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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 6, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EST

12:30 am
i'm going to really begin by asking you why the lack of compassion across the israel, for gods, or i know a lot of the images, a sense of the nature of nations, presume in israel as well, but why that lack of seeming compassion for what the rest of the world is seeing israel's troops due to gaza to thank you, living you once again having me once again on your, on your program. i think that there's nothing you in the way and the level compression is you say, i mean i've been experiencing it. i know before the service of october, if i tried to speak with is really just on the human side of the catastrophe of 1948, i failed to see any compassion i. ready remember. ready the the take on goes in 12 and 2014 with the event by the high a number. ready of children killed and i couldn't it extract any compassionate
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reaction for most of these really dues i knew and definitely there was no compassion convey to the main and media also it was the the disclose of the politicians. why is it happening? i think this has a lot to do with. ready nature. ready of, of design isn't as a circular colonial movement. i mean, you have to go to the origins and they're like many of the cervical even movies like the ones that establish the. ready nighted states in australia, for instance, in order to get rid of the native indigenous population you had to do when i the 1st and foremost and, and there's nothing you in the way is raise or perceive most of the other thing is even the young ones. as potential enemies as an existential danger. they are not getting to that conclusion by themselves. that is the outcome of the very uh, the been built for the nation educational system. and it is sustained by the media
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. i mean you, you just have to, he. ready the benjamin antonio's language when he talks about the palestinians. people think that this is a new language because of what happens of the 7 of october. but this is because people have very short memory. you spoke this say it. ready as well it is gary or is it by minister and do you really. ready member yourself prime minister banging and the way he talked about that effect in 1980 due to during these a invasion of live alone when he compared alpha to hitler in the bunker. so i'm afraid that this is not unique to the particular. a catastrophe that we are witnessing today. it's the most structurally, is rarely joyce perception. i would say racist deception or the palestinians as a sub human. so infer human as some of our little shows like z z, a likes to reset or government government as well. and some i'd say is inside lack
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of compassion is reflected, of course, in london, berlin and notably washington had not one thing a cease fire. do you think that many jews in what was palestine understand that the biblical prophecy did do by the american christian right? from which, uh, american politicians get the revo just from that they end up uh, believing in your day or side on the day of judgment to do you think they understand that a this is where he lives. but i, i remember the, the, the honeymoon between binge, i mean that them, you know, when he was still a, these really and bustle. ready to the united nation, he started in 1992 as this serious connection with the, the christian designers. and he was asked about these uh, you know, the find letters in the contract. namely, the jews would be either barbecued,
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didn't have all the to do research on it in this design scenario, the end of time. and he said, that doesn't matter. now with mentors is that now we have genuine headlines. and i think that's how these ladies treated. but moses res, i would say i'm aware of course of this and they just out of a reason, right? they don't know very much and their media feeds them. that's kind of narrative and historical knowledge which fits the ideology and the propaganda rather than allows them to be accurate that those thinkers and, and take a more independent position towards the reality. so given what we've been seeing in recent weeks, always seeing the beginning of the end, or could we be seeing the end of the israel project? it's a very good question i, i think that uh the internal is really was that uh, kind of raised me for the same as of october between what i bowled the state of do
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the name the, the state of the settlers lets see on. ready still black, the under mint, the list, and the state at least the most secular. um, kind of multi cultural version of these really i thought they were fighting each other for the future. i think this a despite the fact that it has stopped, of course, because of the war will be resumed very soon. i. ready really can see the integration void arriving again. this enclosing soul with a n. i think that indicates always a precursor. uh for the beginning of the end or on the end of, of the beginning if you want. but uh, i do warm you and the viewer, is there any story in these processes which we to as beginning of and then can be quite long in our lifetime. uh and more important there. uh like dishes
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and fee is. uh we remember the last days of uh a buffet, so as after got a some other energies like that and therefore uh yes i do saying that the. ready validity of this project is not holding water and it'd be the levy, the right the. ready phase is really don't really so the knowledge it seems as we're going to. ready is only 2 options and i agree with him either a knew nothing about. and this is unfolding in front of our eyes as we speak or a one democratic state if. ready ready i still hope and it has to be, i'm an active list as well as a new story and it has to be optimised. is that despite the, the unfolding of the 1st option maybe was into nash. ready and regional intervention, we might build the basis to the 2nd option. there is no 3rd option. the present reality will not stay forever. so it's either adult,
