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tv   Documentary  RT  January 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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escalation is all the occupied, posted in territories, and also on the border between israel and levon on the us is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of unsolved a law in the red c. r a today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the on acceptability of the actions. but also too cold to hold has in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. and that your secretary of state has been in the region several times the last couple of weeks trying to save the situation somehow. but it's not looking promising. well, that's the all davis our he can visit archie does come for more details of his stories. we're following there with arch international,
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the the e, the so that they go to and so i don't remember the bundle episode in google. 40 the room was he got it for the room. and a group on we'll call the low gains of showing the of the, when it was 70 that can you get a guy? they're going, shifting scalable. get the so the league on sonya, the,
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the, you know, what i mean, you got it. see what i mean? so we'll forget all of these one out it, you know, face, you only pay the for the lower the dougherty when, when you can check on, you can be out also when we go to selling the bugs on all labor. so we can see what's going on, see this. so that up put it into the about the problem of a level of you will see then you'll slow down the long body on went up was inside. what do you do? she did does equity fund? them like i say, like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't know, even sony good sense, unavailable. no. see. i think he's under the flip side, the issue, the
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fund bought, sold in the me a call me see what was the and these are the middle, what the result i g good. it will bundle these all the a to buy. they don't it none. the less of, you know, when you have seen it, i don't know me. he's i guess on those some of the with the was still going except for the bundle, but so the, the color of the said on those, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics to deal with these are they available in children, sammy, or gaines underneath? so the way these already, like when you get uh well who, who bye good on the side of the can i just did you get my like muscle from a new but when he got it, sonya and what you can look at if i'm your mother was he'd be that you know, well yeah, more say about then take it down to where you meant. then come down, mean forget you. the city was the one knowing on. see i'm a little focused on what the log in here. so you have been, you mean to them on the go in the be able to do it for 2 of the me think the projects we're going to run into issues. so it'd be all about the fuel going into the angle during the day when you, when the middle,
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the van day in the fall. but the one that the guy the season going to be always. so going to get as a chest. so i might on guess, i'll just send them by the probability sort of most likely to do this. then i got everything that got you have the total for games that she paid on the enormous associated like i was the, the you know, it was don't gauging don't, let's put this on the mileage it is you're using it for the front of the office. so it was sick, well, the jingle agent can actually pull up some of the, the vin, whether there's any value. maybe he saw the problem is the problem. unless you know, you want to do an seo and you the mass to go, that's fine. you know that let's be sort of outage in mind. you can know, but someone will find that all of you know, one of them when i showed it was like, i'm find the most of the she saw already about the i you did the to the doctor.
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she has about 30. she's telling me that. yeah, i get up, i have to be, she's the, the little scene. i would appreciate what i told him. granny candy apple been idle coordinator, she say our whole society of the b a r e a . the, where's the card at the bottom? she may have them uh, encore, a we possess. last i said in that case, and i want to see that if maybe you can find me that on the bus up to the portal for the about the this the does want me to put thought as you can get, even though even though most of the computer call. so they're gonna find you the most of the most of those are mine with the type of deal res. as you said, oh my goodness, i'm pretty well i go on a visual for just to give us update. oh beautiful. we got him a lot of it sooner than we did as
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a little girl for and party to load up the other one and see what she's doing. what do you want to see if it came up with them or something with a bunch of issues that i'd be able to go on and when he died in the email, i got one of the you able to then yeah, i see a guy the nano simply the the, the, the, the, the, you know, maybe i'm a little bit, are you a little more likely and dollars plus the front of it on the i need to video live on stage. you present the on the volume or lower the name on the same as you got it
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. or we don't need to get these going to be getting some of the, i mean she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's on miss of the cool meal. but uh, you have a keen or basic load, it can be literally, and this is all people need. if i chose the other ones, the only way to do they go to jo. town means is going to get for you. scores, valley you need audio. let's just see what i, what are the a monthly fee is you or am i have 2 more to put a guide you didn't, but there is a senior and was going to the by the most, even senior. but the, the rest of your mental video should be with the group of music audio. go to, can you read on a couple things on the demo and show the and see, i mean, i put a lot us when i get concern and it can only go through it on the way that you can
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look them up. it will be notion, t, income theater, the go a for you. so any idea of this, so gonna be along with each other the way of humans on a few main of the same idea of what the, the, the content, the most. so to get more to what kind of a content thing and show this was flooding is showing us what out of must be and how they have. i'm assuming they can include the certificate, but it saves you and it made it easier. and you can put me on where your agend thanksgiving day. like did you take
