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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the the humanitarian groups to cry, the idea of assault around one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central, texas, which has parked a mass evacuation of the facility. the series spills over on the streets of germany, where a large crowds of farmers blocked roads to protest the government's plan, to slush agricultural subsidies and, and emerging new world order. and the crisis of international relations is the focus, the new delhi, where the validate club of russia. india conference is being held for the 1st time, [000:00:00;00]
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the b r watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian and capital our top story in archie. the world health organization says for the past 12 days, it hasn't been able to reach northern casa, the him mandatory and group adds its latest attempt to deliver supplies to the embattled region. it was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who remain in that part of guys that are working. i made a critical lock of equipment and basic necessities. this video shows how to send in red crescent volunteers treating a wounded man during a power outage in jamalia hospitals across the guys that are under increasing pressure according to an assessment from one n g o 10 palestinian children become amputees every day. here's a local journalist with a distressing report from northern gaza,
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which has been ravaged by is rarely bombing raids. too much. the new massacre was perpetrated by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gods . a strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 fatalities and numerous injuries. i am currently amidst a pile of bodies and debris in this house, while rescue team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that of the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombed by a good patient aircraft yesterday, dozens of dead remain under the rubble of civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night we managed to risk several injured, the, the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific. slaughter of the alba family continues severed limbs, a building of over 5 floors. more than 10 families residing in it,
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and dozens of dead beneath that. the roof of massacre, as you can see with the limbs of women, children. when did the elderly and use this house shelter, displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the south fatah. we area, after some of them were detained and later released to go, these really army directed them to the wall of the family's house, where they thought they were safe. however, f, 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets. children, women, innocent youth. israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance, presence. innocent families are displaced and seeking refuge. we say god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer against them. this is much it although no to many working in the ours transportation line and the alan
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b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned. and the saw fatah, we area our message to the silent on just international community, witnessing the killing of women children, and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appealed to the entire world. after $92.00 days of war, the occupation series of atrocities, northern gods, it continues. this family fled from the south. it's how we area to the food area in search of safety. however, is rarely occupation forces and systems stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers and casualties. so some more upsetting images here from the jabante, a refugee camp showing the aftermath of another idea of strikes that report
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a lake held at least 20 civilians. we heard from an eye witness. you know, i mean, at 8 o'clock we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings. door, 83 women, and 22 men in the home. at the time, we were displaced to job aliya without any belongings. as per these rarely instructions. that's my brother and his son and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. amid the escalating is really invasion of guys, so the idea of has released to this footage of its troops in action on the ground. the country's military officials claimed the so called framework of a mos in northern gaza has been destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last throughout the entire year. meanwhile, and central dogs, the local media are reporting 8 people have been killed by an idea of striking on the town of their alba la. earlier guys and health officials accused israel of targeting the locks the hospital there with the drone fire. the palestinians also
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emphasize that taking the facility out of service would be a quote. just sentence for thousands of wounded people. and the situation has also been decried by myself, the doctors without borders and g o, as well as the head of the world health organization. the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning in northern garza, were another w h l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so in the face of such trauma,
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injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage. us in the neighboring city of con eunice idea strikes have hits 30 targets overnight. according to the israeli military, palestinian authorities in the media have accused israel of targeting civilians and the journalist their local reporter months are schumann brings us this report from the city. despite the challenges disliked deluxe and fluids, walters vacations, despite the lack of safety and security. despite having tags heating the bullets, eating the air stores a few 100 meters rose to where we are here. tens of thousands of refugees. civilians causing display relates that trust yesterday was one of those that these, these, when it comes to casualties. here is how numerous in the south over 220
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have been murdered. why the ios and many others on the tub with insects across different areas. he's in jersey. those have been killed including the sun. so that according to what additional funds for the future together with his party and 3 of us it's the side of the for j edison. however, we continue to enforce here, despite all the tenants, and we're proud to be part of this network. thank you to the audience for continuously this thing to us. meanwhile palestinian supporters interrupted us president joe biden. during his speech at the south carolina church. the protesters were calling for an immediate cease fire in casa the, the
