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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EST

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incredible jim size, the top stores on off the international and his radio strike on southern gaza leads to journalists instead of the son of elders. here is bureau chief, supposedly among the victims and the death told and goss nearing $23000.00 that israel continues to hell. and the ang clave. locals react to another day of the house near ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many deaths and injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should be? are all russian authorities investigating a major rupture of the central heating system for a sub up of most of the over a 100 buildings would cut off the mid freezing winter temperatures and the 3rd back
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shelf diming documents related to the renowned sex offender jeffrey epstein made public and as more and more names are exposed, the world finds out who's been flying high on the leads are expressed. the 7 pm on minus 20 degrees celsius and most go on this sunday, which is christmas. by the way, for millions of orthodox christians worldwide, will have a special store and that could be end of this program. but for right now here on our see to john list to being killed in on is really striking the southern gaza city over the file. we understand one of them was the son of alger zeros bureau chief, going into local journalist homes, a child on the id after liberty targets those who are reporting on the war in casa . that is really uh, drones targeted a car. a tv car belongs to,
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to all of my colleagues and most of my thoughts what i uh, comes out of those. uh, our friends here in the grounds. the working really hard. uh we meet every day and we was working together in the field here in gaza. strip. we travel from location to another every single day to deliver uh, the advice of the palestinians to the world homes. most of the font was working this morning as usual. and real fast that the lat close to any ongoing flashes not close to close to. uh, is there any valid information they targeted the car they was driving for you most if you want inside the car we feel really bad to see our friends buying every day because these are the vices of the house and it's very necessary to mention that
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these careless these workers, they are working really hard. they are actually scared to visit their own families . if we talk about the families for few months from now, how does almost his wife, how most has, has become son and his mom? i address his family, washington inside one of the houses in the southern areas in the safe area and their house has gone targeted by the answer he, we're playing, he lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say, mean for example, if i would like to visit my father, my father sheltering in one of the houses and drop off city. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the with mike is stay was target mean. our last
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one of the my family members for example it's, it's scary, it's a scary to share our experience to the world. it's unbelievable. also, nobody will believe what we say, because the body is actually getting punished by the government, by the name of the southern areas, and it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto land. we are not doing to stop delivering cod coverage happening here in the ground. we always be always targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground, capturing every single evans every single day most to target these people. just a few clicks away for you right now. the international media rights organization reported to that board is on our website, reportedly down playing the violence against palestinian john lists in his annual report. you can learn more about that right now on the dot com. well,
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the idea of has been taking a but a central part of your ink lab as well. and as drive from the city of the life, for example, of producing so many homes to revel the what we did, what transported to be out of the hospital, which is struggling day to day and operating far and above its capacity. it says the they talk about human rights and war crimes and say that we've slaughtered babies and their men and women find them with a but these are the true and the war crimes. you gotta take a look, a man, women, children, for the elderly. what a good these are the war crime? well these are israel's targets. i get, i mean there was no prior warning. uh, the 1st rock it hit uh and 15 seconds later there was a 2nd to fall within the span of 15 seconds. there's still the corpse of a little girl under the rubble of 4, and one is for the area surrounding the actual hospital has seen so many attacks. recently, adults has without borders, that it stops simply have to be evacuated from the organization. those are worked
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as well to ensure that medical facilities can continue to operate if indeed they are still able to. of israel says it has this mind told the ministry framework of how boss and nolan gaza. the idea for now reportedly focus its efforts on the central and southern parts of the anc. they've and over the past 3 months at the north is basically be tied into a wasteland. but despite the idea of previously ordering residents that to evacuate itself, many refuse to remain meant the ruins wanting. there are disturbing images coming your way. following footage from kansas city is a grim reminder for the devastation caused by the latest is really a tax. according to the palestinian health ministry, the was total death told was approaching $23000.00. so we heard from some of those who refused to leave the northern part of the the house near ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many destined injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning,
