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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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it was incredible genocide, the funds and officials from what they told her were 6 months because why is well following a new series of deadly strikes? well, in the end you are were bills allegations of how kind of cities we use the human shields by the i d. s. plus waiting to build a jewish presence in the gods as true. so that will have a choose precedence for a long period of time. because the for aren't there, there will be to me when that is, is that want to kill us every time to wake up in the morning. we will not exist as well. finance ministers, fox outrage, by cooling the entire population of gauze, the nazis during the accusations of racism and from the american media on speaking exclusively to all tv palestinian um, boss of the, to kind of the condemns onto is, were diesel, the cold for a cx 5 and gone i don't think that to see canada any times to and
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acknowledge it, but what's happening? palestine genocide, the and very well welcome to you. it's 2 pm. hey, in the russian capital. and this is all to you international with the latest world news updates. as always, it's great to have you with us at the palestinian at foreign ministry. how is accused as well as quote, how restrict masika is in garza as often as the 20 people were reportedly killed by the ideas and the japanese refugee count on sunday and the end today the north of this book, it shows a child who was rushed to a make shift tossed, so by red, crescent team in the area. she was treated by volunteerism, at a critical lack of medical supplies. the wells health organization states, stalls have been unable to deliver a to a balance of northern gauze for almost 2 weeks. now. the hello city and use the
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bearing, the brunt of the medical dissolves. to save the children, charity stays at least 10 miners in dollars would become duties every day. the young goals, the reports of the 7 times, more likely to die from an idea of bloomington. uh those and according to the un children's funds and 9 out of 10 and for this under the age of 2 phase quotes, severe food poverty, hey, the story of one child whose life has been shot it by the will. the for so i had this child mine a little space, her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the indonesian hospital and northern gas. um, unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services that resulting in the child coming to nasa hospital via the red cross. initially, nothing was known about how because who has so many members have been killed in the war. and guys, um, i managed to identify mona through the internet. i went to nasty hospital, we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has
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a jewel injury which brought her to intensive cap. we won't lay that you'll receive the best possible treatment until her unite with have surviving sista. we request her medical transfer outside of gaza to receive treatment, the most crucial aspects of the past and his their eyes. so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool as the child cannot eat or drink staffel, we request a transfer for treatment. this is the simplest right for human being to be in good health. most of palestinian adults have been detained by the id as in dollars i haven't allegedly being tortured in custody as according to new revelations, from the swift space that your i met human rights and wanted to n g, a hasan account. the vote spoke has published i think an elderly palestinian recently released by the is wally military, a 75 year old jihad zip code, told euro med monitors team that on december 12th, 2023 is riley forces. took him into custody from his home in gaza. city after
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beating, kicking, and tying him up. the soldiers then used him as a human shield, putting him in a house in a neighborhood where military activity was taking place. your lead previously single 1000 id as comp instead to not in certain southern is well cool to get quite a guantanamo, it was like prison. the n g o stays detainees, that all falls to stay outside an eye and pages to spot the winter weather without access to food or water. former prisoners sighted by your room, metals, okay, that they will be soon stripped to that on the government's and been forced to stay on the knees on the street file is the obligation is kind of made a foss shifting is ready. narrative of aids creeping invasion of garza as long as he's not each i explained. israel has been eager to prove that his actions in gaza are justified. that the jewish state has a right to defend itself from how much the tax like the ones that took place on
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october 7th and the countries officials keep reminding us that they will not stop any time soon. 2024 will be challenging. we will be at war and goes we will be fighting and gaza. oh yeah, that's for sure. we will transition to a new combat approach in the northern region of gaza in accordance with the military achievements on the ground. we will continue this war until the end. it will continue until her mazda is destroyed until victory until the goal is reset, the met, destroying how most releasing or hostages, and removing the threat from garza. but considering the brutality that has been taken place over the past 3 months, and the fact that when it 3000 policy and civilians have been killed, even members of the can, i said, are starting to question. israel's goal in this war it isn't masonic doing which is
