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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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the, the bodies rarely strike on stop and gather at least 2 journalists, dad, a son of all g 0, bureau chief is among the victims. the death told in gavin years 23000 as these were all continues it on slots, and locals react to another day of death. the house and your ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many destined injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice. children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should be are all lost. and that's all we do is investigate a major rupture on the central heating system for a suburb of moscow. after about a $170.00 buildings were cut off and made freezing winter temperatures. and the
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3rd batch of dumping documents related to the rinaldo sex offender. jesse epstein is made public as more names are exposed, the world finds out who is linked to the defeat the american finance here the it is not pm in moscow. this is our team to national, with the global updates and i a mike called watch it. now to a john lives have been killed and then he's ready asked lights on the southern gavin and city of rafa. one of them was the son of, i'll just the rise bureau chief, according to local john list homes, child on the idea of deliberately targets those who cover the war and gaza. this is really uh, drones targeted a car. a tv car belongs to, to all of my colleagues and most of my thoughts what i uh, comes out of those. our friends here in the
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ground, the working really hard uh we meet every day at the was working together in the field here in gaza strip. we travel from location to another every single day to deliver uh, the advice of the palestinians to the world homes. most of the fall was working this morning as usual and real fast at the lat close to any outgoing flashes. not close to close to is there any off the ground operation? the targeted the car? the was driving the most. if you want inside the car, we feel really bad to see our friends buying every day because these are the vices of the house. and it's very necessary to mention that these careless, these workers, they are working really hard. they are actually scared to visit their own families
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. if we talk about the families before a few months from now. how does almost his wife, how most has, has become son and his mom i address his family was filtering inside. one of the houses in the southern areas and the safe area of their house is gone. targeted by the workplace. he lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say mean for example, if i would like to visit my father. my father shall $3.00 and $1.00 of the houses and drop off. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the what mike is say was target means our last one of that. my family members for example it's, it's scary. it's a scary to share our experience to the world. it's unbelievable. also,
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nobody will believe what we say, because the party is actually getting punished by the government, by the sudden areas and it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto land. you're not going to stop the building cod covering what happened in here in the ground. we all was the old was targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground for capturing every single evans every single and they move to target these people, the international media rights organization report as without board, as a, has allegedly down play the valance against policy and john list tonight. it's, it's on your report. for all the details on that story, and more you can head over to the r t dot com to get details to d. i. d. s. has been taking
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a mazda central part of the enclave as well. and as dry columbus city of their out law, for example, the reduced mania homes to rumble. the one that was transported to the i august the hospital. but it says the they talk about human rights and war crimes and say that we've slaughtered babies and their men and women find them with a but these are the true and war crimes. are you gonna take a look at men, women, children, and the elderly. good. these are the war crimes. these are israel's targets. i get, i mean there was no prior warning. uh, the 1st rock it hit uh and 15 seconds later there was a 2nd. oh, fall within the span of 15 seconds. there still the corpse of a little girl under the rubble of 4 and one is the area surrounding the i'll ask the hospital, it has seen multiple attacks. recently, doctors without borders said it's staff and families had to be evacuated from that . they'll move ation also equal to ensure that medical facilities can continue to operate. if indeed they're still able to israel says it's
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dismantled the military or from lack of her math and northern guys. that the idea for now. so because it's efforts on the central and southern parts of the enclave over the past 3 months, the nose has been turned into a waste land. but despite the idea of previously ordering residents, they had to evacuate south. many palestinians remain mid the ruins. a warning that there are disturbing images ahead stop this further and some gather city is a grim reminder of the devastation caused by the latest idea of a tax. according to the policy in the health ministry, the was total death total is approaching $23000.00. we've heard from some of the some of those who have refused to leave the news of the house near ours was targeted without any prior warning causing many deaths and injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck. for civilians,
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we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. the people were minding their own business when a drone hit them with a miss. oh, more than 50 people with moderate and wounded. good enough with this injustice children, elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should be, are all delegated, and that the west and media and taking the predominance, the pro, easy, all stance in their coverage of the war in gaza. cnn's own biases exposed in a new exports our report, right of that says that the us broadcast, that takes idea of statements. as fact, wiley's shawn's information from policy in the forty's. now these claims where on covered by the investigative news outlets, the intercept you said see it ends jerusalem bureau reviews every news item regarding use oil and palestine piled to its publication by the network. there also directives on specific language to be used and avoided when reporting on the war
