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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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the, the, the story is this, how is the strikes the result in more than $100.00 pounds in depth on multitudes of injuries, in less than 48 hours to the for the i'm glad the struggling to survive is really defensive. as i propose is a post world plans and goals of that includes complete limited control of the territory of show solidarity. with the sign that i submitted to median people joined protests throughout the vile requisitions of what he says was really strikes in the root of the cuba senior official. the gun 7 am here, the russian capital. welcome. what ever you. catching the news from today,
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you're watching to we've been in southern gaza. what is there any forces have been bombing the city of rafa despite early assurances and it wouldn't be a secure area. well, google or in the morning for their loved ones, many of whom were children for the most recent and wave of strikes on thursday in less than 48 hours throughout the entire being over a 100 people were killed. and a multitude wounded by isn't really a tax for the local health care. she says the death toll has sup, off $22400.00 sense of the will began 3. most of the survivors in rafa say there's never any warning before the attacks embedded yesterday we received news that the house of my sisters brother in law was hits. their walk had landed on them and it's almost as room. my sister was killed fun as well as her cousin had 2 kids, you know, brother in law every sunday, but they were not doing any warning or for the well,
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it's holding the parents and the kids they were playing, eating the drinking. but in this situation was no, my mom is not up now much. we knocked in the doors of all the legal institutions to un, the international criminal court, all of them. but unfortunately, they are under the jewish scientists teal. the self and not my mother called me at midnight and told me that my sister was killed. we were sleeping in a house with around 50 people. we started wailing, they woke up and asked us what happened. we told them my sister and her children were killed. we were up all night morning and praying until dawn, and one of these innocent people done to deserve to be killed. this additionally idea of a ty saying sonya is the largest city in southern gov. the claim 14 lives who is the results is a policies advising, but this is the literally being dropped over. however, some people have been up and rooted many times since the contract began. might not have the resources to meet with will arrive though they're still 5th,
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5 thing on the ground in the notes all the ok, which was the 1st point of intrusion by the idea of no stone has been left on ton. it was still a small number of places, a refuge. however, the most, the in deplorable condition. my hood a sub by a local just describes how people are attempting to live at mid level a. we report from the city of fee, it's live here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was storm science really forces. they pushed a vacuum ways to leave to other areas that they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning vacuums, belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. the, initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were
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threatened by destruction. and i'm showing that as we saw shelter here, assuming it was under the united nations relief and work agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for we get them know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us had left the school gate, took men from one entrance and women from another, and placed us in the out to some square for 2 hours. and then they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us that we have returned. i've done this with another 2 hours later we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. when they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings. when did she come? they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. i couldn't. what else sort of would have done? we sought help from local and if i pick had some return to alpha correct clinic, i need others to of who's saying this place was full of displaced people even
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before my family. and i arrived to what i would need. there are huge number of displays. people ask, no, it was an agency clinics. i found that i couldn't find a place for me and my family advocate when we noticed these rarely soldiers withdrawing. and despite the fire and despite diseases, when we return to the school that they look at and we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases, a child has only concern used to be finding my point. now where he's about removing to 3 and then the survived model of the woman that child reading was turned into nightmares about the shelves of rocket. this party had, we have no homes, they were completely obliterated by the bombing and had just total destruction. if there is no place for us at us, for their clinic spots. so even if we try to leave this message, my guy will be sniped why the last 3 weeks is what kind of, there's no food or drink, i'm is that people grind with to get some sort of flower for sustenance and all that. and then i haven't received any flour for a look at how to, how they know i have them either food or drink not, not even
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a candidate. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean this. so we can live in sanitary conditions by demand. the dispatch of a committee i just had that would allow support to reach us about bringing food to feed the children that i love to mean to her. despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. out of the mean, somebody to fight like bill is around the country is defense. him is a go and have. so the 3 point post will plan for gaza. this is yes in is that a once how much is defeated is what will maintain full control over garza. however, it will have no hand in the governance of civilian affairs that instead local policy and committees will take charge so long as they don't pose any threat. and lossy is what it will promise not to build a need jewish settlements. the
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guidelines also told through the idea of strategy in the war which is focusing mostly on the south. he said at this stage, it's all about rates and the destruction of tunnels that are the policy and national initiative. most of our bottom boots he says, galleries as far as what i me see the problem. i think what the instead of going to declare the 6 the stupidity of, of q patient. if he wants to dissolves the problem with a few patients with uh, why the patient. okay. and by the way, they have ordered the to byers was very incomplete. so uh and uh, do you want, i know 2 patients without the responsibility for the people on the patient has international to see it. so he wants to find some kind of global data structure, some kinds of rita's work and the so as an incentive this of that is there any um
