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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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on the, the, the headline and humanitarian groups to cry. the id sold around one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central garza, which is the baltic, massive actuation of the facility, the series still they've onto the streets of germany when massive crowds of farmers block roads to protest. think government tons such agricultural subsidies faster and emerging new well, the crisis of international relations is the focus in new delhi where they found like club russia, india conference is being held for the 1st time. the
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a very well welcome to you. this is all to international with the latest world news update, as always is great to have you with us. our top story this uh the world health organization stays for the past 12 days, is being unable to reach northern garza, the humanitarian group. this latest attempt to deliver supplies to be in baffled wage and was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who remain in that part of the strip of forced to work committed, critical lock of equipment on basic necessities. this video shows palestinian wordpress and full instead of treating a wound does not admit a power outage, and to bother you. hospitals across garza, on the increasing pressure, according to an assessment from one n g o 10 pallets to be in, children become amputees every day. he's a local journalist with a distressing report from northern garza, which is being ravaged by his wally bombing raids. it was the new massacre was
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perpetrated by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gaza strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 fatalities and numerous injuries. i am currently amidst the pile of bodies in debris in this house, while rescue team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that, oh the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombs by a taishan aircraft yesterday, dozens of dead remain under the rubble of civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night we managed to risk several injured the, the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific. slaughter of the alba family continues severed limbs, a building of over 5 floors. more than 10 families residing in it,
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and dozens of dead beneath that. the roof of massacre, as you can see with the lives of women, children, one of the elderly and youth. this house shelter displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the south fatah. we area after some of them were detained and later released. these railey army directed them to the aba. well, the families house where they thought they were safe. however, f. 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets. children, women, innocent youth, israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance presence in this in families are displaced and seeking refuge. we say god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer against them. this is much it, although no to many working in the ours transportation line. the and the island,
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the crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned in the cell photography area. or message to the silent on just international community. witnessing the killing of women children and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appeal to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupation series of atrocities and northern gauze. it continues. this family fled from the south. it's how we area to the food area in search of safety. however, is rarely occupation forces, insistence stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers, i'm casualties, symbol upsetting images head from the job alley, a refugee capturing the off the mouth of another idea of strike. they were supposedly killed at least 20 civilians we had from an eye witness no harmony.
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at 8 o'clock we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings. door, 83 women and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced to job aliya without any belongings, as per these rarely instructions. that's my brother and his son and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. amid the escalating is really invasion of gone . so the idea has released to this footage of its troops in action on the ground. the country's military officials came to so called framework of her mouth, a northern gauze that has been completely destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last throughout the entire year. and meanwhile in central gone. so local media reporting aids, people have been killed by an idea of striking the town of the la area gone. and health officials accused as well of targeting the al access hospital that was drones via the palestinians also emphasized that taking the facility out of service
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would be a quote. that sentence, for thousands of wounded people. situation has also been declined by m. s. s b doctors without borders and g o, as well as the head of the world health organization. the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but stuff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families. there to be protected from strikes and hostilities, no hospitals are functioning in northern garza were another w h. l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so in the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage in the
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neighboring city of han eunice on the strength of his though t talk. it sort of a nice according to the is really military. the palestinian authorities on media have accused as well of targeting civilians and journalists that were posted a month or so. i'm on bring, says this report from the city despite the challenges disliked the lot with fluids, walters vacations, despite the lack of safety and security. despite having tags. heating the bullets, heating to ask a few 100 meters close to where we are, the 10s of thousands of refugees, civilians that has been displayed. the rates that trust yesterday was almost as if these days when it comes to casualties. here is how numerous in the south over 220 have been murdered. why the ios and many others hundreds help with incense
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across different areas he's doing this, have been killed including the sun so that it's going to have additional funds to get together with his for the 3 of us. it's the side of the for julie, this however, we continue to the board to display all the towns and we're proud to be part of this network. thank you to the audience for, for tennessee. this thing to us for the south as well as stepping up. it's as strikes on the doors in boulder, city of russell, at this spot, previously cooling, get a safe zone for civilians. and the 7 people were killed in the latest attack on his side housing, the displaced with high from some of the surviving. this is the searching just as is happening to us. why are they doing this to us?