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and gaza. cnn journalists are tasked with pushing out updates, deliver directly from the adf, whereas they are prohibited from relating statements from us, of the us broadcast. i also hired a former idea of soldier to serve as a report to have their own set of the war. here was more from the intercepts article, more crime and genocide or taboo words is rarely bombings and gaz will be reported as less attributed to nobody until these rarely, military ways in to either accept or deny responsibility. quotes and information provided by is rarely army and government officials tend to be approved quickly. while those from palestinians tend to be heavily scrutinized and slowly processed. let's cross live to form a u. s. army officer, us cut bennett to scott,
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is good to have you join me right now. now, why don't you think about cnn's coverage of the conflict? a guy the, what's your general assessment that spot from that? well, of course they are a propaganda arm of the is really zionist id f agenda. they are a propaganda arm of the. ready c, i a and m i, 6 and massage, and sion bets back in government narratives. we've seen that for quite a long time as well as with the washington post and the new york times. the general oregon's of media in the united states in the west have dest, deformed, and decayed into these monstrous, reprehensible uh, zombies of propaganda regards your state and government scripts, and, and plastic ideas that are, are absolute nonsense. and in the as railey i, d, f, a strangle hold and partnership,
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which i'm sure they back with bribes and all kind of lucrative financial deals with cnn reporters and bureau dest. jeez, this is another example of what they're trying to control. the narrative you, you mentioned very eloquently, those words uh, blasts instead of is really missiles and bombs. and genocide was a word that they would not list. it's taboo. well that's because that's precisely the is really agenda is genocide, ethnic cleansing, removal of every palestinian person killing of women and children from the gaza strip. so the israelis can take that land, take the gas fields and the on the ocean outside that lands and then build a ben grand canal through garza. this has been the agenda. this is why this. busy flag sy, up of, of a hamas attack was engineered. it's been, it's been thought out very methodically,
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but they've been caught in the world is rising up and exposing their, their crimes in the media is being exposed is, is a complicit uh, partner in these work tribes by covered in the month. but now, in your opinion, why do you think it's important for the ease really got been to push for only it's side of the conflict to be covered by the media? well, i say to a degree, they become maniacal. they have become soured and almost are turning into mad dogs. instead of domesticated friends of the united states, there, snapping and viciously barking at the united states. when the united states objected to their force transplantation of the palestinians to the congo. for example, the israelis instantly arrogantly said, we don't take orders from the united states. this shows to me a certain degree of mental disintegration that is happening within, within the military and the political ranks. and that doesn't surprise me based on
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the number of of coven 19 vaccines that they forced into their people. but i think is real as a whole is, is coming apart, is becoming frayed because the world, turkey, iran, palestine, erac, syria, libya, somalia, human, malaysia, all of the muslim and arabic nations are rising up and exposing this crime against humanity. this absolute, murderous rampage of the israel, these things that they can deceive and spin and lie into some sort of a military operation. so i think they're becoming increasingly desperate. i think they'll become even more desperate as a hundreds of thousands of uh, airbags, and muslims begin marching towards israel to push them out of gaza, which i anticipate will happen in the next 3 to 6 months. all right, yeah. do you believe that cnn has a similar review process in place for all the coverage areas, for example,
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when it comes to the conflict in ukraine for instance. mm hm. oh, without a doubt and i think you said a very well, they are controlling the narrative and ukraine. zalinski, i'm sure has been telling his people that are biting. there's going to dress up as father christmas and fly overhead and dropped money envelopes and bags of toys to the elder in. but the people aren't buying it anymore. you've noticed, i'm sure the story about how increasingly people in ukraine are turning away from government broadcast. they're not listening to the government news anymore, because they themselves, the people of ukraine recognize the media of ukraine is just a propaganda tool of the government. and the government is long to people. and the government is also forcibly drafting pregnant women and young children and old men into the military. because they've destroyed an entire generation with this suicide of war against russia, which could have been totally of warranted if they had not listen to their slave
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masters in britain. in the, in the united states. so ukraine is certainly controlling journalists and media and in their country. or i should say the zalinski tyrannical, fascist regime is. but the people in ukraine aren't paying attention to their, to their media anymore. they're turning into reality shows and more entertainment because they realize the news is complete propaganda. so when that happens, you understand that the fall of a political regime is only days away if not hours. and i do think zalinski is time will end very quickly as i think netanyahu's time is going to end in a split tack spectacular, fireball se implodes because the people of israel are very soon going to see their existence depends on removing these war mongering, lunatics. and the la crude party and netanyahu's party and suing for peace and
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honoring what the world expected is real to do back in 1948. and that is respect the palestinian people respect the land. they've lived on respect the christians who lived on that land because it is not the is really causality, and mafia is land. it is where the 3 abrahamic states have have come together and have very sick good history. and it is not the territory of the zine is la to netanyahu party. it belongs to the 3 face. and it shouldn't be respected as such. and because the israelis of arrogantly pushed everyone off, i think they're going to be pushed back. and you very well could see a complete disintegration of the israeli political regime this year. and of course his real may respond with its secret nuclear weapons. but i think that even too would be a failed attempt. i've never seen the world rise up in such a mighty force and in a loud roar against tyranny. as i hear the world