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actually a nightmare because that's what we only bring more bloodshed and we have enough of blackshear the. busy sides we have to finish that. they don't think about the wellbeing of people, close, masonic fuss. use they ever these, these crazy c h cycle. a dream that's if they come toward what they perceive as b. b, because lando ease of a and then the is the messiah is going to come. and then the sub jo and the, and then we have, you know, and then general the says stuff. this is crazy. that's not all. you can come back for the beaks, and of course you cannot come back to anything about the way because it's emotional that on top of that, families of the 13 is riley hostages. killed by friendly fire are also calling for an investigation of idea of soldiers to be carried out. they the minute explanation
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of how their own army, which is supposed to protect its citizens, can be the cause behind their that's and i left today to january 4th, unpublished in hebrew meteor, over the weekend. the families wrote that they were demanding the id f. carry out and in depth and transparent investigation of the decisions and the actions that led to this tragic outcome said that this should not waste until the end of the war is really desperately trying to prove to the world and its own citizens. that it is doing the right thing. after all, they say, how much is to blame for rape and violence against women? we know from interrogations that how mosse came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which soldiers in different places. problem is even the western media that reported on these claims had to retract them a day later. the allegation disappeared from the peace which has been amended to include the following correction. a previous version of this article included
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a quote from is riley defense minister jo of gal and that was not authorized for publication. the quote has been removed. in another case, the new york times has also published a lengthy report on allegations of sexual violence. a significant portion of the extensive peace focus on the rate of one is rarely woman, but the victim's family has come forward to deny those claims. at 7 o'clock, my brother in law called his brother and said they show go and she's dying. it doesn't make any sense then 4 minutes, they re to slow to to and banta, i didn't want to be understood as i'm justifying what they did. they are animals, the rates, i'm the head of people. but in my sister's case, this is not true. so interestingly enough, not one of the sweet hostages has come forward and
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a firm. the claims either moreover, is rarely security forces are now being sued for negligence. by 42 survivors that attended the music festival near the gods on board. the day of the attacks. a single phone call made by id officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger, it would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of pots. he goes including the plaintiffs. the negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief to keep the war going. the is really government depends on support from both inside and outside the country. but how effective can old is just define be if the narrative they are building it on is consistently being be constructed. and falling apart. earlier we heard from a displace palestinian father of children with special needs. he's a says don't, is all unable to get medical treatment foldable is ongoing. you know, systems,
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but how much i loved it. all my name is managed by how i'm with the budget. i lived in jamalia, northern garza, i fled to the south from the heavy show. i came here in order to protect my children, protect myself in my family, and for 60 days we have been living in this town more than one family. and the place here is not suitable for living. my children have special needs. as you can see, this child is disabled. and so it's got a system. their names are malik and marty, and i used to get my children's medicine from northern gauze. but here i can get any treatment my children need special medicine due to their epilepsy. seizures which we can only get from the hospital in northern gauze. and their condition is not very bad. we went to more than one hospital here and saw them does. and they told us that the case a should be diagnosed 1st and because of the war, it is not possible to provide medical services to my children until after the fighting is over. as well as finance minister has shockingly referred to the entire
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2000000 population of dogs as not sees during some enraged reaction from the us, mainstream media rages and frankly, racist. comments from the far right, extremist is really finance minister and member of and it's on yahoo. government does allow smoked rich jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there if not, $13000000.00 nazis and gaza. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning. and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th, 2000000 as of course, the population of gaza. so take that in for a moment to 1000000 quarterly holding nazis and guys. and so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. nazis, as we spoke to a jerusalem based on jumping to on thoughts on how to best,
