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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the common ground the the police 20 people are reportedly injured and a suspected gas explosion at the hotel in fort worth, texas. also they saw you and agencies decry israel's assaults around out of the hospital with spots and evacuation of one of the few medical facilities still operating in central garza also had the theory spills over on the streets of germany, where large crowds of farmers blocked roads to protest the government's punts, the slush agricultural subsidies found prince andrew bill clinton on said richard brunson, among the prominent biggest names and the latest batch of be classified court documents on the jeffrey epstein. nancy and convicted sex offender who was found
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dead while the waiting trial back in 2019 the one minutes past 5 am here it must go. this is all the international money is be to scouts with all the very latest world. news is great to have you with us. and that's what top story this are. these 20 people have been injured and a suspected gas explosion. it's a hotel in the us state of texas, according to emergency services. let's go live now to all the correspondents, rachel blevins for mol. this rachel. uh wont. can you tell us what's the latest on this explosion in texas as well? nearly 2000 people were injured after an explosion in fort worth, texas on monday afternoon. the city's fire department noticed in a statement that at least one person was in critical condition, and for were in serious condition. the force from the explosion blew out 2 floors
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of the high rise sandman signature hotel in downtown fort worth. so what caused this blast? while the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms said it was likely a gas leak within the building. however, a spokesman for the fort worth fire department, which is the agency leading the investigation, said they are trying to determine if the gas leak was what caused the explosion, or if it was caused by the explosion. he also noticed the presence of construction in the building and then investigators are looking into whether it played a role authority. so the only $26.00 hotel rooms and the 20 story building were occupied and the hotels restaurant was closed at the time of the explosion. texas governor greg abbott issued a statement saying he was ready to quote, immediately to put any additional personnel and resources needed to keep texans in the area safe and out of harm's way. so far, no fatalities have been reported, and the fire department says they have completely checked the building in the surrounding area. rachel,
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thanks very much for bringing us the latest on the suspects. a gas explosion in fort worth. thank you very much. i, i think maybe know now the world health organization says for the past 12 days it's been unable to reach northern gaza. you want to savvy and group. i just latest attempt to deliver supplies to them about the region was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff who remain and not parts of gauze are all working, admitted critical, lot of equipments, and basic necessities is video on your screen. now it shows how this thing but present balances facing a wounded bonnet during a power outage in jamalia hospitals across the gaza on the increasing pressure, according to an assessment from one end to 10, palestinian children become empty. cheese everyday is a local journalist with a distressing report from northern gaza, which has been ravaged by is really plumbing rates. a new massacre was perpetrated
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by these really occupation against the alba family in the northern gaza strip. the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 fatalities a numerous injuries. i am currently amidst the pile of bodies in debris in this house, while rescue team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that, oh the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombs by a good patient aircraft yesterday, dozens of dead remain under the rubble, civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night we managed to risk and several injured the, the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific. slaughter of the alba family continues severed limbs, a building of over 5 floors. more than 10 families residing in it, and dozens of dead beneath it. the gruesome massacre,
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as you can see with the limbs of women, children, the elderly and youth. this house shelter displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the south fatah. we area after some of them were detained and later released. and these really army directed them to the album. well, the family's house where they thought they were safe. however, f. 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets. children, women, an innocent youth. israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance. presence. innocent families are displaced and seeking refuge. we say, god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer against them. this is much it although no one to many working in the ours transportation line and the alan b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened
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his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned and the sun fatah. we area our message to the silent on just international community. witnessing the killing of women children. and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appealed to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupation series of atrocities and northern gods. it continues. this family fled from the south. it's how we area to the food area in search of safety, however, is rarely occupation forces and systems stripping safety from all areas, leaving behind dozens of marchers and casualties. some more obsessing images have from the to body of refugee come from the aftermath of yes, into the idea strike the reports and the killed at least 20 civilians. we heard from an eye witness harmony. at 8 o'clock, we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings,
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door, 83 women, and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced to job aliya without any belongings. as per these rarely instructions, that's my brother and his son, and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents and my cousins. the idea is released this voltage. meanwhile, of its troops in action on the ground, the country is admitted to officials, saves the framework of how much in northern gauze has been destroyed for they also say that the war is likely to last the entire game. meanwhile in central jobs, the local media are reporting 8 people have been killed by an idea of strength on the sound of the bella elliot goes in health issues accused israel targeting the i'll access hospital with drone fire, while the thing is on the line to taking the facility out of service would be quote, a death sentence for thousands of wounded people. the situation has also been decried 5 minutes on some frontier on the head of the world health organization.
