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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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solutions have print shop the, the headlines on option at the national, gaza is becoming an inhabitable, that's the stuff warning from the united nation, just the war rages on and she monetary and a really struggles to reach those in the people in yemen, flooding the streets, have a look at these pictures, it's all in solidarity with palestinians. right? that you're looking at roughly 2000000 people. and then the iranian should have cut them on the public mullins, the 18 for people killed in twins, hair of last, earlier this week, which i still claim responsibility for the stuff today i'm talking to pm here in
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a very snow. we must go. it's so good to have your company for us straight to god. so we go. it basically destruction dominates the landscape in the north. and basically that area really has borne the brunt of audi souls over the last 3 months . there were a few places of refuge remain that mostly unlivable as the local john, let them move somebody and i'll explain as we report from the city of fee it's like here in north and gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces they pushed it back, you ways to leave to other areas. they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning factories, belongings, including cars, personal items and even food. document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. initially, we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing that we sought shelter here. assuming it was
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under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. they stormed the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate. took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the alka some square for 2 hours. they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us that we'd return. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings to come. they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. i pay some returned to alfa career clinic. others to other who sang. this place was full of displaced people, even before my family and i arrived there are huge number of displays, people in schools and the agency clinics on this. i couldn't find
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a place for me and my family. when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing, despite the fire and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child whose only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris, just to survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares. about shells and rockets. we have no homes left. they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction if there is no place for us, it un schools or their clinic spouse. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by the spray leaves, what kind of there's no food or drink, i miss the people grind, wait to get some sort of flour for sustenance. i haven't received any flower for a week and kind of how they know i have neither food or drink, not even a cannon. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school. so we
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can live in sanitary conditions. i demand the dispatch of a committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. and so for months, various age groups have been a warning of a drastic humanitarian situation in the enclaves laid his voice coming from a un official who painted a bleak portrait of reality. on the ground. the government has simply become uninhabitable. its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supports in more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff are being killed and displaced as communication, blackouts continue, as roads are damaged and con, boys are shot at and as commercial supplies, vital to survival are almost non existent. the southern and the city of con units
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has also been a side of up in bottles on the aerial bombardment. footage of shopping smoke rising above the aircraft of strikes on friday. the 18 people remotely killed after a house was destroyed in the tax. meantime, hospitals overcrowded and struggling bows. a do receive supplies and to get a fraction of what they need at the world health organization. so it is finally delivered some more medical stokes 2 facilities operating far. i'm beyond the above the capacity. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies, but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these. these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times the normal capacity, will that meanwhile have a listen to this can only be described really as shocking calls from a former it's rarely official. the united nations are really fund works, agency must be destroyed. she suggested the organization has ideas that all the
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source of terrorism just for a moment. i will listen to this, joshua donald, the me from out with percent, our challenge in these wars to destroy the threats and not to the territory. because we know how to live in a terrorist, but it is more difficult for us with an idea that the united nations relief in wex agency, full palestine refugees, is the source of an idea. the idea it produces more and more terrorist and different means. and it will be impossible to win the war if we don't destroy the u . n. r w 8. and this destruction has to start immediately. well, that's trying to understand exactly what she meant in crossing live. now to a political analyst, delta saw the name of who's joining us live or not you international a variable. welcome to today. so, but not exactly on a good note regarding what that lady just said that this, the former is ready, official. we understand that it's become multiplan as a the israel does not listen to the united nations, but now we have colds for the destruction of
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a un relief agency being hurt at the connected. i mean, just off the top of your head, your thoughts, a leaving do either or yours and its really, you know, really crazy and all these kind of statements are done by its, are your options. and 1st of all, and these are you, are you, one of the united nations work country agency doing a lot. and when they have more than 900001st the news is probably better on them and it keeps going out. and as it begin refugees and destruction of $551.00 villages of the same sun off of that. so naturally, he was actively r as to great the little uh, in order to take care of this uh, 900750000. then what we should be just at that time,
