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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 10, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EST

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defense at this limit on the green realities does expenses have risen to a level that makes it difficult for many palms to survive. those fonts determined to continue old provides, you must prepare for fun, that shall ruin. we must stop the governing call issues plants for each i don't even as an a shopping on to i'm the federal government's proposal to compensate for its financial shortcomings by cutting agricultural investments is outrageous. this has left us farmers feeling extremely angry. we demand the withdrawal of these proposal plans do bone doesn't dr. farmers have to ensure there is food for the population, but it's been made so difficult for them now with these cuts, the best scraping bias, subsistence level, and that work is no longer economically viable. and you end up with a situation where a 1000000000 euros for ukraine. that's right. now what the government is committed to supporting ukraine? well, what about the money that these guys could use to maintain the subsidies to help
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them offset the high, very high cost of production as a result of energy exploding because of the mismanagement of those policies. so what these guys are saying is that those real subsidies amount to a lot in terms of their annual revenues, one farmer said 10000 euro, is it? what is what it represents for them? and that also gives you bit of an idea of the scale, the magnitude of revenues that, that they are dealing with when they're saying that $10000.00 euros of revenue a year that those subsidies represent on diesel that were just cut that, that, that puts them in to make or break situation and yet you think they're just rolling and luxury, or least that's what it sounds like when government officials speak. one government official said here that, well, if the small farmers have a problem with the subsidies being cut,
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then they should take it up with the big farmers because it's their fault. and what's ready or running about this is that this whole move, it is just unity all around, which, which we keep hearing from public officials, right? it's all about unity, whether it's on ukraine, whether it's on everybody needs to be on the political, typically on the same page as the government agenda. it's always about year to year, the year and we have that drilled into our minds here in europe. and yeah, this is true unity not only truckers and farmers coming together to send a message to the government with all the have that their membership has behind it. but also their unity with the people and the people's unity with their cause. alexa allows the international pete to the found has the latest episode of cross talk. 6 make sure you join me again. some more news at the top of the. yeah, thanks for watching the
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hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. the conflict to new crane soon will into its 3rd year during this time. much has happened and many predictions made. western rhetoric has also changed a lot from russia is losing to ukraine, has already one and 2 biden's. as long as we can. rhetoric doesn't change the reality on the ground. the cross shocking ukraine, i'm joining you. why my guess lawrence will listen to in falls church. he is a former chief of staff to the chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff and in monterey we crossed soup. ready on. tell him he is an independent journalist, any contributor at 21st century wire. dotcom gentlemen. comstock roads in effect,
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that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, literally, if i can go to you 1st here as we go into the new year and the 3rd year of this conflict here, i think it's fair to say, and i'm a pretty skeptical person. i've watched a lot of your commentary. you're very skeptical as well, but of a glimmer, a sliver of realism is beginning to come into the conversation. unfortunately, it until the centers around finance and funding this war in proxy war in ukraine. but at the same time, there's still a lot of magical thinking. what are your thoughts as the new year starts? i think the funding issue is more a congressional problem than it is a statement of on whether or not to us still support ukraine. although i do detect attendance the of, of a fall off there. and i would say that uh, there are as many republicans as democrats, who frankly did test brushes for what reasons i'm unable to file them. but they do
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. and so i wouldn't discount the possibility possibility the money eventually coming towards that said, you're right about the fall off. i think biden's administration realizes that this is a losing proposition, but his focus now is entirely on winning the presidency again in 2024. and he is going to be judge us as calculus now strategic and otherwise he's going to be judging every action on that. i think what they've decided, at least as it really is. the last key has last, but ukraine is one. and how do you present that and how do you take that to negotiations? well, i think you're right. i'm actually been more fascinated with the how they spun this conflict. uh, the rhetoric behind it ready. it's very interesting is that we had the last major shift was from as long as it takes us as long as we can, and that tells you a whole lot and, and essentially you're, there's a sense here that divide the ministration is saying, well,
