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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the garza is becoming on inhabitable dots to star upholding from the u. n. as the will rages on, on humanitarian aid struggles to reach those. and also had said, you have many slots. that's the street from the tower to kind of send you an estimate to, to 1000000 joins protests across the country. oldest common me, reiney and a city both hotline. it's a public move on to 84 people killed in twin powered off this week, which i told has claimed responsibility for the,
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from uganda to your wife and pro aisha to cameroon. we called the stories that others might not welcome to our, to international. it's quite happy with us. well, let's head straight to call us at wow. fist fighting continues. let's hold. but team pre remains in the news of the n. k for which pull the front of the adf assault in the early weeks of its ground operation. the few paces of refuge do remain, they are mostly in an uninhabitable state. so put you on this, malcom, it's about tells us how people are struggling to survive. i'm in the ruins, as we report from the city of faith live here in northern guys. us specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by, is really forces they pushed, evacuated to leave, to other areas. they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning a vacuum. his belongings, including cars, personal items and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to
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the testimony of those who were displaced. initially we saw refuge khalifa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing that we thought shelter here. assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. i'm know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate. took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the out because some square for 2 hours. they lost our food and belongings behind, assuring us that we've returned. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes and all our belongings. when to come, they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. i pay some returned to alfa, correct clinic,
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others to other who sang. this place was full of displaced people, even before my family and i arrived there are huge number of displaced people in schools and the agency clinics. i couldn't find a place for me and my family when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing despite the fire. and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child whose only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris just to survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares about shells and rockets. we have no homes left, they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction if there is no place for us at un schools or their clinic spouse. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by the spray leaves. what kind of? there's no food or drink people grind, we to get some sort of flour for sustenance and i haven't received any flour for
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a week. i kind of have, i know i have neither food or drink, not even to canada. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school, so we can live in sanitary conditions, demands the dispatcher of the committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. i love me to have, despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. when somebody by aid courts have for a moment, spring warning of the detail ratings for monetary and situation in the enclave. the latest enjoying these many voices as a hue out official, his painted a bleak, full trait of the reality on the ground. cause it has simply become uninhabitable. its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence. while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people,
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even as its own stop are being killed and displaced. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and con boys are shot at and as commercial supplies vital to survival are almost nonexistent. on the southern city of hong unice has also become an area of relentless fighting and aerial bombardment. footage, it shows a smooth rise that go to the city off the strikes on friday evening. 18 people why reportedly killed her over night talk to her house was destroyed in an id f attack . hospitals all overcrowded. the struggling to p to treat patients soul. so to get supplies, those that do receive aid only get a fraction of what's really needed. the world health organization has recently made a delivery of some magical stokes to calling eunice to be father distributed across the region. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies,
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but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these. these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times their normal capacity. now, if it's the west bank, wherever pool, it's all coming in. but the idea is conducting rates across a number of towns. they also do have nothing that says one of those in the cross has the so this on verified footage captured the sounds of gunfire. bringing out it comes is really false. is confronted protestant news during night rates, according to reports, clashes all on getting an idea. snipers have been deployed to rooftops in the area . meanwhile, in rama, la palestinians packed the narrow streets off the friday, pres. they were protesting both his reactions and calls on the kenning of a senior official in a route. several days ago. solid worry was a chief. the god of the medicine were found its top representative in the west pine demonstrate to say, his kenning has only heartened to palestinian resistance, calling them as they are,
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the more the oppression of the occupation increases and the more the confrontation ignites and resistance to this occupation grows our palace to name people are fully aware and understand that the core of this zion is project is to control the land and forcibly displace its inhabitants. so the ongoing popular movement of firms, the persistent unity within society, and this confrontation and resistance, which through various forms will continue unabated though the westbank is boiling in light of what is happening. and how does it all just in addition to that product, sitting in charlotte templates cool less. what happened is you've also told us through the tension that's building and the region. so the situation on that ground on tents, on the anger is marked as a multiple, as seen as well as so far as the sensitivity october, i know they are more than $5650.00 c knows i just did that goes into the club,
