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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the paula standing, an official slum, quote, her wrist. vic, mazda occurs by israel following a series of recent deadly strikes. things general said, holland and g o released as a con. so the legend for true of detainees by the idea of cloth waiting to be able to do was present in regards to the troops. so that will have a choose precedence for a long period of time. because the for on there, there will be 2000000 that says that wants to kill us every time to wake up in the morning. we will not exist. israel's finance ministers sparks side rage by calling the entire population of gaza. nazi's,
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drawing accusations of racism from american media outlets and in the latest rhonda of all the single documents on the notorious case of american peter file. jeffrey epstein, eye witness retracts for initial allegations of having evidence against the former us president bill clinton. donald trump, as well as the british prince and route, and richard brunson, being involved in a series of sect, tapes, the midnight and mexico city mid day. and duck at 9 am here in moscow. welcome to the global you try and up on our to international the palestinian foreign ministry has slammed israel for quote, her risk must occurs in dallas, and that's after a further 20 people were reported. be killed by the idea in the jet bol,
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the refugee camp on sunday in the enclave north. now this flooded shows a child who was rushed to a make shift hospital by a raven present team in the early. yeah. she was treated by volunteers and that a critical lot of medical supplies that were world health organization saves it's stuff. i've been unable to deliver a to in buffalo, northern kansas for almost 2 weeks. not well. palestinian youths are bearing the brown. so the medical disaster, the save, the children charts, he stays at least 10 miners in dallas have become on p t's every day. the young are also reportedly 7 times more likely to die from an idea of forming the adults. and according to the u. n's children's fun at 9 out of 10 at infants under the age of 2 phase quotes, severe food poverty. additionally, policy need authority state more than 9000 young girls since i've been killed since
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october 7th. here is the story i want to bring you of one child whose life has been shattered by for the 1st time though i had this child mine. i lost both her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the innovation hospital in northern gas. um, unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services, the resulting and the child coming to nasa hospital via the red cross. initially, nothing was known about her because all has so many members had been killed in the war. and guys that i managed to identify mona through the internet. i went to nasa hospital. we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has a jew injury which brought her to intensive cap. we won't lay that you'll receive the best possible treatment until re unite with have surviving sista. we request a medical transfer outside of gaza to receive treatment, the most crucial aspects of the past and his their eyes. so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool as the child cannot eat or drink staffel, we request
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a transfer for treatment. this is the simplest right for human being to be in good health as well, some palestinian adults who are being detained by the idea. think gallons that have allegedly being tortured in custody if that is according to new revelations, from the geneva paste euro met, human rights monitor and g o. here some of the con, the watchdog has published citing an elderly palestinian recently released by the it's really no 75 year old jihad zip code told euro med monitors team that on december 12th, 2023 is really forces took him into custody from his home in gaza city after beating, kicking, and tying him up. the soldiers then used him as a human shield, putting him in a house in a neighborhood where military activity was taking place. while euro med previously
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singled on an id f comp in city to mind, that's in the southern israel, calling it a quote, one ton m o like prison. now the n g o say is the 10 these there are forced to stay outside in iron cages. the spiked the winter weather was all i'd access the food or water, former prisoners cited by euro, middle to plane. they were beaten on, stripped to dark, under garments, and then forced to stay on their knees on the street for hours. the allegations come to me, the foss shifting is really narrative over its creeping invasion of gals, as ortiz and the email shar takes us through. israel has been eager to prove that his actions in gaza are justified, that the jewish state has a right to defend itself from how much of the tax like the ones that took place on october 7th. and the countries officials keep reminding us that they will not stop any time soon. 2024 will be challenging. we will be at war and gaza. we will be
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fighting and gaza. oh yeah, that's for sure. we will transition to a new combat approach in the northern region of java, in accordance with the military achievements on the ground. we will continue this war until the end. it will continue on, so how mazda is destroyed until victory. until the goal is reset the met destroying homos releasing or hostages, and removing the threat from garza. but considering the brutality that has been taken place over the past 3 months. and the fact that when the 3000 policy and civilians have been killed, even members of the can, i said, are starting to question, israel's goal in this war, it isn't masonic doing which is actually a nightmare. because that's what we only bring more bloodshed. and we have enough of blanche of the. busy sites we have to finish that. they don't think about the wellbeing of people, close,
