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tv   Documentary  RT  January 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

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all in a plea deal. he says around 13 month sentence much so it was on a release, but then a light, much light. so he was charged with a string of offensive proximal, serious ones, including sex properties. and he was found dead in his presence. sally 2019 but it said that this was death or suicide by hanging out. of course, the big lots of questions raised over that, but since his death precluded the possibility of these criminal charges being successful because because he's deceased in 2019 only the criminal charges against him were dropped. meaning his victims were very angry. but he managed to evade just as now, i'm sure that there are going to be more revelations as more or more of these documents come to lights. indeed, and i'm sure you'll be here to take us through all this like to see does as well. many thanks, steve sweetie, for business, the update. thank you to thank you for joining us. hey, on, on the international. if you'd like to find out more about that particular story or
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anything else and you can check out our website all teeth, they'll come up with more news. it's hopefully yeah, the the, by the year for keep the density on the right here. we usually buy more into the account and that's in the, in the, remember also stage these various corners and prosper. yes. the floors and then the very next 3 of, of the to me nice has been the kind of that which is 2 types. the remainder of the same as on the g is used by the prices of your subscription to the most part of which lexus massachusetts,
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on some submit the 1st of all. but these are the what the avenue struggle. the price is for sticking with the brother party to ship the lot we can do here for you at some point this how much adds to it. yes, i did get the usually the i mentioned the the truth and that's for sure. the but i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the staff. i mean motions portion of too much better to process your boss. create new underscore new york. and i'm see what decision did you want to come and eligible the new shows sheet and stuff. portion of that. all right, and how much do you disagree the the
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the the, the general opinion that the book and of course not dogs can yes, can, don't want the last and work on your snow. pretty your, her name really, nixon, i'm sure it can professional good story. but a book i need really progressed and i'm still going to go gardening and bundle ramirez was kind of a june the chase, but the role is written this name and no single one that you to believe done in nor when you mind you that will motional cars you was agent in these me, which religion nearby and grew up with james, due to requirements for some of the shrubs with that you could of george kid that's
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a defensive domestic. she'll get what i used was the sign in the 1st is that the same as you have, and then you know, the fine you, there's some visited the board, the fisher did bring him on you because then that's was still at the store with the give her the chair and you still something in the corner with me coming down your you need those 2. i need to go to national and from that i just go to finish the fish and then you'll survive. it's the yeah, that would you suggest carlos? i don't know who was with us, not really sure. it's an issue that you shouldn't be a joy for beautiful academic,
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be the best of my daily routine, visually invalids, even the stuff is facing me, but it does sound like you know, getting started as most of the are going to come on. the excuse me, should the she told you, but i'd be really both the most giving us the compliment especially for managing your kind of leading. yeah. personal. don't fear my, let's see. see, i'm not shooting academic 0 early on. you were bone. you earlier, when i stopped at the end of at the reading a full national, engaging village here in india, gym, the oceans, everybody really is. i think you stretched to the bed nice of this doesn't take you over to the, to the floor. you
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can use wireless which agent us the would you do? yes. yeah. i mean just the one additional thing is the decides to put the the which way a person that i saw was direction. but that is the percentage of the legit might be able. gm is shy with the g o u, which is what i'm looking to get the disk about doing what i mean watching as if to
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which even you might never just isn't gonna full gloves. i believe. heed next to you said john, simple near the storm. yes, it is now so that i smoke up the sign which followed last me signed by guy loud by guy la de la this summer. and then you are, you are just a know i have some boy the comes no this guest right at the moment limited the wrong for them restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the fullest and that she mama wasn't familiar. she was on the books before i confirm title, she has to give to one
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of my summers. 2 rules can do to do t. the other one is to was going on. this will become which the caution are doing in your muscle for if i'm really, if each of those are one from when she did some mountain said even thought on them know a come from the little come forth from us. what do you mean? the students will be a junior, she has been said he stay wisco personally, then then when me emptiest. so when you mean, yeah, it's funny. and so i watch the see a couple of the next piece i just,
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if you need to put the test morton with when you simply could have general just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i could just use immunization, i believe, as i was on a she my school ski, and i actually need to give you a book and then you pull the upstairs. and then if you need to get the specifics here and they could ask you to purchase the process dispute, and if i know what i'm showing you, cuz these have agent, is there okay, for sure. still mostly, mostly ocean notion, shuster folks, and them, this was the
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the shop the windows no. do you need to wonder, you don't wanna check for the next few minutes to come up with that he does that sound like wrong? that's, i'm a resident at the gate, you know, when i send him over to my reading and he's just, you know, bill or concerns you only even if you're on track more than that. but much wooster guides in any doing course, the corrosion to let the view what i'm really to boost their customary to
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nationalist guys know, a doctor on the doctor or of 3 of which is to share their own lives in washington. glenn, is there a cookie for decent, taking notes from what you do. want them imagining and be brought out of what's in the, in the positive you on google ocean for it that way . you would have to go to youtube videos using it for october. the 1st thing here for me to mention which and so you start with some functions.
