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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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is licensed as this done by the israel release is fresh videos of itself or ration and strikes on golf at 11. know that's the us secretary of state visit, tell us base to sold, at least on washington, on a bank. and that it states of america present by then all your more all call of duty to the facts or to the stand, the sped fund. lincoln based on greece, families of these really hostages and tell it the washington's policies in the region receiving well the same even president by the is interrupted by pro palestinian protest, i had to choose there's a light world light,
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there's no past service desk. the, the, the nation is twisted, the jeffrey epstein saga abuse the cues, et cetera, runs through the claim she's been suppose to retract her claims about the existence affects the types of bill clinton on print sounds were probably see things, threats to have found that at the very welcome to you. it's 7 pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with the late as well. news on the dates, as always is quite happy when we start with the latest on the ravages of the conflict in gauze where the death toll has the pulse. 23000 people, according to the guns at health ministry and does the us secretary of state on to be blinking, arrives in israel. the id is hospitalized, but it's always operation. and the palestinian enclaves residential areas of
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the is why the so just as being firing weapons during crowns operation. so all these ready navy strikes down to gauze in territories from the mediterranean sea and, and also as well as low as a series of as to likes on 11 on the claiming it's taking out military infrastructure in the international humanitarian organization. doctors without borders. i set the hon unit shelter as being targeted on monday. the report that 4 people were injured including a staff member's 5 year old daughter who's now in a critical condition. so this will cause i have those the come on the is ready selling on the palestinian health and ministry said that a 57 bodies and 65 injured were brought to out at the hospital over the past 24 hours for the death toll in the enclave is now suppose $23000.00 since october,
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the 7th. as, according to the palestinian health ministry, with the 59000 injured 8000, missing another 1900000 people displaced. local journalist homes with salons, fed swift from the southern border city of russell. my more attacks were reported over night. the latest news in golfer uh is what there is. and is there any s like uh, early morning around 4 am on uh, an m tiers and then should house a lot of people a lot of display service to use are trying to find a place to drop off off the uh, the wide prefer regarding the variation by uh, having by the heidi uh with a in a situation here in the open area is another model suit areas where the heidi, i'll ask you a policy institute, shelter. there's thousands of tents and there's thousands of children and thousands of all the and thousands of women's seen and sheltering. not as
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prepared for winter. so it's very cold. and right now, winter it is started and more challenging for the palace to use palace teams phase most challenging, increasing the number of displaced people dropped off with the that's means there's problem with food problems with water problems, the amount of things. hello city. and you saw that there isn't a run. so all the magical disaster, the save for children, charity saves at least 10 mine isn't going to become up to tease every day. the younger also reportedly 7 times more likely to die from the idea of foaming than adults. according to the un children's funds, 9 out of 10 and defense under the age of 2 phase quotes via food poverty. here's the story of one child. his life has been shuffled by the will. one that's for so i had this child mine a little space, her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the innovation hospital in
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northern gas. um, unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services the resulting in the child coming to nasa hospital via the red cross. initially, nothing was known about her because, oh has so many members had been killed in the war. and guys, a, i managed to identify mona through the internet. i went to nasty hospital, we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has a jewel injury which brought her to intensive cap. we want later to receive the best possible treatment and to re unite with have surviving system. we request her medical transfer outside of gaza to receive treatment the most crucial aspects of the past and is that rise? so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool as the child cannot eat or drink staffel, we request a transfer for treatment. this is the simplest right for human being to be in good health. and us secretary of state on to me blinking is met with these really
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presidents. i is that cuts off during his latest to mid and these trip has all the science the us for it. steadfast support. and i want to say united states of america present by then and the administration and your 2nd group, lincoln for your more on the call of duty for the fact that you're standing, steadfast with is around all. thank you, mr. president. is always great. we value of the president's leadership in these incredibly charged and times the b is ready to help. they gave a cold reception to washington's diplomats relatives if the hostages who were made and who must cut sympathy down to the outside, the hotel quibbling who met with her, sold to them on. so wendy says i left for about a $130.00 is wally on 4 and hostages. a super needs to be held in guns and 5. and then as soon as the invasion on garza escalates the public was admin,
