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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the, the israel releases pressure videos of its operations and strikes on garza and 11 on as the us secretary of state prison telling me you have to, it's probably a firm washington's support bank. united states of america present by then all your more all call of duty to the fact that you're standing steadfast and it is around the bangladesh elections attract greater scrutiny. this time from the u. s. which is the brand of the recent parliamentary pool results. as this honest this by international observers, calling them fair and frank and, and the latest twist and the jeffrey, i've seen that saga abuse accusers. sarah ran some claims she was forced to, to attract her claims after the existence of sex types of bill clinton and prince
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andrew, after receiving threats to her family. the while you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we start with the latest on the conflict in does that where the death toll has passed 23000 and according to the gaza health ministry. and as us secretary of state antony blinking, arrives in israel. the idea has released the footage of its operation in the palestinian enclave. residential areas. the is rarely falls. are seen firing weapons during round operations, while the israeli navy strikes so that gaza territory is from the mediterranean sea . in the north, israel has launched a series of airstrikes on 11 on climbing. it's taken out of military infrastructure
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. the international humanitarian organization, doctors without borders, says it's connie and a shelter. it was targeted on monday. at reports 4 people were hurt including a staff member's 5 year old daughter who is now in critical condition. central gaza has also come under, is really showing in the policy, and health ministry says at least $57.00 bodies. and that's 65 injured robots. so that i'll ox a hospital over the past 24 hours. for the death toll in the enclave is now surpassed $23000.00 a since october 7th, according to the palestinian health ministry. with over 59000 injured, 8000 missing. and over 1900000 people displaced local journalist homes of salon. so to us from the southern border city of rossa, where more attacks that were reported overnight. the latest news in golf off uh is what there is. and is there any s like uh, early morning around 4 am on
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a same tiers than should house. a lot of people are a little display status to these are for trying to find a place to drop off off the uh, the wide prefer a ground declination by uh how. how big by the height of the human in a situation in the open area is a mossy areas where the id, off, hospitality is to shelter. there's thousands of tents and there's a thousands of children. i thousands of all the, the, i'm thousands of women, women's seeing and sheltering m at 10 smart as prepared for winter. so it's very cold. and right now, winter, it is started and more challenging for the palestinians. bellows, teens phase most challenging is increasing the number of displaced people of year to drop off the div. that's means there's problem with food problem with water problems with a lot of things in palestinian youth are bearing the bronze of the medical disaster
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and the save the children. charity says at least 10 miners and guys have become empty to use every day. the young are also report at least 7 times more likely to die from an idea of bombing than adults. and according to view and children's find 9 out of 10. and since under the age of 2 phase, quote, severe food poverty, here's the story of one child whose life has been shattered by the war you want us to. so i had this child mine, i lost both her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the end of the hospital in northern gas. and unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services that resulting in the child coming to nasa hospital via the red cross. initially, nothing was made about her because we'll have so many members had been killed in the war. and guys, i managed to identify moving us through the internet. i went to nasty hospital, we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has a jewel injury which brought her to intensive cap. we won't be there to receive the
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best possible treatment until her unite would have surviving system. we request her medical transfer outside of gaza to receive treatment, to the most crucial aspects of the past and his their eyes. so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool as the child cannot eat or drink, therefore we request a transfer for treatment and this is the simplest right for human being to be in good health and color is really present, isaac, her talk is called south africa's appeal to the international court of justice, atrocious and preposterous for toria has filed a case accusing israel of violating the genocide convention on thursday, april stating when start in the international court of justice and a while by the south africa. as soon as the israel fall, supposedly genocide does nothing more atrocious and preposterous than this flame.