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the health facility report is immense needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning and northern garza were another w h l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver it's like saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so in the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage. so when the neighboring city of con, you nice idea strikes, hits, 30 targets overnights according to these ready military protest in, you know, thoughts he's on the media, have accused israel or targeting civilians on june of this. and his local reports
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at months of treatment with his report from us that despite the term, despite the lock, the fluids, walter vacations, despite the lack of safety and security spice, having sites heating the bullets, heating to ask a few 100 meters close to where we are here, tens of thousands of refugees, civilians. the presence of these relates that trust yesterday was one of those that these days when it comes to casualties. here is had news in the south over 220 have been murdered. why the ios and many others hundreds have within jumped across different areas to do with this have been killed including the sun set according to the funds together with hist for the then 3 of
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us it's the side of the for julie. this however, we continue to the 4th to this white all the towns, and we're proud to be part of this network. thank you to the audience for continuously this thing to us. following south africa's requests to the world call to charge. israel was committing genocide in gaza and he's really problem. remember, this is the know stage to consider yourself above the law. of like a thief of the policy that's come off in support of the law suits. and now face has been removed from excessive. it is just like joy expresses both for investigating good. what's going on in gaza eh, i do not. busy to say any cut the girl because you know a conclusion before we is inspect the insect. the problem is that it is no check to
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investigate that. no, i'm going to be a bi weekly. it's a visa and the little. if 70 members of the can is that sign it against a specific member over the can is that can all the, to a fire, he must be 12. those going to be all in the discussion or the kinetic call me d. regarding my exposed in the form, the a, the class that i want to say 2 things equally made. first. that's not the person, at least that's a political issue. there is an ongoing persecution of everybody, especially obviously there was any way of any kind of criticism towards the assault and gaza. and that doesn't have to say, and i have to emphasize that that doesn't have anything to do with support, but at least a thoughtful from us. it, it along side of the nation of the semester. and guys to be also condemned. the sort of gods, because we know that, that, that story of the destruction,
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if i'm grew accepts, well, a, those out, i'm beautiful soul. and that is, i like any other states should not be above the information that you choose to be, you know, a subject to the internet or a low. and i will, i give everybody is what, what kind of precedent do you think this lawsuit and could set and do think that israel would abide by a ruling by the i c, j calling for us these far or an end to the war for the sake of 50 bucks, the police damian's well q the must is in thousands and thousands, mainly cheated. and also is i saw joseph deal such as that should be at least and unfortunately the government doesn't do anything to release them. and the only way i'm afraid is to appeal to the i c. j. you know, the, to stop the war and not wait to release the hostages. my secret you, he's to find any way possible to stop the war and save lives. unfortunately,
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if of joya you are the minutes of the can, is it see like this movable slide as you can mate? and instead of endorsing, i mean with the well being in the lives of people. they don't think i'm a mandate. you a secretary of states doing his latest release trip says that washington is taking measures to settle the conflicts between israel and a must see. but, and can also emphasize to his commitment to delivering humanitarian aid and preventing further, regional escalation, like in the us, supports as of palestine, meanwhile interrupted present, joe biden. during his speech with a south carolina church, the me, i understand i understand the passion and i've been
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quietly work requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can literally we spoke to gen less than physical on list, john verola says the buttons playing fast and loose with the troops on the task. israel is the most important american outlined in the middle east. and we have made it very clear that we're going to not, not merely just support israel, and this just side we are actively partaking in its right, providing all the weapons, all the and intelligent satellite intelligence, all the infrastructure. we're providing israel with everything they need to carry out this genocide. so this is obviously number one priority. i mean, course the white house doesn't say that they don't come out and say, oh you have the genocide as opposed to means number one priority. but again, we, you know, as i don't, as we have to just, we have to judge about what's really happening now. we're not gonna just them by
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their statements. we're going to judge them by their actions. we know joe biden has a lie. i mean, i'll repeat it again just so it's even make it very clear, jo, by that is a life. you can say anything you, once we see what's happening here, what, let's just people buy their actions. joe barton is complicit in the jazz side of the palestine. people full stop, that's effect. he could stop the genocide right now. right. the 2nd, if you really wanted to, with a genocide continues, because joe biden said that in this case, i mean next to environment. the white house is not that he is weak in the sense it's just, he doesn't want to. he would, together with israel withheld eve, they want to and as they see it, they want to put an end to the pallets any question once and for all the sell to end of the story were across today. the arrangement for ministry has the us to stay out. the mid least. a says to runs for an offense spokesperson says that