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she's also bouncing worldwide. 190 will demonstrate has had told us presidential biden doing a campaign speech in a south carolina church. we had to choose, there's no light light, there's no path. for in this dark, there's the interstate i understand the passions and i've been quietly work requiring warranty, which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas form upon us to be a national economy minister, boston, and tar ray, told us that on to me blinking cannot be trusted to promotion on biased agenda on these way the palestinian conflict seem lincoln unfortunately some day one of the
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is a the additional gaza. the clearly stated that he is, is i'm, this is june and he's coming basically in 100 percent support of what is in the us as well as the doing has been given the blank check of approval from left onto the united states, but also from various western country is named the 5th and drives it to the germany except that accepting the i think that the blinking has 2 things on his mind. one which is nature, which is when he gets his bus to the elected. and the, according to the doctor was getting from the us for the different post. the thanks to $500.00 scott, excuse, it'd be fun to start. what kinds of things happening in front of site is definitely losing data that vote is this losing the most in vote, and he's using the progressive or to menu to vote of use. because there's
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a key out of these who voted for him in the years 2020. i'm not looking for another $12024.00. and as a result of the, he would definitely lose the election in some few states where he needs to support some of the michigan and then other than other states. the 2nd thing is what's happening in the, the, let's see, and the amendment, the whole series and the blockade that is being imposed 48 percent of the population discussed to do so basically what you're saying that these children are not for this. so that through this reflects to do this, reflects the aptitude or is that you have to be honest, the only it is not the only person that is this is and they say this of people who would say that's about nonsense. i think he is reflecting is looking at the better and speaking about what healing is a hold of us on top is where the officials are not in step with biden's quiet diplomacy. finance minister does allow smoke to at times, so kindly referred to the entire population of casa as nazis drawing and raged
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reaction from some us mainstream media. posts of jewish settlement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there if not, $13000000.00 nazis and gaza. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th, to me and as of course, the population of guys a. so take that in for a moment, to 1000000 quote unquote, nazis and guys. and so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. nazis. olivia has bought south africa as low c things to as well in the international court of justice alleged violations of the genocide convention and joins took care of malaysia which have expressed support in south africa. followed as legal objection with the un international court of justice at the end of december, it adds the quote to take measures against as well. also taking actions that
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pretoria his it is genocidal in power. so is one of those core. the accusations baseless while they for mazda official, has condemned arab, and islamic countries pulled a lot of initiative. the case is expected to be heard on thursday. that's plus live now to the why the some your senior research developments and programs coordinator at southern african liaison office. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you today. so we say more and more country to show that support to the south african application to the international court of justice. how will this affects the case for as long as your country supports after this case of the international court of justice the most of the day or 2. but as for the palestinian people in the front of some young clothes, especially under the brutal general side of this character. okay. so that's because premised it's, it's, it's a push towards the international criminal court. number one, about quoting the international convention on genocide, the number 2, upholding generally human rights and international law. and those people from the
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global self in particular that have supported international rights and international and occasional side of old canada in support of the us. laughter is application and when you look at sac is association, the media to remedy that is seeking this pre mary arguments that will be made on the 11th. and the 12th is the succession of facilities. and in particular, referring to the end of the genocide, we think side of and then following suit, trialing, israel, or contravention of the genocide treat. pulling that up and making decisions can be implemented. they've been staying from the court case on to other molten natural and b as in basis. what are your, what's your perspective on the case? what are your thoughts and do you believe it as well could be justly punished? and so the case i do a, what's that africa is premised on the notion of genocide and pulsing all the notion of judo side as is that, um, but the international community is seeing that the,
