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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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just opinions and also some of the, the, the as well release as fresh videos a bit. so for ration is on strikes on golf. on the 11 on the us, secretary of state visits kind of a tooth pulled in the sun washington to pull back united states of america present by then all your more all call of duty factor to spanning steadfast with around the times we think and faces and re families of these reading hostages, and 10 of these and with washington's policies in the region, receiving well to stay in present invite and is interrupted by pro palestinian protested. he had to choose, there's a light light,
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there's no past 10, these characters, the pond, and the latest twist. sophie geoffrey epstein. sonya abuse to accuse us there around some claims tippins poles to we're trying to explain to about the existence of 6 types containing bill clinton and print sounds were receiving threats to have some of the a very well welcome to you. it's 5 pm here in mosca. and this is also you international with the latest wealth news update, as always is great to have you with us. we start with the latest on the ravages of the conflicts in gaza with a deaf charles. the policy is 23000 people according to the gaza. at health ministry and is the us secretary of state anthony blinking arrives in israel. the
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ideas has released to ensure that separation and the palestinian and caves residential areas of the is ready. so does a seems firing weapons gearing ground operations quality is waiting. navy strong sounds that does the territories from the mediterranean sea, and then also as well, has lost a series of strikes on lebanon, same, and gets taken doubts, military infrastructure. the international humanitarian organization, doctors without borders, has set the con eunice shelter has been targeted. on monday, the report, the full people were injured, including a staff members 5 year old daughter who's not when a critical condition. central garza has also come on the is ready selling on the palestinian health ministry stays at least $57.00 bodies and $65.00 injured or bro to i'll ask the hospice will have the pulse 24 hours, but that's toll in the end type is now suppose $23000.00 since october this stuff
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and starts according to the palestinian health ministry. with 859000 injured an 8000 missing and a 1900000 people displace local journalists tons which alon spoke to us from the southern border city of rossa. when more attacks were reported during the night, for the latest news in golf off, uh is what there is. and is there any s like uh, barely morning around 4 am on uh, an mc residential house. a lot of people, a lot of display status tvs, are trying to find a place to drop off off the, uh, the wide preferred dryer declination by having, by the idea of the situation in the area of the seat areas where the id of fox, the ask the parents to use it to show through there's thousands of tents and there's a thousands of children and thousands of all the thousands of women's seen and
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sheltering tank smoke as prepared for winter. so it's very cold. and right now winter it is started and more challenging for the palestinians. bells teams, fees may challenge, increasing the number of displaced people to drop off with the that's means there's problem with food problems with water problems or a lot of things. do us secretary of state down to the blinking is met with his way the presidents are codes of during his latest the middle east trip. i talk find us sports that foster supports. i want to say united states of america present by then, and then everything is fresh and then you will sec through blinking for your more all call of duty for the fact that you're standing steadfast with is around all. thank you, mr. president is always great. we value the president's leadership in these incredibly challenging times have given
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a cold reception to washington top diplomat, relatives of the hostages who remain and how much time typically does it outside the hotel with linkedin, met, with headphones, to demand the release of their loved ones. about a $130.00 is waiting for an host. do so i'm still police be held in garza by the minutes and as the invasion on doza escalates public resentment is also mounting world wide going on. so you won't demonstrates as head codes the u. s . president, joy, i didn't during account paid speech and a south carolina church. you have to choose. there's no light light. there's no past friend is dark. there's the interstate i understand the passions and i've been quietly
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work requiring work, which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas. and a new twist of the jeffrey epstein, files saga abuse accuse a sarah run, some sons by her testimony, that sex types of bill clinton and prince andrew to exist. also. she walks back to the claims in 2019 on the alleged threats to her on to family. let's find out more about this story now with drawing by correspondence, steve sweet in the studio. thanks for coming in steve. lovely to see you today. so it's a very twisted story, isn't it? can you take us 3, but the latest? well, this is becoming quite the scandal. now. we've heard of a woman who claims to have being one of jeffrey apps, things, sex slaves has made shocking obligations that these sex types exist of prince andrew bill clinton and the price is tycoon. richard brown. so now she claims to