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the the associated with the a lady to tell him to move into the house, get over to the front page without any besides utah cause or you know, see, go ahead. no problem, you guys want me to go to the
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appointment for an carrollton wilson, and you'll get that in your present. the, you don't get an idea of the 7 is, can you read all those of it to the 5 it or to solve it as a video seals with i was going down. okay. i can stop us. i'm going to do this. i want to run them with you guys. i never thought it was the the see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the of the the
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me a condo, but the muscle. so and so what did he about t v i g. so sudden sea and body seen in more detail to me and will you do? she told him that he will substitute to say not i'm not so big change the big issues of a lot more. you know, check, see what it all pulled up and get pen. so again, you mean both to get somebody to go to see if at all. nope, does, you know, fortunately i get you over there where you got to use your land another way and that is that going 1000. 0 my god, you know, so long as we have those, you know, bull to say yes, we are in the laws and rules. so yeah, the plus sign ever the scan, the scanner and the, the form of your day or somebody's, they dropped me on a or speak to ms on mrs. given anybody. but i'm going to go and she then says get
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the what 30 below the money. but it was create the ed i'm isn't going to then visually to sports. so i know it could be of i think watching the most of those, even if you got to be like on that it even will deal to just being on the being. i need to see all the resumes, but y'all, it even though most of it like going to love it, it's on the own as good as even come on. one of them probably going to hear the goals. hancock was a homeless kind of deal them, some bogus the of it, there was a little spin out the limits and was there so it was on your side of how your side will metadata. you know, dallas can be on the side one by the name name was as though is the,
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is the name was the middle name is and they don't it or some of them are those basis. well, they're like, and a lot of them know your name on what that means that know, you know, so as you go to is it this? well, yeah, sorry about that. i mean, think of something but then the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is. um. well, most game beyond meano's, virginia's. okay. but is there cuz i'm with this clip as book. so get it with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. they don't even park it, but it goes the manuals. good at the moment. no one i'm what do you me that is. it also supported almost what her name is carolina 5 k one deal at the the on the phone interview. and we have them up again, i guess with this. so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it really goes. it was campus. think when it says home, i don't know as i'm already. there was a ticket and yet when i got and went up here and there was a, i gave a good the video to, you know, this does own name. boom, boom, boom, go you have no, you know it all back to these. i guess, i guess. i mean,
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as on probably being on the front of me just look it up. let's get to the phone. cuz if that's, you can to get those up for you. okay, so based on those data, the 17 points, the jury duty i will get your phone number. in fact, just get off the phone for like, where to go into or even do the ottoman. i have to work on that if i do it, and it wants to be on the phone totally near the ottoman contradictions to anything at all. not submitted to the army es we found out how to get onto the close of
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wednesday. it was a well not even a funeral on or you how i love the cheapest. and it was a, by then, it goes to the people sanjay differences, anything that on the society of to your credit and cons, offensively, you know, it was a fine you that arises serious of how you lucian's, on the, on the west side, in ukrainian side illusions about their own strength illusions about the strength of the russian opponents. basically, the, you know, the took their to rush or, and your crime was adored. i just thought to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime into those looseness. i've been shopping with the color with a little bit of money,
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but then it says that the new found the crossing was a because part of the record of that for you yes, i have a life before i started and i hope that he is close to the 5 units, but on us and not on the plan style much. it took me out of businesses in the mortgage rates, the the peoples, the level side auto body tingled. laptop my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh, a dealership on east uh several mark. see see, let me see a couple you,
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somebody been you out the last. what does that invite them? not somebody stuck in the bill. will i be able to? i gotta keep the might, the money dial paid the master adult bull and the other that you said the, the main thing we took on the that on the amount of the complete appointments all day long for a long time before she start going to be let me just to let you talk about the video, the live, the i've just sort of main filled up with the guy who sits on the bottom that allow me to got them for the doctor. my name is out of the fed soto. i'm a communist. i mean, you took nice price, me and a man, not if i shift a spend the to year off my eyes the in the same the please that i can be great. and it was called my and of a had the own girl come up, name will jungle, and we stay for one and not fear as to whether you filed the for 7 years in the us the 1st time. and when i arrived the newest that something wrong got into the
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unit of id, i don't say nothing to other people or some of these after what's going for your mind that that the, and it was one of the that's my name brittany of. i'm not sure it is the leg up still mean i'm not on the but i'll send it around that the way i'm going to run out of the slim johns, but to come over there and sparsely a little going to see them don't. my ceiling isn't really going to see a chest of video content and stories is on the bus. that is fine. yeah. that he died. yeah, the mess you go, daddy. one that'd be so that we stick them, but they don't. if i choose what i've been with them, but then for she's most base. so did zullie mills in the mazda of love would leave the hall or, and the shop?
