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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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impact of having a nuclear conflict, not just between the super powers, the russian united states and britain, a trace of china. but also between we're nuclear states like india and pakistan. and i am at the moment there are about 9000 nuclear weapons on the planet that are either way or is some sort of storage. there's also several 1000 more literally just some have all those 9000 weapons as about a 1000 times more energy. and then all the bombs drops in the 2nd roll or so there's a devastating amount of energy there. and that can be released in person is around and goes off as i bring a little piece of the sun with the ground. because that's how this side of generation slide just by nuclear process is and if they are fusion.
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so the 1st thing that happens airport is a bright flash of light from the bomb going off, which can burn people at considerable distances and start fires. then there's a shockwave that comes from the explosion of customers, radiation, and radioactivity. a tear hills are, can be distributed over rate justices. so all those things can kill people. luckily, solely estimate to have water between india and pakistan. safety to a $150000000.00 people would be killed out right by the explosions. and there's a range there because we don't know the oldest of the weapons in india and pakistan and india test when nearly 15 killer times and i g 98. but most of the weapons are probably at that time smaller, but we don't know exactly what the revenues are in the united states and russia,
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britain, and france. what they're willing to use are you just say i have treaties, at least between russia in the united states. i recognize that 90 something percent of the nuclear weapons on the planet. and they're only about 200 cities in russia with more than a 100000 people. there's only about 300 cities in united states or more than a 100000 people in between them. they have 900000 weapons. so it goes out every city, those 2 countries with age are more nuclear weapons and we're only need one to clear weapon to destroy a city of the average g of a nuclear weapon and the russian us items about $250.00 times. the yield of the erosion or bomb dropped in japan, which destroyed a large segment of the russian estate angel. the tons. so they're trying to clear
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away weapons are much more than 10 times powerful is a russian ball. well, can i just get you up there and ask you then? and i, i want to get onto the, perhaps you have some estimates about israel. we don't have any information really about what they have. but in the context of what you just said, we saw in the u. s. press while the ukraine comes like this, going on and lists quite to cooley saying, tactical nuclear weapon use in western europe is a, is something that we should assess and things that could move on from the use of the men. talking about it in quite a matter of fact, way it seemed, what did you think of that? were you taking it back? i think that a lot of people have your think that in a war between united states and russian of the united states and russia wouldn't be the only people only countries or damage that's almost certainly not true. so russia sought to have
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a 2000 tactical nuclear weapons. and those weapons, many would be used against target slave ships or mass mines for some reason. there's like a lot of the would probably be used against military targets in europe. i and i found about $650.00 or so fergus. i think the russians would attack i. some of them are hobbies like military bases, lady bases, air force, base and things like that. and also attack of nuclear storage facilities. and there are several nuclear, several countries in europe, and store us in clear weapons and a great britain and france as substantial parcels of their own and are also targets of the same time using intact and ukraine. things like power plants and oil refineries, a large rise as a tactical nuclear weapons are now spoken about as battlefields, munitions like
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a tank or something in the context of the work you've done showing us the devastating well environmental impact, long lasting environmental impact of nuclear weapons yeah, so i mentioned that there might be hundreds of millions of casualties in the us and russia from the border between those countries added year of i'm so those casually, they're pretty big. but when you use a nuclear weapon bird is the city that is being attacked or whatever the target is . and that's no cyrus to produce a huge amount of so which we're going to be able to wrap this year in black sunlight. who did our calculations? we find that a full share which we united states and russian would like so much sunlight in january when we get to the ground to be just like by the sun goes away, gets cold just like winter. the sun is diminished, it is cold ice sheets for him. so we find that nuclear winter would occur in
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wishing would be daily meant home temperatures, beloved freezing every day and his last years for several years. we predicted that in that case and the deaths in china, russia, united states, canada, most of your would be about more than 95 percent of the population at the end of the 2nd year in the conditions and even got to their worse at the end of the same year to alarm for several more years. beyond that in the middle east we think that the 75 percent or more that people might die. and um, places like a rack and the u. e. and or such countries. um there would be some confusion overall it wouldn't be so very effective like argentine are just really a new zealand. so these are widespread depths tired on nuclear
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weapons are often confused by people. and some of them are made to be used in battlefield conditions like attacking re um, or attacking uh, tank or gauge or something like that. some of her work hillary shells are, are there have been part of hillary shells tested that had deals the same as originally from here when you have a little bit entire same with one of them with one artillery show. we don't know what the deals of the russian tactical nuclear weapons are. united states in europe, and they to have only a few 100 tactical nuclear weapons. made me launch and drop by aircraft and rushes or to have like i said to thousands of them. and so they'd probably be used wine and widespread way across your why do you think, why didn't you, joe biden sent a nuclear weapons to least the mediterranean, over the guys,