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who believes the his way. the finance minister is trying to justify the killing of civilians in gaza. this is how board kinds i committed the 1st of all, you'll be here when i the other side. so he says $2300000.00 palestinians are or now is, is there is no single in no sense even the baby and as is it. so that's how it is just the 5 to kill all of them. so is it a, if all of them on as is then from a model and point to view we, we, uh, we have a just close to could everybody, these i'm nice is, these are the moods, these are i see that i've no human beings that are normal, the city is even the berries a excuse of being this and they want against doesn't and what's happening in the west bank through the settlements and the displacement is also a religious world to get it there. granted, is it,
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i saw it no way of another this, these fanatics motivated by ideology in whatever they make in the form of the beginning of the year. and in there was, again, because of those bank, this has been what the vision relatives all the hostages held by hamas and gone. so have attempted to block the entry of humanitarian aid and to the end place. it protested to try to reach a boat across and where hundreds of a trucks or be lining up to enter the strip, but was stopped by his way. the police all seem at least bureau chief maria, for an ocean of reports from the c. when our on 7200 is away from 10 am, shall i'm crossing into the gaz, 3 near the egyptian boulder where protest or is came out earlier this morning trying to prevent these rarely humanitarian a trunk from entering the palace, scan it and clave the idea was but they come on the car as you can see,
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the line of them over there. there are around the 2 of them. they block the road and stop the vehicles. but these really police has stopped everybody here on this at this junction say and beyond this line is a close the military zone and the movements are restricted and no one can go any further down the closing areas. they cannot move. it is expected that on tuesday, a 2 vehicles caring for walter medical and the shelter equipment will be sent to the guys shreeve. now we did not know where are the vehicles uh, at this moment. maybe they already at the crossing being checked. no information about about that, but this is something that's those who have gathered here today, strongly disagree with most of them off families and friends. all of the hostages who have been held in the,
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gathers through for almost 100 days already. and the families complain. but they loved ones and groups. tibbetts e donalds gets basics, and i my nephew or for i'm one of the who's been the kid, not since october 7, he's 79 years old. my uncle and the he is, we know that he's suffering from bad condition in the time those notes fall away from him. by the way, you know, is the, let's the monetary and aids eh, go into guys out for the guys. yeah. and for the people there, uh, it doesn't make sense that the same time or the people, the ones that are being that have that as hostages. don't get human into an aid. no medicine, no food, no medical advice. nothing. we saw the, the video uh, the footage is uh how much steaks control over the trucks. and what happens is that
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they, uh, the re sell them in a higher brian in the black markets to the, to the civilian. so the actually it doesn't, they, the actual purpose of babies do have the civilians there. well, and then as we can see, the businesses won't get like that. i must fix the control path as of today, event is to stop the tire and trucks because there is only one way for the on the 3rd and trucks. there is no a mix sites. we don't see any negotiation. we don't see the hostages stuff coming out. so how many terry on forming theory, and if we do a so fault home in this area and we need to get back in with our end and we can't afford this anymore. i have no and my son is the call, it is disease and he's suffering. it doesn't get any medicine. he doesn't get anything inside. so we are trying to stop the trucks over to the supposed to go to the palestinian refugees. the pharmacy is a taking all the,
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the trucks. i don't know where it's going through. it's the feeling of the hum us or it's going through all the sites. but i'm, i, i'm sure it's not going to over my phone. what do you think the also just outs immediately they have no time. they have no time. we need to take them home. no, they're not capable to stay there anymore. well, god stays there. and the defense ministry body responsible for palestinian affairs announced that on sunday, around $200.00 humanitarian aids, drugs were inspected and sent to the guys 3, but it was not for the 1st time. initially one, the war started on october. the southern israel was very quick to say that it would cut off all relations. it had with a guys of promise in total siege all the same place, but with food. walter, electricity supplies cottle, but as the war continued, hans and international pressure, especially coming from washington, was mounting. israel eventually agreed to allow some humanitarian aids in. and