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into quantities on the implementation of international. so that's what creates so household is so in a high accounts, once we apply to that gains computers and apply to, to including it isn't in particular, so genocide and in this instance. so that's kind of sort of most of natural approval including through the human system which we have seen that your security council faded to come to a resolution to accomplish invest as cost of effort to make me make this application to the, to the, to the can the i c g in order for us to get it really from the international international community. and now the impact that might result from the application that they use 8. so has to be the leads to the law or the lead act, which prevents for us a from sending on to any country that is suspected of contribution of goals, human rights, and which for the court judgement should important. so that can speak with the us, including truthful domestic law would be obligated to subsidy on to the is read the
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regime bolivia, as we know it was among the 1st countries to break diplomatic relations with as well over the war and gone. so i now was one of the countries request a, the quote to investigate alleged is ready for crimes. why do you think this case was, is so important to believe you a believe it or to solve countries believe in the field, right? of human rights and the richard resistance of palestinian people and the people of the world. and part of the possible open lives fight is solidified, that many international actors had a these updates of africa wave it banded together to fight a very fruitful and a repressive regime. at an international level, putting this on a day or 2 with a sort of against the country of the master code. and part of the pulse of all countries such as, believe us of africa and the other rest of the global cells, why they see it. so i'm giving you this actually is toothpaste is the lack of response file by was an active lack of a compassion and some deputy with the over 24000 feet through us civilians. that'd
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be good to the mess it could was in the house. this trip and over $58000.00 us, a civilian that i've been injured. so in total, the reasons why country such as would you be as an advocate and the rest of the global. so i'll have much on that is was for too long with recent foreign policy and especially the publication around human rights as being gone. and it's been seen as contradictory and it's been seen as for critical. and we look at the human rest of the trust, kind of being funded by the us in some wisdom to act as especially on the issue of these other stats. and therefore page national communities, especially. so the africa realizing the israel funded and supplied onto the of ideas and she, in south africa, has decided to take up on this action to ensure that some for international accountability on the international arena and nothing. it means that the, the loves and the product of policies remain a bit and, and for say, can, thanks very much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate you sharing your insight with us. know as the sonya senior research coordinator at the southern
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african liaison office. thank you. the thank you so much. and now to bangladesh, whether you are supposed to be trying to sway the recent parliamentary election was on 5 bronzing them as dishonest onto corresponded. runjun show me, it takes deeper into the story shake as he knows me to come back in long the least this off to winning an election, which so a his to are recruiting new water thrown out. but this, when this come box is no surprise for anybody really. why is that? because back in the when. but the main opposition thought the inbox of these bangladesh nationalist, spotty b, and b, they denounce a boy quarters. the elections this off to us on $20000.00 or the position members was sense behind boss by the, his, he now government for organizing nationwide protests against a government against the cost of living prices. the economic crisis, the be believe the has, the non government is responsible for none the less with this with jay because he
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not gets a 5th consecutive to him. and also she also becomes the longest serving for i'm in this step of box. now these 2 been getting congratulations and messages from across the was with know the us, the us to now has been silent and now it sees are the elections has in bangladesh. we're not facts and they wouldn't not free. let me on the line the this after us of the giving a shuttle thoughts to the bung venetia elections calling them fair, also calling them free. now remember on the elections words monitor by around 127 international of 0 was also some 59 for them showing list has now said that if the you are satisfied, they are willing to try and de stabilized fond of these. now this is something that she because he now her self has previously said, she's basically said that he was assigned to a verizon bundle abuse and tell them of the politics and that the us was trying to
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talk about how long the lease, remember it's by sweet agency space between the ation suffice, india and china. now the dust on the implication of long beach elections has yet to several people tracked and get you all the details. and due to us to all be jeffrey epstein, file sancho abuse accuse us sarah ronson stands by her testimony that 6 types of bill clinton on print sounds read to exist as off the. he will box the books back the claims in 2016 on the religious threats to her and her family. they all the videos that exist, the people that know they exist and i'm showing very 5 of them being released. so how do you know, dan, that's epstein had cameras on the island. it's no secret that everything was recorded. the multiple victims have come forward, consuming my account,