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a village because of genocide, i mean these and masses of nuclear capable equipment. they across carriers, warplanes and submarines. i believe the united states has no nuclear weapons on any or raft carriers at this time. and most of this aircraft are not nuclear cable or certainly don't have generally, a weapons associated with, and i used to be an inferior aircraft carriers, nuclear power. the aircraft carriers didn't have the weapons, but the engine pres, uh, there were allies inches, japan and south korea and just really objected to having nuclear of arms brought into their country from the ship. so they said they were removed from all the ships as far as i know, there are no need of your main navy ships, except for some reassuring icbm has the journey. nuclear weapons befalls the old kasteel anyway,
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but he also sent the submarine. and bizarrely the pentagon announced it, which is usually, you know, people keeps submarine move in secret in this world. why would he, why do you think you did that? i don't think the submarines are have nuclear weapons on that either of them. hopefully it powered submarines but i mean the so little is known as you said about the yield of some tactical weapons about the movements of those. do we know anything about israel's nuclear weapons? program off to we now have an is riley minister who said the vision you guys the meeting, and in fact, what's being widely known by the international community for years. you actually agree on this. i've been very quiet about as nuclear weapons program. and one person who was involved in a decades ago that provided some information about it is thought that they have somewhere between 80 or 90 nuclear weapons up to a few 100 nuclear weapons. and nobody knows anything about their yields. it's
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possible that israel tested in nuclear weapon during the carter administration along with south africa somewhere in the indian ocean, and is controversial as to where the design usually runs. explosion are now storage intact. and so the carter administration denies that it was a nuclear test at the time, but a lot of people think it was i'm so we don't really think about much about the it's really weapons mean very bad to have nuclear proliferation in the middle east. it's obvious that there are gun the problems between various factions, lease for when the other different religious groups there. well i the 0 saying they shouldn't me important information anywhere anyway, but uh, and that was a pod types of africa. you were referring to. why is it the i a, a so carefully monitoring one iran is always said, is
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a civilian at nuclear program and they've said it was on his allow me to have a nuclear weapons program. well, what is the role of the i a and trying to prevent proliferation? i'm new to weapons given. i don't see anything about the i a going to tell of eve any time soon. i don't understand the interaction between them and israel in general, they try to uh, monitor countries and have agreed to um, international agreements about proliferation of nuclear weapons and to monitor them to see if they are actually doing what they said they would do. but there are a number of countries that are never agreed to, to the nuclear nonproliferation trees. why you don't want to get it into the truck. and man is name somebody there. so what countries haven't degree to that? and so they're not subject to the inspections by the,
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by the united nations. you know, i might, of you were in a really bad situation. room, why is here? because uh, china is rapidly building up its arsenals. indian vaccine are building up their arsenal. sorcery is building a, is ourselves, united states is renewing it as ours. and it was, you know, the russian is developing a bunch of new weapons that are some of which are credibly scary, like a drum, suddenly raising parked outside of harbors multi cities. i'm so this is a very bad trend in the world. it is. uh, you know, we're just lucky that we're not having accidents of her that lead to a nuclear volume. well, let's get onto the accidents in part to professor ryan too. and i don't know whether the echo we sound they're coming from colorado is because you're in a bunker, but we'll get onto the mistakes and find to thank you so much. for now, more from the professor atmosphere economic sciences at the university of colorado boulder. after this break, the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show alignment as a patient, we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence, we have somebody with theme and the of the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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society of to your training council, offensively. you know, it was a fine you, the other rushes serious souls, probably lucian's on the, on the west side and ukrainian side illusions about their own strength illusions about straight for the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the took their to rush or, and ukraine was a young adult. i just had to be kicked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime in the solutions, have been shocked with the welcome back to going on the ground. i'm still here with the professor of atmospheric energetic sciences in university of colorado boulder professor bryan to so we were talking about the, the chances for mistakes of i'm a get them triggering triggering, i'm again, you know, we, we are the more on con, on this show just before he was jailed in what a municipal school a cool,
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he was very careful when i mentioned the security of nuclear weapons as a no, no, that kept very securely. what do you see? i mean, people know anyone who has a laptop knows they make mistakes on their computer. what are we talking about in terms of the probabilities of mistake submits to have trigger operation of these nuclear devices. there are several different types of mistakes it could be made between united states and russia. the main fears of somebody will detect a launch which isn't actually occurring and then the other side to respond to that . for example, in the united states, the american president has authority to allow us to nuclear weapons by itself. any, if he says less than a legal go be a loss. and so is job i thought, with the, with a 30 minute. yes, it is a small gap there and so there's always of is there been numerous instances