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the task to feed or hopefully building a very different future to those. but the thing is andrews in the story for letting those by this time. and of course, accompanying all of this uh, these uh, warships and perhaps one of the largest nato nation. ahmad is in history in the eastern mediterranean. the form is extra, genuinely, i really gamma most runs out. it is joe smiled when i asked, why is it everyone keeps invoking in ron? when it comes to hum us? sunni organizations is a boat and it's some guys is the u. s. policy in syria trying to with ro president that said, how successfully is how successful is the media and that you know, and joe biden and your b indeed is in trying to make out that this is somehow to do with a ron the october 7th attack. this is, i think we have the best, the narratives and we have something that. ready the best, the pre text with the context. and namely people use the same as a, told her as
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a pretext to implement policies that were unable to implementing fully before. let's take the americans. the americans use the, the, the events of the service of october, or is it the text to resend a research military presence in the, in the area and to try and win back some of the hazy i'm on the they have lost and due to their failed policies after 2001 is really does use the event as a pretext to implement massive asked me cleansing, which they could not implemented during the time of the war i do for the time of peace because there was no fees. but if he's entitled no war is really is fully aware of the viewing of. ready or you can do much more in terms of mass explosions . then you can do uh during the time of now. ready or so, yes i, i do think that this is one method of non to the other one is of course, to,
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to build this story that the earnings behind everything like an octopus that sends all its, uh, you know, whatever you call them, hands into, into, oh, oh, faxing, things into, into various areas. instead of, you know, listening to the secretary general's the united nation, who would say, how much does it need to you're on the listing is don't need to, you're on uh to resist. as throughout the use of the. ready of your patient colonization and oppression against these ladies. there's no need for any power from the outside with the regional or international to pay like all of nice people who are exposed to estimate lensing and now getting the size of the policies . they don't need someone from the outside to tell. ready to try and resume is the end to drive to the world. stop the end stuff this uh colonization and oppression.
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uh, its but incredible how some intelligent people in the west already beating this uh, narrative, which comes out of the hollywood budget has nothing to do with the reality on the drawing. anyone who knows the other thing is driving from the very beginning, knows as christians and muslims are involved in that, that it has a very strong list, a side to it as well. that is relies on a russia and china and iran in brazil. and other countries are willing to challenge the american example need. i mean this is a typical says will be belonging. this drug. ready that just in terms of period these ation is outside the convention, the framework of most of the on the colonial and successful striving that happened totally between the 1970s until the end of the last century. but this is an ongoing struggle. it'd be last of that period. they just didn't materialize it. i know it is a picture on social media and change of our in,
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in gaza doing the rounds. and it was louise also who we interviewed on this show. the president of bolivia has of to 7th diplomatic relations with israel. we saw columbia acting as your sabres, old china, russia. all these different voices quite be confident that the arab world doesn't really matter when it comes to what's happening in gaza, regardless of a pattern. the summit in saudi arabia inside the they don't really have any impact into what happens to palestinians and all the thousands of children being killed. the yes, let the, it's a very who's the position by the, our ability james. because i like the genes themselves or societies are very broad . the stevens still regard. palestine is the same. ready for. ready the struggling will be out of. ready altogether to be deliberated to fries and to progress. so,
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going is such a leeway against the wishes of most of the people who live in the, in these are countries can, that can be very dangerous in the future. i think it's not a coincidence during the so called the spring assume many of the demonstrators don't themselves with about us being in a flag. i think there is a kind of an understanding that there is a very complex reality here. you have some regions that assignment committed to the struggle on the side of the bodies thing is like the syrian one and the same time, they also have their own issues of human rights and civil rights. that the auto blue ones, ones 2 souls which gives you a very clear indication that without a just solution for the palestine question, the other will not be able to deal with issues of human rights and civil rights
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release itself from the grip of american imperialism. and build itself as an independent and important actor in international relations hasn't gone by. how stop you the more from the director of europe, you incentive about a senior saudis at the university of extra after this break the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or is the case for the mess. and as of people, i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on the have very quick propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is, will be the society of to your credit accounts offensively. you know, it was a fire that there was a series of organizations on the, on the west side and ukrainian slides, illusions about their own strength illusions about strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, don't care to rush or, and you crying was
