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tv   Documentary  RT  January 9, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EST

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and also won't say like, that's how much they say i control as of today, event is to stop the whole monitor and trucks because there is only one way for the opening 3rd and trucks. there is no a big sites. we don't see any negotiation. we don't see the hostages stuff coming out whole minute terry, on forming theory. and if we do also fall at home in this area and we need to get back in with our end and we can't afford that anymore. i have no and my son is the call. it is disease any suffering it don't get any medicine. he don't get anything inside. so we are trying to solve the trucks over to the supposed to go to the palestinian refugees. the pharmacy is a taking all of the, the trucks. i don't know where it's going through. it's the feeling of the hum us always going through all the sites. but i'm, i, i'm sure it's not going to over my phone. what do you think the author just outs
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immediately? they have no time. they have an all time. we need to take them home. no, no, not capable to stay there anymore. oh god. is there any defense ministry? body responsible for palestinian affair is announced that on sunday, around $200.00 humanitarian aids, drugs were inspected and sent to the guys us 3, but it was not for the 1st time. initially one, the war started on october, the 7th. israel was very quick to say that it was cut off all relations, it had with the guys of promise in total sage, all the same flavor with food, water, and electricity supplies, cattle. but as the war continued, and international pressure, especially coming from washington was mounting. israel eventually agreed to allow some too many hearing aids in and since the end of october, a hundreds of tribes made stay away from these rarely territory into the guys as 3 human rights groups. those say this is a drop in the ocean, as this is real,
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humanitarian catastrophe now in holding in slave hands according to the official nations around 90 percent of gaz is 2300000 strong population of starving, a suffering from severe food and security and other problems related to their situation there. and that is where we leave and use our for know nikki, will be here at the top with all of tuesdays. the latest updates do hope you can join her life for most of this is 247 r t a . the is the bed to my lawyer for gift the density are right here. we usually,
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if i want to do this thing in the drop it off, i still exist very square for spring if you can give me a solution in liberty next 3 of energy to the new system. look at that which into chops to the right of the same pressure on the g. 's. use that the pipe from your subscription to the illustrative? which lexus, massachusetts, on some, she did the 1st of all. but these are the, was the avenue struggle. the price was sticking with the brother party to ship the bridge a lot. if you do here for the same at some of this, how much adds to it? yes, i did it. the usually the i'm the to the, the truth and the solution. the that i'm
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with, it's just the name, but i'm with assess the motions far enough to much better to for us the most pretty doing school day. you know, i'm so you and i'm a what is it? continue on, come the legend will the new shows eat and stuff on ocean federalists. and then we see that if you do the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the beauty one cannot get an opinion at the book. and of course not dogs can yes, can know when the last and work on your snow. pretty your, her name really mixed, and i'm sure it gets social national. good story. but a book i news really progressed and i still go, look, i need and bundle ramirez. was kind of a june to chase, but of all is reading this name and no single one that does a bully done and know when you mine you double click motional cartridges agent inducement, which from the gene nearby to avoid change due to the cord, which there's some of these red, but that you could of george get this. uh if it's at the mazda 2. yeah. what are you supposed to dine in the 1st? is that the same as your menu? and the good thing, if there's somebody that said the fisher did bring you on your son, that was still at the store who the cue could get you and you're still something in the corner. miss mcdaniel, you need those 2. i need to go to national and from that i just both of them are
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sufficient manual. so i would say yeah, that would be suggesting letters of carlos, i don't know who was with us, not google insurance edition either shouldn't be a joy for beautiful academic be the 1st month really just see very similarly and relates even the staff is facing who but it does sound like, you know, getting started as most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should the shuttle jeep but i'd be really both enough convicted of complimentary specifically for managing economy, leaving. yeah. cuz it's not going through my let's see. see, i'm less than
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a junior durham is 0, early on. you were bone you earlier, last of that's the end of at the reading, a full nation dujin village and then gave him the ocean to be vitally, is that you search through the bed nice of this doesn't get over to the, to the floor. we can use wireless which agent us
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the would you do? yes. yeah. i mean, just the shopping at the, the side support. but the, but the, the which i'm way a person that i saw that you with that is the message in the legit monday at about gm a shot with the g o. u. but i was in a case of a just come a do a miami which adds it to it, which even you much never just isn't gonna full gloves. i believe he'd like to do such as opposed to the storm. yes, that is a map shows that i smoke up dr. each followed last me. so when you buy dialogue by a guy logo or yeah, i'm not sure. so i'm on you are you? i just don't know. i have some boy,
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the email comes no this guess. right. the moment limited the box. but i'm storing you for a minute. i need to buy it. i knew the fullest. i'm not sure. why on the books divides title she has to give
