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tv   The 360 View  RT  January 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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is diabolical. i mean, when i was always there for 11 years myself in brussels, covering the for number british titles. and i was absolutely horrified in the 1st few months of working there, realizing how completely on healthy the relationship was between 12 hundreds, according to journalists from over there is western media access and also how the, the, you behaves, how it goes about his business. when it comes across journalist, you want to dig up to it on it and actually hold that accountable. you know, i almost ended up myself being in jail at least on one occasion, possibly twice. there's a famous case, it was a hand smoking to look in 2002. i think the german journalist who was doing some great investigation work into that use of c fraud agency. he was working up at 5 o'clock in the morning by bills and police bang on his bill, who arrested him, tickled his confused and stuff and basically threw him and joe for the day and you know, with no with and which so not to be like to complete, see trump top charges. so the ability to sort has been hand handed this document
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from the use a rest, this guy because he's done this is and this turned out later to be absolute nonsense. the kind of thing that, you know, you, you might read about in west of west african states, you know, not exactly something you expect from, from europe. so it doesn't have a great record. it does. it's not so much democracy which never really refer you to the you as a i would have just never considered to be a democracy. it's not even frankly, a democracy. it's a, it's a, it's an autocratic soup. the states which constitute events itself has a rule book, which is really based on a lot of the high falutin traditional ideas. and this phone policy is, is completely and make it up as you go wrong. so, um, so nothing really the, in terms of media that i think is worth talking about. mazda in many, thanks for sharing your thoughts with, as always appreciate to joining us on that as the most enjoy. and thank you for joining us. hey, on all the internationally, if you'd like to learn more about any of the stories we've covered, then you can head straight to a website on teeth. com. we thought you covered that as well for me for today. but
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my colleague way to reboot will be with you at the top of the, with all the very day the is a 40 for a 1000 hours of security footage, the united states capital on january 6th, 2021 has yet to be released. but it's nothing democrats this time of finding the footage from being made public. i'm scanning now hughes and onto this episode of 360 view. we're going to look at the latest developments being made public regarding the events who was involved on the attack on capitol hill and what impact this will have a future protest in the united states. let's get started. the 2 months after the defeat of president trump and just days before president biden
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was to be an operated americans gathered in washington dc to protest what they thought was the election, douglas voter irregularities and stolen by the radical left in the crack. now the hope was to persuade congress and then vice president, my pin to not certify the electoral college results. however, when a fraction of the rally, attendees on the washington mall, march to capitol hill and clashed with capitol hill, police, a legal, peaceful protest involved into an angry mon. only one person died on january 6th, and there was an unarmed protest during the veteran. this is where the facts of the day, even 2 years later, the start to be challenged as january 6th was quickly turned into a popular weapon. used by the democrats, the last 3 years to demonize. anything related to donald j. trump. and to support a set of our president is now facing a case of in washington dc,
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alleging he was actually responsible for assigning the violence. prosecutor jack smith is attempting to subpoenaed anyone who even like a trump tweet before january 6th. now this is in pure and republican lawmakers like louisiana representative clay higgins. let me say regarding jack smith and his request for now know the list of american citizens under some a legit, legitimate investigative effort. i'm considered a bad, your honor to be on another one of jackson is less so i just say that is is days are numbered, but newly elected speaker of the house, mike johnson is making good on his campaign promise to release the videotapes. you know, congress is posting more than 44000 hours of security for footage taking during the january 6 riot on a new public website over the next several months. now the videos will blur the faces of private citizens all to ensure no one is targeted for retaliation of any
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kind. roughly 5 percent of the video footage will not be posted due to sensitive security information related to the building architecture. information continues to be revealed about the day, mainly through the release of security footage and personal videos doubted being shed on whether this protest which began as peaceful was instigated to become violent. the release of the january 6th types is in a critical and important exercise. we want transparency, we should demand that the american people do. we trust house republicans trust the american people to draw their own conclusions. we should not, they should not be dictated by some narrative and accept that as fact. so they can review the tapes themselves. let's discuss the latest about january 6th and the impact is happening on a 2024 election was our panel. so to as to robert patello and bullock abdul and larry ward, who is the chair of the constitutional rights pack. thank you. tell me for joining me. on this and so i'm actually going to start with our democrats on the panel.
