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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the, the gaza is becoming uninhabitable, and that's the spot warning from the u. n. s. the war rages on energy, many care and age, struggles to reach those in need. you to a pass to fight against the genocide accusations of the us court as it's embassies around the globe report, at least speak to pass the politicians into taking inside the u. s. military present senior. the rock may finally come to an end after more than 20 years. that's as a god decides to shut down the american lead. i terrorism correlation following series of deadly us attract the this is our to international reaching you live from the russian capital. welcome to
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the global updates this our i a my cop. what you know straight to guys are now for destruction dominates the landscape in the north, which has borne the brunt of idea of a falls over the last 3 months. the last few places of refuge rom. busy main, they're mostly on level. the local john list a ma mood sogba has this report. we report from the city of faith, blah, here in north and gaza. specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by is really forces. they pushed a vacuum ways to leave to other areas. the rest of the large number of men not to mention burning of activities, belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing that as we sought
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shelter here. assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. i'm know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate. took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the out to some square for 2 hours. they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us that we'd return. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes, and all our belongings, when they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. i've heard some return to alpha correct clinic, others to other who's saying this place was full of displaced people, even before my family and i arrived. there are huge number of displays, people in schools and the agency clinics on this. i couldn't find
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a place for me and my family when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing, despite the fire and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child who has only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris. just survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares. about shells and rockets. we have no homes left. they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction, if there is no place for us, it un schools or their clinics file. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by the spray leaves. what kind of? there's no food or drink. i miss the people grind, wait to get some sort of flour for sustenance. i haven't received any flour for a week and had a headache. not i have neither food or drink, not even a candle. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school,
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so we can live in sanitary conditions. i demand the dispatch of a committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes. out of the me, somebody if, if i that's about 4 months, 8 groups have been warning of a drafting committee chair and situation in the enclave. the latest voice comes from the un officials will painted a bleak portraying of a reality on the ground. because it has simply become uninhabitable, its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence. while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supports in more than 2000000 people, even as its own stop are being killed and displaced. as communication, blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and con boys are shot at. and as commercial supplies, vital to survival are almost nonexistent. but southern city of con units has also
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been assigned to up and backlogs, and the aerial bombardment for that shows smoke rising above the area a half to strikes on friday evening. 18 people were reportedly killed after a house was destroyed in the attacks to and hospitals are overcrowded and struggling to get supplies. those that do receive aid only gets a fraction of what's in needed. the world health organization said it's finally delivered some more medical spots, the facilities operating well above the capacity. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies, but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these. these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times their normal capacity. according to a media reports is rarely in bass embassies around the world are trying to put pressure on politicians in the host of nations. specifically,
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the report that the looking for a support the count of south africa is claims that the international court of justice, as it's being accused of genocide in gaza, argues the we'll come get has the story. so that's what this increase for an income is from the international court of justice to prevent as well from committing potential genocide as really taking a different turn apple. so gains some sort of relevance efficiency that a lot of people question a few days ago. and even though it is right now decided to appear before the international court of justice to defend itself against the genocide cases. i filed by sylvester. gosh, it does seem like the decision to defend itself will make it very hard for israel to brush aside the, the adverse find tools. because as we speak legal terms of being the symbol countries are issuing statements in support of south africa. and we've seen reports, as you mentioned, that seduced,
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that is all fine. ministries altering succeeds embassies to praise or diplomats and petitions in the a countries the to issue statements against the basic and the case at the international court to offer justice. and all of this comes off to so that's because said that to the magnitude of bits of destruction and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip, meets the trees. cold of the 1948 of genocide convincing and the international move in that seem application that i think has sent it to the international court of justice. victoria argues that the damage inflicted by it's right emitted competing against because as soon as the statement of october comes to choose, the genocidal acts, it states that the diesel has killed in excess of more than 22000 part of the news, including over $7000.00 children with many of them i'm presumed to be missing, or rather did under the rubles not forgetting that the application i'm in,
