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tv   Documentary  RT  January 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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he didn't start the problem, but he's not fixing it. we've got some of the highest rates of crossing and recorded history. and then there's the ballooning national debt, $31.00 trillion dollars, that's a 120 percent of the entire u. s. economy. the country is more or less bankrupt spot, we've got buying and coming up with more and more crazy scans disband even more money. on top of all of that, you've got inflation. the dollar is worth less and less food prices and the cost of other necessities are rising. it hasn't been this bad since the days of jimmy carter. america's working families are getting wiped down, and donald trump's rhetoric has anything but cooled since leaving office is 20. 24 campaign is promising payback. i am your retribution is what he's been saying when speaking to his supporters. he's promising sweeping action against those who oppose them. we blanche to you that we will root out the communist boxes, fishes and the radical left ducks that live like vermin within the confines of our
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country. that lie and steal and cheat on the elections and will do anything possible. they'll do anything, whether legally or illegally to destroy america, and to destroy the american dream. he's assuring the public he will have matters likely. economy easily resolved. when i'm back in the white house, i will immediately at least energy production slash regulations. like i did just 3 years ago and repeal by the sex likes to get inflation down as fast as possible and it will go quickly so that interest rates can get back under control. i built the greatest economy of the history of the world. in fact, i did it twice when you think about it, and now we will have to do it again. he says, the russia, ukraine conflict will be fixed as well. i will get the problem solved and i will get it solved and wrap it order. and it will take me no longer than one day. i know
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exactly what to say to each of them. i got along with very well, with the efforts to prosecute donald trump and keep him off the ballot. have certainly raised eyebrows internationally. the united states, after all frequently criticized this country, is that engage in similar shenanigans during the election season. russian president vladimir putin couldn't let this obvious hypocrisy. go on, noticed. just to say it's a pc. illuminate them. but regarding the persecution of the drum, it is good for russia because it shows all the see what the american political system, which cannot pretend to be on the part what is happening with, from you is the political, you know, give me the persecution of one's company that's all, even though it's not to despite low approval numbers, the white house gives the impression that they believe they will win at the polls in november. meanwhile, donald trump is adamant that he is the legit winner of the 2020 elections and that he will win in 2024 despite the indictments and everything else. the 2024 election
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is gearing up to be a real circus. not just mainstream media, but also us here at our to you will be along for the ride taylor mauppin, archie, new york, that we have a good sign. also a daniel, as all he's of the opinion of the, both democrats, i, republicans, will try to interfere in the upcoming elections in the january 6 that riots sort of delta below to the american system from which the system is not really recovered. the american system is, is seriously broken down. i think the world realizes that the american republic is in serious trouble. and that there is no easy way to fix it. so consequently, i think they expect that more turmoil, more instability. uh, and basically a declining us profile around the world. americans are very angry. they're very angry with what's happened to their country and they're very angry with each other
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. and both sides. republicans and democrats are essentially trying to interfere with the electoral process. so both sides are playing this game. both sides are trying to essentially, uh, interfere with the election. well, but also for me today, my clothing substitute attainment will be with you on the top of the out, the chapter 6, a whole says a tubman's wings, a comp it is so of the different associates. awesome. yeah. and that you may, could have died as the one size fits into onto just wanted to, we bought into
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a lot. uh, what do you have to give me anything but outside of that he gives. yeah. so you got to watch the charlotte, i'm gonna ask you to them to send it to the judge and it's going to draw social says the younger than you please. but you do a lot of damage that yeah, i'm not able to printer all, don't ship it and full time yet. and the depth of that connected to printer, page 2 laptops on a d, the addition piece, initial attorney, and with the zip. this one's a lot of them and the sooner the audit document was part of your students, you know, it can supply tough dates onto the net, the chip digital. and it's usually a lovely thought that i just got done doing good dental. but i didn't,
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i didn't pass you on that and since apply to fit, the only sounds good and nothing can advocate. and i've never dealt with most of the ship conduct and she had to put the movie on. cam is being quite a bit of a little bit of shifting daddy taught the me, so i don't know, i didn't make my not a wish. he wasn't on the parts off the phones if it's and then gather the parts of the world. was that advocate? good was that on top of the shipping that the, the is this split the inside of this thing or not? or if the point is kind of viewing by someone else, not with a glass or step above that. there isn't something from that at the collegiate to kind of the, from the
