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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the guys are becoming governing. habitable back stuff, stop wanting from the u. n. as a war, rages on human care, an age struggle to reach those in israel. a pass to fight against the genocide accusations in the us. un courts, as it's embassies around the blow before they speak. depressive, on the patients, they just taking this fight the us military pregnancy and a rock, and they finally come to an end after more than split the. yeah. that then that dad decides to start down the american led on to terrorism coordination of the following series of deadly you at that time it's all products christian to celebrate christmas with one of the most popular 7th,
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it's hosted by ross at the great track. carol, i think the people in federal moscow use a live visual, some there right now, the other club to speak to the past midnight here in moscow. merry christmas from the russian and capital of business, our team to national. i have mike complex up with the news updates. now straight the guys up for us to discharge the destruction dominates the landscape in the north which has borne the brunt of idea of assault over the last 3 months. though a few places of refuge remain. there are mostly on livable, local journalists of mine would stop by half the story. we report from the city of faith live here in northern guys, us specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces. they pushed
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a vacuum ways to leave to other areas. they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning a vacuum whose belongings, including cars, personal items, and even food, document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. the, initially we saw refuge at calissa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction. and i'm showing that as we saw the shelter here, assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for we get them know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate, took men from one entrance and women from another, and placed us in the out to some square for 2 hours. they left our food and belongings behind, assuring us that we have returned. 2 hours later we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. when they burned our food drinks, clothes,
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and all our belongings. when did she come? they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. okay. what else sort of what it done? we sought help from located inside pick and some return to alpha correct clinic and others to other who's saying this place was full of displaced people even before my family and i arrived, who would i would there are huge number of displays. people ask, no, it was an agency clinics, i found that i couldn't find a place for me and my family understand when we noticed these rarely soldiers withdrawing. and despite the fire and despite diseases, when we return to the school that they look at, we drank non potable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child has only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris and then just just survive hot or warm and that child streams of turned into nightmares about shells and rocket. we have no homes left. they were completely obliterated by the bombing and had just total
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destruction if there is no place for us at us or their clinic spots. so even if we try to leave the school, it will be sniped by the spray leaves. what kind of thing? well, there's no food or drink, i miss the people grind, wait to get some sort of flour for sustenance and all that. and i haven't received any flower for a week ahead of how they know i have neither food, more drinks. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the school. they also, we can live in sanitary conditions by demand the dispatch of a committee i just had that would allow support to reach us about bringing food to feed the children. i love meaning to her despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes, out of the me, somebody if it buy it or not for months, a groups have been warning of the drafting community here in situation in the enclave. the latest voice comes from the un official who painted a make poetry of
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a reality on the ground. because it has simply become uninhabitable, its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence. while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff are being killed and displaced. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and con boys are shot at and as commercial supplies vital to survival are almost nonexistent. to the southern city of con, unice has also been assigned to a button bottles in the aerial bombardment with it shows smoke rising above the area after strikes on friday evening. 19 people were reported. the killed after a house was destroyed in the attacks and hospitals are overcrowded and struggling to get supplies. those that receive a only get a fraction of what's needed. the world health organization said it's finally delivered some more medical spot,