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have seen these type several months and she said she was sent to them by a friend. she says that the faces of the 3 men, the 3 accused, are clearly identifiable. and this is what she said, according to the court documents. she says, i personally can confirm the i have with my own 2 eyes, seen evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton, prince andrew richard, promising having sexual intercourse with my friend. i will be more than willing to sweat under or testify in court over the sex type. so she's very clear that the sex types do actually exist. and she, we, i, we, it's a right to those obligations on the british breakfast television. so good morning britain and she says that she will pressure to withdrawal those claims. i think they are videos that exist the people that know they exist and i'm showing very frightened of them being released. so how do you know then
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that's epstein had cameras on the island. it's no secret that everything was recorded. multiple victims have come forward, consuming my account, along with others. i've also seen recordings in his office and that going back to 2016 run, some had actually were tracked to the those claims. but she said that she'd been placed under intense pressure by the jeffrey at stain. and she said that she fade for herself. what it was, so for her family as well, i would like to retract temporaries, and i have to talk to you and walk away from this. it's not what's coming forward and i will never be had any how and only bad things will happen as a consequence of me going public. and i know this to be true. this will just create pain for my family. and they have really helped me pick up the pieces once before and i come ask them to do that again. i guess one person come to making just
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friends is now in the a 2019. all it's cold, published in the new york of the magazine run. some said that she had, in fact, made all the claims. all of the things video types. she said she'd done so in order to draw attention to mr. f seems behavior. now this has led to some crushing her reputation. they say that she is an unreliable witness, but going back to what was on the guy sions, pop songs, fitness to paul is the run. some claims that her friend that was involved in these set talks with president bill clinton was a threatens the if she blew the lead on these types of some home would come to her and her family now can we couldn't see them at the time was beginning to become the democratic normandy for the 2008 presidential elections because he was eventually to news out to buy record bomb up. but it was, it lights, but hillary special agents to her friend who remains on named a send to those them to her house, to full. so then to sign an agreement,
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and she was given a substantial cash donation from the clinton foundation. but with the implication, the if she didn't sign it on the if she spoke out the serious home would come to her, she said to her friend, it also threatened to sue epstein for damages, but was bullied by his lawyer. i'm interested with somebody who is also of course be named in the epstein file, so it becomes more more sinister. it's also worth noticing. the bill clinton is not the only form of president that was being drawn into the scandal. the full suite of the court documents is also named donald trump as somebody who have sex with a woman. it's extremes, new york months, and now we have to say the old men, all of those involve, have vigorously denied the allegations. i say that they're based, but it's, but i'm sure that that will be more revelations. that's more details come to live in. did i mean we describe it as a sancho and it really is, isn't it? it continues to uninstalled is in his own more like victims coming out of the
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woodwork and more big names beings walters, while many thanks to bring his up to speed on that stage. precisely what a tables of hostages held by his austin dogs. i have attempted to blow the entry of humanitarian aid to the enclave. the protest is trying to reach a boat of crossing where hundreds of a trucks have been lining up to enter the strip that was stopped by his ready police. all to him at least that chief maria phenomena reports from the scene for us. when our on 7200 is away from 10 am shalom crossing into the gaz, us 3 near the egyptian boulder where protest or is came earlier this morning trying to prevent these rarely humanitarian a trucks from entering the palace seen it in clay, the idea was but they come on the car as you can see, the line of them over there, the right around the 2 of them. they blocked the road and stopped the vehicles. but these rarely police had stopped everybody here on this at this junction,
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saying beyond this line is a close the military zone and the movements are restricted and no one can go any further down the closing areas. they cannot move, it is expected that them tuesday, a 2 vehicles carrying food, walter, medical and the shelter equipment will be sent to the guys a 3. now we did not know where are the vehicles at this moment? maybe they already at the crossing being checked. no information about about that, but this is something that those who have gathered here today strongly disagree with most of them off families and friends. all the hostages who have been held in the, gathers through for almost 100 days already. and the families complain. but they loved ones in groups, tibbetts, he did not gets basics. and i'm a nephew of the ever, i'm wonder who's been the kid?
