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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the, the, the israel release is fresh videos of itself or raisins and strikes on gaza and 11 on as did you, a secretary of state visit some of the to salt lake, a firm washington support thing. and i did states of america president by then all your more all of the factor to the standing, steadfast with his right to the bangladesh elections attract greater scrutiny. this time from the u. s, which has brand at the recent problem as we pull results, as desantis. this by international observers pulling them fair and free. and the latest twist and the jeffrey, i've seen saga abuse accusers, tara ran some claims. she was forced to retrench her claims about the existence of
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sex types of bill clinton and prince andrew, after receiving threats to her family. the b r watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. we started with the latest on the complex in gaza where the death toll has passed $23000.00, according to the gods, the health ministry, and the zoo. a secretary of state and they blanket arrives in israel. the idea of released footage of its operation in the palestinian enclave. residential areas. it is rarely soldiers are seen firing weapons during ground operations. while the is really navy strikes out at gaza territories from the mediterranean sea. in the north, israel has launched a series of airstrikes on lebanon climbing. it's taken out of military
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infrastructure. the international humanitarian organization, doctors without borders, says it's con eunice. shelter was targeted on monday. it reports 4 people were herds and including a staff members, 5 year old daughter who is now in critical condition. central gaza has also come under, is rarely shelling in the palace and in health ministry says at least $57.00 bodies and $65.00. and you're ever brought to all ok. so hospital over the past 24 hours for the death toll in the enclave has now surpassed 23000 since october 7th. according to the palestinian health ministry was over 59000 injured, 8000 missing. and over 1900000 people displaced local journalist homes a show on spoke to us from the southern border city of ralph, our more attacks were reported overnights. the latest news in golf off uh is what there is um, is there any s like uh,
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barely morning around for m a. m tiers den should house a lot of people, a lot of display status tvs are trying to find a place to drop off off the uh, the wide a ground declination by uh how. how big by the height of the day in a situation in the open area is a mossy areas where the id ask the pallets to used to shelter. there's thousands of tents. uh theres uh, thousands of childrens of thousands of all the the, um, thousands of women women's screen and show things and that's 10 smart as prepared for winter. so it's very cold here and right now winter it is started and more challenging for the palace to use. bells, teams phase most challenging is increasing the number of misplaced people. if you drop off with the that's means there's problem with food problem with water problem
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. good, a lot of the palestinian is our bearing, the bronze of the medical disaster. the save the children charity says at least 10 miners and guys have become empty cheese every day. the young are also reportedly 7 times more likely to die from an idea of bombing, then adults. and according to the humans, children's fun, 9 out of 10. and since under the age of 2 phase quote, severe food poverty. here's the story of one child whose life has been shattered by the war one or for. so i had this child mine a little space, her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the innovation hospital in northern gas am. unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services that resulting in the child coming to nasa hospital by the red cross. initially, nothing was made about how because who has so many members had been killed in the war. and as i managed to identify moving us through the internet when connected hospital, we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has
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a jewel injury which brought her to intensive cad. we want made it to receive the best possible treatment and to re unite with have surviving systems. we request her medical transfer outside of gas to receive treatment to the most crucial aspect of the past, and is that rise? so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool as the child cannot really to drink and therefore we request a transfer for treatment here. and then what is the simplest right for a human being to be in good health and color, and do a secretary of state and, and they, blank and has met with is really present. isaac kurtz on during his latest middle east. the trip parts are the same for us for it's steadfast support. i want to say united states of america present by then and then everything is fresh and then your 2nd. ready of all your more all call of duty for the fact that you're standing steadfast with is around. well, thank you mr. president. is always great. we value the president's leadership in