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me, i understand. i understand the trash and i've been quietly work requiring working it is really government to get into reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can be a prime minister netanyahu is finance chief as a law smell, it's rich has referred to guidance as not seats in an interview with it's really media and that says the irs for his really settlements to be expanded into gaza amid the displacement of thousands of palestinians. high, ever pre sold valves. zillow is, israel needs to control, goes up for a long period of time to look out genuine. and to chrome turned into a couple of tears. because there is no soul control there waiting to be able to jewess, presence in the gods is true. so that will have a jewish presence for a long period of time because the for on there, there will be to me when that says that want to kill us every time to wake up in
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the morning. we will not exist for wake up in the 10 or 15 years through new 7. so look, tobar. all right, let's cross now to oh for our cost. if member of the can. that's it. how dash party, good to have you on with us today as a make sure you are the is the is really a finance minister smell. it's rich has called for the expansion of jewish settlements into gaza at the same time as referring to palestinians as nazis. i'd like to hear a reaction to that comment. the sluggish has always brought up the is a, is just one a. it's not something a new or baby failed to the palestinians of the old. the older police staying in the us is something that should not exist. don't actually they say there's nothing like police being a people. let's begin with that. but they want to get the police didn't, you know, there's one way another that's not something you. so it didn't come as a surprise, what you said express the masonic,
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but not take it as being king. and then that section which is actually the so the solves or the see the of the data the, these are still the order of soccer one. maybe the palestinians, given the saw them, does that, but also these are these given that monster could meet that by some us. what do you make of the is really settlement plans in post war gaza? how viable is that? it's slow to i have the it says it isn't masonic doing which is actually a nightmare because that's what we only bring more bloodshed and we have enough of bloodshed the. busy sides we have to finish that. they don't think about the wellbeing of people. no, and neither of these are these know the police statements. of course, they don't care about. they don't seem to live. so be but as a pod you don't care about it. i mean, those masonic fuss use they ever dis,
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this crazy. it cycle. a dream that's if they come toward what they perceive as b. b because linda is away and then the, the messiah is going to come. and then the sub jo and the, and then we have, you know, have dent general the says stuff business crazy. that's not all you can conduct politics. and of course you cannot come back to anything about the way because it's emotional. then we have to create thoughts, finality, no to emotions, and not the case ignite smells like those font does. he's the only way to put in it to the blad shit to save lives or both, but it's been in the nearby. it is, is by ending book you patient is a biased, obviously, a good policy, me an independent protesting and states at long side the state of these i, which consists of a, the way us back is it was a middle schools because
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a sweep i'm, i'm afraid that the, and it's very unfortunate to say the least, that the, the craziness of these governments, especially those miss components. i'm afraid that they're going to the office or even if, even though he minutes of the block, and we have to do something to stop it because we are talking about human beings again. is that, is it? what is the, is it like? i understand, but you have joined in the genocide that lawsuit lead by south africa into the in the international court of justice, calling israel's actions in does a genocide as a member of the as really come nessa, to what influence your decision to join in on this petition just physically allow me to be more away. i could wait. i didn't join in the the low, so it because it is the possible or the state scape, the petition i joined, but express is supp both for investigating what's going on in gaza. a, i do not want to say any cut the goal because you know,
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a conclusion before we is inspect the insect. the problem is that it is no check to investigate that. a bargain on bias, a part of your fox told so my son is signature on this. a petition is not in order to say, this is the general side. okay, in order to say, but is it the jeep to meet your needs? to investigate the troops check whether they're out drive a scheme does a sweep in general side, that's the thing that they actually signed for. now i'm going to be a bi weekly. it's a visa a little if 70 members of the can is that sign it against a specific member over the can is that can over to a fire, he must be 12. so. ringback there is going to be a discussion in there. the plan will be the can, is it? it's of them pauses,
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but they're about to eventually from 90 out of one other than 20 members of the cadets votes in order to expand maple over the concepts. so disagreement of the concept you've experienced it seems that that's going to be my lot because today the collective 70 signatures against me. and it means that very soon, perhaps even tomorrow is going to be all in the discussion of the contest. it call me t. regarding my exposure and the form, the a, the case that i want to say to physically make fast, that's not the best of at least that's a political issue. nothing's going to happen to me if i'm not going to be in the class that i'm going to survive at the headlights before. and i guess that they can leave without the contents of 2 thoughts. that's a political persecution, not to me by say, if there is an ongoing persecution of everybody, especially obviously because there was any way or any kind of criticism towards the assault and gossip. and that doesn't have to say,
