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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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the, the, the audience ready as fly con southern gaffer leads to journalist dead, son of all g 0. bureau chief is a mom. perfect. and you know, what did the civilians of gather due to that the world is blind to what's happening in gaza? the desk told in gavin, is 23000 as usual continues it's onslaught. locals react to another day of death to the house and your ours was targeted without any prior warning causing many destiny engines we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice to the elders are dying where is the international community where all the arabs, patients, the, are, all of the washing authorities, investigated major rupture off the central heating system for
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a suburb of moscow. after about a $170.00 buildings would cut off in mid freezing winter temperatures. on the 3rd box of damning documents related to the renowned facts, the fact that jeffrey epstein is made public more names are exposed, the well finds out who was linked to the defeat the american finance. here the welcome to arch international reaching. you live, i'm on new center in moscow. i have my club port chat with the updates now to douglas have been killed and then these ready as dry con, the southern city of rafael and guys though, the one of them was the son of all g 0 as bureau chief in the service. the problem is that the family
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held a funeral for the killed john les, shortly after the attack. those of the journalists lost their lives and they supposedly safe area when the vehicle's that were trumping in was struck by myself as a passenger was seriously injured. while i do the father of one of the victims that that as well as blinds to the sufferings of guidance, the value 9 when the world should see this with its own eyes and not to israel's view, they have to listen and see all that's happening to the palestinian people, what did, how does that do to them? what did the family do to that? what did the civilians of gals are due to the world as blind to what's happening in gaza? this our face, we have no choice, but to be patient it's, i'm, i'm a start of the conflict. several policy and journalists have come under attack in the what on region, according to local jump list, how does that child on the idea of deliberately targets those who cover the situation in gaza?
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that is really uh, drones targeted a car. a tv car belongs to to all of my colleagues and was before. that's what i uh, comes out of those. our friends here in the ground, the working really hard. we meet every day and we was working together in the field here and goes us trip. we travelled from location to another every single day to deliver the advice of the palestinians to the world. how does the most perform was working this morning as usual and rough estimate the lat close to any ongoing flashes not close to close to uh, is there any valid information? they targeted the car they was driving for you most if you want inside the car, we feel really bad to see our friends buying every day because these are the vices
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of the house. and it's very necessary to mention that these careless, these workers be out working really hard time. they are actually scared to visit their own families. if we talk about the families for a few months from now, the law, how does almost his wife, how most has, has become son. and his mom has read his family, washington inside one of the houses in the southern areas in the safe area and their house has gone targeted by the workplace. he lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say, mean for example, if i would like to visit my father, my father sheltering and one of the houses in and drop off city. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the what mike is say was target me. and i loved
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one of that my family members for example, it's, it's scary, it's a scary to share our experience to the world. it's unbelievable. also, nobody will believe what we say, because the body is actually getting punished by the government, by the name of the southern areas, and it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto that, and you're not going to stop delivering cod coverage. what happened here in the ground we all was the old was targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground for capturing every single evans every single day to target these people. us stop diploma and turn it blanket and has expressed condolences over the death of
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john list and all the civilians in gaza. but he failed to mention that easel has been responsible for the killing with its bombardment of the region. this is an unimaginable tragedy. and that's also been the case for, as i said, far too many innocent palestinian men, women, and children civilians. also a journalist color standing. another one is far too many. let's cross live to human and labor rights lawyer, dan corvalle in the us down is good to have you join me right now. now the us, i can just thank you. now the us, i can do a state express condolences for civilian debts. thing guys about who didn't mention that easy to a list conducting the attacks. why is that? as well as an inconvenient fact, isn't it? because the us, of course is supplying the bonds in the munition for these attacks. in fact, as
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a israel has been carrying out this bloody campaign against kaiser divided administration has been set, has sent 500-2000 pound box. you're dropping 2000 pound bonds on densely populated urban areas which has of course, the effect the intended effect of killing large numbers of civilians. so of course, blinking does not want to admit that the us is behind the these attacks. now while western power is allowing these, where the bombardment of gas to continue override the more than if already more than $20000.00 civilians had been reported killed. what do you think is the grand agenda here? well, the grand agenda has been for a long time, of course, to support israel to the bitter end. because israel is, let's face