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along with others. i've also seen recordings in his office. we've just had a woman who is electric. they want to have jeffrey a stains, sex slaves who is exploited by the ability and a businessman has reinforced these claims that she, sol, the sex types involving prince andrew involving the former us president bill clinton on the british tycoon. richard brun suddenly the type she says that she has seen these types. she said that she was sent the video footage by a friend. of course, these types of yet to be independent, be verified. we haven't seen them yet, but these obligations were revealed in the recent me with these court documents. and she says this, this is what she rhodes. i personally con, confirm the i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton prints on richard bronson. having sexual intercourse with my friend, i will be more than willing to sweat under oath and testify a quote over the, the sex types. so she's very clear. she says that the,
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that faces were very clearly uh, identified that she, we had to write to these obligations on the purchase breakfast television program. good morning britain. and she said that she had been forced to withdraw all those planes which she might to adjourn this fucking 2016. and i would like to retract temporaries, and i have said to you and walk away from this. it slipped was coming forward. and i will never be had any how and only bad things will happen as a consequence of me going public. and i know this to be true. this will just create pain for my family. and they have really helped me pick up the pieces once before. and i come ask them to do that again. i guess one test and come to make a difference. now, representative for jeffrey epstein is lawyer and she was who of course, himself is implicated in these latest disliked his trove of, of co documents. now they're trying to pull tre, running some as an unreliable witness due to this retraction. but she has insisted that she is being colors. and she's not the only one that says that she's being
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pressured by are the extremes, lawyers or those associated with the court documents. and if it had to cover up, perhaps somebody's fitness. the example would be that of the case involving a friend to run some who claims that she was threatened by representatives of the clinton family that hillary clinton, who was of course, running to be the the nominated for the democrat presidential candidate in 2000. the actual sound of barack obama is alleged that she sent special agents around to the house of her friend and said that if she continued to testify, if she released the, the details of this, that much sex type of her having sex with henry's husband, bill clinton that her all have family would come to home. now she says that those agents arrived at her house and they forced to essentially to sign a document, a disclosure documents saying that she would keep a little list,
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and that she was counted a substantial cash payment from the clinton foundation. she also says that her friend that's threatened to suit jeffrey at the same for damages because of what happened to own his island, but was bullied by and in 30 minutes again, his lawyer who again, as he said, is implicated himself in the lights of somebody's was signed the bill clinton is not the only form a president that's been named didn't these like just this like just drove of court documents. donald trump snable, so it appears and run some says that he had sex with a woman that i'm named woman a game that actually is new york months. and now again, we have to say the old amends that would be named if i run some, have vigorously denied the claims and lady site avail faces allegations. indeed at 1st the big names coming off as well on the day, the 1st bunch of co documents is not being released. just take us through the contents. so that strongest at the latest trolls of documents. some of the names
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have been in the public domain and some of them have been known before, but hundreds of millions have been released now in these on see old co documents, which really showing the lights into the movie behavior. all the rich and powerful . it's also exposed more documents to more co testimonies, photographs of young women on apps, themes on an details of the obligations of the sexual abuse of these young goes by a f c. now cause people to be waiting nervously, unconsciously failing. but then they may be in these co documents. some of them, like i said, we've mentioned a prince, andrew bill clinton said then richard brunson, all those include perhaps surprising. the professor steven hol, can we ask for a physicist? the magicians, david copperfield, the deceased paul saw michael jackson. i'm this town, this businessman named and those documents as well. we have to site as well, but just because they've been named it doesn't necessarily imply and
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a sense of room doing, but some of calls accused of having visited at things private on and noticed pito items where run certain sites if there was a never ending flow of goals that we can go back to 2000 today. of course jeffrey, i've seen this was convicted of procuring a child prostitute for sex, and a number of those charges were dropped in a plea deal. he says around 13 month sentence, much weight was on the release, but then at light much lights that he was charged with the string of offensive possible serious ones, including sex traffic. and he was found dead in his presence, aileen 2019. but it said that this was death for suicide by hanging. and of course, the big lots of questions raised over that. but since his death precluded the possibility of these criminal charges being successful, because because he's deceased in 29 criminal charges against him were dropped.