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washington's involvement is not doing any good the region. well, that's all because of the biggest help us can offer to the regional is to refrain from continuing its on constructive affairs in the region and in regional nations. internal affairs. as far as an unwelcome and troublesome guest from thousands of miles away. that's how it run and announced what can only be spokesperson for the one in 40 minutes. we described the united states and its controversial military presence in that region, including iraq and syria. and now it's unprecedented that we see the rock has also a code. it won the stance. iraq has never been so united and determined in calling for the expulsion of the american troops from the rocky soil. but now we see that the rocky prime minister, well, how much she, i've so donnie has been pushing for a plan to expel the american troops from the rockies. so it, of course is measure came following the united states killing of most of a jewelry,
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who is the leader of how to catch a new job. bob miller sugar will be a one back to me. there's a group in iraq, of course, uh the united states says that the action is an act of self defense in response to him, which talk about joe argues, role in leading or planning several attacks against american military personnel and american bases in that region. but the rocky officials say that it's by no means an act of self defense as uh, it's an act of aggression. the fact that in the 1st place, the american troops have come all the way from their homeland to the rocky soil, killing any rocky official on the rocky soil. that's by no means an act of self defense, but it's an act of aggression, of course. so now different military and political factions and groups in iraq have unanimously been calling for the ouster and the expulsion of the american forces from iraq saying that the american forces no longer serve the interest of the
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rocky nation. but it's turning into a serious headache for the iraqi people. of course, are, there are $2500.00 american, a military personnel in the garage, and another $900.00 in syria as part of the so called american plan to defeats isis, or prevent the resurgence of the as long stage or isis or dies tara group in the region, but in the eyes of the islamic republic, this is also ironic as one believes and says that it is the united states that has created dias or isis. and it won't says that on different occasions that on different platforms, american officials have admitted role in giving rise to the terra group. and the region as part of our efforts they want says as part of f, 1st by the united states to deal a blow to the but charlotte side government in syria, julia as long meet on mid as i mentioned,
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the phenomena of terrorism is an all encompassing international threats. unfortunately, i, this has been created as an ominous phenomena by non regional intelligence and security services, which is interesting. the bank named america and israel have sometimes declared and admitted their direct role in creating this ominous phenomena. it is carried out soon to start terrorist events, unfortunately, over the best tiers in and outside the regional corporate there montero attack is widely believed in the wrong to be an attempt by the united states and israel to paul iran into the original conflict. and b is really war on guys. of course, it won't promise to strike back at the right time and the right place. but the incident, once again, shed light on the cancer of general. so the money and who generals. so the money was and why the united states decided to take him down, of course general. so the money a part from his attempts to fight dodge terrorist and syria. and he announced the end of dodge in iraq back in 2017. but he also is known of in israel
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and in the united states as the architect of the resistance access, a powerful milledge shot network that comprises different gov or the resistance and illustrate groups in the region from the humans. um, as our law hor, who is a move meant to hezbollah 11 on the high school shy be and how to get to a new job. i new rock and in syria. so this powerful network has been the legacy of the general. so the money and has been creating serious problems for the american and these really a military's recently, especially now in the wake of the ongoing is where the war and does of which there was a sense access different forces from the resistance access have announced their support for the palestinian people on their opposition to the is really ongoing war and goes on the american support for these re the um military. all of these actions boils down to this unified front in the region. and now at least in the rock,
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calling for the expulsion of american troops from the rocky soil because they believe that the united states forces in their country is beginning to create some serious problems for. busy or the rocky nation. moving over to europe now, where i'm go, has boiled over onto the streets of gemini, west schools, of farm, as of protesting the governments upon the slush agricultural subsidies arose. attracted the fates in several cities, including filling for the main avenue, leading to the front of the gates as being paralyzed, demonstrate to say, the government funded move, we'll put many farmers in the pressure. nationwide strike has already sped 2 of the cities, including munich, dressed in new brenda book, an alternate brook. we heard from some of the people attending the process. i'm here because the people are not content. i do not agree with the government's actions. it's impossible to understand this policy anymore. we give away billions
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to other countries. while here in germany, things like construction, healthcare education are going down the drain and yet still we give away billions to the rest of the world. and the carriers have to pay 80 percent more. we should all pay for it, however, so we should not pay for it out of our own pockets. it's wrong because it was the people that elected this government. and if the government is not functioning, then the people have the right to re elected to cool for another election. i believe that is the only way to bring peace back to the country. following decisions like this, farmers will simply not be able to get back on track. it will be impossible, full of, of farms will go bankrupt. dozens of farms ahead with that vehicles best of waiting for permission from the police to spend the night to file or just being distributed just in case the permission is granted. it's safe to say that demonstrate is considered the 1st day of the protests. the success as a field representing the population as a whole. quite the rock is here in berlin. right now. i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and uh, on this side of the gate, you have all this action kind of a street party vibe button on the phone atmosphere. and we have
