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tv   Documentary  RT  January 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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the 5 base enterprise is also the immediate past director general illegals to both of us and industries. thank you very much for your time. talk to you soon. thanks for talking to us as a policy. thank you very much. my pleasure to go straight into talk to you soon, could you provide an analysis of the current economic times between russia and nigeria, highlighting these specific services where collaboration has the most impactful potential areas for, for the developments, what the church between that did our osha smoke been that's great down. so find a ready? yes. to get that the the, the volume o by the change has been anywhere between $5.00 to $2.00 below us or less, which is way too low and the key as well to the sofa. i like the idea of in that g
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products, particularly what this one or between them for goes from russia and in terms of exports. it's largely in the area of i'd be i'd be products, inputs and lots of weeds and greens from russia and the by the we were very be cause of my of this it is grants because we used the most last april, 4th week for brad as or so the market for this guy is a very huge, i know, exports many hours. so i course what i put us in. oh, cool, cool beans. cool, cool. but gushing laws and things like that. so basically that's, is that correct? uh, of cheats sofa and the few of me be sounds is import and export. what's was what's, what kind of a low to mode that brings me to my next question. there's been a couple of rush advocates on how can we improve on the level of trade and
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corporation because there's definitely potential to do more. yeah, they put this as a huge, as you know, uh, as a country you have very sweet insights. so to deficits and the, if we was, you know, a scale of, of productivity, our competitiveness as an economy. i would need the most more investment in infrastructure. so that's a huge tool for cooperation indeed of infrastructure investments. i'm talking about sort, she's not investing. i saw 14 mazda and data of infrastructure they did with a juggle to in the past of the dominion smells that come to mind you. why didn't we see more of that type of a corporation where i think these are political on global announcing issues. i think we have not been very consistent in the way we manage these processes. so what do we need to do? and i'll probably still be more cost expense and more inc,
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this or not. so seen in this process. you, you quoted as a whole lot to be efficiently. now that as a lot of jewel, political issues as globally at all sides, very strong in the area of infrastructure, it'd be, have been strong corporate. this is indeed a technology indeed of i don't see. lots is like that, and this is nothing we actually need to support a new growth of the current on. so that's most often for cooperation indeed of energy utilizing fast software development. and even indeed, if i go to that development, because we have lives in no, mostly resigning course without any land line, though, so on, so forth. so that's the most we can learn. and that's of developing capacity to grow. i put drastic. that also uses as we entered into the new year on the 1st of january, 5 new countries joined the bricks. group of countries at the nigerian
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governments has expressed interest in joining the brakes at this point 40. can you elaborate on the specific economic sectors that could substantially benefits from fix memberships? and how does this align with 9 jew is pull the economic goes, is it a win win situation is a win win situation 1st and not all sectors with benefits. i wayland got sick to a technology 6. 0 oh, i go to that 6. 0 oh uh so let me when i fix it, generally. oh, infrastructure because uh for an economic in 5. so it was most easily everything. not there is no way you can improve your productivity. so on the economy on the platform where we are unable to scale your investment, you need to have infrastructure. so impressive kind of legally as that out. 14 inches, google, the kind of member, i see that the big house, you know,
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got broken off and i really imagine economic for me to get so at the prospects of collaboration and possibility to of alignment is quite disquieting, almost new people because like that of those who end that membership and of course, it also has also has a very important and vital task of jew police quite an influence. you know, because if you do lots of that kind of look, that's a whole lot of opportunities, it gives you thousands of other members. yes, yes ma'am. best. i never real bad. so that's where the data issues, at least you knew that it'd belong to a very powerful group. that's 10 that console part to. and of course, the game does will have to reduce the west time domain as denied because i've been talking about, you know, balance in the loop, outward or diagnose of power as often as you have multiple a will. exactly. boost is also i also
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a message to you for the stability of the global economics. so definitely for lots of benefits of the member as you know by laptop i haven't listened as a model, a member. so the brakes and the collective interest that i also protected and i do it to quite some time before it expressed is within this that to join the brakes. and this is a strategic move. what critical considerations and come pass and diplomatic economic jo, political aspects should nigeria ss as it's actively pursue as membership of the big school. do think the government has done its homework and is ready to forget what they choose. these thoughts very clear yet would that in of homework has been done as well. it's actually motto, generally, i fancy for you know, uh the impacts of any diplomatic. i mean that's, is