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to take care of the civilian population as the to but who said that so you can find these global this is the idea methods before and the rest of their including the, to the, to the so called village leaves. and the stipulations to means that they have never land from history. they never land something. what happened in the 9th and of i'm, it never lived some what happened in judy identical in some what happened in south africa. but as easily colonial settling power, they are unable to understand the feelings of the springs and the fall under resistance of people who are struggling for the freedom exhibitors of the woman who if it wasn't invited of the british to further discuss his views on the past the implied he was reading too and creating an amount of bradley seen on television. let's take a look or do you. so you talked about how you don't want to use well is what you're saying. v as well. but outside of the something happened,
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you're placing that in historical context. i understand that please that we don't have time for it. you've made that point 5 times already. i don't know if you have the god, let me finish a sentence, man. i don't, maybe you don't use the women folk. it does know what might have been in some sense that so anyway, so i know you are missing the thing to the public and really by the above the try to them. the assumption is acceptable. well, we'll just need an acceptable reaction to you. you've got 10 seconds left to end occupation and allow peace to provision for the most people. that savvy i really am . i was gonna say astonishing behavior that by that bridge is presented by then again for british tv. it's not really astonishing. i mean, hot behavior, frankly, if i may, she was sexist chauvinist clinic. she was desperately trying hard to tell with the pro is really narrative, but you know, well done. you must offer for staying cool. you showed class dealing with that tv stooge. what did you make of that? as i think had a reaction and the, the,
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the tires when did try to silence us is racial, not those things. but i sure if we can it's the weakness of it up again of the propaganda against the tools. and i think the fact that the terms of tools and i've called them on a, in a clear to me on a and in a and a civilized language is just destroys them. and i'm just blue books. they come up, take it, they cannot imagine up on this thing in the civilized because they're hard racism is about thinking of us as uncivilized people. one day. the way the opposite of a lot of people here out of those is there is a lot of committing city water crimes. at the same time, the world cardinal genocide, the crime of ethnic cleansing, of the kind of collective punishment. now to human people throughout the country, they've taken the seats in the show support from palestine. this massive value here
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you can see a vice of what it was in the national capital, a local tv. so agent said that an estimated 2000000 people attend as such, demonstrations. major cities across the nation broke off from a main sweat and the capital showed an endless sea of them to say his many carrying policy and flags, the representative of the who's the move and address the cloud as it is, forces were ready to fight against israel. and the us american naval since i've been sick, the striking at who's the most is in the red sea, following a series of who the pranks on cargo bustles needs to, as well as the running a local police to express full support for post. i need to clear our field readiness to engage in the babel alongside our brothers in our armed forces relying on board and trusting in his victory took to the streets, calling for an end to the years of
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a neo colonial us architecture in the am and, and in the rest of the middle east told they were to a rhetoric of us pulling this coalition display the can protect. the international shipping lane in belvin meant up in the red sea is completely false according to the government, the government. they believe that this is jessica and excuse a pretext being used by d is really and us government. so they can wait another war in the middle east. because the fact of the matter is the only ships, the only shipments that have been targeted in the red sea are belong to the v is really government, no other ships, no other vessels. no other merchant cargo ships have been targeted, had been blocked, had been a targeted by on sort of law by the government, the government except that link to the is really government. and that was one of the messages that was delivered today. but more importantly, it was basically to get many people uh, uh,
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declaring that they are ready to defend young men against us or against any western military invasion on you have an individual for this, but as ad otherwise said, they would not be willing to set any us meddling in the region, the son said they were ready to civil how the site, no matter the cost? no, no, we will support our brothers in palestine and we tell them the loan. the gold is supporting him and we are within to begin. many people will not tolerate any american intervention of guardianship. we are ready for confrontation. the aggression against a young man has been us led from the beginning. we are prepared for every thing. we realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now, we will later when we are of preston to feed the outside of the measure before the rising ties of between the many who design us that they will close is in the red sea. however, watson powers phosphate is the and australia have declined washington's request to
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join the us coalition. these have been launched in mid damian tax on the maritime route, which is key to international shipping through the cities. come out now it was a took, it was not a single cation official, has shown up to welcome us secretary of state. and they've been going to assemble because it was legit at the apple but only by a representative from the search for messy us on the buses, ankle and washington causal is something we'll see here is the 1st stuff on the different amounts of plants or of the middle east, as part of a single effort to prevent the goal of the conflict from spreading beyond its cardboard as we have them as well as new jobs. tough just uses blinkers who reception is not the surprise me, but in the state of washington,