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robert, should democrats continue to make january 6, one of their main talking points against donald trump and his support isn't working for the party? i think so. and i think more importantly, we have to ensure something like january it's, it's never happens again that if we start normalizing this and simply saying, well, it was a peaceful protest. the got a little bit out of hand and that so you know, there was a guy in the viking head on the senate floor reading through ted cruz this paper work well then that means everyone gets to do that whenever there's a contest to the election. and i challenge people to say that that was thousands of muslim americans breaking into the capital and reading the crown on the senate floor. what will you be saying? well, just a pre people protest that went awry or that was black lives matter. a storm in a capital are flying a red, black and green flag. the same with they had the confederate flag parading through the capital that we signed that will just simply a peaceful protests. go on a right, and we do not set a president. now that this is not how america settled too much and then we will no longer have we let him to and america. so i'm all for getting to the bottom of
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things. i think many of us were disappointed in be january since commission because the focus so much on president trump didn't focus on the role of law enforcement because with all the videos and people were moving barricades and letting people in with all the video to people. so you'll know that the bad habit doors were open and there is there, there, you might be the 1st time a credit for it actually admitted that the, particularly in, in the bank. so in particular, we don't let people know. we will say there's no way you just ran in. there are probably help of people who are inside president trump said before the election, we have the we have law enforcement behind. we have the bike roof, we have the truck, or if we have the military behind it, we get all the tough guys. and then on january 5th we thought exactly that. so the investigation needs to be exactly how deep that rock goals and how deep the penetration wants to allow this to happen. because the, there's no waiting for anyone to credit. we believe that people just walked into the capital because they broke a window and stormed in there. and, well, i think the american people still want to know exactly what happened on that day. okay, so at least show him is that side of it, larry ward, present candidate the back room. remo swan when he brought out a recent interview,
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how the foot, it shows the capital place, opening the doors. but here was a new one that's come out and unless you were close to people that were there that day and they told you it, we now know they were shooting rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd. does this change the perception of those who were part of january 6? as the footage we've seen was the reaction of course i look, we honestly another january 6 because what it was was a peaceful protest. there's no question in my mind. that's what it was. it was, it wasn't protested and look, let's you can't look at january 6, it back, you might or, you know, they were definitely voting and like a regular, already. i believe the election was stolen. a lot of americans believe the election was stolen by the fact one of the highest percentage of people that believe be watching the solar, are democrats in the inner cities. i did, i ran a poll on it, and it was one of the highest percentage of people because they see elections being stolen all the time in these inner city. so of course they believe the election was
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stolen a 2020, but you, you look at what happened and, and there was not just a, it was not just january 6, it was all of the cases that we brought with the judges, the case out for no apparent reason, there is no way a judge can say there was no electric fraud. there is no way that bill bark and say after 2 days of investigating what to do with investigators saying that there was no election fraud. there is no way that could happen. and they closed the case there was so, and then we had 2 other protests to other stop this deal break. that's when we brought millions of people very peacefully to dc and said stop this deal. we brought this pre car. we brought them, they the, to stop the steel rallies with a 1000000 people who say patent us on the head and said, nice protest. now now we're going to do what we want and, and that's why january 6 happened. there was a lot of friends up frustration about the big getting ignored get, i mean having one of the most important elections that are lifetime, you know, stolen in the minds of all of those protesters and just being ignored and being
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pacified to be told you don't know what you're talking about when we didn't know what we were talking about. so look, did we go there? angry. yeah, we went there. angry. it was there was a lot of at the bank or but yes for sure. i was there on the ground. i jumped on the gas, they, they threw rubber bullets, they threw dir. yeah. c it was, it was per bolt by the capital police. there was no question in my mind. i was, i saw people came out immediately and said they just started fired canisters at us . and, and it was, it was a, a result in since they took a peaceful protest. they riled up the crowd. they've got the crowd even angrier than they were. and then they left them in the capital so that they could take all the video and photo and a rush. you know, and there i can say this is, but i have the arrow to and this in, this goes to robert's point. who did this, who, you know, robert says obviously law enforcement needs to be investigated how deep the rod is . is it long for the who was the one that was shooting this in to the end of the