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these incredibly challenging times. the news really paul black and gave upfold reception for washington. top diplomat, relatives of the hostages remain numerous captivity gathered outside the hotel. were blinking, met with her son, to demand the release of their loved ones. about 130 is really and 4 and hostages. are still believed it to be held in god's and by the military. for as the invasion on does, it escalates public presentment is also mounting world wide of all anti war demonstrators heckled us president of joe biden, to run and campaign speech in a south carolina church. you have to choose there's no light light. there's no past friend is dark, there's the
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interstate i understand the passions and i've been quietly work requiring work, which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of guys . however, some top is really officials are not in step with biden's quiet diplomacy. finance minister, bessolo smell. dredge has shockingly referred to the entire population of gaza as nazis drawn and raged. reaction from some of us. mainstream media posts of jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip, so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there. if not, 13000000 nazis and gods if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning. and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th to me and as of course,
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the population of gaza. so take that in for a moment, 2000000 quote unquote, nazis and guys. and so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. nazis pro is really media and the west is now questioning prime minister netanyahu, whose true intentions on his war effort in gaza. he is reportedly spring on the idea of offensive on guys in an attempt to stay in office will facing corruption charges is really supreme court recently ruled against the prime ministers, judiciary overall and weekend. his power struggle and the us activist group. americans for peace now, says abiding the administration is making no effort to end of the middle east. the violence continuing this deb was taking a war pose this unacceptable risk for ease real goals and civilians and the entire region for the sake of the security and wellbeing of civilian some israel and gaza . the biden administration was pushed israel to bring about the immediate cessation of hostilities and people from war to peace making. i certainly welcome it.
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honestly. i don't find it terribly surprising. i think, you know, most of the world's population, including many jews, are just repelled by what's happening in gaza. it is a genocide and, and so, you know, naturally, a lot of people oppose it again, including many jews. and i think also preside as they see quite rightly that of israel is really destroying its credibility while you're starting to see in the mainstream press. more honest assessments of the devastating civilian casualties in god's even the mainstream press, which has been very defensive in a visual, has come around to starting to talk about the fact that this is the most deadly conflict we have ever seen. certainly since world war 2, you've seen articles in the associated press saying that the washington post saying
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that the rate of civilian depths or something, you know, again, unprecedented, certainly in, in, again, since world war 2, even greater than world war 2. and this is a sea change, and i think that again, israel has a problem that their p r is now not working for the 1st time since 1948 turning out to bangladesh for the us appears to be trying to sway the recent parliamentary election results by branding them as this honest r t correspondent runs and sharma digs deeper into the story. jacob, he knows me to come back the model of this off to winning an election, which so a his tar recruiting your total out. but this when this come back, because it will surprise for anybody really. why is that? because back in the, when the mean opposition party in longer these bangladesh,
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nationalists, spotty b, and b, data nouns avoid quarter elections. this off to some $20000.00 on the position members will essentially find all the way to his, the non government for organizing nationwide protests against a government against the cost of living prices. the economic crisis, the baby leaves, the scene of government is responsible for none. the less with the swiss jake has he not get the 5th consecutive term? and also she also becomes the longest serving fragment and stuff on the bottom of these. she's been getting congratulations messages from across the was. but you know, the us, the us to now has been silent, and now it seems that the elections held in bangladesh were not fed. and they wouldn't not free. let me on the line the this after us observe of giving a shuttle thoughts to the bundle, the selections, calling them fair, also calling them free. now remember, low elections were monitored by around 127. international of zillow was also some
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159 folders showing. this has now said that if the you are satisfied, we are willing to try and de stabilized funds of these. now this is something that she can see now herself has previously said. she's basically said that he was assigned to either the abuse and tell him the politics of the us was trying to topple. how long the lease, remember it's by sweet checkley please. between to ation, supervisor, india, and china and dust on the implication along with these elections. and yet to several people try and get to all the details are back in the us. donald trump's, the legal team has presented arguments, saying the former president should be immune from prosecution. he is charged with trying to illegally up. and his 2020 election loss accusations trump has labeled politically motivated, i think, is very unfair. when a opponents