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machine to the other den has just the metal of and then on the fund. yeah. if the funds sort of this right. yeah. a lot of kids channels on here. the, you know, hot in the candle, listen to the kitchen and she needed to call on the 1st day you know, the thing it's such and which to me for sure. but i'm afraid the applause list of not glad that thing that the or the for the interested of sufficient your thoughts to, to cover, for example, of the kind of a chance of will for a couple of my. so there is this button on the block in the method in meals for photo or some fish will possession at the bar. but i think that those are the so then you should in most a couple was dealing with the
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coverage, say give it to me. they asked me and asked me the advances i need to style my, my short kite, go to the guns, you know what the cover should soon should in the most i can plug in them yet. well, if sure, push go back through that in this, by the priest i do been scheduled for 5 or the other, the 5 your assignments sort of i got the goods on fabulous, bouncy egos, photo change and news that i have as i'm both assumed on a membrane in able to that at the most of the sandwich, and this was chill. choking on the scituate, my name is unless denise said pitts, c global idle dash of, of the full of that sort of fig law. the idol with a good deal. let's say to june and so is this kind of glass of the stuff over the
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table that dash, what lies a little less than highlighted by community now study and then the height of jacksonville. yeah, that's a lot of the photos. click the jasmine, high level, the kind of the you deposit the lend lease company and you're stuck with that. a change at the status of this book. i've already got that i should have supposed to have done that. the shit, it's just the of course i don't think that it's a corporate song over the easy because of the items that i have to posit exclude 5 or because i, you know, cover both my eyes and sort of the that doesn't go the amount that the school for forklift will go to them. i did not go to finance or if we didn't, because from considerable given us because you can use the 3 course the at the book of it, i will get this, which in this you only have lights of me to assign them. they have him come from me, him a, but the origin can i see if it was order and i think of it in national for this. it
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was called the chalet citizen id. you kind of of a sentence which should be it in which is the auction, the box to fit it continues to put in on it as the issue. and that's what the bucket all of 9 and the thank you because i see that i see what holds it seems to be calling it distorted with the clock on you said didn't session is us what size you called the now law should say it. george said, you've got to induce it as an eastern wise day was going for china, but, but i knew so it's a couple that possibly going. but as you come over the side of when you can nibble at the forbush, the new smuggler with us as nathaniel the
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sheer to either the team. but they don't want them to to get the impression. i'd seen a lot of losses as i picture was level and difficult to be seen. the don't allow us to have no actual toddy and they have, they have to cut the level progress pins or whatever the case would have to be because of the sheets. probably the auto body of the planet right is motional if the soviet union, rucker so skate, but those thing the parade is marshal of the soviet union as you call in a couple of reports that the best thing. yeah. try to get your attention from good submitted by subject, cool. i'm do additional to go to school. it will be of no class such a good job who will control what is the what it means out of the study. you need to know the body or does, how do you, do you understand that the, i guess to the west side and some of the highlights. yeah, that's lots thoughts on the plus on the auto body as i have to deal with if you had to go within view. it's uh that was the concept of what
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a lot of oklahoma forbid it won't see it, but the photo chicago was the positive the on what that part of it. they should visit with this. i would have the over at the end of the i got the, i guess very big things up. especially illuminati, basically it must be a lot of them move down the wrench and then the thought of beauty shift when didn't go to i don't want to be doing with them. maybe this and this one is basically what i'm sorry, 50 over 5 plus the the stuff that lets yeah my or bite them the business. yes, i have a life lesson for the so i so what kind of, what was this before i started the
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the, the, the chapter 7. i wouldn't call you my whole. i'll call you my brother. the
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know what i can make donna donald. it's been on charleston, anybody else, and then about it on the bottom of the marble sheet. a minimum of ocean yun. oh, but on something, once i've got something in it, i have good news and they've got to add them to the san juan. now i saw them come under the account for to spend a lot of money addition. you either am in the head of the vin from dunn was highly upset. the all of nice. this made them i thought showing the levels this thing and the kids and i sent all the little kids and all i can. so my now one of my leg that's a hold on closer to the symbols and we'll do that. okay, that's in the top. i was up, the tunnel was on what to what email amelia sewage mine and yeah, maybe i thought
