tv News RT January 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] the, the strike on southern gaza leaves to jen listen. that's the sum of all just arrows. bureau chief is among the victims. the what did the civilians of gals are due to them? the world is blind to what's happening in gaza. is israel targets? i'll ask the hospital, the essential guys of the di, medical crisis west and across the enclaves and results are to investigate a massive central heating system fan in the most goes to bed. as of the more than a $170.00 buildings. because off, due to severe weather conditions, the just on the for him, hey,
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it must go. this is all the international with all the very latest world news. thank you for joining to generalists have been killed and then he's really strike on the southern dogs in the city of ruffled. one of them was the sum of all just arrows, a bureau to the service. the both reporters would navigate the idea of how deemed a safe so was when they called they were traveling and was hit by miss sile, a 3rd person jet was serious, injured, and the father of one of the bates hymns. he said the world has turned a blind eye to the suffering and gossip. the value means whether the world should see this with its own eyes and not to israel's view. they have to listen and see all that's happening to the palestinian people. what did, how does that do to them? what did the family do to that? what did the civilians of guys are due to that the world is blind to what's happening in gaza? the seller face, we have no choice, but to be patient that the,
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i'm a, according to the committee, to protect gen, list $77.00 reporters, including 70 palestinians have been killed, sofa look reports the children believes the idea of is deliberately targeting them . that is really uh, drones targeted a car, a tv car belongs to 2 of my colleagues and most of us. so what i uh do those our friends here in the ground, the working really hard. uh we meet every day and we was working together in the field here and goes us trip. we travel from location to another every single day to deliver uh, the advice of the palestinians to the world homes. most the font was working this morning as usual. and the roof on the lot close to any ongoing flashes not close to close to uh,
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is there 80 or about the operation? the targeted the car that was driving the most uh if you want inside the car, we feel really bad to see our friends buying every day because these are the voices all for the house. and it's very necessary to mention that these careless, these workers be out of working really hard time. they are actually scared to visit the farm families. if we talk about before a few months from now, the law homes, i lost his wife at home, lost his son, and his mom, i addressed his family, watch him thing inside. one of the houses in the southern areas and the safe area on their house is gone. targeted by the workplace. he lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say, mean for example,
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if i would like to visit my father, my father sheltering and one of the houses in and drop off city. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the would like to stay was target meeting and i would love one of them. my family members for example it's, it's scary. it's a scary to share our experience to the world. it's unbelievable how so nobody will believe what we say, because the body is actually getting punished by the government by the is we're in the southern areas and off on safety. it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto that and you're not doing to stop delivering con coverage. what happening here in the ground? we always be always targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground for capturing every single
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evans every single day to target this people will use secretary of states on c, blinking has expressed his condolences for the journalist on civilians killed in gaza. but he did fail to condemn israel. this is an emmanuel tragedy. and that's also been the case for, as i said, far too many innocent palestinian men, women, and children civilians. also a journalist college standing. another one is far too many but area, my colleague mike a quarter to discuss this with steven and labor rights lawyer done colleague. and he said that washington simple thing. israel's efforts to push the palestinians off of gaza in the us, of course is supplying the bonds in the munition for these attacks. in fact, as a israel has been carrying out this flooding campaign against kaiser,
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the by the administration has been set has sent 5 100-2000 pound box. they're dropping to 1000 pound bombs on densely populated urban areas which has of course, the effect the intended effect of killing large numbers is civilian. so of course, blinking does not want to admit that the us is behind the these attacks before we go to the next question after the blinking also said, but the idea must not force palestinians to leave gas. but let's listen to that quote. for us, testing civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gas. we reject the statements by something's really ministers and lawmakers, calling for a re settlement policy and these outside of guys. these statements are responsible there, inflammatory,
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so blinking says the palestinians should be allowed to return to their homes in gazda, but they have been, you know, to have been reports that the us has been seeking for all the nation. still host palestinian refugees does blinking statement. so a change in us policy on this issue. what do you think? no, i don't think it does. i mean, let's face it the u. n. has been calling for the right of return for palestinian since 1948. and no one is in force that right and the u. s. is not going to enforce that right now. the u. s. is given a blank check to israel to carry out the destruction of gods and making it uninhabitable. in fact, the wind has recently said causes now uninhabitable of israel's creating the conditions is that they want to be able to force the godson's out of that area in the us is supporting what israel's doing to that extent. so the words of people like lincoln and bite and i just can't be taken seriously what they're