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the facilities operating well above the capacity. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies, but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these, these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times the normal capacity. according to media reports these ready embassies around the world. are trying to put pressure on politicians in the hosting nations. specifically, their reportedly looking for support to count to south africa is claims of the international court of justice as it's been a cheese of jetta sliding gatzo our days milledgeville committee has the story. so that's what this increase for an income is from the international court of justice to present as well, from committing potential genocide as really taking a different turn. i've also gained some sort of relevant and urgency that a lot of people question a few days ago. and even though is why has now decided to appear before the
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international court of justice to defend itself against the genocide cases by filed by sylvester. gosh, it does seem like the decision to defend itself will make it very hard if full is wrong, to brush aside the, the adverse findings because as we speak legal terms of being assembled, countries are issuing statements in support of south africa. and we've seen reports, as you mentioned that suggest that is all foreign ministry is also instructing embassies to praise diplomats and partitions in the countries. the to issue statements against the basic and the case at the international court to off of justice. and all of this comes off to so that's because said that to the magnitude of the dates of destruction and the extent of the community and trust in the gaza strip needs to be please hold off in 1948 to decide to convincing and the international move in that same application that i think has sent it to the
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international court of justice. victoria argues that the damage inflicted by you, dr. emergency, competing against. because as soon as the stevens of tool box comes to choose the genocidal acts, it states that the diesel has killed in excess of more than $22000.00. but as the new, including over $7000.00 children, with many of them i'm presumed to be missing or rather did, and that the rubles not forgetting that the application i'm going be good to be condemned. mazda is targeting of the beatings and hostage taking on the 7th of october, vx and emissions by israel complained of by south africa are genocidal in character because they are in tend to to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial, and ethnic group to also understand that. so that's a says there is dispute between it's and it's all relating to the interpretation and application of the genocide convention. and while the application focuses
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primarily on as well as conduct since the 7th of 2. but it also discusses these broad context of these well conduct to work for the senior during the course of the 75 year long apache and occupation of for the senior integrity. the also form of the view that's at the moment, less than a week off to so that because submitted the application, the quotes announced that it will hold public hearings on the request for provisional muses, the on thursday and friday, next week at the portable, also been to decide whether to impose those provisional, mrs. the and that decision, according to a lot of explicit ad either this could take more than weeks or months. but some of those reports of also mentioned that if the is really foreign ministry states that is well statistical at this particular moment is for the cortex to reject the quiz to for an injunction. and recognize that to be is really military is operating in
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the gaza. strip according to international go. and just speaking last week on the international men escapes that had initially said that they had no doubt that as well has been complying with international goals or international humanitarian books. and everything it does to defend itself has been very quiet. recently, especially needs pertaining to the cold case except of course for the by the not ministration, which is kind of unclear of rejecting. so that because appeal. but of course, the in the next week, if the international court of justice faces a very important tast, it is rarely is taken hostage by him. as on october 7th, i have been in captivity for nearly 100 days from the members of the as have gathered in tel aviv to demand that these ready government do more to rescue them. are to middle east group of middle east brewer chief of my f adoption, that reports from the demonstrations that we're now in downtown, the square,
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and that's how he remains the mass lead a 0 to the finches plaza. on the place of mass, we k rally is something relative of the remaining precipitating jasmine. keyhole behind me is very clear to put the leadership hold on 90 days since the of jackson people here in the field of government just go in and not 1st ration hender has disappeared. bigger and bigger days rally is we can not reach 100 region minds, the return of the hostages. now from time to time, even the crowd behind me tons and shop meetings and in an hour earlier this week than yahoo! matt was a relatives again and said, is really the last report saw that you really want to make changes then?