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masonic fuss use. they everybody's this crazy. c, h cycle. a dream that's if they come toward what they perceive as the b, because lentils is away, then the, the messiah is going to come. and then the sub jo and the, and then we have, you know, with dental shimmer road. this is stuff business crazy. that's not all you can from that politics. and of course, you cannot go back to anything about the way because it's emotional that on top of that, families of the 13 is riley hostages. killed by friendly fire, are also calling for an investigation of idea of soldiers to be carried out. they de minute explanation of how their own army, which is supposed to protect its citizens, can be the cause behind their that's. and i left today to january 4th, unpublished in hebrew meteor, over the weekend. the families wrote that they were demanding the idea of carry out
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an in depth and transparent investigation of the decisions and the actions that led to this tragic outcome said that this should not wait until the end of the war is rolling desperately trying to prove to the world and its own citizens, that it is doing the right thing. after all, they say, how much is to blame for rape and violence against women? we know from interrogations that how mosse came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which soldiers in different places. problem is even the western media that reported on these claims had to retract them. a day later, the allegation disappeared from the peace which had been amended to include the following correction. a previous version of this article included a quote from is riley defense minister jo of gal and that was not authorized for publication. the quote has been removed. in another case, the new york times has also published
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a lengthy report on allegations of sexual violence. a significant portion of the extensive piece focused on the rape of one is rarely woman. but the victim's family has come forward to deny those claims. at 7 o'clock, my brother in law called his brother and said they shot to go and she's dying. it doesn't make any sense. then for minutes they raped her slow to to banta, i didn't want to be understood as i'm justifying what they did. they are on the most the rates. i'm be headed people, but in my sister's case, this is not true. interestingly enough, not one of the weird hostages has come forward and a firm. the claims either moreover, is rarely security forces are now being sued for negligence. by 42 survivors that attended the music festival near the gods and border the day of the attacks of a single phone call made by ideas,
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officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expect to danger, it would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of pots. he goes including the plaintiffs. the negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief to keep the war going. the is riley government depends on support from both inside and outside the country. but how effective can oldest just define be if the narrative they are building it on is consistently being the constructed and falling apart. yeah, something else a wrong the conflict we want to tell you about as well today. israel is finance minister has shockingly referred to the people of gals at the $2000000.00 plus population as quote nazis at drawing some enraged reaction from the us mainstream media outrages and frankly, racist comments from the far right extreme. this is really finance minister and
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member of and that's on yahoo. government does allow smoke. church. jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip, so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there if not, $13000000.00 nazis and gaza. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning. and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th, 2000000 as of course, the population of gaza. so take that in for a moment. $2000000.00 quarter low nazis and guys. and so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. nancy's while among the people we thought, reaction to this from was a foster activist, jerusalem based on the trip premier, who believes the is really finance minister, is trying to justify the killing of civilians engulfing. this is how board kind i committed. first of all,
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you see here we nice the other effect. so he says 2300000 for this thing is on or now is, is there is no single impulse in even the babies and as is it, so that's how it is just the 5 to kill all of them. so is it a, if all of them on, as is then from a model and point to view we, we, uh, we have a just close to could everybody, these i'm nice is, these are the moods, these are i says that i've no human beings that are normal, the simians, even the berries. i accused of being this and they want against guys and what's happening in the west bank through the settlements. and the displacement is also a, they just want to get it. they're good at that is what i saw in the, in this, these fanatics motivated by ideology in whatever they make in the good it
