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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the guy that has the coming on in habitable, and that's the spot warning from the us and the war rages on and human here in age, struggles to reach those in your past to fight against the dentist, wanda conversations in the u. n. court habits embassies around the globe reported the seats of partial politicians are taking it sized off adults. freestanding celebrates press pads with one of the most popular services hosted by russia. paycheck 0 a good toodle in central moscow. these online visuals right now, the
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bizarre to the national, reaching you live in the russian capital. welcome to the update from the blow by a mike, what you straight to gather now, where the north, which has taken the broad divide the of his thoughts over the last 3 months, is dominated by destruction. though a few places of refuge to remain there, mostly in deplorable condition, local john list mom would stop by reports as we report from the city of b. it's like here in north and guys us specifically from the koli for school, which was storm. why is really forces they pushed a vacuum ways totally up to other areas that they arrested a large number of men not to mention burning vacuums belongings, including cars, personal items, and even groomed document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced today is that initially we saw red age ad elise, us
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a call because we were scared in our homeless graduate in the bible instruction. and i'm showing that as we saw the shelter here, assuming it was under the united nations relief and work agency control and considered safe for us. for there we were busy, you had to buy these re lease for we can get them know they storms the houses in front of us and behind us a little of us can go to the took men from one entrance and women from another. i see and placed us in the out to some square for 2 hour session, and then they left our food in belongings behind, assuring us to remember truck in the supplement of the 2 hours later we saw fire and smoke rising from the school when they burned our fellow drink some clothes and all our belongings kind of will when they should come in, they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or substance. and what else sort of what have done, we sought help from locating if i pick and some return to alpha correct clinic. the other is to say the place was full of display sleep and nice even before my family
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and i arrive to what i would need. there are huge number of displays. people that know it was an agency clinics. i found much like i couldn't find a place for me and my family has a hit when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing. and despite the fire and despite diseases, when we return to the school, as i said, look at and we drank non refundable water jup contracting many germs and diseases. a child is only concerned used to be finding my boy now worries about removing the just survive model. the that child reading is kind of turned into nightmares about the shelves and rocket. just thought it had, we have no homes. they were completely obliterated by the bombing and had just total destruction if there is no place for us it us or their clinic response. so even if we try to leave the semester, my go be sniped why the last 3 weeks is what kind of thing? well, there's no food or drink, i miss that people grind with to get into some sort of flower for sustenance and all that. and then i haven't received any flour for a look at how to, how they know i have them either food or drinks. i'm appealing to all concerned
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parties to help us clean the sooner they also we can live in sanitary condition by demand the dispatch of a committee i just had that would allow support to reach out to you. i'm bringing from said the children that i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here to the destruction of their home. out of the mean, somebody divide by the aid workers. they've been wanting about the diet. he, many to and prices brewing and then for the for months, the most recent voice is that of a united nations official who offer the grim picture of reality on the ground. because it has simply become uninhabitable. its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supports in more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff are being killed and displaced as communication, blackouts continue,
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as roads are damaged and con boys are shot at and as commercial supplies, vital to survival are almost nonexistent. asylum, city, or town units has also been the site of urban bottles and the aerial bombardment for that shows smoke rising above the area after strikes on friday evening. 18 people were reportedly killed after a house was destroyed in the attack. and as hospitals are overcrowded and struggling to get supplies, those who are receiving a dollar, i'm only getting a fraction of what's needed. and this comes as a world health organization said it's finally delivered some more medical supplies to the facilities operating well above the capacity. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies, but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these, these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times the normal capacity. according to the media
