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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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crane and gaza, there's no denying western gemini is being challenged and had to months, never willingly horsepower the humanitarian groups to cry. the idea of assault around one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central god. so which is are a mass evacuation of the facilities. the series spills over under the streets of germany, where large crowds of farmers blocked roads to protest the government's plans, a slash agricultural subsidies and the prince andrew bill clinton and sir richard branson, are named in shocking testimonies saying that they not only visited epstein silent, but were filmed in compromising takes down classified court documents revealed the claims made by an alleged epstein victim, who later walked back for storing the
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live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international . our top story on r t, the world health organization says for the past 12 days it hasn't been able to reach northern gaza. the humanitarian group adds as the latest attempt to deliver supplies to the mattel region was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who are made in that part of guys are working. i'm at a critical lack of appointments and basic necessities. this video shows palestinian red crescent volunteers treating a wounded man during a power outage in jamalia to the hospitals across guys that are under increasing pressure according to an assessment from one n g o 10 palestinian children become amputees every day. there's a local journalist with a distressing report from northern gaza, which has been ravaged by is rarely bombing raids. like
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a new massacre was perpetrated by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gaza strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 fatalities a numerous injuries. i am currently amidst the pile of bodies and debris in this house, while rescue team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions of limited resources. and also i that of the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombs by a good patient aircraft yesterday, dozens of dead remain under the rubble of civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night we managed to risk and several injured the, the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific, slaughter of the alba family continues severed limbs, a building of over 5 floors. more than 10 families residing in it,
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and dozens of dead beneath it. the gruesome massacre, as you can see, with the limbs of women, children. when did the elderly and youth, this house shelter displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the self at all. we area after some of them were detained and later released to go. these really army directed them to the album. well, the family's house, where they thought they were safe. however, f. 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets. children, women, innocent youth. israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance, presence. innocent families are displaced and seeking refuge. we say god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer against them. this is much it, although known to many working in the ours transportation line and the alan
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b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned in the cell photography area. or message to the silent on just international community. witnessing the killing of women children and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appeal to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupation series of atrocities and northern garza continues this family fled from the south. it's how we area to the food area in search of safety. however, is rarely occupation forces, insistence, stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers, some casualties. well, some more upsetting images here from the devali, a refugee camp showing the aftermath of another idea of strikes that were quarterly killed, at least 20 civilians we've heard from and i witness no harmony. at 8 o'clock,
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we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings, door, 83 women, and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced a job aliya without any belongings, as per these rarely instructions. that's my brother and his son, and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my aaron send, my cousins. lemme the escalating is really invasion of god. so the idea has released this footage of its troops in action on the grounds. the country's military officials claimed the so called framework of mos in northern does a, has been destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last throughout the entire year. meanwhile in central guys, a local media are reporting 8 people have been killed by an idea of striking the town of their l belong. earlier, guys and health officials accused israel of targeting the ok. so hospital there with your own fire. the palestinians also emphasize that taking the facility out of
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service would be a quote, death sentence for thousands of wounded people. and the situation has also been decried by m a set the doctors without borders and g o, as well as the head of the world health organization. the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning and northern garza were another w h. l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver. it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so in the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarians suffering would be immoral and medical outrage in the
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neighboring city of con you and this idea of strikes of hits 30 targets overnight, according to the as rarely, military palestinian authorities in the media have accused israel of targeting civilians and journalists, their local reporter months or show and brings us this report from the city. despite the challenges disliked deluxe fluids, walters vacations, despite the lack of safety and security spice. having tags heating the bullets, heating to ask a few 100 meters close to where we are here. tens of thousands of refugees, civilians that has been displaced. the rates that trust yesterday was one of those that these, these, when it comes to casualties here is had humans in the south over 220 have been murdered. why the iowa and many others on the tub with insects
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across different areas. he's dealing with this have been killed, including the son, so that according to what additional funds just get together with his for the 3 of us. it's the side of the for julia. this. however, we continue to the force here, despite all the toners. and we're proud to be part of this network. thank you to the audience for continuously. this thing to us. anger has boiled over onto the streets of germany, where scores of farmers are protesting the government's plan to slash agricultural subsidies. rows of tractors have blocked the roads in several cities, including berlin, where the main avenue leading to the brandenburg gate has been paralyzed. demonstrators say the government's proposed,
