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tv   Documentary  RT  January 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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there's no calendar that's driving this that this is, you know, this, this is an operation that's, that's driven by, you know, the results on the battlefield. that they're not gonna allow artificially alley like a calendar to dictate. but ukraine is collapse of western support is, is dissolving as we speak their bankruptcy, they have no weapons, their army is deteriorating, they have no replacements of rush. it meanwhile, is getting stronger every day. i mean, $1500.00 russian patriots are voluntary every day to serve in the special military operations. don't russians getting stronger and stronger and stronger that some point time the correlation of before has basic military math dictates that russia will in this conflict. i personally believe that probably gonna see an end of this conflict this year. but again, that's up to russia. russia determines how and when this conflict was now during your travels over the past few weeks, you've also been to the chechen republic and you also addressed the crank conflicts
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during your visit that you were hosted by. rumbling tyler ralph. what were your main takeaways uh, from this guy? because he public, they offered to release some ukrainian military prison as an exchange for the lifting of sanctions from his relatives. but then kind of later i cooled that statement, the circle, trolling of the west. the, do you have any intel on that? well, 1st of all, we just start off with, this is my 2nd visit to judge near when i was here in may. i, uh, i went to church, it was the initial introduction between the se olive branch. now, a former american intelligence officer and the very hard core supporters of the put in a why should put of the russian government, i'm using western rhetoric regime, a bit of, of flattery, food. now the reason why i say the lab report is the more you learned about church and you realize what or what, what role of letting me put plate with aftermarket. there is the father of roms on in ending the church and conflict in the political courage that it took. not only
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for letting me put in, but for my condemned to sit down and bring it into this conflict and repair the damage would have been done. not by one, but 2 wars between russian and churches. so when you start to learn that history and you take a look at prints as a photograph with grows and it looked like a 2002, and you look at closing today. you say this is a miracle, this is a chechen miracle that's taking place. um, so i, i saw that they got to meet them pretty warm, wonderful people. so when i was given the opportunity to return, i should of course, i would love to return this time we knew each other a little bit better. and i had the honor and privilege of uh, of having a lunch with the rooms i could do of the head of the church of republic. um, not that it was an amazing experience. first of all, to me, demand of, of his stature of the historic relevance, whatever you think about him, would you like them or don't like them? you can't deny the fact that he is a man who has made his way in history. he will go down in the history books one way
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or the other. i personally believe that it will be in a positive way. but it half of which you said, that is why i was there last time i had the honor of meeting the officers of the presidential guard. they were simple enough if their barracks and everything. couple 1000 of them. if you'd like to see the soldiers, i'm like sure why not. you said i have 25000 of them. i'm like, ok, maybe in general, you do. so we walked out the back door of as of as the where we had lunch. and you just see soldiers as you walk there. everywhere on the hills, there's yeah, 25000 chechen warriors assembled. and so we drove in, they, they part as we pass through them. and we come up to the steps of the main palace. and there they are. 25000 is the most, all inspiring intimidating scene. i've ever chairs for my life and he gives a speech. and then when he finishes the said, this speaks, and i'm like what?
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and so i gave a speech. anybody who sees it will see that i did my best in russian. i'm not afloat in russian speaker. i think i got the idea across. but it was an idea based upon piece saying that this war has to end, and i'm confident that the judges together with the russians will win this war. but the best thing is that when the war ends that we return to peace and to go home to their families and they live normal lives. afterwards, he had a press conference, and again, my russian isn't very good. so i wasn't sure of what's happening. i know he was talking about the sanctions and i know he's talking about your training and prisoners and he handed me a list. and afterwards, when i realized what you've done, i politely said that, um, like i'm private citizen i, i can't get involved in it matters of state. this is between chechnya russia in russia and ukraine. i can have no role in this. i meant no disrespect, but they, they didn't take it as disrespectful. he says it was trolling. i'd take them at his word, but all i could say is that i wasn't insulted by it at all. it happened. it's not
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an issue. i focus more on the positive aspects of this trip, which were again the absolute war. you know, they, they treated my daughter and i to a special showing of the church and dance, dance, national dance ensemble. and so we got a nice concert this, that the in the see put me and my daughter up on the stage, may this dance a touch like this. so those are the help that the 25000 soldiers will be with engraved in my brain forever. most of the topics were you discussing over that that then with a quite let hostetter, were you talking about serious stuff, you know, like churches and role, but in ukraine you know, i had a meeting with a number of, of, of, of senior a church and officials and with, with, with some i talked about the ward more detailed with rums i could do of, i focused on the judge is judge you this image in the united states and how the united states viewed it. and how is important to correct the record?