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a v as law make an error and christian world rising up in europe in many parts of the united states to condemn both israel's genocide and youth brains, genocide. all right, we have to leave you here now. thank you so much. just cut, but that's for my us army officer. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great. all right, honey is ready. sold has month guys as the lack of access to educational facilities . old wives standing right there in front of the ruins of a university that he proudly claims has been destroyed by id for tax purposes. lama. i mean were the beds uh the of the audio. we spoke to criminal justice and human rights analysts or martin a sharpie. and who gave us his take on the matter. unfortunately, it's not the 1st time that is really soldiers. so, you know,
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talk about these things. i mean, they, they've been giving statements that are much worse than that. they've been talking about getting kids and the is there any is letting this come out on the media and, and social media. and it says reading among the as 80 population that creates more of a claim and, and cut them in that position. i mean, the is a, is now in a way where they are accused of genocide and guys. uh, they have been bombing this, this a besieged area that is not bigger than 360 square kilometers. you can see the massive destruction, the indiscriminate killing of civilians, how come to engage that they bump hospitals and schools. and as we saw the bombing universities, i mean this is clearly outrages and the whole world is not doing anything about it because of the american veto into security counseling. you know, there was a, there was a security council resolutions that called for an immediate si, fi, they were blocked by the united states. and by the allies of his read, the russian federation tried to put forward this kind of a, you know, a move diplomatic move in order to degrees this hardaman violence in the heart of
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an ongoing slot that will for the students. but it was always blocked by this kind of idea in the west that the is or as coats has a right to defend itself. well, everyone has the right to defend themselves, but not against innocent civilians. i mean bombing hospitably getting children that's not self defense. that violence went too far because for the 90 days in discriminate bombing, i mean this is like a genocide. it's a textbook case of a genocide. you know, it's, it's, it's hold on this what they had been doing a russian investigators. i've opened the criminal case over a major rupture on the central heating system in the russian city of puddles. about 50 kilometers south of moscow. authorities have started searching purposes of the company that operates the boiler facility malfunction. a $170.00 buildings, including the homes, hospitals and schools were left without heat and electricity at mid some of the coldest winter temperatures in decades rushing to investigate as of late the
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accident. and an operational failure bought a facility servicing company as on january 4th, as a result of the improper operation of a boiler house by the employees of a private company in the city of pulse, a rupture occurred in the heating means, the premises of the organization that services the boiler room had been searched. technical documents have been confiscated and management is being interrogated. all day correspondence, the se, or eliza bells brought us a report from the impacted area. and i'm here in full golf where the governor of the moscow regent has said the situation in clean balls, which is a micro district in near moscow remains very dire now. they have managed to restore one boiler to those who were affected and are working on a 2nd boiler as well. this is a result of a privatized companies mismanagement. now the,
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those responsible have apparently floods. now that there is an investigation or criminal investigation that has been ongoing, there has also been a temporary shelter, a launch for those who have been affected where people can go. because these temperatures, of course, are just dreadful, this time of year now on january 4th, as mentioned as a result of a, a, a breakage in and risk management. of course, there were 3 leaks that happened in this boiler room. and those leaks left people in this area without heating since january 4th. and now of course, the authorities had been fighting night and day to try to restore heat heating and water as well, hot water to these residencies. this includes hospitals and schools as well, but they say they were largely in the dark for nearly a day on this whole thing already is also reminded people that they can go to the heating points, whether it's the local gymnasium or the cultural center as well. emergency crews,
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just as a reminder, did eliminate the discover causes and break. there's over night in our ensuring that the coolants are working properly and if the radiators do freeze upon heating, they will also be fixed as well. locals did respond to these incidents. let's hear from them. yeah. we have been living without heat and light for 3 days. it is impossible to switch on any heating appliances. i am already in my 7th decade of life. where does this have never happened in my life? because the blood, me was much, let's see when it was minus 27 degrees celsius. outside the temperature at home dropped to minus 7. now that it's warmer, outside, it feels a little warmer at home with i believe there is still no heating. i wake up at night, i don't know what's going on. i'm cold, i don't sleep well and i'm trembling because i'm nervous. some residents are understandably angry because after the fall of the soviet union,
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a lot of these boiler rooms became privatized. and of course, as was mentioned earlier, this is a result of a privatized companies, mismanagement people here who have lost seed has been dealing with a very difficult situation. because right now, even with a good coat, i am freezing. and uh, i, everybody hope that this will result soon, and that is what people have to look forward to rice, yvette web. it can take a new one by surprise. and that's exactly what happened to a couple of you rodney and truck as we're traveling through russia this winter. now the vehicles are reportedly broke down because of poor quality and to fries. and the drivers were unable to leave because the laurie's where loaded that they spent the 3 day. busy he's on the road side and the central fire region until they were rescued. the red truck has had difficulty communicating due to a lack of knowledge of russian, and they had almost run out of food and water and what not. wearing heavy enough