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all right, let's cross live now to the alarm and cuba, south african problem at member from the ruling african. it national congress party . good to have you on the program with us ideas really, presidents, isaac for talk, has called a south africa, has a case, atrocious and preposterous. what's your reaction to that? and that's very engaging. it does go into disingenuous ad for him to college that because there is a stage has been getting away with meadow for so many years. and there's 2 south africa, a young demo trust which is on the 30th to find a case against the genocide. the actions of that is why the government against the people of palestine and in particular, sentry against the people. because while we jump todd 12, the broad up others doing in community and society,
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it was very relevant to you to sold out. that's too good decision to take this matter to the international court of justice because so don't forget himself has been a victim of the up of age regina with a crime against humanity to us, such as like games. the african majority here that are similar to choose between what happened in us that sort of guns and what exactly happened, what changed the palestinians? the difference is just that in the case of by this day, dale situation is more di and more extreme because they have been involved with this sophisticated and supersonic bones which are dropped right in the middle of their equipment, which is killing hundreds of thousands of people including children and women. so these are the, well, these are clearly what kinds and crimes against human and the races,
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the conduct and the kids and which has never been seen. anyway in the blue. we have seen more and more countries that come out and show support for south africa's application to the international court of justice. how do you think that will affect the case? that actually helps you because it's a love, just be a case of eh, one country and offer to go find in your case against the israeli government. now, even great powers in all the hemispheres of the globe have actually joined and supporting this filing of this case in the i c, j. and we've got as it proceeds even more countries. but it's a good thing to support this more than just the governments of these countries. we're quite clear that to the majority of the people,
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the 249 people based on point to the action which has been taken by you. so don't forget, because if it is monitored to it such as media and social media, we can see that in all the media checking rooms, not to people for to not to be a little bit low, but it probably can support of this because this is the dentist that's been plugged into the symbol, you know, and he's totally broad daylight. that broke night lights to, to virtually the hundreds of thousands of people. these his, i tried the united, the of the with a gave the is the stage and ball, the progressive confidence and countries which, what's not in the, in the past with finding with is way this trying well, the beginning to see the shift. then there are no draining the end of those that
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are going to mean is right. and i think this case is window. that is the way that this case good. but to integrate the evidence, larry and all of the actions of the insulated government have been caught on color . both professional come at us, and that's why, even generally, a being cute. so according to just the last nose gentlemen, i also know is fitting for themselves, but they have call the highest one that called didn't go to sleep. also being cute that they have themselves. the victims of the june of 5000 mentions of the is the government. we have seen reports of is rarely a master, has been instructed to lobby diplomats and politicians to oppose this case. what are your thoughts on that? a it's a futile exercise. we know each, the judges know something new. then when the government officials the
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freighted with the of what they've spelled out, your job will not be even major football power. like the united kingdom and the united states of america, including german, based on the fight up what the fuck duck never worked. because was people know that the metro on the table and the home, but the fact best of fiction. they see the attorney general further action of being towards another people's fee. so the light which a toilet laptop, then the judge will for the decision on the basis of the evidence that is presented over the this is not just the meta, not with no b one point guns on the genetic, which is going to be 5 to, to region and 4th in line. and when people can see, go to the division with within, say,
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to social media that so i think that it's totally age to the thing that you can look at. did you put them up on this measure? it is know that the tables of the international court of justice and from that it is simply going to pass and we want the i, j to move would speak. so that the metric and then go to the ice is the so that then we can see how read happening as she says positive. it shouldn't take too long for this to happen because the evidence isn't coming up is when like of the, of the when that tells which a good i the eyes, the j o i see where it take longer for decisions to be process because it was, it made it does, it does get out of the evidence is that it slips in with me. yeah. how's this both from the west flow from the east as well as from the mid because we are filled up with the we are clear. that's what we'll do in this case,
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and you might want to have lunch is with us and, and this, and as far as your expectations for the case, you say that it's clear that south africa will, will, in this case, do you believe that israel will be punished by the international court of justice. and what would that punishment likely be? justice do fit. and the incentive and the there is no issues of the fables. that is why you must be condemned in those dots of phone to be behind. that jewel fight the rule against the people of punish done. they must actually be found guilty of defendants and b, j o for, for life. and the, the that's what we think is going to happen in the what we are confident that's what makes the cheese mate an interest where money for the teaching of, of these we are very clear from the time we take over the demo traffic in
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philadelphia. got on the structure of president nelson, montana. we would clear that our freedom is incomplete without the people of protest. i know that this is where the government says going out to you told me where they told me to drop, but then that's the evidence. it would be very crazy and very strange if the ice, the days can, can get input different on the cold portion of the conversion. that is expected of the following be the is the by this big duty of general flight doesn't matter. massive them against the people up by this guy and for that was the i thing the day with a big the homebound cause the comb barely. they'll come back to make