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can be form at the beginning of the year. and in that was again, because i know us bank, this has been what the vision well as the own slot of guys that escalates public resentment is also mounting world wide. u. s. president joe biden has been heckled by anti war demonstrators during a re election campaign speech in the state of south carolina. the industry i understand the fashion and i've been quietly work requiring work, which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do. you might imagine that may become a thing going forward this year at american journalist on global affairs analyst, joan for only saves to buy it and is paying lip service to so called peace efforts . while actually, of course, sponsoring is really
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a tax on cost. israel is the most important american ally in the middle east, and we have made it very clear that we're going to not, not merely just support israel, and this just side we are actively partaking in. it's right, providing all the weapons, all the and intelligent satellite intelligence, all the infrastructure. we're providing israel with everything they need to carry out this genocide. so this is obviously number one priority. i mean, of course the white house doesn't say that they don't come out and say, oh, you have the genocide as opposed to means number one priority. but again, we, you know, as i don't, as we have to just, we have to judge about what's really happening now. we're not gonna just them by their statements. we're going to judge them by their actions. we know joe biden has a lie. i mean, i'll repeat it again just so it's even make it very clear, jo, by that is a line. you can say anything you, once we see what's happening here, what, let's just people buy their actions. joe, pardon is complicit in the genocide of the palestine. people full stop,
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that's effect. he could stop this genocide right now, right. the 2nd, if you really wanted to, with a genocide continues. because joe biden said that in this case, i mean next to environment. the white house is not that he is weak in the sense it's just, he doesn't want to. he would together with israel with telling me they want to. and as they see it, they want to put an end to the palace any question once and for all well, north of the border from there, the palestinian and buster to canada says also is reluctant to support any meaning for international dialogue on the humanitarian crisis. in girls and mama a boy at amada, told archie she doesn't expect the canadian government to r directly condemn what she is calling israel's genocide. on the interest. a joseph searching general has been negative to espouse times use of its right to approach international organs in general. uh, even the new and we've,
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we've seen that was the resolution. and the i see now we have the i c, j in general. it says that it has not been a proper place to advocate for the palestinian that is really complex. we disagree with that because you don't have any other menus for that. those venue repeat, especially for people to use for such as prices and struggles. i don't think that to canada any time soon acknowledging that what's happening palestine ruge on the side. but that as we approach the hearing this week on the case that was brought by south africa against israel, we hope that a police, canada will not stand the in favor of a, a sending was set israel on this uh, creating
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a environment where, where that to jump, besides the keeps happening and the canada, especially as human rights advocates and the champion of the rules based international or the or at least we hope that its submission would not be a 100. well, this footage circulating on social media is said to show demonstrators on the streets of toronto, rallying against these really operation. i'm demanding an immediate cease fire there. the policy ending and foster alleges up this spike widespread support among the canadian people. the country that leads remain on the by the flights of civilians and council. we've seen a lot of demonstrations and support of palestine over canada. and we have seen a lot of the statements and a lot of surveys that have been de, cannot but from canadians. and we know that in general canadian support freedom for
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palestinians and their human rights. this position on the grounds needs to transform into a political one once the officials would be chosen upon their actions and towards social justice in general. and especially pray them when it comes to palestine. so at that point we will see that transformed into an official position by the peas and by the government itself. right now we see a little bit of a shift to from the government. see that to people as well. are calling so much for ballast and it's the debates, and we hope that this, both these, the actions on the ground, the political sphere would create that change. so let's go back to the region and question on to the west bank. this time we're at least 3 palestinians have
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reportedly been killed in the latest idea. afraid it's all was another deadly incident over the weekend when an infant was shot dead during a car, roaming and shooting out in this really army check point. just a warning. you may find the following images distressing. this c c t v footage from the scene shows a bomb targeting civilians followed by a car that's deliberately crushed into idea of troops. now the soldiers open fire. also having the thumb where a 4 year old girl was killed on the spot. israel has called it a cross fire accident to published any of the sealants and the other carver shopped into. we heard from the uncle of the child. if somebody's for the occupies were inspecting every passing vehicle, each call had to stop at the check point for inspection. that was to cause the 1st and 1st inspection without the incident. so the 2nd car was fired upon was 33 shots, 5. the 8 passengers in the car, including the go who lasers to come to her injuries caused by the gun file i'm