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saying, one thing and doing another problem. the only way that they will prevent those things from happening is if they feel politically they have to stop. i think the political cost is increasing in the united states. the pro test are continuing. they're not a bathing at all a bite and is being punished not only at the polls for this, but he's losing. i just read hundreds of volunteers for his campaign over the guys issue. perhaps that is something that will force biden's hand to change or something. but sure to that only bite is that the intention of changing course. he's made it clear that he does not support this is by. but again, i hope that will be the will of the american people may change their reports as without borders, which is an international media rights organization. is claims to have down played violence against palestinian john lists,
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and it's on your report for that opinion piece. do you head over to our web sites oxy dot com? when staying with the boy in gaza, despite is really claims the city of rough. i instilled the gaza is a safe zone for those displaced. the idea of house is still carried out. strikes on the city according to local authorities. well, if the people have been killed and be sent to tax, this is the searching just as is happening to us. why are they doing this to us? my brother was killed, they killed all my family. we fled from northern gather to the city of russell. my husband was scaled. my husband sisters were killed. they killed my brother, my uncle, they killed everyone and no if it's enough, we're tired of the war this morning before the show at us when we were sleeping and killed. 33 people in the house, mostly children and women, and many others were injured. no one here belongs to any military organization. the in the middle of the night,
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we woke up to the sound of showing very close to us. this is my house. many were killed and rescue teams could not help everyone. then a nearby place was hit. that's why the rescue team had to go to another place and left people under the rubble. the owners of the house were displaced from northern garza. they have no military affiliation. they are civilians, they have nothing to do with any political organization. according to the palestinian health ministry, nearly tons, 3000 palestinians have been killed and over 58000 injured in gaza as the results of the idea attacks since the 7th of october. and the $8000.00 people are still felt we missing beneath the rubel and an estimate of one point. 9000000 have been displaced to make it administrative level. there are strikes everywhere from the east to the west, from the south to the north. there's danger everywhere. it only affects civilians,
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not the other people. nothing is happening to them. civilians who believe they were safe and their houses faced the stranger. we don't know what to do. the house knew ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many destined injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck. for civilians, we have no weapons and no connection to the resistance fighters. the people were minding their own business when a drone hit them with a missile. more than 50 people with mazda and wounded enough with this injustice children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should spear all of the civilian deaths selling does a climes every since idea if it's act on job value in the know if has claimed more palestinian lives. here we can see people searching for survivors. a mid street splits a with wreckage and bodies. we heard from an eye witness to the bombing,
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and here's what i have to say. no, i mean, at 8 o'clock we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings. door 83 women and 22 men in the home. at the time, we were displaced to job aliya without any belongings. as per these really instructions, that's my brother and his son and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. so let's these really minutes. it continues so to bombard the palestinian enclave. conditions and hospitals remain grave in northern causes. jamalia palace, published in red crescent society volunteer is a struggle to help engine palestinians. and this video posted on exponent switch at medics treats a wounded man in the dog while a stuff member holds a torch. is comes in. all of the parts of the enclave remains without power, fuel or medical supplies. meanwhile, moving down to central gaza. israel's targets in the x, the hospital with intensive drone 5, that's according to the policy and health industry is just taking this as soon as
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you out would be a quotes. death sentence with thousands of wounded people. director general of the world health organization echoed those sentiments. the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning and northern garza were another w h l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so on the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage made some
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allegations that some western media outlets may have taken a predominately pro is rarely stands in the coverage of the war and gaza. cnn's own electric biases exposed in a report that says the us broadcasts a takes idea of statements is fine while sending information from the public opinion or far these. these claims were covered by the investigative news outlet. the intercept, a claim that cnn's during the bureau reviews every news item regarding israel and palestine prior to his publication by the network. there also directives on specific language to be used and avoiding when reporting on the board and gaza. seeing a jealous aust, uh task with pushing out updates, delivered directly from the idea. was that prohibited from b lanes at statements from us? yes. ball gusta also hired a form idea of so just to serve as a report to the on set to the bull. is more from the steps ok, a war crime in genocide or taboo words is rarely bombings and g, as