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we did what we could do now this is a hot potato and they're throwing it to congress. the way i absolutely say, i think this said this is a situation that's really begging for a formal questionnaire as we speak. and we seeing this a, this a scenario on folding, which doesn't make any sense. and as my company decides, you know, it doesn't make a lot of science at this moment because the amounts of money that has been thrown, not only to words israel, but also towards the ukraine, is starting to industry break into buying. and he's breaking the bank, which means that the user lensky is now and has by now realize that he's no longer in the front of the q i. these basically has to wait in line. and i think for me, what's we, the most striking is the, or, of course, the new speaker house mike johnson on dine loyalty to israel. it's become very clear to me that the jefferson room is no longer
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a priority for the house republicans. and so we have to draw lessons as well as from the previous speakers. my call to you as well, which was a big supporter of you trying more efforts, which is probably part of the reason why it was likely ousted in the 1st place. but for those that have play the tension, peter, we can see that in 2024, many walks you know and doesn't matter. and which bench that they all suit things they wouldn't be getting more money, which is broader, ironic sense that the, the leadership should was about reducing the office. he was spending in the festing span. so there's a lot of things that really don't make any sense at the moment on what we're saying . and i think it's, it's really going to affect the bottom line and the outcome of these conflicts. well, i'm not really sure, larry, let me go back to you. i mean, video, the only thing that congress actually really does is when you think about it is spend money or maybe waste money. but i think it's, you know, what are we getting for this money here? because russia, it should have been bankrupt by now. crimea should be back in ukrainian hands. i
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mean, i could go on and on. i mean, it's fine. does he know? so we have a bill of goods. so what do we actually getting for? i mean, we'll spend the money, but you know, where's the victory parade? and i think that's one of the problems that there, it's a problem of selling it also. larry, absolutely true that i will say that the american people have not been present in this debate really not significantly. and there are reasons for that. but i sense that there are increasingly worried about what's happening, particularly in gaza, and just to show how gaza impacted ukraine. just look at the 155 are to worry around. we were sending hundreds of them thousands of them to ukraine from our reserve stocks in israel that got stopped really quickly. so this new conflict in gaza is not only peeling people away from bod. it's impacting the entire
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country in terms of and i've, i didn't think in my lifetime, i would say this. yeah. in terms of the american people support for israel. it is falling off dramatically. even amongst jewish americans, particularly among a lot of jewish americans. i've, i can't tell you both how many um, regular guests on this program, who happened to be a jewish from american and europe clamoring. you know, feeling up my inbox, they want to talk about this because they're so infuriating. and of course, is something i talked about every week, but to stay with your brain here friday. i mean, it is one of the things that's, it's very interesting is that we all know since where he's brought up gaza, we know that all around the world in particularly in the western world, do you see these protests against the war in gaza? we're all the protests for ukraine. i miss them. i, i see i seem to think because this was an elite project from the very, very beginning. most people they know where ukraine was,
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they probably still don't. okay. but this was an elite agenda that is really not going anywhere. i mean, the least gonna stick with it. i, i'm, i'm, i'm sure of that, but never caught on in the public imagination as well. it's it's, it's a very good point to peter because obviously, i mean it's friends and cent per year. mainly you're, you're saying the, the lack of insurance for the ser, ukrainian, or russian conflict to us diminished friedman dislike. i think everybody's going back to their priority domestically we, we consider us doing that as well. you know, where the political agenda and even towards the preparation of the price of the presidential election in 2024. i think people are re focusing on what's important we focusing on obviously the border for it for the united states in europe. throat is trying to basically tackle the items very, very southern installation which has creep all the businesses all across the european member space. and then of course, we have this problem of immigration,
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which is a full problem, but is wrong. the address big poll communications under a terry bull agenda that is on folding under your pin member states. for the last past 2 years, i saw on the crises of you print a p, is that something that is just on the side that will keep you well because we just have too much problem of our own. and it's getting very, very difficult for a government to solve the id of, you know, sending more money to ukraine. and i think there is all governments, whether it's us, what is the european members that were more reasonable for the us? that would probably take 20 percent of that money to send to you, cried and trying to finish the trunk sold, for example, at the border. and then for europe it will be the same. we have still a lot of people that slipping the car. people don't actually need for help and supports with the winter commons. i mean, these other people we need to support. how can we help orders? when can we can't even help ourselves. and that's, i think, the reason why we're right now losing interest and supporting you. right. you know,