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because united states we, we talked about the church and services with terrorists. these are evil, man, these are bad people. and i'm like, look, i've been here and it's just the exact opposite. i mean, every, every nation has a history, every nation as problems, just the church and officials, very honest about their history and their problems and what they're doing to resolve these issues. but that was my focus was to talk about how i as an american, because remember, i'm a private citizen. yeah. but i view what i'm doing. i called the citizen diplomacy . i'm, i'm, i'm a private and basher of my country. i'm representing me as an individual, but also in an unofficial capacity. the american people i'm, i'm, you know, when i, when i sit before somebody like rums on could there of i'm, i'm representing the american people. and so what i was trying to impart was that we have to learn more about you. and i would like you to learn more about us because i do believe after meeting the church and people that our future should be one to friendship, not conflict. and so that was primarily what we discussed, i think you're doing a great thing because this is your journey and you're educating yourself and
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learning about different codes. so i think everybody should make such a journey in that lives. if you stay in your own country for your entire lives, then of course you're going to have a close perspective of the well. so this is another reason why me must, i mean, we like to travel around the state, different places, and it's important. i think i'm going back to the situation, you cry now on this and at the front lines, particularly what's your assessment of how things a going that how is it looking for both sides where i'm at, right. i like to remind people that, well, i have a pretty extensive military background and i have a pretty good record of, of doing analysis. i was an intelligence officer. one of my jobs was to do, you know, strategic predictions. i'm thousands of miles away from the front line. so i don't want to pretend for a 2nd. did i have intimate knowledge of what's happening either on the russian side or the training and side. i can say that of, you know, my limited experience with war, which is nothing like, what's going on right now. this is a completely different level of conflict. this taking place to before of what's
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happening, the death of destruction is beyond imagine, you know, but i know the war is not a good thing. it's a, it's a horrible thing. and i, i know that's what those individual soldiers, both in russia and ukraine, are going through it through the average viewer, can't imagine what, what's happening. so i don't want to pretend that i can empathize with what they're say. but what i do know is that when you pull away from the force of the tactile situation, the difficulty of the fighting to pull back the for what's called a correlation of forces comes into play. basic military math. and i'll just give you the basic equation. ukraine is consuming resources at a rate far greater than it can replace of russia is consuming resources in a rate that is readily replaced and even expanded by what's pointed. so the
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correlation of forces is that a rush is a crane and overall strategic advantages. and they are taking this advantage over and seizing the initiative. and what you're seeing on the battle for right now is a manifestation of that. i don't want to pretend that just because russian has strategic initiative advantage that it's easy going on the front lines. i always remind people that when you study world war 2, from the american perspective, you know, we fight the germans sort of the soviet union age and we have, they suffered greatly. we had our share of the conflict. the bloodiest month for america against jeremy wasn't the day the normandy invasion. it wasn't december of 1944, the battle of the bulge. it was april 1945, the last month of the war when germany was defeated. when there was no hope for germany, more americans died in that month because the germans fought hard as they would die . so i'm hopeful that ukrainian soldiers the training people, will realize the name of the building of their defeat and will choose not to allow
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their country to be destroyed, to allow their men to be slaughtered on the battlefield. but i'm under no illusions that for russia to win this war, they will have to defeat you. creating an army in the last month will be the hardest. the was the type of, of that the ukrainian towns were offensive. wasn't that as saying this is a is, is about to start, it starts, it is going to start at, but it seemed to not do very well as to what it politely and do you think that's the end was really surprised. but now you've raised with thing waning western support because of the, the failed confir offensive. well, from my perspective, this was an inevitable outcome i, i, i wrote about this back in may in june when they, when they, you know, hyped up the counter offensive. um, now one of my experiences was during the gulf war and it back in 19901991. i helped plan the marine corps, the assault of the iraqi defensive positions. and so i spent a lot of time you're working out what for the correlation of forces,