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reports easily. embassies around the world are trying to exert influence over politicians and the host nations that report at least seeking assistance to oppose wasik evacuations. ivy the national court of justice where it is accused of genocide in gaza. our thing is the we'll convey has the story. so that's what this request for an intern miss from the international court of justice to prevent as well, from committing potential genocide as really taking a different turn apple. so gains some sort of relevance of urgency that a lot of people question a few days ago. and even though it is what i have now decided to appear before the international court of justice to defend itself against the genocide cases that i filed by sylvester. gosh, it does seem like that the decision to defend itself will make it very hard for israel to brush aside the, the adverse find those. because as we speak legal terms of being assembled,
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countries all issuing statements in support of south africa. and we've seen reports, as you mentioned, that suggest that it's all fine. ministries also instructing embassies to praise or diplomats and partitions in the countries. the to issue statements against the basic and the case at the international court to offer justice. and all of this comes off to the last because said that the magnitude of did of destruction and the extent of the community and trust in the gaza strip, meets the trees cold off in 1948 to genocide convincing and the international move in that seem application that i think has sent it to the international court of justice. victoria argues that the damage inflicted by you, dr. emergency, competing against. because as soon as the stevens of tool box comes to choose, the genocidal acts, it states that this is why has killed in excess of more than 22000 but is being used,
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including over 7000 children with many of them i'm presumed to be missing or rather did under the rubles not forgetting that the application i'm going be good to be condemned. how much is targeting of the begins and hostage taking on this difference of october, vx and emissions by israel complained of by south africa, our genocide or in character because they are in tend to, to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national racial and ethnic group to also understand that. so that's a says there is dispute between it's and it's well relating to the interpretation and application of the genocide convention. and while the application focuses primarily on as well as conduct since the 7th of, of 2. but it also discusses these broad context of as well as kind of to the dns during the course of the 75 year long as the occupation of for the senior integrity. the also form of the view that's at the moment, less than
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a week off to so that you could submit to the application. the quotes announced that it will hold public hearings on the request for provisional missions on thursday and friday, next week is the portable also been decide whether to impose those provisional, mrs. the and that decision, according to a lot of explicit ad either this could take more than weeks or months, but some of those reports have also mentioned that if these really foreign ministry states that is supposed to teach a quote at this particular moment is for the cortex to reject the quiz to for an injunction and recognize that to be is really military is operating in the gaza strip according to international go. and just speaking last week on the international level, many states that had initially said that they had no doubt that as well, has been complying with international or international humanitarian books. and everything it does to defend itself has been very quiet recently,
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especially pertaining to the cold case, except of course for the by the not ministration. which is kind of unclear of rejecting. so that because appeal. but of course, the in the next week, if the international court of justice faces a very important tast and also the christians in raso and there around the world currently celebrating christmas roches patriot carol leads one of the holidays most popular services i've cries to say, because people in moscow at the top right demanding congratulated the unsettled speech to ends on the holidays and the waste bed. all their lives be illuminated by the lights of price that i give access to your brothers and sisters. i called yearly greet all of you and congratulate you on orthodox christmas. to day we celebrate the special event. when the lord and savior with the church calls, the son of truth came into the world with his sun. never sets never goes beyond the horizon, never loses its wants, never goes out,
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and no darkness can swallow it up. its life giving power is so great and gracious, that it is able to break through even the darkness of our sin and our imperfections . it is able to dispel the forms of dallas and everyday problems overcome my worries about the fate of the world in the country. bring peace, the restless hearts and highlight lights true priorities indicating the right past the salvation from man is really a unit. today i would like to wish for every home, every family, every heart to be illuminated by the enlightening renewing warming and transforming light of christ so that we may share with each other this on fading, warm light of true faith, unshakable hope and true loves of doing good deeds, comforting and supporting those who need our health and sympathy, and therefore filling life with lasting meaning. i enjoy happiness and peace. mary orthodox christmas. my dear ones, does the uh, the head of the russian orthodox church also mentioned the just now that the christmas day is about troy and loss. and he called on people to share,
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especially those positive feelings between one another and embrace each other. but of course, as you've mentioned, that is quite cold here in moscow yet, people are always ready to celebrate russians are out attending church services, but the main and night service is the one that is conducted by the or the head of the russian orthodox, hers free to off carol, here in the church of christ as savior, which is the biggest and the main funeral in a rush shop. now on top of that, there's around, there's 550 other churches in moscow that are said to host around 1000000 people to night for the celebrations. then as the russians say, so the, just for merry christmas the as a stay just set for a slug fast in the upcoming us presidential elections. doable. i didn't. and donald trump have already sped ahead of the match shop. and the day of speech is before