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her bank of tax cuts will put many farms under strain. the nationwide strike has already spread to other cities, including munich, dress, the new brandenburg and also number of archie contributor rachel marston has more the way the rock is here in berlin. right now. i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and uh, on this side of the gate. you have all this action kind of a street party vibe, bono, font atmosphere. and we have a whole load of trucks and tractors to behind me. these are farming workers from all over germany who have decided to converge on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be of multi day protests, leading up to a giant protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now why that here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the schultz coalition government has called back some tax breaks that they've benefited from. traditionally, the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the, especially in this type of really high energy prices and especially for them with
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a very energy intensive food production work that they do. they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and that's been cut. and well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government got, when did the fact that there was going to be some protests auction. they did roll it back a little bit on that. so those subsidy costs and they said, look, come, we'll just slow roll it. and instead of just hitting you with a subsidy cut all together. right now, we'll just roll it up gradually. so they the government slow rolling it and they're slow, rolling it right up to random virg gates. the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to
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have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey, if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may is well taken out for a spin. why is this going on? why is the guy rich decided to do this now? why they put me down hard on the farmers. and the farmers specifically, especially at a time when the government's energy policies, skyrocketing, energy prices incorporated into the production of food are really having these guys hardwell. as it turns out, she will discover it earlier this year. besides the very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a cobit recovery, i guess it is a slush fund to transfer it over to a green industry fund. and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts. and the court said, hey man, you got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well,
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they were 13000000000 euro short, so schultz polish it. government took a look at their portfolio of places where they could tax and spend and they decided farmers or it all of that fits into the much larger picture here in germany, of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling. you hear it all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask people, you know, um, what do you think of the cost of living? is it free? showing everyone just because, you know, it's just so much. so it's all, we're waiting very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting for the average german and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as a result of this government's policies. right, let's press the live now to go back here, appear in the problem at member for the alternative for germany party. great to have you on with us. what do you make of the extent of these protests affecting major cities like berlin, munich, and dressed in with these other fast uh,
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really comprehensive, nationwide, uh, mass demonstrations, um, against government policy, for a very long time. and they are not going to be the ones that will be another wealth stripe commencing on a wednesday. i think you corresponded just given the very comprehensive in fact count the reasons all the demonstrations and the long and the short of it is that under the kind of governments but starting on the back of the government, the live, the standards of the vast majority is a german population has decreased at the shop and that's with excessive age during the ukraine conflicts, because of course, germany used to have excess, pretty cheap and reliable energy from russia now has to
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a gas full range father. so this is, it's much, much higher prices. at the same time, the government is pursuing its green agenda, which is the increased energy privacy is the only people in germany who, when insulated from high energy prices, are the millions of migrants because the government is paying the bills. so finally it seems people are awakening to the fact that the kind of government id to an extent the previous government as well. a social de ms loose lives this, this government's job and you'll see for a very long time. why is the burden of these government cuts falling on the farmers as well as the farmers, as your correspondent? quite right. the said had a number of tax exemptions and they were also subsidized. now the government, due to the migration a mess, migration,
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and the ukraine conflict is short as money and they have tried calling back from all sorts of sources. it's not just that the problems are soft rate. they are affected naturally and they some of the tax exemptions are taking effect, but all consumers are suffering. it's just following those off particularly well organized. and they have full days, be able to organize these demonstrations, the $85.00 or 90 percent of all germans west off then under this government. and they feed on a very long time that dissipated and they liked that organizational ability. but they to, which has ample reason to take exception against the german government has also just approved for their cost savings measures which include cuts to subsidies for agricultural diesel, higher air traffic tax, and the changes and benefits what,
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what, what is behind the motivation for the government to introduce cups like this. well that it's not the 1st time uh that the german government is displaying more community be described as an extreme hubris germany to point a block may, is hoping that single the head may, it will be able to say the planet. and so the climate crisis, germany, it tends to something like 1.6 percent of all c o 2 emissions. even if the whole climate change a narrative is correct. germany with its nice thing to the said child c o 2 emissions is going to change. absolute may nothing. they think they will kind of change the process whereby the world will find out and the german example. but we have seen what's happening in germany. now the country is competing into
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the sex nation. i didn't think anyone was following government, so i called the hubris the germans tuscany, overestimate the political and economic pop. sadly, that's not the 1st time, but i think it's now a reducing does all stress at economic consequences in germany, which is traditionally the, the growth engine in west and that set for you and halls. so there is strong public, back in for these protests with 91 percent of those who responded to the polls saying that they are justified. what is the german government said or, or what's the response been to people's dissatisfaction and the situation there? well, this is the most unpopular government we've had for a very long time, but as yet they see on the tubs and uh, in essence, willing to, uh, price ahead. um. so i don't think that going to change that policies