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my brother was killed, they killed all my family. we fled from northern gather to the city of russell. my husband was skilled, my husband's sisters were killed. they killed my brother, my uncle. they killed every one a know if it's enough, we're tied of the war this morning before the show it us while we were sleeping and killed. 33 people in the house, mostly children and women, and many others were injured. no one here belongs to any military organization. the in the middle of the night, we woke up to the sound of showing very close to us. this is my house. many were killed and rescue teams could not help everyone. then a nearby place was hit. that's why the rescue team had to go to another place and left people under the rubble. the owners of the house were displaced from northern gaza. they have no military affiliation. they are civilians, they have nothing to do with any political organization. is there any prime
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minister netanyahu is finance, chief of bessolo, a smoke which has referred to gauze and does not see send it in to be with is wally media that says he just always waiting several months to be expanded to inside gaza . and with the displacements of thousands of palestinians, however, pre sort of as low as some of these real needs to control goes up for a long period of time to look out union and to corrupt, turned into a helpless terrace because there is no soul control there waiting to build a jewish presence in regards to the troops, so they will have a jewish presence for a long period of time. because the for and there, there will be to me when that says that wants to kill us every time to wake up in the morning. we will not exist for wake up in the 10 or 15 years through new 7. so look, tobar the incoming diminish law. we found the best on chad and update your we're still in development funds. safety is waiting. finance minister is the humanizing palestinians to justify more killing. this is how board kinds i committed the 1st of all you'll see here when i the other side. so he says
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$2300000.00 for less than he is on or now is, is there is no single, you know, so even the baby and as is it, so that's how it is just a 5 to kill all of them. so is it a, if all of them on this, then from a model and point of view we, we, uh, we have a just close to could everybody, these i'm nice is, these are the moods, these are i see that i've no human beings that are normal the city is even the babies out of the accused of being this and they want against does and what's happening in the west bank through the settlements. and the displacement is also a just want to get it. there is what i saw in the this, these phonetics motivated by i told you in whatever they make in the
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form of the beginning of the year. and in that was again because the us bank, this has been what the vision i seen a come on the all the hezbollah and each round, one military forces and 11 on has been killed during it, as rainy as strike on the village of much dow self report would say that he and another fine to were killed when they call was hits in the phone 5 minutes. that's plus live to tackle gentleness of my like color. now to get more details, i thank you for joining us. malik is good to see you. so what they tell us kind of give us about the latest about the strike. a good start started as a car was when one of the leaders of his beloved was with an assistant. his name is with some of the has made it to the name is or what we know that he some of that is or is that he was the one in charge for the made one at these a apartment at the end of this saturday. i'm for the 1st time since the law
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announces beckoning or destination of one of the members using that to lead that we're talking about the 2nd class that interest, beloved. he's the 1st of his back can or estimated by the is the, is this like kid, the 2000? 19 the 16. when was the gene was estimate the image cdn we are talking about a he the ability that such as the law, someone who that is certainly these are the thing about the marketing and assistant, i think because the quoting him, the one responsible for all the finishes on this house and board this with dr. bye for the sign meetings. the northern borders of what we know so far is that this man, in his forties, has been one of the close at keeping to the very high end said cut off his beloved, talking about the pictures the these by the minute city, information or minutes, a need yet by system, while we're talking about his being pretty close to, i must have the tools,
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the team sites from us online deposits. so they manage. so we're talking about how did i forget and it has the level, which means that this is an indication of higher distribution. and that's what it is i actually to talking about having a very well planned search. it can a q to see a 5 minutes to have a has the lead toward a result of each case he belongs. if i'm in the a white search, he is as a brother and marked it up as the law. i'm also an uncle to cut out there is what else we must do lunch. so we are talking basically about a night. is us as a nation, or they started getting on the very close by them and of, of hezbollah, and saw the bench as the where he was target that somewhere, not too far from the borders. so this news that we are going to hire escalation, we are waiting for the official announcement, the announcing his picture and his name because we are the see and people and they
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are expecting that this is not going to go on on such especially that the targeting my, anyone, um, anybody's was just calling to be a good argument action to a sort of a lot of the estimation and the last week and maybe so i understand the local media and 11 on has already quoted on name security sources that say that this killing will escalate tensions between is well on the 11 and the given the status of this non code as you which is telling us what can you tell us about husbands reactions so far and we don't have any offices extra so far. besides, the official announcement of that has getting between the one that has below usually does not answer or the subject i am directing. they wouldn't have the destination, they did not the state and, and just stick back a step by. they did not as to how solid i what is the estimation and his companions