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the 3rd and investor of the so called generous fix insurrection, we don't folded the u. s. capital. the gloss came off. everyone with the legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a loser. so i never said it's really, but now i can tell you we have the worst border. we have the worst president in history. we have a president just together. we have a president of the say, susan did 5 this step 15. the steps though we have a president is a great danger to democracy. what's trump done? said to call him criminals. is called these x are these it is direction is patriots . there patriots. terms. mom was a peaceful protest. was the viral saw. they were,
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is direction is not patriots. they weren't there to uphold the constitution. they're there to destroy the constitution. now we're a nation in the line. we are a failing nation where our nation that has lost his confidence. 3 years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation. again. it was november's elections on the horizon arches collab small pin takes a look at how chums bid to lead america once again is being forwarded to add to every to 2024. and there's a presidential election coming up on the horizon. donald trump is still in the race, despite what seems like a year of efforts to remove him. at this point, we've got state courts in maine and colorado trying to remove him from the valid arguing that the events of january 6 constituted an insurrection against the united states, thus making him constitutionally ineligible. president drums directly expressed
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efforts over the summer months is one of his supporters demolish the capital to prevent war. he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud and the people of this country were indisputably avert. involuntary. more over the evidence blue showed the president trump onto all these actions to aid and so the common unlawful purpose. the g themselves conceived and set in motion visit and congress from certifying to 2020 presidential election installed the peaceful transfer of power fanning from the valid light revise is only shot at this point. only 39 percent of the public improves of the job. that is, administration is doing that's up from 37 percent in october and november for a ratings for the white house have been stuck below 40 percent for months. so now joe biden, who is this, is still running in 2024 despite his age and unpopularity. is informing us that if donald trump gets back into office, it will be the end of american democracy with now,
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i don't think anyone doubts our democracy is even more risk in 2024. and i'm serious because this time we're running against an election deny, or in chief trumps not even hiding the ball anymore. he's telling us exactly what he wants to do. he's making no bones about the process of orders. see, this is nothing but a blazingly partisan move to secure his re election is no wonder quicker, joe biden. the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. they are willing to violate the us constitutions at levels never seen before. in order to win this election job i, there's a threat to democracy. so a threat from isn't just blowing smoke biden's and popularity is rooted in some very serious problems that the country is facing, which he is not really big thing. so why is the white house tanking in the polls? well, and you've got the us mexico border and the chaos happening there. 5.5000000
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a legal crossing since biting took office. he didn't start the problem, but he's not fixing it. we've got some of the highest rates of crossing and recorded history, and then there's the ballooning national debt. $31.00 trillion dollars, that's a 120 percent of the entire u. s. economy. the country is more or less bankrupt spot. we've got bite and coming up with more and more crazy scans to spend even more money. on top of all of that, you've got inflation. the dollar is worth less and less food prices and the cost of other necessities are rising. it hasn't been this bad since the days of jimmy carter. america's working families are getting wiped out, and donald trump's rhetoric has anything the cooled since leaving office is 20. 24 campaign is promising. pay back i am. your retribution is what he's been saying when speaking to his supporters. he's promising, sweeping action against those who oppose them. we blanche to you that we will root
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out the commune is marxist specialist and the radical of sucks that live like vermin within the confines of our country. that lie and steal and cheat on the elections and will do anything possible. they'll do anything, whether legally or illegally to destroy america, and to destroy the american dream. he's assuring the public he will have matters like the economy easily resolved. when i'm back in the white house, i will immediately at least energy production slash regulations, like i did just 3 years ago. and repeal by the sack sides to get inflation down as fast as possible. and it will go quickly so that interest rates can get back under control. i built the greatest economy of the history of the world. in fact, i did it twice when you think about it. and now we will have to do it again. he says, the russia, ukraine conflict will be fixed as well. i will get the problem solved and i will
