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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the amount of terrain groups decry the idea of assault around one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central gaza, which as far as a mass evacuation of the facility. the theory spills over under the streets of germany, where large crowds of farmers blocked roads to protest the government's plan to slush agricultural subsidies and prince andrew bill clinton and sir richard branson are named in shocking testimony saying they not only visited epstein silence or filmed in compromising take beyond classified court documents for the claims made by and alleged at the same victim. later walked back to restore
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the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. our top story on r t. a world health organization says for the past 12 days, it hasn't been able to reach northern gossip. the humana training group adds its latest attempt to deliver supplies to the embattled region was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who remain in that part of guys that are working a, made a critical lock of equipment and basic necessities. this video shows palestinian red crescent volunteers treating a wounded man that during a power outage in jamalia hospitals across guys that are under increasing pressure according to an assessment from one and g. o 10 palestinian children become amputees every day. there's a local journalist with a distressing report from northern garza,
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which has been ravaged by is rally bombing rates. the much the new massacre was perpetrated by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gods . a strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 fatalities, a numerous injuries. i'm currently a midst a pile of bodies and debris in this house. well rescued team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that, oh the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombs by a good patient aircraft yesterday, dozens of dead remain under the rubble, civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night we managed to risk and several injured the, the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's, her risk slaughter of the alba family continues severed limbs,
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a building of over 5 floors. more than 10 families residing in it, and dozens of dead beneath it. the gruesome massacre, as you can see with the limbs of women, children. when did the elderly and youth, this house shelter displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the south fatah. we area after some of them were detained and later released with all these railey army, directed them to the aba. well, the families house where they thought they were safe. however, f. 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets, children, women, innocent youth. israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance, presence. innocent families are displaced and seeking refuge as we say, god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer against them. this is magic abo alba,
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known to many working in the ours transportation line, and the alan b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned in the south, a tall we area, our message to the silent on just international community. witnessing the killing of women, children. and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appeal to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupation series of atrocities and northern gaza continues. this family fled from the south a tale area to the food area in search of safety. however, it is rarely occupation forces, insistence stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers, some casualties for some more upsetting images. here from the devali of refugee cam, showing the aftermath of another idea of strikes that reported they killed at least 20 civilians. we heard from an eye witness,
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harmony. at 8 o'clock we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings. door, 83 women, and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced a job aliya without any belongings. as per these rarely instructions, that's my brother and his son, and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. lemme, the escalating is rarely invasion of dogs or the idea of has released this footage of its troops in action on the ground. the country's military officials claimed the so called framework of a mos in northern gaza has been destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last throughout the entire year. meanwhile, in central dogs, the local media reporting 8 people have been killed by an idea of striking the town of their owl belong. earlier government health officials accused israel of targeting the ox, the hospital there with your own fire palestinians also emphasize that taking the
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facility out of service would be a quote, depth sentence for thousands of wounded people. and the situation has also been decried by most of the doctors without borders and g o, as well as the head of the world health organization. the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning in northern garza were another w h. l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver. it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so on the face of such trauma,
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injury and humanitarians suffering would be immoral and medical outrage. in the neighboring city of con eunice idea of strikes of his 30 targets overnight. according to the as rarely, military palestinian authorities and the media have accused israel of targeting civilians and journalists, their local reporter months are schumann brings us this report from the city. despite the challenge, its dislike deluxe, which walters vacations, despite the lack of safety and security, despite having tags heating the bullets, eating the asked a few 100 meters close to where we are here. tens of thousands of refugees, civilians that has industries relieves that trust. yesterday was one of those that these days when it comes to casualties. here is had news in the south. over
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222 have been murdered. why the ios and many others on the tub with insects across different areas. he's douglas, have been killed including the sun set according to the funds together with his party. and 3 of it's it's the side of the for julia. this. however, we continue to report here, this white all the towns and we're proud to be part of this network. thank you to the audience for continuously this thing to us. the secretary of state and today, blank and says washington has taken active measures to settled a conflict between israel and homos. but during his latest the middle east trip, he also emphasized his commitments to provide humanitarian assistance and prevent further escalation in the region. i'm back in the us published and supporters interrupted president joe biden, during his speech at
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a south carolina church with protesters calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza . the, the me, i understand i understand the passion and i've been quietly work requiring warranty which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do. all right, let's cross live now to journalist and the political analyst, john verbal late. john, we are seen. many americans speak out against the by the government's agenda. what do you make of that as well? well, what happened today is very, very surprised at 1st of all because of the normal security at this event. so how did these protesters get in there? that's where it's very,
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very strange and actually starts in this me to think that perhaps powerful forces with within the democratic party actually with in the white house within the present circle. maybe just maybe, maybe they wanted to have an incident like this to embarrass the president to embarrass binding so that he will voluntarily leave. i mean, voluntarily, not run for re election because it's is increasingly embarrassing his behavior over the past few weeks past few months. even today, just look at his reaction to what happened at the church. the in south carolina. he just split is pitiful. who is pinnacles reactors, beautiful and powerful people in the democratic party. i understand he's got to go, they need another candidate. and so this is this incident, i think it's going to help push him to make that decision that he's got he must not go. we must not run for re election. john by then says he is working with the as really government to reduce the scale of violence in gaza. what do you make of that?
