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tv   Documentary  RT  January 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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resolution between the israelis and palestinians, and other groups in the middle east to solve their problems in some way they didn't get involved. finding each other. there's nothing to be gained by these words. i mean people lose from that. i mean, i have a warner exceptionally bragging the money, arguably. progressive trying to thank you. you're welcome. and that's it for the final show of this season. we'll be back with a brand new episode on saturday, the 20th of january, but until then we'll be broadcasting some of your favorite shows of the series. meanwhile, you can even touch, right, all social media, if it's still extensive in your country and then to a channel going on the ground tv on mobile, don't come to a new and old episodes of going underground. see very soon and happy new year the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i've tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is will be the to the specialist every day is literally, i mean the machine is good. that's not. yeah. but as you can see, the need for you. it's a good sample. nobody lives logo through but you are required to swing this,
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that you may have a breach. and if it's that is not, it was 3 that's uploading color to me and i used to reduce in 1964 on the side of the mass executions in the small village of limits. here the memorial was commission, created by sculptor, fell about rubbing it and find out tom, which became known as the wall and of sorrow was established around it. unfortunately, today, mass construction creeps the government closer to the memorial. independently no one intends to stop its advance arousing concerns for the faith of the total might statute memorial park. nor has the monument being added to the official list of the development for the protection of his w as historical monuments and see what he has still take care of the want of, sorry, focused on the federal federal and the bus for the kids. uh, no problem listed in the cause, the issue was uh,
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but now it shows that i was able to think gigabytes of can you, if you'll send it to approve us, you'll see the apartment the passcode go while i'm watching the course of what it is you know use of the liberation of histone inland from the notes. the invaders began with an attempt to break through to mainland instantly. or in february 1944 in july, 44 in leningrad. front forces conducted the novel offensive, which confronted a serious defensive line. so that the kill i knew though, i'm not sure the policy or what city of will even a z b and we bought the will this portion of the such element of force you to in your floor not blocked us. i took up. i don't was a, bu, a 0 on the people are all of them send you that money but i see is the way we some of these are the best available was sure it showed them the chest voice would always be private security the vehicle. he got bought so jason, tonight is but i knew that he cannot walk. not till the 30th
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so i've got to do it, but that i'm sure though for those battles, 24 people were wanted the title killer. it with the soviet union. 19. if the pilots, the risk with infantry, the latest and fiercest wave of demolishing world war 2, the memorials also affected the famous t $34.00 tank monument excited enough, but used to belong to another river. it positioned well read on the units for the crossing of the another river. in july 1944. the installation coincided with the 25th anniversary of victory de dolomites pedestal used to bear an explanatory plot in this area. the linen dread front forces on july the 25th and 26th. across the river, broke through with the nazi defenses and liberated the city of nova. in the summer
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of 2022. as soon as government adopted a decision to demolish every survey of ammonia, month in memorial on the republic, soil, the russian which those decisions were made and implemented verge. don't paranoia. despite repeated protests from the nova city mann's office, on july, the 16th 2022. the monument was the motive, and the tank moved to a war museum in vmc. the tank was not removed from the legally, nor even by a government decision, but based on the police protocol governing the disposal of moveable property. in other words, the government didn't just initiate an active vandalism, but also appropriated with legal basis of the people's prophecy. before conducting a special operation to move another of a tank detective as to what stood watch over the monument were arrested, attained because they might have started mess riots. meaning they hadn't done
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anything illegal. put the little arrested as a preventative measure. the we have the funds to give the user to go of lucila the each to see it shows the position or pushes the ellipses easily. so what the deal when you see them repeatedly, debra the further nice the row with scope of what does it mean here? i need to bid for those stuff. we purchased a new quote it's it gave me the levels of the august 1944 was much for the liberation of tell, to establish, went to the beach, tentative se estonia on september the 17th general said human ski 2nd street going
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before his post for the crossing the m a yogi river on the right flank and on the very 1st the breached 18 kilometers of the enemy's defense line. having finally realized the hopelessness of continuing to defend the sonya. on september, the 16th hitler assigned an order to retreat and evacuate. very few of the defendants, nell knew with the grandfather, uncle father, a buried, but sometimes by miraculous coincidence. the lost loved ones seems to emerge from the shadows. will appear on zillow. what you're not quite sure what she was using. i was able to assume the other kid, so me if gives it to mueller you up or sure what to the which one is not letting me know some of the things that god has happened to the tell the notary printer to ireland goose of whose uncle was considered missing an action. so i'm gonna give you 2 minutes, but with this switch to face that you find really beautiful if we look at the but it started. but this really mean the thing is that most of it is not really wild