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yeah. still needs to know what the story just to get on my choice. you have to kind of so much for the ships and going into the mice. you took a yeah, because i was to, i know those know which i'm russian and you're good 3, but i knew i don't know if it's just a dying and but i'll just just ask them in motion source on the screen. much better for us to. yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching the quick video you're good or swimming it in what ask you to then look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just read not uh what divides days as sort of what slips. no, but that's what i'm watching flores me see them cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm, what, what are you dealing with the being what i'm, what, what, what are you deal? yep. us the new chose just to grab that again or with some that the
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talking down with recording. so most of them is been my name is eugene with caleb for lunch. i am done provide you to a motion to fax them. gotcha. what do you have almost makes your mind that was short. can this quick memorial moment permission to do next? to pamela bringing you a text book, she has to do a text in blue and is passionate burnett. you need you to say, it's just me. i would you tape what i teach in a glutton, isn't that you paid them at the store? it's a stops to get that and what, what does that finish to see what's what they're much to eat, but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have the use me just for now. look, look at them in your butcher. used to mama my opinion. let's throw in after those.
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i'd be happy to provide support on the west compulsion. if somebody has to sign up with the skype and the sound janet doors to do, it's just you in virginia store. but i do choose to test a deal. it's just really nice for fortunately for them, which is between the games it's, it's can be started by line piece can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be kind of a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information
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with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest lies and smith and golf and, and honestly, to relate to seriously, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence, are we going to let that stay? the, there's many problems in us society now that they're facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing growth in, in, in, in homelessness. us and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to,
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to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world, the how much of the woods and pretty much ready to discuss and i don't know if plan, you know, the most used car class was who went upstairs, immunization. yes. could, could you check out the criteria, but every station and upset when united really thoughtful me in the interest. i know it's getting to that form used to miss the use of she had got those as just on the board. so what kind of chips, gretta and who should have come with us? the slogans can go over to them cuz there's hope you're going to see the
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or the as much data, which is danielle, it's local cannot on both ends, very sensitive. so you will guess community bank statements to say she did it the in the 39. and it was actually to do is at the, which is daniel, there's a month left to do much on the card with the permission for the leisure ga that got daughter even lose. not them. was that a name? you know, those not little describe the back of the order we have cause of a problem. the notion of the, on the, if the dip get the asked of the name is that i just described, pick it up and you get to cardboard or memory and their permission. if i took the massage and you had the thermal starts with accumulating this little by visual,
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limited in our project near above, are you with them on my comes to me. i did meeting last year, 2 years to riley. this is a thought, i am name you to keep a new product you doesn't need to near them the system when the division fix it on the open fits that are on their way to upgrade the bar and deal with a lot of a lot of stuff that we need to have with a huge fan that's, that's our nurse, the invoice for them are mission paper for the floors now over the next 3 of the to me quit the email and when we're new system that kind of been watching the 2 types of data that somebody gave or played around it has to happen. that's kind of you from it or not, which didn't start with then nadine smith, if i knew colorized, but i'm really fortunate just line. yeah e, donnie, you come in from the video from the store. so that you so that we need to do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar, surely when you, when you, when you 1st, when you bring, if you ask about the function from the sneering,
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you naples, my niece, because i'm just only the nurse, which it is deem for her to leave. i'm coverage for food commission and the new d instructor crime which to die. that's correct. and would you, with that, i'm option you really produce a sure system into that secondary line usually was just of us focus listed on the, on the what the mileage it to that is. but it also stuff what's in, it's a pretty question, lee, but the but of course it stay on the grid to cover the stay on the glad each the she just said, if i had put the board, they just moved to us cock that the but they should have more of what i mean. here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the judge's part of the dealer. stuff to the last done and switch it back to me or she to subscribe to to, to be no use to clearly uh, which is danielle, dear. uh, well,
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what i know were just talking towards the new uh, the dot net, just the line. you know, just a few drops at the will. lynette? oh, with the logo guns cannot one minutes for me to junior near below that machine. you think you'd be cheap? no natural to just because it's not nice to good at that. those still live. we do 2 cars to do on the committee, put all the novel chain. you do 10000 in particular plots, score e patricia to so let's just look across the time security. no, no, i think another sweater. no good. i'm just the store. the other one on the to do to launch control and that is for me to the system. somebody in nutrition. so the last time i would check the q g, the book got this instead i am so uh, i'm also in discretion. fact of
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the read doesn't. what do you want to continue? the 1000 you sent it as name of this and the sam june, is that pro is not a for them then you the commander for yeah, a starting the music of like you speak. i'm used to go to, there is not for these yet, but as i can and my short, but if you any snow down the money on the floor and there's too much. he's got these kind of things that's getting skipped warmer sheets and whatnot. and that it's due to me, you have to play to upstairs and you put she just was that piece of garbage. cool.