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a function of your own interest. you know, is a function of having a win win situation. initial sheets have to be more twilight beneficiary. you know, so that's corporate c 4 must be there. you know, and i believe that's, i've been named best of peaks, will create that kind of opportunities between the idea that i'm in by so mix and also between that did a and then, and by luckily now with russia and lots of opportunities a, what's, what the seeing what task is to ensure that you see when, when initial shift, i something that i asked this question based on the current balance is basically on it isn't the world gun that was removed from the africa, growth and opportunities ask by the united states because of the at and t j, those that things do you do things that you don't have to know mc benefits might be
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tied to that school post trains within the brakes. a membership as we've all seen, some of this functionalities in the west. yes. uh, within the next member sheep were likely to see a more libra, a task in terms of what do i like to see in lots, mostly the you know, full conscious unlimited. you notice the show. so, you know, just type in what you can do once you've got all of that. so, i mean, nobody, 4 bits or 5 that edition, that advantage do you on what you have with the relationship with the width, you know, guy looking at with time is to show us some of these quantities in width. then lots of things are pass, you know, to organizational and she was video. so friends, yes, yes, i'm going to. yeah, i mean, why does it sound, why haven't we need it desperately to get some web web files?
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you know, from the west and the all sorts of parties are going to be shows. i know that we submitted extremely difficult middleware. the situation was that you order it and what i'm thinking of i was that we had to initial russian. now yes, we have to move that. that's what our options. so decided kind of costs. vince no, that's in fees. when, when you belong to, you know, some of this west west, i'm going back to canada initially. but i don't think that kind of tylen this will exist within the, within the plates from work that things have a $10.00 eyes ation as being a buzz worked in the last few years. the world is looking to was approaching all the harnesses. as for global transaction, it's quite a complex policy shift. can you please galvan to specific measures and strategies, 9 jewish and consider suite back to me. navigate this transition, given the content as for of the not right is the us dollars and will not you
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enjoyed in the books. good help. the virus that lies will gain strength in any way. what it will have, it will have to defend that's with me on by the 4 beats likely to see him once a bit that by lines of payment will cease is because uh, the sense of the coin seat is a function of how heavy a balance of payment was showing is on the balance of payment for each $1.00. so as a function of the incentives matching to anything thats natalie associates. if with the brakes uh, fulfilling you have multiple times and thousands of miles off to the change nation . she's more than the brad 2000 up. that's well by myself. in naples this one is likely to improve. i need to, i think that's what the facts according to you know, you see more flaw of who's on services. i'm mind. what actually i like to see,
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i think, for the flow of a, of copy that, you know, from some of this, or that point is when i do that. but we'll see investment at that point for new investments or forwarding, that investment decided things that strengthens the equations as far as this one. well, that's fairly complex when, as, as you have said, because uh, the concept of the design is supposed to be a function of how the libra countries, how open the columbus and how don't mean that they are going on. it's, you know, as a function of the b column experience of the members, and i don't know of cause that vicks as our 20 to, to be the contribution of the links to the global economy was about, that's 2 percent of the globe. i did the p uh, the contribution of the g 7 quantities was about $0.50. so brings has, that's, that's, that's most of that think what i mean by any to be able to for the head. you come
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of course, but the issue is we still recording says i'm going to adopt you know, so both of you close the members how to guide into leslie, the solvency and as team issues about openness will be in the v gladly put on his within brakes i've seen that shad liberalization, all of these factors will come into play out where you come to this issue of velocity so, so that's what i say is a fairly complex complex, much a which of the worst of moving students, the slow that are still on is currently not getting the style at the post, the result of the at the is that i, it's
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a get a minute come other students need which is easy to saw on the screen. so of course to ensure material which is in line a lot of some really light and that's a lot of florida is only once again is vis or above which will screw well in the middle of something in the widget presidents and the results between you and they to a bundle we just didn't know for sure, no consequence in which way, which insidiously september, they process the by the middle of the 19th century. practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british and by the colonial authorities at it, both that heavy death bringing the people into poverty exporting natural resources
