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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EST

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the police, the world, the, the humanitarian groups decry the idea sold to run one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central gals, which a spark them off. so by the way, sion of the facilitate college really are a striking southern gals that leads to journalists that the cell apologize. 0 is bureau chief, is among the victims the, the world is blind to what's happening in gaza plus the emerging new world order. and the crisis of international relations is the focus in new delhi where that falls, club, russia, india conference is being held for the 1st time, the,
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it's 10 am and the russian capital this monday, january, the 8th, that one. welcome to another news week. your nor to international, let's get into our top story. the world health organization saves for the past 12 days. it's been only able to reach northern garza, the military and group says it's the latest attempt to deliver supplies to the impossible region was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who remain in the part of the strip are forced to work in a critical, lots of equipment and basic necessities. this video shows palestinian reb, pressing volunteers feeding a wounded mom and made a power outage in jip malia. but hospitals across gals, there are under increasing pressure according to an assessment from one end you 10 less than in children become amputees every day. there's a local journalist with
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a distressing report from northern cal, so which has been rummaged is really bumming rate one much. the new massacre was perpetrated by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gaza strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting and over 80 fatalities a numerous injuries. i am currently amidst the pile of bodies and debris in this house, while rescue team struggled to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that of the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombed by occupation aircraft yesterday, dozens of martyrs remain under the rubble of civil defense. teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night. we managed to rescue several injured individuals and transport them to medical points in the north. the the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific. slaughter of the abu elder family continues severed limbs,
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a building of over 5 floors, more than 10 families residing in it, and dozens of martha's beneath it. we continue searching for remains under the debris. gruesome massacre, as you can see with the limbs of women, children, one of the elderly and use this house shelter, displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the sa fatah, we area after some of them were detained and later released. these railey army directed them to the opera. well, the families house where they thought they were safe. however, f. 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets of the children, women, the innocent youth that i don't know, israel's targets are civilians. distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance presence in this and families are displaced and seeking refuge. we say god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of
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affairs as our prayer against them. this is much at all but known to many working in the ars transportation line. and the alan b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned, and the saw photography area, or message to the silent on just international community. witnessing the killing of women children. and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appeal to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupation series of atrocities in northern gauze, it continues. this family fled from the south. it's how we area to the food area in search of safety. however, is rarely occupation forces and systems stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers and casualties. some were upsetting images here
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from the jet valley, a refugee camp showing the aftermath of another idea strikes about, reportedly killed police 20 civilians. we heard from an eye witness harmony. at 8 o'clock we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings, door, 83 women and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced a job, lia, without any belongings. as per these rarely instructions, that's my brother and his son, and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. to me, the escalating is really invasion of gals, it'd be idea, has released this for the jump, its troops and action on the ground. the country's military officials claim the so called framework of from us in northern cal, so has been completely destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last, right the entire year. but let's take, you know, to central guns or we're
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a local media reporting. 8 people have been killed by an idea of strike on the ton of their, our beloved earlier gals and health officials like choose israel of targeting the lock. so hospital there withdrawing fire. the palestinians also emphasize the taking, the facility i took the service would be a quote desk sentence for thousands of wounded situation consults, have been deprived by m. s. s, the doctors without borders. and you as well as the head of the. busy health organization the health facility report is immense, needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and it staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning and northern garza were another w h l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital
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remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so on the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage. what further? so it is really stepping off. it's are a strong, some of the gals in border city of rough up, despite previously calling it a safe zone for civilians. at least 7 people were killed and the latest, the talk on a side housing the displace we heard from some of the survivors. this is the searching just as is happening to us. why are they doing this to us? my brother was killed, they killed all my family. we fled from northern gather to the city of russell. my husband was scaled. my husband sisters were killed. they killed my brother, my uncle, they killed the free one a know if it's enough, we're tired of the war this morning before the show at us while we were sleeping
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and killed. 33 people in the house, mostly children and women, and many others were injured. no one here belongs to any military organization. in the middle of the night, we woke up to the sound of showing very close to us. this is my house. many were killed and rescue teams could not help everyone. then a nearby place was hit. that's why the rescue team had to go to another place and left people under the rubble. the owners of the house were displaced from northern gaza. they have no military affiliation. they are civilians, they have nothing to do with any political organization. i want to show you this as well as scores of thousands us. we've been hearing how being free informed i'd cities. and many of them have set up comp right on the script, southern shores. and the carnage of the war, the tranquillity of the coastline has brought some much needed rest. spike to locals, as well as an endless supply water over at the banking supplies. here's the story.