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very, it's, it's also interesting, larry, is that the, the, the, the thrust of this policy and ukraine was always the punish russia. and if they're not getting that, and in return is maverick, russian economy is back contract, it's a, in a growing count territory. the, the rubel is fine. trade is fine. i mean, none of the things that they had predicted. so, i mean, what's the, you know, bang for the buck, i mean, how much more do you want to spend on getting 0 results while the main for the but for lockheed martin and right the on and i hope to the volume of course such as far as see, of course, if there was quite lucrative. you had shareholder mediators. meetings were c, e o. 's are citing to the shareholders. a business is good businesses, road farm. and that's the answer right to the lead. so america, the millionaire, she made some money off this more. but you're also right to the and my colleague there is right in saying that people are tired of the wasted. we're looking at
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millions of dollars having been wasted. and in this country, we're looking at a $343536.00 trillion dollar aggregate debt and next year, a trillion dollar interest payments on that that and federal discretionary spending probably nothing but entitlements in the defense budget. there will be no money left over. so this is just, this is getting of a real problem for this and par, trying to keep its finances and order because it's been so flagrantly irresponsible with the wars over the last 20 plus years. wars. incidentally that none of what, none of which it has one effect. yeah. it's, it's, it's a disaster for the well there's, there's a there, there's no downside. and failing is there, larry, there's no down side. no, no downside whatsoever. we'd take general sweet failed 8910 times in a row, a nice guy his time, for example, and make them to use of service or send them to lockheed for 7 larry larry o,
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you probably know this number. i mean, how many generals were there in the 2nd world war, as opposed to a number of generals today? it's about 8 to one difference. the more all the ways be, be, please be very specific for my viewers, 8 to one in what direction? well, we're talking about more generals for troops. uh now the more award to when we had $12000000.00 man under arms and much more worse and then that is in the last 5 years of the 4 star general was retiring 80 percent of them went to work in the defense complex. well i guess that's why you get, well, it's kind of very much like a can to a politicians today, particularly in europe. you become prime minister this to go work for tony blair or later or bill gates. okay. it seems that public service is not the highest calling for these people at what's actually a big deal. actually. i was testifying before elizabeth warren's committee in the
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senate recently and the writing majority member from florida. rick scott essentially said, why shouldn't these guys go out and get to make some money where he would, but it was pointed out she was holding a hearing based on the ethics in the defense department. and this is the right, came minority member republican rick scott from florida saying also what they should be able to get in larry before we go to the break here. that's why they love nikki haley. she understands how the game works and she's very good at it. gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine states with our team, the
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the, the welcome back across stock were all things are considered. i'm curious about your mind. you were discussing ukraine, the okay, and also part of our conversation. wait in belgrade, we have the even gaiety as a research associate, a bill grades institute of european studies. welcome to the program here. better
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late than never. um, well, i've been talking with larry and freddy about how the, the ukraine project is progressing in this new year. one of the things that's very interesting also when we look at it, is that, and i'm full of focus very much and how it's pitched to the public. well, i wouldn't be surprised to see, are they gonna say, well, you claim is already one. okay. well, here's the, you know, and, and so, you know, the russians have been defeated. they didn't take 80 pur, uh, they left 80 percent of ukraine unoccupied. so they, they're a winner. okay. i can see that it's already you. if you look at some of the think tanks that are already trying to sell this to the public, go ahead. i think they are, and in a way they might be rights because for from the standpoint on washington, this was a pre meditated war crime. because what they see is parts of ex, soviet union fighting your charter. so the big secret is that actually most of ukrainian or russian, and in a sense this is
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a russian against russia civil war. so that is why the washington is just fueling the fire by giving the old and some of the new weapons so that they're all the enemy can, can tire itself in, in this war. however, i think that this won't work because the russia is not going to bite the bait and it won't accept the so called korea scenario. the other thing is the 2nd best option apart from rational following a bar. then you know, the international corporation staking got all the loads is uh for this a frozen conflicts to last for the next couple of decades. so that today you have this anti rush are basically sitting next to russia and, and, and the preparing for them to, well, you know, that i, we've heard this, but it's like a comic strip, isn't it? okay? because they all of these things that we hear. i'm going to go to larry right now,