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what are military make up the balance of forces the composition would we'd need to defeat the, the iraqi problem. and so i took that experience and i applied it to the trade in front and i went, there's no way you cream, could ever defeat the russians. because the 1st of all, you need fear not just a priori for you near need air supremacy over the battlefield. there's not a you training air force capable of doing that. you need to suppress the totality of russians defensive. they couldn't do that. they didn't have the ability to sustain the attack or the russians meanwhile, pulled this uh, this, this general colonel general alexander roman chuck, of who had experience as a deputy commander, 58 the army. he was at the combined arms academy rewriting russian defense of doctrine. so they took the man who re imagined russian defense of doctrine pulled them out and put them in charge of this operation front where he designed the defensive. so you'll. busy the russian mastermind, the building the defense,
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is in the of ukrainians, trying to attack with insufficient force, improperly trained forces and profit. how do you go to war with the equipment you just learned? they're not familiar with the equipment using tactics, you know nothing about. sadly, this was the inevitable outcome. and if i knew that every needle plan or do that, every american officer that which means by knowing, let ukrainians go to slaughter for what reason. because we believe that we could inflict enough harvey even well slaughtering ukrainians enough harm on russia to create a domestic political problem inside russia. but i'll tell you this when i was here in may, i was here on vehicle be of victory day. after seeing that, if anybody out there thinks that the russian, people don't have the stamina for conflict, they don't know the russian people. they don't think the russian army as the stamina for conflict, they don't know the russian army. they should have known this. the western planner should have known this. and again, as an american,
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i can't tolerate that. we allow people we call our friends, call our allies the ukrainians to be thrown into this me grinder this bloody assault. this is stupid as what the british did in 1916 letting the soldiers go over the trenches, over and over again against the germans, getting them slider to day. nothing. that's what happened this past summer. it's a tragedy. it's absolutely tragic and date. i'm going to circle back to the us now because we discussed this earlier how the defense, the secretary lloyd allstate was recently hospitalized for days, but the white house wasn't even in phones. what's all take away from that is, i mean, in terms of the chain of command in washington, what does that mean? we'll get this put this in perspective. united states is facing a number of military crises around the world. first of all, we have a situation with ukraine, where according to the president, we have to be prepared to defend against the russian attached to the russians break through. okay, i don't believe the russians are going to attack, but if you're gonna prepared to defend,
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that means that you have military commanders were making decisions, moving forces around the cheating, certain results. and that's reported through the chain of command to the senior military officer to build a person which in this case is void austin, who should be communicating to the national security council into the prison. united states. what's happening? we have a situation in gaza. the same thing, america is deployed carrier battle groups as a deterrent. meaning that it wears telling people like has bla, any wrong. and if you get involved, we will respond. therefore we have to every hour be reevaluating this, which means military commanders are reporting up the chain. the command, the lloyd austin, was communicating to the present national security council. we have china and taiwan. around the world is military crises. and the secretary defense disappears for 3 days, and the president doesn't know about it. what does this tell you? it's a total collapse of leadership, an absolute collapse of leadership. and here's the scary part. as i said earlier, i have during the, of course, i don't like joe,
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by anybody knows the history of him and i know that we've looked and jabbed over the years. so i respect the fact that he's the present, but you have to be the president to be the president. maybe you have to be in command. could you imagine the situation were present improvement? couldn't get ahold of showing you for 3 days and didn't care just like now. i am a, i can't be, i don't know, but i would imagine the present boot speech to show who multiple times per day about what's going on and in your trade, getting updates that showing who's calling reporting that they know where each other is at all times. lloyd austin disappeared for 3 days and the white house didn't know the secretary of state didn't know. this means it's an absolute collapse of command control at this very critical time. now you have to ask yourself then, who is running the government? because what normal presidents, what normal president would allow this to happen? a normal president who had, you know, his dis, mitchell, the facilities intact, would be saying, i need to talk the way. gosh, that, hey, what's going on with israel and what's going on with the hoody?