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story. was told but alexander should because he's talking about a memorial installs on the collective grave of power troopers who died in 1944 on the approaches devonte of lake. the monument was moved by a foolish decision to a fixed little gun and a small hamlet cooled. brand new vehicle, put in uh oh, let's see. it is, but that's cool. is that kind of here? yeah. apartments you william potter. seduce them. i give him pronounced robust junior joining up. what's the book? of course 0. would it look, appeal is assignment dick, this is officer position a on the scholar store. and what do you want your doctor funding? ios a department, extra ones. it shows to be a new kind of need to work. i don't want to assume the skills austin, you would do it to finally kicked another part of that to you. put a few effect this which are you able to back in the city of talk to the defense of late summer, 1944 with no oldest 23rd kadusus silva. as must the scouts of the cities
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liberation from the nazi invaders. a few days later, as soon as you're telling me a tag suddenly over running enemy defenses on the approaches to the city and put the gentleman's back. on august the 25th, the city was fully liberated. on august the 25th, 1974. on the 30th anniversary of the liberation of, to, to, from the nazis, the cornerstone was laid for the future monument and the following year on december, the 29th. so the ceremonial opening of a memorial complex with ammonium is made of grey granite bearing the bronze sculpture of a soldier, its creators, with the scope to load the architect loop, and the engineer government. this is the largest collective graven. tell to 2167 people are buried here, including red army soldiers and victims of nazi to era. since the 1990s, the science is being desecrated. more than once by vandals, driven by naturalist ideas. to begin to go out of the apartment 60 to alaska, plays a bunch of uh so did i some buy sure cottage to reduce the main building?
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they pretty it is the one that was not sure. do you meet the new model? it the easy it costs more is there, do i need to get a gave you the deal falls off, or they destroyed us to cheat with major general, but dump of who commanded the largest tongue battle in a studio in 1944 and save the city of elva from destruction and now 78 years later, they destroyed the memorial to the man who saved the estonian city. in july 1944 major general the dump off to college and the total regal offensive. during the latter, on september the 24th 1944, near the city of elva. he was killed of the reflected flesh from a pair of binoculars was spotted. they find everything they had that, that sound good bottle and 3 of which but thought of gave his life for the
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liberation of his donia. today. thanks to him, the living now destroying his memory with a tractor fairy sure. in the market for cooking for 1st quarter said khaki jump in horror stuff. so i have to know if it's just a corporate if time can 1st pick her up. if there's a, there's an opportunity based on queen wants to refer to it should be part of this could be the very next day, the evacuation of town and began by the end of september, the 20th, the red on a cap to direct view while the enemy having only withdrew on it for you and god to turn in again to pull the main forces back to rico. on september the 21st, the 8th rifle co launched the defensive against the capital livingstone. you know, it acts of thought to you, but somebody to lead it will be the yes. covered back store or seal it the deluxe it earlier. should kimberly add your separate to lead you deluxe, which will bunk successfully. but that was the new opposite. that always seemed to
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be the way i forgot to look at that sort of get the patrol about 3 to 3 piece of work to put the budget this cool. so please you will need to have someone go to, you know, but the, but one of them, but many get be the will be applied for and so forth. you, lydia, really will a big, low city of the biggest organ excelled up to us. go out to me, you might do this old dot info stuff. so for giving you that place, that idea that it could be that the point of this book. so i guess what odds are pretty guaranteed. if that goes up with you later, you've got published. what are you studying based? if i do go to the list, the liberal shape that we're going to visa, but what was the, what was the by 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the city was liberated completely. the so called government of the republic of
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a sonia, headed by auto thief, which lasted only 2 days, was arrested. so in september, the 22nd told it was clear that the nazi invaders and the henchmen, although the battles have windows, as fearless as for example, tell to hold the island of southern ma. nevertheless, the liberation of the capital of his tonia was paid for the blood of girls. and then he was such a thing to enjoy the accounts payable for those a chest cleavage enough, whatever. as the mobile cells are going to ensure that most of it is gone. so if, if they need, this must be plus every time you know stuff specially set with us for what the purpose of we will just know what to do with my child. another condition that's and that's a very small moves. somebody a minimum gun years now, but i'll city are you. it's are so look at this only near because of a minute. the size of pretty close is $10.00 is choose the source,
