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tv   Direct Impact  RT  January 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EST

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sage a false flag cyber attack in order to cancel the election and stopped trump from when he was a not my words from a former folks john list, but perhaps this is something worth keeping in mind. the the part of buddy i'm or 2 interests. i've been doing news for 30 years now. 2 languages all over the world. here in the us interviewed for us. presidents worked and for us major television networks,
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i don't like what they do by the way. so yeah, i think news should be honest and direct and impactful. this is direct impact. the i want to start with this. the look at that, you see that those are the voices, the voices of thousands of young people inside the united states, protesting a grand central station in new york city. most of them are jewish by the way, and they're calling for a cease fire in the middle east. the group voices for peace has been staging many protests against israel's treatment of palestinians in the past. and now what, why is this video so important? why do i take this video some part?
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well, i'm gonna come back to that as we move onto the show. but i want to start with this . last week. i tried to break down for you the genesis of these really conflict with palestinians. i showed you how it all standard from the battle for a cord, which is how the british one day decided that the people who lived in palestine had to leave to make room for a european jews. and that is when it all actually began right. of course, we also know when we pointed out how since then there had been all types of bottles and brew halls, many of which have allowed both sides to point fingers at the other and say, it's, you know, this is your fault. only to hear, no, it's yours, your fault. and now we come to this. now we cover the situation we're seeing now where we, where we seem to be on, on the brink of something that could get really nasty, really quick. and i'm not talking about another. so called middle east conflict between israel and the palestinians,
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as we've often covered them and called the no no what we're talking about now is a potential theater of war that couldn't. busy of the military might of many, many powerful countries like the united states, the u. k. and canada. on one side, iran, turkey, saudi arabia, pakistan, and practically every single era country on the other. as to what countries like china, india and russia are going to do it. and if there's a total escalation, my god, we can only guess. now, last week we had a couple of guests on here to talk about the history of this conflict on the debate . and sued right away, right? you probably watched it. it was to say the least if you haven't seen it, you would discover extremely passionate, as putting a mildly what that showed us is just how difficult it is to have an objective,
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unemotional conversation. just just to have a conversation regarding this issue, even when we're talking about history, which you would think most people could generally agree on write something happened on such and such a date. so now what, what we're going to do is we're going to bring back those guess conservative radio . steve malls berg, who is a firm defender of his real doctor norman finkelstein, who was an equally firm and in his defense of the palestinians. but before we do that, i'd like to catch you up on the news, israel and the government of giving them yahoo, appear ready to use this. a force of biblical proportion. i don't use that word by coincidence, by the way. that is how nathan yahoo is framing it, and his war cabinet, they're describing their actions in that way, which is only adding by the way, gasoline to this fire, because now you have both sides saying that somehow god is only on their side, which means they're killing in god's name,
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that's not good. that's not good. to be clear, there is general agreement that because of what, how much did they are needed to be? so i'm kind of retribution. maybe the group needed to be eradicated from us. even arab leaders that agreed with that notion. the problem is the campaign to eradicate him off is now apparently turned into what appears to be a campaign to eradicate the entire 1000 population by sending troops and the northern guys while effectively impacting a bombing campaign that has already killed more than 3 times the number of people that were killed by how much summer saying 3000 children have been killed in guys already. 3000 children. most of these people are civilians including women and the elderly. i think this, this heavy handed strategy is making even those who feel bad for israel now see
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them as offenders, because the notion of collective punishment, collective punishment, it just doesn't kind of in that region of the world. why? why? because for too long. nothing in this conflict has ever happened in a vacuum being well, our country's government appears to be giving israel a blank check to do as they please with the palestinians. and that unconditional us support is not going over well, not at all in their work. this is what we used to do in these conflicts back in the 19 ninety's when washington had technological, military and geo political super, your superiority in the region. but here's the problem. that is not the case today, not really yet the bottom administration. you know, a guy who has what from the 19 forties and fifties in his thinking the by the