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dozens of them where everything is better and it's $326.00 killed. so civil so, but i know which is a high number. it intelligence of that was banks. it is really confused. yeah. on 1000 dentist old bit, calvin every night and that is tended by the oddest of some of seniors. and if i'm finding flashes between and you've probably seen those on the in bid i this s o s. i'm in just some a kill some irises. it's a split the news in every and this event is also, it wasn't the north and was bank here for a while. and you mean to cut them? i'm now most of us now it's going to including, i mean everyone and the home is just that i'm software is uh, which is a flashes that last night and on the morning. so it's expanded more than any time before. and that's time to yemen. now, because people in the nation's capital have taken to the streets in a show of support for palestine local media suite to the 2000000 and one across the country took part in similar demonstrations. the main squire in sauna hosted
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a sea of demonstrate, as you can see, carrying a numerous palestinian flags, a representative of the same move one to dress the crowd saying that it still says we're ready to fight against both as rock and america. the u. s. navy has been striking at the group school says in the red sea in response to a number of attacks on tel aviv linked ships. some of the radi explain them notice to being that, that we will support our brothers in palestine. we tell them the loan, the gold is supporting him and we are within to begin. many people will not tolerate any american intervention of guardianship. we are ready for confrontation, the aggression against the m and has been us led from the beginning. we are prepared for everything. we realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now, we will later when we are a preston defeated for months now both sides and may as well have moscow will have been blaming a child's us for the rising number of civilian casualties as possible. special
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coverage of the conflict, we might hear a stripping away the rhetoric and guessing to the human aspect of his remembering the innocent lives. last, here's the story of an all t cameraman. who else knew was family members to is where the strikes the we are calling the civilians to leave guys. it goes out. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard on the all the civilians and one of the
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the automatic about the design, the army of these radio occupies hit, my family's house and as triangles there's an 8 maces. the crazy last one. the house one stood when i got in touch with my brother who arrived there at 5 in the morning. he couldn't search the rubber the night because there's no electricity. so he came with his friends and neighbors to take the bodies out of the shovels, not machinery, because there's no fuel pitcher in the 5 days to catch the bodies. they're both going to sit on the thumbs. you my brother and he's 2 sons. my 2 sisters and one of their friends, also in the house at the time of the strike. they all died. the,
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what do you need? my son was 70 that for a family wedding. he doesn't even speak arabic and he was born and raised in most kind. he's become a hostage. she can't get out. most of the electricity in snatch, there's none of that. that could cause a visual. how did they survive? what just like, honestly don't understand it myself. when i talked to them last, my nephew said that they would collect things. so was that there's no other option to confirm the appointment as far as i understand, even though the salt water is dirty. what's going on? well let's see water so yes it's do you call him drinking and they just use it to wash. and so i was off to the straw and kind of had no contact with my son for 2 and a half days i was simply terrifying. i didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't sit still the solutions. the situation is terrible. so everything that i was coveting, black,
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so the women and children are crying and sobbing. father's mothers and brothers are old sigh for many parish from diseases, but by the i'm sen. conditions. when it comes to food, people have to go out for i am to my friends. so they have something to eat. the . the a mouse funeral has been held in the rain and city of common for the 84 people killed in twin bloss. earlier this week. i still have since claimed responsibility, the tower tack a car during a memorial ceremony for rainy and general customs tamani who was assassinated 4 years ago in a huge strike. all the issues of gilani brings us this report. a feeling for
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victims of the term monitor attack was set to be held into cities cemetery for these events took place on wednesday, but shortly after the sister group claim responsibility for the exposures before these change the plan, moving this whole money to a safer venue here at the mazda mazda, liam, president of room, or is he who, i guess all it is thursday trip to talk here in the wake of the terrorist attack, arrived at the scene, promising, crushing groove and drunk quote, the masterminds of the attack be suited for the 2 forces of the upper hand, all forces will decided time and place for the retaliation. around a 100 people lost their lives and a pair of gloves that ripped through the city of clermont near the grave of awesome . so they might or crowns had, flocked to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the us assess the nation of the former i. r g. c commander in a statement released on thursday, isis review, but 2 of its members blew themselves up in the pilgrims. thus rebuilding the initial speculations about remote control, the explosives,
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the families of the victims, now demand to the government, find the perpetrators and bring them to justice. i ask the government to find the criminals. relieve the pain of those who lost their loved ones, would have wrong. has our child done? he was only 4 years old. he was killed just before his birthday is so hard to endure this. we have bought a tank to celebrate his birthday. was mass wondering me for him to ask the authorities to take revenge on i. so we just supported by israel and the us, the created, then group, the sort this must respond firmly and not just just on the perpetrators and those who aided them via tech on was a, was isis 2nd significant operation. anyone in more than 6 years, back in june 2017 does just island stormed. it was parliament name. i'm home and he's mostly. i'm simultaneously killing 17 people and wounding 43 others to have been withheld. aided by targeting isis tron calls and syria using just domestically