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and i have to emphasize that that doesn't have anything to do with supposed varies this or for from us it, it along side of it to, to cut the nation of the spastic and kind to be also condemned. the sort of gods, because we know that, that, that story of the destruction, if i'm grew, it sets up a those out, i'm beautiful soul. and that is, i like any other states should not be high above the information that you choose to be, you know, a subject to the internet for a low. and i like everybody else. so in that sense, as i said, this is the personal issue is a political very, to ensure a smooth because it sort of gets me a schofield, it's against the, those well critic it crisco,
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if it goes they will, it's a piece. and so stopping the blog ship that's not very, very dangerous. and they, and the address being which is very vendor. this is, that's it. the reason that i signed these edition probably is because lots of topic actually requested a tempo of that decision by the quote, which means basically too hard to do. all the stuff that, well we have supported, we, when it gets that well from the beginning we a support ending that will will the sake of the hostages and the palestinians. and also these a soldier. we don't want anyone to be helped. and the only way up the wall, is this the 1st of all what, what kind of precedent do you think this lawsuit and could set and do you think that israel would abide by a ruling by the i c j calling for a cease fire or an end to the war, the i c j with
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a accept this decision and say, the fuser i must stop that will a, i truly hope sort of, as i said, for the sake of, for everybody. the police damian's walk you the mazda is in thousands and thousands, mainly chamberlain and also is i have sold joseph the hostages. that should be released. and unfortunately, the government doesn't do anything to release them. and the only way i'm afraid is to be to the i c, j. you know that to stop the war and got to wait to release the hostages on the dish. and in addition to what i said before, so a i'm, i'm afraid 5th. ready i'm not sure what's going to be the decision of the i c j. but assuming that the i c j decides that it was, should be a and the end be a good a, i'm not sure about the government, but things that is good to abide. and then it doesn't, then it should go to that a security council. go be united nations, which i'm sure that's going to
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a false gives away. but then the woman who may be that don't veto by the united states, but we have no data yet. i want to emphasize my signature ease to find any way possible to stop the war and save lives. unfortunately, they've joined the on demand of the concept. see like this move of volume of energy to make and instead of endorsed inc, i could meet with well being in the lives of people they couldn't tell me. i meant it. okay, the, the m a roddy president has reportedly rebuffed prime minister netanyahu his requests to pay unemployment stipends to more than a 100000 westbank palestinians working in israel, hoop and bard. and now from entering israel since october 7th. what action to expect is really cabinet to taking response to that. a bill. it goes deeper under the responsibility of israel. of course, i'm against the occupation and i suppose that but as being an independent state,
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that long state is right. but as long as they leave under the order of fate of is i . and so is there any of the sports that before the well being and for they are all sold for their rights. they, these are going through the international by low to the geneva convention, etc. so it, these days of the dish and insulation to supply or to the leaving those groups back to, you know, unemployment, the 5th, i'm not any one to say. ready and your secretary of state and honey blinking is worn to israel, that palestinians not must not be pressured to leave god. so why do you think is real has so far acted in open contradiction to washington statements. i don't think we have to look at the, the rest of the, of the web browser which has been a bench. i mean that the primary stuff is still. busy go in between 2 the eh, direct channels of questions, one and the ease of focus typically prevent the impression of what to do an active states. and i emphasize that seemingly because i do not see this pressure of any
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materializing. it seems to be more than a week then options, but cynically. there was a presto, by the, a, by the ministration on in the, you know, to it, you know, i know the live and of the sort of goes up to a lot. a lot of things even to multiple knows back to the know so because a sweep and to a and of course to stop any kind of crazy plan. the cream of the plan of stratosphere was the full day on the other. the end then. yeah was only interest is to stay out. the fig presentable is dependent upon the even though fanatics in his own government for the so called it choose today the way up and a really desire things. so and day as close as the gods as a fascist, as they seized
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a they want more violence against but experience they want more bloodshed. they explicitly support brands fail of the police theater. they say so very explicitly. it's not my interpretation. unfortunately, some of them even support, you know, a even more violent. it's a even causing that. that's so say this isn't under that reg. shut off by itself so that then you're always in between. but, and because of that, it seems that p a was between those 2 ports of the 12th and may sometimes it seems that the box in the code for the re way. okay, i unfortunately, i think that the eventually of the moment a, the press go when we think his government is much more aware, a powerful. okay, we're gonna leave it there over a test of member of the can. that's it. hash party, thank you. thank you. with everything,
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but anger has boiled over on to the streets of germany or scores of farmers or protests, protesting the government's plan to slash agricultural subsidies. rows of tractors have blocked roads and several cities, including berlin, where the main avenue leading to the brandenburg gate has been paralyzed. demonstrators say the government's proposed curbing of tax cuts will put many farmers under strain. the nationwide strike has already spread to other cities, including munich, dressed, and new brandenburg and austin for us are to contribute original. marsden has more like the rockets here in berlin. right now. i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and on this side of the gate, you have all this action kind of a street party vibe button on the phone atmosphere. and we have a whole load of trucks and tractors behind me, these are farming workers from all over germany. who have decided to converge on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be a multi day protests leading up to