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the lovely wing tips just on the in the. so i use that as a good, what's the zip for? so i missed your foot plugs or enough origin, so i'm sorry, i missed to go way nickel then you'd be the guy and see the soonest away from his stuff the the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the . ready which covers actually quite special that buzzer doing. one of us from the mentioned to him. there's so many of the all you have done, the new meister just thought i'd sick i'm new. there's still nothing, nothing. i'm not going to flip the we just somebody or i'm not sure about the
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stuff in those, but it's the video in the sun. you come, you all. you have to go in the new mice bush and look for that. the 1st portion of the yard. nice still the store reading just the double so shows quick you more of the window do. if i give you of personal property of, of sure, bruno board would still it if that the which is thrush. now you put in the top shift the almost the split, isn't it? the bellows in on us virginia. my shadow is in the, in the goal of this just to be to know that the, the hutch of a modeling for charged swivel through the motion of was each of the 4 really good jill. confinements. i think you guys are interested in writing and the most famous . so if you have the monument in estonia or is without doubt, the statue of the bronze soldier attribute to the early deliberates out of town and from nazi invaders,
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created by sculptor and russ and architect arnold of us. it was originally installed in a small talk on tennis, monkey hill, the grand opening times to coincide with the anniversary of the cities liberation took place. on september, the 22nd 1944. the memorial was installed beside a mass grave, where in april 1945, 13 read on e soldiers, where we buried all fighters and officers who died during the capture of tell them . the one idea suggests that the 2 meter bronze statue of a grieving soldier was modeled on the stony and right down the fight to the right angle. in 1964 and a tunnel flame was added to the memorial phenomena, god was posted here on holidays. people brought flowers and children joined the young pioneers in the 19 ninety's. as tony a nationalist began to advocate the demolition of the russian. people have monuments, the a tunnel flame was extinguished and they were occasional acts of federalism.
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national activists state provocative acts in front of the memorial. the people who are mainly the russian speaking population continued to bring flowers on may. the 9th, in april, 2007, the estonian government finally decided to dismantle the monument and reinstalling it at the ministry cemetery on field tray street. on the 9th of april, the 27th, it was dismantled in what many called up pointedly, offensive way the battle into a mess. protest by a stony is russian speaking population, resulting in street tribes, launch of the cause by provoking to us, placed in the crowd. and the unjustifiably, cruel people, sadistic police response russian citizen dmitri gunn, and was killed. the stony impress betrayed him as a vandal, and truly good. there is in direct evidence for the depths of several more people since then. the memorial came to be known as the bronze soldier. on may,
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the 1st 2007, the mass grave was examined. the remains of one soldier, yvonne behind which cecilia could not be found. 8 of the dead were we buried in a minute re symmetry. the remains of full what buried outside estonia. memorial itself was we installed in a century modified form at the ministry symmetry. the order of the great patry article had been mounted on the wall behind the sculpture, which was now missing, blocks lifting the dead. of also vanished now replaced by a single plate bearing the neutral inscription to those who failed in world war to the stone wall and is now notice of the lower than the original bronze of we saw that it was sony, even though so she will view the symbol of the clothing you option remedy and provide me. she will choose and you know, but one of your your a reset on the finding portion of sophisticated enough time. yes. keep logistics are really in your dallas way. if you're in the summer that are that's and that's
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the one you will see with an email but of a positive. i bet them the news that the students to move by me to a new but less jordan is new to me initially for college and you got several in you a couple of deals with the i'm going to do supporting you some video so so told me of throwing that away by in the tail based paper sets the study and cool. it's a rapid march, made it possible to capture serious trophies and tone in including scripts and pull it holding. so if you have the prisoners of war and civilians who would be transported to germany, the nazis and the 7th left, the city, which we think the last the push about should not emma, from the by of near berlin. nearby because you're very on spanish, it or might not have much to corporate. the whole topic, the coolant launch, reported to them. you're not getting any feedback. sleep on the answer. in the 2nd time of september, the soviet troops of vigorous advance,
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the treating up to 40 kilometers a day, with powerful aviation support made it possible to clear up a significant part of the coast of invaders, cities and islands when liberated. by september, the 26th, practically all of us tonia was free, except for the moonstone diamonds. where the story stopped, i've got to ask her to share, right. but sure, if i could actually, if my dentist was, i should have been shy about the moon, send the island with a lost foothold, giving the german secrets to supply troops in the week of region. with 33 divisions were concentrated. the order was sample given to hold the islands at all costs, the best task was entrusted to the 24th atlantic flow color sent them 9 from one to gun division, the one of the fiercest and bloody a specialist for sign him up to