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a beach head of particularly the united states, but also the other western countries in the middle east and a very strategic area in the world. very oil rich area of the world. and the west has seen israel as its ability to have leverage and power in that region. and that's why they can continue to support israel, even when israel commits the worst of crimes as it is committing now. and god, all right, not before we go to the next question after the blinking also said, but the idea must not force policy is to leave gas. but let's listen to that quote . for us. targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by some is rarely ministers and lawmakers. calling for re settlement the palestinians outside of gaza . the statements are responsible, their inflammatory though so,
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so blinking says the palestinians should be allowed to return to their homes and gather, but they have been, you know, to have been reports that the us has been seeking for all the nation. still host all listing and refugees, those blinking statements. so a change in us policy on this issue. what do you think? no, i don't think it does. i mean, let's face it, the line has been calling for the right or return for palestinian since 1948 and no one is in force that right? and the u. s. is not going to enforce that right now. the u. s. is given a blank check to israel to carry out the destruction of gods and making it uninhabitable. in fact, the un is recently said guys is now uninhabitable. israel's creating the conditions that they want to be able to force the godson's out of that area in the us is supporting what israel's doing to that extent. so the words of people like blanking
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and bite in a just can't be taken seriously. what they're saying. one thing and doing another all right about blinking basically says that it's civilian dead, so wrong, and the possibly it displays the palestinians on gavin is also wrong. so will the u . s. government actually prevent ego from doing these things? what do you, what do you see, what scenarios do you see going forward? the only way that they will prevent those things from happening is if they feel politically they have to stop to. i think the political cost is increasing in the united states. the pro test are continuing, they're not a bathing at all uh, bite and is being punished. not only at the polls for this, but he's losing. i just read hundreds of volunteers for his campaign over the guys issue. perhaps that is something that will force biden's hand to change course on
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this, but sure to that only bite and is that the intention of changing course? he's made it clear that he does not support a ceasefire, but again, i hope the will, the, the will of the american people may change that. all right, then colleagues, human and labor rights lawyer. thank you so much for your insight. thank you very much. i'll be international media rights organization reporters without board, as has reported lead downplay the valance against palestinian journalist and its annual report for all the details on that story. and more you can head over to r t dot com is what it says. it's dismantled, the ministry from lack of her math in northern gatzo. and the idea of what now for because its efforts on the central and southern parts of the enclave. a warning that there are disturbing images that have now over the past 3 months, the north of the enclave has been turned into a waste land. despite the idea of ordering the res residents to evacuate to the
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south. many palestinians remained amid the ruins of the city of jabante, a hay northern gazda, over crowding on the lock of sanitation, exposed displays people to diseases of the guy. the health ministry reports that almost 23000 people have died in guys and over 50. 8000 had been injured in these ready attacks is october. the 7th. and now the 8000 people are considered to be missing out of the rubble and an estimated 1900000 people have been displaced. a mic in minnesota global. there are strikes everywhere from the east to the west, from the south to the north. there's danger everywhere. it only affects civilians, not the other people. nothing is happening to them. civilians who believe they were safe and their houses faced the stranger. yeah, we don't know what to do in the house and your ours was targeted without any prior
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warning causing many destin injuries. we were sitting at home when without any warning, the house next to ours was struck for civilians. we have no weapons, and no connection to the resistance fighters. there's not enough mass of people with minding their own business. when a drone hit them with a missile, more than 50 people with mazda, then wounded the enough with this injustice children elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should be? are all some of those remain in the north of guys as celebrating orthodox christmas parish. and as of gavin, that's one of the in place. oldest churches, it's compound is heavily damaged and these really air strikes that left 18 dead in october. the majority of gathers population practices these them. but the small community of, of around 1000 christians remain in the in place. i'll meet allegations that the western media have taken the predominantly pro
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e as well as dance in their coverage of the war and gaza. cnn's own by as it. busy used in a new report that says that the us broadcast that takes idea of statements. as fact, wiley shawn's information from palestinian authorities. now these claims were around covered by the investigative news outlet. the intercept is said cnn's jerusalem bureau reviews every news item regarding use, whether apollo sign pile to its publication by the network that are also directs is on specific language to be used and avoided when reporting on the war in gazda cnn, john list tasked with pushing out the updates deliver directly from the idea of whereas, that prohibited from relating statements from us and the us broadcast also hired to for my idea of soldier to serve us. the report of the onset of the war here is more from the intercept article, a war crime in genocide or taboo words is rarely bombings and gaz. uh will be