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get it solved in rapid order and it will take me no longer than one day. i know exactly what to say to each them. i got along with very well with the efforts to prosecute donald trump and keeping them off the ballot have certainly raised eyebrows internationally. the united states, after all frequently criticized this country, is that engage in similar shenanigans during election season. russian president vladimir putin couldn't let this obvious hypocrisy. go on noticed. just to say it's a pretty cl, do any of them. but regarding the persecution of the drum, it is good for russia because it shows older within this view of the american political system, which cannot pretend to be on the part what is happening with from you is the politically motivating prosecution of one's going to be more that's all in the way that the despite law approval numbers, the white house gives the impression that they believe they will win at the polls in november. meanwhile, donald trump is adamant that he is the legit winter of the 2020 elections and that
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he will win in 2024 despite the indictments and everything else. the 2024 election is gearing up to be a real circus. not just mainstream media, but also us here at our to you will be along for the ride taylor mauppin. archie new york. sorry, that's not across live to paula to go. come and take it and radio host. steve, go joining us from nashville. steve, it's good to have you join me right now. now 3 years have passed. how do you feel about the events of january 6th and everything that's followed? an interesting guy, joe biden gave a speech this week, attacking trump supposedly focusing on the past, and all joe biden talked about was the past january 6th. and the events of, of that day and, and before that day, he didn't talk about fixing the economy. didn't talk about securing the board or didn't talk about any of the accomplishments that he has been able to do as president. because there are none. it's interesting, you have a guy and president biden,
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who has been in the american politics for over 4 decades as a congress made as a senator, as vice president now as president. and he's running for re election and can't point to anything they've done successfully during his entire time in the public office other than make he and it's not extraordinarily wealthy. so i think it is the kind of the rhythm of all we're going to hear from the vide administration and the viking campaign over the months. ahead and is uh, is your report in new york pointed out it's not working every time truck gets indicted on another focus charge is full numbers go well, joe biden is facing the worst sort of a whole numbers that any president running for reelection has ever faced and, and every one of his attacks seem to fall flat, i think got the same kind of january 6 insurrection attacks. we're not gonna work any better. nobody on that day has been charged with insurrection. all these supposedly wires they've been charged with trespassing contracts with other things . they've not been charged with this directly, which will be trying to over throw the government, which by the way,
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the president in charge of the government at that time was donald trump. so he was apparently trying to overthrow himself. also, donald trump has not been charged with much less convicted of insurrection. so the attempts to remove him from the ballot are soon going to go to the us supreme court . and i think they will very quickly deal with the fact that this is just another part as an attempt to keep americans from exercising democracy. voting for who they want to do it, as a president pointed out, kind of hard for americans. alexa or anybody on the, on democracy with their c, opponents prosecuted, persecute been removed from the balance. the same sort of thing that they, as they pointed advertised ease of doing. america seems to be following that anti democratic path with the democrats, with the new hard. right, how do you see the legacy of the general received the events influence thing, the 2024 presidential race? you know, i think again we're starting to see more and more of the video more and more of the actual facts of that they come forth and it's clear that you had
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a f the. 4 folks that were interspersed in the crowd encouraging the actions. you had capitol hill, police actually unlocking doors, opening doors waving people through kind of hard to prosecute somebody for trespassing when you open the door and welcome them in. and then of course, you've got the fact that thousands of hours of video are still hidden from public view that was revealed. i think even more about the fact that this was a set up. there's no doubt that people behaved badly that day, but it was far from is insurrection because nobody thinks that what happened that day was a legitimate attempt to pro overthrow the government. the only people armed on capitol hill that day with the capitol hill police. they actually shot and killed another woman. and the suit or the capitol hill policeman didn't even get prosecuted. so it was not been in the direction by any stretch of the imagination. but that's what the democrats of spring since before it happened in order to try to change donald trump and the supporters of about half of this country that were,
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were upset at the clear thought that happened in that election. right? that the how do you think this class is affecting the us image abroad with both tromp and binding, claiming to defend democracy while labeling though opponents of criminal. yeah, you know, the president of el salvador was one of the 1st to point out that america can't really lecture anybody about democracy where they're trying to remove a political opponent, prosecute a little to opponent and his supporters. again, president made the same point. i think it has for america's reputation, but i think what hurts america's reputation more is having a daughter a week mentally challenged president who can barely form a sentence leading one of the leading powers of the entire world. so i think with both the dramatically disasters withdrawal from afghanistan, the in depth, the prosecution of the ukraine, conflicts of the failure to secure the us border with millions and millions are coming across the border,