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be good to be condemned. mazda is targeting of the readings and hostage taking on the 7th of october, vx and emissions by israel complained of by south africa are genocidal in character because they are in tended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group could also understand that, so that's, it just says there is dispute between it's and it's all related to the interpretation and application of the genocide convention. and while the application focuses primarily on as well as conduct since the 7th of 2. but it also discusses these broad up context of as well conduct to what are the scenes during the course of the 75 year long apache as occupation of tennessee and tailored fees. we also form of the view that's at the moment less than a week off to so that we could submit to the application. the quotes announced that
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it will hold public hearings on the request to for provisional missions on thursday and friday, next week of the portable also been to decide whether to impose those provisional misses, the and that decision according to a lot of explicit ad either this could take more than weeks or minus the sum of those reports of also mentioned that if these really foreign ministry states that is well strategic goal at this particular moment is for the call to to reject the request for an injunction. and recognize that to be is really military is operating in the gaza strip, according to international people. and just speaking last week on the international, many states that had initially said that they had no doubt that as well, has been complying with international or international issue. many children go and everything it does to defend itself has been very quiet recently, especially needs pertaining to the cold case,
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except of course will be by the not ministration, which is coming to rejecting. so that because appeal. but of course, the in the next week, if the international court of justice faces a very important taste the i'm my colleagues are basis. i spoke to global affairs on the list of paul a, jimmy. he says that the reports on the use of the, to magic pressuring a review of what he calls the country's death. ready ration that is really is a probably key. uh because um, normally if your call in international relations bad us and uh, use road bad a to top guys. they don't normally respect to the us. uh, what is agencies? remember that they did as not tied up just because i'm, i'm old for the united them base. and so that's it. is that can be as it relates to the bureau, right. so it's the best the best to come to our words as i've ever done. has that
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done means that the god, no, that's all good nights. south africa issued an 80 full page appeal to this quote here is defining genocide, as you said, is crime is carried out with the purpose of completely all partially eradicating a national ethnic racial. ready religious group, do you think pull that that's an accusation that can be easily proved in cold maybe not easily. but remember that i've some, you know, you, i'm your mind that they have a human rights, a good they have going to see. and by the way, well, there's a lot to print for that. that is also beyond the audio quality, legal and justice. that is also be public tab. uh no. we do not want to every barrier to drop, but you will use as a good uh to the turner. you see, what does that mean? remember that we wanted to not be seen to be in by the reactive or responding it has to be appropriate blacklist. i believe i have 90 days,
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most of the iraq has decided to shut down the american legs. so cold and to terrorism, correlation in the country following series of deadly us attacks. and that's according to an announcements by the middle east and nations prime minister. all the sudden, we assert our firm and principal position in ending the existence of the international coalition. after the justifications for its existence have ended, were in the process of setting a date to begin a dialogue 2 or 3 party committee that was formed to determine arrangements to end this presses. this is a commitment which the government will not back down from and will not neglect any matter. the complaints national sovereignty, overland, sky, and waters of our dear are wreck. there were calls of for the west, remove its forces for many years now. and again, they were renewed calls that started on the thursday because there was an attack once again, a very big attack in terms of who was killed or there was
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a top commander of the p, a mass as well as 3 other people that were killed. and 6 others were injured. now what is the p m f? it's the popular mobilization forces, which is a group that was formed in 2014. and they have fought and pretty much every single major battle against ices. now they're supported by iraq, and they're composed of around 67 different armed fractions. but again, like i said, your rock supports them and there are around 2300000 fighters. so the targets of this us drone stripe on thursday was imagine that the pensive on cuban mark here that the pentagon considers to be a leader of a new wrong fact. terrorism group. and there was, supposedly they accused the sound of planning attacks on, on us troops and us personnel. here's some more from what the pencil going have to say regarding this attack and why they did it. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again,
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we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. but again, the rocky government says hold on a 2nd. this was a man who was part of it was a killed commander of the popular mobilization forces. and we are the ones we support the popular mobilization forces and this up to us to the side of to roll basically if a man the wrong or right to sort of to you to violate the confidence software and sleep. and also to wireless, the agreements between iran, the rocky government, and call us and forces led by the us, a force of force for iraq. this is despicable because they see that they came into the country. they came in with a drones strike and the killed someone that was very important to them. and this is what the rock had to say, the prime minister. in his speech prime minister, also, donnie indicated that the attack that led to the killing of the deputy chairman of the popular mobilization authority, jamal jaffar ali brought him in general hutch, essentially money was a blow to all the norms,