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reported as bless attributed to nobody until these rarely, military ways in to either accept or deny responsibility. quotes and information provided by is rarely army and government officials tend to be approved quickly. while those from palestinians tend to be heavily scrutinized and slowly processed, they are a propaganda arm of the as railey zionist idea. agenda. they are a propaganda arm of the us, c i a and m i. 6 and massage, and sion bet, backing government narratives. we've seen that for quite a long time, as well as with the washington post and the new york times the general oregon's of media in the united states and the west have this deformed and decayed into these monstrous reprehensible zombies of propaganda,
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regurgitating government scripts and, and plastic ideas that are, are absolute nonsense. they're trying to control the narrative. last instead of is really missiles and bombs. and genocide was a word that they would not list. it's taboo. well that's because that's precisely the is really agenda is genocide, ethnic cleansing, removal of every palestinian person killing of women and children from the gaza strip. so the israelis can take that land and take the gas fields in the, on the ocean outside that lands. and then build a vendor and now through gaza, this has been the agenda. this is why this false flag sy, up of a hamas attacked was engineered ross and investigators have opened a criminal case over a major rupture. all the central heating system in the moscow region, a city of put those authorities have started searching practices of the company
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that operates the boiler facility that malfunction a $170.00 buildings, including homes, hospitals and schools were left without heat and electricity. i made some of the coldest winter temperatures in decades. brushing investigators have blamed the accident and then operations of favey a bomb. the facilities surfacing company on january 4th as a result of the improper operation of a boiler house by the employees of a private company in the city of pulse, a rupture occurred in the heating means the premises of the organization that services the boiler room have been searched technical documents have been confiscated and management is being interrogated all to you corresponding feel or allow he's about brought us this report from the impacted area here in full golf where the governor of the moscow regent has said the situation include most which is a micro district in near moscow remains very dire now. they have managed to restore
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one boiler to those who were affected and are working on a 2nd boiler as well. this is a result of a privatized companies mismanagement. now the, those responsible have apparently floods. now that there is an investigation or criminal investigation that has been ongoing, there has also been a temporary shelter, a launch for those who have been affected where people can go. because these temperatures, of course, are just dreadful, this time of year now on january 4th, as mentioned as a result of a, a, a breakage in and risk management. of course, there were 3 leaks that happened in this boiler room. and those leaks less people in this area without heating since january floor. and now of course, the authorities had been fighting night and day to try to restore a heated, heating, and water as well,
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hot water to these residencies. this includes hospitals and schools as well. but they say they were largely in the dark for nearly a day on this whole thing already is also reminded people that they can go to the heating points, whether it's the local gymnasium or the control center as well. emergency crews, just as a reminder, did eliminate the discovered causes and break. there's over night in our ensuring that the coolants are working properly and if the radiators do freeze upon heating, they will also be fixed as well. locals did respond to these incidents. let's hear from them. yeah, we have been living without heat and light for 3 days. it is impossible to switch on any heating appliances. i am already in my 7th decade of life. where does this have never happened in my life? because the book me was much, let's see when it was minus 27 degrees celsius. outside the temperature at home dropped to minus 7. now that it's warmer, outside, it feels
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a little warmer at home, which i believe there is still no heating. i wake up at night, i don't know what's going on. i'm cold, i don't sleep well and i'm trembling because i'm nervous. some residents are understandably angry because after the fall of the soviet union, a lot of these boiler rooms became privatized. and of course, as was mentioned earlier, this is a result of a privatized company, mismanagement people here who have lost seed had been dealing with a very difficult situation. because right now, even with a good coat, i am freezing. and uh i, everybody hopes that this will result soon, and that is what people have to look forward to and so i'm is madison in new york to the mile high club on this lovely tie. express a 3rd batch of solutions court documents were released on friday, all related to the, in some of the sex offender, jeffrey epstein,
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and those on the his wings. now those links to the form of finance gave me have the wish to remain in the shadows, but the names are now after the cross the public domain. early on my colleague over associated discuss this candidate with archie's maureen. echo, sorry about the names that are being revealed. those were the names from depositions from the court depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who is on this client list, what was set and the zip and these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors at a certain things the escaped the in the media field as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, is mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016. i had the following to say regarding a conversation between her and jeffrey epstein. joanna testified, jeffrey told her,