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meaning his victims were very angry, but he managed to evade just as now i'm sure that they were going to be more revelations. as more or more these documents come to life. the you has a just a big tech to promote an opposition narrative in bella worse driving it forward through anti government and media outlets. the or p and commission vice president has reportedly pushed the message with google representatives fighting just information and promoting media. freedom are 2 sides of the same coin and we want big tech to do both. this means ensuring that visibility of trustworthy information online, not the propaganda of men score the kremlin. it is all taking place and made sanctions on the youth. b, e. u has placed on russian face media outlets including aussie and split. next muscles expands this tennis list of the tyrants last year to include thousands of media channels and vault them. some aggregated number of languages and july 2023. a
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policy making announce puns to on a case of a 2000000 euros for disciplined, russian and below russian media operating in the u. s. cost allowed to join the most in j. a good to see you mountain. so what's your reaction to reports of the pressing, big tech, to control media and by others? i hit areas i for the i'm the, the, the very fact that the e u is standing on a pedestal and preaching about them. freedom, speech and liberties of media. one itself is doesn't respect that until age media heights, freedom of speech. you know, we've seen that over and over again. and i, myself, was placed in brussels for letting me use the romantic corruption magazine and was sued out of existence. but a, you know, almost and up in jail a couple of times. so for them to take that stuff is, and i don't really know who i am and days. but you know, this that's look at it from the helicopter view of this is, this is another post showing that russia, obviously,
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and i think if we look at it from that perspective, we understand the news of it. and um, why it's been delivered in the way it's been delivered right now. how system mazda is, it depresses approaches or what kind of aspects will it have? phone and brushing, and by the rushing media. so i'm not sure it has um, any research in the short term. i mean what this story is really about is medicaid relationships between media and big international organizations. now if you take that, it takes that the sort of, you know, it's some interesting that to actually, you know, as a you, itself is almost hinted to those companies. you know, if you could actually change the list, the systems that you're on and maybe include the better russian language and google for example, then it seems to be suggesting that we may be able to cut you some slack on some of the anti trust penalties with dish out on
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a regular basis because that's really the only basis the u. s. in terms of relationship between these companies. so they're talking about so you know, think there's a lot of them. there's a certain corrupt and months about this whole story. and you know, i really oppose. i renee, incredible how this story is delivered, you know, with the you pretends to be the purveyor of the democracy. and i'm shipping all this a more which is which about freedom of speech and repetitions of press. but look at the incestuous relationship that the you have with key fund that key meet institutions, but sick to the financial times. this is not from the press release. the story. this is from a cozy, prescriptive rule. the key a interview, which is the which is clearly had conditions laid out in it by the a you one, the signing up anybody in the room and getting any object to come in to buy the story and ask you would never do that. that would upset you too much. so the very fact the issue is taking this position about freedom of speech and media and lucky
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relationships with huge institutions and yet practicing it in the very altogether itself that we're talking about is quite honestly preposterous. what do you make of this the best contact, the free media hub of the commission has initiated to support what, according independent media and russian rebel evers. yeah, i just it's, it's just the same, the same helplessly that we've seen over and over again. you know, there were at least consistent united things, the drum about freedom speech and creates these institutions and even names assembly holes in the european parliament after i'm jealous. but you know, it was the will, but it come, it talks to, to it when it comes to the work, you know, in a, by the same token, by that i know of doing just what do we see. we see that it shuts down any media institutions that the question is so narrative, you know, so i didn't think we were taken by seriously. so given the, the current f as for tool assessment to the states of press freedom in the you is
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doing political. i mean, when i was always there for 11 years myself in brussels, covering the for number british titles and i was absolutely horrified in the 1st few months of, of working there realizing how completely unhealthy the relationship was between 12 hundreds, according to journalist. from over, there is western media access and also how the, the, you behaves, how it goes about his business. when it comes across john, as you want to dig up dirt on it and actually hold that accountable. you know, i almost ended up myself being in jail, at least on one occasion, possibly twice. there's a famous case, it was a hand smoking to look in 2002. i think the german journalist who was doing some great investigation work into that use of c fraud agency. he was working up at 5 o'clock in the morning by village and police bang on his door, who arrested him. took who was confused to stuff and basically threw him and joe for the day and you know, with no with and which so not to be like to complete the trump top.


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