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more than one yeah. most of my summer to ruth can do to do t o the other ones to ones come on this for me to which the caution are doing and you have too much for it. but i'm really extra also if there's a one year from when she gets a launch and said he meant i don't know a come from the room will come for unless i'm leaving the students will be a junior. she's been said he stay wisco personally. then when emptiest, so when you mean, yeah, it's funny. and so what's the, what's the next piece? i just so she needs a bit smarter than we. cindy could have general just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i could just use immunization, i believe it's on, she must go ski and i actually need to give you a book and then you put the upstairs. and then if you need to get the specifics here, let me ask you to purchase the process dispute,
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and if i knew what i'm showing you, cuz this is the scan. okay, so she is still in motion ocean from ocean shuster folks. and let me see what the show on
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the windows. no. do you need to wonder you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to cover the most of which is that he's speaking to me in the summer and wellness. i'm a resume project. you know, when i send him over to my reading and he's just a little concerned, you only need to know if you're on uh track more than the problem which mr. gustin ended doing. course, the corrosion on. that's the view. what i'm conversing, a booster customer, the nationalist as the doctor on the open platform of 3, which is to share their own lives in washington. glenn, is there a project for decent? taking notes. i don't want you to be on more than the shooting and people out of
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what some you and it was the review on google ocean kind of thing that we have to go to youtube videos mixed up in the of using it for october. the 1st thing here to look to for me the minutes of information which is next on thursday. yes. tell me what the story just i get on my choice. you have to cut off so much for the ships and went into the mice. you took a yeah, because i was to, i know those know which i brush and then you could 3, but i knew i don't know what that just sort of thing,
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but i'll just just ask them in motion source and the be much better for us to yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching everyone on the corporate, do you have, what are some of that in what ask you to then look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the one i know and just didn't. uh, what divides days. so it was slips. no, but that's what i'm watching. floors me see them cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm what, what are you dealing with the being what i'm what, what, what are you deal? a young person who chose just to grab sort of get over to that, the down with you quitting. so most of them is a bit the writing is in cima. came up for lunch. i am done, provide you to a motion of taxed on the custom in washington. yes, i'm almost makes you mind that for sure. can this quick memorial mission
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do text of nimble appointment to a text book. shesta. do a text and blew his passionate burnett to need you to stay seduce me. i would be cheap. what i teach in a glutton isn't that you paid them at the store. it's a stops to get that. and what, what does that finish to see? what's what the options to eat, but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have the use me to send the cook at the menu, which can you see my, my, my opinion, let's throw in that for those. i'd be happy to provide support on support for folks having somebody else can turn up at the skype and the sounds and the thor store deal. it's just you in virginia store, but i do choose to, that's the deal that she's feeling and that's the point you even have, which is between
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the, the, there's many problems in us society now that they're facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing growth in, in, in, in homelessness, us, and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to,
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to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world, the how much of the woods and pretty much it all up and ready to discuss mental health plan. you know, the most used car crash was who went upstairs during the season. yes. could. could you check out the criteria but, but it just isn't an option when united be thoughtful me in the finish my notes give them that form used to miss the use of she had got those as just on the board . so what this kind of, so i'm glad to know who should have come with our bonus. we'll go over to them because there's hope you're going to see
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the as much data, which is the new. it's all cannot on both is very sensitive. so it will go from the bank statements to the so she did it in the 30 and it was because i still quite use it to what you're just doing. it doesn't matter what to do much on the card with the former, she did leisure ga that got dora english. not them was that a name? you know, there's not little disagree with that. got the order we have cause the problem, the and there's not the on the if the duplicate, the asked of the name is that i just described pick it up and you get pick our daughter mary, and their permission, they put the massage and you're going to throw specific humor within this little by visual limited enterprise,
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right near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did meeting last year, 2 years to riley. this is a couple of them name. you can find a product you doesn't need to hear them, it's just dealing with the beach and fix it on the open fits that are on their way . the of the credit of aren't really for a lot. the last something we need to have come with a he had said you're the deepest, it's our nurse the invoice for the most mission paper for the floors. now over the next 3 of the, to me, the cook with every man you, when we're new system, that kind of which of the 2 types of data for different them, did you ever played around that's prevented from it or not, which didn't start with then nadine's with the new colors to really force and active plan. yeah. e dani did come in from the video from the store. so they've just said that we need to do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar surely when you, when you, when you press the button,
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you asked about the subject and from the article. and you nichols my knees because i'm just the nurse which is being in the criteria if i'm covered up with the commission destructor crime which to die. that's correct. and would do it throughout that. i'm option you really produce a sure system incident ticket that unusual was the fittest of us. of course it's listed on the, on the never mind the chip. so that has been a lot of what say that the but of course leave with the but of course it will stay on the going to cover it will stay on the let each, the caesar said, if i put the board, they just moved to us cock that the but the shit i'm the, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the judges, but of the dealers stuff, the deluxe done. and switch it back to me yesterday to subscribe to to, to be,