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because if that is the case, it doesn't appear to be working as the as really government certainly isn't the scaling back. it's a salt, i mean, we know joe biden, he's a liar. i mean, i'll repeat it again just so you can make it very clear, joe. 5, it is a light. you can say anything you, once we see what's happening. you what, let's just people buy their actions. it's joe barton is composite in the jazz side of the palace name. people full stop. that's a fact that he could stop the genocide right now. right. the 2nd, if you really wanted to, with a genocide continues because joe biden know most of that stuff in this case. i mean, that's the environment, the white house. it's not that he is weak in the sense it's just, he doesn't want to be together with israel with telling me they want to and they see it. they want to put it into the house. any question once and for all was many a bite and speech has been interrupted by protesters because this wasn't the 1st
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time that this has happened. whose support 10 by then still count on. does he have any support it's, it's really hard to answer this question because so much about american politics is opaque, you know, i, i was trained as a soviet solid just and it was weird as always, always say about the lights of a union. that solely politics burial pay, can we try to define, you know, certain facts, certain certain term tendencies. and so it leaves are based on certain issues based on certain protocol. and now here it is. i feel that my, my expertise associates, ology is very, very good and helping me to try to understand what's happening in, in washington dc today. because so much about american politics, you might be the way. so with union very opaque. i know transparency, very little information. constance, this information lies propaganda is a we, as experts, is alice, we're always like we're struggling. yeah. we're really struggling to understand who
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is who, who's really powerful, who's pulling the strings. i mean, some things that are quite obvious. so things are, yeah, i'm, i'm sorry, are obvious, but may things are not obvious. we really don't fully understand who controls you who controls the way those who really control the draw behind it. and we don't have to go, we go and make certain guesses. the secretary of state has been traveling around the middle east. he's visited the region several times since october 7th. he's currently in israel, but previously he started his trips in israel, but now his last stop is tell of the why. why do you think uh, this time around, he's ending his trip and tell dave. but israel is the most important american outline in the middle east. and we have made it very clear that we're going to not that merely just support israel and is just side we are actively partaking in. it's right, providing all the weapons, all the and intelligent satellite intelligence,
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all the infrastructure. we're providing israel with everything they need to carry out this genocide. so this is obviously number one priority. and of course the white house doesn't say that they don't come out as they already have the genocide of the palestinians, their number one priority. but again, we know is that all is we have to just, we have to judge about what's really happening. now, we're not gonna just them by their statements. we're going to just move just just them by their actions. and this is a priority because the us is making a statement here to the whole middle east. we're back, you thought we left your asked, i rack. if you have against a know we're back and we're back with a vengeance. and, you know, to show you to show you that we're, we mean business, we're going to exterminate the people guys. i mean, this is a brutal empire wisdom to stand a jo under under joe biden. americans a very different country. it is a brutal empire. he's a man and came to power with the help of 40000 american troops. a people forgotten that. that was a statement saying this, this america is a new america to go, but it's going to be a brutal empire. and we're going to go in lots more of the bars and ukraine,
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what could have become worse and released. and as we know, they're also asian for a fight in the, in with, with china in east asia. okay, we're going to live with their general raleigh journalist and political analysts. thank you for the right in foreign ministry has urged us to stay out of the middle east. as to ron's foreign affairs spokesperson says washington's involvement is not doing any good in the region. well, that's always helpful, so the biggest help us can offer to the region is to refrain from continuing its own constructive affairs in the region and in regional nations, internal affairs, and on welcome and troublesome guests from thousands of miles away. that's how it run and announce we're counting the spokesperson for the one in 40 minutes. we described the united states and its controversial military presence in that region, including iraq and syria. and now it's unprecedented that we see the rock has also
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a code. it won the stance. iraq has never been so united and determined in calling for the expulsion of the american troops from the rocky soil. but now we see that the rocky prime minister, how much she assumed only has to be pushing for a plan to expel the american troops from the rocky soil. of course, his measure came following the united states killing off much talk a jewelry, who was the leader of how to catch a new job. i miller sugar will be your one back to me, lester group in iraq. of course, uh the united states says that the action is an act of self defense in response to him, which talk about jewelry is role in leading or planning several attacks against american military personnel and american bases in that region. but the one key officials say that it's by no means an act of self defense as it's an act of aggression. the fact that in the 1st place,