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the house next to ours was struck. for civilians, we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. the people with minding their own business, when a drone hit them with a miss o, more than 50 people with mazda, then wounded the enough with this injustice children elders are going. where is international community, where all the arabs they should be, are all. and it's right, a soldier has monks, a guy. so there's a lack of access to educational facilities all while standing in front of the ruins of university that he claims was destroyed by the israeli ministry. the body shop and they were the beds. uh oh. the other we were talking with the criminal justice and human rights analyst all met in the shop a who gave us his take on this. unfortunately, it's not the 1st time that is are you the soldiers? so you know, it's the talk about these things. i mean they,
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they've been giving statements that are much worse than that. they've been talking about getting kids and the, is there any, is i, i'm letting this come out on the media and in social media. and it says reading among these 80 population that creates more of a claim. and because i'm in a position, i mean the is a, is now in a way where they are accused of genocide and guys. they have been bombing this a, this is a besieged area that is not bigger than 360 square kilometers. you can see the massive destruction, to indiscriminate. it's getting of civilian, how come to engage that a bump hospitals in schools. and as we saw in bombing universities, i mean, this is clearly outrages and the whole world is not doing anything about it because of the american veto. in the security council, you know, they was, they were a security council resolutions that called for an immediate sci fi, they were blocked by the united states and by the allies of israel, the national federation tried to put forward this kind of a, you know, a move diplomatic move in order to degrees this hardaman violence in the heart of
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an ongoing slow to the citizens, but it was always blocked by this kind of idea in the west that the is or as coats has the right to defend itself. well, everyone has the right to defend themselves, but not against innocent civilians. i mean bombing hospitably, getting children that's not self defense. that violence went too far because for 90 days in discriminate forming, i mean this is like a genocide. it's a textbook case of a genocide, you know, it's, it's, it's hold on this what they have been doing homeless and losing hope. that's the bleak reality of a well most of the 2 plus 1000000 guidelines for those with chronic illnesses. the situation, as you can imagine, is so much was as part of a special project covering the full lot of the will we bring, you know, the story of one woman who needs the special cad just in order to bri, of the we are calling the civilians to leave because of those. some us wants to keep them there
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is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all civilians. i'm one of the conditions here and very difficult. i'm sick with the chronic disease. i have health problems with my lungs. potential i live in is not suitable. it's always dam vintage effects. my breathing,
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the my medical device works on a battery every day. i need to travel very far just to be able to charge it. and even then, sometimes there's no electricity, the israel told us to get out of the house as soon as possible. we slipped without clothes and took nothing with us. the moment we got out, our home was bombed, along with the whole area the, the
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line live like this. we want a beautiful life instability. we want to live like the people of other countries. there is no security. there is no stability. we live in fear and horror. this is all to you. international russian investigators have opened a criminal case over a major rupture of a central heating system in the russian city of pulse gets about a 50 kilometers south of moscow. a $170.00 buildings, including holmes hospitals and schools, well after without feet and electricity is the region is basically experiencing some of the coldest temperatures and decades of corresponding fear of the isabel report. and i'm here in full golf where the governor of the moscow regent has said the situation in clean balls, which is a micro district in near moscow remains very dire now. they have managed to restore
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one boiler to those who were affected and are working on a 2nd boiler as well. this is a result of a privatized companies mismanagement. now the, those responsible have apparently floods. now that there is an investigation or criminal investigation that has been ongoing on january 4th as a result of the improper operation of a boiler house by the employees of a private company in the city of pulse, a rupture occurred in the heating means the premises of the organization that services the boiler room had been searched, technical documents had been confiscated, and management is being interrogated. there has also been a temporary shelter, a launch for those who have been affected where people can go because these temperatures, of course, are just dreadful. this time of year now on january 4th, as mentioned as a result of a, a, a breakage in and which management of course there are 3 leaks that happen in this
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boiler room. and those leaks less people in this area without heating since january 4th. and now of course, the authorities had been fighting night and day to try to restore heat heating and water as well, hot water to these residencies. this includes hospitals and schools as well. but they say they were largely in the dark for nearly a day on this whole thing. parties also reminded people that they can go to the heating points, whether it's the local gymnasium or the control center as well. emergency crews, just as a reminder, did eliminate the discover causes and break. there's over night in our ensuring that the coolants are working properly and if the radiators do free is a pod heating, they will also be fixed as well. locals did respond to these incidents. let's hear from them. yes, we have been living without heating and light for 3 days. it is impossible to switch on any heating appliances. i am already in my 7th decade of life. this has
