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tv   Documentary  RT  January 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EST

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and was also given credit for sheltering roofing. yeah. what's lens that for persecuted across the border in mind more but the last few years they've been marked by several to test that is locked in because of the cost of living crisis because of the economic challenges along the beach is facing the city, not government. now be still to see have been organized by ordinary citizens, but also by the opposition leaders. as critics have also a to shake because he now for persecution of opposition leaders, none the less the elections today would be more detailed by, by around $127.00 international observers. they will also be monitored by around $5940.00 in the list, but us costs consultants or what fee and fair elections to remain in bobby's? well, that's how things are looking this sunday so far. but we have a documentary lined up for you now looking at an unexpected community of washington
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old police website suite, folks that traditions even while living all the way over in alaska enjoy the . the new wave of the old believers is 1st, what they're called. they came much later, you know, we came in and actually moved and settled, bought the land and settled in, i believe is 19681 the, the largest of those settlements was established. it's now nicholas. there are several communities of these russian old believers today. they're part of the same russian culture but, but they just arrived to nearly 2 centuries later than the, the earliest of the entries with the russian america comedy. this exhaust assuming, as of its pablo felt as my cause mina,
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which was almost as he chose tyson. but in some way, as to me, yeah. well not visible a symbol at the tips or not. so it will go very me jack. yeah, it's point 00 at the mama adults, you know, uh, could you send them way out with the new technology? you're not to do that so i don't know if i think because this has been pushed through their thinking by 60 minutes. just notice that uh i never thought of the issue on this part of the uh contraception. i suggest somebody me when they send me workshop with them. if so find the demo store? no. is this come no going to day, but i need to know that by women should not order to get to the city. so, but i just wanted to, but uh, when you just look a lot public lot so you would need a list of find
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a bit to stand with all the stuff up on the go move to do it by ma'am, i'm so i'm pushing another so i knew to pull that up, so it was all set the problem of the on the zillow. so all of those deals of the amount of money, money, money, money, problems. so the do not allow me to give a little bit to my m i c a r c m way. uh yeah. for me you gave me and utilized. gimme repeating here is just changing it for the rest and such to think i don't, i didn't go in and i left school luca, same you pity you. done is a double still going. but i shouldn't say lisa facebook and i need to fix that. i
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need to send the hordes in most don't be informed what the sent him. 40 those the what is it asking you, what is the what is, is thousands another for me i need a boulevard was the newest if was even younger years now. so it's valid email hosts, could you find me a really nice research as well? so there's a course, could you put me away but i still haven't used any of these that they're not that or is it you that oversee until that or is it? i think about him. it doesn't always go 3. it's just a so good notes. 56, is that what was interesting done with that will really start. it gives some, it's, it gives them the source of white. you know, like the movie sources by the spices life. it becomes, it, it becomes the spice of life. so if you, if you lose that, you might like marginalize that you lose, you lose everything you lose purpose and that's what we're seeing, the degradation of society. they're trying to modify society and discarding god,
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discarding cultures. and it's, you know, basically unifying it there. the globalizing and monopolizing on, on that spice, and that, that spice isn't very, a very tasty a my, my rooms, my life. my culture is even even like, talking to the post. soviet people are, you know, russians from russia that emigrated. they look at me as a rush, they identified me as a reference and even like right here, for example, here identifies itself as russians you was born and he has and you know, in english name and he's trying to change that name and stuff like that. but he wants to be partner, right. he's super interested in this community to see. see he's
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on your way. my family came from us, go grandparents. they me, they changed their name and became americanized. i really only found out when i was in school and i was russian now. and i really want to figure out what to, to know our culture and eric spanish. and uh, so i came from and your i saw, you know, so like a documentary on for believers and, you know, i said my so well, let's try speaking notice more traditional than forget. no one seems to know enough for me to say this is, you know, the real prediction of russian heritage and with culture just part to understand who we are,
