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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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in shasta, the, the desktop in golf and is $23000.00 is ro, continues to strive for across the enclave. includes react when not the same. hope that the house knew ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many destined entries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs patients be, or all the wrong arrest and less, and people linked to the twin bloss, which claimed the lives of $9.00 to $1.00. the poems went off during a memorial for the country's military commander killed 4 years ago. and
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a u. s. s tried to senior, how mass official in a stop up old state route is assassinated. his mother says he have low season is ralph all sense we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. the hello. this is all to international audit sunday. so you have joined us for the week fee, which is all look back a big events of the past 7 days with of course, all the latest news to. so we're going to start health in golf at what is ro has says that it has dismantled the military framework of hamas and is now focusing on the central and southern areas of the and plays over the past 3 months. the noise has been ton into a waste slot,
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but despite the idea of previously ordering residents that to of box weight to the south, many palestinians remain on the just the fluid. just a warning there are some disturbing images ahead. so this footage from garza city shows the devastation pools by the latest ideas, the tax that according to the palestinian health industry, the death toll since the war began is approaching $23000.00. we have some, some of those who have refused to meet some of the house near ours was targeted without any prior warning causing many destin injuries. we were sitting at home when without any warning the house next to ours was struck for civilians. we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. there's not enough mass of people with minding their own business when a drone hit them with a miss o, more than 50 people with moderate and wounded. enough with this injustice, children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the
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arabs they should be? are all the locals have accused as well, of desecrating more than a 1000 grains in a summit tree in the isle, tulsa area. the families have been forced to read very that, that set to help make shift burial grounds. and what was formerly jobs in the cities. meanwhile, the idea has taken a out the senate for parts of the enclave as well. and astro. like on the city of that fall off, for example, which is many whose to russell the wounded was transported all that stuff was special. one mindset his account of what took place says the they talk about human rights and war crimes and say that we've slaughtered babies and their men and women for them with a but these are the true war crimes. you know, take a look at men, women, children, and the elderly and a good. these are the war crimes. these are israel's targets. i get a look. there was no prior warning. uh, the 1st rock it hit. and 15 seconds later,
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there was a 2nd to fall within the span of 15 seconds. there still the corpse of a little girl under the rubble of paws. one of the area surrounding p l. access hospital has seen several attacks recently and talk to us without folders have said itself and families have have to be evacuated from that to what can i say? sion has just as well to ensure that hospitals can continue to operate. now to the south. c an idea type on the city. hong unice has taken the lives of 17 people, including 12 children who were sheltering in a home. that's what, according to local media. the of westbank has not remained on homes either 6 people have been killed in his rate. he tried to strike on the chin and not supporting to protestant and health officials. are discuss the latest with robert of facebook. john this mohammed mission a look at a subsidy. do you mean? says that the if it isn't it, do you mean it yesterday night?
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and deployed snipers from the roofs of the city, a homes and the, the drones, the edelmans that skies. what do you mean? and i really said it, but those are arrived and they destroyed the streets and it flashes it off to between to follow cygnus. and in mid idea of the forces and the and that's it. and it to the mirrors of most, expel a few minutes to bring the number of those and killed since even october right now to 352, but also uh, just like you get to pick a list of them on the bus 6. and as you need it down to the many, a set of breaking off at all, it's christmas today. it's the 7th of johnny. there's some people, even a protest fine. who was celebrating here in russia we are as well. um, i know it seems almost preposterous to suggest that people could be positive given what's going on. but can you give us a sense of the moods of people on what it's normally uh, a day of re boss on the day? what people give thanks in a festive because this is an ongoing war and goes on the escalation of those bank
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the policy. and she actually decided to cancel it. i need it send the records of the pictures on the new year and 26 of december 1st of january to the dealer from january and the limited to the avenue address mutual in bethlehem. and the soul of that as soon as those bank and decides when the victory storms inside each wave also. so is the situation already said on equally day and night? that's gonna wake up on that because the either of those bank or, and guys know, so those are awesome. she was a fabulous, there's not a time for this integration as they say is on the the i the one thing is that and kids and so i includes people. busy and jeanine now bruce and i just motor policy, not even women, i just, i just said to those would be a use the children and a huge a, a because it's web team is right on time us. so the situation are on this and those
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bank as knew what happened before starting the new year with motor escalation in 5 months. if at all christians all today celebrating christmas of the 1st time in its history and ukrainians will not be joining them. not because in a step to distance itself from any russian traditions, keep a fishing move to hold it to december 25th. but is of course, the catholic christmas. this is just the latest in a long line of options taken against the open knox community in the country. as all these women cost ref explain. the persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church by key of authorities has been a long and violent affair. the crack down on religious institutions began after the mass censorship, the silent single any descent and the country wides state sponsored versa. for the last year, the zaleski government conducted what is called counter intelligence measures in the countries historic key pictures. glover,