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a door that just had to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime in the solutions have been shopped with the, the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with the renown just story and then all of the lovely ethnic cleansing of palestine dive as a non profit as well. we were talking about instability in this region, but of course it becomes increasingly clear that in the same nato countries ombang the ledge genocide in gaza. this seems to be a degree of instability given the british politicians are considering binding the palestinian flag in uh,
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in britain of shocking the obviously the united states wouldn't do that. they have a, they have a 1st amendment. what makes this conflict and, and as i say in a genocide occurring now, so different in terms of blow back when it comes to a civic society in the united states in western europe. this is think the states, the very beginnings that is a risk is this event is it doesn't, it's all the game changer it's, it's uh, was however, the events in gaza will unfold is read. it would still be in a bucket. state design isn't, would still be a circular colonial state, and the ballasting would still be colonized people struggling with very little regional and international help to try and win their negotiation independence and treat them so. so i think that is where you, you huge from that perspective, you can see that there is, there may be
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a change in the lives. ready also. ready to the civil society, maybe it's even more. ready movie it's higher then it was, and there is an exactly the, the mirror image of it. there is even less solar and by the governments in the west to allow for the speech path on palestine. i think all this would for tuesday unfortunately depends how you look at it, go back to its previous levels. namely, i'm afraid that the level is also the directors of both of the police. damian's would not be the same after the events and guys, again, however they would and it was on the other end, i'm quite sure that the draconian measures that the basic government, for example, is taken, may not really stay in place. so that's a really shows us that as active is especially in the solely donkey movement. we should think about. this is a chapter that a lot as a, as a, as an event i was out of context and everything we faced as challenges. and the
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biggest challenge we have at least in the global most and in the west is the civil society that he's very broke on this thing and, and yet unable until today to have any significant insights on the policies of the governments towards palestine. this is that to me, the main issue i'm, i'm, i'm less the stead though though it, i'm outraged schools when president biden, it tries to explain why he does not support the chinese and russian coal for a ceasefire, which is the most normal and right thing to do i don't think how, how they can sleep at night knowing what it means, not to a cold for, to cease by, but only know, and i don't think that this is that different toler policies in the future in the past. and i'm afraid this will be also the policies in the future. i do. my only hope is that somehow the civil societies and so the direct,
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the movement may be the most them, well maybe the, i don't will. i would step upgrade because what you want this only diety with about his being is and make it the month and much more effective, fixed or in changing the reality on the ground. not just, you know, the distilled vision, the siding goes up, but also to change the reality because as you probably know, more than 100. but this thing is whitfield since the beginning of the 7th of october in the west bank sizes has been arrested without trying. and the palestinians citizens, it is a being harassed daily and by the police and the jews citizens. so we have here a situation where all the other students all over historically, by this thing, need urgently the international community in the region to intervene because they're in balance of power at this moment that history is against them. or is there a change because as per events of the un security council of to be you
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a back resolution? it is now okay. according to london, berlin washington said that killing children, invoice numbers on the basis of their ethnicity is okay. now, as a self defense that's now being established. yeah. you know i, i'm even willing to use them some sort of a margin of, of doubt that they do not fully understand. and it's only about the, the leaders at what their message of supposed to is, or how their message to support in it to is that it is understood by these ratings . and it'll be about the society and the police, the leadership, like it is these minutes. you know, if you don't follow them and causally, these really flat colors are these very like all the, the,
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the ice of dollars with the colors of these ladies like he's right. he's understand, it is a mess. it says we absorbs you for all the things you have done until the service of october, and you have another free license to do whatever you want, regardless of international and the laws laws in, in the guise of state. i'm not sure every american, every british policy makers uh, is, is, this is the kind of message they want. it is well to have. i still hope some of them are the logical of humanity in them. uh, but what we know from the story is it zine is lo, be in america named britain. even if they would have no doubts whether they took the right decision by giving is rarely stopped lunch. they would be very timid and careful not to a challenge these very low be in the countries and, and be, you know, expo. ready as to allegations of the same it is and so on. so it's, it's