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a will be reported as bless attributed to nobody until these rarely, military ways in to either accept or deny or responsibility quotes and information provided by is rarely army and government officials tend to be approved quickly, while those from palestinians tend to be heavily scrutinized and slowly processed. they are a propaganda arm of the as railey zionist idea agenda. they are a propaganda arm of the. ready c, i a and m i, 6 and massage, and sion bets back in government narratives. we've seen that for quite a long time, as well as with the washington post and the new york times the general oregon's of media in the united states and the west have this deformed and decayed into these monstrous reprehensible uh, zombies of propaganda. regurgitating government scripts and,
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and plastic ideas that are, are absolute nonsense they're trying to contain. busy all the narrative blasts, instead of as really, missiles and bombs and genocide was a words that they would not list it's taboo. well that's because that's precisely the is really agenda is genocide, ethnic cleansing removal of every palestinian person killing of women and children from the gaza. strip, so the user at least can take that land, take the gas fields in the, on the ocean, outside that lands and then build a ben journey and canal through gaza. this has been the agenda. this is why this falls, flag sy, off of a hamas attacked, was engineered on over to the westbank with a 4 year old girl. is among 3 people killed in an age rarely checkpoint, call roaming and shooting us an idea of scale. it's a camera to capture this voltage of yvonne slumming into offices who then proceeded
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to open fire. the girl was in an adjacent vehicle with her mother when they were caught in the crossfire. both the mother and the child was injured in taken to hospital for the goal is to come to have wounds. and so a sudden sort of bolts of the killed at the see the bugger dish. well the thing in the countries that general action has wrapped so the prime minister is said to remain in office for a full time in a row that says the opposition party she branded a service organization. just a boy called the election policies under sharma as more mama. this is going into general elections today in voiding stations have been for bad for over 100000000 waters. there is on. so to the dean, the a little, the mean, all positions, all the in bangladesh, bangladesh, nationalists, flossie b and b, the boy quoting the elections, calling them readings, labeling the elections, a sham. now they also off for prime minister shake because he knows resignation, but that simply cannot happen. says the see not government has
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a blush. the can't take the system. what this means is that today is only she casino, who was conducting the election that she, christina, was nobody. now this obviously be waived for prominence to shake casino for 4 consecutive to our last c tons that will have been marked by a few achievements. she was braves for hosting the overall $415000000.00 economy. the government was also given credit for shares to raise the roofing. yes'm. what's land that requests acute it across the border in mind more. but the last few years they've been marked by several to test that is locked in because of the cost of living crisis because of the economic challenges that dongle dish is facing. on the hosting, you know, government. now these protests, they have been organized by ordinary citizens, but also by the opposition leaders. as critics have also
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a tuesday casino for persecution, all opposition leaders, none the less. the elections today will be monitored by, by around 127 international observers. they will also be monitored by around $5940.00 in the list, but us costs can sellers, or what fee and fair elections to remain in bobby's a while the opposition in bangladesh alleges the elections with fraudulent some international observers say the voting was for, according to the chief of the russian team of monitors in the country, all sorts has made every effort to guarantee the safety of the voting process. i'm not sure what do you remember about now? what days it is necessary to guarantee the safety and security of people and folders will come to the point stations? the state has done its best, as it seemed to me in order to ensure that citizens can safely cast their vote. what else struck me? and i would note,
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is the activity of voters who went to the polls and stood in long lines in front of the polling stations in order to vote for the future of their country. this is a real democratic process. a lot really depends on each folder and people know that their future depends on every boat. lymphoma. indian i commission and bundle dash, says the country's main opposition is to blame, full violence surrounding the general electric. i think uh the concerns uh about the elections a little more about the election widens that had broken out in uh, a correspondence from the beginning with the valley of the b and b. that means you all positioned boxy. on october 28th, the value was allowed by the government, but it's defended into why the policeman was killed and subsequently they've been off in blending of buses, binding of trees that people have lost their lives for this the be a great deal of concern among the people of bangladesh, but at the same time, the goal is to be in b as like watching the elections. it means that there is less interest in the
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elections among the people. and the field offer no of what to turn out. what is it very valuable on all of these days because the, the be in be announced. another hot dog, another strike big me yesterday and everything will be on monday morning of asking the people to not to go to offering them to wake up the election. i'm seeing that the election should be, you know, shouldn't only be headed sold because on bad people of your environments. and many of them have not filled out a towards and to the expected would share. busy of voting percentage by around 3 pm this afternoon and drop out the was around 30 percent a little less than 30 percent expected to go off to maybe 40 or 45 percent of by 4 o'clock of in the woods would still was the accounting stocking. and later this evening, when the deductible is only going to be announced tomorrow morning. if you don't see all the news now, us congressmen have clinched a budget deal as the race is on to prevent