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since the end of october, a hundreds of tribes made stay away from these rarely territory into the gaz us 3 human rights groups. they say this is a drop in the ocean as this is a real human. it's irene catastrophe. now in holding in the, in plain hands, according to the official nations around 90 percent of guys is 2300000 strong population. us starving, a suffering from severe food and security and other problems related to their situation. there in the west bank at least 3 palestinians have opposed to being killed at the latest idea. afraid it follows another incidents over the weekends when an infant was shot dead during a call rounding and shooting. and it is really on the check point. a warning you might find the following images distressing to the cctv associates from the scene shows
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a van carrying civilians followed by call that deliberately crushed into idea of troops. the soldiers opened file also hitting the van where a 4 year old girl was killed on the spots, as well, has told it across fine accidents. she posted into silence and the other car also showed that we heard from the uncle of the channels that you have sent me through the occupies were inspecting every passing vehicle. each car had to stop at the check point for inspection. they were to cause the 1st pass inspection without the incident. so the 2nd car was fired upon with 33 shots, 5. the 8 passengers in the car, including the girl who late has to come to her injuries caused by the gun. 5 ambulances were prevented from reaching her. she lay in the road for 4 hours. unfortunately, neither the occupation forces, nor any ambulance intervene to provide assistance. i'm safe. sadly, she passed away and her body was taken away by the occupying forces. and it's still not been returned. a young girl was on her way home with her mother and sister. sadly, the occupies up in fire on which resulted in her tragic death. she's now
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a monster. the occupying forces have been engaging in such actions for years. they harassed residents, passing through the big cache, the village area without any apparent reason, creating difficulties for people across our region. as well as the on slows, have gone as a escalates public. resentment sees of the mounting world wide us presidents to abide and has been pack homes by an anti what anti will demonstrate this during a re election campaign speech and the state of south carolina of the industry. i understand the fashion and i've been quietly work requiring work is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do. american journalist on global to fast on the list.
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don't ever really say straight bind to this many pay lip service to circle pace efforts while not $20.00 sponsoring b is rarely a tax. on garza, it is 0, is the most important american outline in the middle east. and we have made it very clear that we're going to not, not merely just support israel, and this just side we are actively partaking in. it's right, providing all the weapons, all the and intelligent satellite intelligence, all the infrastructure. we're providing israel with everything they need to carry out this genocide. so this is obviously number one priority. i mean of course the white house doesn't say that they will come out and say, oh you have the genocide as opposed to means number one priority. but again, we, you know, as i don't, as we have to just, we have to judge about what's really happening. no, we're not gonna just them by their statements. we're going to judge them by their actions. we know joe biden, he's a lie. i mean, i'll repeat it again just so it's even make it very clear. joe biden is online. you can say anything you, once we see what's happening here, what, let's just people buy their actions. joe barton is complicit in the genocide of the
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palestine. people full stuff that's effect, he could stop the genocide right now. right. the 2nd, if you really wanted to, with the genocide continues. because joe biden said that so that in this case, i mean next to the bottom of the white house. it's not that he is weak in this sense. it's just he doesn't want to, he would together with israel with telling me they want to. and as they see it, they want to put an end to the house. any question once and for all mean while the palestinian on boss is that the kind of the stays ultima is was up to, to support any meaningful international dialogue. all the humanitarian crisis in gaza. no, not, boom. all right. says the set total se, but she doesn't expect the canadian government to out rightly condemn as well as a sold on the enclave. joe, this approach in general has been negative to espouse times use of its right to approach international organs in general. uh. even uh, new and we've,
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we've seen that was the resolution and the i see now we have the i c, j in general. it says that it has not been a proper place to advocate for the palestinian. that is really complex. we disagree with that because you don't have any other menus for that. those venue repeat, especially for people to use for such crises and struggles. i don't think that to see canada any time soon acknowledging that what's happening in palestine ruge on the sites. but that would, as we approach the hearing this week on the case that was brought by south africa against israel, we hope that at least canada will not stand the in, in favor of a sending was set israel on this uh,