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yeah, his wife is on the stage when it's kind of servicing the media polls. sir, now you can hear again, people are chanting means now in zebra, and this is what they're demanding. so the words home home and are exhausted from when they say that this is all they have to do and they'll keep taking out the child. i can't understand these point of view, but the i don't think the 3 the family have other choice not to show. how can somebody ask us to say to tom and don't do nothing. we cannot do it. we need to be focused on the families we. we must keep an eye on the most, the more he's the companies. so i don't know what 710 l said, and they'll go through. this is my business. we're really intelligent. the entire,
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the wait a minute upstairs. wiley, policies ro, users to negotiation. the molten group smells denies that said it froze all context . the should be assessed in ation of the mass official allegedly a really strong harm. another matter did not concern these claims. so the reason to go chasing continues. also the day is representatives office expand, the captives went through the house and basically the us and bass guitar. we prom and a storage stalls matters over what are the biggest fears? positions the hostages. lack of humanitarian answers to the red cross fails to the captives. concerns also are about their safety as the idea of operation and gas. it continues,
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including as price families worries their loved ones. more collateral damage during the id after march. the off of these really aren't taken look till the 3 hostages during the combat gas. mid december, 24 year old were waving a white flag on the show that they were not on the on the news, but the army already of the me to violate advice, really, military families certainly are afraid the may happen again. we have no control and what is going on in doesn't so even accidentally the same situation that happened about 3 weeks ago with this, we poor guy that successfully created the way that they work is because of in a sense, mistake, right? so we need to at least deal to be done with this almost immediately. we need to be sure that the release of the stages i live otherwise, where to get bodies. unfortunately,
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they don't know guarantee is because of the event on the week of the release of the deals. we still heard about the cost of just being so obviously you obviously where we are worried. so the offers of the families of this or is up for manders, 136 people still remain and keep tibbetts in the maze rallies like they want on prototype. your rock has decided to start down the american legs. so cold, i to terrorism coalition in the country following series of deadly us attacks. and that's according to an announcement by the middle east and nations from minnesota, a remote look. when a sudden, we served our firm and principal position in ending the existence of the international coalition, after the justifications for its existence at the end, were in the process of setting a date to begin a dialogue for a 3 party committee that was formed to determine arrangements to end this precedence. this is
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a commitment which the government will not back down from and will not gonna collect any metadata completes i ask who i'm talking to overland. i guy in waters of art. there are wreck. there were calls for the west, remove its forces for many years now. and again, they were renewed calls that started on the thursday because there was in the tax once again, a very big attack in terms of who was killed there. there was a top commander of the p. m f, as well as other people that were killed and 6 others were injured. now, one is to feel that it's popular mobilization forces, which is a boost that was born in 2014. and they have fought and pretty much every single major battle against ices. now there, supported by iraq, and they're composed of around 67 different armed fractions. but again, like i said here, rock supports them and there are around 2300000 fighters. so the targets of this us drone stripe on thursday was a man that's
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a pencil and cuban mark here that the pensive own considers to be a leader of a new wrong fax service group. and that was supposedly they accuse this not applying a tax on, on us troops and us personnel. here's some more from what the pencil don't have to say regarding this attack and why they did it. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. but again, the rocky government says hold on a 2nd. this was a man who was part of it was a killed manager, all the popular mobilization forces. and we are the ones we support the popular mobilization forces and this up to us to the side of a civil basically if a man the wrong or right to sort of to use to violate the constant suffering. and also to one of the agreements between iran, the rocky government, and call us and forces led by the us,
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a force of force for iraq. this is despicable because they see that they came into the country. they came up with a drones strike and the kill someone that was very important to them. and this is what the rock has to say, the prime minister. in his speech prime minister, also, donnie indicated that the attack that led to the killing of the deputy chairman of the popular mobilization authority, jamal jaffar ali brought him and general hodges assembly money was a blow to all the norms, charters and laws that govern the relationship between iraq and the united states, as well as being a heinous and i'm just to fight crime. you know, you've got to read between the lines, say that we all know that the us invaded a rock more than 2 decades ago. the invasion, what was the trump top on cooking me chargers about weapons of mass destruction. we will know that some b. s. and everyone knew a lot of people who knew what the time it was be. yes. what are american forces still doing that? well, officially the call listen and that it's intervention in iraq trying to supposedly