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i'm correct. the nation, i think it is as our records action both to turkish us relations in the past few months considering what has been taking place in the middle east and against the church as well too. and health months ago, when he for, when he was that turkey pro, we see a simple to go in the hole for the stumbles, but now there were only 2 turkish airport officials rather than politicians. so it's, it's early syndrome sign of that church. he is not in good terms with the united states and took his public is direct to x u, as in united states for just supporting the ticket. and why peter groups against 30, regarding the grocer chaise, a 3rd t just once united states to be balanced. but what we have seen is it's not balanced, rather if it's just supporting israel unconditionally,
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the policies of by them regarding middle east, it is just the triggering a global anger against the united states, just like its own public. so blinking is just the trade to take care of this, a destroyed image in the highs of middle eastern countries and by item freely side that it will not work this time because of all the tactics are verbs approved and they have that has been used through weekly, and now that the people of middle east and the for you or the west and or the the, we all know how we knighted states and western countries have used care in their head once. so we have witnessed it in syria, in libya, in yemen, in guys a little the lebanese group who's what has plays with how
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the 8th and the games is a. he says it was the idea of the recent, in fact and killer pop. how much the visual impairment a legal october settlers cry every day, and who have the right to be afraid of asking their government for a war with lebanon. but that is a bad choice, and you won't be the 1st to pay the price for this bad choice. in northern israel, as of a sudden we're fighting in southern lebanon to achieve their goal is to cease the russian in gaza and to ease the pressure on the resistance movement as it has. the law has been for the 2nd time. and this then 72 hours, but this time he was speaking in more details about the law says i'm the that is right. you. the confrontation was, has the lot fighters on the, they've been, he's for, there's has also were in that, is that use that to those that they need to spy it and does that and i have weight, other than going toward with them because this is go to the cost for them. on the
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other hand, he assured that that was the action or at events for this, the setting sun of the saw the i'd would he and his companions in that. so i was in supper of speed and he said that this is something going to be decided by the you, he has the mention that the main or the cord faxed it. and this filled this for the excess of is this, the, is the people that does that. and that is a sense of that guess. then understanding against that is that you did like addition, despite all the dry ends of this, right? you just take all the stuff for the 1st 2 months. you repeat that and the end that assistant ational saw that i'm really is not going to go and answer because this is going to open that as if it needs then scored what us to finish it. and this is something has been much, was not accept that no one never on this go into the view and says approximately 25000000 people will need to match hair and assistance in water onto time this year
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. many locals, amazing with difficult decision to leave the homes and escape to neighboring countries. it says this, although this is denise a civil war in april over 370000 refugees of costs. they do some more to. so don, now has the highest number of displaced people in the world. citation issues exasperate the situation needing to a color outbreak back in september. i love who spends us more details as the cost is between to sit in the split to and repeat support for us are still continue after and more than negotiations and more than trade system the were and says fire after all initially filled to pick basically windows today, after the work stand each week from the beginning of all the does your state, they had to move them in a different state. or did some work for assess reaching old sedan or people in very a free that's what lisa the students out in from. so do nice. they had to recreate from sedan by illegal way to look at in different countries like you to see. 15000
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people still suffering, still look for healthy need. after all the sky, the organization suspended all her words and job. it was magic, very difficult for people to lead, eventually southern up, so do nice. they had to integrate to egypt after the be the 1st to denise rate, to the 2 sided and dollar from $100.00. this was make people to go to egypt by legal list for the did or by legally and did to reverse situations. women's presidents interpreting that happens. they had to call by a sparkling way to need to build a desert. or we can see, and we talked to the many of the little people, lest our life insight into words, by the way, a spacing problem after they loose to help us today. they don't feel secure, bang, what they look for a veteran environment that could help them and show the country and can provide them with the basic life indeed. so that is not the place that's where they can find peace after every bit of support versus reaching everyone and everyone to sit out of it free. and once it leaves it as soon as possible,
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we can say to half of work. so we should look forward for moving, so that goes to be to begin with very dangerous effort and to leaders. so negotiate to look for the better places to break these, keeping it. so that is fair. all initiatives now work all initiative work in many different places seems to be interested in, in many different and he can also do their best. who makes his fire and help people to state was and is currently the most function country in the world. molden 13000 view, but it will actually come on like restrictions of been, impose against it by western powers. but those of us have not have the intended results all to say those reports of the to the capital of worship law school, the lowest sanction country like the ocean. still at the middle. everything seems to be booming here and seltzer foam installation is on the console. always maintaining it. so i think it's a dollar euro,