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doing this is were prevented from reaching her as she lay in the road for 4 hours. unfortunately neither the occupation forces nor any ambulance intervene to provide assistance, seemed safe. hi. sadly she passed away and her body was taken away by the occupying forces and is still not been with them. a young girl was on her way home with her mother and sister. sadly, the occupies open fire on which resulted in her tragic. she's now a monster. the occupying forces have been engaging in such action as for years they harassed the residents, passing through the big trash, the village area, without any apparent reasonable increasing difficulties with people across our region. boy, i'm a said okay, moving the program on instant this, american 6 criminal and traffic are jeffrey epstein had blocked meal tapes depicting the likes of donald trump and bill clinton with different women sticks loaves of revelation from newly released court documents detailing the later retracted planes of an alleged witness server run, some ortiz, caleb martin,
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and rob of the details for us. that seems to be the bombshell many were anticipating at this point. we do have the transcript of the testimony of sarah rand, so was one of the victims of jeffrey epstein. the under age, sex traffic are now in previous versions of the testimony. names were blocked out, but now a newly on edited, uncensored and redacted version of her testimony is available. and it does say that jeffrey epstein kept the tapes recording sexual encounters in which under age women add sexual relations with richard branson, the billionaire with prince andrew, the brother of the king of england and was former us president bill glenn said now have her testimony on added with the names no longer blacked out. here's what we've
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got. and my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, prince andrew, and richard bronson. 6 tapes were in fact sent on each separate occasion by jeffrey, i possibly come concerned that i have with my own 2 eyes seeing the evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton, prince andrew, richard bronson, having sexual intercourse with my friend. now in the sealed testimony, sara ran some also said that donald trump had a sexual relationship with quote many girls. however, she did not specify whether or not there were tapes to record this. now it's important to note that sarah ran some has sense, recanted her testimony, so she no longer stands by what she testified in as previously sealed remarks. i also told her i had video, evidence of public figures participating in jeffrey, him. delane speed, a fall rang. i didn't, i said i did because i was absolutely terrified that once i went to public with my
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story, jeffrey, i'm gay lane would find and kill me. i wanted to send them a message, what press if you wage war me, i will return fire by reducing my evidence. that will be my leverage. my way of protecting myself. this case of jeffrey epstein, the millionaire well connected in the circles of the american lead was known for procuring under age sax. uh, this scandal that was basically covered up and not reported on and not brought to the attention of the us public by the american media hangs over us political discourse as a kind of embarrassing curse. now you'll recall that in 2019, jeffrey epstein was arrested once again. his 1st arrest only got him a slap on the wrist. he was arrested again in 2019 and then he was found dead in his prison cell in a federal facility. now his death was ruled a suicide, but many still have very big questions about this well connected individual and his disgusting activities,
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which alleged to have involved some rather prominence and powerful people in the united states and britain. american investigative journalists, as old police, there's enough adults to connect in the epstein case to implicates more members of the political and other establishment assigned the test to be quite credible. and this is why it is established that jeffrey epstein had this sex ring is established . that information was being used. blackmail people to include prince andrew, mean prince andrew's position and forwarding to those is on the record sky news interview of which many pills that might go to the capital he's actually doing this . is that this information was being used, essentially blackmail and the folder, for example, that sends the most. it hasn't been central park in new york, that's the official position from the family. i would say that i take her testimony so credible that i would say that uh, this woman, you know, clearly was it back to them. i'd say that she definitely knew other victims and