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a political volunteers prosecuted by the fighting z o j. so they're losing and losing in almost every demographic numbers came out today that are really very mind boggling. if you happen to be joe, by the way, you're going to try and weigh alice out the way draws. that'll be precedent . as we said, let's see opening up a pen. doris boss. same thing that's happened with this whole situation when they talk about the threat to democracy. democracy. all right, let's cross live now to our t correspondent and caleb mountain and kayla more. can you tell us about this latest legal hearing? well, donald trump is set to go on trial in march on charges of elections version of the
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allegation is that while he was in office and not viewing the 2020 election as legitimate misused his power. and the allegation is that he tried to subvert the electoral process in the united states. now, this ruling uh, and this legal case could be pretty big in american history. it would be the 1st time that a former us president has been convicted of a crime. and would set a huge precedent for just her. and donald trump said this was opened pandora's box . now terms of legal team essentially argued that from their view, this is not a legitimate prosecution. this is politically motivated. uh, and that donald trump is certainly not the 1st former us president to have enough areas, reputation years. what was already to authorize the prosecution of a president for his official acts would open a pan doris box from which this nation may never recover. could george
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w bush be prosecuted for obstruction of an official proceeding for allegedly giving false information to congress to induce, in addition to go to war in iraq under false pretences? the president obama be potentially charged with murder for allegedly, authorizing droned, strikes, targeting us citizens, located abroad. the now the, the, the attorney is their arguments they presented was not really bought by the judge. the judge said that, you know, former us presidents are not above the law, their actions, i have to be in compliance with the law. and that if this, there was not the ability to prosecute them, they could, you know, target their political opponents. they could give away state secrets, et cetera. however, it was pointed out by trumps attorneys that if donald trump did break the law while serving in the official capacity of us president, you should have been charged and tried with an impeachment trial. there should have been an impeachment and
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a trial by the us senate that is the constitutional procedure and its worth knowing that that did happen to donald trump on both occasions, on 2 occasions, he was in peach add impeachment, charges brought against him, did stand trial and us senate on and on both occasions, he was found not guilty, and he remained in office. he was acquitted in the impeachment, proceedings that went on in the us congress. so this raises the question of these prosecutions that are now taking place if they are not somehow double jeopardy. and donald trump is facing charges that he has already faced stock or crimes, the allegedly committed in office which for which he was found not guilty in a trial by the us senate. so this raises a lot of constitutional and legal questions, but many look at the polls and say that is donald trump is able to get through all the legal difficulties. this is not the only civil case or legal prosecution. the donald trump is facing that if he's able to get through the prosecution and the legal trouble he's currently facing is very good chance he could win the upcoming
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election. we have as all numbers do not look good for joe by r t corresponding killer mauppin taylor. thank you. all right, let's cross live now to talk show hosts to steve miles berg and steve, good to have you on with us. donald trump continues to insist that the charges against him are politically motivated. what does this all say about the state of politics in the us? right now, wow, i've used this word before and the word is unprecedented. we've never seen anything like this and we've never seen anything like what's still to come between now and november. i mean, just think about it, a former president who happens to be leading in the polls to win the next presidential election, indicted several times and is facing several trials. and is in court right now with his lawyers, claiming that he's some your own from prosecution for any crimes. he may have been committed either. you may have committed while he was in office. now i was thinking
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that i think it's very important here of the, the, the one of the judge is one of the 3 judges who are deciding this, this case. i've asked a trump attorney. what if a president went to a us military force like a delta force and ordered the assassination of this cheap political opponent? could you be try criminally for that? and the trump attorney said only after he's in peach for it. now. that is a lot of chris, i mean think about it. i mean, what do you oh yeah. how could you say that? on the other hand, on the other hand, you know, you talked about drones strikes and, and different things and, and decisions that have to be made by a president. and i don't think a president really in that kind of situation has to stop and say, wait a minute. could i be prosecuted for this afterwards?