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and there's almost employment tier. how's the bottom your points out versus positioning itself now to need to worry 12 will fair. just meet the polar reality was made to do you know that the global system of economic relations is going through radical university mood changes, which is due to the fact that most people are model is about 30 place yesterday. and globalization. your model may have changed in the global economic landscape, and the rise of new need is, are nobody to play out to a large degree, predicting process where you are and your united states wants to economically and culturally isolate worship. taking soup to factor in the fact that it's to greatest, i've always and friends were enjoying it. india, the biggest democracy on the planet. of course china, which fast industrial capacity, the biggest manufacturing economy on both of these to do to step back to back with what you just look at the map. it makes sense, the indian ross, you would have strong relations for us. there is
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a lot of logic and having strong ties with russia. political mutual trust between all countries is constantly deepening, close, and effective coordination is maintained between the states. so this is the only 3 law centers of, of july. but you said that you're going to leave the russian economy cutters, and we have put in place the strongest sanctions ever which lead the russian economy facing the decade of regression. and it's in the street star of any modern and critical technologies. we have purposefully designed these sanctions to maximize a long term impact on russia and the minimize impact in the united states and our allies doing his son who's been in no sanctions are slow acting poison like us next to it takes time to war. but they do, and they do that in an irreversible way. you need a box on it's 12th package of sanctions against russia. there's a real sense of desperation, about knitting needles, screwdrivers,
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pans. europeans really don't have much left in the toolbox when it comes to russia . now that we got to meet them, we should be prepared for the fact that the wisdom thinks inspiration with increase knowing their fantasies. western countries are simply reaching up. so do you think they propose to bend the import of screwdriver and the intellectual? here's what really worries us in conditions when the potential of sanctions and aggression against us is actually exhausted. x of separate times the most important facilities of the global infrastructure may come into play. so what do they do next? accelerate the conflict. can you try and we're not stuck on 2 of them either. over $13000.00 individual sanctions, no against russia. since february 2022, moscow has become a target of more than 10000 new sanctions, bringing a total number to around 13000. then making russia the most sanction country in the world. i see it going to be sure you come in the can you russia, you see it ups? no, just the economy and this know ahead of all the leading countries in terms of growth
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rates more over the so called essential non community industries are accounting for an increase in share in the structure over us as an equal number. so joseph already are slim on the line. and joe, why does predictions? grandma russian economy and tyler's defeated, russian military pulling ships out of washing machines of microwaves seem to age like milk filter. more likely that some students going to come out with a last class called, which is also made some people's reputations, most notably here. and most of the 60 year old male of iraq viewing on the hand of the russian central thinking. it was a mazda 3 that rushed through some of the most difficult attacks on the internet, co, co, 2 more from the west. and she seems to be the last one standing when it comes to this economic conflict. where there was once a new ration internationally for the 60 year old, there is no frustration of her role in facilitating mazda, deaf and destruction. as the west has tried to cut russia out of worlds, financial markets and took off its access to the cash and take it needs for its
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brutal invasion view. and it has managed to bury opening the spending taps and studying the economy for now, those factors are working. the m f recently predicted rest of the economy will grow by 2.2 percent this year. in february, the forecast was much more modest, 0.7 percent. the efforts of the west, the russians economies are failing. and the numbers bear that the i m f itself is have to admit on 3 occasions of 2023. that there was an economy is actually going to grow the last estimates adjusting still do so for over 2 percent, for the economies like the u. k. locust at destroying old or a piece or which will take it from the west is that the brochure has been internationally isolated. it's quite the opposite. present truth be welcome, like i fear, or the middle east will giving present a season period to join us of us go to work and only be described as heroes. welcome is fantasy loud of as i say, is one that is peddled in the west fabric deluxe. the actual reality of the most of
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the world wants to do business of worship. let me see here you go. our cooperation with russia within the framework of the region union, the shanghai cooperation, organization, and bricks has established our friendship with each other and multi laterally with the member states and steps have been taken in the direction of economic and commercial development. however, there is still room for the development of these relation to see what china is willing to work with russia to seize the historical trend and family develop china russian relations featuring permanent, good, neighborly friendship, comprehensive, strategic call, a donation, a mutually beneficial call to ration. so as to effectively promote the development and revitalization of both countries and inject most ability into the world. so it seems that the western um patients that a sewing is quoting economic coal to a young military lead uh fail. one thing is for sure. brushing is on our feet, looking forward and has very powerful friends to help are on the way to
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a new multi owner world. well, that's all from me for today. my colleagues substitute attendant will be with you at the top of the dual file. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the societies do your credit accounts offensively, you know, it was a fire that there was a series of organizations on the, on the west side,
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in ukrainian side illusions about their own strengths. he loosens about the strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the care to rush or, and you crying was an adult, i just had to be kicked in and the whole structure would come, come some come into the looseness. i've been shopping with the body. i'm or 2 inches. i've been doing news for 30 years now. 2 languages all over the world. here in the us interviewed for us, presidents worked and for us major television networks, i don't like what they do by the way. so you, i think news should be honest and direct and impactful. this is direct impact the


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