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some of them shared with us. what's the width times of the war? i came here because it's the only place where i feel like i'm way from it. i came to get rid of the most fear of the war we were deprived of life, so we'll look for a place to live near the sea. we come here every day, so that would be the oil really old memory slide. the life will leave before the war. i tried to renew these memories. we were forced out of our homes because of the heavy bombing y, as of course the see, here's the only thing that helps us. we can bring the fresh air here. we also use it for drinking in washing because there's no portable or usable water. there's no ground water. sea water is the only one in front of us. i hope that there will be a cease fire soon and we will return to our homes if the house has remained well enough for far from where those people were speaking, 2 journalists were killed. buying is really are a strike that happened near the golf and city of ton eunice. one of them was the
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son of alger zeros bureau chief. the service the, the reporters were in an area, the idea had deemed the safe. so when the car they were traveling in was hit by a missile, a 3rd passenger was seriously injured, no jersey or is what else do who lost his soul in this striking saves the international community, has turned a blind eye up to the suffering and gets of the value 9 when the world should see this with its own eyes and not to israel's view, they have to listen and see all that's happening to the palestinian people. what did, how does that do to them? what did the family do to the what did the civilians of guys are due to then? the world is blind to what's happening in gaza. this is our faith. we have no choice, but to be patient. i'm. i'm according to the committee to protect journalists and g o, at least $79.00 media workers of being killed in gals as since october 7th,
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local reporter homes, which i told us more about the latest that's on the fatal danger involved than just doing your job. in the end that is really uh, drones targeted uh, car uh tv car belongs to to all my colleagues and most of my thoughts. so what i uh, comes up to those our friends here in the ground. the working really hard uh we meet every day and he was working together in the field here and got this trip. and we travelled from location to another every single day to deliver uh, the advice of the palestinians to the world. most of the fall was working this morning as usual and real fast at the close to any outgoing flashes. not close to close to uh is there any off the
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ground? the proration the targeted the car. the was driving the most the one inside the car, and we feel really bad to see our friends buying every day because these are the voices of the house. and it's very necessary to mention that these careless, these workers be out working really hard time. they are actually scared to visit their own families. if we talk about the families for a few months from now, the law homes, almost his wife's house last has, has the consent. and his mom i addressed his family was filtering inside. one of the houses in the southern areas and the safe area of their house has gone targeted by the workplace. he lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say mean for example, if i would like to visit my father,
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my father sheltering and one of the houses and drop off city. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the what mike is say was target me and i lost one of the my family members for example. it's, it's scary. it's a scary to share our experience. so the one, it's unbelievable how so nobody will believe what we say, because the body is actually getting punished by the government, by the name of the southern areas, and it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto that and you're not doing to stop delivering cod coverage. what happened here in the ground we all was the old was targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground for capturing every single evans every single day to target these people.
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now international experts are sitting down and you deli, to mull over what's been called a crisis of international relations and made an emerging multi pooler world that makes up a half the slice of the agenda at the 1st ever balls club, russia, india conference, which kicked off this monday in the asian countries, comfortable city. let's go live now to delhi and speak to ortiz range in shaw my range, and good to see you know, shortage of topics to delve into their. i'd suggest take us through 1st. if you would the significance of the event, it's huge, given the fact that this was the 1st sign that while the ease in, in the holding of by lot to on in the rough show relationship as we speak right now . it is the 2nd session a which is on the we,
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which is essentially on in the all russia relationship. the 1st session, all 4 of the biological in fact has just ended. that essentially had experts mulling over 12 single were discussing. oh, well, issues like multiple r a t the changing was the adult. also sanctions also intel eveline, regional security environment. these us, all the issues that have been discussed by several experts that i see are in new delhi. and it is very, very important. given the fact that in the last couple of years we've seen in dealt with, i'm brochure of relationship reaching new heights. but also that's also get to the been several challenges that have been forward stuff to this relationship, for example, because the sections that have been put on most for the western sanctions. and this is where all the expel of sitting here are also are mulling or how some of these issues can also be result. yeah, just looking through the list of who is actually there as well,
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ranging some notable speakers, other high profile attendees, arthur, of the full scores and lots and lots of speakers that there's about a dozen those because uh, from the russian side, about 2000 about 20 or the from the indian side as well. this collaboration uh the, the was yard uh, discussions of has done with the international foundations your call the recall on the foundation. so this is a collaboration of salt and the session today in fact, started around 10 am local time the of the day. today's been divided into 2 thoughts. 2 sessions, like i said, it's essentially about in the rochelle relationships, but also are the challenges that are being forced to resist relationships. law offered examples several challenges we've seen in the last couple of years when the, when the receptionist put on russia, russian oil, for example, india, russia, all these polls they walk to need to become all came up with solutions. for example,