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you know, wars bombings, different things. so i think with out, i don't, i don't know, i'm not a lawyer. but if the court could somehow say you darn well cannot assassinate somebody. and then you have to rely on a piece you've been 1st that won't fly. but there will be some cases where you can be immune for prosecution. bill clinton, if you want to go back that far with the whole monica lewinsky situation during his impeachment trial in the senate, they played a video of him testifying before a federal grand jury about the monica lewinsky affair. and he's lied to a federal grand jury. he committed perjury before a federal grand jury. he wants to have a prosecutor for that. so the date, it's barely, i'm big you. it has to be very ambiguous. yes, dave thomas lawyer says that presidents should be immune from prosecution and his
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successors could face charges if these cases are allowed to move forward. so what do you think the impact of this could be as well? i think i a lot. first of all, the supreme court will decide this a alternately because if they, if this, the 3 judge panel rules in favor of, of trump, then they are the governmental pro appeal. and if it goes the other way, trump will appeal itself. this is not going to be the be all and the final final um, a good decision. uh, but i think you have to take everything into consideration and combine everything. i don't think they're good or the ultimately, the supreme court of united states will say, a president couldn't murder someone and not be held accountable unless he's in peach for as extra ridiculous premise it's, it's insane. so i think what's gonna happen is the president will stand trial on the, in most of the trials that he's scheduled to, to, to go forth with. and he'll be convicted on some charges and he will gain more support from some,
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because they feel rightfully so. in my view that he's being treated and politically, but he's being politically persecuted. i mean think about this. it's not murdering somebody, certainly, and i'm not comparing it. but you have the president buttons, justice department going after and inviting the president's chief rival, who is the head in the. busy pals, and putting him on trial in an election year leading up to the electorate. this is what happens in court, a quote, you know, kangaroo countries in and kangaroo democracies. it doesn't happen in the united states of america. and it shouldn't happen. steve, despite indictments on for criminal cases, the polls do so that trump is leading. how well the ongoing legal battles affect his popularity and presidential campaign? i mean, i know trump in many ways does seem immune to things that would have brought down many other presidential candidates. but do you think that there will be some voters
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now that this is an election year and is coming down to the wire, who this will leave a bad taste in our mouth? yeah, i think a lot of independents, i think republicans are, are just so angry and i think that he will, they will call a less around donald trump in the long run. would push comes to shop. but i think a lot of people on the cusp, or a lot of independents who might have said, yeah, go with trump, but of truck, you know, winds up being found guilty if truck winds up in jail, he could still run for president. and when, what are you going to really have soccer moms and piano and independents, and even women and people who voted for him the 1st time and still support him saying really, i'm going to vote for a president who's, who's going to be president from jail. it's again, it's unprecedented, but i don't, i think it will hurt him in the long run with a lot of voters, but his supporters will be more and more enthusiastic than ever. all right,
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interesting times i had talked to host steven osborne. thank you. thank you. well, and a new twist and the ongoing jeffrey epstein, file song abuse accuser sarah ransom now stands by her testimony about sex types of bill clinton and the prince. andrew exist, well that's after she walked back the claims in 2016, under alleged threats to her and her family. they all the videos that exist, the people that know they exist. and i'm sure i'm very frightened of them being released. so how do you know, dan, that's epstein had cameras on the island. it's no secret that everything was recorded. us multiple victims have come forward, consuming my account, along with others. i've also seen recordings in his office. we've just heard a woman who is electric. they want to have jeffrey at things, sex slaves who is exploited by the committee. and a businessman has reinforced these claims that she sold the 6 types involving
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prince andrew involving the form of us president bill clinton on the british tycoon of richard bronze and the, the type. she says that she had seen these types. she said that she was sending the video footage uh by a friend of course these types of yet to be independently verified. we haven't seen them yet, but these obligations were revealed in the recently released court documents. and she says this, this is what she rhodes. i personally kind of confirmed the i have with my own 2 eyes seeing the evidence of these such relax, which clearly identifies bill clinton prints on through richard bronson. having sexual intercourse with my friend, i will be more than willing to sweat under oath and testify in court with a these 6 types. so she's very clear. she says that the, that faces were very clarity. identified that she, we had to write to these obligations on the purchase breakfast television program. good morning britain. and she said that she is being forced to withdraw all those