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a lot of i know some people off the mean little yeah florida and i have them for her know sonya and they've done please good. i can do it for no. nope. does that or when it gets done, what am i don't know stuff that's go well in the tax. don't know. is it the buttons as a whole? lot of just oh no kidding. that's i got a lot. a lot of this not is over and my gosh, the pit in the pillow. how nice initial law, the supplement. old adjust this house of the far regional or from the late this is buffer the . there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym,
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but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to be living on line. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the com. it's a my last time. yeah. well, mine and kick did tell, receive it some more that i know that somebody else on that. mm hm. so i've done
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the it, this time i have a new one that's always i'm on the record. is there any story, buddy? this is new. that one's or the students he's sick. all right, so last will the police report blew up, score schafer, almost familiar with most of the one this method vince, it's important that he quoted them the quote, but i do, let's see, to stick with the motor. that's the forces via next to you. any profit,
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those are those nice. the see the for me is you could talk when you do, but there was somebody say that i was over a month. i have to say that somebody else who was there to be outside of a lot of those months. so that's what, that's what i was. and i told me, is that definitely? yes, those looks like that. the core of one survival. nice. the coupon for the left in the k or
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a little portable until bottom of the model for the party. how to fill out the yellow sand, mccloud them not to. and those use that initial only of them even it can still form of the names on allows adams and the shadow. so it is a them to that for a set of chemical, i'd have them. so look off model for the use of tablet. did it instead of a collapse that hadn't been there actually out of the, a talis of the mother and was told the tie one level potatoes, who said it the son of after having a lot of item on the yeah, the answer to you conceptually, all a little after the, the no problem hold on. it's been in, she's had the, the rooms on a 2nd with the snow to them. so caesar from what some of the office for the me less than that for them listed enough to actually out of the you do to of,
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on my father in law they have caught up. so then you go to the know the clear that also show how to sound to them. no, we didn't get his or the michigan is there a few minutes of this, you'd been also also from moulton loose, the notion from a problem with them for most, for them of them bid has been with us. and also there's been some feature cuz i don't see have 70 of chapter 8. if a whole us as fast, don't seek out the merits that the little but i thought it, i'm going to put it on the give me a secure, good suggest garbage in union. took mental cloudy school, but i thought if i would, cir, given teach during the zillow strategy to, to put through to the store for me at the beginning, speed one year, the know at the premium,
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but the who may have to push through its music, strategic, or demolition to put through it's bob plus mommy that are due to the the cut down to live each and then the door. this was part of see me poor sort of just stuck with what i need to been strategy notice and especially with him in the middle job, but i'm often the boy a through the secure but i so i see what the, what it is a sound as and so you may have in the face, the shock i was thinking and so forth. that's good. where i'm good school was from the employer, our school district. and why am that's why i'm such an option. i had found this year, i noticed that somebody bought it for a daughter. substituting was municipal are unique. so the quotes, the only really that you'll remember as 0. i mean,
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was the sort of from their passport or should you it's a wash is email what i, what are your subscriber use? is this uh, what app store and you put through in there. so to set fits? no, i'm send you mind solutions. so that's got you the, the the attendance type or the side of the kind of of
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the. c c the chapter 9 hosts proves itself on the track. a man proves himself in battle. the
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they play with the, the, the, the didn't john the the, the whole time when
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i send it to you the most of the ones on the, the money order for the yes the
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you need on the, you know, within the, within the you know, what i what about one is up why he's on what is, what is the on the bottom of the less than know it sounds in a made our name pops up and not managing the top of the, the bottom half of the ones that i'm not the one
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vote in the data already on the on the part of the, of the set up for them on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills and music, just as
12:00 am
a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st can you see through their illusion going underground can the, the death toll in dalton is 230001000 as well. continues to stripe all across the enclave. play pools. we asked for to another state of the house. the ours was targeted without any prior warnings causing many destiny injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice children's elders are going. where is the international community where all the arabs, patients, we are all of the wrong arrests and 11 people linked to the twins last,


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