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tv   Documentary  RT  January 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EST

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saving their, russo full big goals, such a lead or i'm sorry, they're of also spoke out against the needs me and offered to send his forces to help out. meanwhile, poland put its military on high alert lots. he began tightening border security and the u. k. government announced an emergency crisis management meeting to discuss the situation box. it's turned out to be much ado about nothing because by the evening it was all ready over a face to the help of alexander lucas and co, the presence of bellows and rushes closest ally done. yes, let me look. we have stopped about development. we are life, we cannot stand aside. for russia collapses, we will all be under the rubble. it turned out that he had been in contact with both. vladimir puts an end for golden, flew out the day and he managed to convince the wagner chief to send down in exchange for security guarantees in belarus, but he's nothing to do if i am grateful to the president of fellows. alexander
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grigory, i mentioned to christian co for his efforts and contribution to the peaceful resolution of the situation. but i repeat, it was the patriotic spirit of the citizens and the consolidation of the entire russian society, which played a decisive role in these days. this support allowed us to overcome the most difficult trials for our mother land together. thank you for that failed insurrection. let off social media were conspiracy theories started running wild bull, some believe the means, and it was a false flag operation, intended to restore confidence and tutors were seen. others were convinced stop boots and precautions had time this to read the pool. is the wagner groups to barrows where it would be within striking distance off key? if no one could believe, deputy gordon would risk so many lives, including his own. so just give off the turn around once again and leave the country so quickly. bring you my a few of 3 of realizing the full responsibility for the fact that russian blood
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will be spilled on one of the sides. we are turning our columns around and leaving in the opposite direction to the field camps, according to the plan. i already knew what i'm good many russians was that he said that no russian blood was spilled, which was a lie. wagner down several russian military aircraft doing the means to me, killing russian pilots. something which he later admitted himself. and that was the final story, even for those who continued to support him. despite his reckless behavior, no prior success on the front line, could excuse the killing of russian soldiers in vain privilege. and could have been remembered as a hero who led his men to victory and don't boss. but instead he loved them and himself, and so shameful, exile with his tail between his legs 2 months later, if any precaution died, when his business shut crashed north of moscow killing everyone on board and sparking and another round of an incredible conspiracy theories. though as or also
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itself failed needs, and they only made the country stronger and more united. no matter how much the nay sayers expected or even hold it would turn out. otherwise that is our business. and so far this stop today and next stop, one of our award winning documentary is towards move peace and music. enjoy the the e. the
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. so i don't remember the bundle episode in beautiful, fully the room was the got it for the room. middle group on we'll call the low gains of shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy? they're going share scalable data. so the league on sony day, the, the most of the known it was what i mean, you got it. see what i mean, the little boy, you know, these went out it, you know, face young. they don't remember the most of the lower ability. when, when you see a check of, you can be out low. so when we go to selling the 5 singles, only those on all neighbors. so we can see what's going on, see this so that i put it in when i bought the problem of a level and leave it in prob, you will see, then you'll slow down the wrong body,
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i'm going up was inside. what do you did? you did, does equity fund them and like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in sony. good sense, unavailable. no. see. i think he's on the flip side, the issue, the fund, but sold in the me a just calling to see what was the and these are the middle, what the result i g g a little by always all the a to by they don't it to none the less of, you know, when you have seen it, i don't know me. he's, i guess on those some of the think we still go on except for the bundle facility. the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics to deal with these. are they available in showing sammy or gains underneath? so the way these already like when you get a level full by good solid, by the can,
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i guess did you come out like a bustle to form a new but when he got it, sonya and what you can look at if i'm your mother will see that you know what the young boys to about then take it down to the more you meant, then come to, i mean for which is what i asked, that he was the one you know, i don't see, i'm a little focused on what i loved. you know, so you have been, you mean to them on the go in the ability to a little particularly made think get even projects we're going to run into. but she's going to be on that. do you agree with the angle, the way to do when you, when the middle defend a ball but a one that the season going to be always so, a little bit as a chest, so a night on kasai showed them like they're familiar still, most likely to do this because of the things i got, you'll be able to get a little portfolio for games that cheat fit on that enormous a. so cynita, my goal was that the, the, you know, it was don't gauging don't list which is only lead you the you to get for the front of the office. so i was sick, well guarded. you can actually pull up some of the,
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the vin, but there is any body, maybe gene solely solve the problem. unless you all you want to doing it ceiling, you the mass to go. that's fine. yeah, that is the sort of outage in mind. you can move it as i wonder if either of you know, one of them when i showed it was like i'm finding the most of the g. so i knew that the doctor says about maybe she's studying it. does that make it up? i have to be, she said, the little scene, i would appreciate what i told him granny can via to denial letter. she say, i'm a quasi sandy of the b a r e a the with the about a quarter. so the pharmacy demo for a week, but his asking the northwest said okay, and i want to see that if maybe you can find me that on the bus, hopefully the,