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claims which she might to adjourn this fucking 2016. and i would like to retract tempers and i have subbed to you and walk away from this. it's not was coming forward tonight. we'll never be had any how and the only bad thing so happened as a consequence of me going public. and i know this to be true, this will just create pain for my family. and they have really helped me pick up the pieces once before. and i come ask them to do that again. i guess one pass and come to make a difference. now, representative for jeffrey epstein, his lawyer out into chavez, who of course himself is implicated in these latest trove of court documents. now they're trying to pull tre, running some as an unreliable witness due to this retraction. but she has insisted that she is being colors, and she's not the only one that says that she's being pressured by either extremes, lawyers or those associated with the court documents. and if it had to cover up, perhaps somebody's fitness, the example would be that of the case involving
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a friend to run some who claims that she was threatened by representatives of the clinton family that henry clinton, who was, of course, running to be the the nobody for the democrat presidential candidate in 2000 the actual sound of our cup, alma. but it is alleged that she sent special agent around to the house of her friend and said that if she continued to testify, if she released the, the details of the said badge sex type of a having sex with henry's husband, bill clinton, that her all have family would come to home now, she says that those agents arrived to her house and they forced to essentially to sign a document, a disclosure documents saying that she would keep a lid on this. and that she was candid, a substantial cash payment from the cleaning. some foundation she also says a friend that's threatened to suit jeffrey at the same for damages because of what
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happened to on his island, but was bullied by out into sivitz again. his lawyer, who again, as he said, is implicated himself in the light is on the west side of the bill. clinton is not the only form of president that's been named in these lights. is this like just drove of court documents? donald trump said most of the pays and run some says that he had sex with a woman that i'm named who meant a game that actually is new york months. and now again, we have to say the old amends. that'd be named if i run some, have vigorously denied declining somebody site is a l face. this allegation indeed f as the big names coming off as well. ok, the 1st sponsor of court documents is not being released. just take us through the contents. so that strong, this is the latest trolls of documents. some of the names have been in the public domain. some of them have been known before, but hundreds of names have been released now in these on the old co documents, which really showing the lights into the new rate behavior of the rich and powerful
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. it is also exposed more documents to more co testimonies. photographs of young women on apps, themes on an details of the allegations of the sexual abuse of these young goes by epstein. now of course people have been waiting nervously, unconsciously failing, but then they may be in these court documents. some of them, like i said, we've mentioned prince andrew, bill clinton and richard branson. others include, perhaps surprising the professor steven hol, can the aspect for this is the magician, david copperfield, the deceased post or michael jackson and this count, this businessman named and those documents as well. we have to say as well, but just because they've been named, it doesn't necessarily imply and a sense of room doing. but some of course accused of having visited apps, things private on and noticed peter wide and well run. some said that there was a never ending flow of goals that we can go back to 2000 today. of course,
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jeffrey epstein was convicted to all procuring a child prostitute for sex. and a number of those charges were dropped in a plea deal. he says around 13 month sentence, not sure it was on a release, but then a late months later, he was charged with a string of fences possible serious ones, including sex traffic. and he was found dead in his prison cell in 2019. but it said that this was death or suicide by hanging out, of course it'd be lots of questions raised uh over that. but since his death precluded the possibility of these criminal charges being successful, because the, the because he's deceased in 2019 only those criminal charges against him were dropped. meaning his victims were very angry. but he managed to evade justice. now, i'm sure that there are going to be more revelations as more or more of these documents come to lights, records. all right, let's go do for now, but up next uh,
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i'll be back in 30 minutes with much more news by the over 40 for a 1000 hours of security footage. the united states capital on january 6th, 2021 has yet to be released. but it's not the democrats this time of fighting the footage from being made public. i'm scanning now hughes and onto this episode of 360 view. we're going to look at the latest developments being made public regarding the events who was involved on the attack on capitol hill.


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