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not since october 7, he's 79 years old. my uncle and the he's, we know that he's suffering from bed condition in the time. those not far away from here, by the way, you know, is the, let's the monetary and aids eh, go into guys out for the guys. yeah. and for the people there. uh, it doesn't make sense that at the same time or the people, the ones that are being the head of the as hostages, don't get the humanitarian aid. no medicine, no food, no, maybe co uh, the advice, nothing that we saw the, the video uh, the footage is that how much steaks control over the trucks. and what happens is that they, uh, the re sell them in a higher brian in the black markets to the, to the civilian. so the, actually it doesn't, they, the actual purpose of babies do have the civilians there. well,
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and then as we can see, if the businesses won't get like that, i must fix the control path. as of today, event is to stop dell monitor and trucks because there is only one way for the opening 3rd and trucks. there is no a mix sites. we don't see any negotiation. we don't see the hostages stuff coming out. so one minute, terry, on forming theory. and if we do a support for minnesota and we need to get back in with aaron, and we can't afford this anymore. i have no way, my son is the call, it is disease and he's suffering it don't get any medicine. he don't get anything inside. so we are trying to sell the trucks over to the supposed to go to the listing and refuses to come off. is they taking all the the trucks? i don't know where it's going to. it's the feeling of the hum us. oh, it's going through all the sites. but i'm, i, i'm sure it's not going to over my phone. what do you think the also just outs
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immediately they have no time. they have an old time. we need to take them home. no, they're not capable to stay there anymore. oh god, these are and the defense ministry body responsible for palestinian affairs announced that on sunday, around 200 humanitarian aids, drugs were inspected and sent to the guys 3, but it was not for the 1st time. initially one, the war started on october, the southern israel was very quick to say that it was cut off all relations. it had with the guys of promise in total sage, all the same flavor with food, water, and electricity supplies, capital. but as the war continued, international pressure, especially coming from washington was mounting. israel eventually agreed to allow some too many hearing aids in. and since the end of october, a hundreds of the drugs may stay away from these rarely territory into the gaz us 3
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human rights groups. they say this is a drop in the ocean. as this is a real humanitarian catastrophe. now unfolding in the in place. and according to the official nations around 90 percent of guys is 2300000 strong population of starving, a suffering from severe food and security and other problems related to their situation there. and i like to know now renowned us folks like having jones and has been made a russian citizen of the personally taking his requests to the russian president vladimir putin. and i'm joined by kevin. don't so now are russian american folk so many things would come again. it was a pleasure to see you today. so i have so many questions for you. first of all, what exactly motivated you to, well, it's become a russian citizen. i always wanted to live in russia and um, have an i was had custody of my daughter. so wasn't the right time to move here to
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rush because i would have to transition her. and i was having terrible times as a single father dealing with her. so the time is came, she's $25.00, she's the one on, she's an adult. i talked to him up motor. vladimir every, all the t's crossed in the eyes with died. let's go. wow. and what was your reaction when you got that that you're possible? oh, it's my birthday. this is this my new birthday? i called my mother immediately. cancel my birth certificate. this is my new birthday. the night this literally, this is my new birthday. this is the day i was re born again. and what was your moms reaction? and there's no reaction because she always say you never seems and not shocking me in something. i've been a soccer my whole life. you're not of me. so that was she said, that's nothing new to me. she was happy for me. she said one day if she gets because he just had 2 major surgeries and she just was approved of meet me in germany. and she could only fly but certain amount of hours with that type of
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recovery she's going through. so she say i'm working hard and physical fitness. she said, you tell you present it over the president put in. i'll get on that frankly, but a get me off quick certificate so that she has a sense of humor to joke about it. and she really wants to come, i'm happy, i know i'm doing a proud. that's wonderful. and i know that you, you, i was president pearson himself to grow your russian citizenship back in april. last you tell us about the time and get some weird time that you think to wants to become a russian citizen? no. not in the no wait time for anything. there's nothing like the present. the present is now. now is the opportunity a very optimistic my pessimistic anything i say anything i do the time is now my promot always say that bottom year it's time now. forget about the it's gonna rain is going to storm is going to be seasons which know what we're going to weather isn't get through it. what does it worry you about? you know how russian was being perceived by the west, particularly now with the sanctions on rusher and every day. oh,