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no, no, no, no, no. a joy indeed. so the
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nation without any issues, he has a mind must not go to then they said to canal it, clean skis, metal music, you could do it for the way it gives you an estimate of this. i'm in a lot. this is a fits your move to such brand is. so let me me 0. this equals all the beans animal. but there's still the screen slip. it's probably the toughest for cc, everybody go in and welcome the
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it's the money and the line. it was, it was, will show up, shows use state to live on the little list is up now to eat. the 3rd suspicious is often useful is short. zillah, the g got the is now it shows you what i needed. and usually what, but almost federal, $32.00, it says up put and get this invest. blemish only goes to issued the move on to the out of doors. must clear up. this concern was opinion goshen city often. that's okay. but the only episode to own yes. zip code which is good, expands in the family noon. yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick. it broke through, stuck with she had to push luck with me. this land motion was i got the 3 shows that the, the
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assistance with, with a space coffee, a lose lose. this is nathalie uh monday. its when i put it in these days because it got thrown jeanette lewis in the beach or am i just look a little flush just go to the rules. yeah. but it is a lot of interest for. yeah. monday is that not some issues i'm will dish and that shouldn't be cheap virginia. this is the news. a good sort of when you want. if so please, what did you push? this means that the measuring that would have says a. so i'm going to feel like i'm gonna ship new seasons, missed at all, i'm out of mine and she has to refinance the g to bottom and you take any, so hold on. so i'll go ahead, i'm sorry, something cool. sorry, i'm on dialing items. you know, can i enter my go bad no, get created. the one for the one see log my sided. what i from value
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was oh, you know? yeah. a lot of people that the, we don't to war that to the west on account was go on with the declaration thrush him for that issue. but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces always together and try to make a change in our county, the way of that and stuff. going to go on all the time. yeah. computer and not a i don't know a i find that are the source of the language that main drag bicycle. you thought if you was saying and they would all talk with rock on the toner to charlotte, on the phone, on the side of the mocking cap, and we'll see a fax it. and we'll assume, you know, it sounds,
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if we got soft to the bus stop it. yeah. i mean, i'd rather you somebody so to, than what you really me, i mean, she's energy really in general and almost went to the back of the game here. going to be moved into the middle. we need it was id be able to scroll as i need. uh, if i got to albany legos or she really need the phone in law and they'll, they don't know chad totally. i mean, these go to the will be with you as you read the the, the guy who ways are getting so many better if i feasible. been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even in the 20, but she's like, he's here. but there's you on the line or see a even though the bill push into i think it was it, but be meant that bobby, that able to break the. ready the,
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when it came back from the don't less suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown puts plain that they owe their point of view off. and you swore on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an anti fascist they point of view of russia. and so i've been in something that the, it was incredible. it wasn't the 1st time i thought the type in it that the, the time, you know, the secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that, that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these sort of a people and so since, since that's the steps to work and they tell you on television, because i think that to be done in goal or month. yes. that they quoted that from the american government. not the
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think web demo is one of those you i'm going to be the, the general i'm going to tell you that because of the vehicle are you into reality and you can just open monday and don't buy so because of the image that i set out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that i what was you know, the other for on the edge of the you're overdue us one out at a. so going to get some of the event and then we can show it for the out. the have been was other was he was on the, i'll be up to the objects to me, to put towards the waste. the window is on the video when they'll be able to actually forget to like,
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i don't want them to actually send over the phone. yes. so that gives you shed a southern w at the moment when i get to you. but give me a soon, but the, the, when, when you use any sort of, or somebody to go out inside to get a move in till the end of the months, us to say, i don't think over in don't, let's go into interviews. we'll go to a good place on the, the, the the hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new
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show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the,
2:00 pm
the gaza is becoming uninhabitable, and that's the spot warning from the u. n. s. the war rages on energy, many care and age. struggle to reach those in the usual a pass to fight against the genocide accusations of the us cord. as it's embassies around the globe report, at least, fee to pass the politicians into taking inside the u. s. military present senior, the rock may finally come to an end after more than 20 years. that's as a dodge decides to shut down the american led. i terrorism correlation, following series of deadly us attract the this is our attention.


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