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help with flights isis that ended in december 2021. and some of the forces left. but 2500 us forces stayed behind and they stayed behind to help help iraq. you forces in the rocky government with the training and assisting in their flights because they still have attacks. why so? so they're there to help. but while they're helping their, eliminating people who are helping and fighting every single major battle with all races and killing up key figures for iraq and this, whatever ox doesn't like the who the have managed to do what america has been doing for a number of years the who is that using a sign of solar down to the palestinians are basically sanctioning g 7 country linked cargo vessels going into the red sea. so let's just repeat that one more time. the who these are assigned shinning in these western lincoln, his rattling ships going to the red seats. it's just what america does over the it's a sudden shooting of the countries for whatever cooking, meat, excuses it wants to drop, drop me up. you know what i mean? so you can so, and there's all coming out exactly, and they don't like it. and instead of taking it through the diplomatic groups,
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one would argue all they have to do is a drone striking interest and they just kill a person, you know. but again, there, there are rules that have been established for very good reason. but again, we'll see that the us consumer continues to violate them. again, just like israel continues to violate un resolutions and actually rushes you unimed bassett or describe the situation for the united states and the issues in the middle east. quite nicely recently, let's have a good issue because what is happening interact see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza level 3 months now the bloody alteration of police violence ongoing. there's also an escalation in all the occupied posted in territories and also on the border between israel and 11 on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council. hostages over the prevent the adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire for me, forcing some of these on demand and all that fun using live human. these are in the city of the hosting and see these causes the regime. the error boils and business
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taken very dangerous phones are like the actions of on solve law in the right, c, r a today is not only to conceal the collective security costs will signal the ones that run the tests at on saw a lot of all the all acceptability of the actions, but also to called the halt has it was working on your home. and now the conflict in the middle is, is just part of its own geo political game. and the us secretary of state has been in the region several times. the last couple of weeks trying to save this situation somehow, but it's not looking promising off of those christians in russia and around the world, a car at least celebrating christmas, one of the most popular services for the holidays hosted by roches patriot. carol. it's of the christ to save the cathedral in the of costs of moscow at the top club demand. congratulations, also those students on the holiday to waste for all the lives to be illuminated by the woman that i gave birth to the system of your brothers and sisters. i quoted,
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you agreed to all of you and congratulate one on the square residence of today. we celebrate the special events when the lord and savior, the church, called the son of truth. we came into the world. this sun never sets, never go and beyond. the horizons will never lose its wants, never goes out with us, and no darkness can swallow it up. it's life giving power is so great to new races that it is able to break through even the documents of our signs and our imperfections. it is able to dispel those fault himself. and every day problem guy blow over, come, i worries about the face of the world and country bring peace. the restless cox and highlight lice true priorities indicates the, the right it has the salvation from s plus one that has to be to every christian is meant to bear within himself a reflection of christ. true as on this happens when we live in accordance with the evangelical covenant which reads for collect your lights, shine before others, so that they may just be your good works and give glory to your father who isn't, haven't god's left. truly the lord called upon us to just that when he came into the world cars, because the scale ever this light is this thing to. it is not
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a spotlight shining in our eyes. it is not sharp. it is most likely that it is no coincidence of us, that in one of the least surgical hymns, the church names of christ as a quiet life benefits. this light illuminates life in such a way that allows us to disclosure the path leading to salvation and blissfully turn his, that rush when he'd be a man himself. you mean, look as well as those who know him and all the diversity of life i revealed in a new way in the light, is if i get this really, if and you see it. however, we should remember that while many of the most use his way should be, can pass by the share by line was because without noticing or recognizing in the every day hustling. but he seems to get them. unfortunately, contemporaries often find a so blinded by a cold light pulling out if somebody billboards smart tvs, tablets, their eyes become so accustomed to this brightest dream of redundant information that more and more will they pass by that which has not yet been touched by the rays. of this cold light that if we turn off the power, all those green will go out in an instant,
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she will get one. but the son of truth will always shine in lightning and illuminating every man who comes into the world that knew warming and reviving the souls that is getting frozen and wondering if we can the darkness of sin in ignorance until christ is formed in you said by the apostle paul's mother for one of today i would like to wish for every home, every family, every heart to be illuminated by the enlightening removing a warming and transforming light of price name so that we may share with each other . this one fading, warm, light of truth, a unshakable hope was to loved doing good deeds, comforting and supporting those who need our help and sympathy, and therefore filling life with lasting meanings. joy, happiness, and peace. is mary orthodox, chris? yes, it might be a lot of. yeah, it's a pretty good idea. alright, let's cross live to our to correspond to mine my. it's a, as a moscow's cries, the savior cathedral. well my, my, it's a cold night in moscow about minus 20 degrees celsius. how is it?