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what's going on with russia? what's going on with china? not a fame, which means he's not in command. so who is and this where he gets scary. because while i didn't bow for joe biden, i respect the american democratic process, and i recognize that the american people spoke and he is the present united states that has to be respected. but i didn't vote for the secret cabal if people were making decisions in his stead. because clearly he's not in control of the situation or he would have said, where's with us? and where is my secretary defense? who's running the government? that's the question. every american has to ask yourself, because if we want to continue as a constitutional republic, where the constitution means something, which means that there is a process where the american people get to vote and empower people to represent them in government. we can't allow a secret the ball of people to be running the government that we don't know, we didn't vote for, we can't identify them. that's the problem here. it's not just that, you know, god, god forbid russian decided to attack us with nuclear weapons. your industry time,
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i know rush, it doesn't intend to do that. thank goodness. but if you had savage, the system where america receives intelligence makes decisions about retaliation. this deterrents, the thing that the 1st people from attacking this didn't exist because the secretary defense wasn't available and nobody was aware of it. and so the system would have broken down at a very critical time. this is, this is a huge deal. it's not just a simple political make up for the american people. this is constitutional, and it's about our national security. it's about how we identify ourselves. so many more questions for you, but we'll all have to kind of wanted you to leave it on a positive note with some positive predictions. i also wants to ask who will be voting for this year? can i ask? well, you know, in america the secret ballot. okay. and i'm going to give the, the system a chance to produce the candidate worthy of my book. sounds good, scott: spinning, thanks for coming in. oh, it's great to see you. let's hope we meet to discuss a little small positive things. thanks time scott,
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with the form of us moving quote, intelligence officer and un weapons inspectors to appreciate that. thank you. again chief lloyd austin, what would be fired for keeping the public on the white house in the dark about his secret hospitalization. when republicans, according to austin, to quit for and no one of those sorts. it's totally because enjoy finding is famously loyal as would refuse to accept cheats that provide the nation to learn more about the story you can visit our website. all teeth don't com. the relatives of hostages, held by her mouse and dogs. i have attempted to block the entry of humanitarian aid to the enclave. the protest is trying to reach a boat of crossing wet hundreds of a truck. so been lining up to enter the strip but was stopped by is really police all seem at least chief, but we have an alternate reports from the c. when our on 7200 is away from 10 am shalom crossing into the gaz. us 3 near the egyptian boulder where protest or is
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came earlier this morning trying to prevent these rarely humanitarian a trucks from entering the palace seen it in clay. the idea was that they come on the car as you can see, the line of them over there, the right around the 2 of them. they blocked the road and stopped the vehicles. but these rarely police had stopped everybody here on this at this junction, saying beyond this line is a close the military zone and the movements are restricted and no one can go any further. the closing area. they cannot move. it is expected that them tuesday, a 2 vehicles carrying food, walter, medical and the shelter equipment will be sent to the guys the street. now we did not know where are the vehicles at this moment? maybe they already at the crossing being checked. no information about about that, but this is something that those who have gathered here to day,
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strongly disagree with most of them off families and friends all the hostages who have been held in because us through for almost $100.00 days already. and the families complain. but they loved ones and groups, tibbetts, he did not get basics and i'm a nephew of for, i'm wonder who's been the kid? not since october 7, he's 79 years old. my uncle and the he's, we know that he's suffering from bed condition in the time. those not far away from here, by the way, you know, is the, let's the monetary and aids eh, go into guys out for the guys. yeah. and for the people there. uh, it doesn't make sense that at the same time or the people, the ones that are being the head of the as hostages, don't get the human into an aid. no medicine, no food, no medical advice. nothing that we saw the,