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inmate which a way they acted, actually after 6 days after 2 speeches for the safe house on the line with what the fee is. but, but to this is the terms i've had on the used when huge a told about the action. so this was really the main one. and so i was, i mean this so i can open but that wasn't something to go by. so i could knock up sort that $62.00 bits to be a strong on the highest highest level. as so as far as the base in northern palestine was not something that is a good accept. and the fact that the estimate that they acted by estimating were some of these does us that they, yes, we are going into a more complicated level escalation. that's my sewage. um, it is fixed and a sense the nose of uh, engagement. however, it would not be as contained as it was for the past few months. i say, well,
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can you tell us about the background behind this story? because we know the tensions have been escalating alone about food a since october. and also do you think that this could influence the potential expansion of the conflicts and the mitigation? does that depends on how high school a decides to respond as well. it's well, it depends mainly on what has the law is going because of the lot. so was the response to those. however, we all know that this is going and put it in with antenna jenkins visit to a certain distance like surfaces to is trying to show support over this time it comes with and many uh, the lines from that make and, and who station and it is and reflected in need, yes, that the, the us as the interested and expanding the works of. but this is not only because it's kind of take what the word ordered and can handle the word. it's mainly because it's not going to be able to defend itself in
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a word i guess before we are talking about strikes doesn't i really they, they indicate very high levels of security analysis and security information. so basically if this is the case when it's most award, and we've been holding onto the engagement and this is what search has on has that if we go to award without north of engagement, they don't just do something to, to defend and stating, but also, and gauge meant before, as i said, the nation is going to and the exit to me and, and as they are making it to the office of college. and if you was a target that city is of the is right. i going to be 30 this huge. he talked about bush done a specific area and is very good. so basically we are talking about this condition that's heating all. we might not see that the air strikes are being bathing the to
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day, but it's month to expect. it's like he's up in the coming to days depending on how the is where he's going to take the action to sign it and i'm too close. that's fine. as a beginning, i'm going to take that action off. uh we sometimes estimation. i see many things to speak interested. i really appreciate your time. we've been talking to lebanese during the less of my life colored, speaking through his life from a route thank under his ball would i have on the streets of germany, west schools of farm is that protesting the government is trying to slash agricultural subsidies. rows of tract, if they've built roads in several cities including but then the main avenue leading to the brands and the gates as being paralyzed demonstrations. so the government's proposed cutting of tax cuts will put many farms in the strain, the nationwide strong, because already spread to other cities, including new next trust in your new brandenburg and also for also you contributing right to mazda and as well quite the rock is here in berlin right now,
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i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and uh, on this side of the gate. you have all this action kind of a street party vibe, bono, font atmosphere. and we have a whole load of trucks and tractors to behind me. these are farming workers from all over germany who have decided to converge on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be a multi day protests leading up to a giant protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now, why are they here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the schultz coalition government has called back some tax breaks that they've benefited from. traditionally, the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the, especially in this type of really high energy prices and especially for them with a very energy intensive food production work that they do. they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and
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that's been cut. and well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government got, when did the fact that there was going to be some protests action. they did roll it back a little bit on that. so those subsidy types and they said the outcome will just slow roll it. and instead of just hitting you with a subsidy cut all together right now. well, just rolling out gradually, so they the government slow rolling it and they're slow, rolling it right up to random virg gate. the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey, if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may as well take it out for
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a spin. why is this going on? why is the government decide to do this now? why they cut me down hard on the farmers and the farmers specifically, especially at a time when the government's energy policies skyrocketing enterprises incorporated into the production of food are really having these guys hardwell. as it turns out, soldiers, governments, earlier this year, besides very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a cobit recovery. i guess it is a slush fund to transfer it over to a green industry fund. and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts and the court said, hey man, you've got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well, they were 13000000000 euros who weren't so sure it's policy. government took a look at their portfolio of places where they can tax and spend and they decided farmers or it all of that fits into the much larger picture here in germany,