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what the traditions are in your life. i feel it's important that i need to learn our language now. are characters in preserving as it is, it is dying out. unfortunately, when it's sad to say to the bone calling you to see if i check out the carrier that's different. yeah, the blue. see if i to to bitch stobel below, when you cut a short of a double partial, uh, mostly from multiple your dealer and you just go in there you go to we go to a web shift. you my, is this a lodge the bill? i'm going to put the little skis a clip otherwise i didn't show i didn't show, since you did keep a coordinate coordinate again. if you will. but on the over, i don't know what to do, but i, there is just web shared and you've 20 and you go into them patalouski in the store
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and you play with this new set of says nash don't want to explore the additional internet that i did as a user can forget as quickly as you to are says serious. and it did as fast as i used to put the rest of so would you the put the tonight so was it in? yeah, he was the car at the lawyer, lawyer buckling in the way for here he up a get the bush a not tonight the the privilege got to go to what it is may need to be as meaningful or globally as a uh, from don. yeah, i do need a zip combined. yeah. what's the zip the this new email it to the is a kit at. uh, i know most of the little things that i might say about any other, what uh well, it's a little front. she was going to cut you off the
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video by the way. the one you see him who i love with this, you're still here with me. yes, i will send them the right. yep. to you please come by. was supposed to use. i said you would send that to them, was the day you sent from directv tricia to live on that. do you happen to actually be here? you've been looking over the advisory for some of the coming year for us. the news is that right here, this is i will send you 3 of the 10. you book course we will be the better for you before you see where you see. yeah, yeah, that you're going to see what else you set up, but it's still this is my summer model. yeah. this is good meeting with the buyer for as many g m unzip that the screen shot of colors and not and flows in the video that i was in my god, it doesn't last. you know if i can't stand it,
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it's nice to see my toys now. i know what the and you can you post that that's what they do. the other thing here, this is my brain story with the vehicle or setting up the i just put a new content. what was the next step you want to see? do you still with me here in our actual list and okay. luce, okay. luce know, who knows? foursquare moves ago. we stuff for scott. chef lewis. good deal. gosh. voice. the ok. okay. new fine view and the stuff you know, watch it. will you please have your, your picture of him because that's where i'm from. i am from somebody else. ashtray, what is your name? bonnie alpert, when you from i come from westport, connecticut. but now we live on bainbridge island, washington. we have something that i feel really, dave. my name is steve was give postuma me. i. e born
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a day yesterday. i know you may have today. he woke seems to be worried that there was a place. what's the exquisite for a breach there? any a motion to pay, so shoot. which the law it was order below you lose 50 and as of i leave. yeah. and yeah, i know you originally looks they are, but yeah, i don't us the, those in the will. it. so what i'm going to, the video of you must make our lives can sit in, you mean the supply at the most of celia without disabilities. and so the good for you to really most so the let's go to we didn't skip i do i do i do it for this is just the sure wish the bill is nasty. yeah, i got the key or could i see you? it's porch here. let's just do it more chromatic again. let's see if they still showing you it. so you'll show me your answer. oh,
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this is the yeah, this has been far better than me. thing we expected. yeah. exceeded our expectations that ever imagined you'd be dressed up like the rest of the spring. those easy to know what i need to do it is to ma'am, gives good faith of appeal, which is to store the the lordship motion to me, do i use the car? i used to be, i mean you such as the, the one use the spanish. yeah. below to can you say i print, you said was crazy cutting. so that's what we're finding some of which us of what did you ask me if i see me at, at that moment? yeah. both kristie was pretty distinguish, which is good. they appear for the students who will put you in that particular. yeah, that's a big class when i do the diploma. not due for warranty. you see and you push the button and wanted to be moving your receipt to you. and you said, as we've seen, the federal court are prescribed good way. but we chose to allow me to jean you and
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i was actually able to get on to the registrar for them. i sure will. that was coming across the chest near the guns of nipping me to one yet, this over there. and you because you then do is each man. so the silver would you mind would them? does that, sir? we'll give them a heads up proud. is available. he put that's a the stuff as do it. yeah. the least, the precise is village or the pool pool. the show put on it, or do you do is it is, is it goes that it was a all of a seeing, a lot of them are just, i guess, $1.00 to for you. cited on lloyd. no problem. let me know if that can be up at the new woman. those are richard corner to both of us. stay on the blackboard. what's a good idea to me in political stuff? smith, rich nutrient ideas. you're talking to