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the video uh, the footage is that how much steaks control over the trucks. and what happens is that the, the re sell them in a higher brian in the black markets to the, to the civilian. so the actually it doesn't, they, the actual purpose of babies do have the civilians there. well, and then as we can see, if the businesses won't get like that, i must fix the control. as of today, event is to stop dell monitor and trucks because there is only one way for the opening 3rd and trucks. there is no a mix sites. we don't see any negotiation. we don't see the hostages coming out. so monetary a former theory and if we do a support for minnesota and we need to get back in with aaron and we can't afford this anymore. i have no way. my son is the call, it is disease and he's suffering it don't get any medicine. he don't get anything
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inside. so we are trying to sell the trucks over to the supposed to go to the palestinian refugees. the from us is a taking all the the trucks. i don't know where he's going through. it's feeding into her mouth or it's going through all the sites. but i'm, i, i'm sure it's not going to over my iphone. what do you think the also just outs immediately they have no time. they have an old time. we need to take them home. no, they're not capable to stay there anymore. oh god, these are alley defense ministry body responsible for palestinian affairs, announced that on sunday, around 200 humanitarian aids, drugs were inspected and sent to the guys 3. but it was not for the 1st time. initially one, the war started on october, sevens, israel was very quick to say that it was cut off all relations. it had with the guys of promise in total siege,
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all the same flavor with cold water and electricity supplies, cattle. but as the war continued and international pressure, especially coming from washington was mounting. israel eventually agreed to allow some communities hearing aids in. and since the end of october, a hundreds of trucks made stay away from these rarely territory into the gaz us 3 human rights groups. they say this is a drop in the ocean, as this is a real humanitarian catastrophe. now in holding in the in place, according to the official nations around 90 percent of guys is 2300000 strong population of starving, a suffering from severe food and security and other problems related to their situation there. when he, thanks for joining us here on the international with zach we've moved all the latest in just a few minutes. the then the
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the hi, i'm accepted and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want myself to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but
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again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons
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urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, winston churchill birds they use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own their health gain border the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to a representatives of the local population. v. a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on
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the way to a final independence. in 1940 on with the nazi's health situation, ultra nationalist, the massages claimed the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power . they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia. during world war 2. the stash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the senate of us comp will renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they sent them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the
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release of russian states never is as tight as some of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush has proved inc. s r t sports net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say you requested the
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most affordable cuz it also was in the business and you put in the 3 in the the, the, you know, as soon as i know mary comes green, we've got to be his best option of good to know so let me provide you with a section sure. ruckel even was massive author of the different student and for which i'm working with. you get thrown with them in the probably just a moment that was curious if it was good year that was sent to us just to be as good as the top 3. usually i'm looking at the study skills meaningful to flourish, to come into the office, to tutor which originally it was just showing up as opposed to just the moment because of this new way to parcel due for color. was there any don't know which these are i know for the don't or that you suggested to given the other the new year for these disagreements,
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it also has come over the age where our lease is fresh videos have been so for ration is on strikes on golf on the 11 on the us secretary of state visits, tennessee to spell the name of son, washington, the united states of america, president biden. all your more on the call of duty for the factor to spanning steadfast with around the country, blinking spaces and re families to be as ready, hostages, and 10 of these and with the washington is policies in the region receiving walls this day. even president bite and is interrupted by pro palestinian protest as he had to choose. there's a light.


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