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administration is implementing the same cold war initiatives that are likely to create a more dangerous conflict. in fact, american forces, in places like syria and the rocks are continuing to be attacked, and us military has even shut down a turkish drone. as an ominous undertaking, considering turkey is a nato country, with an impressive if not ferocious military, which is now clearly on the side of the palestinians. so our government continues to tell is real, do whatever you need to do, we got your back, quote, we got your back. now, what that really has come to maine is we will keep writing you huge checks, right? the problem is there isn't enough money to go around these days, certainly not the fund, israel's military, in an escalating war while also funding taiwan while also fighting funding ukraine, economists and point to the us debt problems say that's impossible. yet here we are
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on the verge of engaging in what is almost sure to become a devastating regional conflict that could lead to i'm just going to say it. world war 3 most in washington are barely even considering that potential lot. com y o in march less than in march in large measure. it's because our media has become a cheerleading team. they don't ask questions. they're supposed to be asking. now when it comes to the coverage of the palestinians point of view, it's not existent. the so let's go back down. remember this image i showed you at the top of the shoe. busy were thousands, were seen protesting for peace, most of them jewish americans, by the way, i checked. and it appears that cnn didn't even cover it, because it doesn't fit their pro war narrative the. that is why
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we're about to show you something. i'm confident you won't see on any other news network, but we're about to do here is an actual debate with both sides of this minis. conflict represented as opposed to just the point of view of israel. steam walls berg is a popular radio talk show host, who i've known for years. doctor norman finkelstein is an active as an officer whose books include gaza. an inquest into martyrdom, saves you are being perceived as someone who is not concerned. and this should be obviously a very important concern for all of us as americans that we could be on the brink of all out war with iran, at least if we hear the rhetoric both from washington and from t, ron not to mention the shooting, going back and forth, he says dr finkelstein,
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that is the israelis go in full force with troops into the palestinian area. busy is there's no question that not just iran, but other arab countries will be involved and that will conflict grade this more. how concerned are you about that? of course it's, it's very concerning. but you know, i take pride when a nazi supporter calls me names. i love it, i wear it as a badge of honor, and thank you. keep doing it, sir. luck. of course i, as i'm tom, hope you think anybody wants war? anybody wants the us to get involved. anybody wants world war 3. but the bottom line here is, is that israel cannot allow more butchering, not see. what's your in unprecedented since world war 2, the butchering of their citizens. you know, their hallmarks is holding 9 month old babies and 90 year old women right now in tunnels somewhere. israel cannot allow this to happen again, and by the way,
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the world can't allow it to happen because of we now start saying, well, if you have human shields, right, god forbid someone comes into your home, okay. and they're good and they got guns. would you happen to have people in your home with guns ok and these people say ok to kill your children, but they have babies or, or women in front of them with the people protecting your home and your home. not protect, not fire at the people came into your home because they might kill a civilian who's in front of them. you can also raise like no, an inch like that. just print black. so part dr. finkelstein, what do you sorry, what, what do you the me ask you the question, let me ask you a question and i'll try and phrase it as fairly as i can. what do you say to steve and others who say we have
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a right to defend ourselves because of the atrocity uh that was done to our civilians, our citizens, by how mos. what do you say to that? as i say, israel has the right to the center, so asper, it opens up the gates of going so concentration can but so long as those gates are shopped into point, as they have been since 2006 are, do not believe cards. how does the weight of cell service in the face of a concentration can i don't think the dog sees has the right of self defense. if there were an insurrection in our insurance or any of the other concentration camps . rick, at the shop, really rate that you're putting up with all the concentration now wrap. not only do you know, rick, the, we've written loudly, egypt,
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the 1000 flows by 200. if you guys are closed. yeah. do you believe that you believe garza is a constant traction camp or the day they all over and over and over? so if you don't get it, the doctor got the finish up the middle. i'm going to give you a chance to respond to another state, but no, i'm, i'm ok. what happened on october 7th? that you know what? you know, what the b b, how much do they do? what is real, periodically, dogs in the bra tell you, the more you hear the way now you might expire at the start and you know, i don't find any disgusting. the same expression
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is used by the is really government. yeah. ok. i use the word this guy. you the gentleman words uh what, what, what, what are the top doctor visits started a lot of the not true, but let's do this. now. let's go, let's do this. we have a disagree. the gentleman actually is really when periodically they go in and say, well, we are waiting. no, it's uh, it's okay. so let's have, let's, let's do this doctor for 1000000 children. and you and your little boy that says you're 1000000. sure. and your point is that fair want to add an accurate on. there are a 1000000 children in that area. the question is, and this is what i want to talk about when we come back from the break. and steve,