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a situation where they are in the reputable, the day themselves put themselves in it. and this is an assumption that at least some of them are not as, as colors as you have just described them, you know, totally in different due to the images and, and india and the repose we are getting on. and i'll on the basis, it's on the guys as good. well, they were proud about the few trucks coming across the rafa crossing, of course, and for all the international isolation of these nato powers. as regards what's happening, why do you think violent be approved? you then change in being these administrations feel it so necessary to talk about a 2 state solution after all the work you've done after all the work. so many scholars have done it to explain why only a one state solution will solve this question. it is interesting to
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say that i, i spend the very excellent 2 weeks in china in the beginning of this month's teaching. and so in. ready universe, these summit, few diplomats from the chinese foreign ministry and i put that question to them as well. and i think the the mission that the both the russians floor and ministry image and useful and mystery, sheila day i don't know. ready do at least challenge the new this schools that the west is booking and that's what matters now is. ready wow, is road to implemented the destructive policies and only pay lip service to a solution in the future? so in any way it is, i hope it is destined to indicate that these 2 powers, these 2 global powers might be more involved in the future. and i still
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learning what should be the original position, because i think also china, china, and russia until recently. you know, if you think about the russian participation, the part that before where allowing the west and especially in the united states to be the main mediate ability, this owners, boker, but to the domain broker. if they want to replace it with maybe other countries, like the redlands of africa is broke, as probably they would have to study again, the origins of the conflict, the essence of the conflict. and hopefully they would understand that the 2 state solution is not viable anymore. and if there is an international pressure, it should be towards a different kind of political solution. of course, given this discussion between us, it would help pull any member of netanyahu's cabinets, and that'll and a left wing,
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so called left clicking is riley's, how desperate, good, uh, israel. and i mean that you all good of course, go to jail any way after this coming to the beginning. but uh, how desperate could the is really leads get what is the nuclear weapon threats in israel? i think, but so far i really cannot predict. uh i, i can only to tell you. ready i think it happened so far at these really uh elite is made off to main components. $11.00 is the political one and the other one is the security organization which includes the army and most of the secret service and so on. to do today the additions where contains a limited in their extra is against iran by the people who came for all the
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security a pillar, so to speak. however, there is a demographic changing those institutions. and quite a lot of people who come from the 2nd lens are now beginning to climb up in the actual loans, also the security so. so i don't know how long this more load, pragmatic, you know, even the rest and i'm willing to give it to them. ready i shall approach towards the around all the use of nuclear weapons. how long will it be sustained if i'm a for my fear, which would become true, that the demographics of that particular military and secure the lead would exchange at which time? uh it, by the way this, this lead does not have the experience. you obviously can see if they, oh, they totally agree with the patients about the, the, the destruction of the palestinians and genocide,
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the policies. and that's the cleansing policy. but when it comes to region, the war, i think they're bit more bushes, then they are right, we voted additions. so we have to watch and see whether this balance of power is changing. in order to fully answer your a right to an important question. promising you not a problem and thank you. thank you very much. and that's over the show and condolences from the whole team here, we're going underground to those believe by the ongoing violence here in the middle east. we'll be back in the brand new episode on saturday. until then, keep in touch by little less social media, if it's not sensors and your country, and then to our channel going underground tv on normal dot com to watch new and old episodes of going on dependencies after the
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the after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had been coming to daily and colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of this genocide stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to for an hour and put up stairs,
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resistance, dividers against colonialism, were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star, who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass keyboard agents, and the imprisonment of the local population and concentration camps, the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l moves are, was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 b boats fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence.
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the gaza is becoming on in habits of old. that is the stock warning from the u. n. as the ranges on, on humanitarian, a struggles to reach the needing roles that com. you have a nice for about the streets of solar, dire to with palestinians, an estimated to 1000000 and joins protests across the country. and didn't uranium city of cub and the public moons p a t full of people killed in twins carriage last week, which i so has now claimed responsibility simple the .


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