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. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the physicians of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those and cooperated with them. the facts of ignoring the religious beliefs of the hindus let them use nails as the voice mercenary soldiers serving under the british ground. 3000000000 began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may worth of india. the form of, of using the rebels quickly took over daily that he rode resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not. the colonial authorities dealt with a rebels, cruel, late fee and slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the devils with the obliteration of them you may result in the death of
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800000 inhabitants of the indians. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the part of our executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change dwayne say, is already those lines. as can be started by line,
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please can be satisfied for the importance of wikileaks name of the curve of station. so that transparency is an extraordinary join mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize pen smith and golf and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. do you have sense of all we going to lift that
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the the the given the ever changing global economic landscape and looking at non jews, economic position. now i know you don't have a crystal ball in front of you, but we just turn the clock into a new yet. could you offer an analysis of the factors shaping matches economic outlook for 2024, including potential challenges and opportunities that exist? well, the is that's will ship the economic outlook for to anything. so i essentially our court on duty phones, the economic reform, the court inside musician has input switch. yeah, i've seen so a majority funds in the area of oil and gas decide on the 1st subsidies i've seen
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depends on industry acts, which is meant to open up this this on 50, more on the see if the bid that point is environment for investments in oil and gas sector, and as you know, we have huge ease as in gas. so i know if i went to the dfcs reserves, indeed over guys or so quite nicely on tap. yes and quite badly and tapped email. so uh, the funds are likely to pull up the speeds, you know, as, as little as, you know, crude or ad domestically final fits are gone for those, so and so forth. so that's, we impact the outcome in 2024. now of course, we also have the forwarding message policy and a phone call by this, or the as to the liberalization or the forwarding this to india environments definitely also have a very big positive impact for the this, the fonts. i've had a very serious advisement. additional associated that's what the cost of living in
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charlotte is close to provide. see. that was a lot of how she, well going forward as he's probably lies with those are the facts. i'm actually, as you know, i just do the realities or goose reforms. i'm to attempt to be continuing to to get better. but my view is that's all the shots economic shows that connect as independently. i'm more likely to repeat themselves. we're likely to see the results of busy forces. i like to see that of these, those are those reforms. so that is why i have flu, that the actual is the low smoke positive. okay. now what type of items isn't another to use if expanded in on the strength and economic ties with russia and your last submission? we talked about the is gas or oil and gas times that might do that as well. she is one of the biggest gas exposures and what have you guys of expertise in this work specific sections? do you think the countries can collaborate to jude?
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i'm all social economic impacts for both nations beyond coin and guess where orlando is key. i mean, we still, we are less likely to be on these. but the truth is that the resources from orlando has this what's with, from the p less well for the deaf education of the columbia. the last 4 of whom boot in the 1st structure. so it was 2 miles in that is because we, me, is very critical of cost issues of technology to a laptop that by the i have enough to effect all we started with, i in the eighty's to the early ninety's, but somehow we dropped the ball. you know, is something that you kindly visit the most with outcome viewed the very strong eye on us to sector because you can move towards industrialize is yes, yes because, and i see is that it because it doesn't go so as it should have been talking about
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developing the tween grocery for the sounds develop, you know, those, drastic we, that is solely our last to, these cannot do that because structural sector will faster for development. hello. this is add dependents on these slowly own us within those and benefit the most from russia and that's it. and then also, even though i go to the effect of the sect, i see the mode is this is highly solved off tomorrow. you know, we have to look live isn't technology enough? no, i go drastic to alpha population. that is going this last. no, that's one of the people. you cannot continue to depend on this technician on this . so if i do the quotes or to solve parts, allow for the security explanations. i know i go, i lied industrial development. so it was, we kind of benefit the loss from russia in the, of those, you know, security. no, i'd be close to the 6 where i live with the most technology and best fits. now lots
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has happened to politically the last few years. it's almost some people say we're back to coldwell politics, east versus west. as africans. how do we will practice going in, in determining who will do business? we do our friends, but sometimes when you have a friendly relationship with the east, the west tends to from i'd say that while you're doing business with people and the 60, as most independent is i believe most often countries have come of age in doing business with the rest of the world watch and african nations, especially at nigeria and look out for what you look at for our interest. the interest of our economy means as well for our people. and the, the level of the degree of what's well expects that, that exists in any particular relationship. i think that's as much more inputs and