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not at all like nelson. i think one of our greatest and best, nelson mandela once it did not ever perceive for me to, from your, in a be to be my in a don't you ever think that for one second i'm a grown man. i've been around his world once to see that twice. that's a wonderful way to look at it. and i think he'd be also fine. say, yes. do you think that this decision might effectual career? nothing whatsoever. not that i'm a man only for some equipment that can affect my career as god as the one, man, i'm not worried about god, that's the want. and how do you feel about russian sports and culture? and so, you know, the recent attempts you in found russian athletes as well. that is childish to me. that is so childish. i don't see. i've never seen a russian amateur boxer or russian professional box to do anything rang to anybody's number one period of not about not everybody in the sport. so it's a child is gained by a bunch of adults that, that is out of control is out of control. okay. but what we can do as much motiv
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madam is been doing. let's try to get some america boxes here which we've, they've been come in month after month, and help these young amateurs and professionals move on to succeed in the crass and make career. you know, because we can't sit down, play the game, but the adults to plan this is beyond our outreach. so beyond our measurement, but we got a great president always come on the bills in the us. wonderful. um, but you know, they are the one who wants to buy some possible all you there's been a quite a few uh, a growing list really of western athlete song. so that was easy. recently received that russian pulse sports. why do you think the country is popular? because people are smart, people are waking up, people noticing things, you know, you don't get a chance to, to, to understand. so, you know, in face the pool ingredients in, into a batch of something. and so you get a taste of it and coming from the craft of what we come from, there's a lot that we've tasted that we had this that we had never been forced to have to
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swallow something. so we had to swallow something and then you come here to rest up and come here to restful the 16 years. when you come here to russia, is a great taste upgrade. aroma is a great feel free. people haven't heard of argument. have us heard a car blow on blow at somebody have a c roll raging. obviously the car accident not watching it. so it's a totally different place. totally different feel totally different environment, you know. and when you come from the tasting of what we taste to taste and now what i'm tasting for number one, know g m o thoughts. mm hm. come on. my biggest fear when i go home to visit my mom is what i'm going to eat for the 10 days that i'm there. i should not be a fear, right? as an athlete, especially, i have to work out twice a day. so i have to worry about what i wanna eat. i'm gonna meet me in germany. and it's like say for it that you're a big fan of lot to my parents and i just don't have a teach it with the space on that. as you search the systems, the 3rd the was a perception of plasma who didn't because you know, he's the food in
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a different life. i like so many people carry out people who are president. he's world. when you look at the dictionary, under the definition of real, should be his face period, radio. that's the that's, that's, that's would be the post the face of the word real. you, you don't have to go actual democrats, you don't have to go asked the republicans. you don't go have to extra house. you don't have to, extra citizens are the best of it is and ministers and prominent is smooth and all these other people will you make a decision? he doesn't deal with he. he gets but decisive. i want to go to all that other stuff i'm tired of playing games will be, you know, this is the type of person i want to know is my president, not a bunch of people control of people have puppies, bodies thing, but i honestly, i will go today is my president, i know of my present it is. that's what i like you told me that you, mom's fully supportive and very open minded about this. have you had any negative response from some of your friends and relatives? my whole life. i've heard so much stuff about my life, so much stuff. what i've overcame, you know, i've been sort of rough and in
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a rocky. so now people are just what i heard the most is how shocked people are that i've been like now when people see this interview had a care of do this, a gift. that's the biggest reaction fee of everything. when they see me on different television stations and tv shows and internet like the biggest soccer was my change of my main to about a matter of which when i told her about that in america, how in this sockets all the way around the board. you know what it means so, and then when they see all the american amortize and professional fighters coming over here, and they see me and my motor standing in the corner. how was cornel? i thought james believes driver's a cheese. i love, i love your view of,