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as of, if you just dealt with this uh, you know, they created the problem, which the words they act do and it created the agencies. and so if you want to distract the agency, it's fine. okay, i do agree, but you have to accept or who's allowed, or the 1st thing is where that if you choose to have them back their, their homes to they have to the villages which was also started. so as they create the 1st place and now they are objective, right? and we know that the under such pressure as part of why and what's the name of what, what do i need to sort sort of jump in. i do apologize for interrupting you, but, but, but this comment from this former as ready, official. i mean, i mean, i, you know, quoting for the destruction of the united nations relief and works agency. i mean, is it just me or does that kind of rhetoric sound extreme? and it was, we know that it's always extreme, but it's,
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it's all done for the whole work, bruce, and what was the, what do, what, what, what the weight or say and why don't diminish those dates that we should look at as soon as you're above the movie you guys, the other one is 44. let's look at the structural stuff. another one, say that or out. and the other ones that are going to should they give you guys that people so it's always a couple minutes. i like streams that on or so it's not quite, you know, strange. we're someone talking about one of the requisitions agencies to be distracted. however, as i said, it's not the 1st attempt to chose the money. was that the 2 years ago the accusation got you on the for the recognition. busy another walk eh, army knows your terrorism, and one of the stuff that even financing the j a junk
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and we've drunk game at each of the big heavy, it's $3365000000.00. and he stopped it, which he wasn't age the to the agency where the 1st time it's budgets it and that's created. you know, the, so it's not the 1st time the 1st time if you said something about not the 1st time at all, i appreciate you saying that because as we all know, israel has previously being accused of targeting aid organizations. i mean, let me ask you this is, is there anything is real, cannot get away with in this will or do you think it's just the cost of palestinians having to pay for how mouse is actions on october? the 2nd so far uh, no, not, no, nothing can, can i get this? i have to be accountable for the actions since the united nations are texting them and supporting them. i'm even in the like positions i guess,
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and kind of as the oceans just of this war. i remember like 2 weeks ago when all the work was with somebody, the war, 163 countries. and this is what i, for each, a rational community or the one year other than the states and united states. they used to be on the united states. they use the people ever stop z z a resolution to war way i. i can't understand that to stop the war. i'm the one i knew where there is a lot of people would rather like you see this war stop and yet the americans in order to allow it to go on. so why is a will be, you know, the statements on what they are doing on the beach as in crimes that the committee here is the best thing that people every day unless it goes up. and we just get
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very far from your your uh, respondents with you guys about who they are in the 1st place, the police police from the cities and the areas. i'm going to go south it, does it say i'm losing bowl so now they're a new brand new jersey. is that? is that i think there is them targeting think, oh, are you talking in the house but holds an old wall assigned to that route. i'm asked panels on the, just about every little bit of infrastructure of what we're seeing right now. according to some people, it's a total eradication and annihilation of the residents of gaza. but the south name of this is a political analyst joining us from around all that we really appreciate your time and your comment trade. thank you. you're by turning now to yemen because people in the nation's capital have taken to the streets and a huge show of support for palestine. i mean, look at those pitches, local media, estimating it roughly 2000000 people taking part in all those demonstrations. now
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are the main square and so now hosted a see of demonstrators of supporting palestinian slides. you can see them right there. a representative of the who, the movement of dress, the crowd saying is false, is what ready to fight against both israel and america. and you probably know the us navy has been striking the groups forces and the red sea in response to their attacks on televi blink ships. meantime, china are in russian ships passing through with no problems. but we spoke to some of the people in the crowd there, they explained that motivation for being an attendant. we will support our brothers in palestine. we tell them they are not alone. gold is supporting him and we are within to the how many people will not tolerate any american intervention or guardianship. we are ready for confrontation. the aggression against a human has been us led from the beginning. we are prepared for everything. we realize that if we do not make a sacrifice now, we will later when we are a preston defeated is rarely diplomats,
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are allegedly putting pressure on politicians in their host. nations are seeking statements that would have poked who south africa's genocide claims against israel . the international court of justice, less than more right now. he's not a boy come guy standing by for us right now in jo book us great to get you on that quickly because this is a, a developing story. i mean, one of the last comments i heard was from and it's really official saying that pretoria will be judged for that decision. i mean, tell us more about this growing diplomatic spot between israel and south africa a well hurry. so that if it does increase for an inter ms from the international court of justice to prevent as well from committing potential genocide as really taking a different turn. i also gained some sort of relevance and urgency that a lot of people present a few days ago. and even though is why has now decided to appear before the international court of justice to defend itself against the genocide cases by filed
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by south africa. it does seem like the decision to defend itself will make it very hard for israel to press aside the adverse findings. because as we speak legal terms of being assembled, countries are issuing statements in support of south africa. and we've seen reports, as you mentioned that suggest that is all foreign ministry is also instruction and embassies to praise. the permits and politicians in the countries the to issue statements against the basic and the case at the international court of justice. and all of this comes off to so that's because said that the magnitude of the depth of destruction and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip, meets the tree, is hold of the 1948 to genocide, to convince, in the international move in that same application that so that because students to the international court of justice, victoria argues that the damage inflicted by is dr. emitted c,