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charters and laws that govern the relationship between iraq and the united states, as well as being a heinous. and i'm just to fight crime. you know, you gotta read between the lines, say that we all know the us and say that a rock more than 2 decades ago. the invasion, what was the trump top on call? community charges about weapons of mass destruction. we will know that some b. s. i never knew a lot of people knew at the time it was b. s. whatever american forces still doing that well, officially the call listened and that it's intervention in iraq trying to supposedly help a flight. isis that ended in december 2021. and some of the forces left for 2500 us forces said behind and they stayed behind to help help iraq. you forces in the rocky governments with the training and assisting in their flights because they still have a tax. why so? so they're there to help, but while they're helping, they're eliminating people who are helping and slicing every single major battle with ices and killing up key figures for iraq and this. whatever ox doesn't like
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the who the have managed to do what america has been doing for a number of years. the, who's the use and assigned have sold it out to the palestinians that basically sanctioning g 7 country linked cargo vessels going through the red sea. so let's just repeat that one more time. the who these are sanctioning these western length and his rattling ships going to the red seats is just what america does over the it's a sanctioning other countries for whatever cooking, meat excuses it wants to drop, drop off, you know what i mean. so you can and it's all coming out exactly, and they don't like it. and instead of taking it through the diplomatic groups, one would argue all they have to do is a drone strike and they just, and they just kill a person, you know. but again, there, there are rules that have been established for very good reason, but again, we'll see that the u. s. consisted, continues to violate them. again, just like israel continues to violate un resolutions and actually rush as you and them bass throw. describe the situation for the united states and the issues in the middle east quite nicely with them. and this have
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a good issue because what is happening in the right see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza, where for 3 months now the bloody alteration of police railways ongoing, there's also an escalation in all the occupied posting on territories. and also on the border between israel and lab and on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of on saw a law in the red c, r a and today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the unacceptability of the actions, but also too cold to hold has in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. and the us secretary of state has been in the region several times in the last couple of weeks trying to save the
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situation somehow, but it's not looking promising. all right, today is christmas eve for orthodox, believe us around the welds. now, the eastern denomination uses a slightly different count and then calculate some protest bins. russia is a major center of christie and all so definitely in the wild with the main cathedral in moscow holding a popular service for the holiday. alex product life to archie, curse put into my my h i as the moscow's cries to save it, could few drops. oh my good, have you enjoyed me right now? how are the final preparations for the orthodox christmas going? what, what is the mood like that? the smell, of course, is quite cold in the street right now, but that does not stop russians from celebrating and celebrations continue this week during the very long one week, winter holidays. and you know, as we know that the rest of the christian world technically celebrates christmas on
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the 25th of december for or the that's christian's christmas is on january 7th. as the orthodox church stayed on the julian calendar, as opposed to the good boy, a calendar. and so the usual merry christmas 1st and then a happy new year phrase does not really translate well in russia as the happy new year, which has come 1st and merry christmas comes a few days later. now, today is christmas eve in the celebrations are starting. the russians on this occasion celebrates with their families, they go to church, millions throughout the country, attend church services. and of course, the main church service in all of russia is held, been conducted by the head of the russian orthodox church. pay to out carol here in the church of christ, the savior right behind me. this is a church that was built in the 19th century before getting destroyed after the
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october revolution, due to comment is and the ac is 6 values and they was transformed into a the biggest, the world's biggest swimming pool, open air swimming pool, actually until 1991 during the fall of the soviet union, when russia came back to its christian traditions and just a few years after that, they re built the church. and that is thanks to the funds provided by citizens that were eager to have the church back now. and the, the, the, some of this was very interested actually to look at some of the pagan traditions that were held back in russia before russell was baptized, actually in or twine with the russian orthodox celebrations. and some of those traditions are, for example, are russians on the new years of christmas eve, excuse me, during christmas eve,
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they tell they read fortune's to one another. there's a lot of caroline going on. and another very interesting to this, and was that on the christmas eve, russian women believe that they will find their future husband. and that is basically by throwing one of their value in the queue, which are traditional russian boots for boots on the floor. and whoever picks it up, whatever my picks it up is the lucky one, and he becomes at the potential future husband for the girl. now the russell christmas eve church service plus all night long, of course, and on like on the new year, were russians really go out. they give each other really extravagant gifts and the celebrations are huge. on christmas day. they tend to relax with their families and spend time with the relatives that maybe they didn't get to see during the new year's celebration. whereas the religious families, for example,