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crowd? who was the one do you think should be held accountable for those actions as we did see them on necessarily the recent past pro palestinian prototypes that have happened on capitol hill? we haven't seen that other protests we did. same on the women's march when they, there were fights that broke out. we saw it in this case. so who is the one that should be held responsible for things like rubber bullets being shot into the crowd? and is this the law enforcement, or do you think there's a higher power involved? i think there's a higher power, but look, there were hundreds of f. b, i, agents on, on the ground where they are not quite sure what is the, what's the proof of that and this is the question of yvette keeps getting kind of where i'm going to get to the other. but what is the proof that the f b i agents do you believe on the ground there? oh, there were there were definitely undercover agents on the ground in january 6. look, you see video of, of lawn, 40 identified law enforcement people, you know, instigating the crowd. you see, of course, you know, the, the, you know, the, the, well going into the capital end of the capital from, from that, that, that guy who kind of was given a slap on the wrist and only because, you know,
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it was, he became a, i can't remember his name, sorry, sorry about my head, but he became the focus of, of the, the incident. but this, this bit, this 44000 hours video. we can find out exactly exactly what happened. and you can look at that time in terms of when the, when the, the police attack the crowd. and you can look at the, you know, we can get a list of, of all of the f, b i, agents and informants that we're on in the ground. we just have to continue to investigate this. and, and this is important because here's why there has not been another conservative protest of any consequence on capitol hill. and there's lots of things that protest, they are not going to go back to the people's house because we're afraid we're going to get arrested. and larry goes added point, and that's the point we're going to talk about. i want to talk about monique, you're in an interesting position. you live in washington dc. this is your city, you love the city. you also republican, your conservative. you saw the events on january 6th, we have a, do you think the truth has been allowed to be out there and why or why not?
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well, i can say as, as you said, i live here in washington dc. i've been here for about so we weren't there. oh, you did not go down. oh, i did not go there on january 6, but i think i could probably speak for not just washington dc, but interstate. he's all around the country and that the no, we don't believe that the election was stolen. ida, i think we can save that. but on january 6, and i do agree with larry, i actually attended the very 1st rally, which was the millions of like a millions mag a march or something that was in november of 2021. it was absolutely peaceful. there was another rally our week after the election. there was a week after the election. there was another a rally that occurred sometime in dc emberts january 6th was the 3rd rally. so as to the question of why didn't people expose, you know, expect it to be violent because of the 1st 2 were not violent at all. there were security failures all around the board, but i don't think that there was anything deliberate behind it. we know that this is mary mariel bowels are requested on december 30th on our national guard troops
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to actually deal with things like, you know, traffic violations and controlling traffic. she wanted them on arm because of what happened just that summer, where the net, there was a natural discourse around whether or not the law enforcement was too heavy handed in dealing with the black lives matter. protesters. so she requested on our national guard troops. the question on how did they get inside? it could be easily answered because the house sergeant at arms who controls security of the capital. that is their role. someone had to give a stand down board meeting the video that we saw of people walking into the capital . i just can't believe that someone didn't say, well, we need to deflect them, come in if there was no type of contingency plan for an event like that. where if something happens, you don't lock the doors because these weren't all of these doors lock. they were not locked in the door starting next door. you saw people walking in, so someone said,
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don't engage with them. don't even lock the doors. and i think we need to get to the bottom of that. and i think that's an easily answer question. someone said, stand down, and that's not something that any of us here will be able to answer. okay, we're going to get to this engagement, robert, until you tell him, like i've told her award, hold it. let's take a quick break because when we come back, we're going to look at the role, the fbi i played in january 6th. and why this is not much different from what us intelligence agencies have been playing a role in protest and other foreign countries, the or the