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competing against gauze. as soon as the statement of october comes to choose, the genocidal acts. it states that the diesel has killed in excess of more than $22000.00, but as the new, including over $7000.00 children would, many of them i'm presumed to be missing or rather did under the rubles not forgetting that the application can be good to be condemned how much is targeting of the buildings and hostage taking on the 7th of tube. in fact, it's just move on. what to that statement mentions vx. an emissions by israel complained of by south africa are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group to also
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understand that. so that's, it just says there is dispute between it's and it's ross relating to the interpretation and application of the genocide convention. and while the application focuses primarily on, as well as conduct since the 7th of october, it also discusses beads, broad up context of as well as conduct towards. but the student is, during the course of the $75.00 or more year long, a potted ads, occupation of tennessee and territories. we also fall off the view that's at the moment. less than a week off to south africa submitted the application. the quotes announced that it will hold public hearings on the requests to for provisional muses, the on thursday and friday, next week. and the courts will also then decide whether to impose the, those provisional misses, the, and that decision, according to a lot of explicit ad, either those to could take more than weeks or months. but some of those reports of
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also mentioned that to be it's really foreign ministry states that is well strategic goal at this particular moment is for the cortex to reject the request for an exemption. and recognize that to be is reading military is operating in the gaza. strip according to international level, and the just speaking last week on the international, many states that had initially said that they have no doubt that as well has been complying with international move or international community adults. and everything it does to defend itself has been very quiet to recent. a special needs pertaining to the cold case. except of course will be by the not ministration, which is coming to rejecting. so that because appeal. but of course, the in the next week, if the international court of justice space has a very important taste in the, at all, if he's not going to come get joining us by from joe. but thank you as well,
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since the whole stock, both sides in the israel have us war. we blame each other for the loss of life and particularly civilian life in spite of our special coverage of the complex here. and i'll tell you, we are stripping away the record right and getting to the human aspect, remembering the innocent lives taken. so here's the story now of an odd c camera man who lost numerous family members made his riley bombing company. the we are calling the civilians to leave guys, it goes some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hurt. i to sign on. i see all the civilians. i'm one of the,
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a lot of miracle, but the design, the all me of these radio occupies hit, my family's house and, and as triangles, there's an 8 maces the crazy last where the house one stood. i got in touch with my brother who arrived there and 5 in the morning. he couldn't search the rubber the night because there's no electricity. so he came with his friends and neighbors to take the bodies out of the shovels, not machinery, because there's no fuel pitcher in 5 days to catch the bodies. they're both going to sit on the thumbs. you my brother and he's 2 sons, my 2 sisters and one of their friends, also in the house at the time of the strike. they all died. the,
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what do you need? my son was 70 that for a family, whether he doesn't even speak arabic and he was born and raised in most kind. he's become a hostage, she can't get out the electricity in snatch. there's none of that, that kind of vision. like, how did they survive with just like, honestly don't understand it myself. when i told them last, my nephew said that they would collecting so was that there's no other option. the company knows what to tell you. but as far as i understand, even though the salt water is dirty, most kind of, well let's see water. so yes, it's definitely yukon drinking and they just use it to wash and so on or off to the strong kind of had no contact with my son for 2 and a half days was to be terrifying. i didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but i didn't know what to do. i couldn't sit still the
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oceans, the situation is terrible. so you have everything that is covered in black. so women and children are crying and sobbing. father's mothers and brothers are old guy, many parish from diseases buddy. i'm sen. conditions when it comes to food. people have to go out at 4 am to my products, so they have something to eat. the m s funeral has been held in the iranian city of colorado mountain for the 84 people killed in twin blots. earlier this week of the circle territory, i still claimed responsibility of the attack occurred during a memorial ceremony for the iranian general custom. somebody who was assassinated 4
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years ago when a us, as striking baghdad. here's our correspondent with the towns. a feeling for victims of the term monitor attack was set to be held into cities cemetery for these events took place on wednesday. but shortly after the ice as to our group claim responsibility for the exposures before these change the plan. moving this, our money to a safer venue here at the mazda mazda, liam presidents of braimer easy, who have gas alters thursday trip to target. in the wake of the terrorist attack arrived at the same promising, crushing groove and drug quote, the masterminds of the attack be certain that our way to, to forces somebody up a hand, all forces will decided time and place for the retaliation. around a 100 people lost their lives in a pair of glass that ripped through the city of clermont near the grave of awesome . so they might or crowds had flocked to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the us assess the nation of the former i r g c. commander in a statement released on thursday, isis review,