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no sweat and slip. joseph jones, this is the to go to any cause. any ups near though it is easy said the to wilkes new from an engine command. facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to good thought in the sound. you to use the steps here to escape the douglas to to and then you cardiac. now which to us that was beautiful, which is book best binding the pm pioneers, the sampling those days, she placed it the do to cut the deadline is a kind of and we had that with jasmine. so then you put the predicts set. that's good. then nation, so he says it's the estimated one from with the team that you would cause much a little move, sending it to i'm not sure what your thoughts are. she is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned not. so anyways, did it comes to questions ma'am? and is that how it was 2 guys? could you get a chance once you get in to us by an insurance? if you could have a few minutes, that's fine. we need the stuff to move in to use of watson. that's actually it's
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a blessed day and sneezing to get off last night. do go ahead and ask them with the store when they get some more of this fine, which one is more to get you to that at the nice uh since then incentive we will. oh which and then then there's the one, the position of professional from that online is nation us. if the which in the initial was perfect enough to use my particular on the 1st you don't, you call me when you may have been with the last couple of i'm interested at the local costco son. those can some of the to portions to hold and extension again, things to special needs. this will show the contingency when you have this to and
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you used as a desk, i use terms to not possible for them to have for so much energy. and you've got the not allowing your transfer, not just on um, what was your, what's assessing mining anyone nibble's ultra incredible. she crushed or has reason . you're supposed to bring your interview with joe, but i'm not for sure. it sounds like she made those choice. the opponent luann sky today, if we see them clear which i sent them. yep. i'll send you this for the dates that are pretty up to date . yeah. my name's projection. this would show you the
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funding and the 3rd is to see what to expect in the last couple of years. so nobody home mister skips vehicle snapped us. it's not that sure. i shows can pretty much come up for some of our demo. that goes, you knew what i'm putting you on to put investment in the table by the pushing that's actually of instead of nice to meet you new kind at the end of it as many times is your what is your most popular opinion or really you of course, let me show with the most it up to produce hooked it up, say. now what category? those are the moisture from us on the non the dispatch and we'll catch up with the former. the chauffeur don't close up showing us give service of putting it up based on the
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move you as well as from the up to the stick. i key at the bay because that's the hedge in the suit to cut the cut, the impressionable and you should all normally is actually she did. i remember she cleaned that much cuz i still use the key to to use the kitchen is in your thoughts as in manuel. read it to uh, is it just putting a desktop on the 7 me actually the largest of what he spent a no show was gosh, listed on this try to get the band at them that lost off trying to attempt to add the ssl. so through the system stand 1st, last, do you mind? watch the email? no i these cause issues to convince children or to your to go, you can't just do this. the trust, there's no bosses i bought. no, you much good. i
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don't mind going extinguish up some of the stuff, send the forms that you lets me you will each during discussion with dr. speak to oh yes, no shopping across the board which, which is in your global credit and you sign language. but i'm not saying you have, which is tim, what i'm, what the tax is, do i need nibble designers? that's a need of cliquish credit. so you need to go in this portion of it. and i know that the credit is nash just and i'm negligible man, is that that should say, you know, what's your concession to mean? yeah. the the
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the in 1941 with the nazis health relation. ultram, national is the, was dashes between the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they billed the same events concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us. campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send them the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was
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incredible genocide. the nuclear love seeing the most schools do. if you look on the visual do, while i pull up significantly, personal liability, almost getting used to put value when you do oil change, but you also still this is done, the newest government buildings systems to good lose you what i see these the buses, the little kids little dyson says this and uh, to the,
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to the done bus. the is well release is fresh videos of it still peroration and strikes on golf level as the us secretary of state visits, tell us base to spell that last on washington to put on a bang and added states of america present side and all your more on the call of duty to the facts or to the stand, the sped funds from lincoln based on greece, families. it'd be as way the hostages and tell it be even washington's policies in the region receiving well the same even then by the is interrupted by pro palestinian protest. i had to choose there's a light light. there's no pat.


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