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the american troops have come all the way from their homeland to the rocky soil, killing any rocky official on the rocky soil. that's by no means an act of self defense, but it's an act of aggression, of course. so now different military and political factions and groups and iraq, have unanimously been calling for the ouster and the expulsion of the american forces from iraq saying that the american forces and no longer serve the interest of the rocky nation. but he is turning into a serious headache for the rocky people, of course. so there are $2500.00 american military personnel in iraq and another $900.00 in syria, as part of the so called american plan to defeats isis, or prevent the resurgence of the islamic states or isis, or dies tara group in the region. but in the eyes of
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b is law make republic. this is also ironic as one believes and says that it is the united states that has created dives or isis. and everyone says that on different occasions that on different platforms, american officials have admitted role in giving rise to the terra group and that region as part of our efforts. they want us, as part of it, 1st by the united states to deal a blow to the but charlotte side government in syria, julia is on meet on minute. as i mentioned, the phenomena of terrorism isn't all encompassing international threats. unfortunately, isis has been created as an ominous phenomena by non regional intelligence and security services, which is interesting that they named america and israel have sometimes declared and admitted their direct role in creating this, i'm gonna spend all of them. it is carried out soon as start terrorist events, unfortunately, over the past 2 years in and outside the region on here. probably the issue with it or is with a corporate or monitor attack is widely believed in iran to be an attempt by the
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united states and as well to paul iran into the regional conflict. and b is really war. and guys, of course it won't promise to strike back at the right time and the right place. but the incident once again, shed light on the cancer of general. so the money and who general. so the money was and why the united states decided to take him down, of course general. so the money a part from his attempts to fight dodge terrorist and syria. and he announced the end of dodge in iraq back in 2017. but he all so is known of in as well. and in the united states as the architect of there was a stance, access, a powerful miller shot network that comprises different resistance and illustrate groups in that region from humans. um and sar lahore who is the move man to hezbollah in lebanon, and how should i be and how to get to a new job i knew about and in syria. so this powerful network has been the legacy of general. so the money and has been creating serious problems for v m. our
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kennedy's really a military's recently, especially now in the wake of the ongoing is where the war on guys of which there was a sense access different forces from the resistance access have announced their support for the palestinian people and their opposition to the is really ongoing war and goes on, the american support for these really military. all of these actions boiled down to this unified front in the region. and now at least in iraq, calling for the expulsion of american troops from the rocky soil because they believe that the united states forces in their country is beginning to create some serious problems for the rocky nation. the senior commander of hezbollah as the late rod one military force has been killed in level non buying is rarely airstrikes. reports say he and another fighter were killed when the car they were traveling in was hit in the village of mazda. also, we spoke with the local journalist,
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smaller call ed for more details about the attack. we know that he, some of that is or is that he was the one in charge for the main one at bass apartment at the end of this stuff today. and for the 1st time, since the law announces that can inc, or destination of one of the members using that to be that we were talking about the 2nd class that interest. beloved. he's the 1st of his back at kids or estimated by the is the, is the 2016. when was the general estimate the in seen? yeah, we are talking about a he did a minute to the the, the surface from someone who that is really are that thing about the bar. think i'm the assistant, i think because the quoting him, the one responsible for all the finishes on this house and board this with to buy for the sign, meaning the northern border. this is going inputted with antenna jenkins. this is to the 2nd. this is like the surface, it says it's right to sole support, but this time it comes with and many um,
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uh the lines from the american association and as it is and reflected in need. yes, that the us is both interested and expanding the work. so we are talking basically about a guided us as a nation, or they started to think of the very close vitamins of, of hezbollah and some of the where he was targeted somewhere, not too far from the borders. so this news that we are going to hire escalation, we are waiting for the official announcement that then announcing his picture and his name because we are the see and the people. and they are expecting that this is not going to go on on such, especially that the targeting might wound anybody's, was just pulled to be a good argument, each action to sign it. and i do the estimation every, unless he can be anger has boiled over onto the streets
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of germany, where scores farmers are protesting the government's plan to slash agricultural subsidies. rows of tractors have blocked roads and several cities, including berlin were the main avenue leading to the brandon for gate has been paralyzed. demonstrators say the government's proposed curbing of tax cuts will put many farms under strain. the nationwide strike has already spread to other cities, including unix, resident, new brandenburg and us number or to contribute original. marsden has more to play. the rock is here in berlin. right now. i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and uh on this side of the gate. you have all this action kind of a street party vibe, bono, fall atmosphere, and we have a whole load of trucks and tractors to behind me. these are farming workers from all over germany who have decided to converge on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be a multi day protests leading up to