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but 2 of its members blew themselves up into the pilgrims, announced rebuilding the initial speculations about mostly controlled explosives. the families of the victims now demand to the government, find the perpetrators and bring them to justice. i ask the government to find the criminals and relieve the pain of those who lost their loved ones. what wrong has our child done? he was only 4 years old. he was killed just before his birthday is so hard to endure this. we have bought a tank to celebrate his birthday was mass wondering me for him to ask the authorities to take revenge on i. so we just supported by israel and the us, the created, then group, the sort this must respond firmly and, and not just just on the perpetrators and those who aided them via tech on was a, was isis 2nd significant operation. anyone in more than 6 years, back in june 2017. josh just island stormed. it was parliament a name of home and these, most of them simultaneously. killing 17 people and wounding 43 others to have been
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withheld aided by targeting isis drawn holes and syria using just domestically built medium range missiles. higher gc came under a general hosting. so um you said this time to the tourists will not be safe. you better know that you cannot escape god's rules by hiding, even if you leave for a 1000 years. we will find you in regards to the swim last same term on initially pointed the finger at israel, arguing that television is actively seeking to live below to the so called resistance access and the region of the phone support for homos and the ongoing cause of war. still many believe that is, will pull this trends and the term on bombing to cover up its so called back to back the feats into war against thomas. we are doors, do you know who's i? so it's the bring child of the us children clinton admitted this fact in her election competes, who is i? so it's, israel is the us. they are the ones who support them, both isis and israel have all those cars from some, some of the money and iran,
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when it comes to isis jewels. so the money was known as the nemesis of the terra scrub, wiping out isis any walk in syria, enforcing the remnants of the grove to shelter enough to understand as far as well . so the money was mainly known as the architect. so there was a sense access was primary goal is to confront these really and western influence in the region. no matter who is the mastermind of the attack. the move has provoked it wrong, which are weird as it has plants to do. so. what is the whole region on edge a me that doesn't do any military action, reaction from toronto would be a spark in a power. okay. and it's exactly what do you as well have to be looking for. and that's 2 point one into the raging conflict usability. our to carmano at the stage is set for a slugs fast and the upcoming american presidential elections drove by and. and donald trump had already spied the head of the match up in a day of speeches before the 3rd anniversary, over the events that unfolded the us capital. the gloves came off. everyone
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such a legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a loser. so i never said it's really, but now i can tell you we have the worst border. we have the worst president in history. we have a president, we have a president will go up the stage 5, the steps. 15. the steps though we have a president, it is a great danger to democracy. what's trump don? said to call him criminals is called these x are these it is direction is patriots . their patriots times mom was a peaceful protest. was the viral saw. they were is direction is not patriots. they weren't there to uphold the constitution. they're there to destroy the
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constitution. now are a nation in the line. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that is last is confidence. 3 years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation. again. i started with the elections just on the horizon. our correspondent killed him. i'll find out takes a look at how trumps bid to lead america. once again is quite literally being voted a free time. it was 2024, and there was a presidential election coming up on the horizon. donald trump is still in the race, despite what seems like a year of efforts to remove him. at this point, we've got state courts in maine and colorado trying to remove him from the ballot. arguing that the events of january 6 constituted an insurrection against the united states, thus making him constitutionally ineligible, president drums directly expressed efforts over the summer months is ordered. his supporters demolish the capital to prevent war. he falsely characterized as an
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alleged fraud and the people of this country were indisputably avert involuntary. moreover, the evidence blue showed the president trump onto all these actions to aid and further comment unlawful purpose. the de himself conceived and set in motion because in congress from so defining a 2020 presidential election and stopped the peaceful transfer of power fanning from the ballad. lightly visor is only shot at this point. only 39 percent of the public improves of the job that is, administer ation is doing that's up from 37 percent in october and november for a ratings for the white house have been stuck below 40 percent for months. so now joe biden, who is this, is still running in 2024, just by his age and unpopularity, is informing us that if donald trump gets back into office, it will be the end of american democracy with now, i don't think anyone doubts our democracy, is even more risk in 2024. and i'm serious because this time we're running against
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an election deny or in chief trumps not even hiding the ball anymore. he's telling us exactly what he wants to do. he's making no bones about the process of porter. see, this is nothing but a blazingly partisan moved to secure his re election. is no wonder crooked joe biden. the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. they are willing to violate the us constitutions at levels never seen before. in order to win this election job i, there's a threat to democracy. so a threat from isn't just blowing smoke biden's on popularity is rooted in some very serious problems that the country is facing, which is not really big thing. so why is the white house tanking in the polls? well, and you've got the us mexico border and the chaos happening. their 5500000 a legal crossing since biden's.


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