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i want you to start us off your new hard discharge. many times the treatment that is riley's due to palestinians living in these areas like the gaza, is oppressive, is wrong, is there's not a charge that i'm making. it's been made by human rights groups. it's been made by palestinians. it's been made by many. what do you believe is the way for the treatment of those people by israel? i think that's a fair question. that's what i want you to take on. when we come back, i'm talking to steve mazda boards and dr. norman finkelstein, and we're going to be right back by the. busy way we'll continue this conversation with you as well. go to twitter and you'll find me there and rick sanchez, tv or x or whatever they call it these days. i'm looking forward to having that conversation with you. and when we come back, of course, the very latest on the us military's engagement in this complex and what it means
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for the future of the regions stay right there will be right back with my 2 very passionate guests, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, all right, welcome back. we are joined by our expert panel once again, dr. norman finkelstein and steve malls per gentleman walk. the doctor finkelstein has used the words repeatedly, concentration cap when referring to the treatment of palestinians. um, it's obviously heated language, but he's not the only one who's used it. i should be fair and mentioned that steve, if you take umbrage at that terminology, it's not just your words, but your reaction is i'm watching you. it's. it could be called rick because rick it's, it's not only disrespectful, insensitive, and it's insane. okay, a o. c. i a congress woman here in new york from the, in the, in the united states said that our border we were keeping our, the,
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the illegal immigrants that come into the country in concentration camps the left likes to throw it around. now when you show me the gas chambers and the ovens and the skeletons, and this starvation in the forest labor and the lamp shades made from the skin, of those people that were in the real concentration cast run by the nazis. then we could talk. but to throw that around casually because you hate jews, and you hate is real. if i try to ignore them so. so how would you tell you? so then how is your problem? so let me ask you, i think this is something our viewers are going to want to hear from you. how would you then characterize the way the palestinians are forced to live by a country they say is occupying them there in gaza? how would you categorize it? is that occupying them and guys big is real left. garza is real dave
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garza to the palestinians, ears real when they left on the way out. left green houses, infrastructure. all kinds of things to give the palestinians a head start. what's the 1st thing literally they did toward everything is real left down and celebrated over as they toward all down left themselves with nothing, and then elected a terrorist group to represent them and run the territory. the terrorist group then did terrorists like things and always has, why do you think egypt has their border with gaza close? so would you say, oh, we thought we'd just do that? so yeah, so what do you say talk about israel and i know was talking about israel right now . well, obviously be the 2 and targeted. so would you say, would you say give me a word, give me a description. the treatment of israel toward palestinians and gaza is what to
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describe is justified for self defense. okay, just a moment. let me tell you what that is real today. reveal the evidence that hamas is main headquarters in gaza. mm hm. is located under the she fucks hospital. that's for the animals of hamas. are they use their people as human shields? they want them dead so they could score public relations points. but that's the kind of animals we're dealing with. ok, dr. finkelstein your response. ok. there is a historical question. and then there's the factual question of today. historical question is in 2006 that these were almost draw some guys. in fact, israel re deployed, it's troops on the power. there are guys of israel control. the air space is really controlled,
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the water is really controlled. every thing that went into gosh, every thing that was all the guys to know got to the current situation. i was referred to the animals. how exactly are we referring to? we know for sure. do you go through? i was president, mr. heard side said on the 2nd day on october, you said we do not make a distinction between hallmark and the civilian population. there are no just saying he was right in on the point there is nobody knew nobody in the official position of i don't know that had shown the 5 year old in dogs. so i'm a moss never to according to body. really bad. they pulled
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a crack. don't do all of crap the finishes point, and then i'll let, i'll give you time. sorry. wow. grab since you're not admitting any water. any, any electricity and any food that was sparing to target defense minister. and on the 2nd day, it's the optic stones nation. not get it. so you know, it's done and very she against the people of god. so i would like any other case that i am aware of, there was probably are nouns. every senior is really often show we distinguish between all good and he's what, what are your letters large? so let me ask you it so, so, so, so, so you know, better than that?