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you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know were just talking to the new uh, the dot net, just the line. you know, just drops that will lynette? oh, with the logo guns cannot that is for me to junior, near below virginia that gave you to now national just because it's not nice to go to that social luigi teacher. gosh, the committee put all the novel chain. you do 10000 in particular plots. score the patricia to so what's chest them across the time security? no, no, i think another sweater. no good on shift or store the other one on the to do to launch control and that is for me to the system. somebody in nutrition. so the last time i would check the q g, well in the book got this is that i am so uh, i'm also in discretion that
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the, when does what do you want to continue the 1000 you sent it as name of this. and if i'm doing this, i promise not a problem then you the commander for yeah, that's done. the music of like you speak, i need to get the, there's not but easy to preside and my short. but if you and you know, down the money and seeing the floors nice to but she's got these kind of things as kept the skin form sheet, but not in the it's due to me yet. but i to upstairs and, and but what she gets was that she got this cool. no sweat and slip. joseph jones,
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this is the to go to any cause any up smear though it is easy said that you will to new from an engine command. the facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to cut the sound you to use the got that's peer to skim to douglas to to and then you cutty x now which this that was beautiful, which is both best binding. the pm pioneers, the sampling those days, she placed it the do to cut the deck and as a color, then we had that with jasmine. so then you put the dead set. that's good then mission. so you, such as the resonated, going from with the team that you wish to go with much a little who were sending it to i'm not sure what your thoughts as she is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned that so anyways, did holla was pretty cheap once you get me to you by it. and we're trying to keep it up to us that we use for services that are supposed to move into use of watson to natural. it's a 1st thing i knew was sneezing,
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and you do go ahead and would this to when they just wanted this fine, which one is more she to that is at the nice since then incentive. we were watching events and that's doing the position of progression from the line station us if the which in the and i shall suffice enough changes and inflict last night on the 1st year of school. and i have to go with the last couple of more students and woke across because fun, those can some of the, the portions to hold and extension. again, things to special needs disclose to discontinue against when you have the phone you
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use as a desk. i use terms to and that's possible for them to have 4 so much energy and you've got to order one not allowing, you know, trumps not just on the do lots of stuff in the morning anymore. i nimble a little check and kind of, she crushed what is reason you're supposed to bring your interview with joe, but i'm not for sure. it sounds like she made those choice. the opponent luann sky playing for suzanne. which i sent them. yep. i'll send you this, put in that. you're pretty up to date. yeah, uh, volumes projected and this would show you the
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funding at the see what to expect. you to know what the, what the full gas company, your phone number you called mr. skips vehicle. snap the snap dash i shows can pretty much come up with some of our demo that you knew what i'm putting you on to put investment in the table by the pushing effective until nice to meet you. new kind at the end of it as many times with your what is new most popular opinion or really you of course, let me show with most of that that's the position hooked it up. so you know, what got daughter a, the moisture from us on the non the dispatcher, which i'm a former sure don't close up showing us give service of putting it up based on the
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move you as well as from the up to the stick. i key at the base pairs that are still hugging this food cut thought i got the boat and you should all normally is actually she did. i remember she clean that much because obviously you speak to do to use the kitchen is in your thoughts as your manual read it to uh is it just doing a desktop? so let me ask you the largest of what he spent on the show was, gosh, listed on this try to get the band at them. that was the last time i was trying to attempt to see if the car saw so through the system stand 1st. the mattress that flush do you mind flush? sorry, no, no, no, i just got dish at the convention or it's um orchard. yeah. no, you can't just do this. the trust,
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there's no bosses of what you much of the endorsement like on extinguish up some of the stuff. send a form that you lets me you will each during discussion with dr. speak to oh yes. now show progress number to reach which is in your global credit union sign language, but i'm not saying you have which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nimble defenders that's nif cliquish credit, so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that's the credit and there's just no mega byte net is that that should say no. wish a concession given? yeah. the the
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the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the stashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send them
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a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the funds and officials from what they told her were sick a month because by is well following a new series of deadly strikes. well, in the end you are were bills allegations of how kind of cities we use the human shields by the idea that we need to build a jewish presence in the gods as true. so that will have a choose precedence for a long period of time because the for on there, there will be to me when that says that wants to kill us every time to wake up in the morning. we will not exist, as well as finance minister sparks outrage by cooling the entire population of gauze, the nazis during the accusations of racism from the american media. on speaking exclusively to all tv palestinian um,


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