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state in detection is a launch is in the past. and unfortunately, the world is developing weapons that even takes less time to arrive, for example, or sonic missiles are showing a warning times. and the russians are developing nuclear power, cruise missiles that would just fly around the answer all the time would be directed to, to united states at any moment. we're forgetting basically no warning. and so that makes things more dangerous. and also make sure that the military will turn to artificial intelligence computers to decide if there's been a tag, or if there's a license as well, that would be durable. my computer doesn't work and you know, millions and millions of people are running these things all the time and they're selling word. so i certainly wouldn't want to artificial intelligence. so we're going to look later or other types of problems,
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get it for the community and back assume a numerous serious complex when times to originally blew out the parliament in india. originally, opinion sessions or not many people were injured, but nevertheless, india moved from sort of the border and pakistan's original country compared to india. it has a population like russians is not very de, um indians got a huge population. i 1000000 person the army. so if you're a dagger stand, you fairly overrun very quickly by the indian army. so that might be 2 years ago. you had to launch your nuclear weapons quickly to protect them so that they weren't just uses co 5 by close of have a big population to compared to say, a western european country. but going on to what you're saying there about mistakes as opposed to uh, the theater of friends. so i'm saying sam is petra, one of the people that the russian jews you officer who prevented armageddon on the 26th of december 1983. and there are other cases of these officers who don't follow
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and is, and that's why we're all alive now to tell the tale. but do you deal with the nuclear biologist who will tell you that eventually to narrow, misses that even kind of ad? since the invention usually above that shows how successful they fail, saves the operation organizational structures to continue to really afraid nuclear weapons would presumably be the argument of all the people making billions of dollars of money out of this nuclear weapons as creation and formulation. yeah, we've been lucky so far, that doesn't mean we're going to get to be working in the future. you know, the, the other aspect of this is just a waste of money. i mean, i say spring tray in dollars or something like that to you much and metal in the ground that will never be used for anything and making a bunch of summaries or screws around the same the oceans and do nothing. we can
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take that trillion dollars invested in education and educating our show rooms are providing healthcare for everyone. there's a lot of better things to be used with it. it's very clear, veteran cases spend their time in spite of each other and just never profit from that, which i mean just gets me on to the question. they've given you a pioneering research and the new a winters asteroid attacks. the effects of a nuclear weapons, even in school fia, just what is the, what is the response from the biden blinking lloyd austin sullivan. these characters that visit places all around the world, talking about the need to protect the united states from the perceived threats of russia, china, ron, and i don't know who else looking moment. there is a us national academy of sciences panel studying the idea of nuclear winter and seeing whether they believe that is um,
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i got good science backing behind it. and i would say in the past that military doesn't want to talk about it. and the political establishment doesn't want to talk about it and in a or doesn't want to talk about it. how do i know roger doesn't talk about it when they want to talk about it because it gets rid of the whole idea of detroit. so, you know, you can't have much returns if you attack somebody else and then comes back to then show your population, which is what happens is the clear winters, you know, and this is why you're saying the obama administration dismissed your research and you need 2 winters on every administration uses a category shot and reagan and the 1980s did not dismiss that. they took it very seriously. and because of that, they started to build our nuclear weapons has been going on ever since then. so right now and there, there's only a small fraction of the number of weapons that there was in the 19 ninety's,
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early 19 ninety's. and so every american president on every russian president, since reagan, gorbachev has reduced nuclear arsenals. some of them by accident, i don't think trump to do it on purpose that you still reduce it. i know other countries have stopped deal. they're deployed around, so they have a long period of time or a written in france and russia, united states, you to reduce the originals or captain coss and he entered in china. so we're just now on the start of a new build up into your web and a actually inside of this, the trump who's leading in all the opinion, both and to become president of your country. next year, he raced over to meet kim jong on, i assume because of given the diaries and what we hear from the trump presidency, was shocked to hear that the united states con, protect itself from a single genius for war and nuclear attack from north korea, which can do, but only takes 30 minutes of something to pay valet. what say, i mean with
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a trump presidency? perhaps some, some reasons were up to him, isn't that he understands it better than joe biden and others because he was just so shocked that this is the stage of play. as regards how close we are all to death . i think every american president at least says clinton is trying to find some way to deal with north korea to get them to not feel that they're threatened to agree to get rid of their nuclear weapons. yeah, so it's minus the nuclear waste and the 3 and need installation which is always threatening north korea was also a threat and obviously by sanctions and they can only go off or since the britain in the united states killed 20 percent of the population in the korean war created were, was obviously a terrible thing that happened in the past and as an indian officially, which is very unfortunate. and in my view, north korea is