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a whole load of trucks and tractors to behind me. these are farming workers from all over germany who have decided to converge on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be of multi day protests, leading up to a giant protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now why that here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the salts coalition government has quad back, some tax breaks that they've benefited from. traditionally, the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the, especially in this type of really high energy prices and especially for them with a very energy intensive food production work that they do. they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and that's been cut. and well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government got,
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when did the fact that there was going to be some protest action. they did roll it back a little bit on that. so the subsidy types and they said look, come, we'll just slow roll it. and instead of just hitting you with a subsidy, tie all together right now. we'll just roll it up gradually. so they, the government rolling it and they're slow rolling it right up to random virg gates . the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey, if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may as well take it out for a spin. why is this going on? why is the got rich decide to do this? now? why are they coming down hard on the farmers? and the farmers specifically, especially at a time when the government's energy policies,
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skyrocketing energy prices incorporated into the production of food, or really having these guys hardwell as it turns out, soldiers, governments, earlier this year, besides the very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a cobit recovery, i guess it is a slush fund to transfer it over to a green industry funds and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts and the court said, hey man, you've got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well, they were 13000000000 euro short. so schultz policy government took a look at their portfolio of places where they can tax and spend, and they decided farmers or it all of that fits into the much larger picture here in germany, of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling you hear it all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask people, you know,
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um, what do you think of the cost of living? is it for? you shown everyone just because, you know, it's just so much. so it's all, we're waiting very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting for the average german and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as a result of this government's policies. we discussed this earlier with off the thomas rope on the slumber, the gym, and government's policy questioning why social programs are being phased out in favor of coaching, but financial support for ukraine. they were announced and expect expect them of the germans who are quite separate and quite a lot of bible from, from the policy of the government in the last one or 2 years. and so these demonstrations of the, of the farmers were a good reason for many people to, to go to protest. so the government has a problem. they don't want to cut at all and spending on this as on
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defense and on ukraine. and these are many, many, billions, so they have to cut some of these as social issues, so they are comp separate souls, probus, and one of the problems why has in berlin continued to provide a to train despite its own economic situation. this is a question many people ask. the question is all the european policy starting with the sanctions? is harming the germans or do you agree in spend and all of their will get the weekend of the week of all the economies of suffering and also the people are losing wealth. so why they are continuing? um yeah, you have to ask the people in building a brussels why they're following the us course even if it harms themselves. and this is what we see right now. the german government has a problem with the state budget. and instead of cutting financing of ukraine, they are cutting of social programs. so it's a good question. they are on t rushing, whether it's on the old will or whether it's
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a following the political course of the usa. you have to ask them, but it's obvious that ukraine seems to be more important than don't people you can be on to rush. and if you like, but if you go against your enemy, harming yourself, this is stupid and that's what the german government is doing. um, if the against russian. okay. it's of the opinion, but why are they harming themselves, their own country, their own people instead of a doing something which helps with them. and finally, testimony from the jeffrey epstein, sexual abuse case has been released to making allegations about for me. yes. present bill clinton, but since prince andrew, melina origin, brundis of the allegedly filmed by epstein having sex with women on his private island. the witness provided no evidence on later recounted her testimony. vincent on june brunson austin use, they denied delegations, is off the correspondent kelly boston. with long story, it seems to be the bombshell many we're anticipating at this point. we do have
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the transcript of the testimony of sarah ram. so was one of the victims of jeffrey epstein, the under age, sex traffic are now in previous versions of the testimony. names were blocked out but now a newly on edited, uncensored and redacted version of her testimony is available. and it does say that jeffrey epstein kept the tapes recording sexual encounters in which under age women add sexual relations with richard branson, the billionaire with prince andrew, the brother of the king of england and was former us president bill glenn said now have her testimony on added with the names no longer blacked out. here's what we've got. when my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, prince andrew and richard bronson. 6 tapes were in fact sent on each separate
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occasion by jeffrey, i possibly come concerned that i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton, prince andrew, richard bronson, having sexual intercourse with my friend. now in the sealed testimony, sara ran some also said that donald trump had a sexual relationship with quote many girls. however, she did not specify whether or not there were tapes to record this. now it's important to note that sarah ran some has sense, recanted her testimony, so she no longer stands by what she testified in as previously sealed remarks. i also told her i had video, evidence of public figures participating in jeffrey, him delane speed of faltering. i didn't. i said i did because i was absolutely terrified that once i went public with my story, jeffrey, i'm gay lane would find and kill me. i wanted to send them a message why the press if you wage war a me, i will.


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