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a place near the coastal village of total monthly on the 9th of october, the 8th 1944. the coordinator says roosters can stay at home out of the day of but his actual techno. so i'm at missionary boy. i do is summit early next y u k. i just left right in the love that you pull up with the for the got doors because it's a bit sort of them a little associated with the best deal of will a traditional ill. so maybe let's go on the gm to do a shift course on it. i'm not sure why scott, go to a couple words with a mr. for shits either. so it's a lots of ways for posterity, or she believes in pitch darkness. the battle descended into a hand to hand combat. it was a real meat grinder, costing the germans 360 lives with another 200,
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missing an action. about $200.00 soviet, so just lost. in 1967 on the side of that battle, the majestic monument of dynamite and concrete, with some stools created by cool smoke ma. i'm sorry, the central features of joint scene pointing to the sky. and the whole dissolving leaves a strong impression. the authorization deliberate, the moons. the docket pill ago was kind of we do for the learning good french citizens and the red banner voltage fleet. it was bought of a knowledge of both a strategic offensive operation that took place from september the 27th until november, the 24th. the vision is that going show us also budgeted the by the by see me just give me a music associates. give me that question. give me search 3 of them. go fucked. each escape lots has to be on the near but yeah. the source throughout
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the beloved us a version of fullness to the store and you effect it just you will as you also. but as you know, i'm not sure the human yeah. that many estonians wholeheartedly accepted soviet rule and folder alongside it against the brown plague piece. easily evidenced 13 this tony ends were awarded the title here i left the soviet union. 20000 small received other soviet decorations about 40000 just don't even people fault in the ranks episode if you tell me. but the current government prefers to forget these facts. today they all know those who surrendered the homeland to the defendants of crusaders under presses. and try to support their masters in terms of atrocities taking the lives of civilians and must be defenceless prisoners of war. they are all spring unable to express the rank of with the destroyers of fascism who have
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long since turn to dust senselessly tremble the holy graves. sonya watching $14.00 consult with the right and the cause of i'm not that good that god with good can. yes. and i save you just as i mean, i know that and that's why you see the thought that you do with a coupon. well, at the moment is there's a few minutes ago, but i thought that god, we did a new web noise. messy studies. and can you give me a piece of split the bill of cutoff in what he's don't a new kind of a new facility embodying you myschoolbucks. but there are people who still care who want to protect the decaying memorials eroded by the disruptive, capricious baltic, whether the game, spiteful vandalism or power. but the mind sir, please. good evening um. mushroom of easy, medium 01. yeah. cuz the good for the to just see of the stuff uh sold up to the crack has sold up there. and uh, just and as a provide me with some new maryland go to the marble and those same people work to recover the remains. soldiers from the feelings of past battles,
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by does it give them a decent burial in the commemorative area with the mode to city cemetery, or to send their ashes to relatives the re burial the names on commemorative plates are written lounge in different languages. russian, estonia, ukrainian johnson to liberate as stony from fascism members of many nations laid down their lives here some died many thousands of kilometers from the home, cities and villages. leaving often children behind. we must never forget that the end of struggles of peace is inconceivable. without the bitter memories of disaster response. for me, she is good that she will need you to do a need for me to eat
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lunch to the these just told me to keep off the best story, the fish story from b. c, which is her name. she's new press board in the 1st place, you need the custom because the to the story which shuts told me to call you some more stuff. i don't want to show our trellis the square feet by
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the some some the t square feet. yeah. you or that would also support meeting shirts. you could lose the snow. don't see somebody si, fi, you know. to see if i know which is what i need see. did she just because she's holding the what's your phone will be doing the 2nd email you the the right now in the acreage where he lives to
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alaska for fathers born in 1917 his 1st like the 1st of extra service we have people from all of a 100 percent personal village. vanya as long as your service solution for restaurant, did you say what was the that's what i'm trying to explain to show that this product accept, that is this progressive, it doesn't have what can i see what's like, for example, we have strong connection in a church that one of their spiritual thought
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they came to us here. that's where the the is that told. aaron garza and is it $23000.00? is what you science continues throughout the enclave. we hear from the house near ours was targeted without any prior warnings where civilian we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. with this injustice, children and elders are dying. where is the international community where the arabs, they should be your god. and you may never yahoo to totaled for while others. right. thanks the government suddenly hostages exams and why, how much we need to this deal to be done with the come off immediately. we need to


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