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a new price. what it additional is out to the dealer, the natural that i bought that would fill out the gold and key is forced to the to $99.00. you'll see maggie much sooner. um so i mean, yeah. so the do i know more is that what you said or skim at that more you coordinate or scale? yes. 2000 now what's, what's the way? yes. it up when you miles would say yep. and it would cover that to bring you my eyes period to face development. pretty much the is nice. what that does or what does. what suit your should those thoughts when you might a detox, the willow, the emission i should start to use it dilutes and then you might as well cooksey,
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bath, new tape loops, opinion mice with cause that to bring you my to going to cut down what could you go to court and you come back to bring you my of which about me ice course in the idols kit courting you. you know where it is because it is, you know, a little slowing anthem arose can, is that i see it. i'm just getting an idea of putting the companies in after watching noise enough to reason at the next to reason. yeah. divide. oh yeah. shift i used the providers to young ladies, konica, new york paper press color, seem to draw the
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the society of the or credit accounts offensively. you know, it was a fire that arises serious souls. how illusions on the, on the west and ukrainian side, issues about their own strength illusions about strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the rush or a new crime was a door that just had to be kicked in. and the whole structure would come, come sometime into the ocean. looseness have been shocked with the aust. i'm the one and you can let them you might search new i live to the style of extra illness. so what else to revise this for me? that extension just now could feel to know if to plat poplar those on this week. i
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wish i knew it was c sharp design. was it just any wanting to pick your brain from those to show those me what the me assistance and what if i mean i turned out sadly, were you just shit out of i really should never see if those went to a mainland guy that was couldn't invite him or to remember, oh well you couldn't the you know what? well because we was no near good there. no it's of no good nash would have to put them you to put me on this. i do this thing. well yeah, good. good. well, i'll send you signed up the let's
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see read. okay. what seems to be the exactly him to both the model number the critique to of has dental, but is there a little bit of good talking to you a voicemail to hook you up with the with the pharmacy? yeah. yeah. what are you bringing? i've got got, well unusual. what's the cost more than a say to go, are you on your desk or quite just need to be filled in. i may have to measure it to me. maybe would you need it? may i ask you, i need to go to the back. would that go? well, click the familiar with the welcome to the alaska or 10 lion. or we make the magic happens. or in my language, always say to my, which means hello and welcome the
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. this is where we know a lot of the carving, as you can see, there's a lot of tools. i would probably not carbon academy slowly. not only do we teach ourselves where do we see things other different methods, different materials, different types of carvings. and we all learn and go together there in the air, in the shop. and some of the greatest artist in some of the granite cameras in the world i've noticed, are in russia now is over there. and it was quite the adventure of a lifetime. i would never traded for anything in the world and when it's kind of cool, it was, i got a little little diploma here. of course i can read dressing when the some of these rings have actually traveled with me around the world to russia. and i have one ring with the rest and most of the orthodox, i'm the costs that i actually included onto the ring. so
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death. know, it was a little tricky. and that's the 1st one i've ever made. you know, and that's the commemorate the less, you know, from memory, memory of some of my relatives that passed as through never forget where you come from. my grandfather, margaret is from russia to alaska and met my grandmother my grandfather's for russian and musician. and so my, my whole family of, uh, 7 of us in the household are able to play at least 3 instruments a piece. so what this looks like, a refreshing compose. rock monitoring all his uh, how is your favorite rap on or off the catalog from 20192021. the. 2 2 nothing but respect for
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the russian people being that my family is a rush are also kind of hard to see, but this would be alaska here. and then you can see margaret done. i can see how close they are. one of the greatest parts of margaret dunn was always hanging out with the grand champagne. everything tire competition and here's the beautiful part to infer drivers cabin when we, when hiking i started things and blueberries. we had moved to i saw the tundra t and i looked at the land and it's an easy resemble of my visits. one of them and i was i and this feel is really like home. we have moves me most to pick blueberries, outside tundra t, as i feel like i'm home almost except the problem is i don't have to speak the restroom to bury the. i know i would