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welcome back on sky down hughes. and you are watching the 360 view and the central intelligence agency is supposed to collect, evaluate, a disseminate vital information on economic, military, political, scientific, and other developments abroad to protect the national security as the united states . however, there has been multiple countries who have accused the c. i a, a plague, a significant role in popular protest within their own borders. in 2022, around this nomic for publish intelligence ministry, and the intelligence organization of the revolutionary guard issued a joint statement claim the c i a had a significant role in the protest following the death of my husband. many, the chinese media accused a c. i a being behind extreme asked by hong kong protesters and 2019 and there's
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operation timber sycamore and 2013. it was a secret program which eventually led to the syrian civil war. it's an amazing new because back of the 1950s, the c i a was a part of operation k us and found a cuban exiles who could be used in the campaign against president fidel castro. so did the fbi, i just take a lesson from their fellow intelligence agency and apply it domestically. but why? well, let's continue. is discussion with our panel. so go analyst probably tell them like adult larry ward who was the chair of the constitutional rights patch. i didn't get a chance to get back to robert. you heard from the 1st segment, what they were saying. i love the fact that we have kind of, you have ones that, you know, we can talk about. i think you could separate was the election stolen versus the events of january 6. i think both need to be looked at separately. granted cause and effect. but do you believe the f b i was actually involved in the pre january 6th purchase was in, in sub jobs as the republicans continued to try to talk about. this is where the
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inside job falls apart. that donald trump for president. and he had his own f, b, i, director, and the here he's the attorney general and he was in charge of the f, b i at the time and had been so for 4 years. and so the idea that there was an inside job of business and just metastasized inside the f b i over the course of 4 years waiting for january 6 to form in itself and then kind of explode upon the of the world. really doesn't make a lot of sense because of the domino front would be in certain candidate trying to women, which in versus being the incumbent. it might make a little bit more sense. but when you're have, well, you have your own f, b, i your own f, b i director your own department of justice and you're the person in charge of the federal government. the idea of that there's a insides up against you kind of falls apart. now what we have said for decades now is that the f, b, i c, i a have been involved in pro involving our co intel program or against african american communities. even during the black lives matter or protest arouse, we have serious people in black may have showing dealt with pallets of bricks that
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just descended upon black communities. and all of a sudden escalated arrives and the violin riots. we still don't know who burned down the minneapolis police station. for example, if you look at the comp city in the, in atlanta, we're protesting from a far was ottawa, canada in california. they showed up, we started shooting at law enforcement. so we know that these things do indeed happen to protest within the african american communities and other communities. but this conceptualization that donald trump own f b, i turn the gifts to me, particularly when we have the videos of law enforcement opening against opening doors, giving tours around the capital to these individuals is more like it's an inside job the other way. but i'm interested in hearing the, the, the look i, i'm all for good disparity theory. it is all have to line up for book, i believe big foot. i believe it's just all going to make it a fit. i get that common sense. you lay out your case commonsense wise, is that something good service often say just look at comments inside of it there. i know you want to interject your road when it gets them awake real quick,
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make your response with them. but i do not believe that it was an inside job. i think this was something that actually organically happening. we even if we look at the actual charge, once we get free, i behind trump, the, as i said, since it was under trump, do you believe that the f b i head spin again, has been on trump side from day one? know a little there is navient and we've even had the people who were donald trump for pointing to positions who were in the federal government who pin anonymous off. it's talking about what they were doing in the federal government in order to actually stop the, you know, dictate, or donald trump from doing things. there were, there were met people within federal government who were working against federal government. a donald trump. we know that as a fact, but as far as the f b, i as involved into this, yes. all around all around the world, the federal government is involved in protest. i'm not, i wouldn't be surprised that they were f b i can form is in the protest, but i really think because of the very 1st 2 rallies that were peaceful, there was really no reason for this to be for. let's take january 6 then to be the inside job as opposed to the very peaceful previous rallies,