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then talking about, you know, i that really add to your last 2 by 2 collab look. so what is central to these photos will have a very clear understanding of once we, once we'll have a clear definition of what's our interest uh, model and says off in dvds, but the interest of the country. so right. i think we decided to invest if she wanted to see. so as far as this dual political environment is concerned, not talk to you soon. not jude rushes had the financial relationships for quite some time. and you did mention in the beginning of this interview that the level of treat as potential for one is quite pull at this moment. what factors do you think are responsible for that? and what are some of the challenges that local businesses and fine investors face in the context of improving an investment,
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improving the relationship and seeking investments from both sides. what is important these, this information? uh, we need to be more police on both sides in getting the information onto opportunities that exist. so, and that's really why i, that's a, you know, the, the embassies on both sides who have very strong sheet of these, you know, that's, we make information on that village. you know that we sensitize the business because it is essentially the same business people. so that's, that's, that's the position please tell me if i, when is a beautiful community that they've used. i think that is also who does. is it a critical and also providing the message resource for feed infrastructure. you know, i, the pro, my think guys, ease of movement, ease of access to a visa. you know, those also lots of puts also very click. i can add this on to providing you that
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that's pendleton for me. so it's the time the information that he guides invest or then we need to spence in if you nice yes, the steps and back to them so that you kind of have a lot of supports. maybe i'll be mixing back. usually i think was we'll have the rush and eggs inbox a couple based supports on both sides. the facts in the district and decide attends that that needs to be done in the front of me. talk to you soon. if there's an in columbus, i'm looking into the future. what does my jewish need to do to make this country attractive for investments? you where the media costs of directed, you know, the labels, chamber of commerce and industries. you, buyers with all the countries you'll like to implement. so you have this experience in knowing the polls and knowing what investors are looking for. and what are the advantages that might, you has at the moment of what can we do policy wise to attract this investments?
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what now jeanette has the advantage or size of population of markets and also have the advantage of our demographics. you have very young population, that's a very big advantage. any d, as for, as an economic premature offices across up. so we have that. we also have the resources, which i largely own, tapped to the fact huge opportunities. what to see what times at least one know 5 as a country is to ensure that we create the lat kind of my quick. when i make environments new doesn't make it easy for investors to come in and out. and so that you have more liquidity in that for the mentions environment. you have the policy environment that has very trust plants. you have policies that, that co assistance and do have new incentives for bruce. well, for me to invest,
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well, i know this is a critical for building investors coffee. it is well to be able to do that. i think we'll be able to do a lot more and that's what websites in investment most was to us with the most my you know, of the file size in the development of the infrastructure, you know, because it pulls into investments. and so, so i bought the infrastructure as some of this nation understand the more samples to develop the infrastructure. so it's in the nibbling environment. my quit calling on weekend bottom. it's in plastic will cost as your policy appropriate to glitch environments. the 16, the very important. thank you for your time and acceptance stuck so thank you very soon. thank you very much. so there's a pleasure speaking to awesome. thank. thank you very much. the
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the conflict in ukraine sue will enter its 3rd year during this time much as happened and many predictions made. western rhetoric has also changed a lot from russia is losing to ukraine, has already one and 2 biden's. as long as we can. rhetoric doesn't change the reality on the ground. as a result of light is can be started by line. please can be satisfied for
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the importance of we can never be of a station, so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right for a speech he did. so in the public interest, mom realized pen smith and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore has paid for to justice for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. since it's all we going to let that stay the
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at least a people are killed as eco door is engulfed in violence. the country's president declares an internal of conflict because of the way it's criminal gangs. so in the rest, across the south american nation, the rest so spread throughout the south american country is all groups these hostages and take control of multiple presence, a state c, v building and the university diploma. ecuadorian presidents. rafael korea speaks exclusively to oxy. we are in the state, its of internal conflicts as organized crime has declared war on the states and the states must use full legal force to fight bark and 15 people are killed by these very strikes in rough locked in southern gaza says on sleep. lincoln says the
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