fridays often times visit troops and re a saw them of the government's commitment to video welfare. but oftentimes serves as verify around these phase a different picture from what government officials have said. they complain about port salaries and benefit packages and say, sometimes they've even been abundant. omar gola, glad his home 9 years ago due to on conflicts. systemic corruption is the reason for this challenge. i strongly believe these agencies all over the top. similarly to official. i think they have benefits out. they'll feed due to the fight and i showed the police a budget on the security by the federal government. my journal for these have in
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the past denied obligations that corruption was hamper room security operations. in september president, paula terrible ordered the immediate payment of insurance entitlements. families are following soldiers. and in december, the president sees it a troops in the northeast corner states and promised to improve their lives. mohammed ego. he's an id for you. in a blue defense, if troops are inspired to make more progress against the incidents, it will make his hometown safe again. my a. so the insurgency has reduced, but currently or people are still experiencing new tax and gloss. during the rainy season or people could go and plant without any issue, but when it was time for harvest bulk of her, i'm terrorist would come, attack, kill and destroy their farms and also card away the farms produce. we want the government to sit down and reason well there are security operatives but they need to do more and them.


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