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well, what i know is that when i have to guess, i should give them both their piece and you have an opportunity now to essentially counter what he just said. there has been a lot of heated rhetoric though, from both sides, including from his relatives who i've said some pretty awful things about palestinians in general. do you cop to that? and if not steve to teach us what the power is, what i'm sorry, the teacher you need to be. he said, every government official said there's no difference. that is the complete antithesis is sitting there and lying. yeah, no, no. is it? i don't know, is it that sounds like, but the defense official did say some pretty blasphemous things about the problem with, with imagine after they speak and separate the heads of babies, he said some pretty tough things. okay. i'm ok. wow. the emotions got caught up in him, but look at what they're doing. they still haven't gone in on the ground this lie
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or says there's been no full board or fuel by blocks. they're a big trucks coming in. now the reason is real doesn't allow all the fuel is because her mice will take the fuel. they run the government, they run garza and they'll steal the fuel and they'll use it for all kinds of weapons purposes. their animals, the animals, they don't care about the civilians, the land, right. even though the trucks happen coming in, which is a life of answers, the lie to what this guy just said, but not have they have are. these are hard to be very careful about what they allows you to know as something go ahead and process that, but if you want to clarify something, dr. finkelstein go ahead. a kerry, sorry, not to the persons that were a good on is real. i was referring to the statements that were made the day after october. 7th, is you,
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i guess your after reading is really talking points isn't going to 9, nothing defense minister said there will be no food, no more, no fuel or no electricity allow them to die. so it's important. i have no idea what the immediate after all, i have noticed that the car will you ask the question dr. song, person heard side said the 2nd day, we will not distinguish between somebody. oh good. i heard that already want me to answer. oh no, i went back. oh, assuming question your audience a simple question, go ahead and use the water electricity as full as you know towards the population for the state of time because they're talking about the 2nd day is going to be the longest. more about the last
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year was in $21431.00 days and your questionnaire was mine. this is for the last $31.00 days you divide the civilian population full electricity bill for $51.00 plus one half is that's a question. that's if the dr. finkelstein genocide to you, steve, you have to answer that charge. you're down, we're down to a minute, my friend. well, 1st of all that, that is not happen because they are, there are trucks coming in. that's number one. number 2, uh, that's come off. when how much gets out else were now much less people leave. the people could wave israel says egypt cut open the border and pick them. mm hm. the boss won't wait. a mosque won't allow it. so screw me up and it's their problem and therefore, and with that we have to end the discussion. it's
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a passion and want that. and obviously some very important points and some heated words have been used in this discussion. but that's the state of things as they are . i want to thank you, dr. norman finkelstein, as well as the steve malls berg for sharing this combat of passionate but important debate that we were able to bring you. my thanks to you both. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. what we try and do with this show is simply to de silo the world. we all tend to think that we only live in one little box and we only get information about our particular point of view. we think it's important that there should be more than one point of view. truth doesn't live in boxes. truth is everywhere. comics interest. i'll be looking for it and i'll be looking for you. yeah, right here, where i help to provide
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a director and the the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as but can you see through their illusion
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going underground can on july the 8th 1941 german troops entered the stony of from the south soviets, soldiers and civilians full of the enemy courageously on the stony and soil go with thousands of casualties. fold up in the us wants to, but we are giving you 50 to i get the i'm not sure if i to you, to what city, of even as the beauty we bought the what is pushing it during the years following the soviet victory. a large number of monuments loveless and burial sites were rented to on of those who had fallen in the wall to get, get the c s. however, recently, many of them have either been demolished vandalized or completely neglected. that we sold the of those who do their best to preserve once the left of the memory . so as to prevent rewrite history and re made consciousness compile for the why.
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it's the top headlines right now. if you're one of the gods, but it's becoming on inhabitable, that is the stock warning from the united nations. the war rages on instruments are in a struggle so badly to reach those in me. a look at these pictures here as people in yemen, floods the streets and a huge show of solidarity with palestinians. we understand roughly 2000000 people in demonstrations of cost, a ton of the iranian city of dakota, mountains. public mullins, the 84 people killed in quinton, tara valasics earlier this week. disturbing details are on the west. the


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