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a government shut down the green paves the way for big financial compromise in the coming weeks is comes as lawmakers have only 12 days to finalize the bill before funding for many federal agencies expires on january the 9 save money for the rest of the governments, including the military runs out on february. the 2nd area of cost is on the topic. questioned spending programs such as a to ukraine, on the border with mexico of the over to russian. our investigators have opened a criminal case of a major rupture of the central heating system. and the most skill regents, city of adults, authorities to have started searching pharmacies of the company, the operates the boiler facility, the malfunction, $170.00 buildings, including home schools and the hospitals all left without heat and electricity. i met some of the coldest winter temperatures in yes, russian investigators have blamed the accident on an operational failure by the facilities servicing company on january 4th as
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a result of the improper operation of a boiler house by the employees of a private company in the city of pulse, a rupture occurred in the heating means, the premises of the organization that services the boiler room had been searched. technical documents have been confiscated and management is being interrogated. correspondence the rela, isabel, sent as this report from pulse. i'm here until golf, where the governor of the moscow regent has said the situation in clean balls, which is a micro district in near moscow remains very dire now. they have managed to restore one boiler to those who were affected and are working on a 2nd boiler as well. this is a result of a privatized companies mismanagement. now the, those responsible have apparently floods. now that there is an investigation or criminal investigation that has been ongoing, there has also been a temporary shelter,
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a launch for those who have been affected where people can go. because these temperatures, of course, are just dreadful, this time of year now on january 4th, as mentioned as a result of a, a, a breakage in and risk management. of course, there were 3 leaks that happened in this boiler room. and those leaks less people in this area without heating since january 4th. and now of course, the authorities had been fighting night and day to try to restore the heat, heating and water as well, hot water to these residencies. this includes hospitals and schools as well. but they say they were largely in the dark for nearly a day on this whole thing already is also reminded people that they can go to the heating points, whether it's the local gymnasium or the control center as well. emergency crews, just as a reminder, did eliminate the discover causes and break. there's over night in our ensuring
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that the coolants are working properly and if the radiators do freeze upon heating, they will also be fixed as well. locals did respond to these incidents. let's hear from them. yeah, we have been living without heat and light for 3 days. it is impossible to switch on any heating appliances. i am already in my 7th decade of life. where does this have never happened in my life? the bill of me was much, let's see when it was minus 27 degrees celsius. outside the temperature at home dropped to minus 7. now that it's warmer, outside, it feels a little warmer at home, which i believe there is still no heating. i wake up at night, i don't know what's going on. i'm cold, i don't sleep well and i'm trembling because i'm nervous. some residents are understandably angry because after the fall of the soviet union, a lot of these boiler rooms became privatized. and of course, as was mentioned earlier, this is a result of a privatized company,
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mismanagement people here who have lost seed has been dealing with a very difficult situation. because right now, even with a good coat, i am freezing. and uh, i, everybody hopes that this will result soon, and that is what people have to look forward to finally, firefighters in the st. petersburg that have extinguished a 2000 square me to place in a warehouse containing plastic and cardboard packaging. buildings located in an industrial area on 555 minutes around 14 units of equipment were brought in to talk of the place. and thankfully that with no reports of casualties. well, that's a rock for now. my name's peter scott's and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with the latest news and views you know enough to thank you for that.
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the . i own the release of russian states. never as i've started as soon as the most sense community best most i'll send send the same assistance to bob must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission, the state on the rush, putting and supports the r t. suppose next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say? even closer to
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the now you need your research, typically fucking you said to me, i think you know what kim's, in the book the national shifts knew very the young showcase is used nathaniel. so he's going into the, by the ways that the boys the, the most new and that'll be for them imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them for the that
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the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or attention. welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. it's been just over a month since israel failed to prevent massive palestinian resistance retaliation for decades of slaughter in gaza. the response from telling me is thousands of children killed by major nation back multi 1000000000 dollar military industrial complex. un secretary general engineer gutierrez, won the world not to treat the atrocities of october the 7th, as if they happened to in the vacuum. and though historian has done more to explain the context of mass murder in palestine than professor eli and pop
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