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doing trade in milton pharmacies. they, they found ways to walk in a new world order be a band, the traditional and dominant ways of doing trade in the world. and now that's exactly what all the details. here are geo political exports, industry leaders. that's what they're mulling over of this one child and see for example, the recent one which is still banned on a russian diamond that directly impacts india. and because of sitting in the consumer up, that's the hub of diamond polishing and coffee, that the industry will be majorly impacted. so these are some of the discussions the course of course to face to do. yeah. just expanding on that. as you know, talking the talk is one thing of course, but how does the authentic expect it to influence relations just as you've been leading arthur between russian india and d. b on of the unit in soft old
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eyes or not on the when, which is happening in the capital city of india, new delhi, this relationship bill, you deli mall, school relationship is a special one. and in fact, the very fact that the 2 countries have been becoming to those are the northern just films of trade, but also the historic partnership, the friendship, and just sort of to is very sound good. a wizard, most school in december and really to swinson by laughter relationship. and now we're seeing this, this event happening in uh uh, in the capital city or india. so that's the office if we can expect a lot of challenges that that perhaps would be, oh, will come through this particular for them. the challenges that i mentioned about sanction several sanctions that have that have been slapped on most school by the west and how that has impacted the relationship between indian 8 and russia. the
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tree and relationship for example, which both the countries of very successfully some of us so far. but of course, this is a new world or those surfaces of both the countries are talking about discussing about there's going to be a press conference which will happen sometime later in the day. and of course, we get more details as to what are some of the key outcomes to do? yeah, we watch with interest. you set it up. great. thank you very much. as all of us, richard r t for engines strongly reporting from the 1st ever of baltic club, russia, india, conference in new delhi. for more all why relations between russia and india are making strides despite western pressure. r t dot com. how's you coverage? we've got analysis compar vin good to who had safe effect and under the foundation, which is co hosting the conference in the now with all eyes really on guys at currently the sabotage of the north stream
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pipelines in september 2022. it's a distant memory for some, and that's the way it seems. the west likes it. the a tuck left. you are up with a cheap, unreliable supply brushing guns. but even countries, there are no rush to investigate who was actually behind the bombing ortiz marine across river recaps. the allegation from to lecture prize winner seymour hers, who points the finger of blame of washington. when it comes to the north string pipeline of types, 2023 was the year when the masks finally dropped. the years started with the soft and revelations, a world renowned investigative journalist seymour hersh. according to his inside sources, it was washington. the blue, often north spring gas pipelines. as long as you are framing dependents on the pipelines for cheap natural gas, washington was afraid that countries, like germany would be reluctant to supply you credit and with the money in weapons that needed to defeat russia. it was that this unsettled moment,
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the by the authorized jake sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan. options were to be on the table. the only one with a match, similar harsh explains everything in great detail, as well as how it was executed under the guise of the annual nato exercises held in the vicinity of the explosions a few months earlier for the public. it was the traditional drills where participating nations could exercise a myriads of capabilities that demonstrate the inherent flexibility of maritime forces, including mine clearance operations, explosive ordinance, disposal, and diving and salvage operations, or the perfect smell experience plants, a few bombs. they could then designate remotely, with nor waste help. on september 26th, 2022. i know region navy p h surveillance planning made assuming of the routine flights and dropped to so in a boy. the signal spread on the water initially to no stream to and then on to
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north stream one. a few hours later, the high powered sea for explosives would trigger $2.00 and $3.00 of the full pipelines with potential commission. within a few minutes pools of methane gas, that remains and to shut that pipelines could be seen spending on the water surface of the world loans. that's something you're a vessel and taking place. so then i did want a pulitzer prize for not only expos thing. the my lai massacre but it's cover, i'm doing the vietnam more was now blowing the whistle on the you is governmental once again. it's all nonsense. according to the white house, this is actually forced and complete fiction. these blast did not occur on us soil . i would leave it to our partners on whose territory, on whose soil as it were on these plastic or to speak to the appropriate investigate it back in as well. they also claimed to know nothing. there had been 3 separate investigations and so the aside carried out by germany, sweden and denmark. they all concluded that it was an act of sabotage. but as for
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who did it crickets, then it was donald trump turned to deliver a bombshell that was there in an interview with tucker carlson, where he said that it was washington indeed, behind the explosions. we bought the north stream pipeline. i don't want to get our country in trouble, so i won't answer it. but uh, i can tell you who it was. it was russia. yeah. but when they blamed rushes, you know, they said rush, you blow up their own pipeline. you gotta kick out of that, went to it wasn't rush. so i won't answer the question only because i don't want to get our country here any deeper than they already are. but it's sort of well, so it's, we have, you know, we have the most incredible equipment. i rebuild our whole military, we have things that are you can do anything if there's a way to could tell you that it wouldn't make sense for ross. so it's a blow up its own pipelines, especially since it would give the united states