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never happened in my life because the blood me was much and see when it was minus 27 degrees celsius outside the temperature at home dropped to minus 7. now that it's warmer, outside, it feels a little warmer at home. will definitely need to be able to, there's still no heating. i wake up at night. i don't know what's going on. i'm cold, i don't sleep well and i'm trembling because i'm nervous. it's going to take some time to fix what has been years and decades of, of neglect, and people here who have lost. so you'd have been dealing with a very difficult situation because right now, even with a good coat, i am freezing and uh, i, everybody hopes that this will result soon, and that is what people have to look forward to. well obviously severe weather conditions can certainly take you by surprise. that's exactly what happened to a couple of iranian truckers traveling through russia this winter. the vehicles
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repeatedly approached down because of a poor quality, empty for his driver's having a tough time because of the lawyers were loaded and they spent 3 days on the road side in the central fat region. apparently they had a tough time. committed headings, they didn't speak russian very well that will much run out of food and water. and i know where in the right clothes. but upon receiving assistance from emergency services, they were able to get on the way of the sacraments mansion in new york to the mile high club. and his leader express a 3rd batch of salacious court documents released on friday as you know, all related to the infamous sex offender jeffrey epstein. of those under his wing that was linked to the full my finance ca may of wish to remain deep in the dark shadows, but the names are now placid, all across the public domain. and i discussed the latest part of the scandal with dante is maureen. the customer, the names that are being revealed, those were the names from depositions from the court,
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depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who was on this clientless boat was set in the zip in these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors at a certain things the escaped to in the media field as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, is mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016. i had the following to say regarding our conversation between her and jeffrey epstein, joanna testified jeffrey told her clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton send the travel the on the eps these private jets to express. that's what it's called the according to again, documents and things that haven't merge. and he also to bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the
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president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently. tell us the new york he's not spoken to abstain in well over a decade. right now when it comes to bill clinton, we know about his track record with the denials and the apologies the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assault in the past vill oh, is this pin day, oh, it was a variable, the situation did the what to do. so frightened us on looking really good for bill clinton that everyone of course, is remembering all of these bad stories about him today because the documents, again, like i said, mentioning the reveal that he likes young girls. i'm seeing some of the biggest uh, business men in america on this list. some of the big she monetary turns out that
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some of the big science, i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen the one of the high ranking is railey government officials, who apparently was writing the liter express. tell me more about these names about these names or as the magician david copperfield. there is steven hall k, for example. there's a donald trump. yes. also the former as victoria's secret c o o, then michael jackson. but again, all these names, it's very important to clarify that these are all the names that are mentioned in these depositions. so it doesn't mean if your name is there that they did something wrong is just that they might be saying, oh that person was there at the time. that'd be abuse. happened in another room, for example. but at the moments from all these names, there's concrete evidence when it comes to prince andrew again. so bill clinton, we've heard that he likes young girls and prince andrew, were heard once again about his groping skills. so in this now it says that one of
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the big stems claims that in 2001 prince andrew had groups of women at epstein is home in manhattan. but again, prince andrew denies any wrong doing. and there is that an infamous now interview, where he claims for he can be, he can be a full cheer because he doesn't swats. and one of the victims said that he was sweating profusely. so that's his excuse on his stick. and so it was a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the specing because i, i have a peculiar medical condition which is that i don't sweat while i didn't sweat at the time. and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time that interviewed and not doing any favors, everyone was saying that he looked terrible to look even guiltier them before and it was just, it wasn't not good for him whatsoever. but let's take it back a bit because even though epstein became a famous or infamous, whatever you will in let's say after