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creating a environment where, where that to join the site that keeps happening and canada, especially as the human rights advocates and the champion of the rules based generational. or there at least we hope that its submission would not be a 100 they supposed to. it shows demonstrates is on the streets of tyrone, so radi and you're going to be is really military operation. and the only thing and immediate cease left the public city and on fossil. they'll also told us that despite widespread support was among the canadian people, the country, the leads were made, a moved by the plight of civilians and dogs. we've seen a lot of those tray sions, in support of palestine over canada, and we have seen uh a lot of uh, um, statements and a lot of surveys that have been d, can i but from canadians. and we know that in general canadian support,
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freedom for palestinians and their human rights, this position on the ground needs to transform into a political one once the officials would be chosen upon their actions and towards social justice in general. and especially for them when it comes to palestine. so at that point we will see that transformed into an official position by the end piece and by the government itself. right now we see a little bit of a shift the from the government. see that to people as well, our colleagues so much for the ballast and it's the debates. and we hope that this both these actions on the ground that a political sphere would create that change. so the next we take use of the freezing goals as all the op take away russian icebreakers, a coughing, new pulse,
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full and increasingly popular northern trade routes that hits a record high towed. as i lost you, a frozen waters of the far north can be navigated in the woman months of the year. when icebreakers can come out to pass the ring coming cargo ships, russian company rust out to him as a leader in the industry, with its fleets of nuclear power at icebreakers setting a cost through the arctic, the entire roots from the far east in the city of love of stock, new japan to russia's window to europe some petersburg in the west spends a total of 14000 kilometers millions of tons of cargo, including oil and gas equipments, foods, timber and minerals passed through the northern sea route. every russian companies, luke, oil, gas, prom, and russ nests, a major suppliers, and in 2023, the volume of congo reached a record high. the record of the old waiting mode in russia was set in 2021 at
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34900000 tons. at the moment, no nicholas vessels at all now has transported 35000000 tons. we have reached this milestone of 35000000 tons. on average, we transferred about 100000 tons the day through the northern sea route. we now see that we should already have 36000000 tons by the end of 2023. let's look at the dynamics around 4 decades ago, in 1997, 7000000 tons were transported through the northern sea route festival, which the 2021. and the volume increased 5 times over to about 35000000 tons. and in 2024, china was set to become the largest importer of russian liquefied natural gas with the supply of more than 27000000 tons, fellow asian economic giants. india has also increased its trade with strategic partner, russia, expanding north south trade while the northern secrets, the only other comparable routes for that journey is via the suez canal in egypt, that is almost twice as long while the full trip between plenty of us stuck in some
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petersburg across the northern sea route would be a 14000 kilometer jenny. that would be a 23000 kilometer roads via the suez canal, rushes present in fruits and has emphasized the northern 0. it is simply more efficient. we show the city due to the nuclear icebreaker fleet will probably be needed for decades to come. this is a huge competitive advantage for our country. the atomic lead represents the development of competencies. the northern c route is advantage is from a logistical point of view as it is becoming more efficient than the suez canal. transport time can be improved many times over by using the northern sea route. those remarks came just days before a militant group in yemen, began attacking ships and the red sea. the main waltz away accessing the suez canal . thursday said they were targeting vessels linked to his right. it was a gesture of solidarity with palestine cargo ships and that full being developed since traveling the long way around africa, around the cape of good hope. some $22000.00 ships passed through the suez canal annually,
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making up around 12 percent of world trade and wireless situation in the middle east remains turbulence. experts say the northern sea root could be a viable alternative. shipping through the suez canal is associated with very high military risks for ship owners and cargo carriers. this means an increase in premiums for ensuring a ship's cargo that adds to the cost of transporting goods which on doubted li weekends their competitiveness on global commodity markets. the northern c route looks completely different from an economic point of view. it is an important point that will only develop further the opposite, cuz one of the last great unexplored places on us is rich and natural resources. meanwhile, i meant the shifting global political situation. there are increasingly more prospects, the venture to the far north and break the ice rebecca future too many thanks for your company of us to stay on the us international for more of the latest updates you can visit our website all t dot com and do kind of quotes doing me again some more news. so the top there,
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