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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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the the, the with that told in gaza it is 23000 i. these are the slides continue throughout the own play. we're from the house near ours was targeted without any prior warnings. blairsville, we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. with this injustice, children and elders are dying. where's the international community? where the arabs they should be regarded as of a new way? nothing. yeah, sure. so it looks familiar with in the is raising the government because in the house have been kidnapped, why haven't we need this deal to be done with this? almost immediately. we need to be sure that to be released all the stages i live, and unfortunately there are no guarantees because of the of, and on the week of the release of the deal. we still heard about hostages
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being mer to find also that was christian as a sort of a crystal with one of the most popular services hosted by russians type to the, to the real company today for the latest global news on the wine road, come on me and this is oxy session and we saw, so i'll program in the southern gauze and the city of wrong in this way, an idea of a tackle on my home sheltering displays policy. and this has taken the lives of 17 people, including 12 children, a hey, all these right even see continues to bombard the central part of the young lady is as well as s, like on the to do then i will follow, reduce many 100 level to know for us on the number of deaths and the wounded would
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transfer the to august, the hospital one man shifted his account of what took place. but it says the they talk about human rights and war crimes and say that we have slaughtered babies and there are many unwilling for them with a but these are the trying to work sounds. oh, you gotta take a look. a man model like women, children for me, you know what a good these are the war cry. well, these are 0 targets. i get a look. there was no prior were uh, the 1st rock it hit us. and 15 seconds later, there was a 2nd little fall within the span of 15 seconds. they're still in the course of a little girl under the rubble of 4, and one is the situation in northern gaza is no back. so as is well, continues exist, dislike idea of what is to evacuate to the south. a considerable number of policy has remained sofa away. and so all view is disturbing. images. all i had is for the, from the shows the devastation caused one of the day. just the idea of the fact
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that according to the policy and health is the so in the own cove, since the will began is approaching $23000.00. we heard from some of those who remain and then the paisley, this is the house near hours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many deaths and injuries we were sitting at home when without any warning, the house next to ours was struck. where civilian, if we have no weapons, and no connection to the resistance fighters on the minding their own business. when a drone helps him with a miss. more than 50 people with a mazda the enough, with this injustice, children and elders are dying. where is the international community where the arabs, they should fear god more upsetting and we just have the north of this. so i'm all right. as a result of the destruction of the 7 feet in the out of the area, families have been forced to rim berries that according to ripples in total,
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is ready. as it has investigated at least 6 on the burial sites in the region as part of his brown operation, the wall must not be stopped the message from benjamin netanyahu, who has vowed to continue the war until totaled for national travel, the sheen 3 months ago from us committed a terrible massacre on us. the government led by me directed the army to go to war, to eliminate them. us return our hostages and to ensure that god so will no longer be a threat to israel and the war must not be stopped until we achieve all these subject to as soon as we do not give them awesome unity anywhere. and we are fighting to restore security from both in the south and in the north until then. and for that purpose, we must put everything aside and continue with our forces until a complete victory is achieved chromebooks. while he is ready, apartment, as a roommate is focused on quote, victory,
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the families of how myself. so here's how protested, intimately demanding that the government do more to rescue them. i'll tell you to release and do a few of the of the motion. i report from the demonstration and we're now in downtown the square, and that's how we renamed the mass, lead israel to the hostages plaza, place of mass. we k rally is of the relative of the remaining precipitating guys on the a p o. behind me for you is very clear to put the leadership as being more than 90 days since the of jackson hand the whole year. and i won't be able to get them. then you just go in and not frustration, hender bigger and bigger. the more days rally is if we can not wait to $100.00, we demand the return of the hostages. now from time to time, you hear the crowd behind me, tons and shop meetings in an hour and it is sweet to match with