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clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton send the travel the on upstairs. private jets to express. that's what it's called the according to again documents and things that have emerge. and he also because bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently. charleston new york. he's not spoken to abstain in well over a decade. right now when it comes to bill clinton, we know about his track record with the denials. and then the apologies. the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assault in the past vill
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oh, is this pin day? oh, it was a variable, the situation a did the what to do. so frightened plus on looking really good for bill clinton that everyone of course, is remembering all of these bad stories about him today because the documents, again, like i said, mention remember bill that he likes young girls. i'm seeing some of the biggest uh, business men in america on this list. some of the big she monetary turns out that some of the big sides of it. i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen the one of the high ranking is railey government officials, who apparently was writing the liter express. tell me more about these names about these names are as the magician david copperfield, there is steven hall k, for example. there's a donald trump, yes. also the former as victoria secret ceo of and michael jackson. but again, all these names, it's very important to clarify that these are all the names that are mentioned in these depositions. so it doesn't mean if your name is there that they did something
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wrong, it's just that there might be saying, oh that person was there at the time. that'd be abuse. happened in another room, for example. but at the moments from all these names, there's concrete evidence when it comes to prince andrew again. so bill clinton, we've heard that he likes young girls and prince andrew, were heard once again about his groping skills. so in this now it says that one of the big stems claims that in 2001 prince, andrew had groped a woman, abstains home in manhattan. but again, prince andrew denies any wrong doing. and there is that infamous. now interview, where he claims for he can be, he can be a full cheer because he doesn't swats. and one of the victims said that he was sweating profusely. so that's his excuse on his stick. and so it was a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the switching because i have a security, a medical condition which is that i don't sweat while i didn't sweat at the time.
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and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time that in so huge and not doing any favors, everyone was saying that he looked terrible to look to even guiltier them before and it was just, it was not good for him whatsoever. but let's take it back a bit because even though epstein became a famous for him to miss whatever you will in, let's say after a 2017 for sure box. we know that there was media in the united states. i had the story in 2015. they were ready to go a b c. news. right? we're ready to go on there with an expos, a on uh, jeffrey epstein bought it was killed according to this woman for maybe seniors. this was a whole like moment. she didn't know that this was being record, that this is what she had say. i've had sort of 3 years of had this interview with virginia roberts when we now put it on the air. first of all, i was told of who's jeffrey? i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story in the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways very,
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haven't they killed that? and they knew this 2015. so if maybe i knew about it, they're trying to tell us that all these people that were continued hanging out with them going on the link to express uh, going on this island or his flight that has been called how support is or the dungeon of floors that continue to go in there supposedly not knowing what was going on around for awhile interestedly on seals documents reached uh, reach is a boarding point. those who are mentioned in the lawsuit are likely out of very unlikely to face any serious consequences or to find out why you can head over to r t dot com. or i'll be sure to get more details on our t dot com. we'll be right back. have a couple of yeah, to you again the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the new wave of the old believers 1st, what they're called. they came much later, you know, we came in and actually moved and settled, bought the land and settled in, i believe is 19681 the, the largest of those settlements was established. it's now nicholas. there are several communities of these russian old believers today. they're part of the same russian culture but, but they just arrived to nearly 2 centuries later than the, the earliest of the entries with the russian america comedy, exhausted streaming. as of its pablo felt the cause of mina a wish was almost as much as tyson's,
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but in some way as to me. yeah. well not this is will a symbol at the tips will not sitting will go even attached to it. it's more, it's, yeah, it's, yeah, it's a momma adults is, you know, uh, you know, somebody out with the new technology not to do that a lot of, i think because of india, but, you know, thinking my 60 needs, just notice that uh, i never thought of the issue as far as the uh, contraception, uh, suggestively nice to meet them. if so finally get the demo store. now is this going to de the plan to know that by women should not order to get to the city? and so, but i just wanted to, but uh, when you just book a lot purple purple not so you would need a list of part of it to stay on the door to start up on the go move today by ma'am
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i'm so i'm pushing another for another pull that up, so was it was all set the problem of the on the zillow. so all of those deals that you manage, right? money, money, money, money, problem. the do not allow me to give a little bit to my m a c r c m way. yeah. for me you know, the details musical lives competing here for these positions even for the rest and such to let them go. i didn't go in and i left school luca samuel video done is double ups globally. but i should say this on facebook and i need to fix that. i


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