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of the well then life is to serve refreshing. you'd be the 8 months now you're making quite a splash. you, you've been on the news channels as you say, and now he's here on the international good. all right, i'm with the big platform right now. this is, this is the one right here doesn't compared to being punched in the face, but it is. i'll get, i'll get punched in the face. they get here to get in and get a couple boxes. but then you'll see that i'm all here. talk to me about your future plans. i'll put that in my motors hands because um, no matter how young i feel, you know, no matter what, there comes a day where you have to say i did buy the box in my search for box and outside of box. i wanna get into politics. wow. um, a lot of people don't know my family background, but always deep is very deep. and i really want to get into politics. that's my thing. because you can talk about america, you can talk about russia, you can say this, and you can say that you do have some great people in america. you do have some
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great people in russia. would like to see this things you'd like to get is a tension somewhere between a class of people not be as everybody because if it was i wouldn't be here. there's some tension somewhere between somebody. but there's some people who can come together in by jot that tension and it'd be a beautiful thing to see. america is, and russians all s one, you know, because there's more great people wouldn't bad. you know, we can't let a handful of bad people mess up the best for the great people. you're not of me. and i would like to be a part of that. absolutely. i wish you all the very best main things to come again to see me today. we've been talking to russian american folks a kevin jones. thank you. the next we take you to the freezing goals of the optic, where russian ice breakers coughing new pulse, or an increasingly popular northern trade route that hits a record high to know if i've lost it. of the frozen waters of the far north can be navigated in the woman months of the year. when icebreakers can come
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out to pass spring coming, cargo ships rushing, company rust out to them as a leader in the industry, with its fleets of nuclear power icebreakers, setting a cost through the arctic, the entire roots from the far eastern city of lady of stockton, in japan, to russia's window to europe some petersburg in the west spends a total of 14000 kilometers millions of tons of cargo, including oil and gas equipments, food timber, and minerals passed through the northern c ruth every year. russian companies, luke oil, gas, prom, and russ nests, a major suppliers, and in 2023, the volume of cargo reached the record high. the record of the old lady, more than russia, was set in 202134 point 9000000 tons. at the moment, no nicholas vessels at tona has transported 35000000 tons. we have reached this milestone of 35000000 tons. whenever rich, we transport about 100000 tons per day through the northern sea route,
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we now see that we should already have 36000000 tons by the end of 2023. let's look at the dynamics around 4 decades ago in 1987, 7000000 tons were transported through the northern secrets. fast forward to the 2021. and the volume increased 5 times over to about 35000000 tons. and in 2024, china was set to become the largest importer of russian liquefied natural gas with the supply of more than 27000000 tons, fellow agent, economic giants. india has also increased these trade with strategic partner, russia, expanding north south trade. why the northern secrets, the only other comparable routes for that journey is via the suez canal in egypt that is almost twice as long. while the full trip between vaudeville stock in saint petersburg across the northern sea route would be a 14000 kilometer jenny. it would be a $23000.00 columbus or roots via the suez canal brushes. president putin has emphasized the northern 0. it is simply more efficient. we should know the city due
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to the nuclear icebreaker fleet would probably be needed for decades to come. this is a huge competitive advantage for our country. the atomic fleet represents a development of competencies. the northern sea route is advantageous from a logistical point of view as it is becoming more efficient than the suez canal. transport time can be improved many times over by using the northern sea route. those remarks came just days before milton group in yemen, began attacking ships and the red sea. the main waltz away accessing the suez canal, whose he said they were targeting vessels linked to his right and was a gesture of solidarity with palestine. cargo ships of that full being developed since traveling the long way around africa, around the cape of good hope. some $22000.00 ships passed through the suez canal annually, making up around 12 percent of world trade. and while a situation in the middle east remains turbulence, experts say the northern sea root could be a viable alternative. shipping through the suez canal is associated with very high military risks for ship owners and cargo carriers. this means an increase in
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premiums for ensuring a ship's cargo that adds to the cost of transporting goods which undoubtedly weakens their competitiveness on global commodity markets. the northern sea root looks completely different from an economic point of view. it is an important point that will only develop further. biotic is one of the last great products, both places on these rich and natural resources. meanwhile, i meant the shifting global political situation that are increasingly more prospect venture to the final and break the ice rebecca future. too many. thanks for your company here in archie international, it's always appreciated. so as it gets, check our website, all to console the latest. i can throw in me again some more news at the top of the the
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