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a relatives again and such is rosure. the people are on the launch reports all the during one of which may change and then yeah, was wife is on the stage when kind of activity in the media polls, sir. now you can hear again, people are chanting means now in zebra, this is what they're demanding. so the words hall shot on home and are exhausted from when he thinks they say that this whole thing to do and they'll keep taking out the child. i can't understand these point of view, but the i don't think the we, the family have other choice not to show. how can somebody ask us to say to tom and don't do nothing. we cannot do it. we need to be focused on the time it is we,
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we must keep an eye on the most the, most of the companies. so i don't know what 17 ill said, and i'll go through. this is my business. we're rarely intelligence the entire. the weight may upstairs, wiley, owls, israel uses to negotiation. the molten grove well denied that saying it froze all context where the should be assessed in ation of the mass official killed in beta, allegedly as high as a really strong arm. another matter did not concern these claims, so the reason to sion continues also the day is representatives, health expand, the captives went through so hard to meet with the us. and by the end guitar, we prime minister told matters over the biggest theory positions the hostages, for lack of humanitarian answers to the red cross fails to say the captives
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concerns also are about their safety. as the idea of operation and gas, it continues including as strikes, families, worries their loved ones, more collateral damage, and the idea from march to the off to these really are man middle taken to re hostages. during the combat. the chasm in december 24th, the year old. we're waiving the white flag shows that they were not on the on the news, but the army already as me to violate really military families, certainly are afraid that may happen again. we have no control and what is going on in government. so even accidentally the same situation that happened about 3 weeks ago with this, we poor guy that successfully created the way that there were kids because in
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a sense, these take, right? so we need to this deal to be done with this almost immediately. we need to be sure that the release of the stages i live otherwise, where to get bodies, not as much as a down, no guarantee is because of the event. on the week of the release of the deals, we still heard about the cost of just being so obviously you obviously where we are worried. so the offers of the families and this is us tremendous. spend 136 people still remain in cape tibbets. in the maze rallies like on and prototypes, the hundreds of people in london, they've taken to the scene. so them all the is well and is influence on gaza. the photo eye says, how's it out? the israel is a terrorist state that and they told me for a free delta policy and lots of place in the north of the capital city. yeah. and
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from some of the site, this is what is the support for the people. oh gods. we come on the launch is because we see what's happening and kind of thought it might make it one that was things i've ever know the model on. it just goes on and on, and we watching it in real time the whole time, you know, such a meet and everything was a little these things are happening and it's just absolutely absolutely abhorrence people. i think what's happening with that is to city atrocious. and other re to see an end in sight. and i think it's reading one. it's about me, this is the 10 suite of protests about the is riley by chance. exhaust up. and over that time, multis, the things we've got to the state where the off we spoke of the code nation to monetary defense of united nations is stating that life is becoming a possible exhaustive be through the end drug testing in to say when comes in town
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mostly about the 5600 people and as it failing, i mean people called they just cause it cannot because here's what i was auction thing god facing even. busy criticism online over $83000.00 people have signed a petition to expel the countries i'm buy separately. okay. the petition was posted back in december, but the number of signet fees skyrocketed this week is the process for a fresh outrage like justifying the ideas bombing of schools most and residential areas. garza has an underground tunnel city and in order to get to this underground tunnel city, those areas must be destroyed. one of the things we realize that every school, every musk, every 2nd house has an access to tunnel. so this is of course the munition phonology for destroying the whole of golf every single building. and so do you
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have another solution, how to destroy the underground tunnel city? how the visuals have cool for the complete elimination of the other students and the 7 of them for over time. so i'm, i'm going, as far as the of the mom, the only be students have access to electricity and he owns the manual. i'm a senior. how much the visual said is, is it not exist on past and inland, as of styles is starting to face all so quizzes of in europe for this was his 1st, minnesota described in the relentless idea of a tax on garza as genocide. you have here statements from senior ministers in nathan, yet whose government they have made statements that the population of kaiser should be reset. thoughts moved out of gaza and going as far as saying that the settlements should not be. and as if that is not time to learn to estimate claims and then i don't know what those are. we are seeing only