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questioning dozens of people and claim it the found pro russian propaganda. because what today, everything that is happening to the creating orthodox church will allow this ulcer to find that would be cured and will do just that because they themselves are causing the escalation. the no one and dialogue, let's keep that in mind. the creating the orthodox church does not one dialogue do creating the orthodox church, wants to remain an element of brush, an internal influence on ukrainian state. it does not want the creating state to regulate what they're doing in any way it wants to create in state to be weekly. so they do constantly set up internal publications today will have unique chance. everything could have been solved quickly in the 1st 3 to 6 months of the war, then what's possible to physically clean out a lot of pro russian elements. today, it is a little more difficult, but it's not impossible. priest throughout the country, what threats ends with criminal charges over there a legit size to must call, which they completely denied. key of planes were based simply on the fact that the
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clergy use the russian language and their religious services and own books written in russian. the head of the church has made mazda 3, was even arrested schedule. i'm finding that i will tell you, mister president, all tiers will not fall to the ground. they will all fall on your head. do you think that having comfortable with on no bucks, you can do this to us now? you through 220, brevard, and out into the street. you did not solve the auction, so the culture minister possessed by anger, hatred, and synthetic range. that means he does the other thing with your permission. well, see you be afraid to well, according to the ukranian orthodox church, there has been about 300 rates on these communities. over the last year, they secured the service of ukraine, has conducted the more than a 1000 searches in monasteries, samples, and administrative building. some of the church throughout the country agents
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claimed the clergy were involved in spreading ideas that encroached on the territorial integrity of ukraine and inciting religious discords. but this view of a hostile minority in governments has affected millions of ukrainian orthodox flores as well as quickly ensued. the v. ukrainian. the orthodox church, used to be and i told them was part of the russian orthodox church. but after a heavy pressure from the government and key of the church was forced to distance itself from moscow, patriarch 8. despite that,
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the storage is continued to sick west, so even demolish the churches sights. most of the property seems from the canonical church had been earmarked for the breakaway so called orthodox church of ukraine, which the ukrainian government created back in 2018. the amount of accumulated solution under control. in particular regarding religious independence, we guarantee it as well. the authorities say that's very initiative would then be activity these of religious organizations that they deemed to be threatening to their states. but according to the canonical, the increase in the orthodox church, which dismisses all like use ations, such of them, violates the european convention and the human rights and even ukraine's own constitution. however, neither the european union nor the united states express any concerns regarding the
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religious persecution that orthodox christian priests are facing in ukraine. but you have about that you article 24. the training constitution prohibits privileges or restrictions on the rights of ukrainian citizens based on their religious beliefs. thus, stripping the citizenship of major religious figures is clearly a form of mass political repression. in 2022 alone, a 129 churches were captured. for many centuries orthodox christianity has formed the common spiritual and cultural basis of life for the peoples of russia and ukraine, and could serve to restore mutual understanding in the future. but the very basis of such a dialogue as being undermined in ukraine right now. when on the initiative of the for any leadership attempts are being made to destroy the ukrainian orthodox church in the report on freedom of religion in ukraine, the united nations human rights office raised the alarm over key raise of one of
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threes and interrogation of fries. but ukraine's foreign ministry slammed the un report while claiming that ukraine is a democratic states well known as things that freedom does not mean a right to engage in activities that undermine national security. there will be no trace of this is maddox because they are karen now the evil, the will of the devil disjoint orthodoxy on. keep soil i think that we won't have to wait so long. just as political hardships ground down the story to leaders, to raise their hands against the church. the count authorities will no longer rain and dominate to crane life at the hands of 202350 of took another step. things to fear him, the religious affairs of ukrainian citizens from now on millions of orthodox worshippers will be forced to celebrate christmas on the 25th of december instead
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of a 7th of january, as they have always done. however, judging from them many skilled sir now it's on the new days after a mass of attendance, on the 7th of january of the start of the year, they force tradition is unlikely the sick room on call for a marty. the next group, public radio, or far to say that it's security forces have arrested 11 people suspected of involvement and a power of terror. last 4 days ago. the the tragedy attending 91 people took place near the grave of one of the countries the top full limit a tree. c'mon does, that's general sort of money. he was assassinated in the us as so i called in fact out. so here's what the ortiz use of july. the house is for the tragic and bloody commemoration. one is our insurance cobra, wednesday's bomb attack, any one,