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of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling. you hear it all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask people, you know, what do you think of the cost of living? is it pretty soon everyone just because, you know, it's just so much. so it's all way, way and very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting for the average german and, and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as a result of this government's policies international expos, amazing in new delhi to my life. it was being called a crisis of international relations. i made an emerging most the po, the world is pulling severe gender at the best of both. i tell russia in the conference which kicks off this monday and the south asian countries capital city sees it brings and shawna is best for the 1st of all, the discussion, the 1st ever, well i by left foot in new delhi, saw the participation of thousands of speakers,
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dozens of experts from both the indian side and the russian side on the agenda on the menu. issues like regional and international security sanctions, multi for the world, or for some other issues like creed in balance between india and rush out strengthening or india and rush or i'll buy lots of ties orders that was discussed close doors, which was divided into 2 sessions. now it's interesting that exports a hopeful that they wouldn't be realistic outcomes that come out of these big agenda, big di, it's also very interesting because today's event comes from the back drop off the brick summit, which russia will be holding in few months to see are also the scans as india successfully wrapped up a g 20 presidency recently. so in the back from also it becomes very, very important to the discussions that were held close store to the now sanctions
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for example, we have change. so was for the traditional way of doing trade and the recent sanctions on russian diamond for example, is something that was also a lot of discussions that happens to be a very, very solution for to get into deep uh it was. that's what the experts of really pointing at the russia india conference was held behind closed doors. but we met with the experts who attended the meeting to find out more about the issues being discussed. the very much in priorities with the launch of this dialogue and cooperation between the civic and on the international foundation and default the discussion club we are looking forward to continuing this interaction. and that today's discussion has shown that
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it is very fruitful to each other very useful to understand the policies of each other. the russians. decision community is very much you got to, to be engaged, closer with the indian, think things and as to, to, to, to do more expensive brainstorming on various issues of international policies with politics on bilateral relations. so this a dialogue that we have southern we'll continue we, we are keen to expand it so that we are engaged flow. so we like
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china on why relations between russian and the making strides, despite west and pressure. you can visit policy dot com. we have you covered like that because it got a novice to it will not be in the groups to who had to be back in on the foundation, which is co hosting be rushed to india conference in new jersey. the who owns top a plane produce a boeing getting hot water over an incident that's so one of it's just making emergency landing off the, losing the door in mid flights of the us. some of the other. boeing 737, max 9 at linus have been grounded by american will thor teeth until the property investigated for safety is our top priority, and we deeply regret the impact this event has had on our customers and their passengers. we agree with and fully support the phase decision to require immediate inspections of 7379 airplanes with the same configuration as the affected airplane
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. in addition, a boeing technical team is supporting the n t s b's investigation into last night's event. we will remain in close contact with our regulator and customers. an incident happened on friday when a portion of the i linus fuselage was blown out shortly off the table from portland, oregon. the plain promptly turned back and landed safely with the 171 passengers on 6 crew members on board. several other countries of all that being quick to grounds, the fleets of the same jets pending for southern 737. my explains which are internet service in 2017 have already owned an unenviable records. back in october 2018 at 1189 people died off the one such dead crushed off the coast of indonesia. it is so cold and design flaws and maintenance problems and just 5 months now to a question, a therapy. so with that step, a $157.00 people on board. another plane of the same model. the investigation of
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that tragedy pointed to a problem with the jets since the pilots and ation ex, but shines rec, and now the band told is boeing to build a new model rather than constantly fixing b 737, max maxwell, to build a new aircraft. it takes a quite the length of time i see decision from the boy not to design the new art across is a way to how to compete to add a bus driver to modify the old model of a $737.00 with the new and bigger engine more efficient, but of course it could create another program, in my opinion, it's better to be of the new aircraft, rather than to warranty 5737 mx as well. takes on a great to a multi po division. we discussed the african cultural heritage with nico dave is
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a con, the found of west africa, the largest alt gallery in nigeria. and you can watch the entire exclusive interview with uh on the international throughout the day from now is a short preview. the impact that the nick i sent off a lot are called joyce 14 east to teach the younger people the out for our try. heritage. so did come all this cool. any way to do what i know about the creativity of the out of the country. we, we don't know what we have if you have no data and you have to, or file watch on the song you're looking for. i'm going to different countries just to have to shawn's time. yes. and i get, i have the best, they've come for the beach. they do not have the best, the food, then yellow fries the fee. so now you have the best. why is not promote your own? is that a for more to 40? because the funding people we sit where duckett spill,
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i went to the doctor because he's.


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