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a few my tv in crisis for nursing senior members of the mason. yeah. who go from making statements that frankly, the textbook definition of a guesstimate claim, think about should be condemned in the strongest possible way. so who is a personal commentator anthony webber in the u. k. he thinks the views expressed by the is william boss of the do not reflect those regular people as well. a, there's a huge sum of the table is trying to almost suppose if, if i start to stream government and empower somebody, i would very much like that needs to be removed. i think the, the job of the i is ready and best as should really be. she represented is reynolds right. does that include people is a lot apparently representing the page. the basic government cannot write a project, but wants to do this. i under all of that from she's such the guy uh,
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ignoring, uh, well, the opinion on public opinion on these issues. but it comes to a point where they cons ignores that even though i mean, or the tray is riley, cause a part of sending side fix issues to babysit info. then from december they love the said there's a lot of things. are she going off of a price as petitions or his own? so i think this will continue and so the u. k. government changes, it's policy side that is wanting to bring about peace and tranquility and not to say the ration well, who else could as soon as in ross, i'm around the world currently. so racing christmas buses had failed to release. one of the holidays most popular services at christ, the savior to see the in must at the top to close human cause i hated all those
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questions on the whole, the analyst, but all of them lives in human aged by the lives of that id. but i see you see with your brothers and sisters, i cord really agreed to all of you and congratulate you on orthodox christmas. to day we celebrate a special event. when the lord and savior with the church calls, the son of truth came into the world with his son. never, it sets never goes beyond the horizon never loses. its once never goes out, and no darkness can swallow it up. its life giving power is so great and gracious that it is able to break through even the darkness of our sinless and our imperfections. it is able to dispel the funds of dallas and every day problems overcome my worries about the fate of the world and country bring peace, the restless hearts and highlight lives. true priorities indicating the right past the salvation from man is really in unit. today i would like to wish for every home, every family, every heart to be illuminated by the enlightening renewing warming and transforming light of christ so that we may share with each other this on the fading,
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warm light of true faith, unshakable hope and true loves of doing good deeds and comforting and supporting those who need our help in sympathy and therefore filling life with lasting meaning . or you enjoy happiness and peace. mary orthodox christmas. my dear ones says the head of the russian orthodox church also mentioned the just now that the christmas day is about toys and loves, and he called on people to share, especially those positive feelings between one another and embrace each other. but of course, as you've mentioned, that is quite cold here in moscow yet, people are always ready to celebrate russians are out. attending church services to christmas is 1st of all a family holiday which carries with it a kind of magic and mystery. we want to believe in miracles, despite the fact that we are already a little bit older. seymour christmas is a symbol for our family, a symbol of a bright future. you have always register for christmas. you know,
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it's the whole family. all the relatives come to us on this day. we try to maintain the tradition of christmas to keep everyone together. but the main and night service is the one that is conducted by the head of the russian orthodox church. pre to i'm carol here in the church of christ, the savior which is to the biggest and the main cathedral in a rush off. now, on top of that, there's around, there's 550 other churches in moscow that are said to host around 1000000 people to night for the celebrations. then as the russian says, that i just for merry christmas by the time is a christmas, certainly at a church near his residence, along with the families of the soldiers who perished in the special operation of there. he met them at his estate apartments to support the wires and children of
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full and heroes for us to congratulate you on this woman hartfield quality. and would like to know because you know menu for man. ok. you just go to like, sold you the impression we are spending this quantity machine defending the interest of our country with weapons in their hands. sort of the more i would like our meeting and i seem to be such a clear and understandable signal to all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation. but i do at all levels to understand would be a clear signal in the hallways and everywhere we are united price. and i repeat at any level of government and administration that are always people around you who think for, for future mental health and come to you at 8 if you need like this complex that are coming. and there are always cases which are these wins and just this morning from the icon rental. thank you all once again and wish you the very best of it. know i wouldn't talk about very then except mathis and heavy issues on the eve of this holiday. concerning your families, but i want to assure you once again,