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a 2017 for sure box. we know that there was media in the united states. i had the story in 2015 that were ready to go a b c news. right? we're ready to go on. there was an expose a on uh, jeffrey epstein. but it was killed according to this woman for maybe seniors. this was a whole like moment. she didn't know that this was b in record that this is what she had to say. i've had the story, it's 3 years. i've had this interview with virginia roberts. when we now put it on the air. first i was told to jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story. then the palace found out that we had whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways very, haven't they killed it? and they knew this 2015, so if maybe i knew about it, they're trying to tell us that all these people that were continued hanging out with them going on the lead to express going on this island or his flights on has been called the house of horrors, or the dungeon of floors, the continued go in there, supposedly not knowing what was going on around on a website right now,
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you can read about how the documents may well be a stunning expos, a, but will those names and shamed actually face any full mouth will they just be protected by the higher ups on the western media? once again, con has more of the details. and so as to we'll just, i'll shoot in 2024. we're picking out some of that headline is over the last 12 months. come a higher so the us vp passionate me making the list. you know, she's a such a pro and making model statements. we decided to highlight a few of them just for your enjoyment. have a look or the, i think of this moment as
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a moment it is about great momentum. the culture is it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? and in, in present cultures the way we express our feeling about the moment. and, and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy. cuz you know, it comes in the morning. the, a, i fancy things were supposed to letters, artificial intelligence, the presidency. i got some words i got the vocabulary and my pronunciation make
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the when we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduced population, more of our children can breed clean air and drink plain water. the people tired be required to travel over potholes and bridges that are breaking down and expensive when you manage all your tires, you know when you lose your, your, your tires are ended up being flat because of those roads and bridges we will continue to work forcefully. to protect our fellow countrymen and women and people, the
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r i before we go cheerful, the new you story from the wall to one city of don't yet my children's celebrated the holidays just bite whole the all with traditional russian holiday figures. father frost. i'm the snow maiden correspondent, roman culture of visiting the celebrations, dressed as well, have a look for yourself every year, like letters, the science of from kids, hearings on bus. and to look into one of the villages is we arrange a meeting with their local this vision was this for us. these are the letters from kids. right around 30 of them. they all live here the front by and this year you know that we're doing this and of course will go to provide my only guess look into that for
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the every year for the last 10 years, my friends and i had been answering children's letters to send to those kids the live right here in dunbar. they live in the territory where shedding by ukrainians takes place every single day. so what i do is i take off my bullet proof test and i change into sans as close and very soon you will see the reactions on the kids for whom we bought hallways. the
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now santa is ready to go and he showed him the, the, the defense, the on may 16th to 2023. the school was hit, 3 classrooms were destroyed. there's a small hole in the roof. that's what we're left with. the shell exploded inside. i said there were at least 60 children in this school when you create a nationalist struck the building by fewer chance not
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a single child was heard during this barbaric attack. however, the building itself right now lies almost completely destroyed. locals are holding . that's this school will soon be rebuilt and the shedding by ukrainians will find that the install and the locals will be able to live their life in peace and hoping that maybe will return traveling on the road between cities. peaceful ways it can, you never know when they is really the children that there is traveling back to see the road here is a block because the bridge is completely destroyed. so we have to take that day for order to make it back home, safely from uncle 3 of archie and escrow public kind from the
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entire all the international news team here at moscow. we wish all, for those christians, a very happy christmas on this day for the meantime. bye for now. the chapter 6, a whole says a tubman's wings, a comp it is so the different associates under yeah. how do you make, or they have died of c one size fits into one of them. just wanted to, we can go up to what do you have to do? you have anything but outside of that a gives you somebody else to walk to charlotte. i'm gonna ask you to them to
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send it to the kids, but it also shows that the younger than young please. which is you the biggest, it's definitely not able to print up at all. don't ship this whole time yet and the depth of how to keep it. we're not going to do that until i the the addition piece initial. what's the zip the songs off and on the bottom, the sooner the audit document was, the part of your do that, you know, it can supply tough dates onto the net. the took the digital load and it's showing up. loved it, but i just got done doing good in general to the next that i didn't pass. you haven't looked into parts of it the only some good things.


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