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a guy in protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now, why that here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the shots coalition government has clogged back . some tax breaks that they've benefited from traditionally the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the especially in this type of really high energy prices. and especially for them with the very energy intensive food production work that they do, they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and that's been cut. and well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government go into the fact that there was going to be some protest action. they did roll it back a little bit on that. so those subsidy types and they said look, con, we'll just slow roll it. and instead of just taking us as a subsidy cut altogether right now, we'll just roll it out gradually. so they the government's slow rolling it and they're slow,
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rolling it right up to random vir gate. the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey, if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may as well take it out for a spin. why is this going on? why is the government decide to do this now? why they cut me down hard on the farmers and the farmers specifically, especially at a time when the government's energy policies, skyrocketing, energy prices, incorporated into the production of food are really hitting these guys. hardwell. as it turns out, so this coverage, earlier this year besides very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a co vid recovery, i guess it is a slush fund and transferred over to
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a green industry fund. and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts and the court said, hey man, you got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well, they were 13000000000 euros. she worked so schultz policy government took a look at their portfolio of places where they could tax and spend and they decided farmers or it all is that fits into the much larger picture here in germany, of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling, you hear all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask people, you know, what do you think of the cost of living and appreciate everyone just because, you know, it's just so much. so it's all way waiting very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting for the average german and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as
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a result of this government's policies. international experts are meeting in new delhi to move over what's been called a crisis of international relations and made an emerging multi multi polar world as part of the agenda at the 1st ever validate club of russia in the a conference which kicked office monday in the south asian countries, a capital city, are to use ones and sharma is that for us. the 1st of all, the discussion the 1st ever while i by lot in new delhi soul, the participation of thousands of speakers, dozens of experts from both the indian side and the russian side on the agenda on the menu, issues like regional and international security sanctions, multi for the world, a for some other issues like creed in balance between india and rush out strengthening or india and rush out by lots of ties, orders that was discussed close doors,
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which was divided into 2 sessions. now it's interesting that exports a hopeful that they wouldn't be realistic outcomes that come out of these big agenda, big di, it's also very interesting because today's event comes from the back drop off the brick summit, which russia will be holding in few months to see are also the scans as india successfully wrapped up a g 20 presidency recently. so in the back from also it becomes very, very important to the discussions that were held close store to be. now sanctions, for example, we have change. so was for the traditional way of doing freed. and the reason sanctions on russian diamond for example is something that was also a lot of discussions that happens to be a very, very solution for to get into deep uh it was. that's what the experts of really pointing at the russia india conference was held behind the closed doors,
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but we met with experts who attended the meeting to find out more about the issues that being discussed. well, i would say this thing, so this is a struggle with a visa to promote change. if there had been those things, so there will be no significant changes, right? so no, we have no choice but to promote them. and so if the player is a follower, reach on the one hand to cooperate, it was, it was but the him is interested to diversify the existing size, existing roots. so we can do the initial partner of russia in this, on these tracts and this so to the balloons environment, it's, uh, it pulls the cosign that's to a grape, always like, easy russia because already have already gained a significant amount of mutual trust of that. so we're working together on the meeting, traditional issues. and so that's actually the saw,
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the 2 powers which relations billing thing and combing these. so 2 balloons, also international order. so for more on why relations between russia and india are making strides despite western pressure r t dot com, have you covered, we have analysis from our vendor groups that just has significant non the foundation which is co hosting the russia, india conference in new delhi. the and finally, some for a cuteness. before we go, the general director of the moscow. so you have shared footage of a baby panda resting in her an enclosure. the toddler, named patricia, was by popular vote, is the 1st panda born in captivity in the russian capital just 4 months ago, to cover for the late loves to play with her mom and around water. she's already standing our hind legs but needs something to lean on its way and being doing the
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cubs. parents were presented by china in 2019 in honor of the seventy's anniversary


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