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i've looked around you and met the christmas celebration. what's the mood like? well, of course says the uh, the head of the russian orthodox church also mentioned the just now that the christmas day is about joy and loves. and he calls on people to share, especially those positive feelings between one another and embrace each other. but of course, as you've mentioned, that is quite cold here in moscow yet, people are always ready to celebrate russians are out attending church services. and of course, you know, unlike in the rest of the christian world where a christmas is technically celebrated on the 25th of december for the r, the christians, christmas is on the 7th of january. as the orthodox church retained the julian calendar, as opposed to the good orient calendar. so really, you know, wishing
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a merry christmas 1st and then a happy new year to a russian for example, just sold a little bit wrong because he was to either happy new year which has come 1st and then merry christmas just a little bit later now of course during this holiday, the russians a go with their families. the church thing is centered services all throughout the country. millions of people are attending services right now. as the main night service is the one that is conducted by the head of the russian orthodox church. pre to i'm carol here in the church of christ as savior, which is the biggest and the main huge role in a rush shop. now on top of that, there's around, there's 550 other churches in moscow that are said to host around 1000000 people to night for the celebrations. and so because of that, public transport was also, uh the, the hours for public transport was also expended just to have people go back home
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safely after the service finishes. there's also religious russians who had been fasting for 40 days before christmas and they can finally break their fast on christmas day. but, you know, unlike the, the new year uh, celebrations where uh, russians gift each other. these extravagant gibson had these huge celebrations, really on christmas day. russians to choose to celebrate with their families and relative ones. uh, you know, relaxing, maybe relative that they didn't get the chance to celebrate the new year with. whereas really just russians who, you know, go with the free christmas lunch edition, they can finally have a feast on and you know, each needs and males products and fish. finally on christmas day. then as the russians say, is that i just for merry christmas all right, my, my, thank you for bringing us up to speed with all of that merry christmas to you. go
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have some rest and let's prepare other people to enjoy everything that a christmas brings. thank you so much. i. all right, that's the all davis. i hope that i have back again in about 30 minutes from now american express to you from moscow, the society of to your credit and cons. offensively, you know, it was a fine you. the other rushes serious souls, probably lucian's on the, on the west and ukrainian side illusions about their own strength illusions about strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the take their to rush or, and you crying was a door that just had to be kicked in and the whole structure would come,
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come sometime in the solutions, have been shocked with the time action or tennessee and welcome back to going underground broadcasting around the world from the middle east. has there ever be no more dangerous time to be alive? aside from the climate emergency, we face was un secretary general, antonio gutierrez' got a word, some new arms race. i mean, it's the failing you, as we're in russia through ukraine, the, by the administration. set costs for spending over $1.00 and a half trillion dollars of us public money on nuclear weapons over $30.00 is to fight russia, divide china. let's go straight to professor bryan to and distinguish professor
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about mr. eric in atlantic sciences. have university of colorado boulder is pioneering research on new pay. a winters is revealed. what's in store by them, pushes the button. is it in boulder, colorado? thank you so much and promises doing very right. coming on. so in 2023, we've seen reports of secret catastrophic accidents on u. k. nuclear submarines biden's ending new day and capable of weaponry into these mediterranean to enforce the ledge cause of genocide. the end of nuclear agreements being compounded by testing, new weapons occurring, defective ex, defacto co in pakistan. we explained if you didn't run gun before, he was jailed and we've had these really ministry admits and you'd be a weapon. the use of or at least possession by israel. just remind us in the, in the context of all of your work reminds us about your work on nuclear threats. yes, we've been concerned for a long time about the devastating impact of having


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