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the polio. so they bought the this, the, the thought is you give you any $1000000.00 to combine your daughter. cool. so they don't find you the most of the rebels are mine with the 4. so gallo deliveries as you that over again is simply what i got on the video for just the give us what the, what was the, got him a work the sooner the you with annoyed data zone will get a good awful and body to load up the other one, and if i choose to more do more disease picking up at the most of them will have plenty of issues to be able to go on. and when he died. yeah, it'll be on your mind. i got to one of the you the table for him. uh to the yeah, i see a guy the nano simply the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, you know, maybe the levels, you know, a low model and then i could yeah, no, that's fine. send it out in front of it. yeah, no, but i your name and date you present. they are in the volume or lower, the name on the ceiling was the old. don't need to get these. going to be going to see him on the. i mean, she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's on miss of the male, but uh you have a key, you know, based on his load the, the units as all the people needed. if i chose the other ones, the only way to do any good, you don't mean to really get police correspondence. yeah, that's just what i, what are the and more of the fees you order my put the more to put a guide you didn't, but there is a senior and was going to the but numerous, even senior, but the,
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the waste of your mental. but it shall be what is the group of music audio though to can you read an example? something older you have a one show you and see. i mean, for the last one i want to concern and it can only go through it on the way that you can look them up. it will be noise in the ink on theater the show was going for you. so any idea of this, so going to be a moment, you may have humans on a few. meno. what do you see about the,
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of the content? the so to get more into what kind of a content thinking show this was plotted. it's showing us what our monthly and have you ever met to make the certificate, but it saves you and it made it easier to get the your wife to agend thanksgiving day. like, did you take the, the, you with the
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a library to tell him to live in the, the way i was i was still over to face the size of the same as the size. utah goes there. you know, see, go ahead, you know, find out if you guys want me to go to the point. i know most of the models when it goes to in carrollton with time, you'll go down, you present on the, on. if you don't get it, i get the 7 is, can you read all those of it for the find it or to solve it shouldn't be though. see all those i was going down. okay. i can stop us. i'm going to drive is when i'm done with you guys, i never thought it was the, the level see me that when he got to come,
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which i can throw in the me, a condo, but the muscle and so on. so what to do about the i g. so sudden sea and body seen and what do you see about the memory it is she thought and i will. so what i'll do to say not i'm not so the gate change, the get issues of the vehicle. me know, check, see what it all come up and get pen. so again, you mean both to get somebody to go to see if at all? nope. does you know 43, i'll get you over there. oh,
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you got to use your land another way and that is that going 1000 of the got you know, so long as we have those you know bowl to say yes, we are in the laws and rules so yeah. last time everybody feels good. get us get in the feeling that somebody's need ruthie me. i need to speak to ms on mrs. can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get the what 30 below the money. but it was great. the ed i'm isn't going to then visually to sports. so i know it could be of i think watching the most of those, even if you've got to be like on that it even will deal to just being on the being . i need to see all the resumes, but y'all, it seemed almost like going to love it. it's on
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the own as good as even come on. one of them probably going to hear the goals. hancock was a homeless kind of deal them some bogus, the or bit thing was you this little spit out the limits in the so it's on your side of how your side will metadata. you know, dan, this can be on the side one by the name name was as though is the, is the name was the numbers and they don't it, or some of them are those basis. well, they're like, and a lot of them know your name on what that means that know, you know, says this warehouse are going to sit by means like a supplement down the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is. um. well, most game being minos, virginia's get but his, they are, cuz i'm with this clip as book. so bear with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. see that they don't even park it, but it goes don't. they don't look manuals. good at the moment. no one them. what
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do you me that is who so supported them. us. what her name is carolina 5 k one deal at the the on the phone interview and we have them up again, i guess with this. so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it really goes. it was gone post. like when it was, i'm already there was a ticket. and yet when i got and went up here and there was a, i gave a kid that video thought he's on his own name, who then google. yeah, no, it would all. but did this, i guess, i guess, i mean, as i'm probably being on the front of me, just look it up, let's get to talking about cuz if that's yeah, i can to get those up for you. okay. so based on those data,
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the 17 points that are not up to you, i will get you off the phone them in fact, just get off the phone for like where to go into or even do the ottoman i have to work on that. if i do it, and it wants to be on the phone totally near the ottoman contradictions to anything at all, not submitted to the army s. we finality to get onto the course of wednesday. it was a, well not even a funeral on, or you how i love the cheapest and it was a by then it goes to the people send it to me and just to see if anything that on
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the the peoples, the level side and the political laptop my ditching of 95 go to the terminal on uh, a dealership on east, samuel maddox. you still in any see a time or you somebody been you out the mail and the rest of the that it by dimensions on the stuff the, all the, from the thought it enough to be a little i, you'll be able to, i gotta keep the my 30 all the money body, all paid, the master adult bull and the other, the cheese or the the i'm about to do it. i meant the way i took on the settlement amount of people into the weight of the book they bought up with a little dogged. if i she start going to be a big piece to let you talk about the video, the live, the i've just sort of main filled up with the k through suits on the bottom that allow me to got definitely vasquez. my name is al bedford's. oh, i'm a calling east. i mean you took nice price me and