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a good example of this tailed stage, which has a single family who is trying to take all the money and start as population and keep it under control of the military, gators and, well, i mean, always you that, that is the argument used to say, well, in the united states, these are projected so with other nuclear weapons divorced the deterrent. but as for the rich in this world who are benefiting out of the, the proliferation nuclear weapons with their defend stocks. as i do see the popularity amongst the very rich of uh, building bunkers to protect themselves as someone's who may even be, be involved in lobbying for more nuclear weapons because they realize the probability is rising of nuclear 1st use or 2nd use. well, i don't know what a life bridge field you're in colorado. that's very rich. people go to a holiday. i know that. yeah. but i don't sense any trend to
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the united states to be concerned about a nuclear war. i don't see people i'm building bunkers or any other thing to protect themselves at the end of the cold war and they're only 1990 in peace for over the world. and the nuclear weapons are starting to be built down. and i think everybody assume that we're going to start solving our problems assuming negotiations and talking to each other instead of threatening each other. and you know, that was the re positive or why development. it'd be better to return to that. instead of going on, threatening each other with things, you know, you know, i mean, lots of people from all over the world and everybody pretty much was the same thing . they all went, their families to be saving their children to be prosperous. and, you know, they're, most people don't care to be rich and famous or something like that. they just want to have a nice life and have their family be happy. and, oh, lots of going to be rich and famous. we have to be in a bunker. ah,
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give me just finally. what about the impact all of the alms industry, the defense secretary, which is so big, of course, in the united states on academia or in academia research. i don't know how rich boulder, colorado, colorado university of colorado boulder is per se, but obviously mit and all the big loads of big us academic institutions have huge funding. a link to the pentagon is that of selecting people's understanding of the dangers or nuclear weapons. i don't detecting the american universities that there's really much military involved. that is true that son or universities in that ask for teacher already, and i had weapons parts of the university and we are trying to help the military probably a spin off from the 2nd world war in earlier times branch. i don't see a lot of military research and universities and uh, you know, the los alamos and the department of energy laboratories, in general have shoes,
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human society just or have come from university is taurus and are working in those places on military tasks. you know, it's a natural, apparently human behavior to want to have the military to protect the country that you live. and so like i can see that's a, that's probably not going to ever change. it's a human thing to feel like you want to protect yourself and your family. but i obviously, you know, these are human conversation, not that very, a militaristic, really. you know, i realize it looks that way. a lot of the time when you're looking at the news, you see american troops going places, but you know, the general population, i don't think is all that excited about having words. they would rather not have any wars. they'd rather not have to go and get in the middle of everybody else's wars. and you know, it's uh, even now you can see in the congress there's a lot of concern about the ukraine war and continuing to support that conflict. and
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likewise, we're not very happy about the i'm us and the middle eastern problem going on with israel. and most americans would rather see a 2 state solution to that. and a peaceful resolution between the israelis and palestinians, and other groups in the middle east. so their problems is on wave, it didn't get ball finding each other. there's nothing to be gained by these words . i mean people lose from that. i mean is having a world exception. people making the money, arguably progressive, trying to thank you as well. and that's it. for the final show of this season, we'll be back with a brand new episode on saturday, the 20th of january, but until then we'll be broadcasting some of your favorite shows of the series. meanwhile, you can keep in touch, right? all social media, if it's still extensive in your country and then to our channel going underground tv, hon. don't come to watch new and old episodes of going underground. see very soon and happy new year.
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the tab here, the establishment of the bosses for his email is been in 1933. the position of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur and tony all day. i live at uh, salazar, encourage, colonizing the end goal in lands by europeans and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961, there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese,
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in revenge for the plantation workers strike portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race riots took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angola rose in an armed rebellion. the rude jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, the forwards the keys only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft. regularly use a farm and drop the fully in san peaceful villages. the portuguese info, or was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements . the revolution in portugal brought down the plazas, freezing, and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the l bore agreements were assigned in the country, gained independence after so many years of the brutal war.
1:00 pm
the gaza has been coming out in habitable despot spock a warning from the u. n. as the war rate is on a humanitarian aid struggle to reach those, it is all passed to fight against the genocide accusations in the us court has its equities around the globe report, at least speak to pass the politicians entity the good side of the us military presence in a rock may finally comes to an end, have some more than 20 years. that's aspect guides. you 5 stuck down the american led on to terrorism pollution. following the series of deadly us a time. the now it is $59.00 pm in.


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