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codes for the freezing weather, but upon receiving assistance from emergency services, the truck as were unable to continue on their way to it. now, something is managed in new york to the mile high. top one is believe i express a 3rd batch of selection was court documents were released on friday, all related to the infamous sex offender jeffrey epstein. and those are the, his wings. now those links to the form of funding see i may have wished to remain in the shadows, but the names and now passed it across the public domain area. my colleague discussed this candle with are to use my read, sorry about the names that are being revealed. those were the names from depositions from the court depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who was on this client
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list. what was said in this step and these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors a certain things the escape, the in the media field as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, has mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016 and had the following to say regarding a conversation between her and jeffrey epstein. joanna testified, jeffrey told her, clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton traveled on the upstairs private jets to express. that's what it's called uh according to again documents and things that have emerge. and he also because bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded
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guilty to in florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently. charleston new york has not spoken to abstain in well over a decade. right now when it comes to bill clinton, we know about his track record with the aisles. and then the apologies. the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assaults in the past feel great threat. i was just pen day road. it was a very helpful situation. i didn't know what to do, so frightened. so it's all looking really good for bill clinton that everyone of course, is remembering all these bad stories about him today because the documents, again, like i said, mention remember bill that he likes young girls. i'm seeing some of the biggest uh, business men in america on this list. some of the big she monetary turns out that some of the big scientific, i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen one of the high ranking is railey government officials,
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who apparently was writing the liter express. tell me more about these names about these names or as the magician david copperfield. there is stephen hawking. for example. there's a donald trump. yes. also the former as victoria secret c o o, then michael jackson. but again, all these names, it's very important to clarify that these are all the names that are mentioned in these depositions. so it doesn't mean if your name is there that they did something wrong. it's just that they might be saying, oh that person was there at the time. that'd be abuse. happened in another room, for example, but at the moment from all of these names, there's concrete evidence when it comes to prince andrew again. so bill clinton, we've heard that he likes young girls and friends, and we were heard once again about his groping skills. so in this now it says that one of the big stems claims that in 2001 prince andrew had grouped a woman, abstains home in manhattan. but again,
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prince andrew denies any wrong doing. and there is that infamous. now interview where he claims while he can be yeah, he can be a full chair because he doesn't swats. and one of the wisdom said that he was sweating profusely. so that's his excuse and his stick. and so it was a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the switching because i've, i have a security, a medical condition which is that i don't sweat while i didn't sweat at the time. and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time that interviewed and not doing any favors, everyone was saying that he looked terrible to look even guiltier them before and it was just, it wasn't not good for him whatsoever. but let's take it back a bit because even though epstein became a famous or infamous, whatever you will in let's say after a 2017 for sure. but we know that there was media in the united states that had the story in 2015. they were ready to go a b c news. right?
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we're ready to go on. there was an expose a on, uh, jeffrey epstein. but it was killed according to this woman for maybe seniors. this was a whole like moment. she didn't know that this was b in record, that this is what she had. so i've had story. it's 3 years. i've had this interview with virginia roberts when we now put it on the air. first i was told of who's jeffrey? i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story. then the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways very haven't they killed it? and they knew this 2015. so if maybe i knew about it, they're trying to tell us that all these people that were continued hanging out with them going on the lead to express uh, going on this island or his flight that has been called the house of horrors or the dungeon affords the continued go in there, supposedly not knowing what was going on around the wall interest in the, on the seals, documents reach as
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a boiling point. those who are mentioned in the last few to are likely to face any serious consequences and to find out why he can head over to our t dot com. what about the update this our you can visit hardy to come for more details of the store. reason for following, i'll see you again the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome to was a part of it just reading and
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a hunger from knowledge have long been perceived as purchase and homeworks of procedures paving the way to a higher consciousness. but what if i told you that one of history's most of the tory is dictate is joseph stalin is both developed worshipper of the highest priest of his own library. in fact, this is where he died surrounded by books and manuscripts, rather than his loved ones. how did stollins lot of books in form, his ruling style of to discuss it. i'm now enjoyed by geoffrey roberts managers, professor of history at the university college cork, an officer of sullens library dictator and his books. professor roberts, it's great to talk to you in person this time. thank you very much for your time or frontier for an invitation. now your book, stalins, library. ssl is to explore the intellectual life biography and i would say psychology of joseph stalin, whom you described as the 20th century,


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