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we're not alone. and looking at the customer in this matter because it's a scandal it's, it's a car. so as, as the last guess, noted, part of this course is it's, it's a feeling i think, the worst nightmare of many of the regular people, regular citizenry, good people, journalists, workers, other people around the world of what we think about the elite. now germany is gearing up for another day of mass. raleigh's us farmers and other industry workers say a week long nationwide strike is a head on monday unger board over on the streets of big machines, were used to protest the government's blonde to slash agricultural subsidies. rows of tractors, block street in several cities, including berlin, where the main avenue leading to the brandon for a gates was paralyzed for hours. demonstrate her say, the government's proposed cuts will destroy the livelihood of many farmers. the strike has also spread to other cities including unit in preston. here's what some
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of the protesters told us. i'm here because the people are not content. i do not agree with the government's actions. it's impossible to understand this policy anymore. we give away billions to other countries while here in germany, things like to construction, healthcare education, not going down the drain, and yet still we give away billions to the rest of the world. and the carriers have to pay 80 percent more. we should all pay for it to wherever we should, not pay for it out of our own pockets. it's wrong because it was the people that elected this government. and if the government is not functioning, then the people have the right to re elected to call for another election. i believe that is the only way to bring peace back to the country. following decisions like this, farmers will simply not be able to get back on track. it will be impossible, full of, of farms will go bankrupt. dozens of farms ahead with that vehicles. best of waiting for permission from the police to spend the night to file it just being distributed just in case the permission is granted. it's safe to say that demonstrate is considered the 1st day of the protests,
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the success as i feel they are representing the population as a whole. quite the rock is here in berlin right now. i'm right underneath the brandenburg gate and uh, on this side of the gate. you have all this action kind of a street party vibe, bono, font atmosphere. and we have a whole load of trucks and tractors to behind me. these are farming workers from all over germany who have decided to converse on berlin all this week. this is day one of what they say will be of multi day protests, leading up to a giant protests are hoping on the 15th of january. now why that here? well, it all has to do with the fact that the show coalition government has clogged back some tax breaks that they've benefited from traditionally the big one being fuel subsidies that allow for the especially in this type of really high energy prices. and especially for them with a very energy intensive food production work that they do,
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they have at this point um, benefited from at least having that. and now that's been taken off the board and that's been cut found. well, it's interesting because after they started making a bit of a rock s and after the government go into the fact that there was going to be some and protests action. they did throw it back a little bit on that. so those subsidy types and they said come, we'll just slow roll it. and instead of just hitting you with a subsidy cut all together, right now, we'll just roll it out gradually. so they, the government rolling it and they're slow rolling it right up to random virg gates . the other issue is the fact that the, these agriculture workers didn't have to pay a road tax on the vehicles that you see behind me, these trucks and tractors, being used for agricultural purposes. wow. now the government say you're going to have to pay a road tax on these vehicles. so i guess they figured, hey,
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if we're gonna have to pay a tax for the roads, may as well taken out for a spin. why is this going on? why is that gonna rich decide to do this now? why they cut me down hard on the farmers, and the farmers specifically, especially at the time when the government's energy policies, skyrocketing, energy prices, incorporated into the production of food are really having these guys hard, well, as it turns out, soldiers, governments, earlier this year, besides very discreetly take about 60000000000 euros from a cobit recovery, i guess it is a slush fund to transfer it over to a green industry fund. and well, the conservative opposition got when did that and made a complaint to the courts and the court said, hey man, you've got to put it back. so kind of like a kid who took money from mom's wallet and spent some of it. well, they were $13000000000.00 euro short, so shots, policy government took
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a look at their portfolio of places where they could tax and spend and they decided farmers or it all of that fits into the much larger picture here in germany, of the average citizen, not just farmers, but the average citizen really struggling. you hear it all over when you're walking through through town and walk you through the city and you ask you, well, you know, um, what do you think of the cost of living? is it for you? sure. never when just cuz you know, it's just so much. so it's always weighing very heavily. these guys are saying the same sort of thing. we're fighting for the average german and who's struggling with high cost of living and inflation as a result of this government's policies. rachel marston report, i know it was the 3rd largest concentration comp in world war 2 and certainly the most monstrous in terms of how people were killed mainly serves but few today have even heard of it. next we put the croatian yes. no. bob's extermination. compan


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