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we will always be by your side and water. also, those christians started right the above of jesus. as for the julian calendar, encouraging a full series of repose of the shell, the hospital in the city on the eve of the sick with holiday. of these images, you can see that external thoughts of the medical facility, a housings of the time, i just was a call in adjacent file, you know, according to the delivery date to see people would is there is no report on this, but we will keep it updated as more information comes iraq has decided to shut down the american ned so called anti terrorism coalition in the country following a series of deadly us attacks. so that's according to an announcement by the amenities of nations prime minister, the sub resort or from unprincipled position in ending the existence of the
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international coalition. after the justification sports existence at the end. we're in the process of setting a date to begin a dialogue for a 3 party committee that was formed to determine arrangements this precedence. this is a commitment which the government will not back down from and will not neglect any matter. does complete vice conservancy overland die and waters of our there are, there were calls are for the west. remove its forces for many years now. and again, they were renewed calls that started on the thursday because there was an attack once again, a very big attack in terms of who was killed or there was a top commander of the p, a mass as well as 3 other people that were killed. and 6 others were injured. now what is the p m f? it's popular mobilization forces, which is a group that was formed in 2014 and they have fought and pretty much every single major battle against ices. now they are supported by iraq and they're composed of around 67 different armed fractions. but again, like i said,
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your rock supports them and there are around 230000 fighters. so the targets of this us drone stripe on thursday was imagine that the pensive on cuban mark here that the pencil going considers to be a leader of a new wrong fact outs. harris group. and there was, supposedly they accused us not of planning attacks on, on us troops and us personnel. here's some more from what the pencil going have to say regarding this attack and why they did it. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. but again, the rocky government says hold on a 2nd. this was a man who was part of it was a killed commander of the popular mobilization forces. and we are the ones we support the popular mobilization forces and this up to us to the side of civil basically if a man the wrong or right to sort of to you to violate the confidence software and
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see and also to wireless, the agreements between iran the rocky government and the call us and forces led by the us a force of force for iraq. this is despicable because they see that they came into the country. they came in with a drones strike and the kill someone that was very important to them. and this is what the rock had to say, the prime minister in his speech prime minister, also, donnie indicated that the attack that led to the killing of the deputy chairman of the popular mobilization authority, jamal jaffar ali brought him in general hutch, essentially money was a blow to all the norms, charters and laws that govern the relationship between iraq and the united states, as well as being a heinous and i'm just to fight crime. you know, you've got to read between the lines that we all know the us invaded a rock more than 2 decades ago. the invasion, what was the trump top on call? community charges about weapons of mass destruction. we will know that some b. s. i never knew a lot of people knew at the time it was b s, whatever american forces still doing that well,
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officially the call listen and that it's intervention in iraq trying to supposedly help of flights isis that ended in december 2021. and some of the forces left for 2500 us forces stayed behind and they stayed behind to help help iraq. you forces in the rocky governments of training and assisting in their flights because they still have a tax. why so? so they're there to help, but while they're helping their, eliminating people who are helping and slicing every single major battle with ices and killing up key figures for iraq and this, whatever ox doesn't like the who the have managed to do what america has been doing for a number of years the, who's the use and assigned have sold it out here. the palestinians are basically son shooting g 7 country linked cargo vessels going through the red sea. so let's just repeat that one more time. the who these are assign shinning of these western lincoln, his rattling ships going to the red seats is just what america does over the as
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a sanctioning other countries for whatever cooking, meat excuses it wants to drop, drop off. you know what i mean? so it isn't coming out exactly and they don't like it. and instead of taking it through the diplomatic groups, one would argue all they have to do is a drone strike and they just, and they just kill a person, you know. but again, there, there are rules that have been established for very good reason, but again, we'll see that the u. s. consumer continues to violate them. again, just like israel continues to violate un resolutions and actually rushes us in. basrah describe the situation for the united states and the issues in the middle east quite nicely with them. and this have a good issue because what is happening interact see is a direct projection of the violence and gaza where for 3 months now the bloody alteration of police, viola, is ongoing. there's also an escalation in all the occupied posted in territories. and also on the border between israel and lab and on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of