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a huge advance of something they had made as of right after the attacks. here's a reminder, just how much it benefited america. this is also a tremendous opportunity. it's a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on russian energy and us to take away from a lot of recruitment. just as a spotlight was shining brightly on the you was a new corporate emerged courtesy of to american newspapers who claimed that it was ukraine, that did it. so let's get this straight. 3 investigations failed to find the culprit with a suite us prosecutor, claiming that the circumstances were difficult to investigate, but not so difficult for the new york times. and the washington post. it seems so who was lying mounted in ski and jet, created 48 year olds can know who served in ukraine. special operation forces was the calls and they tell them old stream operation. people familiar with his role
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said, manage, and logistics and support for a 6 pass and team that's trying to the sale boat on to full side entities. and he has deep sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines. you intelligence reviewed by us officials suggests that the pro ukrainian group carried out the attack on the node stream pipelines last year. a step to determining responsibility for an active sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the atlantics a month. according to the plan received by the dutch military intelligence and security service, the commander in chief of the cleaning armed forces general valerie's allusion. he was in charge of the operation against nord stream, which involved a small team of divers, traveling on a sailing boat and was supposed to take place mid june 2020 to the dutch intelligence services, then informed the us who made contact with ukraine via the ca to were in the boss,
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the report says, let's just think about the implications of this version just for a 2nd. first of all, the idea that a group of foreigners were able to not only reach these pipelines deep on the water, but place explosives and then designate them without being noticed. sounds very far fetched. second of all, what does it say about european security? they supposedly have the in so after all these pipelines are or were a crucial part of the european energy infrastructure. and finally, this version of events implies that ukraine either doesn't care about c, i a warnings, or is in control of its own people. i am president and i give orders accordingly. nothing of the sort has been done by ukraine. i would never act that way. i didn't know anything. 100 percent. i said, show us proof if our military is supposed to have done this,
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show us proof. here's what's interesting, the man in question, the one who's being portrayed as a mastermind is already behind bars, which is very convenient. don't you think he denies any involvement then? claims that based speculations are being spread by russian propaganda. but it was a russian propaganda. the pin this on him, it was the west in fast up the end of the year. lot of our puts in himself said that it was washington that was most likely behind the of fact we we didn't blow up north stream one or north stream to most likely the americans did it or someone did it up on their suggestion. so where does that leave us whole fingers pointing at the west, which is points in that ukraine, which is pointing nowhere at this point. the key elements of the west version is that the latter mercer lensky knew nothing about this operation, which doesn't say much about his ability to control his own government. but it's a version that absolves both by the end. so let me just confirm any blame,
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allowing them to continue pushing 4 more ac frame. meanwhile, your roommates silence, demonstrating just how easy it is to attack essential parts of europe and infrastructure. and to get away with it. the world has to offer a plane for to start boeing is in hot water over an incident that so one of its jets make an emergency landing after losing a door in mid flight over the us. some of the other. boeing 737, max, 9 or liners. i've been branded by american authorities until they're properly investigated. safety is our top priority, and we deeply regret the impact this event has had on our customers and their passengers. we agree with and fully support the phase decision to require immediate inspections of 7379 airplanes with the same configuration as the affected airplane
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. in addition, a boeing technical team is supporting the n t s b's investigation into last night's event. we will remain in close contact with our regulator and customers. the incident happened on friday when a portion of the or letters fuselage was blowing. i'd shortly after take off from portland, oregon. the plane promptly turned buck blunted, safely with 171 passengers. um 6 pre members and several other countries. i've also been quick to broaden their fleets of the same jets pending for a boeing 737 mux plains, which entered service and 2017 already built off by loan. wanted record back in october 2018. 189 people died after one such get crushed off the coast of indonesia due to so called design flaws and maintenance on 5 months after that like fresh in e, c o b, a. so the depths of a 157 people on board,
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another plane of the same model, the investigation of f tragedy pointed to a problem with the jets sense. well, let's dig crossed life now to be a fuel being capital. busy and speak to are craft expert, you almost, and men cure casa out meant here ation consulting. you're most welcome. just as we're hearing there boeing, a pretty long history of incidents, including deadly ones, with its 737 marks or craft. what do you see is the main problem or problems with those planes the right of time care for? i really, 1st of all um, browse these uh things are an activity are very uh new uh compared to other products that are in service. so there might be some issues that are still going on um, but eventually.


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