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built medium range missiles, higher gc came under a general hosting. so allow me said this time to the tourists will not be safe. you better know that you cannot escape god's rules by hiding, even if you leave for a 1000 years. we will find you in regards to the swim last same term on your one. initially pointed the finger at israel, arguing that television is actively seeking to do or below to the so called resistance access and the region of the phone support for homeless and the ongoing cause of war. still many believe that he's will pull the strings and the term on bombing to cover office, so called back to back the feats into a war against thomas. we are dorski a noise whose i so it's the branch out of the us killer to clean to admitted this fact in her election competes, who is i? so it's, israel is the us. they are the ones who support them both isis and these, well have all those cars from some, some of the money and iran, when it comes to isis jewels. so the money was known as the nemesis of the terrace grove, wiping out isis any walk and syria enforcing the remnants of the grove to shelter
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enough against them as far as well. so the money was mainly known as the architects of the resistance access, because primary goal is to confront these really and western influence in the region, no matter who is the mastermind of the attack. the move has provoked it wrong, which are weird as it has plants to do. so. what is the whole region on edge a me that doesn't, we're any military reaction reaction from toronto would be a spark and a power cag. and it's exactly what he is. well, the been working for, and that's 2 point one into the raging conflict. uses already are to say no to weston imperialism. that's the message from uganda as president of southern member states of the british commonwealth. a local portion of the details during the opening of the 27th, called friends of cornwall countries. the president of you've done that, he's excellent sir. a couple tell him 70 begun by criticizing the west point. pausing, you said,
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tend to foreign countries without respecting the policies and values of those countries stop, manipulation and lectures to societies that are different from yours. let us concentrate on utilizing the progress of man in the struggle against the oppression of man by nature rather than using that progress in science and technology. for parasitism. presenting somebody also aimed at the catholic church, which has been the to the western countries. instead of respecting the history of the charge, which he says has caused more problems, been provided solutions to prove that this call may come up to the united states of america, as it should be the restrictions to some governmental officials in uganda, including the speaker, apologies for passing the anti homeless, which why did you know which the way to say is that, did you suggest is the human rights the not going to have you gotten this anti homosexuality act as a tragic relation of universal human rights? one that is not the warranty of the gun and people, and one that jeopardizes the prospects of critical economic growth for the entire
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country. however, all of these has lots, cad locals in uganda, asylum see this as an opportunity for the country to cooperate with other countries . that respect you've gone does. but he was on presuppose without compromise. aimed at providing mutual respect, cooperation, and working together between commonwealth countries. the csp will see compressed one for 3 days in january, beginning from $5.00 to $6.00 of this month, and aimed at providing relationship with us. because as legislators on presiding will free sides of commonwealth countries will find a common pro and custody of such and got ready to go into the on. finally, as we settle it into the one to 24, with taking a look back at some of the key events. so the past 12 months, one headline grabbing insta right here or russia was, they failed mutiny by the vault and apply that minute truth company. the move on most guy was headed by the groups co founder. yes. can you precaution from business
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fund frontline here to visit and i'll tell you is we're in a culture of us, tells us the story. every rough and citizen can probably tell you where they were when they heard about precautions. mutiny. so most people found out about it when they woke up on the 24th of june. so more glued to their phone from the night before because it was at nights on the 23rd of june when he gave me privilege and started posting seemingly crazy audio messages and threats on his telegram channel . yes, that's true. yes. and there be no resistance from anyone, anyone who attempts to offer that resistance. we will consider it a threat and destroyed immediately, including any roadblocks that get in our way any aircraft we see over our heads. i ask everyone to remain calm, so not to give in to prob occasions, to stay in their homes. it is desirable not to go out into the street along the route that the whole world already knew about precautions. this satisfaction with
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the rest of the armed forces, thanks to his multiple outbursts on social media leading up to this. but the situation seems to simmer down before boiling over when he of daniel because i started accusing the russian army of had some volunteers positions on purpose, which supposedly resulted in multiple casualties. move many described as a falls flag operation, but nonetheless, it served as an excuse for their user and from ukraine. su moscow and was totally something, as were all the messages i kept coming a lot the bed these these there are 25000 of us and we're going to find out why there is lawlessness in the country. $25000.00 are expected as a tactical reserve, but the strategic reserve is the entire army and the entire country. everyone who
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wants to join us join us. we have to end this outrage. but it's in haters in the west for loving every single moments of, of this not missing an opportunity to paint the side. the scariest prospect for russia and this presidents weren't marching to take down toots. and by the way, there are states of targets, warehouses, defense minister, and the chief of the general staff. because of himself said that this was not a military crew, but rather a so called the march of justice. and the aim was to change the military and the lead. so rather than over throw the government by the morning is which i'm clear that the situation was escalated for the wagner entering the south. a russian city of russ stop on don't and refusing to listen to reason. the defense when it's free urs wagner fighters to surrender while the f as be opened a criminal case against their leader for mutiny. vladimir approved and then made a tele by speech to reassure the public that everything would be under control. it was the speed. it's