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all these little theories that we come out. the rush is absent from the decision making process. they're, they're the object they're, they're always focused. they, they don't have any say, you know, larry, another, one of the trends we've seen is the ukraine immunization of the process to build their own arms right now. you know, this is an echo of how the us tried to get out of, uh, uh, indo china, you know, leave it to the locals here. no, it didn't work out. obviously, it won't work out this time, but this is another. yeah, i'm a descriptive, discursive chains. they're trying to push larry, i don't. uh, i don't question that, right. or actually, now the reason i, i do question through this decision to invade, when they did though, because i think it was quite clear. hardly because of rushes, establishing some sort of obedience, if you will, within germany with regard to energy. i think it was quite clear night those days were numbered. and what food and dated by invading,
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i understand why they do not understand as motivation. i don't necessarily accept the fact that he had doing, bade, but understand that my toe was going. it wouldn't have lasted another decade in my view. t solidified it pretty significantly by the invasion. i think it's still going, but it will take longer now and it will fall apart around the edges before it falls out of the center. and germany will be that center that takes it apart. so i don't, i don't, by the idea that, uh, the conflict can continue without some real real, real repercussions. it needs to stop, not least of which uh, not least reason of which is the same reason, gods. and they just stop all the killing. all the, all the just, yeah, well, have an all in all the distraction from other problems we have not least of which is no nuclear weapons treated regime whatsoever anymore. and, and a lot of
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a smaller it states, again, thinking about getting nuclear weapons. there's a lot of good development, you know if freddy, i just didn't, i didn't larry's ration i was very interested in your i, i, i've thought about it too about the trajectory of, of nato. and this conflict is actually given in a shot in the arm. i understand that, but losing against russia is also going to be very, very painful, and it's gonna be hard to reconcile. continuing it, go ahead. but it's going to be that sort so terribly difficult for the, for the size anyway. it is, know we know in, in, in that sides better i think for me different in the room when we talk about changing the narrative is uh what do use use to cite them? well, they're trying to sign. i mean, we started, we have as long as we text and we end up this conflict with literally as long as they can. so clearly it is a problem. yeah. so establishing a narrative of victory based on numbers, numbers, which we have, but we have a point of 400000. you trading that in this conflict. i mean, we're not talking about small numbers and is all peter's i, in my view,
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is that i impossible to, to sell it. they are very difficult to sell as a big 3. and the us, i think in the european tax payers are very sensitive to the, to but, and of course if you have to have the, most of the territories under the back of the, you probably didn't come to offensive. or you've left, we've to studies is a victory with the promise of what tomorrow might be made off. nothing is really is concrete. it's and it's pause. that's french people, for example, each reminders and little bit of napoleon was, you know, it was creating a great victory, but losing all of these. all right, so you're gonna sell that in europe. i'm not too sure about the united states, so it's proceed within the public realm, but are in front of people in the buying it. so building a narrative on that is going to be extremely, extremely difficult. and uh, i think also we can proceed and also the public is proceeding that's dividing the administration is on tremendous pressure off to do by coal of
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d a. i've got histone retreats, and that's where he's bringing an important role to diet because on the p r seen. and it's the message that is going to be construct around basically this, the fits us to be some form of victory. doesn't have to make sense. it just has to be constructed. that's why. oh yeah, i mean is either the, the, the russians didn't make it to paris. they be. so, you know, ukraine, one, i mean the, it'll be something it was really like that okay. statement. but, you know, ukraine is also under the norm as amount of strain. i mean, obviously it's young men don't want to fight, obviously because of the meat grinder. but we have a collapse of the economy as well. i mean, and even civil society in order are at stake here in the, in very few people actually talk about that. go ahead stephen. exactly. i mean it, that estimate is around 30000 people legally. leave the country for goods every month. and god knows how many man are trying to make the late red save. and you do