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southeastern city of claremont was targeted a huge procession marking the 4th anniversary of the us assassination of top military commander, general goss. i'm so the money it won't, he is, or no morning, another loss. many families are having a difficult time coping with the loss of their loved ones. reasonable as it won't be. so just for those. sure. the everyone in the key, the situation, the explosion happens in the middle of the crowd trapped on seed my arm. my friends were also injured in their legs, were laid on the ground and waited for the ambulance after room 10 minutes. we heard the 2nd blast, so we fled along with the crowd around a 100 lost our lives and 211 more were wounded in a pair of blasts, the clock, the city of claremont, near the grave of cross. i'm sending money, or crowds,
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head flock, to pay tribute to the former i r g c commander. the 2nd explosion came about 20 minutes after the 1st, which was apparently aimed of course, finding emergency personnel. some of the victims died in his 10 bead caused by the flee crowd. this is the 1st was getting off from 700. here's the 2nd 15 minutes later and was away from this foreign, farther away from the cemetery. the tools and like a whole made bomb exploded. the sound of the box was so loud and it could be heard a few moments away. the shop way was so strong that historic black balls and the display monitor over the more than 44 hours after the incident isis group, known as the owners claim responsibility for the attack. the salt seems to be a retaliation to general. so the money is repeated blows to that atoria star group
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following the emergence of the ocean, 2013. so the money formed the regional front against the group, which resulted in the collab. suffice as any walk in 2017, the former. or do you see what's force commander also let several operations that recaptured key areas from ices in syria. you know, the terrorist, so not only the enemies of general sumani, but also the islamic revolution in the rainy a nation. that they can not intimidate us with these actions. the more they murder us, the more resistant our people will become. the one initially blamed per monster attack on his well for you and get as the latest in his train book is really assaults targeting top resistance officials. i mean, the ongoing is, well, i'm off for many of want us to believe that as well as this is that isis in pulling off the attack. do so parties are, it has been found in guys killing innocent children and defenseless woman undisturbed. is that too is a work of e 0 and to us there is no doubt about it is so easy paid to an end user all must
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know the able entity must know that we bring a brave children who will grow to be brave men and brave women, we raise children who will be to follow verse of got some salad money. also, imani is known in yvonne as an iconic military official for his role in fighting isis in syria and iraq. but apart from his military influence, he was a public figure who was admired by iranians as a patriotic commander. and that's the legacy he's was that the massive crowd to his burial place on the anniversary of his death. now, january 3rd will no longer be remembered only forcibly money. otherwise, most while remembering the want in here. use of generally are t carmano. we're not from political x, but to have a solid. he said his thoughts on who may have been behind the attack. i think the 10 blasts that took place at the 4th anniversary of drugs. so the money is as, as
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a nation, is a terrorist attack, it took place and they after him off the top of the so killed spies, really. it took place almost 2 weeks after uranian senior adviser in syria. i say it's brad. the new savvy was fascinated again by his release. it took place 3 weeks uh, 3 weeks ago as cyber attack. uh just happened to new ron targeting. you've a new petrol. the spaces in base is a, was involved as it was just a 2nd one back in 12 years ago. and to this events at the recent statement, spies really off the shows such as prime minister and it's a yahoo! who threatened the rod and former prime minister bennett some ass for the rest? the actions are easily these and united states a gaze to ross. this is just the context your elements that helps me to come across
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this and now is that it could be uh no, but anybody's really either directly or indirectly behind this attack. it seems that is really shifting their battles bids from cuz the entire region, the foreign policy chief has reportedly met with a hezbollah official in b route to is it brows message will said to been very clear, stay out of the loop in gaza. so the meeting for the minutes in groups fi rang of $62.00. all kids are as well. partly a response to the assassination of a top have mazda official audit. this week has been us need to expressed his concern and says about killing of some of our worry and okay, i've heard of you. i left the great leader slowly l a. rory, deputy chairman of the hamas political bureau, fell victim to blatant is really aggression against the southern suburbs of the roots. last night they were trying to present an image of victory without
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treacherous assassination. but in gaza, where is their victory and how that happened with the strikes targeted a hamas office in a stop of the lebanese capital on tuesday. and, and that's 6 people that including that senior official of the medicine group out of rory. i made wide speculation of is ready involvement. 10 of these has denied any responsibility. while the pills minute trade was born in the west bank city of ramble on rose to become a senior member to mass for the past 6 years. he served as deputy need to of the groups and let's compare of who was arrested by as well. 1992 released in 2010 and featured on the us terrace nest from 2015 a 1000 down to bid farewell to him in saint louis to sullivan procession. carriage has cost at this moment is carried palestinian flags. i'm found as a very political factions. oliver already was made to buried in the cemetery near the should tell of refuge account. his mother says he had long been