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a binding and then all the up against the government and as for the, to actually push the veteran, which is a huge advantage on the part of the government of prime minister and the train, you know, and then try upon all of them, they must be pretty much and they must go in 5th lifetime. okay, we're gonna leave it there is a long name and keep a south african problem. and barbara, thank you for your time. you're welcome. thank you for having us. will you a secretary of state antony blanket and has met with is riley president isaac hertz during his latest middle east trip hertzog and thanks to us for it's steadfast support on the united states of america present by then and the administration and your secondary blinking for your more on the call of duty for the fact that you're standing steadfast with is around. well, thank you mr. president. is always great. we value the presence leadership in these
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incredibly challenging times. the, the israel, a public, gave a cold reception to washington, south diplomat, relatives of the hostages to remain anonymous. captivity gathered outside the hotel, where blinking met with her sides to demand the release of their loved ones. about $100.00 or 30 is really important hostages are still believed to be held in gaza by the mountains as the invasion on does, it escalates public resentment is also mounting world wide. well, anti war demonstrators had told us president joe biden, during that campaign speech and a south carolina church. you have to choose, there's no light light, there's no past friend, this darkness, the
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understand i understand the passions and i've been quietly work requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gosh, well, some of the top is really officials are not in step with biden's quiet diplomacy. finance minister buzz allows field trip chests, shockingly referred to the entire population of gaza as nazis drawing in rage. reaction from some main stream media in the us post of the jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip, so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there. if not, 13000000 nazis in gaza if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th. to me and as of course, the population of guys a. so take that in for
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a moment. to 1000000 quarterly go nazis and guys, and so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. nazis, pro, is rarely media and the west is now questioning. prime minister netanyahu is true intentions on his war effort. and gaza is reported last spring on the idea of offensive and does the internet attempt to stay in office while facing corruption charges is really supreme court recently ruled against the prime minister is judiciary overall and weekend. his power struggle and the us activist group americans for peace now says abide and administration is making no effort to end the middle east violence. in continuing this, deb was taking a war post as unacceptable risk for ease real goals and civilians and the entire region for the sake of the security and wellbeing of civilian some israel and gaza . the biden administration was pushed israel to bring about the and immediate cessation of hostilities and people from war to peace making. all right, let's cross now to a human and labor rights lawyer then cove. all like then,
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great to have you on with us and americans, zionist group has demanded the bite and administration work on a cease fire in gaza. what's your reaction to that? well i, i certainly welcome it. honestly, i don't find it terribly surprising. i think, you know, most of the world's population, including many jews, are just repelled by what's happening in gaza. it is a genocide and, and so, you know, naturally, a lot of people oppose it again, including many jews. and i think also for design is they see quite rightly that israel is really destroying its credibility in what it's doing and god's that is your may never recover from this. you know there vale, of kind of holiness and sanctimonious, this is gone now because of what's happening in israel itself is putting
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israel at risk by its conduct in god. and once you make of the apparent change that we're seeing in the us is, is really war narrative as well. you're starting to see in the mainstream press more honest assessment of the devastating civilian casualties in gaza. even the main screen press, which has been very defensive of a visual, has come around to starting to talk about the fact that this is the most deadly complex we have ever seen. certainly since world war 2, you've seen articles in the associated press saying that the washington post saying that the rate of civilian depths or something, you know, again, unprecedented, certainly in, in uh, again since world war 2, even greater than world war 2. and this is a see change and i think that again,
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israel has a problem. the their p r is now not working for the 1st time since 1948. yeah, yeah. as you say, they're pro is really western media are now raising concerns about netanyahu's offensive and gaza. i mean, is this a little too little too late, though? because here we are more than 3 months into this conflict. and we have, you know, millions of people and does that this place over 23000 kil, to the guys that essentially destroyed it certainly is late in, in to that extent it's very sad, but it's never too late. i mean, you still have over 2000000 palestinians who are alive and gaza. thank god and they can be saved. and this ends soon. and that's why we do need to cease fire quickly. so yes, this is late and coming, but it's not too late to save the people guys, and that has to be done. the tensions inside they is really parliaments are rising
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with some members supporting a south africa's case to the i c. j on investigating as really genocide in guys. i interviewed one of them just yesterday. why do you think these reactions are starting to scale up? well again, i mean you've always had and israel, a certain kind of left wing element amongst the population that's much smaller than it used to be. but you have, you know, progressive israelis who see the truth for what it's, what it is that israel's doing to the palestinians. i'm sorry what the nazis did to the jews. and that's a fact. and when you look at it that way, you have to oppose. and there are some people in israel who are willing to make that connection and oppose this sucker stay and say and blank. and on another trip to the region has claimed israel should not pressure dozens to leave their homes, whatever homes are left, well, he's really officials like finance minister smell. judge coffer is really settlements to expand into guys that what do you make of these contradictory points?