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most of whom we can't even identify. and we're not even stopping that much less than the forwarding them. i think all of those failures are making america. we and adapt on the international stage, which i think in bold is people like presidency in china to maybe make a push towards the timeline sooner rather than later. all right, in general, how pull arise, would you say americans are right now with this push back and forth with this of opponents of each other? i think the one thing that there seems to be agreement on, even among democrats, is the joe biden is, is too mentally challenged and too old to handle the top of the different kind of space. a tough challenge of how did they remove him without antagonizing their base even further? i mean, you've got the vice president, tamala, harris, who would seemingly be next in line. but her poll numbers are as bad or worse than joe vice. you've already got his hair and whistling bass in the country that are screaming at the interference in, in israel, by the us and,
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and kind of cutting away that face that define depends on, i think the democrats are increasingly panic because you're not looking at the prospect of losing the white house, which was the poll numbers of particularly in battleground states, looking more and more likely they're looking at losing senate seats, congressional seats, governors office, and maybe state legislative offices down the line as well. joe biden has an anchor chain around their neck. i think you're gonna find a hard way to, to kind of cut it off. all right. do you think that there will be a time where that could be a re evaluation of what happened to 3 years ago? as well. absolutely, and i think again, there are still thousands of hours of a video tape that are, that are being withheld. the newspaper of the house johnson promised to release all of a 60000 hours that again, will show a video of police officers escorted people in letting them come in through the doors unlocking the doors. and there were many of these project, the tours who were out on the streets, you know,
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shouting for people to go in to not been prosecuted. won't people who are simply outside waving american flags are being prosecuted by dividing the department of justice. i think the other thing that is, continues to be evaluated are the, the trump claims that the election was stolen in arizona, which was a close race, thousands of ballots that were counted, that was supposedly mailed in, but didn't have any folders in them. they were, they were completely pristine. yeah. other examples where the ballots that were submitted offer by you were in numerical order. and you have the supreme court of pennsylvania, the rules after the election. that the process of allowing these male in dallas was not legitimately passed by the legislature that those ballots were illegal. and again, if those ballots weren't counted top where the wind one, pennsylvania, the secretary state of georgia, is refusing to testify on the rails about what actually happened in that election. another state were trouble nearly lost and there are a lot of concerns that ballots were inaccurate. or were counted multiple times,
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so i think that has more and more comes out. it's going to be clear that donald trump was right when he claimed that the election was stolen. and the joe biden was legitimate president from the very start. are all we have to leave you here now? still deal have political commentator and radio host. thank you for your insight. thank you. are all right, that's all from me right now. my colleagues moran to mind me will be another top of the odd to take you on more stories from around the globe. mary, also those christmas and enjoy yourselves the
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in 1943 at the height of world war 2. bengal was hit by famine. a year before japanese troops drove the rate is out of neighboring vermont and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the threat was completely inadequate. the british actively used the scorched earth policy. while retreating, they turned everything around him into an uncouth desert, having no mercy on other people's territory. food in large amounts was exported to great britain from the serving provinces. boats used for fishing and transporting food along the river system more confiscated from the local population. the barbaric actions of the colonial administration. latham monstrous consequences can a year up to 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mail nutrition. though great britain itself had enough resources to overcome that disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way past starving india through the
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british aisles. i hate indians. they are a beastly people with a beastly religion. the payment was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the famine of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians, from 12 to 29000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india, the in world war 2 swept through countries and peoples like a vicious muscle. this side, thousands of towns and villages were drowned in blood and engulfed by fire. the land was covered with millions of graves, both of those who fell in battle and innocent civilians. the destructive tornado of


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