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a kick in the pinafore. this is the blow that was dealt to russia in 1917 when the country for the 1st world war. but the victory was stolen from it, intrigues, squabbles, politicking behind the back of the army, and the people turned into the greatest shock destruction of the army. and disintegration of the state, we will not let it happen again. we will protect our people and our statehood from any threats. while almost sco sorted for to find positions preparing for potential face of what the wagner meant. the west was watson with the lead, from sending the russian foreign ministry, so war and the process so called the well wishers against the use and the internal situation. any rough for achieving their russo full big goals, such a lead or i'm son, could there of also spoke out against the needs of me and offered to send his forces to help out. meanwhile, poland put its military on high alert lots. he began tightening border security and
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the u. k. government announced an emergency crisis management meeting to discuss the situation box. it's turned out to be much ado about nothing because by the evening it was all already over say so the help of alexandra lucas and co, the presence of bellows. and ross is closest ally, done. yes, let me look, we have stopped about development. we are allies, we cannot stand aside. for russia collapses, we will all be under the rubble. it turned out that he had been in contact with both. vladimir puts an end for golden, flew out the day and he managed to convince the wagner chief to send down in exchange for security guarantees in belarus. but he's not in a position to if i am grateful to the president of philip bruce alexander, to go to the regional christian co for his efforts and contribution to the peaceful resolution of the situation. but i repeat, it was the patriotic spirit of the citizens. the consolidation of the entire russian society, which played a decisive role in these days,
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this support allowed us to overcome the most difficult trials for our mother land together. thank you for that failed insurrection. let up, social media were conspiracy theories started running wild folsom, believe the means and they was a false flag operation, intended to restore confidence and boots as were seen. others were convinced that puts an end precaution and had time this to read the pool is the wagner groups a baton rouge where it would be within striking distance off key if no one could believe that the guardsman would risk so many lives, including his own. so just give off the turn around once again and leave the country so quickly. bringing maya few of 3 of realizing the full responsibility for the fact that russian blood will be spilled on one of the sides. we are turning our columns around and leaving in the opposite direction to the field camps, according to the plan. what i'm good many russians was that he said that no russian blood was spilled, which was
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a lie. wagner down several russian military aircraft doing the means to me, killing russian pilots. something which he later admitted himself. and that was the final straw, even for those who continued to support him. despite his reckless behavior, no prior success on the front line could excuse the killing of russian soldiers in vain, pretty large and could have been remembered as a hero who led his men some victory and on boss. but instead, he loves them and himself, and so shameful exile with his tail between his legs 2 months later, if any precaution died, when his business just passed north of moscow killing everyone on board and sparking and another round of an incredible conspiracy theories. now, as are also itself, the failed needs, and the only made the country stronger and more united, no matter how much the nay sayers expected or even holds it would turn out. otherwise we all signing off from us. go for this out and hand him over to junk to
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react to in washington dc. he's looking back in the middle, like i said, one of america's most famous, most of us, it's interesting. enjoy the the,
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the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm up the speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior citizen, steven twist, which is the,
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the daniel ellsberg, probably the most famous and most highly revered, national security was of lower and american history died in june at the age of 90 to 4 months before his death. dan sent an email to his friends, telling us that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and that his doctors have given in 3 to 6 months to live. the email was updates positive. dan said that he had had a good long and productive life and that he would spend his remaining days freaking out and fighting against nuclear weapons. that's exactly what he did with dignity and then zone terms. i'm john kerry also, and this is the whistle blower, the . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in 1970, daniel ellsberg provided a great service to the american people,
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the importance of which cannot be overstated. he leaked something called the pentagon papers. they were thousands and thousands of pages of classified analysis that he had prepared for the rand corporation proving that the white house and the defense department had been lying to the american people about the war in vietnam. the next administration and the johnson administration before it had been saying for years that the united states was winning the war in vietnam, that was simply not true. ellsberg discreetly made copies of the pentagon papers and sent them to trust a journalist at the new york times and the washington post. he also provided the documents to senator mike rebel, a democrat from the state of alaska, the times and the post published stories based on the pentagon papers and sen. brookville submitted the document into the congressional record automatically de classifying it. the nixon administration was outraged the f b. i quickly identified ellsberg as the source of the leak and he was arrested and


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