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a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of unsolved a law in the right. c. r a today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the unacceptability of the actions, but also too cold to hold has invoice your home and all the conflict in the middle is, is just part of its own geopolitical game. and the us secretary of state has been in the region several times in the last couple of weeks. the trying to save the situation somehow, but it's not looking promising as a set stages said for us slugs 1st in the upcoming us presidential election job i'm, i'm done on top of all the spot ahead of the mad job of the day of speech is move full, the 3rd, i'm of the 3 of the janitory, 6 of vance,
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at the us capital. the glove came off. hello everyone with the legal plan. just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election, he was a loser. so i never said it really, but now i can tell you we have the worst border. we have the worst president in history. we have a president together, we have a president of the se, susan did 5 this step $105.00, the steps the we have a president, it is a great danger to democracy. what's trump done? said to call him criminals. is called these x are, these is directions patriots. their patronage troops. mom was a peaceful protest. was the viral so they were is direction is not patriots. they weren't there to uphold the constitution. they're there to destroy the
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constitution. now we're a nation in the line. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that is lost as confidence. 3 years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. with them is i'd like to send all of the horizon onto each credit, move and take some look at how comments would be to meet the amount of the once again being salted. i'd say it'd be tough. 2024. and there is a presidential election coming up on the horizon. donald trump is still in the race, despite what seems like a year of efforts to remove him. at this point, we've got state courts in maine and colorado trying to remove him from the ballot. arguing that the events of january 6 constituted in, in this direction against the united states, thus making him constitutionally ineligible president drums directly expressed efforts over the summer months is ordered. his supporters demolish the capital to prevent war. he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud and the people of this
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country were indisputably avert involuntary. more over the evidence blue showed the president trump, onto all these actions to aid and further comment unlawful purpose. the g, himself conceived and set in motion in congress from so defining a 2020 presidential election, installed the peaceful transfer of power. fanning from the ballot lightly lightens only shot at this point. only 39 percent of the public improves of the job that is, administer ation is doing that's up from 37 percent in october and november and for a ratings for the white house have been stuck below 40 percent for months. so now joe biden, who is this, is still running in 2024 despite his age and unpopularity, is informing us that if donald trump gets back into office, it will be the end of american democracy. but now i don't think anyone doubts our democracy is even more risk in 2024. and i'm serious because this time we're
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running against an election deny or in chief trumps not even hiding the ball anymore. he's telling us exactly what he wants to do. he's making no bones about the process of porter. see, this is nothing but a blatantly partisan moved to secure his re election is no wonder quicker, joe biden. the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary to are willing to violate the us constitutions at levels never seen before. in order to win this election. job i, there's a threat to democracy. the threat from isn't just blowing. smoke widens on popularity is rooted in some very serious problems that the country is facing, which is not really big thing. so why is the white house tanking in the polls? well, and you've got the us mexico border and the chaos happening there. 5.5000000, a legal crossing since biden's office. he didn't start the problem,
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but he's not fixing it. we've got some of the highest rates of crossing and recorded history. and then there's the ballooning national debt. $31.00 trillion dollars, that's a 120 percent of the entire u. s. economy. the country is more or less bankrupt spot. we've got vide and coming up with more and more crazy scans disband even more money. on top of all of that, you've got inflation. the dollar is worth less and less food prices and the cost of other necessities are rising. it hasn't been this bad since the days of jimmy carter. america's working families are getting wiped down, and donald trump's rhetoric has anything but cooled since leaving office is 20. 24 campaign is promising. pay back i am. your retribution is what he's been saying when speaking to his supporters. he's promising, sweeping action against those who oppose them. we blanche to you that we will root out the commune is marx is fish.


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