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a man not to fascist. a spend the to year off my eyes in the same the please that i can be great. and it was called my and of a and the own girl come up, name will jungle. and we stay for one enough here as to whether you filed the for 7 years in the us the 1st time. and when i arrived the newest that something wrong got into the unit of id, i don't say nothing to other people or some of these after what's come for your mind that that the and it was one of the that's my name, the not sure it is the leg up still mean i'm not them. he is, but i'll send it on the same jobs, but the can hold on sparsely levels. going to see them don't buy. so you're not really going to see, i'm just double video can, will contain a choice, is what i mean. the numbers that are fine. yeah. that he died. yeah, the mess you go daddy. glenda visally. we stick them back down for she's what i've
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been with them, but then for she's was based on what it did. zullie mills in the mazda of love would leave it to me. oh, oh, and the job. no, no, no, no, no. john needs. so
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the issue with adding issues gives her mind my 2nd and then they sent me a quick check. promoted excuse, metal music. you could do it for the way as good as you might have seen. you send me up,
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the music fits your move to such brand is so me 0 it is because all the blue beans animal. but there's still the screen slip slip lenient to put the for for cc everybody to invoke the system. i'm in the line. it was it, as will show off, show seduce state, you live on the we shall we. this is a comma to eat. the 3rd suspicious is often useful is sure to la la g got the mattress you ever need. and usually what, but almost federal, $32.00, it says up put and get this invest alumni. she only goes to issued the move on to the out of doors musket in the past. can someone's opinion go?
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sure she do off and that's okay. but the up us the fuel and your zip code, which is good, expensive the for me know, yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick. it broke through, stuck with she and you do, but it's not for me. this land motion was i'm got the financial, is it the the persistence with what a copy of loser was? this is nathalie uh monday. its when i put it in these days because it got thrown jeanette lewis in the beach a c. i'm a genius level, so let's just go to the rules. yeah. but it is a choice of interest for yeah, bundles and not some issues. i'm with dish and that shouldn't be too lovely. jeannie, this is over on it lose it got sort of when you mind, if so please one digit push this month on. remind me that the,
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i'm assuming that the board of says a, so i'm going to feel like i'm gonna ship new scenes miss that will come out of mine . and she has the financial g, yvonne and you take any cell phones. i'll go ahead, i'm sorry, something cool. sorry from on the bottom. you know, can i enter my go bad? no. it created the one for the for the long. my product were from value was, oh, you know, we got a lot of people that the, we don't to war. that to it was sent account was go on with the declaration thrush him for that issue. but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces always together and try to make a change in our county the
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way. yeah. and stock them to go on to the tiny apple p and not a i don't know a i find that are the source of the way of that main drag bicycle. you saw out if you was saying uh they would all talk with rock on the toner to charlotte on the phone, on the market, capital real estate and fax it and when i don't know it's on the queen piazza after the bus. stop it. yeah, i mean, outside the, somebody. so what the really me, i mean she's energy really in general and almost went to the back of the game here . going to be moved into the middle when it was out of the better school as i need . uh, if i got a albany legos and she really need the phone in law and they'll, they don't know chad totally. i mean, these go to the will be at the receiving the, the, the guy who plays the game so many, but it looks like she's been going quando. and i've been sort of the, she does even in the about the 20. but she's so i can see
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a but there's one that i got a line i o c a. even though the bill push into i think it was it. but be meant that bobby, that able to break the when it came back from don't less. suddenly it was somebody difficult to really infinity, shown quits, plain that they owe their point of view of this war. on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they will create an anti fascist they point of view of russia. and so i've been something that it was incredible and it wasn't the 1st time i thought, the tenant that the, the time, you know, the secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that,
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that's not to talk any more into the nation. i was one of these people and so since, since that's the steps to work and i think that international because i think that to be done in goal or month. yes. that they quoted that from the american government. not the
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the think web demo is one of those you, i'm going to be the, the general the because of the vehicle. are you into reality and you can just open monday and go and buy something. was all the images on a sit out of the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that i what was you know, the other front that h in the us one out at a. so going to get signed up with him. but we went through another entry, show it for the out. the i've been was other was he the only i'll be up to the objects to the front door
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the way. so in the video, when they'll be able to actually forget to like, i don't want them to actually single unless you don't. yes. so that gives you shed a southern w at the moment when he got to you. but give me assume for the people when we use any sort of or somebody to go out inside to get a move in till the end of the month. so so saying i don't think over in don't was going to and then sees will go to a good place. other the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the calls that is becoming on inhabitable dots. the star upholding from the u. n. as the war rages on, on humanitarian aid, struggles to reach those roles. so ahead and you have any slots that street on a to our, to how to send in an estimate of 2000000. it's joyce protests across the country. oldest common me reiney in a city of culture and it's a public move on to 84 people killed in twin terrible off of this week, which i told has claimed responsibility for


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