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a giant protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now, why that here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the salts coalition government has clogged back some tax breaks that they've benefited from traditionally, the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the especially in this type of really high energy prices. and especially for them with a very energy intensive food production work that they do, they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and that's been cut found. uh well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government got wind of the fact that there was going to be some protest action, they did roll it back a little bit on that. so those subsidy costs, and they said the con will just slow roll it. and instead of just hitting you with a subsidy cut altogether right now, we'll just roll it up gradually. so they,
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the government slow rolling it and they're slow rolling it right up to run the invert gate. the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey, if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may is well taken out for a spin. why is this going on? why is the government decide to do this now? why they put me down hard on the farmers and the farmers specifically, especially at a time when the government's energy policies, skyrocketing, energy price is incorporated into the production of food. are really having these guys hardwell, as it turns out, she will discover it earlier this year. besides the very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a cobit recovery, i guess it is
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a slush fund to transfer it over to a green industry fund. and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts and the court said, hey man, you've got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well, they were $13000000000.00 euro short, so schultz policy government took a look at their portfolio of places where they could tax and spend and they decided farmers or it all of that fits into the much larger picture here in germany, of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling. you hear all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask people, you know, um, what do you think of the cost of living and appreciate everyone just because, you know, it's just so much. so it's all way, way and very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting
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for the average german and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as a result of this government's policies. the earlier we spoke to andre thomas housing, a german attorney, and moraitis professor of law. he says, thousands of germans took to the streets to show their outrage with their government that continues to support ukraine. despite the crisis in berlin's economy, the huizenga, the anger has to do with the economics of this. germany, it has uh, by the own fee goes, spend $17000000.00 euro on ministry supplies to you frames a sense of fall of $27800000000.00 on the other financial support to the government of ukraine. and they've just announced that they intend to, to increase this total of $45000000000.00 to $50000000000.20. now we have to see that in the context of term and g d p. and there's a month to, to the 2.3 percent of german g, d p,
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which is exactly the same budget amount available for environmental protection. it is the whole, the amount available for the administration of justice and it is hosp, the federal amman focus report to families. germany is also got the highest fuel costs and, and then the economy cannot take it and there will be further job losses. jeremy, once again has completely under estimated this the strength of its of its advisories, and it has embarked on a on an adventure where we have tons of shots kept saying we will defeat the dresser. it is a very upset because the last time germany tried that led to the complete destruction of the country and into the great this tragedy and german history. there may be a change that may be just like in the united states and also informs now a change of hawks and understanding. that's a continuation of, of funding launch nation ukraine has over 50000000 people. it's
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a large nation. even germany with its very strong economy and all bank role such a country when it is no longer productive when, when everything that's happening is a link to the whole lot explosive testimony from the jeffrey, i've seen sexual abuse case has been released making shockey and allegations about former us president bill clinton, british royal family member, prince andrew, and the british tycoon, richard branson. the testimony claimed they were filmed by epstein having sex with women on his private islands. but the accusations appeared without supporting evidence and the witness reportedly recanted. that the testimony lighter r t correspond that caleb help and brings us the story. that seems to be the bombshell many were anticipating at this point. we do have the transcript of the testimony of sarah rand, so was one of the victims of jeffrey epstein. the under age,
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sex traffic are now in previous versions of the testimony. names were blocked out, but now a newly on edited, uncensored and redacted version of her testimony is available. and it does say that jeffrey epstein kept the tapes recording sexual encounters in which under age women add sexual relations with richard branson, the billionaire with prince andrew, the brother of the king of england and was former us president bill flint said. now have her testimony on added with the names no longer blacked out. here's what we've got. when my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, 6 tapes were infect filmed on each separate occasioned by jeffrey. i personally can confirm that i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of the sexual acts,


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