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which was an extension of what we saw on january 6th. so i don't think that it was an inside job and there is no evidence to suggest that it was an inside job. but larry timberlake's plan, that 3rd, already been to protest and basically showed how things were going to run. did you already go in and give them with their already kind of like here's the, here's the schedule. you know what's going to happen if you want to do something as far as go for it? yeah, yeah. oh, absolutely. robert. come on the f b i was on trump side. i'm sitting here listening to you. i know you don't really believe that the f b, i the say that the guy that did the russia collusion, oaks the same f b i the lubbers a whole lot yard you. you can't believe the f. b. i was on trump side, particularly after he fired, told me, you know, this is, this is a completely ridiculous that statement that'd be and it was trumps f b i truck trump was an enemy of the f b i n n a. quite frankly, the f b i c is an enemy of the american people today. and so we have to look at what,
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what actually happened there. yes, there were f, b, i informant, it will come out. i have no doubt about it. and, and, you know, the less be, but argument is there is no evidence that keeps a 100 and, and joe, by there's plenty of evidence. there's plenty of evidence that there was the i, there's plenty of evidence that there was an inside job. it just not has not been adjudicated. we have not had a real trial looking at what actually happened on january 6. the only the only thing we had was the least cheney sham january 6th hearing where they didn't have any real republican. we called police, jamie republican i, she's not, you know, you, that was the only hearing that we had was one side where they put videos. it made it worse than it actually was. so, you know, and, and, but they literally simply just learned robert eric, we were positive. robert, the republicans have been in charge of the house for a few years now. they can have their own january since hearing the last year or so
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. instead, they've gone through like a half dozen speakers and they want the impeachment inquiry, they wanted to get to the bottom of it. they have every power in the federal government to be able to do so. they haven't done that. so how is it that we're still claiming there's evidence out there, but then when given the chance you indicate that evidence, they just decide not to well, 1st of all, they don't, you know, the house does not have the, the power to go through 44000 hours of video, which is why releasing it is the right answer. you release it, you'll let the crowd look. c at it you'll. ringback be important evidence you pull out the important time stamps, particularly when things were like, like you said, capital police were, were drawing gas categories tapper police, or somebody was stored gas canisters and rubber bullets in the crowd to agitate them. you can look and see that, you know, who is who's actually instigating people saying we go into the capital. we, we do, we do some background checks here at this time. this is not going to be a, this is not going to be adjudicated in this cycle. it's going to be when uh,
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president trump takes office again and, and actually has us look, we gotta get to the bottom of what happened to 2020. and we have to get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th. and that's when maybe the truth will come out. i'm not confident that that'll happen. i'm not confident that they're going to go back and look. but i think it's important to do so, particularly because we have to tell the american people who have been afraid of their government, afraid to voice their opinion at the people's house to come back and. and then you have real rights and that you are protected and that the government made up a run, this terrible mistake going into the radical direction and rounding of grandma grandma for no apparent reason. well, and that's what i want to end this conversation with is talking about the effects moving forward on it because she's right. you have not seen you saw the march for life. i think you saw gathering a little bit about roe vs wade a few months ago. you really have not seen a large scale, conservative protest, or even a live i protest. do you think this has changed? protest in washington dc. a city that has been made famous throughout history for
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protest against injustice. it's robert. i don't think so. i think what people have learned is, you know, don't break into the speaker, but house office and smear free seeds on the wall. they don't steal to let turn. i think the we can set that is to bring to general rules of how people protest goals that think people understand that. but what i, what, what we have still seeing was in the profile, assuming and mark has taken place where it has gone violent. they've got violent, but they, they did not try to stay in the capital. and i think that like with a one take way has been that we are handling your protests even if there is comfortable receiving. there is some level of discourse or internet for a police officer. the people understand what the parameters are. and i think that's been the, the kind of the grill guard relative and set by designing where it's at defense. i don't think they have this way that people have to be, i guess the government as the thing is people realize that, well, maybe there's a limit to where this can go very well. you do another protest here on the capital this. yeah, i want to but quite frankly, no one's gonna come. i, i speak to conservatives, you know, prominent conservative and they're like, no,