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brought up a really good point. they're leaving for good. they're not to in the people that have left, they're probably not going to come back. keep going. that's exactly exactly. and on are the thing, is that now you, great, and ministry of defense is buying 50000 women's infantry gear, which says a lot. and it seems to me that they really don't respect life and are ready to dispense every person uh the icons even say man anymore, because now they're, they're a mobilizing everybody including people with disabilities which, which we seem uh, in the boss uh, 2 fights and 2 belong this uh for uh for a day or 2. however, i think that at some point there will be a complete collapse, a complete to size will collapse, and eventually population. i think that's the only the only way out of this conflict, because otherwise it just won't end. well, you know, larry,
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i am we guy. steven just brought up the 50000 um, uh, unit apartments for women. and that tells you one thing, but it tells me something, i wonder how much each uniform cost. okay, well, you know, it was a $5000.00 per, i mean this, this whole gripped it is, is infuriating because that's how i have a centrally look at it. for people in the west, powerful people, it's a griffin, they're just throwing us aside in the process. look, larry, go ahead and uh, falls church. no that's but that's a huge component of it. but we're, we're dealing in the weeds now. they're important weeds, perhaps, and also a lot of blood and those wage, but we're looking at a situation in this country right now where if we stay on the current course with regard to our situation and gauze and all of a lot in general, we probably are going to be inviting and regional war. and the red sea is a, is a, just a tiny little part of that right now. but, and i participated in a more game series about 5 years ago. and it all places you us institute of peace,
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where we brought in everyone at the u. britain in germany, all, all the people in the world who were interested in the red sea. and there was a lot of shock in that room, even mercy car was there because they were in with the season or, or in with the you have any and the who is the conflict. and that is the new cocktail to strategic competition. now, and we're seeing the persian golf new, if you look at the commerce that flows through there, it's a so there are there's, there are a lot of things percolating right now, particularly for the empire, the american name. well, how are you larry? i don't know if you don't know if you notice it with john kirby and his many media appearances. i find it really quite curious when he was talking about getting that blood. why don't you get a lot of media and he really isn't ready. i, you know, but i never let me, let me bid is because i think you'll agree with me. he said, but this, that we really, really have an interest here. we actually have a read hobby who gave it away and said that ukraine, no,
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we don't. okay. we have no interest in watching the jetta side, but in trade, what we really do care about that. i thought it was such a give away larry, where 60 percent of the world commerce flows through there and, and diverting it the way they're having to do to a certain extent right now can get very, very expensive and raise prices all across the world. we did a simulation exercise with petroleum in beijing in 2009 and the chinese or other and a shocked when we showed them what would happen if we disturb things like insurance . uh, ship builders and ships owners wanting to apply the season. so this is a very disruptive situation, and kirby's right, it will use that this is serious stuff, or is there other things or series in terms of the blood that's following, but not necessarily the serious in terms of the realtor courtesy interesting. i size and draw near showers, right to any says we're focusing on the crime rates and to certainly so gaza when
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the real threat, if there is a genuine threat and memorial state, threat to the united states as are in china. and what is the ukraine war done, but my moscow and china almost in the tacit alliance. so we have made a lot of errors in the past 20 years. all right. say that again. the last, where do are we get this over 40 seconds, or what do we get to see how is you can get in this calendar year ready? well, i think is that for me it's very clear that so you've trained the decision to have this conflict will come from the united states. but for me, you're trying to print as never decided anything and just conflict, a nature what and do us what, what come up with a story to tell. but what's very important, peter, is there is a clock attached to that more time he's spending less territories and less weight they going to have within this negotiations. and i think that's really the take away is to understand that the time is up to us since because russia is in no rush . right. so that is a very key point. the point, and i'm,
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and that's exactly where we're going to end this program here. i want to thank my guess in the falls church bells right handed mercy. and of course i want to take our viewers for watching us here at r t c. you next time. remember, cross knuckles, the, the, there's many problems in u. s. society. now that they're facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing goals in, in, in, in homelessness, us and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic patience on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the idea of phones. he's a residential building and 7 gone. so that's been sheltering, displaced a cindy. it's not so is as well intensifies as flight scenarios. it previously declared as a stapleton 3 more countries during the list of those expressing zip codes for the genocide case filed against the is road by south africa, the international court of justice, as well as well prepared for us to attend the escalation on his food with lebanon, his 1st think its hospital people passed a new influx of casualties in the


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