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almost expect to see some of my cousins there. i was like then i wonder if i can just go in there and knocking. i have some coffee and i would have to to know and that is, gosh for them. um, most of our lives in the cube creek like okay, cool. and use those to go to the store. no, no, don't get us on when we go to 9 foot. have so somebody is answering us today for duncan. i see what we can do on size of new the good of god. so is that i still suspect you did mention cooks with us when i last christa, you just move on to a to the diet. so net is that going to, it's about the read. they're still and were chosen since the not the actual if the
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nearby this thursday game. but what i'm going to thank you. how do i show course to cute with it as so no. go ahead. yeah. well no, there's no surprise nor to be seeing a little bit him and switching me, but i still could. i see we're really stick to like it was this the visit the last sunday was with us, but don't video. it was the 1st. she was a listed like, oh heroes for now, 9 years. nice, don't know. go to submit. i it shouldn't be cute or no, it's ok. tim was on one of them. so as a mendoza associates vanya system, nice menu. so should of kids, i'm a new source, i'm cecile good. hello, buying agree with the for me says, which is nice to submit. i'm. it was simple for you to be able to take it between 2
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can get us for sue sue's here subordinate. go to that, there's a so some quite them i just have here with me say that will for that or with a i last click, i forgot to say i should though i'm not able to was the flushing yeah. did they mean 0 put on the list with that the they've gone. see it on your chain. my goodness, thank you for the movement. she made a nice a of the, of the, the, to get to know my, my name and birth was richard william to this as the name my parents gave me um, you know, when i was 25 years old, i met my wife here in anchorage. she was over here on a j one visa and we fell in love. and 3 months later
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we, i'm married. but the interesting thing is she actually asked me to marry her. and so i thought in retribution for that, i should take her last name. and then we did the career summation and they gave me my orthodox name, which is romano. and i converted to orthodoxy. if i my wife is a freshman, smoke oven and she introduced me to the russians. yes. kind of introduce me to the community. russian orthodox church, you get to meet other russian people around here. here we are at the cock loves you know, they're very, you know, for self sufficient kind of independent mindset which i also shares that,
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that mindset. you know, like, oh, can i do it myself? yeah, you build the build your own vanya sure. yeah, i'm going to do that. you know, like, grace chickens. yeah, i can do that. build the garden, raising chickens hunt, fish, all of the good stuff. really stereotypes about russians and they're all they, they like pain and i think that's the main was just like, like the stereotypical toughness kind of, uh, you know, like of the, you will excite the 4th of july that comprise, if i don't it's all because the british or comment is still the powder and the canons from the militia. they're like, no, you're not taking that away from us. in fact, we're gonna, you know, fight to the death or this thing. you read the independence or it used to and it
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was like, it's a glorious document. it's very, very well written and has great ideals that are the stablished in there and growing up, you know, we were taught to be proud of it. and i feel like now everything's been flipped over and, you know, now america was founded on slavery. and it's all just to keep the black man down. and the true civil rights movement is about, you know, it's not knowing what gender you are if that's like of true freedom of our date of independence. yeah. so it's all just split that off. flip even dependence of gender. yeah. independent of this rubbish. then gender independence, 90 percent of the protein that i eat is pro is from meat that i have killed. fish that i've taught for eggs that come out of my back yard from the
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chickens that i have for step. you know that i've man, i feel like there's a lot of alaskans that are like that. but then there's a lot that are that said mostly the young kids to it's like it's just like it's all just going downhill. we all depend on this. this is the most, the way i can make you in your of a victim. i have a very strong dependency at the low cost. i mean, you know the you
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who's class this take your next consider months of e and i'm just as you used to mention the thing you mm hm. the the,
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the, the death toll in golf near is 23000. and as its role continues to strike port across the enclave, both react when not the day of the tenant house and your ours was targeted without any prior warnings causing many deaths and injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice. children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arrows they should be or all of the wrong arrest? 11 people in connection with the twins last, the claim lives of $191.00. the bottoms went off during the memorial for the countries ministry. aquanda killed 4 years ago in a.


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