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we would not go back, but kept, why wouldn't i risk my freedom? you know, people are big we're, we're hunted down like animals and arrested because they were led into the capital and walked around and stayed in the lives of the whole 9 yards. so yeah, they all wouldn't try it or what was not even there. he was not even there, he was arrested and imprisoned. this with this has been the most egregious uh, you know, abuse of power we've ever seen in american history. oh, and you know what they said they kept saying it was an art protest. you know what the january 6 committees reason for calling in our protests west is because they, the, the protesters brought flags with flag poles into the capital. that was, that was the justification because they were no, don't people go anywhere to area where the that's not what we're going to find a bit later. we're going to talk about some agreements, abuses of american history by the government. black folks and native americans would like to check into the chat and give you a couple of things to look at because there been a lot worse things. what happened on january 5th, that happened to other communities. i'm glad or what else is catching up to what
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happened, but you can call and tell probably assess nice and sort of to of rights leaders. we leave jailing a political prisoner. there's no people in jail from the 1964, only political speak, so i'm glad you guys have joined the chat and see what happens and everybody else. but i don't think we get the game versus the worst thing that happened in this country. well, and i think the difference is that was one day compared to like you said, a move with an obviously a trusty f atrocity committed to robert by appreciate this conversation. obviously, it's going to continue until we actually get the truth. but who knows if that will actually happen any time soon? thank you for joining me. robert. tell him like a bill and larry ward that there's been no greater event and recent history i believe which has damage the trust and integrity of the united states government. then january 6, politicians and pundents went to blame it on the people who were involved. however, it is the government and how they handled the events of the day. their involvement and their political web is web and ization, which is followed and continues to read people's faith and the government edited
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video solely being released to the public. parson hearings which turn into shouting matches and the ignoring of facts which refute the original claims of the day, only adds to the stress with unclear answers as to whether the f b i was involved. i mean, it's a simple yes or no. and in what capacity, it's no wonder why there is frustration at why the truth cannot be simply stated. i don't agree with anything which happened on january 6, 3. personally, i assessed ahead of time there was going to be a high risk of something going wrong. but there were good people who came to washington dc on that day, and all they wanted to do was express their costs additional right to peacefully protest. and even though they never took one step towards the capital, their lives for the past 3 years had been lived in fear. that would be false accused and find law enforcement dramatically showing up at their place of work or at their home is completely motivated by politics as to why the full truth about
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january 6 has not been released. don't be fooled if this is about protecting democracy or security. if this was the true intention, then there would be nothing to hide in all the facts. the footage would be released immediately to justify deposition taken by either party. yet here, american cit, waiting for the next negative information to drop all to connect the dots of the day in hopes of creating a clear picture and moving on. and this is a tactic which has been used by both democrats and republicans, which somewhat consider to be alarming. unfortunately, i consider to be the standard, the sky. now here's and this has been your 360 view. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the israel release is fresh videos of its operations and strikes on gaza and 11 on as the us secretary of state visits tel aviv to solidly a firm. washington supports bang united states of america present by then all your more all call of duty for the fact that you've standing steadfast with this around the bangladesh elections attractive greater scrutiny this time from the us, such as the brand of the recent parliamentary bull results as dishonest just by international observers,
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calling them free and fair and then the latest twist and the ongoing


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