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to a significant extent of germany. here is just an extreme example of what we are witnessing on of the west that governments almost everywhere. and the west a few, a policies that practically no one wants. so the so called democracies of the west, i in fact some of the most democratic states we caught the house. right, well leave it there, gunner back the european problem at number for the alternative for germany party. thank you. tasha explosive testimony from the jeffrey epstein, sexual abuse case, has been released, making shocking allegations about former us president bill clinton, british royal family member, prince andrew and british tycoon and richard branson, were filmed by epstein having sex with women on epstein as private island. but the
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testimony claimed they were filmed by epstein having sex with women, but the accusations appeared without supporting evidence and the witness reported late. we can't edit the testimony later. all right, let's get more on the headlines now from our correspond to in new york, kill them up and kill them quite a revelation for the day. what details about the story can you provide us with? well, this seems to be the bombshell menu we're anticipating at this point. we do have the transcript of the testimony of sarah ram. so was one of the victims of jeffrey epstein, the under age, sex traffic are now in previous versions of the testimony. names were blocked out but now a newly on edited, uncensored and redacted version of her testimony is available. and it does say that jeffrey epstein kept the tapes recording sexual encounters in which under age women ad sexual relations with richard branson, the billionaire with prince andrew,
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the brother of the king of england and was former us president bill clinton. we now have her testimony on, edited with the names no longer blacked out. here's what we've got. first of all, when my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, 6 tapes were infect filmed on each separate occasioned by jeffrey. i personally can confirm that i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of these sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton, prince andrew richard branson having sexual intercourse with my friend. smelling the seal testimony. sarah ran some also said that donald trump had a sexual relationship with quote many girls. however, she did not specify whether or not there were tapes to record this. now it's important to note that sarah ransom has since recanted her testimony. so she no
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longer stands by what she testified in this previously sealed remarks. now this case of jeffrey epstein, the millionaire well connected in the circles of the american lead was known for procuring under age sax. uh, this scandal that was basically covered up and not reported on and not brought to the attention of the us public by the american media hangs over us political discourse as a kind of embarrassing curse. now you'll recall that in 2019, jeffrey epstein was arrested once again. his 1st arrest only got him a slap on the wrist. it was arrested again in 2019. and then he was found dead in his prison cell in a federal facility. now his death was ruled a suicide, but many still have very big questions about this well connected individual and his disgusting activities, which alleged to have involved some brother, prominence,
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and powerful people in the united states and britain had r t corresponding caleb nelson in new york. caleb, thank you. all right, let's cross now to edward's all investigative journalists who joins me from new york to edward. how credible do you find? is there a ransom? is it testimony given that she walked back, those initial allegations of the existence of sex types? i think i find the test to be quite credible and this is why it is established that jeffrey epstein had the sex ring. it's established that information was being used to blackmail people to include uh, print, sandra mean, prints, andrews position according toes is on the record. sky news, interview, of which many people so it might go to the capital he's actually doing this is that this information was being used, essentially blackmail. and the folder, for example, that sends mess. it hasn't been central park in new york, that's the official position from the family. i would say that i take her testimony so credible that i would say that this woman, you know,
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clearly was it back to them. i'd say that she definitely knew other victims and we're not alone and looking at the testimony in this matter. the royal family also sees this testimony is credible. it's why they're cutting off prince andrew security to tell in a potentially other, you know, amenities and the benefits of their own family. that because it's a scandal it's, it's a car says as alaska noted, part of this curse is it's, it's a feeling i think, the worst nightmare of many of the regular people, regular citizenry, good people, journalists, workers, other people around the world of what we think about the lead is that they, they do take our children, they do take our women, they abuse them and, and push them around like cattle and use and abuse them and, and torture them. and these things are true. it is the truest and scary sites can only think of a history of, of model of the modern era. and, and sir ransom is among many victors who come forth. and i've tried to tell the story and, and try to get some accountability. i mean,
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jeffrey epstein is dead glory maxwell is in jail, but we don't know about the client was we don't know about the others who were involved in how damming are the revelations for the people mentioned in these files that are, these are really big names. will something come from these revelations you think that will bring down some of these, these big names? oh, i think could some, some of the big names i, i know that when i was looking to the story a couple of years ago that there were several people including richard branson that kept popping up. and it was interesting because 2 people have been names. now this of course, bye so around some of you've got prince andrew and you've got richard branson. as it turns out prince andrew. i didn't intricate role in getting funding and arranging for the development of the space port in new mexico, the virgin galactic spaceport. and what's also interesting about that is jeffrey epstein was intricately involved in both the funding of this and the courting a prince. andrew and richard branson for this project in new mexico. that's where
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his or rach was. that's where he was reading, you know, with women according to the new york times report a couple years ago. the key here is that any time we look at jeffrey epstein and the big names that are associated with it, the question i have to ask is, what were these individuals being blackmailed over? and what did they do on camera with under age limit. you know, that's, that's the question i have, and i think that rich brenson presenter they should ask these questions under oath in a quarter. what do you think of the coverage of this case in us, mainstream media given the only reason why these names were revealed, is because the miami herald sought for years to make these documents public. okay, edward, i'm not sure if you're able to hear me there. i'm just wondering what you make up the us mainstream media's coverage of this case. okay, sounds like we've. all right, i'm edward. can you hear me?