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aquanda contradicting points between these 2 allies. well, the problem i see is that the language of people like blinking and bite and don't correspond with their actions, right? i mean, israel's making gods in uninhabitable. in fact, the un says it now is uninhabitable and they're making it uninhabitable with the bombs that the u. s. continues to send israel, right, so the us continues to send israel lethal aid to carry out this afternoon, cleansing, while all at the same time claiming they oppose the declines. well, i'm sorry, your deeds have to match your speech and that's not happening. and then i just have a time for one brief question more. uh i just wanted to ask how common is it for us lawmakers to back track on support to foreign powers, particularly key allies like as well. certainly in the case of industry, old,
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it's very rare the last time we really saw that i know was in, i believe was 1982 when ronald reagan called, but knock them, begun and told him to stop the blood, letting 11 on and knock them begun complied, i don't think the us president has done that since that time. that's many decades. all right, human and labor rights lawyer done cuz i like them. thank you. thank you. well, now to bangladesh, where the us appears to be trying to sway the recent parliamentary election results by branding them. as this honest argy correspondent runjun sharma takes deeper into the story because he knows me to come back to mama lesion this off to winning an election, which so a his to our recruiting, your water tone out. but this, when this come box is no surprise for anybody really. why is that?
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because back in the when. but the main opposition thought the inbox of these bangladesh nationalist, spotty, b, and b, they denounce a boy quarters, the elections this off to us on 20000. all the position members was sense behind boss by the, his, he non government for organizing nationwide protests against a government against the cost of living prices. the economic crisis, the, they believe the see not government is responsible for none the less with this with jay because he not gets a 5th consecutive to him. and also she also becomes the longest serving for i'm in this step of box. now these 2 been getting congratulations messages from across the world, but not the us. the us to now has been silent and now it stays in the elections has in bangladesh. we're not fair and they wouldn't not free. let me on the line the this after us of the giving a shuttle thoughts to the bundle, the selections, calling them fair, also calling them free. now remember on the elections we're monitored by around 127
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international of 0 was also some 59 for them showing list has now said that if the you are satisfied, we are willing to try and de stabilized funds of these. now this is something that she because he now her self has previously said she basically said that he was assigned to a verizon bundle abuse and tell him of the politics send that to us was trying to talk about how long the lease, remember its bye sweetie. jackie is between the ation supervisor, india, and china, and the dust on the implication of long beach elections has yet to several people check and get to all the details on a new twist and the ongoing jeffrey epstein file song abuse accuser, sarah ran some now stands by her testimony that 6 types of bill clinton and prince andrew do exist. well, that's after she walked back the claims in 2016,
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under alleged threats to her and her family. they all videos that exist. the people that know they exist. and i'm showing very frightened of them being released. so how do you know, dan? that's epstein had cameras on the island. it's no secret that everything was recorded. has multiple victims have come forward, consuming my account, along with others. i've also seen recordings in his office. we've just heard a woman who is electric, they want to have jeffrey at things, sex slaves who is exploited by the ability. and a businessman has reinforced these claims that she saw the sex types involving prince andrew involving the form of us president bill clinton on the british tycoon of richard bronze and the, the type. she says that she had seen these types. she said that she was send the video footage uh by a friend of course these types of yet to be independently verified. we haven't seen
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them yet, but these obligations were revealed in the recent me with these court documents. and she says this, this is what she rhodes. i personally con, confirm the i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton prints on through richard bronson. having sexual intercourse with my friend. i will be more than willing to sweat under oath and testify a cold or with a these 6 types. so she's very clear. she says that the, that faces were very clarity. identified as she we had to write to these allegations on the purchase breakfast television program. good morning, breton, she said that she is being forced to withdraw all those claims, which she might to adjourn this back in 2016. and i would like to retract temporary send, i have sent to you and walk away from this. its not was coming forward tonight will never be had any how and only bad things will happen as a consequence of me going public. and i know this to be true, this will just create pain for my family. and they have really helped me pick up
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the pieces once before. and i come ask them to do that again. i guess one test and come to make a difference. now representatives for jeffrey epstein, his lawyer out into chavez, who of course himself, is implicated in these latest trove of, of quote documents. now they're trying to pull tre, running some as an unreliable witness due to this retraction. but she has insisted that she is being colors, and she's not the only one that says that she's being pressured by either extremes, lawyers or those associated with the court documents and a bid to cover up perm somebody's fitness. the example would be that whole of the case involving a friend to run some who claims that she was threatened by representatives of the clinton family. that hillary clinton, who was, of course, running to be the the normandy for the democrat presidential candidate into thousands. i shall sound to barca bowman, but it is alleged that she sent special agents round to the house of her friend and
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said that if she continued to testify, if she released the, the details of they said that sex type of a having sex with henry's husband bill clinton about her will have family would come to home. now she says that those agents arrived at her house and they forced to essentially to sign a document disclosure documents, saying that she would keep a little list. and that she was counted a substantial cash payment from the clinton foundation. she also says that her friend that's threatened to suit jeffrey at the same for damages because of what happened to on his island, but was bullied by out into a few minutes. again, his lawyer who again, as he said, is implicated himself in the light is on his what side of the bill clinton is not the only form a president that's been named didn't these like just this like just shows of court documents.


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