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a target of the idea a. me to a thing to me did we all expect of him to become a martyr? the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. that's why he wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then and guitar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those boss started stays valley with threat them to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. and his wife called me and said they were holding up. the martyrdom of my son broke her then, and then to be on the they had did a bit the issue, but he's released all the spread, and they want to show today victorious that they have accomplish something. but they don't do anything in casa except skilled children. fetus as with mothers. and give me crimes. sorry, i don't know what his blood is not more valuable than the blood of the people of
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guy. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was young, people loved him. locals for tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him, even though he didn't state you know to much, she was arrested and then devoted. good news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his base. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them. we'll be able to solve a bit of strategic on less valley how me it says the attack sees the top called the as an attempt to widen the boat and garza and dr. lebanon and to direct conflict. as well as trying to run away from accusations that already been declared by some of the uh, the leaders inside as well. uh, saying that they do it and go for it. and uh they are uh,
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supporting this act. uh they know that the now the world is going into new phases and it's not the same as before. the sovereignty of level 9 is uh, is in the, on the table and also killing assessing nathan. one of the most important, how must lead to and level and on saw the highlight, rudy. it means the is what it wants to extend the circle of uh, rules of engagement and 11. and it means a declaration of for the, obviously, against level 9, and it wants to go into war against live on. so leveling on is uh, being drag on the word by is ryan, is what it wants to go into the phases of uh, security phase. so by assessing nations uh, active assistant nations against 11 on and the that's what the happened in the west coast last week by killing it. and in general that and by
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threatened to kill. uh, uh huh. as if that's on the line level and on. also uh now they are trying to go, they want to leave the military to act as the last the, the, to, uh, 1st, the stages are for now they want to go and to a new, a new war as a security was by assessing nations. and finding is often special intelligence set to save lives. it's possible, at least according to scientists at the american university, mit they have used a form of a i quoted deep planning on discovering the costs of call in pounds. that can kill drug resistant bacteria, which has taken thousands of lives across the globe, a free yet. well, a, a is bringing about progress in medicine, how it's implemented in all the areas of all daily lives is up for debate. last
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week, the new times suit the creators of chat, g p t, and all the popular i've taught sounds like a copyright issues down it says that it's all schools we use to train chap thoughts that now compete with the company. meanwhile, you know, mosque has wound over the dangerous failures and perhaps a more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or, or, or bad, bad car production in the sense that it is. it has the potential how the small one make regard that probably, but it is non trivial and has the potential of civilizational destruction. so do we face progress for a terrifying future of cyborgs taking control? we pose the issue with a patch of gas started helpless. hey, i was always have, it's this, this new technology and like anything new people who are known as have gripes all
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the uncertainty about it because it's a new, it's a new thing coming to the market. but i don't think anyone can say what the outcome really about a i is. it's too early in this development and it's used for people to knock it down. they, i can be used to tackle a lot of problems that we face, like one of the problems, for example, is in terms of credit financing. and how people are rated in credit financing. i think a, i can be used as a good to, to rates people who i mean formerly employment and especially because a lot of african countries have a big number of, uh, people working in informed of employment. so how do you then give up proper reading for someone who is informed and informed with employment? so the other, these other areas can be an agriculture health care. there's so many things that a i can play a parting. there's no turning back. so the only thing for the community is to
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embrace the change also to be burns out for the upcoming friends. it was a we need to get a has or steel ones that you know, i can help us in a uh, the bottom, the latest by i need to get out the wait a moment monday, just in case of like the ultimate or the job. so uh, yeah, so what i think is, uh, any, i didn't realize him today, i just didn't want to button i was giving this needs to, it has to do the voice. of course it is, you know, given that i'm also elect or the little about the use of a i should be included in, in our nation on vision strategy. and also we need to see other opportunities that been provided, but also in the show. we also got the rising time, hopefully the smart cities. so i guess the community should. yeah, the only thing is to embrace the jews and say you were going to be uh,
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it can be enhanced by the eventually i will that's off signing off for this. i will of course, be brought up the top to talk you have until then. it's well depart, enjoy the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the welcome to the part, every just reading and a hunger from knowledge. how little been perceived as purchase and homeworks of procedures. paving the way to a higher consciousness. but what if i told you that one of history's most of the tory is dictate is joseph stalin was both a devout worshipper of the highest priests of his own library. in fact, this is where he died, surrounded by books and manuscripts rather than his loved ones. how did stollins love of books informed his ruling style of to discuss it? i'm now enjoyed by geoffrey roberts managers, professor of history at the university college park, an author of sellers, library dictator and his books preface. a roberts. it's great to talk to you in person this time. thank you very much for your time and thank you for the invitation. now your book style is library says how to explore the intellectual


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