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okay. uh yeah, i hear you. okay. yeah, yeah. okay, great. um i was asking what you make of the us mainstream media's coverage of this case, which i think so it's, it's which reputation i, i look at the mainstream media and their coverage of this. and i think the thing i always gas, but is that how much they've done by admission. they've actually heard the upon the victims by emission a lot of the cases they knew about the extent of this and the amount of people that are involved and, and passes. i think they're always trying to find a way to, to do the minimal coverage. you know, it's a lot of people, they treat this as like a soap opera. it was not a soap opera for marie, a farmer who is, i say, has the most detailed accounts of the abuse that she face of the hands of jeffrey. i've seen going maxwell and all of his powerful have with the powerful handler part is that the major media leaves out the mega group, for example, involving less wecks. and it reported by the wall street journal. some of the most
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powerful business mobiles in america came together and they essentially utilize this, this uh, so a so called mathematician the so called, you know, which kid trader, as a way to also entrap all additions and actors. the main screen media can't really report on it truthfully because so many people are exposed by the reporting. and then it'll be the people who are very own on television or inside of, you know, i can be of the very programming that they're trying to verify it as one of the daily their reporting is reporting by our mission, our reporting here. and i think that discussion, we're having a something that is just the truth, the elite raped kids, and they also abused hundreds of women, some of them point to me or farm, or even ethan. that's how crazy the sense. um, yeah, but it's ridiculous. i'm edward. another big name mentions and these documents and donald trump, former us president, who's running for president again. what is that this part possibly mean for his presidential bid?
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what i'd say to this, uh, well the 1st part of this is the mentioning of president trump is 2nd, had an a someone who has investigated this this topic. and honestly, looking at the expense of this, i don't believe present trouble ever knew about the, the sex scandal and to the abuse of women's. why believe this is one who took action upon hearing, even the rumors that his club was being used to recruit girls for the sex. right. the 2nd thing is that there was never been a witness that has come forward credibly and has had videos, pictures. you know, you've been a 1st hand evidence to actually have present from charged, right every time this has come up in all of the ways that president trump is investigated and scrutinized by the media and his political opponents of you know, do you think this would have come out by now, i would say that's a someone who's honestly worked with the case. i don't believe president trump has an incredible allegations against him. and i do believe that it,
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and it's obvious at this point that i mean, present from new going maxwell and jeffrey, i've seen the question, i think we need to ask is why we're jeffrey epstein and glory maxwell trying to bother you up to present from wire they're trying to utilize somebody, here's the thing, how many different countries may be wanted to involve present trump or get into present from center circle? that's how i think it's going to impact the race i. i think some are looking at this every time. does it by the way, how some exposure to this, every candidates, whether be joe biden to r k junior. every canada have some kind of interaction with jeffrey epstein and this, this mega ring of black male and sex abuse. president trump though there's never been any physical alligator evidence or allegations that i think of stock. and for now, i'd say that i present trouble someone to avoid the scandal. all right, we're gonna leave it there. adverbs all investigative journalist joining us from new york. thank you. ok, all right, i'm next on cost talk, peter levelland his guess discuss the your head ends. what could be by the
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the the hello and welcome the prospect where all things are considered. i'm peter will about as we start the year 2024, it's fair to ask whether we were approaching another world war. indeed one could make the case. the 3rd world war has already begun. the flash points are obviously praying and gaza. there's no denying western hegemony is being challenged and headphones never willingly relinquish power.


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