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that do the pre christmas lynn tradition. well, they will definitely be 18 meats, fish and meal products on christmas day after all. and as the russian says that i just fun and their christmas a lot is really interesting. i look forward to the meeting to the milk and all of that. thank you so much, all my my h a r t corresponding giving us all the background to the celebration of christmas . and their christmas to you to a, a ukrainian woman whose husband was abducted potentially taking into key of military appears to have been forced to issue a public apology. and that's after she posted this viral video, high initial reaction to the incident. the image of what is looking for him here in ms. gloria village and they transferred her past the regional. they were passing a check point. they stopped us and took my husband away. i'm in the middle of some
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random village with my child in going. i don't know what to do with my baby is crying. i can't you go anywhere. i'm panicking in. i don't know what to do. my kid is hysterical. can you please help me? my husband has been taken away. i have no contents one, so we do. we see it later. another video emerged on social media is show the woman apologizing for bringing public attention to the incident. on the 4th of january 2024, i recorded a video. i took this video when i was emotionally distressed. no force was used against us. i am ashamed of what i've done to the craning armed forces. i apologize, the credit in forces and the military commission. i posted this video on the internet and i'm very embarrassed by it. several on verified videos, i believe you create in conscription office as valiantly snatching men off the streets of gun viral. the russian defense ministry has said that about 160000
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ukrainian soldiers have been killed in cubes, failed to counter offensive. cubans now considering lowering the drop age, as well as hiring private retreating firms to fill the rags with more troops. but let's cross now to andrea lu tv, and it's holly in war correspondent in russia address. good to have you drive me right now. ukrainian woman spoke about ha, has been being abducted that she might have been forced to subbing kids mandatory. then it appears that she was a specialist to apologize for the public affairs and she brought to the incident. why do you think about this? oh, i think there's a apologize so it's not to, it's a very probably that's of the security service of ukraine had a threat that's here. hair about the the 1st the video because the 1st video i
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looked at the 1st video and uh, this was on the press center origin and the 2. but the 2nd video button once you make this apologize, it's clear that the as far as the to the hit, it's not the see sort of. so i think the best bill of print net they're very and me but very, very times for, for make this video. maybe she said, are your make a video like the so where you say the nothings are gays, the are much more so if you chris, are you kind of used to go into j? maybe because we, we know what's happening you're creating now the freedom of speech is not the, it's not the existing more the problem with the 4 and your mother. so you can enjoy on the list so that the one to show maybe the damage caused by the on to our system or the, our defense system that the co op single and the see it is maybe. but this is for,
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by it's forbidden both only forbid and they can not work in this sense. and who we and also the problem with the manpower, the ukraine. it's a very big problem for you. okay. and now and the so the, there are a lot of videos that the store was how it's working at the conscript from met the, by the recruiter. so if you can, i mean they take the, the people from the studies easy, it's very started. but, and this people are not rights to a better for not go into mobilization. it's, it's terry. but to worry about russia's defense ministry estimates that about a $160000.00 ukranian troops of died in kias filled the cancer offensive. how do you expect kia, have will make up for the losses from your assessment? so we have, so we saw the less the draft about the new mobilization rule, and the they want to, to mobilize. also,
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people with disabilities, with some problem like, uh, embodied people or people that are some mental illness for example. so they, it started up to that they have a problem with them empower and it's a problem for them to replace this people. i think there is also going to smoke on the table from, from a foreign so there's from bolt on, for example, for from uh, usa item um, but a lot of video that the, for the fan to show the footage or in ukraine from ukraine and solve this but every solve during this video from the ukrainian side spoken in english. so what are from this, this guy's not care about socrates on now considering additional measures to
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increase conscription rates like lowering the age of eligibility. the how do you think the korean in public will react to these new mattress? is that very, very, very, very bugs. i think especially the people that are, are in foreign countries with so in the last week, so a lot of the problems in ukrainian console outside around the europe. a because of the ukrainian citizens that are living in for an confidence, wants to make a new passport, the new documents. because if these new, when they pass without the somewhat modifications or these people don't, that there are to have any document of identity, any possibility to use their money, any possibility to send the money in ukraine for their relatives. so this is a big problem for that you couldn't a citizen in for uncomfortably. so i think and the, the, it,
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i think uh would be a big problem for ukrainian politics. thank you. all right, how do i look city we have to leave you here. now we tell you of the war correspondent, thank you very much for your insight. thank you. to buy it as a well, it has option. in 2024, we're picking out. some of the headline is over the last 12 months. criminal hire is the us, vice president definitely made the less that she's clocked at woods tablets, so complex issues, but, but if you've had a good on rumsey wondering what he just ate, have a look at this the . ringback i think of this moment as
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a moments that is about great momentum. the culture is it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? and in, in present cultures the way we express how we're feeling about the moment and, and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy. cuz you know, it comes in the morning the a, i fancy things were supposed to letters, artificial intelligence, the presidency i got some more.


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